Google Inc. v. Rockstar Consortium US LP et al

Filing 134

MOTION for Issuance of Letters Rogatory to the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario, Canada for Nortel Networks Corporation, Jean-Pierre Fortin, Angela de Wilton, Jaspreet Harit, Yee-Ning Chan, Brian Finlay Beaton, Bruce Dale Stalkie, Mitch A. Brisebois, Laura A. Mahan, Paul Michael Brennan, Brian Cruickshank, and John Eric Lumsden filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A to Google's Notice of Unopposed Motion and Motion for Issuance of Letter Rogatory, # 2 Declaration of Kristin J. Madigan In Support of Google's Unopposed Motion for Issuance of Letter Rogatory, # 3 Exhibit 1, # 4 Exhibit 2, # 5 Exhibit 3, # 6 Exhibit 4, # 7 Exhibit 5, # 8 Exhibit 6, # 9 Exhibit 7, # 10 Exhibit 8, # 11 Exhibit 9, # 12 Exhibit 10, # 13 Exhibit 11, # 14 Exhibit 12, # 15 Exhibit 13, # 16 Exhibit 14, # 17 Exhibit 15, # 18 Exhibit 16, # 19 Exhibit 17, # 20 Exhibit 18, # 21 Exhibit 19, # 22 Exhibit 20, # 23 Exhibit 21, # 24 Proposed Order)(Curran, Patrick) (Filed on 9/29/2014) Modified on 9/30/2014 (cpS, COURT STAFF).

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EXHIBIT 13 US005987100A Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: Fortman et al. [45] [54] UNIVERSAL MAILBOX Date of Patent: 5,630,060 5,987,100 Nov. 16, 1999 5/1997 Tang 6161. ......................... .. 379/88.13 5,675,507 10/1997 B6b6,11 Inventors: Peter AI Fortman; Lester I4I White, both of Raleigh, NC; Thomas Kredo, Rochester, NY. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS WO 87/07801 [73] Ass1gnee: Northern Telecom Llmlted, Canada [21] Appl- N05 08/841,516 [22] Filed: Apr. 23, 1997 [51] 12/1987 WIPO. Primary Examiner_Fan S‘ Tsang Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Finnegan, Henderson, FaraboW, Garrett & Dunner, L.L.P. [57] Int. Cl.6 .................................................... .. H04M 1/64 364/514 Vaudreuil ........................... .. ABSTRACT A messaging Center, Connected to a Communications U-S. Cl. .................................... .. network, processes messages intended for a Subscriber_ A Field of Search ............................ .. 379/88.13, 88.14, caller sends a message to the message center in a ?rst caller 379/88.25, 88.26 [58] format. The message center stores the message in the ?rst caller format, noti?es the subscriber, and aWaits a request for the stored message from the subscriber. In response to the [56] References Cited Us‘ PATENT DOCUMENTS message request, the message center sends the stored mes 4,902,881 2/1990 Janku .................................... .. 235/381 sage to the subscriber 1n a ?rst subscriber format 1ndepen dent of the ?rst caller format. If the subscriber desires, the 5,138,653 5,339,156 8/1992 Le Clercq 8/1994 Ishii ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ---- -- 379/96 358/402 subscriber constructs a response to the message and sends it to the message center in a second subscriber format inde .. 379/67 pendent of the ?rst caller format and the ?rst subscriber 5,351,276 9/1994 5,416,831 5/1995 Chewning, III et a1. . D611, Jr. et 61. ........ .. 379/96 5 479 408 12/1995 Will - 37O/94 1 format. The message center stores the response 1n the second "570/1161 5’ 479’ 411 12/1995 Klein"""""""""" " subscriber format and sends the stored response to the caller 574837352 1/1996 Filmy/‘11666161.................. 5,497,373 3/1996 Hlllen 6161. ............................ .. 370/79 358/402 5,500,893 3/1996 Onosaka 5,524,137 in a Second Caller format independent of the ?rst Caller format and the ?rst and Second Subscriber formats 6/1996 Rhee ....................................... .. 379/93 379/396 40 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets : 620 PLAIN TELEPHONE TRANSLATOR K 630 FAX MACHINE TRANSLATOR f 610 640 SERVICE I , K PROVIDER CONTROLLER __ ADSI TELEPHONE TRANSLATOR SUBSCRIBER MAILBOX H K 650 INTERFACE ——T COMPUTER THANSLATOR K 660 PAGER TRANSLATOR K 670 MISCELLANEOUS TRANSLATOR U.S. Patent Nov. 16,1999 Sheet 1 of9 5,987,100 91% 42.0258:.5 @<we;562.m < .GE F A 03@ 295 8 $025 ..222 2@.52350 :5 382.5 wmioaw DmomEnqz U.S. Patent Nov. 16,1999 310 Sheet 3 0f 9 5,987,100 320 / / 330 NETWORKS INTERFACE — SERVICE R - PROVIDER SUBSCRIBER MAILBOX _ ' MESSAGE TRANSLATCR \ 340 FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Nov. 16,1999 Sheet 4 0f 9 5,987,100 420 : MESSAGE 410 l 4 _ NETWORKSH TRANSCEIVER 430 TRANSLATOR DETECTOR ——I 4 ‘ 1 ‘ SERVICE E SELECTORH PROVIDER : MESSAGE I TRANSLATQR DETECTOR NETWORKS<—> TRANSCEIVER 7' ' l > SELECTOR +—» ggmggR ; MESSAGE TRANSLATOR DETECTOR NETWORI<S+—> TRANSCEIVER T FIG. 4 > SELECTORH ggg‘olgEER U.S. Patent Nov. 16,1999 Sheet 5 of9 5,987,100 r510 VOICE MAIL SERVER ADS! MAIL SERVER SUBSCRIBER MAILBOX FAX MAIL INTERFACE = — SERVER > AND MESSAGE TRANSLATOR PAGE SERVER FIG. 5 U.S. Patent Nov. 16,1999 Sheet 6 of9 K 5,987,100 620 PLAIN TELEPHONE TRANSLATOR K ‘ 630 FAX MACHINE TRANSLATOR K 610 640 SERVI / PROVI CONTROLLER ADSI TELEPHONE TRANSLATOR SUBSCRIBER MAILBOX <—+ K 650 INTERFACE ~ COMPUTER TRANSLATOR K - 660 PAGER TRANSLATOR K 670 ~ FIG. 6 MISCELLANEOUS TRANSLATOR U.S. Patent Nov. 16,1999 Sheet 7 0f 9 5,987,100 710 RECEIVE MESSAGE FROM LER ) IN A CALLER FORM I 720 STORE MESSAGE IN CALLER FORMAT ) 730 NOTIFY SUBSCRIBER OF PENDING MESSAGE /5 I 740 DETERMINE SUBS HETFIIEV ER’S NoRMAL /§ RMAT 750 TRANSLATE MESSAGE FROM CALLER FORMAT ) TO SUBSCRIBER'S NORMAL RETRIEVAL FORMAT 760 STORE MESSAGE IN SUBSC NORMAL RETRIEVAL FOR FIG. 7 's ) U.S. Patent Nov. 16,1999 Sheet 8 of9 5,987,100 810 RECEIVE SU PE RIBER REQUEST FOR / NG MESSAGE 820 DETECT TYPE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS / EQUIPMENT USED BY SUBSCRIBER DETERMINE SUBSCRIBER'S / RETRIEVAL FORMAT YES 830 NO IS MESSAGE ALREADY STORED IN RETRIEVAL FORMAT? V 850 \’\ ‘ K 860 TRANSLATE MESS RETRIEVAL FO TO TRANSMIT MESSAGE TO SUBSCRIBER I K 870 FIG. 8 TRAN MESSAGE TO CRIBER U.S. Patent Nov. 16,1999 Sheet 9 0f 9 5,987,100 910 RECEIVE RESPONSE FROM SUBSCRIBER / IN RESPONSE FORMAT YES NO IS CALLER ALSO A SUBSCRIBER? 