Campbell et al v. Facebook Inc.

Filing 181

Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Documents Accompanying Class Certification Briefs and Evidentiary Objections filed by Facebook Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Melissa Gardner Re Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Documents Accompanying Class Certification Briefs and Evidentiary Objections, # 2 Declaration of Nikki Stitt Sokol In Support of the Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Documents Accompanying Class Certification Briefs and Evidentiary Objections, # 3 [Proposed] Order, # 4 Exhibit 1 (Unredacted), # 5 Exhibit 2 (Redacted), # 6 Exhibit 3 (Unredacted), # 7 Exhibit 4 (Redacted), # 8 Exhibit 5 (Unredacted), # 9 Exhibit 6 (Redacted), # 10 Exhibit 7 (Unredacted), # 11 Exhibit 8 (Redacted), # 12 Exhibit 9 (Unredacted), # 13 Exhibit 10 (Redacted))(Chorba, Christopher) (Filed on 3/28/2016) Modified on 3/29/2016 (kcS, COURT STAFF).

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP JOSHUA A. JESSEN, SBN 222831 JEANA BISNAR MAUTE, SBN 290573 PRIYANKA RAJAGOPALAN, SBN 278504 ASHLEY M. ROGERS, SBN 286252 1881 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 Telephone: (650) 849-5300 Facsimile: (650) 849-5333 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP CHRISTOPHER CHORBA, SBN 216692 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, California 90071 Telephone: (213) 229-7000 Facsimile: (213) 229-7520 Attorneys for Defendant FACEBOOK, INC. 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 15 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 16 OAKLAND DIVISON 17 18 19 20 21 22 MATTHEW CAMPBELL and MICHAEL HURLEY, Plaintiffs, v. FACEBOOK, INC., Case No. C 13-05996 PJH DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Defendant. 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH I, Christopher Chorba, declare as follows: 1 1. 2 I am an attorney admitted to practice law before this Court. I am a partner in the law 3 firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, and I am one of the attorneys responsible for representing 4 Defendant Facebook, Inc. (“Facebook”) in the above-captioned action. I submit this declaration in 5 support of Facebook’s Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Class Certification (Dkt. 138). Unless 6 otherwise stated, the following facts are within my personal knowledge and, if called and sworn as a 7 witness, I could and would testify competently to these facts. 8 I. 9 10 Demonstratives 2. and challenged practices. * 11 a. Attached as Exhibit A is a chart summarizing a number of individualized issues 12 concerning the named Plaintiffs and some putative class members. 13 b. Attached as Exhibit B is a graphical representation of the steps required to send 14 and receive a Facebook message with a URL preview attachment. 15 c. Attached as Exhibit C are graphical representations of the individualized inquiries 16 related to ascertainability. 17 d. Attached as Exhibit D are charts summarizing the variability for the challenged 18 practices. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Attached as Exhibits A–D are demonstrative graphics regarding the named plaintiffs 3. Facebook and its messaging service have often been the subject of public news reports, blog posts, and other publications. Attached as Exhibit E is a chart summarizing seventyseven publicly available online publications, including, inter alia, news reports, articles, editorials, and Facebook developer documentation, published between May 6, 2009 and August 7, 2013. Attached as Exhibits F, G, H, I, J, and K are the corresponding seventy-seven publications, arranged by Bates numbers FB000000066 to FB000000424 and produced by Facebook during this litigation. * For the Court’s convenience, and to avoid duplication in the numbering of the exhibits submitted by Plaintiffs, Facebook has used letters rather than numbers to designate its exhibits. 1 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 II. Discovery Requests And Responses From Plaintiffs 2 A. 3 4 4. 5. Attached as Exhibit M is a true and correct copy of relevant excerpts of the deposition transcript of Plaintiff Michael Hurley on July 9, 2015. 7 8 Attached as Exhibit L is a true and correct copy of relevant excerpts of the deposition transcript of Plaintiff Matthew Campbell on May 19, 2015. 