Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 559

Declaration of Deok Keun Matthew Ahn in Support of #558 Response ( Non Motion ), filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1.01, #2 Exhibit 1.02, #3 Exhibit 1.03, #4 Exhibit 1.04, #5 Exhibit 1.05, #6 Exhibit 1.06, #7 Exhibit 1.07, #8 Exhibit 1.08, #9 Exhibit 1.09, #10 Exhibit 1.10, #11 Exhibit 1.11, #12 Exhibit 1.12, #13 Exhibit 1.13)(Related document(s) #558 ) (Jacobs, Michael) (Filed on 12/29/2011)

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EXHIBIT 1.07 IW 7293892 . om. . non STATES DEPAR · - · OF COMMERCE United States Patent and Trademark Office May 17, 2011 THIS IS TO CERaxx x · ~«T ANNEXED IS A TRUE COPY FROM THE RECORDS OF •~·m OFFICE OF THE FILE WRAPPER AND CO = - S OF: a ves .ICATION is a ava HER: 08/821,004 FILING DATE: March 20, 1997 PATENT NUMBER: 6,493,002 ISSUE DATE: December 10, 2002 By Authority of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office N. LL AMS Certifying Officer PART OF (4 PART(S) APLNDC00024335 04860.P1365 - THE vm i r.v STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE I pli DEMA °on of ) en W. Christensen Examiner: Serial No. 08/316,237 ) Art Unit: Filing Date: September 30, 1994 ) For: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYING AND AccrocING GONTROL AND STATUS INFORMATION IN A CO s,··- Dela Torre, C. 2415 ) ) ) ) Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Washington, D.C. 20231 PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME (37 C.F.R. S 1.136(a3 Sir: Pursuant to Rule 1.136(a) Applicant hereby petitions for an extension of time to respond to the outstanding Office Action dated March 20, 1996. Our check in the amount of $380.00, the extension fee required for a response filed within the second month (37 C.F.R. § 1.17(b)), is submitted concurrently herewith. Please charge any debits and credit any overages to our Deposit Account Number 02-2666. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & 7AFy AN Dated: , 1996 ' MichaeldfMallie Reg. No. 36,591 12400 Wilshire Blvd. Seventh Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 (408) 720-8598 FIRST CLASS CERTIFICATE OF MAILING (37 C.F.R. 4 1.8(a)) I herebycertify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail with sumcient tage m an envelope addressed to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, y Washington, D.C. Zuz31 on August 20 Wñ Date of Deposit Name ' Person Mailing Correspondence Signature Date APLNDC00024336 60.P1365 74 DEC 6 Patent IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE V M4 Application of: - ) Steven W. Christensen Serial No.: Filed: - ) 08/316,237 ) September 30, 1994 For ) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPI AYING AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATUS INFORMATION IN A ) ) ) COMPT TTRR SYSTRM ) Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Washington, D.C. 20231 Attention: . Application Division Special Handling Unit RESPONSE TO NOTICE TO FILE MISSING PARTS OF -rre CATION (FIT ANG DATE GRANTRD3 Sir In response to the Notice to File Missing parts of Application (Filing Date Granted) mailed November 8, please find enclosed: (1) a duly executed Declaration and Power of Attorney with æspect to the above-referenced patent application; (2) a check in the amount of $130.00 in payment of the surcharge of 37 C.F.R. § 1.16(e); (3) a copy of the Notice to File Missing Parts of Application; and If any additional fee is required, please charge Deposit Account No. 02-2666. A duplicate of this Response is enclosed for deposit account charging purposes. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & 2AFMAN Dated· 2- , 1994 Mig1 J. Mallie Reg. No. 36,591 12400 Wilshire Blvd. Seventh Floor I.cs Angeles, CA 90025-1026 (408) 720-8598 I hereby certily that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service m:M cast mail with sufficant penge in an envelope addressad to 19 Commissioner of Paten: d Trademarks, Washington, D.C. 20231 N Dale oi Deposit Name of Person Mailing Gorrespondence Signature Dato APLNDC00024337 ocket No.: 04860.P1365 Patent THE UNITED STATES. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE In Re Patent Application of : Steven W. Christensen - ) Examiner: Dela Torre, C Application No.: 08/316,237 ) Art Unit: 2415 Filed: September 30, 1994 ) For: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYlNG AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATUS INFORMATION IN A COMPUTE SYSTEM Hwabycodytetálseonespondence is being ) unliedstates Postaisenes as est eluss man o suincient posing. in an envelope assessed to me conanissioner for a Washington, D.C. 20231 Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 PETITION FOR PA i rNSION OF TIME PURSUANT TO 37 Q.F.RJ 1.136)_a) S Sir: Applicants respectfully request a two month extension of time in which to respond to the Advisory Action mailed January 31, 1997. The two month extension extends the date of response to March 31, 1997. A check for $390.00 is enclosed for the fee for a two month extension of time. If any additional fee is required, please charge Deposit Account No. 022666. A duplicate of this Petition is enclosed for deposit account charging purposes. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN LLP Dated: Ì, ,1997 Michaelv. Mallie Reg. No. 36,591 12400 Wilshire Blvd. Seventh Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 (408) 720-8598 APLNDC00024338 « Attorney's et No.: BOX AF nonen Pisas Patent in re the Application of: Steven W. Christensen (inventor(s)) ApplicationNo.: 08416237 Filed: Sentember30.1994 For: AMEND MENT UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 1.116 EXPEDITED PROCEDURE EXAMINING GROUP 237 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPI AYlNG AND ACCFARING CONTROL AND STATUS JNFORMATION IN A CQMPlJfER SYSTEM (title) ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS Washington, D.C. 20231 Box AF SIR: Transmitted herewith is an Amendment After Final Action for the above application. Small entity status of this application under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 has been established by a verified statement previously submitted. A verified statement to establish small entity status under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 is enclosed. X No additional fee is required. A Notice of Appeal is enclosed. The fee has been calculated as shown below: Col. 1 Claims Remaining After Amd. Col. 2 Col. 3 Highest No. Previously Present Paid For Extra SMALL ENTITY Rate Total Claims *24 Minus **24 Indep. I I I Claims *3 Minus ***3 First Presentation of Multiple . Denendent Clasmís) Additional Fee OTHER THAN A SMALL ENTITY Rate Additional Fee x11 $ x22 $0 x40 $ x80 $0 +130 $ ' It the entry in Col. 1 is less than the entry in Col. 2, Total +260 $ Total write "O" in Col. 3Add. Fee O Aad. Fee $0 ** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" 1N THIS SPACE is less than 20, write "20" in this space. *** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 3, write "3" in this space. The "Highest No. Previously Paid For" (Total or independent) is the highest number found from the equivalent box in Col. 1 of a prior amendment or the number of claims originally filed. I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as fir with sufficient postage in an envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washingto D.C. 20231 on lass ail Januarv 17 1997 Date of Deposit Name'of Person Mailing Correspondence Signatury a -1- i Date (LJV/cak 10/25/96) APLNDC00024339 A check in the amount of $ is attached for presentation of additional claim(s). Applicant(s) hereby Petition(s) for an Extension of Time of 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a). Acheckfor$ month(s) pursuant to is attached for processing fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. Please charge my Deposit Account No. 09-9888 the amount of $ A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed. X The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks is hereby authorized to charge payment of the following fees associated with this communication or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. or-roon (a duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed): X Any additional filing fees required under 37 C.F.R. § 1.16 for presentation of X extra claims. Any extension or petition fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN LLP Dale I _ Í/ , 1997 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor Los Angeles, California 90025 (408) 720-8598 Michael J allie Reg.No. Semi -2- (LJV/cak 10/25/96) APLNDC00024340 Att naaona osome AUG g the icati ati n : Steven W. Christensen o: e /316 9A7 Filed: 913n(gg For: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPL AYlNG AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATiln INFORMAT10N IN A COMPIITFR RYSTFM (title) THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS Washington, D.C. 20231 SIR: Transmitted herewith is an Amendment for the above application. I Small entity status of this application under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 has been established by a verified statement previously submitted. / A verified statement to establish small entity status under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 is enclosed. I No additional fee is required. I The fee has been calculated as shown below: (Col. 1) (Col. 2) Claims remaining H1ghest no. after amendment C s: pmvlousiv Daid for 24 Indep. Claims: | minus minus 3 extra 20 3 (Col. 3) Present m A check in the amount of I XXX / I / * fee Other than a Small Entity Rate Additional fee 4* x $22.00= $88.00 0* / x $11.00= x $39.00= x $78.00= $0.00 First presentation of Multip'e Dependent CI Im(s) *If the dif'arence in Col. 2 is less than zero, enter "0" In Col. 3 I XXK , Small Entity Additional Rate $ UL no + $125.00 Total Add. Fee: + $250.00 Total Add. Fee: $88.00 is attached for presentation of additional claim(s). Applicant(s) hereby Petition(s) for an Extension of Time of *wo_(?) month(s) pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a). A check for $38 0 .0 0 is attached for processing fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. Please charge my Deposit Account No. 02-2666 the amount of of this sheet is enclosed. . A duplicate copy The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge payment of the following fees associated with this communication or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. ww- (a duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed): m Any additional filing fees required under 37 C.F.R. § 1.16 for presentation of extra claims. Any extension or petition fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1,17. BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN Date: Michael J allie Reg. No. 36,591 12400 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025 (408) 720-8598 I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail with sufficient postage in an envelope addressed to: Commissioner of Patents & Trademarks, Wa gton, D.C. 20231 on: Angela M.) aumn ' Date ' LJV/ccm (1/31/96) APLNDC00024341 8004 SÛAttorni Docket No. Danan Pim Patent AIE MISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS Wa Ÿgton, D.C. 20231 IW Transmitted herewith for filing is the patent application of Inventor(s): Avm W. Chrimnon For: klFTHQD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYING AND ACCFSSING CONTROI ANT3 RTATI JR INFORMATION IN A MPl ITER RVRTPM (Title) Enclosed are: X o le-a-\ sheet(s) of Drawings. An Assignment ofthe inventionto Assignment Cover Sheet Form PTO-1595. Y A Declaration and Power of Attorney ( signed/ YY unsigned). A Verified Statement to establish Small Entity Status under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27. The Filing Fee has been calculated as shown below: OTHER THAN A (Col. 1) For: (Col. 2) No. Filed : Indep. Claims: 18 - 20 * 3 - 3 SMALL ENTITY Rate No. Extra SMALL ENTITY Rate Fee Fee 0 0 x37 Multiole Denendent Claim(s) Presented $ x74 $ 0 + 115 $ + 230 $ 0 If the difference in Col. 1 is less than zeros TOTAL $ TOTAL $ 710 enter "0" in Col. 2. Y A check for $710 for the filing fee is enclosed. Acheckfor$ for recordation of the Assignment is enclosed. Y The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge payment of the following fees associated with this communication, or credit any overpayment, to our Deposit Account No. ··---. A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed. Y Any additional filing fees required under 37 C.F.R. § 1.16. X Any patent application processing fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. Y The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge payment of the following fees during the pendency of this application, or credit any overpayment, to our Deposit Account No. --. A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed. Any processing fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17, including any extension fees. Any filing fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.16 for presentation of extra claims. '>( Send all correspondence to the undersigned at BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN, 12400 Wilshire Boulevard, Seventh Floor, Los Angeles, California 90025, and direct all telephone calls to the undersigned at (408) 720-8598. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN ' ( / ' 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor Los Angeles, California 90025 Mic J. Mallie Rea.No 91 V (408) 720-8598 (LJV/cak 11/23/92) "Express Mail" mailing label number Date of Deposit T 7¯/ 71 N os I hereby certify that this paper or fee is being deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service under 37 CFR 1.10 on the date indicated above and is addressed to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, Washington, D.C. 20231. Trase I ande (Typed or printed name of person mailing paper or fee) (Signature of person mailing paper or fee) APLNDC00024342 Attorney's Docket No. 4860.P1365C2 PATENT IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE n Re Patent Application of: Steven W. Christensen ) ) Examiner: Dela Torre, C. Application No.: 08/821,004 ) Art Unit: Filed: ) March 20, 1997 For: Method And Apparatus For Displaying And Accessing Control And Status Information In A Computer System 2773 ) ) ) ) Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Sir: Enclosed is a copy of Information Disclosure Citation Form PTO-1449 together with copies of the documents cited on that form. It is respectfully requested that the cited documents be considered and that the enclosed copy of Information Disclosure Citation Form PTO-1449 be initiated by the Examiner to indicate such consideration and a copy thereof returned to applicant(s). Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.97, the submission of this Information Disclosure Statement is not to be construed as a representation that a search has been made and is not to be construed as an admission that the information cited in this statement is material to patentability. "Express Mail" mailing label number: FI ß17183ß92lJS Date of Deposit: .hma 1 2001 I hereby certify that 1 am causing this paper or fee to be deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service on the date indicated above and that this paper or fee has been addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D. C. 20231 Con_ny Wijlesen (Typed or printed name of person mailing paper or fee) (Signature of persörbiailing ¢dper or fee) (Date signed) APLNDC00024343 Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.97, this Information Disclosure Statement is being submitted.under one of the following (as indicated by an "X" to the left of the appropriate paragraph): 37 C.F.R. §1.97(b). 37 C.F.R. §1.97(c). If so, then enclosed with this Information Disclosure Statement is o_ne of the following: A statement pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §1.97(e) _ol A check for $180.00 for the fee under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17(p). 37 C.F.R. §1.97(d). If so, then enclosed with this Information Disclosure Statement are the following: ' (1) (2) X_ A statement pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §1.97(e); and A check for $180.00 for the fee under 37 C.F.R. §1.17(p) for submission of the Information Disclosure Statement. 37 C.F.R. §1.97(i) filed prior to the grant of the patent. If there are any additional charges, please charge Deposit Account No. 02-2666. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & 2'.AFMAN LLP J , ith A. Szepesi g. No. 39,393 12400 Wilshire Blvd. Seventh Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 (408) 720-8300 - 2- LJV/cak (11/07/00) APLNDC00024344 004860.P1365C2 Patent IN THE UNITED STATES PA - · AND TRADEMARK OFFICE (E application of: Steven W. Christensen Serial No.: Art Unit: 2773 08/821,004 Filing Date: ) March 20, 1997 ) For: Examiner: Dela Torre, C. Method And Apparatus For Displaying And ) As s Eing Control And Status Information ) In A Computer System ) Assistant Commissioner for Patent Washington, D.C. 20231 RECEIVED JUN 0 6 2001 OFFICE OF re n HONS PminON FOR tovivAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR PA: mm i ABANDONED UNINTENTIONALLY UNDER 37 C.F.R. 1.137(b) Dear Sir: Applicant hereby petitions to revive the above-noted abandoned patent application. This application became abandoned on August 28, 2000. This petition is filed within one year of the date of abando----- -t. The delay in responding to the advisory action was unintentional. In response to the advisory action, an Appeal Brief is included herewith. Also enclosed are the following: 1) a check in the amount of $1240.00 as payment of fees for Petition to Revive Unintentionally Abandoned Patent Application under 37 C.F.R. 1.17(m); 2) a check in the amount of $310.00 as payment of fees for the Appeal Brief; 3) a check in the ums,s-t of $270.00 as payment of fees for request for oral hearing; 4) a Petition for Revival of an Application for Patent ( form -·· ·-B/64); and 5) an Information Disclosure Statement with two cited references. "Express Mail" mailing label number: EL617183692US Date of Deposit: Ju fL1, MO1 1 hereby certify that I am causing this paper or fee to be deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service on the date indicated above and that this paper or fee has been addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D. C. 20231 ('onrn; Willaman (Typed or printed name of person mailing paper or fee) (Signature of perso/Mnailing pMper or fee) (Date signed) APLNDC00024345 Please charge any shortages or credit any overages to our Deposit Account No. 02-2666. A duplicate copy of this Petition is enclosed. Respectfully submitted, BL Date: / Y, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN, LLP , 2001 J ith A. Szepesi eg. No. 39,393 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 (408) 720-8598 RECEIVED JUN 0 6 2001 OFFICE OF PETITIONS Serial No. 08/821,004 -2- Attorney Docket No. 04860.Pl365C2 APLNDC00024346 PTO/SB/17(6/99) Approved for use through 09/30/2000. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. fo' FEE TRANSMITTAL FOR FY 2000 TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ($) ete if Known: plication No. 08/821 004 Filing Date March 20. 