HBAC MatchMaker Media Inc. v. Google Inc. et al
COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed with Jury Demand against Google Inc, YouTube LLC - Magistrate Consent Notice to Pltf. ( Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 0311-1250807.) - filed by HBAC MatchMaker Media Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Civil Cover Sheet)(cla, )
IN DINED 11111 1111110011101110 111110101110 1111011111111
United States Patent
Hite et al.
[76] Inventors: Kenneth C. Hite, 3 Center Knolls,
Bronxville, N.Y. 10708; Walter S.
Ciciora, 45 Hulls Farm Rd., Southport,
Conn. 06490-1027; Tom Alison, 280
Barrataria Dr., St. Augustine, Fla.
32086; Robert G. Beauregard, 66 E.
Parkway, Apt 1J, Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583
Primary Examiner—Sherrie Hsia
Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Ostrolenk, Faber, Gerb & Soffen,
[21] Appl. No.: 354,620
This invention enhances television (and radio) advertising
by targeting, delivering and displaying electronic advertising messages (commercials) within specified programming
in one or more pre-determined households (or on specific
display devices) while simultaneously preventing a commercial from being displayed in other households or on
other displays for which it is not intended. Commercials can
be delivered to speciifed homes or displays via either
over-the-air or wired delivery systems.
Dec. 13, 1994
HO4N 7/10
[51] Int. C1. 6
[52] U.S. Cl.
348/9; 348/10; 348/12
[58] Field of Search
348/2, 8, 9, 473,
348/12, 10, 13; 455/5.1, 4.2; HO4N 7/10
References Cited
Jun. 30, 1998
4,331,973 5/1982 Eskin et al.
4,331,974 5/1982 Cogswell et al.
4,404,589 9/1983 Wright, Jr.
4,814,883 3/1989 Perine et al.
5,155,591 10/1992 Wachob
5,200,822 4/1993 Bronifn
5,231,494 7/1993 Wachob
5,515,098 5/1996 Carles .
[22] Filed:
Patent Number:
Date of Patent:
67 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
Re. 33,808 1/1992 Wright, Jr.
7 - 202
- 200
- 107
- 207
-30 1
.._ 400
- 200
-- 100
--- 207
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
Device for
CID Code
Recording Device
for Processed
Commercials with
CID Codes
Playback Device
\- 146
--- 110
----- 148
Commercial CID
Code Generator
Commercial CID
Data List Storage
CID Code
13 4
126 '
Signal control —
Modulation and
i it t 1
Consumer CID
Data List
Storage Device
-10 5
1 07
Program milig
CID Code
CID Data List
Storage Device
Directory of CID
Codes Generator
,:__ 201
214 --'
fleceiver and
with CID Codes ,_.,
Storage Device -\..
Commercial Data
List Storage
-- 210
Land Line
'-- 216
224 -
220 —
Consumer Data
List Storage
\- 222
236 }
Tiniing and
\__ 242
FIG. 3
Program CID
Data List
Storage Device
of CID Code
Storage Device
Land Line
----- 203
--- 234
FIG. 4
Storage and
305 \
Directory of
CID Codes
Program CID
Wire Line
CID Code
CID Code
Over the Air
'"- Transmission
--- 364
— 332
Synchronizer s
-- 338
- 368
362--- t
,- 362
,-- 360
T4 >
/0 1
and Detector
Digital to
ziI \ \
---- 436
466 1
-- /
Remote Control
Input Device
information per second. This is stated as 3 Mega bits per
second (Mbps). This answers the ifrst issue.
The second issue involves the processing of the signal so
that it can be carried in a channel. Current television signals
5 are carried in a spectrum space of six million cycles of
electromagnetic energy per second. Cycles per second are
This invention relates to an electronic system and a
given the name Hertz, abbreviated Hz, in honor of the
process for enhancing advertising by delivering TV and
German scientist Heinrich Hertz. Millions of cycles per
radio commercials targeted to individual viewer's based
second are Mega Hertz, abbreviated MHz. There are modudesires and needs.
io lation methods proposed before the Federal CommunicaFor over forty years, television (TV) advertising has
tions Commission (FCC) for advanced television applicarepresented the cornerstone of consumer marketing. The
tions which can carry as much as 38.5 Mbps in a 6 MHz
unique combination of sight, sound, and motion offered by
channel. This means that as many as twelve "synthetic
TV has allowed marketers to build brand equities by per- channels" of 3 Mbps each can be carried in the same spectral
suading consumers that brand A is either unique and/or 15 "space" as an ordinary 6 MHz television signal. This
better than its competitors.
answers the second issue.
TV has been dominated by the broadcast networks which
Modern cable systems plan to use ordinary analog signals
were the best available means of broad reach for advertisers.
in the frequency range from 50 MHz up to around 450 MHz.
In the 1960's, prior to the advent of cable TV, an advertiser
This will allow for 66 ordinary 6 MHz analog video chancould reach over 90% of U.S. homes in one night via 2o nels which can be used with today's common television
commercials on ABC, CBS, and NBC network TV. Now,
receivers and video cassette recorders (VCRs). These same
however, the world is changing with 67% of U.S. homes
modern cable systems tend to be built with an upper frewired for cable. Thus, cable systems are effectively replacquency limit of 750 MHz, although a few have gone as high
as 1000 MHz. 1000 MHz is a Giga Hertz of frequency,
ing on-air broadcast as the actual delivery vehicle for
25 abbreviated as GHz. The difference between the more common 750 MHz upper limit and the 450 MHz top of the
Broadcast networks and their afifliates however, still
analog channels yields 300 MHz of spectrum space. This
receive the vast majority of advertiser dollars for two
will carry iffty 6 MHz channels. With each of these channels
reasons. First, advertisers believe that placing their commerable to carry twelve or so programs, the total yields about
cials in specific programs will ensure that they reach the
right kind of viewers (usually based on crude demographic 30 600 simultaneous programs. A 1.0 GHz system would have
ninety one 6 MHz channels capable of carrying around 1100
assumptions, e.g., women 18-49 are likely to be the best
programs! The growing number of channels and resultant
prospects for their product). Advertisers however are aware
fragmentation of the viewing audience into smaller and
that demographic targeting is highly wasteful. For example,
smaller units makes it difficult and expensive for advertisers
dog owners comprise only 30% of households, thus every
Ralston-Purina commercial exposure involves 70% waste. 35 to reach particular consumers.
The same problems also exist in analog video systems, but
Target marketing is the answer. Deliver your commercial
to a lesser degree. For example, the Time Warner cable
to only those who are the best prospects. Extensive learning
system in Queens New York has an analog bandwidth of
from a variety of research suggests the following preferable
1.047 GHz carries 150 analog channels. This number of
40 channels causes problems for those with advertising mes* People who already use your product
sages as they attempt to secure the attention of interested
* Those who use a competitors' brand in your category
* Heavy category users (rule of thumb—the top twenty
The operators of delivery systems with large capacity are
percent account for 80% or purchases).
frustrated by the inability to interest advertisers in any
45 significant amount of participation. It is very dififcult to
Direct mail can now do this, but not TV or radio.