5 6 Plaintiffs’ Deposition Testimony 6. Attached as Exhibit N is a true and correct copy of relevant excerpts of the deposition transcript of Mr. David Shadpour on October 1, 2015. 9 B. 10 7. Plaintiffs’ Written Discovery Responses Attached as Exhibit O is a true and correct copy of Plaintiff Campbell’s Corrected 11 Objections and Responses to Defendant Facebook, Inc.’s First Set of Interrogatories, dated April 2, 12 2015. As these responses reflect, Mr. Campbell has sent or received at least 232 Facebook messages 13 containing URLs between the time he filed this action (December 30, 2013), and the date of his 14 responses (April 2, 2015). 15 8. Attached as Exhibit P is a true and correct copy of Plaintiff Hurley’s Objections and 16 Responses to Defendant Facebook, Inc.’s First Set of Interrogatories, dated April 1, 2015. As these 17 responses reflect, Mr. Hurley has sent or received at least 3 Facebook messages containing URLs 18 between the time he filed this action (December 30, 2013), and the date of his responses (April 1, 19 2015). 20 9. Attached as Exhibit Q is a true and correct copy of (Former) Plaintiff Shadpour’s 21 Corrected Objections and Responses to Defendant Facebook, Inc.’s First Set of Interrogatories, dated 22 April 2, 2015. As these responses reflect, Mr. Shadpour has sent or received at least 4 Facebook 23 messages containing URLs between the time he filed this action (January 21, 2014), and the date of 24 his responses (April 2, 2015). 25 10. On April 10, 2015, Plaintiffs supplemented their responses to Facebook’s 26 Interrogatories through a letter from counsel (David Rudolph). In particular, Plaintiffs supplemented 27 their responses to Facebook’s Interrogatory No. 5 to describe the manner in which they learned of the 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 2 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 facts supporting their claims, as follows: 2 • “Mr. Campbell first learned of the facts concerning Facebook’s scanning of private messages in the manner alleged in the complaint on October 30, 2013 upon receipt of a private message sent via Facebook by David Slade. Mr. Campbell was not aware of Facebook’s scanning of private messages in the manner alleged in the complaint prior to learning of these facts from Mr. Slade.” • “Mr. Hurley first learned of the facts concerning Facebook’s scanning of private messages in the manner alleged in the complaint in or around mid-December 2013 during a telephone conversation with Melissa Gardner. Mr. Hurley was not aware of Facebook’s scanning of private messages in the manner alleged in the complaint prior to learning of those facts from Ms. Gardner.” • “Mr. Shadpour first learned of the facts concerning Facebook’s scanning of private messages in the manner alleged in the complaint in or around October or November 2013 during a telephone conversation with Lesley Portnoy. Mr. Shadpour was not aware of Facebook’s scanning of private messages in the manner alleged in the complaint prior to learning of those facts from Mr. Portnoy.” 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Attached as Exhibit R is a true and correct copy of Mr. Rudolph’s letter dated April 10, 2015. C. 11. Plaintiffs’ Document Productions During discovery, Facebook requested that Plaintiffs produce copies of the Facebook messages that they sent or received, including but not limited to messages containing URLs. 12. Attached as Exhibits S–U are true and correct copies of the Facebook messages that 17 Mr. Campbell produced in this action, bearing Bates numbers CAMPBELL000001–181 (messages 18 that Mr. Campbell sent from his personal Facebook account), CAMPBELL000440–494 (messages 19 that Mr. Campbell sent regarding his Blue Hog Report blog), and CAMPBELL000495–496 20 (messages to/from Mr. Campbell’s personal Facebook account regarding his communications with 21 Plaintiffs’ counsel before filing this action). In the latter category, Plaintiffs’ counsel David Slade 22 sent the following Facebook message to Mr. Campbell on October 30, 2013: 23 24 25 26 “Hey Matt, quick question: do you ever send business-related communications via Facebook? E.g., contacting Pinnacle clients via this messaging function? Full disclosure: I’m putting together a privacy case against Facebook (looks like they scan these messages…most likely for data mining/profiling purposes), and am trying to think about the best possible plaintiffs. My bosses are all Luddites, so there’s no FB use in our day to day. But I’m wondering whether 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 3 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH lawyers use this as a communication mechanism professionally. Anyways, just reaching out to my various lawyer people. Hope this finds you well. –D” 1 2 (Ex. V, CAMPBELL000495–496 (emphases added).) 