Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 430

Declaration of Francis Ho in Support of #424 Apple's Reply in Support of its Motion for a Preliminary Injunction, filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F-1, #7 Exhibit F-2, #8 Exhibit G, #9 Exhibit H, #10 Exhibit I, #11 Exhibit J-1, #12 Exhibit J-2, #13 Exhibit K, #14 Exhibit L-1, #15 Exhibit L-2, #16 Exhibit M, #17 Exhibit N, #18 Exhibit O, #19 Exhibit P, #20 Exhibit Q, #21 Exhibit R, #22 Exhibit S, #23 Exhibit T, #24 Exhibit U, #25 Exhibit V, #26 Exhibit W, #27 Exhibit X, #28 Exhibit Y, #29 Exhibit Z, #30 Exhibit AA, #31 Exhibit BB, #32 Exhibit CC, #33 Exhibit DD, #34 Exhibit EE, #35 Exhibit FF, #36 Exhibit GG, #37 Exhibit HH, #38 Exhibit II, #39 Exhibit JJ, #40 Exhibit KK, #41 Exhibit LL)(Related document(s) #424 ) (Bartlett, Jason) (Filed on 11/29/2011) Modified text on 11/30/2011 (dhm, COURT STAFF).

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Exhibit Q ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 1 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 2 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 3 SAN JOSE DIVISION 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 APPLE, INC., a California corporation, ) ) )CASE NO. Plaintiff, )11-CV-01846-LHK ) vs. ) ) SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS, CO., LTD.,) A Korean business entity; ) SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS AMERICA, ) INC., a New York corporation; ) SAMSUNG TELECOMMUNICATIONS ) AMERICA, LLC, a Delaware ) limited liability company, ) ) Defendants. ) -------------------------------) 13 14 15 ***ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY*** 16 17 18 19 20 VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF ITAY SHERMAN New York, New York Thursday, September 15, 2011 21 22 23 24 25 Reported by: JOMANNA DeROSA, CSR JOB NO. 41963 TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 2 1 2 Thursday, September 15, 2011 3 9:23 a.m. 4 5 6 Attorneys Eye's Only Videotaped Deposition 7 of ITAY SHERMAN, held at the 8 offices of Morrison & Foerster, 9 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, 10 New York, before Jomanna DeRosa, a 11 Certified Shorthand Reporter and 12 Notary Public of the States of 13 New York, New Jersey, California 14 and Arizona. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 3 1 A P P E A R A N C E S: 2 3 MORRISON & FOERSTER 4 Attorneys for Plaintiff 5 425 Market Street 6 San Francisco, California 94105 7 BY: 8 JENNIFER LEE TAYLOR, ESQ. PATRICK ZHANG, ESQ. 9 10 QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN 11 Attorneys for Defendant 12 865 South Figueroa Street 13 Los Angeles, California 90017 14 BY: MICHAEL T. ZELLER, ESQ. 15 16 QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN 17 Attorneys for Defendant 18 555 Twin Dolphin Drive 19 Redwood Shores, California 94065 20 BY: ANNA T. NEILL, Ph.D., ESQ. 21 22 23 24 25 ALSO PRESENT: Henry Marte, Legal Video Specialist TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 161 1 anything. 2 MR. ZELLER: -- I'm entitled to 3 make my objections. 4 witness now -- you ask him for a legal 5 opinion. 6 you pretend as though it is in his declaration 7 that that's the same meaning of it. 8 You have been asking this You do so in a bald-faced way. Then Ask him about his declaration if 9 that's what you want to do. 10 like somehow, well, that -- 11 12 MS. TAYLOR: But don't pretend I was until you interrupted me. 13 MR. ZELLER: You just interrupted 14 me again, and you did so with an obnoxious 15 gesture. 16 MS. TAYLOR: Let us move on. 17 MR. ZELLER: So that's -- do you 18 think that's appropriate, counsel? 19 MS. TAYLOR: I think it's tiresome 20 that you interrupt my questions halfway 21 through. 22 Mr. Sherman's declaration. 23 24 25 Q. I am reading a paragraph from Paragraph 184 says: "It is my opinion that (1) the D'889, 'D677, and D'087 patents are invalid in TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 162 1 light of the prior art described above." 2 Do you see that sentence? 3 A. Yes, I see that sentence. 4 Q. Can you tell me what your 5 6 qualifications are to offer that opinion. A. So first of all, I would say that 7 that -- the term here that they are invalid is 8 related to my assessment as a technical expert and 9 not as legal advice. 