The second reason broadcasters receive the majority of
demonstrate the effectiveness of advertising in an environadvertising revenue is because they continue to attract the
ment of a hundred or more channels of advertiser supported
largest audience (approximately 60% of all viewers) despite
the proliferation of cable channels which has fragmented the
Marketing trials of switched video systems based on
viewing audience. The likelihood that viewers are watching 50 Video On Demand, (VOD) have been attempted. These
any particular commercial/advertisement is reduced by the
systems implement an interactive home shopping approach
sheer quantity of channels. Advertisers have dififculty setwhich is both very expensive and requires the active parting values on the advertising opportunities. The net impact
ticipation of the viewer. As such they are not suitable for
is even more serious than just the waste. The large number
advertiser support of programming. They are particularly
of irrelevant commercials contribute to a general lack of 55 weak in their ability to attract attention to new products and
attention to those which might normally be of interest.
services. For the most part, these kinds of commercials are
Advertisers are faced with an even more aggravating
easily avoided
situation with the advent of Digital Video Compression
Consumers, advertisers, and video delivery system opera(DVC). DVC means that the number of programs which can
tors would welcome a workable system of advertising
be carried by any digital media will expand dramatically. 60 subsidy for pay per view (PPV) programming. The current
There are three parts to the determination of the total
methods subject the viewer to a series of commercials which
capacity of a video transport system: 1) the data rate needed
are mostly of little interest. Because of this, the commercials
for a program, 2) the amount of data that can be placed in
are annoying. If instead, the commercials were messages
a channel, and 3) the number of channels the system can
matched to the viewers speciifc and individual interests and
65 needs, they would be both more effective and welcome,
It is expected that reasonable quality video will be posparticularly if they also contribute to a reduced fee for the
sible at data rates of three to ifve million bits of digital
While a number of such systems and processes are known
appropriate CID codes for the prospective viewers. These
in this art, none of these systems and processes deal with a
CID codes are transmitted to the viewing device and stored.
way to provide specific commercials to viewers needs and
At the point of usage, a Commercial Processor (CP) is
wants in a multichannel environment. For example, Time
programmed to ifnd and analyze the CID codes in each
Warner targets programs and commercials to consumers by 5 commercial. When a match between the CID in the comemploying a geographical node system wherein predetermercial and the CID transmitted and stored at the point of
mined advertisements are transmitted to a node such as
use is found, the advertisement is then presented to the
small town or city neighborhood of contiguous homes for
viewer. This advertisement can be presented to the viewer
viewing by audiences of 500-4000 connected to the node.
either in a single preemptable position in a speciifc program
This system however does not target individual consumers. io or during the simultaneous break in programming across all
It would be desirable to have a system for targeting
channels received at the point of usage.
commercials to those particular consumers who represent
When the CIDs do not match, the commercial is ignored
only the best prospects for an advertiser.
and not displayed. There can be either only one match at any
given time, or if multiple matches are possible, there is a
15 prioritization sequence that determines which commercial to
display and which to ignore. There would always be one
Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to provide a
default commercial in the batch that would play unless
system and process which will solve the problems described
replaced by a higher priority commercial.
above and overcome the disadvantages associated with the
prior art systems described above.
Another aspect of the invention is that the system can be
It is another object of the present invention to provide 2 ° further enhanced with additional codes appended to the CID
code to provide additional capabilities. Such codes are
viewers with advertisements which are matched to the
described as follows and are applicable to all of the followviewer's interests and needs.
ing embodiments of the invention:
It is another object of the invention to provide such a
A frequency indicator code can be appended to the
system and process which will provide advertisers with less 25
commercial's CID code. The frequency indicator code
waste and greater cost effectiveness in delivering their
would be loaded into a register at the display site. The
messages only to those consumers who are desirable proscontents of the frequency indicator code register would be
decremented each time the commercial is successfully disIt is a further object of the invention to provide such a
played. A successful display of the commercial requires the
system and process which will allow the operators of video 30
display device to be in its "on" condition. When the fredelivery systems to increase the effectiveness of their media
quency indicator code register reaches zero, the commercial
in delivering meaningful messages to consumers.
will no longer be displayed.
It is another object of the invention to provide a means of
A context code could be appended to the commercial's
dealing with the clutter resulting from hundreds of channels —„ CID code. The context code is compared with program
of video and audio programming containing advertising.
identification codes appended to the program signals. The
The attainment of these and related objectives may be
commercial is displayed if it is in a specific channel or
achieved through use of the novel electronic systems and
network or show. For example, skiing equipment commerprocesses herein disclosed.
cials would be shown during a skiing down hill racing
The process of this invention includes the following steps. 40 competition.
The sets of advertisements are prepared so that they are
A context blocking code is used to prevent the display of
suitable for the transmission and storage means employed.
a commercial during certain kinds of programming, For
Each commercial is analyzed as to its nature and focus and
example, a travel commercial would not be used during a
a Commercial Identiifer (CID) code is appended. The mesdrama involving an airplane crash or other travel tragedy.
sages are then delivered to the point of usage.
A sequencing code would be stored at the point of display.
Commercials may be classiifed into three categories: 1)
It would be used to compute a new CID code for a
non-preemptable, 2) conditionally preemptable, or 3) unconsubsequent commercial. By having a sequential CID code,
ditionally preemptable. For example, commercials in proviewers would see a series of commercials in correct order.
grams not participating in this system and process would be
One commercial builds on another. Two examples requiring
non-preemptable. Some commercials in programs which are 50 sequencing are tutorials and commercials including a story
eligible for preemption may also be non-preemptable under
line which plays out in a determined sequence.
some circumstances. These are called conditionally preA series of viewer reaction codes can be included to cause
emptable. An example of such a situation may be that a
additional relevant commercials to be presented in reaction
competitor's product may not be used to preempt. One brand
to a viewer's response to questions or other viewer interacof automobile may be precluded from substituting for ss tion. The relevant commercials could be for more detailed
another brand of automobile. An unconditionally preemptinformation about the same product or service. Alternatively,
able commercial may be subject to substitution any time
they could be for products or services which are likely to be
other higher priority commercials are available. In locations
of interest to the viewer based on the viewer's responses. For
not equipped with hardware which implements this system
example, a viewer who requests more information about
and process, the preemptable commercials are displayed.