930 STORE RESPONSE IN RESPONSE FORMAT 980 ‘N I v TRANSLATE RESPONSE FROM RESPONSE FORMAT TO CALLER 94o FORMAT NOTIFY CALLER OF PENDING RESPONSE 99o \\ 950 OETERMINE CALLER’S NORMAL DETERMINE LOCATION OF CALLER "/4, RETRIEVAL FORMAT 995 ‘ L/\ TRANSMIT RESPONSE TO CALLER F RMAT TRANSLATE RESPONSE FROM RESPONSE FORMAT TO CALLER'S NORMAL RETRIEVAL FORMAT 96° ‘ 970 STO ESPONSE IN CALLER'S NO L RETRIEVAL FORMAT j FIG. 9 ‘N CALLER O 5,987,100 1 2 UNIVERSAL MAILBOX face 1300 performs protocol conversions of the information BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION received in various telecommunications formats so host messaging center 1400 can process and store the information in the host’s data processing and storage format, typically a compressed data format. The present invention relates generally to messaging and more particularly to a universal messaging center or mailbox Once converted, host messaging center 1400 processes the relevant messaging information extracted from the com munications channel to deliver the particular messaging or that noti?es subscribers of any type of message that is Waiting for them, for example, voice mail, fax mail, e-mail, etc., and alloWs subscribers to retrieve and respond to the messages in formats independent not only of each other but also of the format in Which the message Was originally transmitted. The trend in the telecommunications industry is toWard providing a Wide variety of information and communication services, or messaging services, over various communica tions netWorks to remote subscribers having diverse analog telephony service requested by the subscriber. Multimedia interface 1300 then converts the information for responding to the subscriber’s service request back into the communi cations protocol format used by the subscriber, and transmits the converted information to the subscriber via telephony front end 1200 and communications netWork 1100. 15 and digital communications equipment. These messaging services might include voice messaging, facsimile messaging, electronic mail, electronic document interchange, interactive voice response, audio text, speech appropriate protocol conversion algorithms to selected digi tal signal processors depending upon the type of services required by a particular subscriber. The selected digital synthesis, speech recognition, video messaging, video mail, signal processors convert and store the information in the format of host messaging center 1400 so host messaging center 1400 can process the information according to the etc. To provide these messaging services, different types of communications equipment and processing protocols con nect to a single host system or messaging center that provides the messaging services. The messaging center performs protocol conversions betWeen the format employed by the messaging center and the various telecom munications formats employed by the diverse subscriber particular messaging service requested by the subscriber. 25 With this system, a subscriber’s responses to the retrieved information Were limited to only the precise formats that the information Was stored and retrieved. This limited the sub scriber’s options to retrieve and respond to messages by not Companies that provide messaging services over the public telephone netWork traditionally use hardWired trans ceiving and protocol conversion equipment dedicated to a particular type of equipment and communications format costs and lack of ?exibility and adaptability. The disadvan tages arise because dedicated hardWare cannot be readily alloWing use of other telecommunications equipment having different or multiple formats. Therefore, a need exists to take advantage of the capa 35 modi?ed to increase data throughput, or handle communi SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention addresses this need by providing a universal mailbox by Which a subscriber can retrieve a for diverse communications equipment thus requires costly pending message in a format independent of the format used module replacements and neW designs for dedicated hard Ware. Recently, some developers have proposed digital signal 45 munication trunk lines. For example, US. Pat. No. 5,497, processes messages intended for a subscriber. A caller sends a message to the message center in a ?rst caller format. The message center stores the message in the ?rst caller format, 55 through various public and private communications net Works 1100, including, for example, a public sWitched telephone netWork (PLMN), and a packet sWitched public data netWork (PSPDN) . The messaging system includes telephony front end equipment 1200, multimedia interface a subscriber’s voice or data channel from communications netWork 1100 and the messaging system. Multimedia inter noti?es the subscriber, and aWaits a request for the stored message from the subscriber. In response to the message request, the message center sends the stored message to the subscriber in a ?rst subscriber format independent of the ?rst caller format. If the subscriber desires, the subscriber constructs a response to the message and sends it to the message center in a second subscriber format independent of the ?rst caller format and the ?rst subscriber format. The message center stores the response in the second subscriber format and sends the stored response to the caller in a second caller format independent of the ?rst caller format and the ?rst and second subscriber formats. telephone netWork (PSTN), a public cellular or mobile 1300, and host messaging center 1400. Telephony front end 1200 interfaces to communications netWorks 1100 and provides the necessary interface betWeen to store the message, and respond to the message in a format independent of the format used to store or retrieve the message. In accordance With the purpose of the invention as embodied and broadly described herein, the universal mail box according to the principles of the present invention 373 to Hulen et al. describes a system With a host messaging center that supports numerous types of messaging applica tions and makes the necessary protocol conversions for different telecommunications protocols corresponding to various types of telecommunications media. The system uses multiple digital signal processors to perform real time protocol conversions betWeen the different telecommunica tion protocols and the protocol of the host