10 But the qualifications are 11 obviously my experience in designing mobile 12 phones, the fact that I had seen multiple of these 13 designs as part of the work. 14 So I could assess prior art, and 15 also comment as to the capability of somebody who 16 is skilled in the art to be able to combine these 17 and be able to sort of define whether they're 18 obvious or not. 19 So these would be things that would 20 be necessary for me in order to go and provide 21 that opinion, and that is what I base it on. 22 Q. Have you ever done that type of an 23 analysis before you were asked to do so in 24 connection with preparing the declaration that you 25 submitted in this case? TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 189 1 to do with the manufacturing process which makes 2 creation of rounded corners the -- I would say the 3 preferred alternative versus sharp corners in 4 terms of -- both in terms of manufacturing as well 5 as the mechanical strengths of that structure. 6 Q. 7 called the MODU-1 -- 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. -- seemed to have very sharp 10 Now, the phone we looked at earlier corners to me. 11 Were you not concerned about these 12 functionality issues that you have just described 13 when you were designing that phone? 14 A. So on the -- specifically on the 15 MODU-1, the corners are not very sharp. 16 rounded. 17 corners have cost MODU significantly. In fact, the need to round these metal 18 19 20 They are If you want, I can refer you to the image itself. Q. Yeah. Let's refer to the image, 21 and maybe you can show how they're rounded, 22 because they look square to me. 23 A. Again, on the form here the metal 24 is curved, but this is not a 90-degrees curving. 25 It is -- it has some radius on the turnaround, TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 190 1 both here and in that size. 2 There is also rounding of the metal 3 when -- again, you can't see that here, but on the 4 top and bottom, these parts, when they basically 5 end, it doesn't end as a sharp corner, but rather, 6 the metal was bended over all through in order to 7 not create sharp corners. 8 9 10 11 12 Q. So are they rounded, like, as -- from the front towards the back; is that the edge? A. From the front internally, the whole part was basically bent over itself. Q. So the front looks -- because the 13 front -- it looks -- it looks straight in this 14 photo we're looking at. 15 A. In the photo, again, I'm saying -- 16 Q. So where -- 17 A. -- the left and right here, this 18 one is basically bending over the sides. And 19 again, I'm saying it doesn't bend in 90 degrees. 20 There is some radius there. 21 And if we're referring to the top 22 part when this one ends, the metal here again is 23 not cut straight, but rather folds over in. 24 Q. When you say it folds over, are you 25 talking over the top? TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 191 1 A. It's over the top of itself. If 2 you would like, I can sort of make that if you 3 want to sketch that. 4 Q. 5 Is it over the top, like, towards the back of the phone? 6 A. It doesn't go through to the other 8 Q. So why don't we look at the MODU-T. 9 A. Sure. 10 Q. If you'd look at the design on the 7 11 side. MODU-T on the next page. 12 A. Sure. 13 Q. MODU-T phone design. 14 A. Yeah. 15 Q. Does this demonstrate in any way 16 17 what you were describing on the MODU-1? A. No. That is a different design. 18 This one is mostly made of plastic. 19 was metal. 20 different. 21 The other one So the whole construction is slightly So here on this one, you can see 22 the bottom part here. You have the corners 23 rounded on both sides. 24 simply -- you don't have sharp corners here 25 because that basically -- this part itself is not On the upper part, it's TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 238 1 Let me see if there are other 2 elements mentioned here. Again, the other 3 statement is regarding the fact that black usually 4 is perceived -- when you take something in black, 5 it's usually perceived as slimmer, but that's, I 6 would say, a very general thing that I think most 7 people are aware of. 8 Q. So are you saying that the phone 9 shown on the first page of Exhibit 207 does not 10 achieve the functionality that you describe in 11 Exhibit 109 -- I'm sorry -- in paragraph 109 and 12 in the following paragraph in your declaration? 