60 children's aspirin may also be offered a subsequent comCommercials which are subject to preemption are imbedmercial on children's chewable vitamins.
ded in programs along with a version of the CID to indicate
A registration code could be added to the CID code and
under what circumstances a more suitable commercial may
stored at the point of display. When such a commercial is
be substituted.
successfully displayed, the registration code is communiA suitable process is used to target prospective viewers of 65 cated back upstream to the signal origination site. A time and
a set of advertisements using database search and list
date stamp is added. Two levels of registration are possible.
selection procedures. The result of this process is a set of
In the simpler level of registration, a count is accumulated
at the origination point or some other suitable place indithese simultaneously broadcasted commercials could be
compressed in a digital transmission to ift within the districating the total number of commercials successfully disbution bandwidth as necessary. In any event, there would
played at all locations. Viewer identities are not tabulated. In
always be one of the number of commercials designated or
the second level of registration, a viewer identification
number is included in the acknowledgment messages cen- 5 chosen as a default commercial that would play unless
replaced by a targeted commercial. Depending on the capactrally collected.
ity of the transmission system, the number of simultaneous
A certiifcation code could be added to the CID code and
c ommercials could be relatively small—such as four or ifve
stored at the point of display. When such a commercial is
(4 or 5)—or much larger.
successfully displayed, the certiifcation code is communiA Commercial Processor (CP) at the display site would be
cated back upstream to the signal origination site. A time and 1°
programmed by an algorithm transmitted to the RD prior to
date stamp is added. In the case of certiifcation, the viewer
the CID transmission to look for and analyze the CID in each
responds to the advertisement. This response could be to
incoming commercial. However, the algorithm may be
answer a question, to merely make an acknowledgment, or
transmitted along with the transmitted commercials as disto request a coupon or other item of value. This indicates that
cussed later in this application. As part of such analyzing in
not only has the commercial been successfully displayed, 15
accordance with the algorithm, the CID in each incoming
but it has also been viewed, recognized, and acted upon.
commercial is compared to the CIDs previously received
There are several options for the upstream transmission of
and recorded by the RD. This can be accomplished by
registration or certiifcation codes. This code could be transhaving several simultaneous tuners detecting the CIDs in
mitted upstream at the time the commercial was successfully
each of the simultaneous commercials. These tuners are
received. Alternatively, the fact that it was received could be 2° installed at the display site in the television receiver, VCR,
stored at the receive site and relayed to the signal origination
or set-top box. To assist in the process of comparison, a
site upon request or at a pre-programmed more convenient
directory may optionally be provided which maps the locatime. Several options for upstream communication exist.
tions of the commercials simultaneously available and the
These include two-way cable systems, radio transmissions, 2 5commercials which are available for preemption. This
telephonic communication, or the physical conveyance of a
would avoid the need for simultaneously operating tuners
printed report, a magnetic, optical, electronic or other
receiving each of the simultaneous commercials.
recorded report.
If there is a match between the CID in the commercial and
In summary, with the present invention, television (and
the CID in the RD, the commercial is displayed. This is
radio) and advertising are enhanced by targeting, delivering 30 accomplished by tuning to the frequency which contains the
and displaying electronic advertising messages
targeted commercial and, if it is digitized, selecting the
(commercials) within speciifed programming in one or more
correct digital data stream. When the CIDs do not match, the
pre-determined households (or on speciifc display devices)
commercial is ignored and not displayed. In this preferred
while simultaneously preventing a commercial from being
embodiment, there is one possible match at any given time.
displayed in other households or on other displays for which 35 However, the system may be designed to employ multiple
it is not intended. Commercials can be delivered to speciifed
matches. In such a case, there would be prioritization
homes or displays via either over-the-air broadcast or wired
programming that determines which commercial to display
delivery systems. The preferred embodiments are described
and which to ignore. The system thus described can be
enhanced by the additional codes described above.
In a ifrst preferred embodiment of the system and process 40
In summary, in this preferred embodiment of the system
in accordance with the invention, an individually addressand process in accordance with the invention, the commerable digital recording device (RD) with a unique address is
cials are simultaneously transmitted with embedded CID
installed at the display site in the television or radio receiver,
codes. The channels with default preemptable or conditionVCR, display device or set-top-box or modular decoder
ally preemptable commercials include appropriate CID
associated with the media provider (cable, DBS, telephone, 45 codes. The CP at the display site compares at least two CID
etc.). One or more commercial identifier codes (CID) are
codes in its decision making process. The ifrst is that CID
transmitted to and recorded by the RD in advance of the
code that is determined as suitable for that display site. This
commercial broadcast. As described below, these codes will
code is stored at the display site. The second CID code is
be used to "tell" the display which upcoming commercials
embedded in the commercials available for substitution. The
to play and which to ignore.
50 second code may also be embedded in the default commerThese data transmissions to the home can be delivered via
cial. These two codes are compared and if a match is found,
communications capabilities established with the program
the appropriate commercial is displayed. A third CID code
delivery system including but not limited to the Vertical
may also be transmitted along with the programming in
Blanking Interval (VBI) of analog video, ancillary
preemptable and conditionally preemptable commercials
subcarriers, amplitude modulation of the frequency modu- ss transmitted. Such a code is provided to ensure that an
lated audio carrier, totally separate data carriers, or using the
inappropriate commercial is not displayed for a particular
digital equivalent of these means of a contracted or afifliated
program. The stored CID codes and the third codes are
programming service. Later, these identiifer codes (CIDs)
compared. When a permissive match is found, the CP selects
are attached to or embedded in the beginning of appropriate
the appropriate commercial.
commercials prior to broadcast or transmission. 60
In a second preferred embodiment of the system and
Alternatively, they can be included or attached elsewhere
process in accordance with the invention, an individually
and include timing information concerning the commercial.
addressable digital recording device (RD) with a unique
Multiple commercials, each with a unique CID, are simuladdress is installed at the display site in the television
taneously broadcasted in a television or radio commercial
receiver, VCR, display device set-top-box or modular
spot. For instance, rather than broadcasting one 30-second 65 decoder associated with the video provider (cable, DBS,
commercial, a number of commercials might be broadcasted
telephone, etc.). CID codes chosen for a particular display
simultaneously over different separate channels. Note that
site (consumer) are transmitted to and stored in an in-home
storage at the display site. Commercials are subsequently
enhanced advertising can be inserted independent of which
transmitted to the in-home storage device with sufficient
program is be watched. This makes enhanced advertising
capacity to hold one or more commercials prior to display.
particularly valuable. Not only is the commercial selected to
The commercials could be in analog form, but it is more
fit the needs and wants of the viewer, but these more
efficient of transmission and storage capacity to digitize and 5 interesting commercials can be made to appear on a variety
compress the commercials prior to transmission and storage.
of programs. The consumer becomes more reachable even in
Attached to each commercial are codes indicating the conan environment consisting of hundreds of channels. If the
ditions and rules required to display the commercial, e.g.,
viewer changes channels to another channel with a preemptdate, day-part, network, program context, etc. The codes of
able commercial, the commercial is uninterrupted even
the commercials transmitted are ifrst compared to the codes io though the channel indicator changes and indicates the new
previously stored. The commercial transmitted that is found
channel. Even if the viewer changes to a channel with
to match is stored in the storage at the display site. Note that
non-preemptable commercials, if the new channel is synthe CIDs and display rules would be stored in a storage
chronized with the previous channel, the commercial
known as an Ad Queue in the commercial processor.