messaging center. FIG. 1 is a block diagram shoWing hoW Hulen et al.’s messaging system might connect to multimedia subscribers bilities of current telecommunications equipment to provide subscribers With greater ?exibility in the formats of retrieval and responses to messages. cation protocols from neW telecommunications equipment or services. Supporting multiple types of messaging services processing and multimedia interfaces to process the com The subscriber retrieves the information in the communica tions protocol format used by the subscriber. equipment. and protocol. Unfortunately, this approach suffers from high Multimedia interface 1300 includes several parallel digi tal signal processors dynamically allocated to handle differ ent types of protocol conversion for multiple communica tions channels. Host messaging center 1400 doWnloads 65 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The accompanying draWings, Which are incorporated in and constitute a part of this speci?cation, illustrate an 5,987,100 3 4 embodiment of the invention and, together With the ADSI telephone 2130 connect to end of?ces 2200 over description, explain the objects, advantages and principles of conventional analog lines. Group 4 facsimile machine 2140 the invention. In the drawings, and ISDN telephone 2150 connect over conventional digital lines. PCS Wireless telephone 2170, PCS mobile telephone 2180, and analog/digital cellular telephone 2190 connect to FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a conventional messaging system; end of?ces 2200 via conventional Wireless connections. End of?ce 2200 connects to universal mailbox 2300 by FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a communications netWork having the universal mailbox of the present invention; FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the elements of the universal mailbox shoWn in FIG. 2; FIG. 4 is a block diagram of the elements of the interface conventional mechanisms over a Public Telecommunica tions Network (PTN), such as a Public SWitched Telephone 10 shoWn in FIG. 3; nisms over the Internet. Universal mailbox 2300 includes a FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the elements of the service computer With conventional connections to the PTN and the provider shoWn in FIG.3; FIG. 6 is a block diagram of the elements of the message Internet, and might include a UNIX-capable computer, such 15 as an HP model or the IBM Risc 6000. FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the elements of universal mailbox 2300. Universal mailbox 2300 preferably includes translator shoWn in FIG.3; FIG. 7 is a How chart of a process for storing a message interface 3100, service provider 3200, subscriber mailbox in the universal mailbox consistent With the principles of the 3300, and message translator 3400. Interface 3100 connects universal mailbox 2300 to various telecommunications present invention; FIG. 8 is a How chart of a process for retrieving a message netWorks, including the PTN and the Internet. from the universal mailbox consistent With the principles of FIG. 4 is a block diagram of the elements of interface the present invention; and 3100, including transceivers 4100, detectors 4200, and FIG. 9 is a How chart of a process for responding to a retrieved message consistent With the principles of the present invention. selectors 4300. Transceivers 4100 interface With the various 25 netWorks, including the PTN and the Internet, and exchange signals With the subscriber equipment to permit subscribers to store, retrieve, and respond to messages in universal mailbox 2300, and to permit universal mailbox 2300 to DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS notify the subscribers of pending messages aWaiting The folloWing detailed description of the invention refers to the accompanying draWings that illustrate preferred retrieval. embodiments consistent With this invention. Other embodi ments are possible and changes may be made to the embodi ments Without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. The folloWing detailed description does not limit the invention. Instead, the scope of the invention is de?ned NetWork (PSTN). Internet terminal 2160, on the other hand, connects to universal mailbox 2300 by conventional mecha 35 Detectors 4200, Which preferably include conventional signal line detectors, detect the type of telecommunications equipment a subscriber is using based upon the types of signals received by transceivers 4100. Detectors 4200 send information indicating the equipment type to message trans lator 3400 and a selection signal to selectors 4300. only by the appended claims. Selectors 4300, Which include conventional selectors, In the detailed description that folloWs, “subscriber” such as multiplexers/demultiplexers, route the subscriber refers to a person that subscribes to the services provided by signals received by transceivers 4100 to service provider 3200 using the selection signal from detectors 4200, and also the universal mailbox. The subscriber can store messages for other subscribers in the universal mailbox or retrieve mes sages that have been stored therein. A “caller,” on the other hand, refers to a person Who does not subscribe to the universal mailbox services. The caller’s actions are limited to leaving messages for subscribers. The universal mailbox consistent With the principles of the present invention per mits subscribers to retrieve and respond to any type of stored route noti?cation signals to the subscribers via transceivers 4100. Returning to FIG. 3, service provider 3200 connects to interface 3100, subscriber mailbox 3300, and message trans 45 lator 3400, and provides subscriber services in the various forms as the subscribers require. FIG. 5 is a block diagram of possible elements of service provider 3200, including message in Whatever format the subscribers desire. voice mail server 5100, ADSI mail server 5200, fax mail server 5300, e-mail server 5400, and page server 5500. Voice mail server 5100 provides voice mail services for a I. System Elements FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a communications netWork containing the universal mailbox of the present