13 14 15 MR. ZELLER: Mischaracterizes the witness' testimony. A. Again, what I'm saying is if I read 16 each one of these, obviously it does not achieve 17 being black since it's white. 18 that it's not targeting the most popular color by 19 consumers. 20 So that would mean As for its ability to -- again, 21 since black makes things look slimmer, since it's 22 white, it does not enjoy that specific advantage. 23 And as I said, in terms of the looks, when the 24 screen is switched off, then you will have 25 contrast versus the exterior, just because the TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 239 1 display is not white. 2 I'm saying. 3 Q. So that's basically what One of the items you have in the 4 paragraph following 109 is -- with reference to 5 the title that you have is "Blackness of Surface." 6 You state: 7 8 "It efficiently hides the wiring and electronic components underlying it." 9 Do you think that doesn't work -- 10 that that's not the case with the white iPhone 11 shown on the first page of Exhibit 207? 12 MR. ZELLER: Do you -- do you want 13 him to comment on the construction of it? 14 First of all, if Apple actually 15 would agree that he can see Apple's internal 16 documents and provide an opinion. 17 No. 2, as far as I know, we have 18 repeatedly asked and Apple has hidden its 19 documents as to the development of the white 20 iPhone, which, by the way, common sense, as 21 well as public knowledge, state that there 22 were a whole variety of technical, 23 manufacturing and engineering challenges in 24 the development of that phone. 25 known. It is widely TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 240 1 So is Apple going to produce those 2 documents? 3 instructing this witness on this, because if 4 you want an opinion on it, we're happy to give 5 it. 6 documents relating to it, particularly from 7 this witness. 8 I mean, I'm going to start But Apple needs to stop concealing the Q. Mr. Sherman, I think you can look 9 at the photograph on the front page of Exhibit 207 10 and tell me if you personally believe, looking at 11 that photograph, that the white hides the wiring 12 and electronic components underlying it. 13 If you are not able to answer that 14 question based upon looking at the front of 15 Exhibit 207, let me know. 16 17 MR. ZELLER: Do you have the phone? Why don't you give him the phone? 18 MS. TAYLOR: I don't have the 20 MR. ZELLER: Well, I think it's 21 your responsibility to bring it. 19 phone. 22 Also, I mean, what is the 23 construction of this? 24 white." 25 piece? You keep on saying "the Is that -- is that some sort of solid Is it some sort of painting over it? TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 241 1 Is it a coloring? 2 I mean, what is it? MS. TAYLOR: 3 photograph. 4 I'm asking him about a unable -- 5 If he is unable -- if he is MR. ZELLER: Counsel, if you 6 provide the information for him to answer your 7 question -- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MS. TAYLOR: Mr. Zeller, I've asked -- let me finish -MR. ZELLER: Why are you interrupting me? MS. TAYLOR: Because you interrupted me. MR. ZELLER: No, I did not interrupt you. MS. TAYLOR: I am asking him if he 17 is able to tell me if it hides the components. 18 If he cannot look at this and tell me if he 19 thinks it hides the components based upon this 20 picture, that's fine. 21 That's all I'm asking. 22 MR. ZELLER: 23 misleading. 24 He can tell me that. Counsel, that's still That is not -- 25 And you know it's misleading. MS. TAYLOR: That's all I'm asking. TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 242 1 MR. ZELLER: You are -- you are 2 refusing to provide him a phone or other kinds 3 of information to provide that. 4 you're going to pretend, because of your 5 refusal and Apple's refusal to comply with 6 discovery, that somehow that is an appropriate 7 criticism of this expert. And then 8 So provide the white iPhone so we 9 can see it, or explain what is covering it. 10 MS. TAYLOR: What is covering what? 11 MR. ZELLER: Does Apple produce 12 that information? 