already started could be completed before switching to the
Commercial time or spots when addressable ads can be 15 new channel. The advertisement is thus "locked up" in the
program of the newly selected channel. This embodiment
displayed will have a unique identifier code (CID). This
can be combined with any of the previous embodiments.
code will be part of the conditions required for displaying
the addressable spot. These eligibility codes could be
The appropriate CIDs for each viewer are selected by a
applied, i.e., transmitted by the network or locally in localmarketing organization which accumulates data on viewers
avail spots. The program delivery system would broadcast a 2 ° to determine the commercials most appropriate to their
default commercial in the spot eligible for the addressable
individual needs and wants. These CIDs are then transmitted
ad. This spot would air in a home or display that was not
individually to each viewing site and stored there for use by
targeted for an addressable ad in that time period.
the CP. Alternatively, an algorithm can be devised and
downloaded to the display site. An inexpensive embedded
The commercial processor in the home would look for the
CID in each incoming commercial at a break during a 25 microprocessor such as a member of the Intel 80386 family,
can execute the down loaded algorithm as a conventional
broadcast program. If there was a CID at a break, the
microcomputer program. That algorithm is created by the
processor would apply the display rules for the stored,
advertisement administrator and/or marketing organization
addressable ads. If there was an ad to display, it would
which provides the commercials. The algorithm changes
substitute the addressed ad for the default ad, and eliminate
30 from time to time based on the nature of the commercials
it from the ad queue as necessary.
and the demographics of the viewers. The algorithm
Frequency, sequencing, context, certification and personresponds to information provided directly or indirectly by
alization data could be applied as in the ifrst preferred
the viewer. This is a dynamic process. As the situation of the
viewers changes, the CIDs appropriate to those viewers also
In summary, in the second preferred embodiment, prede35 changes. For example as children are born certain products
termined codes are transmitted to the display site and stored
and services are of interest. As the children grow and mature,
therein, commercials are then sequentially transmitted to the
products and services previously interesting are replaced
display site prior to the time of their intended use. Approwith those appropriate for older children.
priate storage is provided at the display site to store one or
The apparatus at the viewing site can store and process
more of the commercials selected by matching the commer- 40
CIDs for multiple individuals at the viewing site. When the
cial's CID with that CID determined as appropriate for the
viewer identifies himself or herself either directly or
display site. The broadcast with a break for a target comindirectly, the commercials appropriate to that individual are
mercial may then be transmitted with codes in the break. If
a match is found and only one commercial is stored, it may
be displayed one or more times, depending on whether a 45
frequency code is included. If a registration or certification
code is included, that code is returned upstream to the signal
The attainment of the foregoing and related objects,
origination site when commercials successfully play. The
advantages and features of the invention should be more
commercial will then be replaced with another. If storage for
readily apparent to those skilled in the art, after review of the
multiple commercials is provided, they are downloaded and 50 following more detailed description of the invention, taken
used appropriately.
together with the drawings, in which:
In a third preferred embodiment of the system and process
FIG. 1 is a basic block diagram of the system;
in accordance with the invention, the commercials are
FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the Advertisement Admindelivered in a switched video on demand (VOD) system. In
istration Facility;
a VOD system, consumers request programming which can ss
FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the Advertisement Transbegin at any time. The programming comes from massive
mission Facility;
storage systems called servers. Those servers supply signals
FIG. 4 is a block diagram of the Media Origination
to switches which rout the requested video to the individual
Facility; and
display device. The commercial choice switched to that
FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the Display Site.
location is based on a match of the CID determined for that 60
location and the CID embedded in the commercial. Such
matching may occur at the display site or at the head-end.
This approach requires minimal storage at the receive site.
In a fourth preferred embodiment of the system and
process in accordance with the invention, the channels with
preemptable and conditionally preemptable commercials are
synchronized at the signal origination source so that
Turning now to the drawings, more particularly to FIG. 1,
there is shown a block diagram of the overall system. The Ad
Administration Facility 100 is where customers,
commercials, and programs are analyzed and categorized
and the results stored in databases. The information from
electrical and/or optical connection 114. In other
applications, the commercial is also converted to digital
these databases is used to construct CID codes. Additionally,
form. In still other applications the digitized commercial is
commercials are received from the agencies that created
further processed to reduce signal redundancy and compress
them and processed as necessary for use in the system. These
processed commercials and CID codes are conveyed to the 5 it so that it requires less memory to store and less time and
capacity to transmit. A number of methods are know to those
Ad Transmission Facility 200 via an electrical and/or optical
skilled in the art for accomplishing this. Two examples very
link 101. Alternatively, a satellite 202 could be used to
well known are the Motion Pictures Experts Group (MPEG)
convey the processed commercials and CID codes via uplink
system of compression of video and audio and the DigiCiantenna 105 to antenna 201 which serves as both an uplink
and downlink antenna. Land transmission of the processed io pher method developed and patented by General Instrument
Corporation. The processed commercials are conveyed by
commercials and CID codes can be accomplished with
electrical and/or optical connection 108 to a Recording
transmitting antenna 103 and receiving antenna 205. A
Device 110 for later playback at a suitable time in the
further alternative is conveyance of the processed commerProcessed Commercials Playback Device 146. Such recordcials and CID codes by physical means such as optical or
15 ing and playback devices for analog or digital video and/or
magnetic tapes or disks or other suitable means, 107.
audio segments are well known in the industry. When played
The Ad Transmission Facility 200 combines the proback in the Playback Device 146 the signals are conveyed by
cessed commercials and CID codes with other video and/or
electrical and/or optical connection 148 to a Signal Comaudio programming and conveys it to a plurality of Media
biner and Modulator and Transmitter 144 which combines it
Origination Facilities 300 via satellite 202 using the uplink
antenna 201 and the downlink antennas 301. Alternatively, 20 with other signals and prepares it for conveyance to the Ad
Transmission Facility 200 of FIG. 1. As previously
for Media Origination Facilities in close proximity, antenna
described, the signal is conveyed by electrical and/or optical
205 can be used to transmit some or all of the processed
connection 101, or by radio transmission using antenna 103,
commercials and CID codes to antennas 302 at Media
or by satellite transmission using antenna 105, or by physical
Origination Facilities. An electrical and/or optical link 203
could be used as well as physical conveyance of the pro- 25 means 107 such as optical or magnetic tapes or disks or other
suitable means. Electrical and/or optical connection 114 also
cessed commercials and CID codes byy p h y sical means 207
conveys the Commercial CID Code to an Optional Directory
such as optical or magnetic tapes or disks or other suitable
of CID Codes Generator 140 which compiles all the CID
means. The Media Origination Facility 300 also receives
Codes required for operation of this invention in a summary
programming and commercials from other sources and
creates some programming and commercials in its own 3° form and conveys them by electrical and/or optical connection 142 to the Signal Combiner and Modulator and Transfacilities.
mitter 144.