1997 First Named Inventor Steven W, Christensen Group Art Unit 2773 Examiner Name C. Dela Torre ttomey Docket No. 04860.P1365C2 680.00 C -1 METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one) 1. [ X ] The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge indicated fees and credit any over payments to: Deposit Account Number Deposit Account Name [ X ] 2. X 5 e jt2-2686 Charge Any Additional Fee Required Under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17 Payment Enclosed: X Check Money Order Other FEE CALCULATION 1. BASIC FILING FEE Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) i 01 690 106 310 107 480 i 08 690 114 150 Srnall Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 201 345 206 155 207 240 208 345 214 75 Faa Descrintion Utility application filing fee Design application filing fee Plant filing fee Reissue filing fee Provisional application filing fee Fee Paid SUBTOTAL (1) $ 0 2. EXTRA CLAIM FEER Fee from Extra Claims halow Total Claims -- 20** = X Independent Claims _ - 3** = X Multiple Dependent **Or number previously paid, if greater; For Rei•-'•-,see below. Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) *03 18 " 02 78 104 260 1 09 78 10 18 small Entitv Fee Fee Code ($) 203 9 202 39 204 130 209 39 210 9 Fan Pairi = = = Fee Descrigtion Claims in excess of 20 Independent claims in excess of 3 Multiple dependent claim, if not paid **Reissue independent claims over original patent **Reissue claims in excess of 20 and over original patent SUBTOTAL (2) $ 0 01/10/2000 -1 PTO/SB/17 (6/99) Patent fees are subject to annual revisions. Small Entity payments at be supported by a sman entity statement, otherwise large entity fees must be paid. See Forms PTO/SB/09-12 APLNDC00024347 EE CAIJUL ATION (contjnued) 3. ADDITIONAL FEES Large Entity small Entitv Fee Code 105 127 Fee Code 205 227 Fee ($) 130 50 Fee ($) 65 25 ~39 ~47 '12 130 2,520 920* 139 147 112 130 2,520 920* 113 1,840* 113 1,840* 5 6 110 380 215 216 55 190 7 -8 28 19 20 21 38 -40 870 1,360 1,850 300 300 260 1,510 110 217 218 228 219 220 221 138 240 435 680 925 >50 650 '30 1,510 55 141 1,210 241 605 '42 ~43 ~44 '22 "23 26 581 1,210 430 580 130 50 240 40 242 243 244 22 23 26 581 605 215 290 130 50 240 40 146 690 246 345 149 690 249 345 Fee Descrintion Surcharge - late filing fee or oath Surcharge - late provisional filing fee or cover sheet Non-English specification For filing a request for reexamination Requesting publication of SIR prior to Fee Paid Examiner action Requesting publication of SIR after Examiner action Extension for response withan first month Extension for response withrn second month Extens-on for response withrn third month Extens-on for response with n fourth month Extens-on for response with n fifth month Notice of Appeal Filing a brief in support of an appeal Request for oral hearing Petition to institute a public use proceeding Petition to revive unavoidably abandoned application Petition to revive unintentionally abandoned application Utility issue fee (or reissue) Design issue fee Plant issue fee Petitions to the Commissioner Petitions related to provisional applications Submission of information Disclosure Stmt. Recording each patent assignment per property (times number of properties) For filing a submission after final rejection . (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) For each additional invention to be examined (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) 380.00 son on Other fee (specify) Other fee (specify) SUBTOTAL (3) $ 880-00 *Reduced by Basic Filing Fee Paid SUBMITTED BY: Typed or Printed Name: Michael.] Mallin Signature Reg. Number Date 28 591 Deposit Account User ID (complete if applicable) 01/10/2000 -2- PTO/SB/17 (6/99) APLNDC00024348 PTO/SB/17(11-00) Approved for use through 10/31/2002. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB controi number. FEE TRANSMITTAL FOR FY 2001 TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ($) 1_R20.ûû Complete if Known: Application No. 086?1 004 Filing Date March 20. 1997 First Named Inventor Group Art Unit Examiner Name Attorney Docket No. Steven W. Christensen 2773 Dela Tgrre, C. O_4860.P1365C2 , METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one) 1. [ X ] The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge indicated fees and credit any over payments to: Deposit Account Number Deposit Account Name 02-2§¾ [ ] Charge Any Additional Fee Required Under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17 [ ] Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27 2. X Payment Enclosed: X Check Credit Card Money Order Other FEE CALCULATION 1. RECHVt-U ASIC FILING FEE LBrge Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 101 710 106 320 07 490 08 710 14 150 Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 201 355 206 160 207 245 208 355 214 75 OFFICE OF PETITIONS Fee Description Utility application filing fee Design application filing fee Plant filing fee Reissue filing fee Provisional application filing fee Fee Paid SUBTOTAL (1) $ 0 2. EXTRA CLAIM FEER Fee from below Extra Claims Total Claims - 20** = X Independent Claims - 3** = X Multiple Dependent **Or number previously paid, if greater; For Reissues, see below. Fee Paid 18.00 80.00 Large Entity Fee Fee Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) Code ($) Fee Descrintion 103 102 ~04 109 10 18 80 270 80 18 203 202 204 209 210 9 40 135 40 9 Claims in excess of 20 Independent claims in excess of 3 Multiple dependent claim, if not paid **Re-ssue independent claims over original patent **Re-ssue claims in excess of 20 and over original patent SUBTOTAL (2) $ 0 01/25/01 -1- APLNDC00024349 LCJLATION (çontinued) 3. ADDITIONAL FEES Large Entity Smnu Entitv Fee Code 105 127 Fee Code 205 227 Fee ($) 130 50 Fee ($) 65 25 "39 '47 ¯12 130 2,520 920* ~39 '47 '12 130 2,520 920* 113 1,840* 113 1,840* 1 5 1 6 - 7 - 8 ~28 >19 20 21 38 40 41 '42 '43 -44 "22 23 26 581 110 390 890 1,390 1,890 310 310 270 1,510 110 1,240 1,240 440 600 130 50 180 40 2N5 2 6 2~7 2·8 228 219 220 221 138 240 241 242 243 244 -22 •23 ·26 581 55 195 445 695 945 155 155 135 1,510 55 620 620 220 300 130 50 180 40 146 710 246 355 I 149 710 249 355 179 169 710 900 279 169 355 900 195 300 195 300 196 194 098 091 300 130 130 1,240 196 194 098 091 300 130 130 1,240 Fee Description Surcharge - late filing fee or oath Surcharge - late provisional filing fee or cover sheet Non-English specification For filing a request for ex parte reexamination Requesting publication of SIR prior to Examiner action Requesting publication of SIR after Examiner action Extension for reply within first month Extension for reply within second month Extension for reply within third month Extension for reply within fourth month Extension for reply within fifth month Notice of Appeal Filing a brief in support of an appeal Request for oral hearing Petition to institute a public use proceeding Petition to revive - unavoidable Petition to revive - unintentional Utility issue fee (or reissue) Design issue fee Plant issue fee Petitions to the Commissioner Processing fee under 37 CFR 1.17(q) Submission of information Disclosure Stmt Recording each patent assignment per property (times number of properties) For filing a submission after final rejection (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) For each additional invention to be examined (see 37 CFR 1.129(b)) Request for Continued Examination (RCE) Request for expedited examination of a design app•ication Publication fee for early, voluntary, or normal pub ication Pub ication fee for republication Request for voluntary publication or republication Processing fee under 37 CFR 1.17(i) Acceptance of unintentionally delayed claim for priority Fee Paid 310.00 276 nn 1.240.00 Other fee (specify) Other fee (specify) SUBTOTAL (3) $ 1.820.00 *Reduced by Basic Filing Fee Pald SUBMITTED BY: Typed or Printed Name: Signature: Judith A Szegesi Date: $ / of Reg. Number 39 393 Telephone Number: 408-720-8300 WARNING: Information on this form may become public. Credit card information should not be included on this form. Provide credit card information and authorization on PTO-2038. 01/25/01 -2PTO/SB/17 APLNDC00024350 FIRST CLASS AIUNG a ee cse co s ondence being deposited with the United addressed to the Assistant Commissioner foh s ec nt postage in an envelope on 9 a C- / Name o n oc 5, Washington, D.C. 20231 Co e ondence r JE oo Date \PE re 3 06/41 00 197 Ties asrz ma Den unene .am.« .... .. O O apen..n...a.m.usag O >--a.»ussem O agen.....-a.ausiety su O Aspa..n.m-osanat_w. o a. xx c... .. ....n..c....· .gt O - a was gg O -o..anum O us.. .e=.._a.«a.. i. i.e. an.. ..a megen sumis are arv a.m.... O oser: APLNDC00024351 PTO/SB/17(12-98) Approved for use through 09/30/2000. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE r the Paperwo ction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. FEE I rurNSMITTAL FOR FY 1999 TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ($) 270_no Complete if Known: Application No. 08/821.004 Filing Date March 20. 