invention. subscriber, including the storage and retrieval of voice Subscribers of the universal mailbox service connect to the messages in subscriber mailbox 3300. Upon receipt of a voice call, voice mail server 5100 detects information regarding the caller, such as calling line identi?cation netWork via a variety of telecommunications equipment through analog, digital, and Internet lines, and Wireless connections. The subscriber equipment includes, but is not limited to, group 1, 2, 3 facsimile machine 2110, Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) telephone 2120, Analog Display Services Interface (ADSI) telephone 2130, group 4 facsimile machine 2140, ISDN telephone 2150, computer terminal 2160, Personal Communications Services (PCS) Wireless telephone 2170, PCS mobile telephone 2180, and analog/ digital cellular telephone 2190. ADSI telephone 2130 might include group 3 facsimile machine 2132 and printer 2134 connected thereto. End of?ces 2200 connect the subscriber equipment, except for Internet terminal 2160, to the netWork. Group 1, 2, 3 facsimile machine 2110, POTS telephone 2120, and 55 (CLID) data, from the voice call signal by conventional mechanisms, and stores the caller information along With the voice message in subscriber mailbox 3300. ADSI mail server 5200 provides ADSI mail services for the subscriber, including the storage and retrieval of voice, ADSI text, and mixed voice and ADSI text messages in subscriber mailbox 3300. Upon receipt of ADSI mail, ADSI mail server 5200 detects the caller information from the ADSI mail signal, as above, and stores the caller information along With the ADSI mail in subscriber 3300. Fax mail 65 server 5300, e-mail server 5400, and page server 5500 store and retrieve fax, e-mail, and page messages, respectively, for the subscriber in the same manner set forth above. 5,987,100 5 6 In addition to storing and retrieving the various forms of subscriber messages, servers 5100 through 5500 also notify the subscribers of pending messages in subscriber mailbox 3300 that aWait retrieval. Table 1 shoWs examples of various forms of subscriber noti?cation based upon the type of interface 3100. From the recorded equipment type, control ler 6100 determines a normal retrieval format for each subscriber. If a subscriber typically retrieves pending mes sages using POTS telephone 2120, for example, controller 5 telecommunications equipment the subscriber uses to retrieve the pending messages. During idle periods, as the pending messages reside in subscriber mailbox 3300, controller 6100 retrieves the pend ing messages from subscriber mailbox 3300, translates them from the stored format to the normal retrieval format using TABLE 1 RETRIEV AL POTS ADSI DEVICE Phone Phone Pager Fax Computer NOTIFICATION >Phone call >Phone call >Deliver the >Deliver the >Audible or visual >Message >Message message. message. alert TYPES Waiting Waiting light light >Message >Message Waiting Waiting tone. 6100 records the subscriber’s normal retrieval format as a voice format. Controller 6100 stores the subscriber’s normal retrieval format in subscriber mailbox 3300. 15 on screen >Deliver the message. one of the translators 6200 through 6700, and returns the translated messages to subscriber mailbox 3300. Translators 6200 through 6700 execute conventional translation techniques, such as described in US. Pat. No. 5,497,373 to Hulen et al., to perform translations from the stored format to the subscriber’s normal retrieval format. Table 2 shoWs examples of various translations performed by translators 6200 through 6700. tone >Display message informa tion on screen >DoWn load message TABLE 2 RETRIEV AL DEVICE 25 TRANS- ADSI Phone Phone Fax Computer Pager Plain telephone None. Message information can Voice to text to Fax Voice to sound ?le (and Message informa tion be provid- graphics, to text only. ed in (for non-voice messages). POTS LATOR to phone for Returning to FIG. 3, subscriber mailbox 3300 preferably ADSI text Message format. informa- and tion. to ADSI text used message informa for 35 particular formats of a pending stored message might include the format used by the caller or subscriber leaving the message and the format typically requested by the hearing impaired), Voice includes a large-capacity memory device, such as a disk array, With connections to service provider 3200 and mes sage translator 3400. Subscriber mailbox 3300 stores sub scriber messages in the different subscriber formats. The and tion. hearing impaired Fax preferably stores the pending messages in both of these formats. Fax service. Fax machine subscriber, as described beloW. Subscriber mailbox 3300 graphics graphics None. Fax Message graphics informa to text to ADSI to tion to voice. text. computer only. Subscriber mailbox 3300 preferably also stores a database graphics, of subscriber pro?le data. The subscriber pro?le data includes subscriber-de?ned information regarding the sub scriber’s noti?cation preferences. The subscriber pro?le data might include any of the noti?cation types shoWn in Table 1, including notifying the subscriber using a message Wait ADSI text to and message informa tion. ADSI text to Fax text. 45 ADSI telephone ing light or tone, or by sending part or all of the message to None for voice. ADSI text to the subscriber as the noti?cation. Computer voice. Text to voice. graphics. Text to Fax Text to ADSI Text to Fax Message informa tion only. graphics. text. type of telecommunications equipment. For example, the Text to ADSI text. The subscriber pro?le data could be more speci?c. The subscriber might associate a noti?cation type With a speci?c None. Message informa graphics. tion only. subscriber could designate noti?cation by an ADSI text Pager message When retrieving messages using ADSI phone 2130. Message translator 3400 connects to subscriber mailbox None. Text to voice. 