The package of programming and processed commercials
The Preemptable Commercial Database 116 contains lists
and CID codes is conveyed to the display site 400 (reception
of commercials which can be preempted with the above
site) via electrical and/or optical links 303, or radio trans35 described processed commercials. This list is supplied by
mission via antenna 302 and 401, or via satellite 202 and
agencies or organizations which have sold the carriage of the
antennas 301 and 402, or even via physical means 307 such
commercial under the condition that it may be preempted
as optical or magnetic tapes or disks or other suitable means.
under certain circumstances. Data on these commercials is
In some situations, one or more of the facilities 100, 200,
conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 118 to the
300, and 400 may be co-located simplifying the transmis- 40 Preemptable Commercial CID Code Generator 120 which
sion requirements for the processed commercials and CID
creates the appropriate CID codes. These CID codes are
conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 122 to the
FIG. 2 is a more detailed block diagram of the Ad
Preemptable Commercial CID Data List Storage Device 124
Administration Facility 100 of FIG. 1. The Ad Administrawhere they are stored until required. The storage devices
tion Facility is where the characteristics of those viewing or 45 used to implement this invention can be of any form which
hearing the commercials are analyzed and categorized and
is economical at the time of construction. Examples include
the results stored in a Customer Database 128. Commercials
magnetic, optical, and semiconductor implemented in tapes,
suitable to the needs and wants of those viewing or hearing
disks, and chips as well as combinations of these technoloprogramming are also categorized and an appropriate CID
gies. When required, these codes are conveyed by electrical
code is generated and appended to the commercial. Infor- 50 and/or optical connection 126 to the Signal Combiner and
mation on commercials which can be preempted is stored in
Modulator and Transmitter 144 described above and the
a Preemptable Commercial Data Base 116. Programming is
Optional Director of CID Codes Generator 140 also
also analyzed and categorized to determine the suitability of
described above.
insertion of different categories of commercials. The results
The Customer Database 128 contains lists of consumers
of this analysis is stored in a Programming Database 152. All 55 who would be viewing or listening to programming and
of these databases yield CID codes which are prepared for would be served by commercials which match their needs
conveyance to the Ad Transmission Facility 200.
and wants based on the systems and process of this invenCommercials are received on a suitable media such as
tion. This list is supplied by agencies which have gathered
optical or magnetic tape or disks or via satellite and then
data on the consumers and have created algorithms for
locally recorded. These commercials are then reproduced 60 determining which commercials are most appropriate for
via a playback device 102 which conveys the signals via
those consumers. The combination of the algorithms and the
electrical and/or optical connection 104 to a commercial
data yield the Consumer CID codes. The specific nature of
processor 106. The commercial processor 106 prepares the
the data collected and the algorithms varies with the crecommercial for use in the system and process of this
ativity and resources of the advertising agencies using this
invention. In its simplest form, the commercial processor 65 invention. While examples of the data and algorithms will be
merely appends the appropriate CID code created in the
supplied, it should be clear to those skilled in these arts that
Commercial CID code Generator 112 and conveyed by
there is a wide variety of combinations of data sets and
algorithms which could be used with this invention. Neither
Data List Storage Device 222. The program CID data list is
the data set nor the algorithm are a part of the invention.
conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 236 to the
Consumer Data is conveyed by electrical and/or optical
Program CID Data List Storage Device 238. The optional
connection 130 to the Consumer CID Code Generator 132
directory of CID codes is conveyed by electrical and/or
which creates the appropriate CID codes. These CID codes 5 optical connection 226 to the Optional Directory of CID
are conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 134 to
Codes Storage Device 228. The storage devices used to
the Customer CID Data List Storage Device where they are
implement this invention can be of any form which is
stored until required. When required, these codes are coneconomical at the time of construction. Examples include
veyed by electrical and/or optical connection 138 to the
magnetic, optical, and semiconductor implemented in tapes,
Signal Combiner and Modulator and Transmitter 144 10 disks, and chips as well as combinations of these technolodescribed above and the Optional Director of CID Codes
gies. These four storage devices are controlled by the Timing
Generator 140 also described above.
and Control element 242 with signals conveyed by electrical
and/or optical connection 244. At times which are approThe Programming Database 152 contains lists of propriate for the signals, the Processed Commercial is conveyed
grams would be suitable and eligible for use with commercials which match the needs and wants of consumers in the 15 by electrical and/or optical connection 208 to the Satellite
Uplink Transmitter 210 which feeds satellite antenna 201 in
Consumer Database 128. This programming contains Preits uplink mode. The same signal is conveyed by electrical
emptable Commercials as listed in the Preemptable Comand/or optical connection 208 to an Optional Land Line
mercial Database 116. Based on the systems and process of
Transmission Modulators element 212 which makes it posthis invention, Processed Commercials will be provided at
appropriate times to the Signal Combiner and Modulator and 20 sible for signals to be conveyed by electrical and/or optical
connection 203 to the multiple Media Origination Facilities
Transmitter 144 in coordination with the data in the Pro300 of FIG. 1. In the same manner, the preemptable comgramming Database 152. This list is supplied by agencies or
mercial data list is conveyed by electrical and/or optical
organizations which have gathered data on programming
connection 218 from the Preemptable Commercial Data List
and on the consumers and have created algorithms for
determining which commercials are most appropriate for 25 Storage Device 216 under the inlfuence of the Timing and
Control element 242 to the Satellite Uplink Transmitter 210
those consumers. The combination of the algorithms and the
and Optional Land Line Transmission Modulators 212. In
data yield the Programming CID codes. The speciifc nature
the same manner, the consumer data list is conveyed by
of the data collected and the algorithms varies with the
electrical and/or optical connection 224 from the Consumer
creativity and resources of the advertisers and the Ad
Administrator using this invention. While examples of the 30 Data List Storage Device 222 under the influence of the
Timing and Control element 242 to the Satellite Uplink
data and algorithms will be supplied, it should be clear to
Transmitter 210 and Optional Land Line Transmission
those skilled in these arts that there is a wide variety of
Modulators 212. In the same manner, the program CID data
combinations of data sets and algorithms which could be
list is conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 246
used with this invention. Neither the data set nor the
algorithm are a part of the invention. Programming Data is 35 from the Program CID Data List Storage Device 238 under
the influence of the Timing and Control element 242 to the
conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 154 to the
Satellite Uplink Transmitter 210 and Optional Land Line
Consumer CID Code Generator 156 which creates the
Transmission Modulators 212. In the same manner, the
appropriate CID codes. These CID codes are conveyed by
optional directory of CID codes is conveyed by electrical
electrical and/or optical connection 158 to the Programming
CID Data List Storage Device 160 where they are stored 40 and/or optical connection 230 from the Optional Directory
of CID Codes Storage Device 228 under the influence of the
until required. When required, these codes are conveyed by
Timing and Control element 242 to the Satellite Uplink
electrical and/or optical connection 162 to the Signal ComTransmitter 210 and Optional Land Line Transmission
biner and Modulator and Transmitter 144 described above
Modulators 212.
and the Optional Director of CID Codes Generator 140 also
described above.