1997 First Named Inventor Steven W. Christensen Group Art Unit 2773 Examiner Name nol2 Tarra c. Attomey Docket No. 004860.P1365C2 METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one) 1. [ x ] The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge indicated fees and credit any over payments to: Deposit Account Number Deposit Account Name [ x ] 2. Y 02-2g§6 Charge Any Additional Fee Required Under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17 Payment Enclosed: x Check Money Order Other FEE CALCULATION 1. BASIC FILING FEE Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 01 760 06 310 07 480 08 760 -14 150 Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 201 380 206 155 207 240 208 380 214 75 Fgg Descriptiori Utility application filing fee Design application filing fee Plant filing fee Reissue filing fee Provisional application filing fee Fee Paid SUBTOTAL (1) $ 0 2. EXTRA CLAIM FEER Fee from Extra Claims Total Claims Independent Claims _ Multiple Dependent -20** = - 3** = beley X X fee Paid = = = **Or number previously paid, if greater; For Reissues, see below. Large EntitY Fee Fee Code ($) 03 18 02 78 04 260 09 78 10 18 Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 203 9 202 39 204 130 209 39 210 9 Fee Descrintion Claims in excess of 20 Independent claims in excess of 3 Mult2ple dependent claim, if not paid **Re ssue independent claims over original patent **Re ssue claims in excess of 20 and over original patent SUBTOTAL (2) $ 0 /99 -1 PTO/SB/17 (12-98) Patent fees are subject to annual revisions. Small Entity payments rmust be supported by a small entity statement, otherwise large entity fees must be paid. See Forms PTOISB/09-12 APLNDC00024352 EE CALCt]LATION (continued) 3. ADDITIONAL FEES Large EntitY Fee Fee Code ($) 105 130 127 50 Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 205 65 227 25 39 47 12 130 2,520 920* x39 '47 ~12 130 2,520 920* 113 1,840* 113 1,840* 15 16 17 18 28 19 20 21 38 40 110 380 870 1,360 1,850 300 300 260 1,510 110 215 2~6 2'7 2~8 228 219 220 221 138 240 55 190 435 680 925 50 50 30 1,510 55 141 1,210 241 605 142 43 44 22 23 26 581 1,210 430 580 130 50 240 40 242 243 244 ~22 N23 ~26 581 605 215 290 130 50 240 40 146 760 246 380 149 760 249 380 Fan Descrintion Fee Paid Surcharge - late filing fee or oath Surcharge - late provisional filing fee or cover sheet Non-English specification For filing a request for reexamination Requesting pubilcation of SIR prior to Examiner action Requesting publication of SIR after Examiner action Extension for response withrn first month Extension for response withm second month Extension for response withm third month Extension for response with n fourth month Extension for response with n fifth month Notice of Appeal Filing a brief in support of an appeal Request for oral hearing Petition to institute a public use proceeding Petition to revive unavoidably abandoned application Petition to revive unintentionally abandoned application Utility issue fee (or reissue) Design issue fee Plant issue fee Petitions to the Commissioner Petitions related to provisional applications Submission of information Disclosure Stmt Recording each patent assignment per property (times number of properties) For filing a submission after final rejection (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) For each additional invention to be examined (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) 87t0_O Other fee (specify) Other fee (specify) SUBTOTAL (3) $ 876 no "Reduced by Basic Filing Fee Paid SUBMITTED BY: Typed or Printed Name: Signature Reg. Number _3MA1 Michael J. Mallie Date ^ Deposit Account User ID (comolete if acolicable) 06/08/99 -2- PTO/SB/17 (12-98) APLNDC00024353 FIRST CLASS CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail with sufficient postage in an envelo e addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20 31 on dec ber I 69) Date of D posit Name of O IR rson Mai ng Correspondence ignature Date o client a nnl e compute *******.Titiè?MR¥‡ton Al «APPARATilS FOR DISPLAYING AND -ACCESSING CONTROT· ANO MTATyg lyfDEh!ATION IN A COMPUTER uSYSTËlf BS'l7.FileNo- 00g6021565Ud Attv/Sectfluitiah NN(FTA DateMailed: "U1/8/99 Dáck(DiiDaliiMB /O/7-YA umm The follo'wingg'been recáived in the . Patent & Tradem k Office on the date sta ed hefeõn myam:aa,x.;.X0 20* . .E ener-gth y appucare) n inn - O ippHcanon Rolo 0 Apr pgs., vi 10 ver and aim c6 Check O.ggs et 0 i.,Laa ros C__ O naisu.omanos ac<py,«Incaras D as t O Nãëo covers O Dramags Ek 3 Rui. 123 RO TA a 3 # of sheets irrlude 0 s dif ans Hgures T entorlStuaH Business « n dupHcal er. APLNDC00024354 PTO/SB/17(10/96) Approved for use through 09/30/98. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ‡¿ Under t ction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. FEE TRANSMITTAL TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ($) Complete if Known: Application No, 08/891 ona Filing Date fular hn / First Named Inventor \ j|i £494.99 stavan « Christannan Group Art Unit 2773 Examiner Name noin Torre r Attornev Docket No. 994WOph METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one) 1. [ ] [ 2. X ] ] X X o Deposit Account Number Deposit Account Name [ The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge indicated fees and credit any over payments to: ' ,1 o 02-2666 Charge Any Additional Fee Required Under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17 Charge the issue Fee Set in 37 CFR 1.18 at the Mailing of the Notice of Allowance, 37 CFR 1.131(b) Payment Enclosed Check Money Order Other - FEE CALCULATION (fees effective 10/01/97) 1. FILING FEE Large Entity small Entitv Fee Code '01 '06 Fee Fee ($) Code ($) 760 201 310 206 Fee Fan Descrintion 380 Utility application filing fee 155 Design application filing fee 07 08 ~14 480 760 150 240 380 75 207 208 214 Plant filing fee Reissue filing fee Provisional application filing fee SUBTOTAL (1) 2. CLAIMS $ 760.00 Fee from Extra Total Claims Fee Paid 786 no 31 hainw Fee Paid - 20 = Independent Claims 5 Multiple Dependent Claims 11 X 18.00 = 198.00 -3 = 2 O X X 78 00 = = 156.00 0.00 Large Entity Small Entity Fee Fee Fee Fee Code ($) Code ($) Fan Danerintion Fee Paid 03 02 '04 '09 10 191LOO 156.00 n on 0.00 D.00 18 78 260 78 18 203 202 204 209 210 9 39 130 39 9 Claims in excess of twenty Independent claims in excess of 3 Multiple dependent claim Reissue independent claims over original patent Reissue claims in excess of 20 and over original patent SUBTOTAL (2) 11/30/98 -1 - $ 354.00 PTO/SB/17 (10-96) APLNDC00024355 FEE CALCULATION (continued) 3. ADDITIONAL FEES Larqe Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 105 130 127 50 Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 205 65 227 25 39 47 12 130 2,520 920* 39 47 12 130 2,520 920* 113 1,840* 113 1,840* '5 '6 '7 '8 28 19 20 21 138 140 110 380 870 1,360 1,850 300 300 260 1,510 110 2N5 2 6 2 7 2 8 228 219 220 221 138 240 55 190 435 680 925 50 50 30 1,510 55 141 1,210 241 605 -42 -43 -44 122 123 126 581 1,210 430 580 130 50 240 40 242 243 244 "22 "23 ~26 581 605 215 290 130 50 240 40 146 760 246 380 149 760 249 380 Fan Descrintion Fee Paid Surcharge - late filing fee or oath Surcharge - late provisional filing fee or cover sheet Non-English specification For filing a request for reexamination Requesting publication of SIR prior to Examiner action Requesting publication of SIR after Examiner action Extension for response within first month Extension for response within second month Extension for response with n third month Extension for response with n fourth month Extension for response with-n fifth month Notice of Appeal Filing a brief in support of an appeal Request for oral hearing Petition to institute a public use proceeding Petition to revive unavoidably abandoned application Petition to revive unintentionally abandoned application Utility issue fee (or reissue) Design issue fee Plant issue fee Petitions to the Commissioner Petitions related to provisional applications Submission of Information Disclosure Stmt Recording each patent assignment per property (times number of properties) For filing a submission after final rejection (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) For each additional invention to be examined (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) san on Other fee (specify) Other fee (specify) SUBTOTAL (3) $ 380.00 *Reduced by Basic Filing Fee Paid SUBMITTED BY: Typed or Printed Name: Signature Reg. Number Micþael J. Mallie e 3FL591 Date Deposit Account User ID (complete if acolicable) 11/30/98 -2- PTO/SB/17 (10-96) Approved for use through 09/30/98 OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Tradernark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE APLNDC00024356 Please type a plus sign (+) inside this box (+) PTO/SB/29 (12/97) Approved for use through 09/30/00. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. CONTINUED PROSECUTION APPLICATION (CPA) REQUEST TRANSMITTAL CHECK BOX, if aggica [ ] DUPLIQgfE Submit an onginal, and a duplicate for fee processing. (Only for Continuation or Divisional applications under 37 CFR 1.53(d)) ÂÕDRESS TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents Box CPA Washington, D.C. 20231 Attorney Docket No. 004880.P1365C2 First Named Inventor Steven g Christengen Express Mail Label NO. FMS79371ß75US This is a request for a X CD Total Pages continuation or 9 divisional under 37 CFR 1.53(d) (continuation prosecution application (CPA)) of prior application No: 08/821 nos , filed on March 20 1997 , entitled METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYlNG AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATUS INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM NOTER FILING QUALIFICATIONS: The prior application identified above must be a nonprovisional application that is either (1) complete as defined by 37 CFR 1 51(b) and filed on or after June 8, 1995, or (2) the national stage of an intemational application in compliance with 35 U.S.C. 371 and filed on or after June 8, 1995 C-1-P NOT PERMITTED: A continuation-in-part application cannot be filed as a CPA under 37 CFR 1.53(d), but must be filed under 37 CFR 1.53(b). EXPRESS ABANDONMENT OF PRIOR APPLICATION: The filing of this CPA is a request to expressly abandon the prior application as of the filing date of the request for a CPA. 37 CFR 1.53(b) must be used to file a continuation, divisional, or continuation-in-part of an application that is not to be abandoned ACCESS TO PRIOR APPUCATION: The filing of this CPA will be construed to include a waiver of confidentiality by the applicant under 35 U.S.C. 122 to the extent that any member of the public who is entitled under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.14 to access to, copies of, or information conceming, the pnor application may be given similar access to, copies of, or similar information conceming, the other application or applications in the file jacket. 35 U.S.C.120 STATEMENT: In a CPA, no reference to the prior application is needed in the first sentence of the specification and none should be submitted if a sentence referencing the prior application is submitted, it will not be entered. A request for a CPA is the specific reference required by 35 USC 120 and to every application assigned the application number identified in such request, 37 CFR L78(a). 