55 None. None. 3300, interface 3100, and service provider 3200, and per II. Processing forms translations betWeen the various subscriber message formats. FIG. 6 is a block diagram of the elements of FIGS. 7—9 are How charts illustrating the operation of the universal mailbox consistent With the principles of the message translator 3400, including controller 6100, plain telephone translator 6200, fax machine translator 6300, ADSI telephone translator 6400, computer translator 6500, pager translator 6600, and miscellaneous translator 6700. Controller 6100 preferably includes a standard processor that controls the operation of translators 6200 through 6700. For each message retrieval, controller 6100 records the type of telecommunications equipment the subscriber uses based on the subscriber equipment detected by detectors 4200 of present invention. FIG. 7 is a How chart of a process for storing a message in universal mailbox 2300. The process begins When a caller sends a message to a subscriber in a caller format. The caller format depends upon the type of telecommunications equipment the caller utiliZes to send the 65 message. The caller may send the message to universal mailbox 2300 or to the subscriber’s telecommunications equipment. 5,987,100 7 8 The subscriber’s telecommunications equipment Would then relay the message to universal mailbox 2300 by conven tional mechanisms, When the subscriber is unavailable to mailbox 3300 and translates the message to the retrieval format [step 8600]. After translation, message translator 3400 gives the message to service provider 3200. Service provider 3200, in turn, sends the message to the subscriber receive the message. In any event, interface 3100 in universal mailbox 2300 receives the message from the caller in the caller format in the retrieval format [step 8700]. If the subscriber Wants to respond to the retrieved message, the subscriber must ?rst determine What form the response should take. Table 3 shoWs examples of various [step 7100], and forwards it to service provider 3200. Service provider 3200 analyZes the message to detect infor mation regarding the caller from the message signal, as described above. Service provider 3200 then stores the message in subscriber mailbox 3300 in the caller format responses permitted by some types of telecommunications 1O TABLE 3 along With the detected caller information [step 7200], and noti?es the subscriber of the pending message [step 7300]. Service provider 3200 noti?es the subscriber according to the subscriber pro?le data stored in subscriber mailbox equipment. RETRIEV AL 15 DEVICE 3300. The subscriber noti?cation may include a message Waiting light or tone on the subscriber’s telephone, or the POTS ADSI Phone Phone Pager Fax Computer RESPONSE message itself delivered to the subscriber’sADSI telephone, >Phone >Phone >Message >Phone >E-mail TYPES call. call >Text message. information. call >Fax. >E-Mail With voice ?le attach pager, fax, or computer (Table 1). Off-line, during idle periods, message translator 3400 ment. determines the subscriber’s normal retrieval format from the information stored in subscriber mailbox 3300 [step 7400]. When the caller format differs from the subscriber’s normal retrieval format, message translator 3400 translates the mes sage from the caller format to the subscriber’s normal Once the subscriber determines What form the response Will take, the process shoWn by the How chart in FIG. 9 25 retrieval format [step 7500]. Message translator 3400 then occurs. The subscriber generates a response for the caller and sends it to universal mailbox 2300. Interface 3100 receives the response from the subscriber in the response format [step 9100] , and forWards it to service provider 3200. The response format may differ from both the caller format and the retrieval format. stores the message in subscriber mailbox 3300 in the sub scriber’s normal retrieval format [step 7600], preferably Without erasing the message in the caller format. As a result, subscriber mailbox 3300 stores the message in both the caller format and the subscriber’s normal retrieval format. Upon receipt of the response, service provider 3200 When the subscriber Wants to retrieve a pending message, determines Whether the caller is also a subscriber to the the process shoWn by the ?oW chart in FIG. 8 occurs. The universal mailbox services by checking for the caller’s identity in subscriber mailbox 3300 [step 9200]. If the caller subscriber establishes a connection betWeen the subscriber’s telecommunications equipment and universal mailbox 2300 to request retrieval of the pending message. The subscriber 35 is a subscriber, service provider 3200 stores the response in subscriber mailbox 3300 in the response format [step 9300], might accomplish this by dialing universal mailbox 2300’s telephone number, or by con?guring the subscriber’s tele and noti?es the caller of the pending response, in the manner described above [step 9400]. Off-line, during idle periods, message translator 3400 communications equipment to automatically establish the connection. Interface 3100 of universal mailbox 2300 receives the determines the caller’s normal retrieval format from the subscriber’s request for retrieval of the pending message When the response format differs from the caller’s normal retrieval format, message translator 3400 translates the response from the response format to the caller’s normal [step 8100], and detects the type of telecommunications equipment the subscriber used to make the request [step 8200]. Because some types of telecommunications equip ment permit the subscriber to retrieve the pending message information stored in subscriber mailbox 3300 [step 9500]. 