The Ad Transmission Facility is usually a component of
a facility which normally transmits a wide variety of other
It is possible to directly convey by electrical and/or
programming on the same transmission means. Other Prooptical connection 150 the commercials from the Commergramming 234 is conveyed by electrical and/or optical
cial Processor 106 to the Signal Combiner and Modulator
connection 232 to the Satellite Uplink Transmitter 210 and
and Transmitter 144.
FIG. 3 is a more detailed block diagram of the Ad so Optional Land Line Transmission Modulators 212.
Under some circumstances, all of the signals that would
Transmission Facility 200 of FIG. 1 which receives
have normally been delivered via satellite or conveyed by
Programming, Commercial, and Consumer information
electrical and/or optical connection are recorded on some
along with appropriate CID codes from the Ad Administrasuitable media 207 and physically delivered to the Media
tion Facility 100 of FIG. 1 via appropriate communications
means either via Satellite 202 and Satellite antenna 201 in 55 Origination Facility 300 of FIG. 1.
FIG. 4 is a more detailed block diagram of the Media
the receive mode, or via antenna 205, or conveyed by
electrical and/or optical connection 101, all previously
Origination Facility 300 of FIG. 1. Signals are received from
described. The Receiver and Demodulator 240 disassemble
the Ad Transmission Facility 200 of FIG. 1 and from other
the received signals and deliver the appropriate signal comsources via Satellite 202 to Satellite Antenna 301, conveyed
ponents to the corresponding storage devices. Processed 60 by electrical and/or optical connection 203, and by physical
Commercials with CID codes are conveyed by electrical
distribution means 207. If the signals arrive via the Satellite
and/or optical connection 204 to the Processed Commercials
Antenna 310, they are tuned and demodulated by Satellite
with CID codes Storage Device 206. The preemptable
Receiver 308, and conveyed by electrical and/or optical
commercial data list is conveyed by electrical and/or optical
connection 312 to a Commercial Storage and Playback
connection 214 to the Preemptable Commercial Data List 65 Machine 316, the Customer CID Code Formatter 330, the
Storage Device 216. The consumer data list is conveyed by
Optional Directory of CID Codes Formatter 332, the Preelectrical and/or optical connection 220 to the Consumer
emptable Commercial CID Code Distributor 338, and the
Program CID Code Distributor 368. If the signals arrive via
the electrical and/or optical connection 203, they are tuned
and demodulated by Land Line Receiver 310 and conveyed
by electrical and/or optical connection 314 to a Commercial
Storage and Playback Machine 316, the Customer CID Code
Formatter 330, the Optional Directory of CID Codes Formatter 332, the Preemptable Commercial CID Code Distributor 338, and the Program CID Code Distributor 368. If
the signals arrive via physical means 207 and the Playback
Device 305, they are conveyed by electrical and/or optical
connection 304 to a Commercial Storage and Playback
Machine 316, the Customer CID Code Formatter 330, the
Optional Directory of CID Codes Formatter 332, the Preemptable Commercial CID Code Distributor 338, and the
Program CID Code Distributor 368. The output of the
Commercial Storage and Playback Machines 316 is conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 318 to Commercial Modulators 320 which prepare the signal for transmission on assigned frequencies. The Modulated
Commercial signals are conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 322 to a Signal Combiner 324 which conveys
the signals by electrical and/or optical connection 326 to an
antenna for over the air transmission and or conveys the
signals by electrical and/or optical wire line connection 303
to a plurality of Display Sites 400 of FIG. 1. The Signal
Combiner 324 is also supplied signals conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 334 from the Customer CID
Code Formatter 330. The Signal Combiner 324 is also
supplied signals conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 336 from the Optional Directory of CID Codes
Formatter 332
Other programming is generated locally and is received
via satellite, fiber, coaxial cable, twisted pairs, and other
means and is represented by the Other Programming block
360. The Program CID Code Distributor 368 conveys CID
codes by electrical and/or optical connection 370 for combination with the programming signals. Other Programming
360 signals are conveyed by electrical and/or optical connections 362 to Synchronizers 364. Programming with preemptable commercials is synchronized in the Synchronizer
block 364. Programming without preemptable commercials
is passed through without any special processing. The synchronized signals with preemptable programming and the
other signals which have not been synchronized is conveyed
by electrical and/or optical connection 366 to the Signal
Combiner 324.
The CID codes inserted in Programming by Program CID
Code Distributor 368, in Preemptable Commercials by Preemptable Commercial CID Code Distributor 338, and which
come embedded in Commercials played back by Commercial Storage and Playback Machine 316 must be so coded
and constructed as to be indistinguishable by ordinary means
unless the receive site is authorized to participate. If this was
not the case, illegitimate electronic devices could be constructed to "zap " commercials that is they would be muted
or a recording device such as a VCR would be made to not
record them.
FIG. 5 is a more detailed block diagram of the Display
Site of FIG. 1. Signals are conveyed by electrical and/or
optical connection 303 and/or by radio via antenna 401
and/or via satellite via satellite antenna 402 to a receiver
410. Optionally, physical media 307 could be used within
Optional Playback Device 464 which connects via a radio
frequency connection 456A, typically at television channel
3 or 4 to the antenna terminals 404 or cable input 406 of
receiver 410. The receiver 410 preprocesses the signal and
conveys it by electrical and/or optical connection 412 to a
Frequency Selector and Detector 414 which then conveys
the selected and demodulated baseband signals by electrical
and/or optical connection 416 to a Data Decoder 434 which
extracts data required by this invention, and an Analog
Descrambler 418 which descrambles analog signals this
consumer is authorized to receive, passes unscrambled analog signals, and retains scrambling on analog signals which
this consumer is not authorized to receive, and a Digital
Demultiplexer 422 which selects one digital signal stream
out of the multiplexed combination of digital signals.
The Data Decoder 434 extracts data required by this
invention and conveys the extracted data by electrical and/or
optical connection 436 to the Commercial Processor 438
which controls the further operation of the system. The
Commercial Processor 438 can select the frequencies
received by the system by signals conveyed by electrical
and/or optical connection 442 to Frequency Selector and
Detector 414. The Commercial Processor 438 can select the
data stream processed by the digital portions of the system
by the system by signals conveyed by electrical and/or
optical connection 440 to the Digital Demultiplexer 422.
The Commercial Processor 438 can optionally cause
upstream signals to be transmitted by signals conveyed by
electrical and/or optical connection 460 to the Optional
Upstream Transmitter 466 which creates signals conveyed
by electrical and/or optical connection 452 to a suitable
upstream communications path such as the wire line 303
which may be a coaxial cable, twisted copper pair, or ifber
optical link. The Commercial Processor 438 can cause
commercial signals to be stored or played back from the
Optional Video Storage Device 456 by signals conveyed by
electrical and/or optical connection 462 to the Optional
Video Storage Device 456.