1. _ Enter the unentered amendment previously filed on under 37 CFR 1.116 in the prior nonprovisional application. 2. _ A preliminary amendment is enclosed. 3 _ This application is filed by fewer than all the inventors named in the prior application, 37 CFR 1.53(d)4. a. -·-- - - - the following inventor(s) named in the prior nonprovisional application: b. The inventor(s) to be deleted are set forth on a separate sheet attached hereto. ‡ _ A new power of attomey or authorization of agent (PTO/SB/81) is enclosed. 5 _ Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) is enclosed: a. PTO - 1449 b Copies of IDS Citations L 12/29/97 -1 - APLNDC00024357 Please type a plus sign (+).inside this box +] PTO/SB/29 (12/97) Approved for use through 09/30/00. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. CLAIMS (1) FOR (2) NUMBER FILED (3) NUMBER EXTRA (4) RATE (5) CALCULATIONS Total Claims (37 CFR 1 16(c)) 31 - 20 = 11 X $ 18 na = $ 198.00 5 -3 = 2 X $ 78.00 = $ 156.00 + $ = $ BASIC FEE (37 CFR 1.16(a)) $ independent Claims (37 CFR 1 16(b)) Multiple Depend mt Claims (if applicable) (37 CFR 1.16(d)) Total of above Calculations Reduction by 50% for filing by small entity (Note 37 CFR 1.9, 1.27, 1.28). = $ A small entity statement was filed in the prior nonprovisional application and such status is still proper and desired. c. 7. 1 A small entity statement is enclosed, b. Is no longer claimed. The Commissioner is hereby authorized to credit overpayments or charge the following fees to Deposit Account No. 02-2666 a. b. Fees required under 37 CFR 1.16. _x__ c. 9 1 1_14 0 Small entity status: a. 8 1 114 no $ TOTAL = $ 6. 76 i x Fees required under 37 CFR 1.17. Fees required under 37 CFR 1.18. A check in the amount of $ Other: 1.114.00 is enclosed. Retum nonteard Exoraan Mail Certificate of Mailinn NOTE: The prior application's correspondence address will carry over to this CPA UNI RS a new correspondence k.address is provided below. 10. NEW CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Customer Number or Bar Code Label OR New Correspondence Address Below (Insert Customer No. or Attach Bar Code Label here) NAME ADDRESS CITY COUNTRY STATE TELEPHONE ZIP CODE FAX 11. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT, ATTORNEY, OR AGENT R§QUIRED NAME Michael J. Mallie REGISTRATION N g91 SIGNATURE DATE r--f /7 / 16 t 12/29/97 -2- APLNDC00024358 004860.P1365C2 a reAo A IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE NT cc In re Application of: ) Steven W. Christensen Dela Torre, C. o .. ) Art Unit: 2773 )"Express Mail" mailing label riumber:#ff )Date of Deposit: Ef/PRMY A&l"L Serial No.: 08/821,004 Filing Date: March 20, 1997 For: Examiner: ?& \ hereby certify that I am causing this er or fee to deposited with the United States Postal Service press Mail P )Office to Addressee" service on the date indi ted above a METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYING AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATUS INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM )that this paper or fee has been addressed to the Commissioi )of Patents and ad mar (Typed or Washington, D.C. 20231 ing paper or fee) (Signature of norson malling paper- r fee) ASSISTANT COMMISSISONER FOR PAim1S (Date signed) Washington, D.C. 20231 PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME P_URSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. § 1.136 (a3 Sir: Applicant respectfully requests a two month extension of time in which to respond to the Advisory Action mailed Januarv 21. 1999. The extended period expires on Fehrnarv 18. 1999. A check for $380.00 is enclosed to cover the fee for a two month extension of time. If any additional fee is required, please charge Deposit Account. 02-2666. A duplicate of this Petition is enclosed for deposit account charging purposes. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN LLP Dated: 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 (408) 720-8598 Michael J. Mallie Reg. No. 36,591 1 APLNDC00024359 A check in the amount of $ is attached for presentation of additional claim(s). Applicant(s) hereby Petition(s) for an Extension of Time of month(s) pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a). A check for $ is attached for processing fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. x Please charge my Deposit Account No. 02-2888 the amount of $ A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed. The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks is hereby authorized to charge payment of the following fees associated with this communication or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. 02-266§ (a duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed): X Any additional filing fees required under 37 C.F.R. § 1.16 for presentation of extra claims. X Any extension or petition fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN LLP ith A. Szepesi 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor Los Angeles, California 90025 Reg. No. ' 2 393 (408) 720-8598 -2- (LJV/cak 11/30/98) APLNDC00024360 Received Attorney's Docket No.: 004860.P1365_C2 In re the Application of: Steven W. Christensen (inventor(s)) UTOUJ /UU Application No.: 08/821.004 Filed: March 20. 1997 For: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYING AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND ST INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM US (title) ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS Washington, D.C. 20231 SIR: Transmitted herewith is an Amendment for the above application. Small entity status of this application under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 has been established by a verified statement previously submitted. A verified statement to establish small entity status under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 is enclosed. Y No additional fee is required. The fee has been calculated as shown below: Col. 1 Claims Remaining After Amd. Total Claims Col. 2 Highest No. Previously Paid For Col. 3 SMALL ENTITY Present Extra Rate Additional Fee OTHER THAN A SMALL ENTITY Rate Additional Fee * 31 Minus ** 31 0 X9 $ X18 $ 0 * 5 Minus *** 5 0 X39 i $ X78 $ 0 +130 $ +260 $ 0 First Presentation of Multiple Denendent Claim(s) * If the entry in Col. 1 is less than the entry In Col. 2, write "0" in Col. 3- Total Total Add. Fee Add. Fee $ 0 ** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 20, write "20" in this space. *** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 3, write "3" in this space. The "Highest No. Previously Paid For" (Total or independent) is the highest number found from the equivalent box in Col. 1 of a prior amendment or the number of claims originally filed. I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail with sufficient postage in an envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 on December 10. 1998 Date of Deposit Frlith Filantne Name of Person Mailing Correspondence Signature Date - 1 - (LJV/cak 11/30/98) APLNDC00024361 JUN 2 9 1998 = Attornev's þl&Ý in te the Application of· .P1365C2 Patent .mavan W Christanaan (inventor(s)) gaNo.: ORia21 nos Filed: Marnh PO 1997 For: MFTHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYING AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATUS INFŒMATIONIN A CQMPt]ŒRSYSTEM (title) ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER FOR PA mix i S Washington, D.C. 20231 SIR: Transmitted herewith is an Amendment for the above application. Small entity status of this application under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 has been established by a verified statement previously submitted. A verified statement to establish small entity status under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 is enclosed. No additional fee is required. The fee has been calculated as shown below: Col. 1 Claims Remaining After Amd. Total Claims Indep. Claims Col. 2 Col. 3 Highest No. Previously Present Paid For Extra SMALL ENTITY Rate Additional Fee OTHER THAN A SMALL ENTITY Rate Additional Fee * 31 Minus ** 24 7 x11 $ x22 $ 154 * 5 Minus *** 3 2 x41 $ x82 $ 164 i Dependent Cla . mfs) +135 $ +270 $ * If the entry in Col. 1 is less than the entry In Col. 2, Total Total wnte "0" in Col. 3Add. Fee * Add. Fee $ ** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 20, write "20" in this space. *** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 3, write "3" in this space. The "Highest No. Previously Paid For" (Total or independent) is the highest number found from the equivalent box in Col. 1 of a prior amendment or the number of claims originally filed. 0 First Presentation of Multiple 318 I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail with sufficient postage in an envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 on ,June 95. 19% Date of Deposit to co Name of Person Mailing Correspondence Signature Date APLNDC00024362 Y X A check in the amount of $ 318.00 is attached for presentation of additional claim(s). Applicant(s) hereby Petition(s) for an Extension of Time of month(s) pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a). Acheckfor$ is attached for processing fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. Please charge my Deposit Account No. 09-9¤¤¤ the amount of $ A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed. The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks is hereby authorized to charge payment of the following fees associated with this communication or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. 09-9888 (a duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed): X Any additional filing fees required under 37 C.F.R. § 1.16 for presentation of extra claims. Any extension or petition fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN LLP / / 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor ith A. Szepesi Reg.No. ROBOR Los Angeles, California 90025 (408) 720-8598 -2- (LJV/cak 10/01/97) APLNDC00024363 2 9 1898 PTO/SB/17(10/96) Approved for use through 09/30/98. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Pap Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. FEE TRANSMITTAL TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ($) $318.00 Complete if Known: Application No. 06/6?1.004 Filing Date March ?0, 199¯{ First Named Inventor Rteven W Christensen Group Art Unit Examiner Name Attomey Docket No. 9eß noin Torre O QQ48flOfi3 50? METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one) 1. [ X ] The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge indicated fees and credit any over payments to: Deposit Account Number Deposit Account Name [ [ 2. X ] ] 62-2888 Charge Any Additional Fee Required Under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17 Charge the issue Fee Set in 37 CFR 1.18 at the Malling of the Notice of Allowance, 37 CFR 1.131(b) X Payment Enclosed X CMho ecyk order Other -9 FEE CALCULATION (fees effective 10/01/97) Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 101 790 Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 201 395 06 330 206 165 07 08 14 540 790 150 207 208 214 270 395 75 Fee Description Utility application filing fee Design application filing fee Plant filing fee Heissue filing fee Provisional application filing fee SUBTOTAL (1) 2. CLAIMS Fee Paid $ 0.00 Fee from Extra Total Claims 21 - 24 = Independent Claims 5 -3 = Multiple Dependent Claims Larna Entitu Fee Code X X X 99 00 89 na Fan Pairi = = = 154,00 184 no Small Entity Fee Code 103 102 104 109 110 7 2 below Fee ($) 22 82 270 82 22 Fee ($) Fee Description Fee Paid 203 11 Claims in excess of twenty 15430 202 41 Independent claims in excess of 3 164.00 204 209 210 135 41 11 Multiple dependent claim Reissue independent claims over original patent Reissue claims in excess of 20 and over original patent SUBTOTAL (2) 12/01/97 -1 - $ 318.66 PTO/SBN7 (10-96) APLNDC00024364 FEE CALCULATION (continued) 3. ADDITIONAL FEES Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 105 130 127 50 Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 205 65 227 25 >39 '47 312 130 2,520 920* 139 147 112 130 2,520 920* 113 1,840* 113 1,840* 5 "6 "7 '18 '28 119 ~20 ~21 ~38 340 110 400 950 1,510 2,060 310 310 270 1,510 110 215 216 217 218 228 219 220 221 138 240 55 200 475 755 1,030 155 155 135 1,510 55 141 1,320 241 660 ~42 '43 >44 " 22 23 26 581 1,320 450 670 130 50 240 40 242 243 244 122 123 126 581 660 225 335 130 50 240 40 146 790 246 395 149 790 249 395 Fee Description Surcharge - late filing fee or oath Surcharge - late provisional filing fee or cover sheet Non-English specification For filing a request for reexamination Requesting publication of SIR prior to Examiner action Requesting publication of SIR after Examiner action Extension for response with n first month Extension for response with n second month Extension for response with n third month Extension for response with n fourth month Extension for response with n fifth month Notice of Appeal Filing a brief in support of an appeal Request for oral hearing Petition to institute a public use proceeding Petition to revive unavoidably abandoned application Petition to revive unintentionally abandoned application Utility issue fee (or reissue) Design issue fee Plan issue fee Petit ons to the Commissioner Petit.ons related to provisional applications Submission of Information Disclosure Stmt Recording each patent assignment per property (times number of properties) For filing a submission after final rejection (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) For each additional invention to be examined (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) Fee Paid Other fee (specify) Other fee (specify) SUBTOTAL (3)$ n on *Reduced by Basic Filing Fee Paid SUBMITTED BY: Typed or Printed Name· Reg. Numb MSM Jurgh A.1 i DepositAccountUserlD (complete if acolicable) 12/01/97 -2- PTolse/17 (10-96) Approved for use through 09/30/98 OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE APLNDC00024365 PTO/SB/17(10/96) Approved for use through 09/30/98. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 998 Under th twork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respondto a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. FEE TRANSMITTAL TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ($) 878 00 Complete if Known: Application No. OR/021,QQ4 Filing Date Mamh 20, 1997 First Named Inventor Rtevan W hrintenman Group Art Unit ?415 Examiner Name Dela Toffe. C. Attomey Docket No, ogP1305C2 METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one) 1. [ ] The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge indicated fees and credit any over payments to: Deposit Account Number Deposit Account Name [ Charge Any Additional Fee Required Under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17 [ 2. ] ] Charge the Issue Fee Set in 37 CFR 1.18 at the Malling of the Notice of Allowance, 37 CFR 1.131(b) Y X Payment Enclosed Check Money Order Other FEE CALCULATION (fees effective 10/01/97) 1 . FILING FEE Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) '01 790 06 330 07 540 08 790 14 150 Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 201 395 206 165 207 270 208 395 214 75 Fee Description Utility application filing fee Design application filing fee Plant filing fee Reissue filing fee Provisional application filing fee SUBTOTAL (1) 2. CLAIMS $ 790.00 Fee from Extra Total Claims 24 - 20 = Independent Claims 3 - 3 = Multiple Dependent Claims Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 103 22 102 82 104 270 109 82 110 22 Fee Paid = n on 4 0 O below . X X X 92 00 0 0 Fee Paid = = = 88 no 0 0 Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) Fee Description Fee Paid 203 11 Claims in excess of twenty 88.00 202 41 Independent claims in excess of 3 o 204 135 Multiple dependent claim n 209 41 Reissue independent claims over original patent o 210 11 Reissue claims in excess of 20 and over original patent 0 SUBTOTAL (2) 12/01/97 -1 - $ 87]LOO, PTO/SB/17 (10-96) APLNDC00024366 FEE CALCULATION (continued) 3. ADDITIONAL FEES Large Entitv Fee Fee Code ($) 105 130 127 50 Sma!! Entity Fee Fee Code (S) 205 65 227 25 39 47 12 130 2,520 920* 39 47 12 130 2,520 920* 113 1,840* 113 1,840* 1 5 6 7 18 28 19 20 21 38 40 110 400 950 1,510 2,060 310 310 270 1,510 110 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 228 219 220 221 138 240 55 200 475 755 1,030 155 155 135 1,510 55 141 1,320 241 660 142 43 44 22 23 26 581 1,320 450 670 130 50 240 40 242 243 244 >22 x 23 326 581 790 246 790 249 action for response for response for response -or response Petit on to revive unintentionally abandoned application Utility issue fee (or reissue) Design issue fee 395 149 Examiner Extens on Extens on Extens on Extens on Fee Paid within first month with n second month with n 'hird month with n 'ourth month Extens on -or response within -ifth month Notice of Appeal Filing a brief in support of an appeal Request for oral hearing Petition to institute a public use proceeding Petit on to revive unavoidably abandoned appl cation 660 225 335 130 50 240 40 146 Fee Description Surcharge - late filing fee or oath Surcharge - late provisional filing fee or cover sheet Non-English specification For filing a request for reexamination Requesting publication of SIR prior to Examiner action Requesting publication of SIR after 395 Plant issue fee Petitions to the Commissioner Petitions related to provisional applications Submission of Information Disclosure Stmt Recording each patent assignment per property (times number of properties) For filing a submission after final rejection (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) For each additional invention to be examined (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) Other fee (specify) Other fee (specify) SUBTOTAL (3)$ n *Reduced by Basic Filing Fee Paid SUBMITTED RY: Typed or Printed Name Mictgel J age Signature Reg. Number 36591 Date Deposit Account User ID / { 2 ff l (comolete if acolicable) 12/01/97 -2- PTO/SB/17 (10-96) Approved for use through 09/30/98 OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE APLNDC00024367 EXPRESS MAIL CERTIFICATE OF MAILING "Express Mair mailing label number: 1I Date of Deposit: \ - 12-9 1 1 hereby certify that 1 am causing this paper or fee to be deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service on the date indicated above and that this paper or fee has been addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, ashington, D. C. 20231 (Typed or of r ling paper or fee) (Signature of púson mailing paper or fee) (Date signed) Serial/Patent No.: O8 /821 . O A aient: A9919 Ç mag te T, Tim Filing/Issue Date: A / 9 O / 7 Title: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYING AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATUS INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYRTEM BS1Z File No )) 4 ßß 21 % 607 Atty/Secty Initials: µ,Ig£;amp Date Mailed: 1 I 1 2 I OR ' Docket Due Date: 1 I 1 & I OR 11se following has been received in the U.S. Patent & Trademark OHice on the date stamped bereon: D A...e...sinesponse c_ pg..) O Appeal Brief L pgs.) (in niplicale) D Appfustion - UtHity L_. pgs., wi& cover aml abstmc4 g Equess MaB NnFNil??9Mitá XI Check N L.I Month(s) Extension of Time Amt: Q aan...amlW(... pgs) Check U- O Application - Rule 1. O issue Fee hansmitta! Continuation L__ pgs.) Application - Rule i Division (____ pgs.) D AppHcation - Rule I CIP (._ pgs.) O AppHcation - Rule i runsinimal C pgs.) Application - Design pgs.) D AppHcation - PCT (_ pgs.) • Amt: Nodce of Appeal Petition for - of Tann O Petition for E Posicard O Ebwer of Anamney ( _ pgs.) ' D AppHeation - Pmvisional (___ pgs) O Prelianinary Asnen&nent Lygsò O D O O O Reply Brief C pgs) n..