Xerox Corporation v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 163

CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ANSWERING BRIEF re 141 Claim Construction Opening Brief filed by Xerox Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11)(Day, John)

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James Shanahan 4/1/2011 12:00:00 PM 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF DELAWARE C.A. No. 10-136-LPS-MPT ---------------------x 2 STIPULATIONS 3 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by 4 certification of the within deposition shall be 7 Plaintiff and Counterclaim Defendant, hereto, that the filing, sealing and 6 XEROX CORPORATION, and among counsel for the respective parties 5 and the same are hereby waived; 8 IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED that 9 10 GOOGLE, INC., YAHOO! INC., RIGHT MEDIA, INC., RIGHT MEDIA, LLC, YOUTUBE, INC. and YOUTUBE, LLC, question, shall be reserved to the time of the 11 - against - all objections, except as to form of the trial; 12 IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED that the 13 14 April 1, 2011 9:06 a.m. 51 Madison Avenue New York, New York Public with the same force and effect as if 15 Defendants. ---------------------x within deposition may be signed before any Notary signed and sworn to before the Court. 16 17 * * * * 18 19 CONFIDENTIAL 20 21 DEPOSITION of JAMES SHANAHAN, held at the above time and place, taken before Randi Friedman, a Registered Professional Reporter, within and for the State of New York. 22 23 24 * * * * 25 26 2 1 2 APPEARANCES: 3 4 4 1 CRAVATH, SWAINE & MOORE, LLP 2 MR. WRITE: We are on the record. 3 This date is April 1st, 2011. The time on 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant 4 the video monitor is 9:06 a.m. This is the 6 825 Eighth Avenue 5 beginning of Tape No. 1 in the videotaped 7 New York, New York 10019 6 deposition of James Shanahan in the case of 8 BY: ANDREI HARASYMIAK, ESQ. 7 Xerox Corporation versus Google, 10 8 Incorporated, Yahoo!, Incorporated, et al. 11 9 Civil Action No. 10-136-LTS-MPT. This case 10 is filed in the U.S. District Court for the 9 SCOTT LESLIE, ESQ. 12 QUINN EMANUEL 13 Attorneys for Defendant GOOGLE, INC. 11 District of Delaware. We are at the offices 15 San Francisco, California 94111 12 of Quinn Emanuel, located 51 Madison Avenue, 16 BY: DAVID A. PERLSON, ESQ. 13 New York, New York. My name is Deverell 14 Write and I represent Veritext, New Jersey. 14 50 California Street, 22nd Floor 17 18 19 DAVIS, POLK & WARDELL, LLP 15 At this time will counsel please note their 20 Attorneys for Defendants 16 appearances. 21 RIGHT MEDIA, INC. and RIGHT MEDIA, LLC 22 1600 El Camino Real 17 23 Menlo Park, California 94025 18 24 BY: ANTHONY I. FENWICK, ESQ. 19 25 20 MR. FENWICK: Tony Fenwick from Davis, Polk & Wardwell for defendants, Yahoo! and Right Media. MR. PERLSON: David Perlson from 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ALSO PRESENT: DEVERELL WRITE, Videographer 21 22 Quinn Emanuel for defendant Google. MR. HARASYMIAK: Andrei 23 Harasymiak, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, for 24 plaintiffs Xerox Corporation. 25 Unsigned MR. LESLIE: Scott Leslie, Page 1 - 4 James Shanahan 4/1/2011 12:00:00 PM 189 1 2 Confidential Topic 4 of Exhibit S-1. 3 191 1 Confidential 2 information that was conveyed to the user and 3 You're prepared to testify as Xerox's also limit the scope of the information that had 4 corporate designee regarding Topic 4; is that 4 to be stored in association with a document; is 5 correct? 5 that right? 6 A. Yes, I am. 6 7 Q. What were the most difficult technical 7 A. That was one of our considerations, yes. 8 challenges that were encountered and overcome 8 9 during the conception or reduction of practice of 9 problem of limiting the scope of information was 10 the alleged inventions of the 979 Patent? 10 by formulating queries that would restrict 11 11 searches to specify folders of web directories; of the biggest challenges that we faced in the 12 true? 13 context of our Document Souls' system. 13 Q. I'll say information overload was one One of the ways that you addressed the 12 14 A. Q. Anything other than information 14 15 overload that you would categorize as a 15 16 particularly difficult challenge that were 16 17 encountered and overcome? A. I'm not sure that's an accurate characterization. Q. What's not accurate about my characterization? 17 A. Can you repeat that? 18 A. From a technical perspective? 18 Q. One of the ways in which you attempted 19 Q. A technical challenge, yes. 19 to overcome the challenge of appropriately A. I think we placed difficulty 20 limiting the scope and volume of information that 21 was conveyed to the user, Document Souls' user, 22 and the scope and volume of the information that 20 21 22 challenges on scalability. Q. I'm trying to make a list of the most 23 difficulty technical challenges that were 23 had to be stored in association with a given 24 overcome -- encountered and overcome during the 24 document of the Document Souls' system, was to 25 conception and reduction of practice of the 25 develop the Document Souls' system such that it 190 1 Confidential 192 1 Confidential 2 alleged inventions of the 979 Patent. So far 2 would restrict -- it would formulate queries to 3 you've given me one, information overload and; 3 restrict searches to a specific category of 4 two, scalability. 4 information from the information retrieval system; true? 5 Are there any other technical 5 6 challenges that you want to be on that list? 6 7 8 9 A. The Document Souls' system that we A. I don't recall others at this point. 