Digital signals selected from a digital data stream by
Digital Demultiplexer 422 under control of the Commercial
Processor 438 are conveyed by electrical and/or optical
connection 424 to the Digital Descrambler 426. Digital
signals which the customer is authorized to receive are
descrambled and conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 428 to a Digital to Analog Converter 430 which
converts these signals into a form suitable for further processing and display. Also, the signals from the Digital
Descrambler are optionally conveyed by electrical and/or
optical connection 458 to an Optional Video Storage Device
456 which can either store or playback certain commercials
under the control of signals conveyed by electrical and/or
optical connection 462 from the Commercial Processor 438.
Analog signals from the Analog Descrambler 418 are
conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 420 to a
Display Processor 444 which combines them with signals
from the Digital to Analog Converter 430 conveyed by
electrical and/or optical connection 432. Input device 446
emits infra red remote control signals, radio frequency
signals, or other suitable signals to the Display Processor
444 which interprets and acts upon their commands. The
Display Processor's combined signal is conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 448 to the video display 450
and is conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection
452A to the Audio Reproducer 454.
The ifrst preferred embodiment of the invention involves
supplementary electronics built into set-top boxes, consumer
electronics products, personal computers, plug-in modules
for the Decoder Interface of "cable ready" products, and
other display devices. This electronics has the purpose of
managing the display of special advertisements based on the
needs and interests of the viewer.
Although the invention has been described with reference
to preferred embodiments, it will be apparent to one skilled
in the art that variations and modiifcations are contemplated
13. The system of claim 6 further comprising means for
within the spirit and scope of the invention. The drawings
certifying that said advertisement has been displayed.
and description of the preferred embodiments are made by
14. The system of claim 1 further comprising means for
way of example rather than to limit the scope of the
delivering a plurality of programs to said display site, each
invention, and it is intended to cover within the spirit and 5 program having a break for presenting the advertisement.
scope of the invention all such changes and modifications.
15. The system of claim 14 wherein said means for
What is claimed is:
delivering a plurality of programs includes means for syn1. A system for delivery of targeted advertisements to
chronizing said breaks of said programs such that said
individual consumers each having a display site using code
advertisement is presented at the same time during each
comparison in a control device at the display site, comprisio program.
16. A system for targeting advertisements to consumers
(a) the control device at the consumer display site;
each having a display site using code comparison in a
(b) a central storage system for storing a plurality of
control device at the display site, comprising:
advertisements; and
(a) the control device at the display site;
(c) means in the control device for communicating with 15
(b) a central storage system for storing a plurality of
the central storage system and for selecting an adveradvertisements, each advertisement having a code assotisement from the central storage system for delivery to
ciated therewith;
said display site for display intended for a particular
consumer based on a command from the control
(c) means for delivering a program and for delivering a
selected one of the plurality of advertisements from the
2. The system of claim 1 wherein ifrst information asso- 2 °
central storage system to said display site for display;
ciated with each advertisement is appended to each said
(d) said control device comprising means for communiadvertisement.
cating with the central storage system and for compar3. The system of claim 2 further comprising means for
ing a code stored in the control device with codes
delivering second information associated with the display
associated with the plurality of advertisements in the
site to said display site.
central storage system thereby to select the selected
4. The system of claim 3 wherein said ifrst information
advertisement for display at the display site.
includes at least one first code relating to at least one
17. The system of claim 16 further comprising means for
characteristic of the advertisement to which the ifrst infordelivering information to said control device at said display
mation is appended.
5. The system of claim 4, wherein said second information 30 site instructing said site to display said selected advertisement while preventing the display of said remaining adverincludes at least one second code relating to a characteristic
of said particular consumer.
18. The system of claim 17 wherein said selected adver6. The system of claim 5, wherein said control device
tisement is delivered to said display site subsequent to said
comprises means for comparing said at least one ifrst code
and said at least one second code and means for presenting 35 information delivery.
19. The system of claim 18 wherein said information
said advertisement at said display site when said at least one
includes at least one predefined first code.
ifrst code corresponds to said at least one second code.
20. The system of claim 19 wherein each of said plurality
7. The system of claim 6, wherein said ifrst information
of advertisements have at least one predeifned code accomfurther includes at least one third code for indicating the
panying each said advertisement.
frequency of presentation of said advertisement.
21. The system of claim 20, wherein said control device
8. The system of claim 6 further comprising means for
comprises means for comparing said at least one predeifned
delivering a program including at least one characteristic
ifrst code with said at least one predeifned code accompacode that identiifes a characteristic of the program and said
nying said advertisements in the control device.
ifrst information further includes at least one third code that
22• The system of claim 21 wherein said control device
identiifes a characteristic of said advertisement, said system 45
comprises means for displaying a selected advertisement
further including means for comparing said at least one third
when said at least one predeifned ifrst code matches said at
code and said at least one characteristic code and means for
least one predeifned code accompanying said advertisepresenting said advertisement when said codes match.
9. The system of claim 6, wherein said means for deliv23. The system of claim 17 wherein the control device
ering comprises means for delivering a program including at 50
further comprises means for storing said information.
least one code that identiifes a characteristic thereof and said
24. A system for targeting advertisements to consumers
ifrst information further includes at least one third code that
using code comparison in a control device at a consumer
identifies a characteristic of said advertisement, said system
display site, comprising:
further including means for comparing said at least one third
(a) the control device at the display site;
code and said at least one characteristic code and means for 55
(b) a central storage system for storing a plurality of
preventing said advertisement from being presented when
said codes match.
(c) means for delivering a program and for delivering the
10. The system of claim 6 further comprising means for
plurality of advertisements from the central storage
delivering the plurality of advertisements to said display site
system to said display site for display;
and means for sequencing said advertisements intended for 60
the particular consumer.
(d) means for allowing the display of a ifrst advertisement
11. The system of claim 6 further including means responand preventing the display of the remaining plurality of
sive to action of a consumer for presenting another adveradvertisements based on a command from the control
tisement following a ifrst advertisement.
device; said means for allowing and preventing com12. The system of claim 6 further comprising means at 65
prising means for delivering information to said display
said display site for registering the time and date of said
site instructing said display site to display said ifrst
advertisement displayed.
advertisement while preventing the display of said
remaining advertisements, said plurality of advertisements being delivered to said display site and being
stored in the control device for later display at the
display site prior to said information delivery.
25. The system of claim 24 wherein said control device
comprises means for storing said advertisements.
26. The system of claim 25 wherein said plurality of
advertisements are delivered sequentially.
27. The system of claim 26, wherein said information
includes at least one predefined first code.
28. The system of claim 27 wherein said ifrst advertisement and said remaining advertisements each have at least
one predeifned code accompanying said advertisement.
