Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al
MOTION to Shorten Time re Motion to Clarify Portions of the Court's June 30, 2012 Order Denying Samsung's Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Cashman Declaration, #2 Ex. 1, #3 Proposed Order)(Maroulis, Victoria) (Filed on 7/17/2012)
Adam Cashman
Hung, Richard S. J. []
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 11:23 AM
Adam Cashman
AppleMoFo; WH Apple Samsung NDCal Service; Samsung v. Apple
RE: Apple v. Samsung (N.D. Cal.) - Shortened Time on Samsung's Forthcoming Motion to
We oppose shortened time.
Richard S.J. Hung
Morrison & Foerster LLP
(415) 268-7602
From: Adam Cashman []
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:01 AM
To: Hung, Richard S. J.
Cc: AppleMoFo; WH Apple Samsung NDCal Service; Samsung v. Apple
Subject: Apple v. Samsung (N.D. Cal.) - Shortened Time on Samsung's Forthcoming Motion to Clarify
Dear Rich:
Samsung intends to move to clarify those portions of the Court’s June 30, 2012 Order Denying Samsung’s Motion for
Summary Judgment that interpreted Judge Grewal’s Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Apple’s Motion to Strike
as applying to prior art references themselves, as opposed to certain opinions proffered by Samsung’s experts that were
based on those prior art references. E.g., Dkt. 1159 at 30, 32, 35. Samsung will file its motion today. Samsung intends to
seek a shortened period of time in which Apple must respond, whereby Apple’s opposition, if any, would be due on July
20. Samsung is prepared to waive its reply brief so that the matter may be heard at the July 24 final pretrial conference.
Please advise by the close of business today whether Apple will oppose Samsung’s request for shortened time.
Adam S. Cashman| Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP | 50 California St, 22nd Floor San Francisco, CA
94111 Direct: +1.415.875.6384| Main Phone: +1.415.875.6600| Main Fax: +1.415.875.6700| E-mail:
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