13 MS. TAYLOR: What is covering what? 14 MR. ZELLER: You keep on asking, 15 does the white perform the same function. 16 What is the white made of? 17 material? 18 Is it paint? MS. TAYLOR: Is it solid Is it a coating? We need to move on 19 because you're not going to be permitted to 20 answer questions on that picture. 21 22 Q. So please look at the following picture, which is a phone. 23 A. This one? 24 Q. Okay. 25 page of Exhibit 207. If you'll go to the second TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 315 1 the device shown in Exhibit G has a completely 2 flat surface? 3 A. Based on what is shown in the 4 design patent here, the answer would be yes, it 5 does have a flat surface. 6 And that is -- can be understood 7 based on the -- there's a diagram which is titled 8 A minus A dash, which is basically a cut-through 9 of the device, which basically shows that the 10 device face is completely flat. 11 Q. So I understand you looked at F and 13 A. As well as the other ones. 14 Q. And the other ones. 12 G? I'm not saying 15 you didn't, but you highlighted F and G. 16 we don't get an objection to the preamble, skip 17 all that. 18 And so Is there a particular piece of 19 prior art here that you think discloses the rim 20 shown in the '889 patent? 21 A. 22 shows the exact rim? 23 Q. Yes. 24 A. Okay. 25 I'm sorry. You've asked whether it I'm sorry. It's a bit late. I'm not completely focused. TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 316 1 Q. We understand. 2 A. So if you look at Exhibit -- if you 3 look at Exhibit H, which is 172-8, the rim itself 4 around the display here on the front face, which 5 is what we were discussing, looks similar, 6 excluding the extra feature that it has. 7 But again, excluding of that would 8 be trivial for somebody who is skilled in the art. 9 But apart from that, it has an appearance that is 10 very similar to what is shown in the '889 design 11 patent. 12 Q. I'm going to ask you to do me a 13 favor because there are two pictures on the front. 14 Can you circle the one you're talking about so we 15 know what you're talking about? 16 17 MR. ZELLER: He should probably circle the actual exhibit. 18 MS. TAYLOR: Oh, circle the one 19 that's in the exhibit. 20 your copy of the declaration. 21 Q. There we are. That's right. Circle the one that 22 has the rim that you're discussing. 23 to put it back in here so it's safe. 24 25 A. Not in And I'm going And as I mentioned, after reviewing -- TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 325 1 analyses that it's done for the relevant 2 patents in this case. 3 that, he'll answer the questions. 4 don't you tell me? 5 MS. TAYLOR: Once you stipulate So why So in any event, if 6 the Judge orders you to come back, we will see 7 you again. 8 If not, we won't. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 9 end of today's deposition. 10 But thank you. This marks the The time is 7:00 p.m., and we're going off the record. 11 (Time Ended: 7:00 p.m.) 12 13 __________________________ 14 ITAY SHERMAN 15 16 Subscribed and sworn to 17 before me this 18 of day , 2011. 19 20 ________________________ 21 22 23 24 25 TSG Reporting 877-702-9580 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 328 1 2 3 CERTIFICATE STATE OF NEW YORK ) 4 5 )ss: COUNTY OF NEW YORK) 6 I, JOMANNA DeROSA, a Certified 7 Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public within 8 and for the States of New York, New Jersey, 9 California and Arizona, do hereby certify: 10 That ITAY SHERMAN, the witness 11 whose deposition is hereinbefore set forth, was 12 duly sworn by me and that such deposition is a 13 true record of the testimony given by such 14 witness. 15 I further certify that I am not 16 related to any of the parties to this action 17 by blood or marriage, and that I am in no 18 way interested in the outcome of this 19 matter. 20 21 In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of September, 2011. 22 23 _____________________ JOMANNA DeROSA 24 25 TSG Reporting 877-702-9580

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