Filing 157

THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT (Public Version) against All Defendants. Filed by Brian K. Lentz, Perrin Aikens Davis, Matthew J. Vickery, Cynthia D. Quinn. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Exhibit L, #13 Exhibit M, #14 Exhibit N, #15 Exhibit O, #16 Exhibit P, #17 Exhibit Q, #18 Exhibit R, #19 Exhibit S, #20 Exhibit T, #21 Exhibit U (redacted), #22 Exhibit V (redacted), #23 Exhibit W (redacted), #24 Exhibit X (redacted), #25 Exhibit Y (redacted), #26 Exhibit Z (redacted), #27 Exhibit AA (redacted), #28 Exhibit BB (redacted), #29 Exhibit CC (redacted), #30 Exhibit DD (redacted), #31 Exhibit EE, #32 Exhibit FF (redacted), #33 Exhibit GG (redacted), #34 Exhibit HH (redacted), #35 Exhibit II (redacted), #36 Exhibit JJ, #37 Exhibit KK, #38 Exhibit LL (redacted), #39 Exhibit MM, #40 Exhibit NN, #41 Exhibit OO, #42 Exhibit PP)(Straite, David) (Filed on 8/25/2017) Modified on 8/25/2017 (cv, COURT STAFF).

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Exhibit JJ V'l'l"\,:IMH~UIL./f'I, 7n; DISTRICT, MASSACHUSETIS NAilJRAL RESOURCES f\Al\IXING DEMOCRAT LJ\. LV~l!>-.t'IVI 1202) 225-2836 DISTRICT Off!CES: 'NERGY Al\ID COMMERCE ~ongrr5'5 of tl)e mnttrb ~tate5' ~ott~e oi i\epres>entatiurs ~azbington, mQI: 20515-2107 September 28, 2011 5 HIGH STREET. SUITE 101 MEDFORD, MA 02155 1781) 395-2900 188 CONCORD STREET, SUITE 102 FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702 (SCSI 875--2900 http:/ Im arkey .house.9011 The Honorable Jon Leibowitz Chainnan Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Was~gton, DC 20001 Dear Chairman Leibowitz: According to findings recently published by an Australian technology blogger, Facebook had been gathering information about the websites its users visited even after users Jogged out of Facebook. While Facebook now claims that it has stopped this practice, we remain concerned about the privacy implications for Facebook's 800 million subscribers. As you know, websites, including Facebook, routinely install small files called "cookies" on users, computers to relieve users from enduring extra authentication steps every time they visit the website. Cookies also allow websites to track their users, activities while online. However, in this instance, Facebook has admitted to collecting infonnation about its users even after its users had logged out of Facebook. Facebook was able to obtain this information when users visited websites that connect with Facebook, including websites with "Like" buttons. There are an estimated 905,000 sites that contain the "Like" button. As co-Chairs of the Congressional Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus, we believe that tracking user behavior without their consent or knowledge raises serious privacy concerns. When users log out of Facebook, they are Wlder the expectation that Facebook is no longer monitoring their activities. We believe this impression should be the reality. Facebook users should not be tracked without their pennission. We also are concerned about how quickly Facebook plans to correct this problem. According to the Wall Street Journal ("Facebook Defends Getting Data From Logged-Out Users", September 26, 2011), Arturo Bejar, Facebook Director of Engineering, is quoted as saying that fully correcting this problem "will take a while." Facebook should consider this problem a top priority and should allocate the resources necessary to safeguard consumers in an expedited fashion. · In an effort to protect conswners, we would like to know about any actions the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken or plans to take to investigate this practice by Facebook. We believe that an investigation ofFacebook tracking its users even after they log out falls within the FTC's mandate as stipulated in Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act with respect to protecting Americans .from "unfair and deceptive acts or practices." Thank you for your attention to this important matter. If you have any questions, please have a member of your staff contact Joseph Wender in Congressman Markey's office (202-225-2836) or Emmanual Guillory in Congressman Barton's office (202-225-2002). Sincerely, ~ Ii % _ . ~ ·uwa::!h -2.. ·C. . ~,1-r ¥-· co-chairman ' Congressional Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus ~· ,...o ·-1oeBarton 7~~~ / Co-Chairman Congressional Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus

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