45 retrieval format [step 9600]. Message translator 3400 then stores the response in the caller’s normal retrieval format in in more than one form, the subscriber must specify the subscriber mailbox 3300 [step 9700]. desired retrieval form When using these types of telecom munications equipment. For example, if the subscriber uses ADSI telephone 2130 to retrieve the pending message, the subscriber must specify Whether the pending message If the caller is not also a subscriber, service provider 3200 noti?es message translator 3400, Which translates the response to the caller format, the same format as the original message sent by the caller [step 9800]. After translating the should be doWnloaded in voice or ADSI text form. response, message translator 3400 returns it to service Interface 3100 then routes the request to service provider 3200. Based on the detected type of subscriber telecommu provider 3200. Service provider then determines the location of the caller, including the caller’s e-mail address, telephone nications equipment and any subscriber speci?ed retrieval format, service provider 3200 determines the subscriber’s retrieval format [step 8300]. Service provider 3200 reads the pending message from subscriber mailbox 3300 and deter 55 number, or fax number, from the caller information stored in subscriber mailbox 3300 [step 9900]. Alternatively, service mines Whether the message is already in the retrieval format provider 3200 could obtain the caller’s location from the subscriber. Service provider 3200 might obtain the caller’s location from the subscriber When the caller information [step 8400]. The message Would already be in the retrieval Would not direct the response to the caller’s correct location, format if the retrieval format is the same as the caller format or the subscriber’s normal retrieval format. If the message is from public telecommunications equipment. already in the retrieval format, then service provider 3200 sends the message to the subscriber [step 8500]. If the message is not already in the retrieval format, service provider 3200 noti?es message translator 3400. Message translator 3400 reads the message from subscriber for example, When the caller originally sent the message 65 Once service provider 3200 obtains the caller’s correct location, service provider 3200 transmits the response to the caller in the caller format [step 10000]. This transmission might take the form of a telephone call, a fax, an e-mail, or a page to the caller. 5,987,100 9 10 The universal mailbox consistent With the principles of the present invention permits subscribers to retrieve and respond to messages in any format, independent of the formats used to store, retrieve, and respond to the messages. Wherein the means for sending the response comprises means for sending the response to the caller in the caller format at the location indicated by the received caller location information. 5. The mailbox of claim 1, Wherein the means for sending the information includes The foregoing description of preferred embodiments of the present invention provides illustrations and descriptions, 5 but is not intended to be exhaustive nor limit the invention means for receiving a retrieval request from the to the precise form disclosed. Modi?cations and variations are possible in light of the above teachings or may be acquired from practice of the invention. The scope of the invention is de?ned by the claims and their equivalents. subscriber, and means for sending the information to the subscriber in response to the retrieval request. 6. The mailbox of claim 1, further comprising For example, Tables 1 through 3 shoW types of noti?cation, translators, and responses, respectively, corre sponding to various types of telecommunications equip means for determining a subscriber noti?cation prefer ence; and means for notifying the subscriber of the received infor ment. These Were presented as examples only and Would obviously include other types of noti?cation, translators, responses, and telecommunications equipment, taking mation according to the subscriber noti?cation prefer ence. advantage of neW advancements in the art, as Well as the 7. The mailbox of claim 6, Wherein the notifying means includes the means for sending the information to the subscriber in the ?rst subscriber format. development of neW types of telecommunications equip ment. Furthermore, the subscriber has been described as responding to a retrieved message using the same telecom munications equipment used to retrieve the message. This need not be the case, hoWever. The universal mailbox 8. A method for exchanging information of different formats, comprising the steps of: mits a subscriber to respond to a pending message using a 25 receiving information from a caller in a caller format; determining a normal subscriber format from a normal type of equipment a subscriber has used to retrieve different type of telecommunications equipment than Was used to retrieve the message Without requiring the subscriber sending the information to the subscriber in a ?rst sub consistent With the principles of the present invention per information; scriber format independent of the caller format, the ?rst subscriber format being the normal subscriber format When equipment used by the subscriber to retrieve the information is the normal type of equipment; to retrieve the message a second time. The subscriber need only record the reference number associated With the retrieved message to inform the universal mailbox of the identity of the message to Which the subscriber subsequently responds. receiving a response from the subscriber in a second subscriber format independent of the caller format and the ?rst subscriber format; and sending the response to the caller in the caller format. 9. The method of claim 8, further comprising the steps of translating the information from the caller format to the normal subscriber format; and storing the information in the caller format and the normal subscriber format. 10. The method of claim 8, Wherein the sending the What is claimed is: 1. Amailbox in a telecommunications system comprising: means for receiving information from a caller in a caller 35 format; means for determining a normal subscriber format from a normal type of equipment a subscriber has used to retrieve information; means for sending the information to the subscriber in a ?rst subscriber format independent of the caller format, the ?rst subscriber format being the normal subscriber format When equipment used by the subscriber to retrieve the information is the normal type of equip ment; response step comprises the substeps of translating the response from the second subscriber for mat to the caller format, determining a location of the caller, and sending the response to the caller in the caller format at the determined location. 11. The method of claim 8, further comprising the step of receiving caller location information from the subscriber, the caller location information indicating a location of the caller; and 45 means for receiving a response from the subscriber in a second subscriber format independent of the caller format and the ?rst subscriber format; and means for sending the response to the caller in the caller format. 