3 In response, Mr. Campbell, an attorney himself, states that he uses Facebook to communicate with 4 clients, to garner business, and to communicate with other lawyers, and he replies: 5 “I’m totally willing to be a plaintiff for you if it’s helpful, by the way. It would be nice to be a plaintiff in one of these newsworthy stories and not be the attorney, too!” 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP (Ex. V, CAMPBELL000496.) 13. Attached as Exhibit V are true and correct copies of the Facebook messages that Mr. Hurley produced in this action, bearing Bates numbers HURLEY000001–003. D. 14. Plaintiffs’ Interrogatory No. 8 To Facebook On May 26, 2015, Plaintiffs propounded their Second Set of Interrogatories, which consisted of Interrogatory No. 8, and which sought detailed information regarding the processing of “each [Facebook] message sent or received by Plaintiffs containing a URL.” (Dkt. 130.) 15. After discussions between the parties regarding the scope of Interrogatory No. 8, Plaintiffs’ counsel (Mr. Rudolph) wrote to Facebook’s counsel on July 24, 2015, to confirm Plaintiffs’ agreement to limit their Interrogatory No. 8 “to a subset of the total messages at issue,” and Mr. Rudolph provided a list of 19 messages (8 messages to/from Plaintiff Hurley, and 11 messages to/from Plaintiff Campbell). Mr. Rudolph explained that for these 19 messages, “Plaintiffs seek identification and data production of each of the Objects and Associations created when Facebook processed Plaintiffs’ Private Messages containing a URL.” Attached as Exhibit W is a true and correct copy of Mr. Rudolph’s letter dated July 24, 2015. 16. A true and correct copy of Facebook’s Second Supplemental Responses and Objections to Plaintiffs’ Narrowed Second Set of Interrogatories (dated October 28, 2015) is attached to the Declaration of Alex Himel as Exhibit MM. As discussed in these Responses, “[i]f the webpages at the URLs in those Subject Messages [with share objects] never displayed a Like Count, then the inclusion of URLs in those messages also could not have resulted in any increment to any Like Count on any third-party website.” (Id. at 17.) Facebook explained that it does not possess 4 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 records to determine historically “whether those webpages displayed a Like Count during the 2 relevant period.” (Id.) At the time of the Responses, Facebook determined that “only one of those 3 seven [messages with share objects and within the relevant time period] included a URL to a third- 4 party webpage that appears to currently display a Count next to the Like Button.” (Id.) Facebook 5 produced documents related to its responses regarding the 19 messages. (Id. at 18 & Ex. A) 6 17. Facebook also analyzed these messages to determine which of the messages (if any) 7 had a possibility of incrementing a social plugin count on a third-party website. Although Facebook 8 does not possess records to determine whether a particular third-party webpage displayed a social 9 plugin count at the time Plaintiffs’ selected messages were either sent or received, the Internet 10 Wayback Machine ( is a “reliable” resource that Plaintiffs’ technical expert, 11 Dr. Jennifer Golbeck, uses “pretty frequently” to view archived webpages. (Ex. EE, Golbeck Depo. 12 Tr., at 20:7-21:3.) 13 18. For each of the remaining twelve messages selected by Plaintiffs and for which a share 14 object was created, the Internet Wayback Machine revealed that for the 10 of 12 messages that did 15 have a share object, there was no corresponding social plugin on the websites referenced by the URLs 16 in Plaintiffs’ messages at or near the time the messages were sent. For example, on July 11, 2012 17 Plaintiff Hurley sent a Facebook message to with the URL, 18 . Although this message had a share object 19 created, a corresponding social plugin did not exist on the Craigslist website at or around the time 20 Plaintiff Hurley sent this message. Thus, 10 of the 19 messages identified by Plaintiffs had a share 21 object but did not have a corresponding social plugin on the third-party website. 