* In Notice of Missing Pans D Reignen to incorporate Disciosme ML pgs.) Û SmmD Entity Declaration for Indep.Inventor/Smatt Business O MI lanser (original A copy) As•¾and Cover Sheet cDHiñCSit Of MRHing Declaration & POA (___ pgs.)• Omin-seDaz&Oig&Opytniums&¾r-E-( g) Drawings: ___..# of abeets includes __ _ figures ' EKother Fee TTitBSmiffill 3x3 ½DT 84 ) il 3 : APLNDC00024368 Please type a plus sign (+) inside this box (+) PTO/SB/29 (12/97) Approved for use through 09/30/00. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. CONTINUED PROSECUTION APPLICATION (CPA) REQUEST TRANSMITTAL 0 Submit an original, and a duplicate for fee processing. (Only for Continuation or Divisional applications under 37 CFR 1.53(d)) ADDRESS TO: CHECK BOX, if applicable: [ _] DUPLICATE Assistant Commissioner for Patents Box CPA Washington, D.C. 20231 A#omey Docket No. 04860213( 5C First Named inventor Steven W. Christensen Express Mail Label No. FMon1777rmi IR Total Pages A This is a request for a X continuation or divisional under 37 CFR 1.53(d) (continuation p --tion application (CPA)) of prior application No: 08/891 00& filed on Mamh 20 1997 - entitled METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYlNG AND ACCESSING NTSOL AND STATUS INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM NOTES FILING QUALIFICATIONS: The prior application identified above must be a nonprovisional application that is either (1) complete as defined by 37 CFR 1 51(b) and filed on or after June 8, 1995, or (2) the national stage of an intemational application in compliance with 35 U.S.C. 371 and filed on or after June 8, 1995. C-I-P NOT PERMFFTED: A continuation-in-part application cannot be filed as a CPA under 37 CFR 1.53(d), but must be filed under 37 CFR 1 53(b) e m=oS ABANDONMENT OF PRIOR AP LI ATION: The filing of this CPA is a request to expressly abandon the prior application as of the filing date of the request for a CPA. 37 CFR 1.53(b) must be used to file a continuation, divisional, or continuation-in-part of an appilcation that is not to be abandoned. ACCESS TO PRIOR APPLICATION: The filing of this CPA will be construed to include a waiver of confidentiality by the applicant under 35 USC 122 to the extent that any member of the public who is entitled under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.14 to access to, copies of, or information conceming, the prior application may be given similar access to, copies of, or similar information conceming, the other application or applications in the file Jacket. 35 U.S.C.120 STATEMENT: In a CPA, no reference to the prior application is needed in the first sentence of the specification and none should be submitted. If a sentence referencing the prior application is submitted, it will not be entered. A request for a CPA is the specific reference required by 35 U.S.C. 120 and to every application assigned the application number identified in such request, 37 CFR 1.78(a). 1. _X__ Enter the unentered amendment previously filed on November14. 1997 under 37 CFR 1.116 in the prior nonprovisional application. 2. _ A preliminary amendment is enclosed. 3. This application is filed by fewer than all the inventors named in the prior application, 37 CFR 1.53(d)4. a. DELETE the following inventor(s) named in the prior nonprovisional application: b. The inventor(s) to be deleted are set forth on a separate sheet attached hereto. 4 A new power of attomey or authorization of agent (PTO/SB/81) is enclosed. 5. Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) is enclosed: a. b. 12/29/97 PTO - 1449 ___ Copies of IDS Citations -1- APLNDC00024369 Please type a plus sign (+) inside this bo× (+) PTO/SB/29 (12/97) Approved for use through 09/30/00. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Actof 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB controi number. CLAIMS (1) FOR (2) NUMBER FILED (3) NUMBER rAma (4) RATE (5) CALCULATIONS Total Claims (37 CFR 1.16(c)) >s - 20 = a X $ - 3 = 0 © na = $ 88 00 X $ n = $ n + &n = $0 Independent Claims (37 CFR 1.16(b)) 3 Multiple Dependent Claims (if applicable) (37 CFR 1.16(d)) BASIC FEE (37CFR1.16(a)) Total of above Calculations = Reduction by 50% for filing by small entity (Note 37 CFR 1.9, 1.27, 1.28). TOTAL = 6. $79000 $ 878.00 A O $ A7R 00 Small entity status: a. _ A small entity statement is enclosed. b. _ c. 7. A small entity statement was filed in the prior nonprovisional application and such status is still proper and desired. Is no longer claimed. _ The Commissioner is hereby authorized to credit overpayments or charge the following fees to Deposit Account No. a. Fees required under 37 CFR 1.16. b. Fees required under 37 CFR 1.17. c. Fees required under 37 CFR 1.18. 8. _X__ A check in the amount of $ 878 no 9. ____ Other: 1991E: is enclosed. The prior application's correspondence address will carry over to this CPA UNLESS a new correspondence address is provided below. 10. NEW CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Customer Number or Bar Code Label OR (Insert Customer No. or Attach Bar Code Label here) New Correspondence Address Below NAME ADDRESS CilY COUNTRY STATE TELEPHONE ZIP CODE FAX 11. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT, ATTORNEY, OR AGENT REQUIRED NAME usami i uania REGISTRATI N NCt slGNATURE DATE 12/29/97 501 / /L| i ' -2- APLNDC00024370 EXPRESS MAIL CERTIFICATE OF MAILING "Express MaiP mailing label number: E bl i N 092 5 Date of Deposit: 1 hereby certify that 1 am causing this paper or fee to be deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service on the date indicated above and that this paper or fee has been addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D. C. 20 31 (Typed or print d nam of (Signature of perso h rs mailing paper or fee) r or fee) (Date signed) Serial/Patent No.: ,0 8 |B 1 40 4 Gient A Tide: ME Filing/Issue care: 2 / 2 n / e 7 le Computer Inc. OD AND APPAEATUS FOR DISPLAYING AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATUS INFORMATION TN A COMPUTER SYSTEM BS1Z File No (LA 8.6 (1 P1 3 6 5('2 Atty/Secty Initials: 14,1¾/ tyng Date Mailed: 1 |12 | 9 8 Docket Due Date: 1 I 1 & I OR The following has been received in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office on the date stamped hereon: D D D O O L..___ pgs.) Appeal Brief C pgs.) (in triplicate) Application - Utility (_....... pgs., wilb cover and abstract) Application - Rale 1.60 m (___ pgs.) Application - Rule 1.60 Division C pgs) AppHcation - Rule 1.60 CIP L__ pgs.) Application - Rule 1.62 Transminal C pgs.) AppHcarian - Design L pgs) Application - PCT (.___ pgs.) Appue.,¡on-r,ovi.ien.: L. pg..) ar-- and Cover Sheet c..sine... er u.uing Decimation & POA L _ pgs.) • D "-a--"---r r..-< D amwings: -e er shoes. inci.des m) KKOther ŸAA *PranRmi ffal Regnen† *Prannmiffal Exprem Mail Nn Ë R Check blomh(s) Extension of Eme Asut: Û ... pgs.) Ü Øseck Na O issue Fee Manunistal . Amt: Notice of Appeal Builion for - of ¾-le O Petition for XI Posicard Beweref Atiomey L....,.pgs.) D P..u.i..rya-t-ut___ess) O Reply Brief L...... pgs.) D Respanse to Notice of Missing Pans D Request m Incesporale Disciosnie Document C pga.) L.) • D Sman Entity Declandon for Indip. ÊEWUilOiÝ$iBGË AMBimess .DM Inner (original a myy) (3 gg41 Ar•ng fa pga ) (rarog ,nTin . I t Í'PA ('npy) . APLNDC00024371 Attorney et No.: 04860.P1365C Patent In re the Application of: Stavan w. Christansen (inventor(s)) ApplicationNo.: 08/821004 A MEND ME NT UND ER 37 C.F.R. § 1.116 EXPEDITED PROCEDURE Filed: March g 157 EXAMINING GROUP 2415 For: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYING AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATUS INmRMATION IN A COMPLITER SYSTEM (title) ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS Washington, D.C. 20231 Box AF SIR: Transmitted herewith is an Amendment After Final Action for the above application. Small entity status of this application under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 has been established by a verified statement previously submitted. A verified statement to establish small entity status under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 is enclosed. X No additional fee is required. X A Notice of Appeal is enclosed. The fee has been calculated as shown below: Col. 1 Claims Col. 2 Highest No. Remaining After Amd. Total Claims Indep. Claims Previously Paid For Col. 3 SMALL ENTITY Present Extra Rate Rate Additional Fee * 24 Minus ** 24 0 xii $ x22 $ 0 * 3 Minus *** 3 0 x41 $ x82 $ 0 +135 $ +270 $ 0 First Presentation of Multiple / Denendent Claim(s) * Additional Fee OTHER THAN A SMALL ENTITY If the entry in Col. 1 is less than the entry in Col. 2, write "0" in Col. 3- Total Total Add. Fee O Add. Fee $ 0 ** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 20, write "20" in this space. *** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 3, write "3" in this space. The "Highest No. Previously Paid For" (Total or Independent) is the highest number found from the equivalent box in Col. 1 of a prior amendment or the number of claims originally filed. I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail with sufficient postage in an envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 on November 14. 