2. The mailbox of claim 1, further comprising means for translating the information from the caller format to the normal subscriber format; and means for storing the information in the caller format and the normal subscriber format. 3. The mailbox of claim 1, Wherein the means for sending Wherein the sending the response step comprises the substep of sending the response to the caller in the caller format at the location indicated by the received caller location information. 12. The method of claim 8, Wherein the sending the information step includes the substeps of receiving a retrieval request from the subscriber, and the response comprises means for translating the response from the second sub scriber format to the caller format, means for determining a location of the caller, and means for sending the response to the caller in the caller format at the determined location. sending the information to the subscriber in response to the retrieval request. 13. The method of claim 8, further comprising the steps of 4. The mailbox of claim 1, further comprising means for receiving caller location information from the subscriber, the caller location information indicating a location of the caller; and 65 determining a subscriber noti?cation preference; and notifying the subscriber of the received information according to the subscriber noti?cation preference. 5,987,100 11 12 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the notifying step means for sending the received information to the sub scriber in the ?rst subscriber format. includes as a substep the step of sending the information to the subscriber in the ?rst subscriber format. 23. A method for relaying information of different 15. An information processing system comprising: formats, comprising the steps of: means for receiving information in a caller format from a receiving information in a caller format from a caller caller using caller equipment; using caller equipment; means for storing the information in the caller format in a mailboX belonging to a subscriber; storing the information in the caller format in a mailboX belonging to a subscriber; determining a ?rst subscriber format from a normal type means for determining a ?rst subscriber format from a normal type of equipment used by the subscriber to retrieve information from the subscriber mailboX; means for converting the stored information from the caller format to the ?rst subscriber format if the caller format is different than the ?rst subscriber format; means for receiving a request from the subscriber to retrieve the stored information from the subscriber 10 of equipment used by the subscriber to retrieve infor mation from the subscriber mailboX; converting the stored information from the caller format to the ?rst subscriber format if the caller format is different than the ?rst subscriber format; receiving a request from the subscriber to retrieve the stored information from the subscriber mailboX; 15 mailboX; detecting a type of equipment used by the subscriber to send the request; means for detecting a type of equipment used by the subscriber to send the request; converting the stored information to a second subscriber means for converting the stored information to a second format When the detected type of equipment is different than the caller equipment and the normal type of subscriber format When the detected type of equipment is different than the caller equipment and the normal equipment; and type of equipment; and means for sending the stored information to the subscriber in the second subscriber format When the detected type sending the stored information to the subscriber in the second subscriber format When the detected type of 25 equipment is different than the caller equipment and the normal type of equipment. 24. The method of claim 23, Wherein the sending step includes the substep of of equipment is different than the caller equipment and the normal type of equipment. 16. The information processing system of claim 15, Wherein the sending means includes means for sending the stored information to the subscriber in the ?rst subscriber format When the detected type of sending the stored information to the subscriber in the ?rst subscriber format When the detected type of equipment is the same as the normal type of equipment. equipment is the same as the normal type of equipment. 17. The information processing system of claim 16, 25. The method of claim 24, Wherein the sending step includes the substep of Wherein the sending means includes means for sending the stored information to the subscriber sending the stored information to the subscriber in the caller format When the detected type of equipment is in the caller format When the detected type of equip the same as the caller equipment. ment is the same as the caller equipment. 26. The method of claim 23, Wherein the sending step includes the substep of sending the stored information to the subscriber in the caller format When the detected type of equipment is 18. The information processing system of claim 15, Wherein the sending means includes means for sending the stored information to the subscriber in the caller format When the detected type of equip the same as the caller equipment. ment is the same as the caller equipment. 19. The information processing system of claim 15, further comprising 27. The method of claim 23, further comprising the steps 45 of receiving a response to the retrieved information from the subscriber in a third subscriber format independent of the caller format and the ?rst and second subscriber means for receiving a response to the retrieved informa tion from the subscriber in a third subscriber format independent of the caller format and the ?rst and second subscriber formats; and formats; and means for forWarding the response to the caller. 20. The information processing system of claim 19, Wherein the forWarding means comprises means for determining Whether the caller is also a sub scriber; means for storing the response in the third subscriber format for later retrieval by the caller When the caller is a subscriber; and means for translating the response from the third sub scriber format to the caller format and sending the 60 translated response to the caller When the caller is not a subscriber. 