22 19. For 1 of the 12 messages that did have a share object, the Internet Wayback Machine 23 did not have the webpage archived. That message was sent by 24 on April 20, 2014, and it contained the URL, to Plaintiff Hurley 25 26 20. 27 Gardner. 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP The remaining message was sent from Plaintiff Hurley to Plaintiffs’ counsel Melissa 5 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 III. 2 Other Discovery Issues A. 3 21. 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 In their Motion, Plaintiffs assert as follows: Discovery also demonstrates that Facebook’s public-facing statements about “procedural safeguards” for ensuring user privacy in product development are false. Facebook has represented, inter alia, in its filings with the Security and Exchange Commission that it has “a dedicated team of privacy professionals who are involved in new product and feature development from design through launch” and who conduct “ongoing review and monitoring of the way data is handled by existing features and applications.” However, when asked to produce documents sufficient to identify the individuals comprising this “dedicated team,” Facebook responded that none existed. 5 9 Facebook’s “Public-Facing Statements” and “Dedicated Team of Privacy Professionals” (Dkt. 138 at 20-21.) 22. In fact, Facebook’s counsel never told Plaintiffs’ counsel that Facebook did not have a “dedicated team of privacy professionals.” On the contrary, Facebook specifically denied Plaintiffs’ request to admit that there was no such team, and indeed there is such a team. Attached as Exhibit X is a true and correct copy of Defendant Facebook, Inc.’s Responses and Objections to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Requests for Admission dated June 29, 2015. 23. Rather, Facebook’s counsel simply confirmed that, in response to a document request, there was not a “specific list.” Plaintiffs’ request sought “documents” regarding “the ‘dedicated team of privacy professionals’ identified on page 8 of Your Form 10-K for fiscal year ending December 31, 2013.” (Dkt. 138-4, Ex. 31.) Facebook responded by explaining that it did not have a document responsive to Request No. 29, listing members of its internal privacy team. Plaintiffs even misstated the correspondence among counsel by omitting the bolded portion below in their brief: With respect to Request No. 29, please be advised that there is no specific list of the ‘dedicated team of privacy professionals’ referenced in the Request, but we have already agreed to conduct a reasonable search for non-privileged documents sufficient to identify Facebook’s current and former employees who may possess knowledge relevant to the practice challenged in this action, and we also have identified witnesses with relevant knowledge in Facebook’s Initial Disclosures and responses to Plaintiffs’ Interrogatories. 22 23 24 25 26 Plaintiffs attached Facebook’s complete response to the request as Exhibit 32 (Dkt. 138-4, Ex. 27 32). 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 6 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 B. 24. Plaintiffs’ Expanded Proposed Class Definition Exceeds The “Relevant Time Period” For Discovery Plaintiffs’ Consolidated Amended Complaint identified the following proposed class: 3 “All natural-person Facebook users located within the United States who have sent or received 4 private messages that included URLs in their content, from within two years before the filing of this 5 action up through and including the date when Facebook ceased its practice,” which Plaintiffs alleged 6 to be “at some point after it was exposed in October 2012.” (Dkt. 25 ¶ 59 & n.3.) 7 25. In their Motion for Class Certification, Plaintiffs now seek to certify a proposed class 8 of all “Facebook users located within the United States who have sent, or received from a Facebook 9 user, private messages that included URLs in their content (and from which Facebook generated a 10 URL attachment), within two years before the filing of this action up through the date of 11 certification of the class.” (Dkt. 138 at 10 (emphasis added).) In other words, Plaintiffs have now 12 expanded their proposed class by over three years. 13 26. Plaintiffs’ new proposed class definition extends well beyond the relevant time period 14 to which the parties expressly agreed for discovery. On April 7, 2015, Hank Bates, counsel for 15 Plaintiffs, proposed that the “Relevant Time Period” for “producing documents” should be April 1, 16 2010, to the date of filing the action, December 30, 2013. Attached as Exhibit Y is a true and correct 17 copy of Mr. Bates’ letter dated April 7, 2015. 