1M7 Date of Deposit Friith FI inntae Name of Person Mailing Correspondence ' Signature Date -1 - (LJV/cak 10/01/97) APLNDC00024372 Attorne g e 4 04860.P1365 Patent In re the Applica on of: Stavan w. Christansen (inventor(s)) ApplicationNO.: 08/316.237 Filed: Sagtember30.1994 For: A MEN D ME NT UND ER 37 C.F.R. § 1.116 EXPEDITED PROCEDURE EXAMINING GROUP METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYING AND ACCESSING CONTROL AND STATUS INFORMATION IN A COMPUŒRSYSTEM (title) ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS Washington, D.C. 20231 Box AF SIR: Transmitted herewith is an Amendment After Final Action for the above application. Small entity status of this application under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 has been established by a verified statement previously submitted. A verified statement to establish small entity status under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.9 and 1.27 is enclosed. K No additional fee is required. A Notice of Appeal is enclosed. The fee has been calculated as shown below: Col. 1 Claims Remaining Col. 2 Col. 3 Highest No. Previously Present After Amd. Total Claims indep. Claims Paid For SMALL ENTITY Extra Rate Additional Fee OTHER THAN A SMALL ENTITY Rate Additional Fee *24 Minus **24 x11 $ x22 $0 *3 Minus ***3 x40 $ x80 $0 First Presentation of Multip e +130 $ Total Dgggggget gigjgjg) " If the entry in Col. 1 is less than the entry In Col. 2, write "O" in Col. 3** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 20, write "20" in this space. Add. Fee O +260 $ Total Add. Fee $0 *** If the "Highest No. Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 3, write "3" in this space. The "Highest No. Previously Paid For" (Total or Independent) is the highest number found from the equivalent box in Col. 1 of a prior amendment or the number of claims originally filed. I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class nail with sufficient postage in an envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 on danny.17 1997 Date of Deposit Name'df Person Mailing Correspondence Signafug Q -1 - Œ Date (LJV/cak 10/25/96) APLNDC00024373 A check in the amount of $ is attached for presentation of additional claim(s). Applicant(s) hereby Petition(s) for an Extension of Time of 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a). Acheckfor$ month(s) pursuant to is attached for processing fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. Please charge my Deposit Account No. «--m the amount of $ A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed. Y . The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks is hereby authorized to charge payment of the following fees associated with this communication or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. 09-9888 (a duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed): 'A' Any additional filing fees required under 37 C.F.R. § 1.16 for presentation of extra claims. X Any extension or petition fees under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17. BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & 2'AFMAN LLP Michael J. 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor Los Angeles, California 90025 (408) 720-8598 Ilie Reg.No. Moi -2- (LJV/cak 10/25/96) APLNDC00024374 04 BOX AF .P1365 Patent a Response under 37 CFR 1.116 -- Expedited Procedure Examining Group 237 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE In re Application of ) Steven W. Christensen ) Dela Torre, C. ) , Serial No. 08/316,237 Examiner: Art Unit: 2415 Filing Date: September 30, 1994 ca ) For: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPLAYING A wn ACCESSING COIN 1xOL A wn STATUS INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER ) ) ) ) to AMENDMENT TO FINAL OFFICE ACTION Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 Sir: In response to the Final Office Action mailed November 20, 1996, Applicant respectfully requests the Examiner to enter the following amendments and consider the following remarks: FIRST CLASS ÇERTIFIÇATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail with sufficient postage in an envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 on Larma_rt171997 Date of Deposit Name of Person MAiling Correspondence Signatur Serial No. 08/316,237 ' 0 1 Y Date 04860.P1365 APLNDC00024375 IN THE CLAIMS 1 2 1. (Twice Amended) An interactive computer-controlled display system comprising: 3 a processor; 4 a data display screen coupled to the p -sor; 5 a cursor control device coupled to said processor for positioning a 6 cursor on said data display screen; 7 a window generation and control logic coupled to the processor and 8 data display screen to create an operating environment for a plurality of 9 individual programming modules that provide status and control functions, 10 wherein the window generation and control logic generates and displays a 11 first 12 screen, wherein each of the plurality of display areas is associated with one of 13 the plurality of individual programming modules; 14 Jow region having a plurality of display areas on said data display an indicia generation logic coupled to the data display screen to execute 15 at least one of the plurality of individual programming modules to generate 16 information for display in one of the plurality of display areas in the first 17 window region, wherein at least one of the plurality of display areas and its 18 associated programming module is sensitive to user input, and further 19 wherein the window generation and control logic and the indicia generation 20 logic use message-based communication to exchange information to 21 coordinate activities of the indicia generation logic to enable interactive 22 display activity. 1 3. (Once Amended) The display system defined in Claim 1 2 wherein said at least one of thgurality_of display -.. 3 sized. Serial No. 08/316,237 2 [area] is variably 04860.P1365 APLNDC00024376 1 8. (Twice Amended) The display system defined in Claim 1 2 wherein said at least one of the plurality of [the] display areas only displays 3 information. 1 9. (Twice Amended) The display system defined in Claim 1 2 wherein said at least one of the plurality of display areas acts to provide access 3 to control information when selected. 1 2 11. (Twice Amended) An interactive computer-controlled display system comprising: 3 a processor; 4 a data display se 5 a cursor control device coupled to said processor for positioning a 6 7 - coupled to the p-s mor; cursor on said data display screen; window generation and control logic coupled to the processor and data 8 display screen to create an operating environment for a plurality of 9 individual programming modules that provide status and control functions, 10 wherein the window generation and control logic generates and displays a 11 first window region having a plurality of display areas on said data display 12 screen, wherein each of the plurality of display areas is associated with one of 13 the plurality of individual progr-------ing modules; 14 at least one indicia graphics generation logic coupled to the processor 15 and the window generation -1 -+ml logic, wherein said at least one 16 indicia graphics generation logic generates user sensitive graphics for display 17 in [said] at least one data display area by executing at least one of the plurality 18 of individual programming modules; Serial No. 08/316,237 3 04860.P1365 APLNDC00024377 19 wherein the window generation and control logic determines when 20 said at least one data display area has been selected by the user and signals said 21 at least one indicia graphics generation logic in response to user selection, and 22 further wherein said at least one indicia graphics generation logic initiates a 23 response from said at least one of the plurality of programming modules. 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 14. (Amended) The display system defined in Claim 11 wherein said at least one data display area is variably sized. 15. (Twice Amended) A method for generating control information comprising the steps of: creating [create] an operating environment for a plurality of individual progr--------:--g modules that provide status and control functions; generating a first window sized to accommodate a plurality of display 6 areas for indicia resulting from executing at least one of the plurality of 7 individual progr--------:..g modules, wherein each of the plurality of display 8 areas is associated with one of the plurality of individual progra....--:..g 9 modules; 10 displaying ille [an] indicia in each of said pelurality_of [at least one) 11 display [area] ---- --- by executing one of a plurality of individual programming 12 modules corresponding to each indicia; 13 selecting one of the indicia, wherein the step of selecting comprises a 14 [the] first programming module determining which of said pluralig_of [at 15 least one] display [area] areas is selected and sending a message to a [the) 16 progr--------ing module of said plurality of individual programming modules 17 responsible for generating a [the] display of a [the] selected indicia; Senal No. 08/316,237 4 04860.P1365 APLNDC00024378 18 said programming module perfo...-:--g a function in response to a [the] 19 selection. 1 16. 2 1 2 1 2 3 (Amended) The method defined in Claim 15 wherein one of said [plurality of] indicia comprises status information. 17. (Amended) The method defined in Claim 15 wherein one of said [plurality of] indicia comprises control information. 18. (Amended) The method defined in Claim 15 further comprising the steps of: the first programming module requesting a set of features supported by 4 said progr-------:--g module, wherein said step of requesting comprises 5 sending a first message to said progr-.. ..:..g module; and 6 said programming module returning a second message indicative of 7 features supported by said progr--------:--g module, such that said first 8 programming module interacts with said progr 9 to user interaction with the first programming module based on indicated 10 g module in response features as set forth by said programming module. REMARKS Applicant respectfully requests reconsideration of this application as amended. Claims 1-24 remain in the application. No claims have been canceled. Clo:- 1-3, 8-24 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. §102(a) as being anticipated by EPO Patent No. 0 584 392 A1 to Cohausz ("Cohansz"). Cohausz teaches a status indicator which indicates the location at which one is in a Serial No. 08/316,237 5 04860.P1365 APLNDC00024379

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