21. The information processing system of claim 15, further comprising means for notifying the subscriber of the received information. 22. The information processing system of claim 21, Wherein the notifying means includes 65 forWarding the response to the caller. 28. The method of claim 27, Wherein the forWarding step includes the steps of determining Whether the caller is also a subscriber; storing the response in the third subscriber format for later retrieval by the caller When the caller is a subscriber; and translating the response from the third subscriber format to the caller format and sending the translated response to the caller When the caller is not a subscriber. 29. The method of claim 23, further comprising the step of notifying the subscriber of the received information. 30. The method of claim 29, Wherein the notifying step includes the substep of sending the received information to the subscriber in the ?rst subscriber format. 5,987,100 14 13 31. A messaging center comprising: receiving a response to the message from the subscriber in a second subscriber format independent of the ?rst means for receiving a message from a caller in a ?rst means for notifying a subscriber of the received message; caller format and the ?rst subscriber format; storing the response in the second subscriber format; and means for storing the message in the ?rst caller format; sending the stored response to the caller in a second caller caller format; means for determining a normal subscriber format based upon a type of equipment the subscriber has used to retrieve messages; means for receiving a request for the stored message from 10 the subscriber; means for sending the stored message to the subscriber in a ?rst subscriber format independent of the ?rst caller format, the ?rst subscriber format being the normal subscriber format When the type of equipment used by 15 the subscriber to request the information is the normal type of equipment; means for receiving a response to the message from the subscriber in a second subscriber format independent of the ?rst caller format and the ?rst subscriber format; means for storing the response in the second subscriber to the subscriber in the ?rst subscriber format. 39. A mailboX in a telecommunications system compris format; and ing: means for sending the stored response to the caller in a second caller format independent of the ?rst caller format and the ?rst and second subscriber formats. 32. The messaging center of claim 31, further comprising means for translating the information from the ?rst caller format to the normal subscriber format; and means for storing the information in the ?rst caller format and the normal subscriber format. 33. The messaging center of claim 31, Wherein the means for sending the stored response includes 25 caller format; from a normal type of equipment a subscriber has used to retrieve information; a memory that stores the information in the normal subscriber format; and a service unit that sends the information to the subscriber in the normal subscriber format When equipment used by the subscriber to retrieve the information is the 35 means for sending the stored response to the caller in response to the caller’s request. from a caller using caller equipment; a memory that stores the information in a mailboX belong ing to a subscriber; message to the subscriber in the ?rst subscriber format. 35. A method for exchanging messages in different a translator that determines a normal subscriber format formats, comprising the steps of: receiving a message from a caller in a ?rst caller format; 45 notifying a subscriber of the received message; determining a normal subscriber format based upon a normal type of equipment the subscriber has used to retrieve messages; receiving a request for the stored message from the normal subscriber format; subscriber to send a request to retrieve the stored information from the subscriber mailbox; and a service unit that sends the stored information to the sending the stored message to the subscriber in a ?rst equipment; from a normal type of equipment used by the subscriber to retrieve information from the subscriber mailboX, that converts the information from the caller format to the normal subscriber format if the caller format is different than the normal subscriber format, and that stores the information in the subscriber mailboX in the a detector that detects a type of equipment used by the subscriber; subscriber format independent of the ?rst caller format, the ?rst subscriber format being the normal subscriber format When the type of equipment used by the sub scriber to request the information is the normal type of normal type of equipment. 40. An information processing system comprising: an interface that receives information in a caller format 34. The messaging center of claim 31, Wherein the noti fying means includes the means for sending the stored storing the message in the ?rst caller format; an interface that receives information from a caller in a a translator that determines a normal subscriber format means for receiving a request for the stored response from the caller, and format independent of the ?rst caller format and the ?rst and second subscriber formats. 36. The method of claim 35, further comprising the steps of translating the information from the ?rst caller format to the normal subscriber format; and storing the information in the ?rst caller format and the normal subscriber format. 37. The method of claim 35, Wherein the sending the stored response step includes the substeps of receiving a request for the stored response from the caller, and sending the stored response to the caller in response to the caller’s request. 38. The method of claim 35, Wherein the notifying step includes as a substep the step of sending the stored message subscriber in the normal subscriber format When the 55 detected type of equipment is the normal type of equipment.

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