18 27. After some further discussions between the parties, Facebook agreed to this time 19 period in letters dated May 13 and June 12, 2015. Attached as Exhibits Z and AA are true and 20 correct copies of these letters. 21 28. Regarding the production of source code, the parties agreed (and stipulated, see 22 Dkt. 90) to a slightly different time period—September 1, 2009 to December 31, 2012—reflecting the 23 fact that Plaintiffs had alleged that the challenged practice had ceased “at some point after it was 24 exposed in October 2012.” (Dkt. 25 ¶ 59 & n.3.) 25 29. Additionally, during depositions of Facebook’s witnesses, counsel for Plaintiffs 26 repeatedly limited questions to the time period of “2010 to 2012” or “2010 to 2013.” Attached as 27 Exhibits BB and CC are true and correct copies of excerpts of the deposition transcripts of Facebook 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 7 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 witnesses, Jiakai Liu and Ray He, dated June 30, 2015 and September 25, 2015, respectively, 2 reflecting, inter alia, a handful of those questions. 3 C. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 30. Fernando Torres’ Expert Report And The Information He Claims That He Needs To Complete His Damages Analysis Plaintiffs’ proposed damages expert, Mr. Fernando Torres, testified that, in order to complete his damages analysis, he needed additional information that is distinct from Plaintiffs’ previous damages discovery requests— which they represented were “critical to establishing” their damages theory. Attached as Exhibit DD is a true and correct copy of relevant excerpts of the deposition transcript of Mr. Fernando Torres on December 18, 2015. 31. In support of prior discovery motions, Plaintiffs argued that they would be “unduly prejudice[d]” without “discovery relevant to damages in this action.” (Dkt. 112 at 2; see also Dkt. 109 at 2, 4 (arguing that “[w]ithout discovery into the revenue Facebook has generated . . . Plaintiffs will be hampered in formulating a class-wide damages theory”).) Plaintiffs represented that the discovery they sought was “critical to establishing” their damages theory and that “expert analysis of the [] information sought” would allow them to “accurately model the profits attributable to the challenged conduct.” (Dkt. 112 at 2-3.) And they also argued that the damages discovery sought was “directly relevant to the issues of damages suffered by the class as well as the appropriate injunctive relief . . . and [was] . . . necessary for Plaintiffs to fashion a theory of class-wide relief for their class certification briefing.” (Dkt. 109 at 2, 4.) 32. In light of these and other arguments, Plaintiffs received a 30-day extension of the briefing schedule (Dkt. 117) and successfully compelled Facebook to produce extremely broad discovery (Dkt. 130, 136.). 33. In his expert report, however, Mr. Torres cited only 7 of the thousands of documents produced by Facebook during the course of this litigation. (Dkt. 138-4, Ex. 33.) He also asserted in his report that he needed other information from Facebook: “with additional information, including production from Facebook, and inputs, these conclusions [in the Report] could be refined.” (Dkt. 138-4, Ex. 33, ¶ 11 n.12.) In the final paragraph of his report, Mr. Torres explained, “With quantitative data on the number of affected ‘Like’ counts, and identification of the affected URLs, it 8 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 will be feasible to narrow the ranges discussed here and calculate more precisely the potential 2 incremental benefit attributable to the accused practice.” (Id. ¶ 74.) 3 34. During his deposition, Mr. Torres discussed the additional information he needed or 4 was expecting from Facebook in order to complete his analysis. But as of the date of this 5 Declaration, Plaintiffs have not requested the vast majority of information that Mr. Torres identified 6 in his deposition. To the extent some of the information has been requested previously, Facebook has 7 already conducted a reasonable search and diligent inquiry and has produced responsive information 8 to the extent it exists. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 35. The following chart summarizes the discovery information Mr. Torres claims he needs to complete his analysis and whether the information has been previously requested by Plaintiffs: Information Mr. Torres Needs Requested by Plaintiffs? “[T]he number of [Facebook] messages that were intercepted that contain URLs” No. (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 27:20-22].) “[T]he total number of [Facebook] messages” No. (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 27:22-23].) “[H]ow many messages each user sent, et cetera, how many fall into the definition of the class” No. (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 227:9-11].) 21 “[H]ow many URLs were intercepted that . . . led to like counts being increased” 22 Yes, but no responsive documents existed. 1 (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 285:10-14].) 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 1 Facebook’s Response to Plaintiffs’ Request for Production No. 57: “Facebook [] conduct[ed] a reasonable search for non-privileged documents sufficient to identify the number [of] Likes that were generated as a result of the processes involved in the practice challenged in this action (the alleged increase in the Facebook ‘Like’ count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product) between April 1, 2010 and December 30, 2013, to the extent such documents exist, are within Facebook’s custody and control, ha[d] not already been produced to Plaintiffs, and c[ould] be located using a reasonable search.” 9 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 Information Mr. Torres Needs Requested by Plaintiffs? 2 No. 3 “[T]he ratio of those increases to the total like counters” 4 (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 285:10-14].) 5 “[T]he value of the advertising revenue perceived by Facebook” 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Yes. 2 (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 285:14-15].) “The advertising revenue that reflects only the U.S.” No. (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 205:16-22].) “[T]he number of links captured that fall under the definition of the class.” No. (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 208:19-20].) “[T]he number of links on the social graph.” No. (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 218:2-3].) 16 Whether websites corresponding to URLs in Facebook messages had social plugins at the time the message was sent. 17 (Ex. EE [Torres Depo. at 266:17-22].) 15 18 D. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 36. No. Response To Rudolph Declaration And Plaintiffs’ Misstatements About Discovery In support of the Motion, Plaintiffs’ counsel David Rudolph filed a supporting declaration (Dkt. 138-3) in which he raises several complaints about discovery in this case. Mr. Rudolph’s declaration contains a large number of misstatements about the discovery conducted in this case, and the following paragraphs respond to his points in sequence. 37. First, relying on his previously filed Declaration in support of Plaintiffs’ Motion to Enlarge Time and Extend Deadlines (Dkt. 109-2), Mr. Rudolph argues that Plaintiffs’ “ability to 2 Facebook produced documents in compliance with the Court’s Orders, which, inter alia, compelled Facebook to produce documents responsive to Plaintiffs’ Requests for Production Nos. 53, 54, and 59. (Dkt. 130, 136; see also supra ¶¶ 31-32.) 10 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 prepare their motion for class certification” was “prejudice[ed]” by Facebook’s alleged “delay[s] 2 providing relevant discovery in this matter.” (Dkt. 138-3, ¶ 2.) More specifically, he claims that 3 Facebook “delayed production of its source code by over five months . . . and [] failed to produce a 4 significant number of documents responsive to Plaintiffs’ document requests” in a timely manner. 5 (Id.) 6 38. Mr. Rudolph does not explain that this Court already was presented with these 7 arguments on two separate occasions. After considering Facebook’s Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Motion 8 to Enlarge Time and Extend Deadlines (Dkt. 114) and the supporting Declaration of Joshua Jessen 9 (Dkt. 114-1), which rebutted similar assertions from Plaintiffs’ counsel, this Court ruled that the “90- 10 day extension sought by plaintiffs would unnecessarily delay the case,” and instead ordered a 30-day 11 extension. (Dkt. 117; see also Dkt. 113-1 at 13.) 