Campbell et al v. Facebook Inc.

Filing 181

Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Documents Accompanying Class Certification Briefs and Evidentiary Objections filed by Facebook Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Melissa Gardner Re Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Documents Accompanying Class Certification Briefs and Evidentiary Objections, # 2 Declaration of Nikki Stitt Sokol In Support of the Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Documents Accompanying Class Certification Briefs and Evidentiary Objections, # 3 [Proposed] Order, # 4 Exhibit 1 (Unredacted), # 5 Exhibit 2 (Redacted), # 6 Exhibit 3 (Unredacted), # 7 Exhibit 4 (Redacted), # 8 Exhibit 5 (Unredacted), # 9 Exhibit 6 (Redacted), # 10 Exhibit 7 (Unredacted), # 11 Exhibit 8 (Redacted), # 12 Exhibit 9 (Unredacted), # 13 Exhibit 10 (Redacted))(Chorba, Christopher) (Filed on 3/28/2016) Modified on 3/29/2016 (kcS, COURT STAFF).

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