7 implemented would automatically construct queries Q. Okay. Now, information overload, is 8 based on entities that are automatically 9 extracted from the document content. And based The Document Souls' system is a 10 upon categories that were automatically assigned 11 technology that was created to better address the 11 based on their content. The automatic 12 information needs of a user, end-user, human 12 construction of these queries facilitated a more 13 user. And as such, the user was interacting with 13 precise expression of information needed and, 14 this technology and the results presented by 14 therefore, led to a reduction of the number of 15 Document Souls' system could have been -- the 15 documents that would be actually associated with 16 results presented could have been quite a lot if 16 this document and potentially stored with this 17 we didn't bring a system like that described in 17 document and communicated to the user. 18 Patent 979 to bear. And, therefore, it was a 18 19 technical challenge to limit the information that 19 overcame the problem of information overload in 20 was being purveyed to the user. And in addition, 20 practice of the Document Souls' system was to 21 store the information. The information space 21 generate queries that restricted searches to 22 around the document could be -- could end up 22 specified folders in web directories; true? 23 being pretty large, and the 979 Patent was a way 23 24 or a means to control that. 24 language available to us through these external 25 information services. To the extent possible, 10 25 that really a technical challenge? A. Q. So you wanted to limit the scope of Unsigned Q. A. And one of the ways that you actually We generate queries using the query Page 189 - 192 James Shanahan 4/1/2011 12:00:00 PM 193 1 Confidential 195 1 Confidential 2 the system was sufficiently flexible such that 2 3 the end-user who defined the personality who -- 3 4 I'm sorry. Excuse me. Who specified the 4 all, to addressing the technical challenge of 5 information service, they had control over the 5 scalability? 6 scope of the query. So they had control over 6 7 saying that I want documents that are associated 7 reduction of the number of documents that will 8 with a particular category in the third-party 8 respond to an information need. 9 service. And -- so the framework was 9 10 sufficiently flexible to enable this hard 10 Patent enabled a filtering of responsive 11 requirement that the documents returned should be 11 documents to reduce the number of documents 12 associated with this node and third-party 12 identified in a search result to a number that 13 taxonomy. Or the query should focus on that 13 would be more manageable for the user? Is that 14 particular node, but it may not be a requirement 14 what you're getting at? 15 to have documents from that node. But that all 15 16 depended on how rich the query language was for 16 query language made available through the 17 the third-party -- the external system. 17 external information source, that could be the 18 case. 18 Q. If the query language employed in the I'll ask it again. How did the 979 Patent relate, if at A. Q. A. So is what you're saying that the 979 Depending on the expressivity of the 19 third-party information service was rich enough 19 20 to facilitate a strict constraint of the search 20 of documents and the more relevant the documents, 21 to documents associated with a specified node, 21 the better; is that right? 22 then you wanted Document Souls to be able to 22 23 fully take advantage of that query language to 23 24 that fact; true? 24 over the questioning to Mr. Perlson, and I 25 will say on behalf of myself, that I think 25 A. The Document Souls' system that we Q. The 979 Patent would enable the A. And the fewer -- the fewer the number That would be desirable, yes. MR. FENWICK: I'm going to turn 194 1 Confidential 196 1 Confidential 2 implemented was highly configurable, so this was 2 the production of the source code, 3 possible. 3 especially that's referenced in the 4 Q. When you referred to the technical 4 testimony exhibits concerning reduction to 5 challenge of scalability, are you referring to 5 practice on the eve of the deposition, did 6 scalability with respect to number of users or 6 not give the defendants a fair opportunity 7 scalability with respect to volume of documents 7 to question the witness regarding, at least, 8 or both? 8 that subject matter. 9 A. 9 10 11 12 I think all of those would be challenges, yes. going to request more time with the witness Do those challenges of scalability 11 or need more time, but I'm certainly have anything to do with the 979 Patent? 12 reserving the right to make that request and 13 express that need in the future. Q. 13 A. 14 issues. 15 16 17 And so I don't know whether we're 10 Q. The 979 Patent addressed some of these 14 How did the 979 Patent address issues of scalability? A. 15 MR. PERLSON: Google joins that position. 16 MR. FENWICK: Take a short break. It certainly would reduce the number 17 MR. WRITE: The time on the video 18 of documents that would respond to an information 18 monitor is 5:04 p.m. We're off the record. 19 need that had that capability. 19 20 21 MR. FENWICK: Could I have that answer read back. 22 23 24 25 (Whereupon, the requested portion of the record was read by the reporter.) BY MR. FENWICK: Q. Maybe we ought to try that one again. 20 (Whereupon, a short recess was taken.) 21 MR. WRITE: We're back on the 22 record. The time on the video monitor is 23 5:11 p.m. 24 25 Unsigned BY MR. PERLSON: Q. Good afternoon, Mr. Shanahan. My name Page 193 - 196

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