12 39. Several weeks later, Plaintiffs filed a Renewed Motion to Continue, attempting to 13 revisit the issue and arguing that Facebook “delayed [] providing relevant discovery, including by 14 failing to produce a significant proportion of relevant and responsive documents until October 13, 15 and October 28.” (Dkt. 134-1.) Once again, Facebook responded to Plaintiffs’ false assertions and 16 corrected the record. (Dkt. 135, 135-1.) This Court denied Plaintiffs’ motion. (Dkt. 136.) 17 40. Mr. Rudolph’s most recent declaration (Dkt. 138-3) again argues that Facebook 18 “delayed” production of its source code, “delayed” producing a significant portion of documents until 19 October 13-28, 2015, and “delayed” producing additional documents until November 3-7, 2015. 20 (Dkt. 138-3, ¶¶ 2–5.) Facebook already refuted the first two assertions were before the Court. (See 21 Dkt. 114-1 ¶¶ 8–36; 135-1 ¶¶ 2–10.) On Mr. Rudolph’s last point, he fails to mention that 22 Facebook’s November productions were in response to Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel (Dkt. 112), 23 Magistrate Judge James’ Order on October 14, 2015 (Dkt. 130), and this Court’s Order on 24 November 3, 2015. (Dkt. 136.) In other words, the productions were the result of Plaintiffs’ motions 25 to compel. Facebook produced all responsive documents it could locate after a reasonable search in a 26 timely manner. Although Mr. Rudolph is correct to point out that the November 7 productions were 27 significant in volume, this was through no fault of Facebook—it had repeatedly warned Plaintiffs that 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 11 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 their requests were extremely overbroad and would yield many irrelevant documents, and Facebook 2 undertook extensive efforts to try to reach a reasonable compromise. (Dkt. 131-1.) For example, 3 Facebook offered to provide Plaintiffs with representative documents for certain of Plaintiffs’ 4 requests, but Plaintiffs rejected all offers for compromise and continued to litigate these issues. 5 (Dkt. 131-1, Ex. 1.) 6 41. Contrary to Mr. Rudolph’s declaration, Facebook’s production was substantially 7 complete as of September 30, 2015, with respect to the documents Facebook had agreed to produce at 8 that point. Productions after this date were primarily in response to Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel 9 (Dkt. 112, 113, 122), which were not even decided until after September 30. (See Dkt. 130, 136.) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 IV. Authentication Of Remaining Exhibits 42. Attached as Exhibit EE is a true and correct copy of excerpts of the deposition transcript of Dr. Jennifer Golbeck (dated December 16, 2015). 43. transcript of 44. transcript of 45. transcript of 46. Attached as Exhibit FF is a true and correct copy of excerpts of the deposition (dated August 7, 2015). Attached as Exhibit GG is a true and correct copy of excerpts of the deposition (dated August 10, 2015). Attached as Exhibit HH is a true and correct copy of excerpts of the deposition (dated August 11, 2015). Attached as Exhibit II is a true and correct copy of excerpts of the deposition transcript of Ray He (dated October 28, 2015). 47. Attached as Exhibit JJ is a true and correct copy of excerpts of the deposition transcript of Michael Adkins (dated October 28, 2015). 48. Attached as Exhibit KK is a true and correct copy of a document that begins with Bates number FB000006429, which Facebook produced during this litigation. 25 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 12 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 49. Attached as Exhibits LL are true and correct copies of certain Google Analytics data 2 that begins with Bates numbers FB000009906 and FB000009914, respectively, and which Facebook 3 produced to Plaintiffs during discovery. 4 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and the 5 State of California that the foregoing is true and correct, and that I executed this Declaration in Los 6 Angeles, California, on January 15, 2016. 7 8 /s/ Christopher Chorba Christopher Chorba 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 13 DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER CHORBA IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION Case No. C 13-05996 PJH

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