29. The system of claim 28 wherein said control device
comprises means for comparing said at least one predeifned
ifrst code with said at least one predefined code accompanying each of said advertisements in the control device.
30. The system of claim 29 wherein said control device
comprises means for displaying an advertisement if said at
least one predeifned first code matches said at least one
predefined code accompanying said advertisement.
31. The system of claim 5, further comprising means
delivered to said display site for determining an appropriate
advertisement of said plurality of advertisements to display.
32. The system of claim 31 further comprising means for
delivering a program and wherein said program has a
plurality of breaks for said advertisements.
33. The system of claim 32 further comprising means
delivered to said display site for determining when to search
for the advertisements and which breaks are preemptable.
34. The system of claim 5 further comprising means for
retrieving an advertisement intended for a consumer viewing
said display at a particular time.
35. A system for targeting advertisements to consumers
using code comparison in a control device at a consumer
display site, comprising:
ifrst and second display sites each having the control
a central storage system for storing a plurality of advertisements;
means for delivering a program to said ifrst and second
display sites, the program having a plurality of predetermined breaks and means in the control device at each
display site for selecting an advertisement from said
plurality of advertisements from the central storage
system; and
means comprising the control device at the ifrst display
site for selectively displaying a first advertisement at
said ifrst site during a ifrst break intended for a ifrst
consumer and means comprising the control device at
the second display site for simultaneously selectively
displaying a second advertisement during said ifrst
break different than said first advertisement at said
second site intended for a second consumer based on
commands from the respective control devices.
36. The system of claim 35 wherein said means for
delivering includes means for delivering a code to said ifrst
and second display sites prior to said program delivery,
corresponding to said ifrst and second consumers respectively.
37. The system of claim 36, wherein said display sites
each include means for storing said code in the control
38. The system of claim 37 wherein said ifrst and second
advertisements each include a code corresponding to a
39. The system of claim 38, wherein each said control
device comprises means for comparing said codes accom-
panying said advertisements with said code stored in said
storing means to determine matching codes.
40. The system of claim 39, wherein each said control
device comprises second means for displaying said advertisement at said respective display site when a code accompanying the advertisement matches said stored code and for
ignoring an advertisement that does not have a code matching said stored code.
41. The system of claim 40 wherein each said control
device comprises means for displaying a default advertisement if the stored code does not match at least one of the
codes accompanying the advertisements delivered.
42. The system of claim 41, further comprising means at
each control device for displaying said ifrst advertisement if
at least one code accompanying each advertisement matches
said stored code.
43. A system for targeting advertisements to consumers
using code comparison at a display site comprising:
a control device at the display site, the display site
displaying a program having a break for an advertisement;
a central storage system for storing a plurality of advertisements;
mm eans for delivering a selected one of the plurality of
aa dvertisements from the central storage system to said
display site appropriate to a particular consumer; and
means in the control device for selecting the selected
advertisement of said plurality of advertisements in the
central storage system for display during said break
appropriate for the particular consumer based on a
command from the control device at the display site.
44. A system for targeting advertisements to consumers
using code comparison at a display site comprising:
(a) a control device at the display site;
(b) means for delivering a plurality of advertisements to
said control device at the display site for storage at the
display site; and
(c) said control device comprising means for selectively
displaying an advertisement of said plurality of advertisements stored at the display site based on commands
stored in the control device.
45. The system of claim 44 further comprising means for
ensuring that said advertisement is displayed at said display
site at a predetermined time regardless of a program being
46. A method for targeting advertisements to respective
consumers using code comparison at each consumer's viewing site comprising the steps of:
selecting an advertisement from a central storage system
based on a command from a control device at the
viewing site; and
delivering the selected advertisement for display to the
viewing site intended for a particular consumer.
47. The method of claim 46, further comprising the step
of assigning at least one ifrst code to each said advertisement
according to a predetermined characteristic of each said
48. The method of claim 47 further comprising the step of
assigning at least one second code to said viewing site.
49. The method of claim 48, further comprising the step
of comparing said at least one first code and said at least one
second code and presenting said advertisement at said
viewing site when said at least one ifrst code corresponds to
said at least one second code.
50. A method for targeting advertisements to consumers
based on commands from a consumer display site comprising the steps of:
delivering a program and a plurality of advertisements to
the consumer display site;
storing the advertisements at the display site for later
display in the program at the display site; and
selectively allowing the display of a first advertisement at 5
said display site and preventing the display of the
remaining plurality of advertisements based on a command from the display site.
51. A system for delivery of targeted advertisements to
individual consumers at respective display sites based on 1°
commands from the display sites comprising:
a control device at each consumer display site;
means responsive to a consumer action for delivering a
program to the consumer display site, said program 15
having at least one break for an advertisement; and
means in the control device for selecting a predetermined
advertisement in a central storage system for delivery
to said display site for display during said break
intended for a particular consumer based on a com- 2o
mand from the control device at the display site.
52. The system of claim 51 further comprises means for
delivering an advertisement that includes information that
has been matched with information determined for said
display site.
53. The system of claim 1 wherein means are provided for
monitoring the execution of the advertisement.
54. The system of claim 1, wherein means are provided
for sequencing the display of advertisements so that the
advertisements play in a prescribed order.
55. The system of claim 1, wherein means are provided
for displaying the advertisement a prescribed number of
56. The system of claim 1 wherein means are provided for
coupling the advertisement to related advertisements.
57. The system of claim 1 wherein means are provided for
certiifcation of the advertisement.
58. The system of claim 24, wherein means are provided
for monitoring the execution of at least one of the adver40
59. The system of claim 24, wherein means are provided
for sequencing the display of advertisements so that the
advertisements play in a prescribed order.
60. The system of claim 24 wherein means are provided
for displaying an advertisement a prescribed number of 45
61. The system of claim 24, wherein means are provided
for coupling at least one of the advertisements to related
62. The system of claim 24, wherein means are provided
for certiifcation of at least one of the advertisements.
63. A system for targeting advertisements for display at a
consumer display site, comprising:
a control device at the consumer display site, the control
device receiving a program and a plurality of advertisements for display at the display site;
the control device having a storage device for storing the
plurality of advertisements;
the control device allowing the display of a selected
advertisement of the plurality of advertisements; said
control device including a comparator for comparing a
code appended to each advertisement and a code stored
in the control device and for displaying an advertisement in a break in the program when the codes match.
64. The system of claim 63 further comprising means for
delivering a code for storing in the control device related to
a consumer at the display site.
65. The system of claim 64 wherein the plurality of
advertisements are stored in the control device at the display
site prior to delivery of the code.
66. The system of claim 64, wherein the plurality of
advertisements are stored in the control device at the display
site subsequent to delivery of the code.
67. A system for targeting advertisements for display at a
consumer display site, comprising:
a control device coupled to the display device at the
display site, the control device controlling the display
of a program having a break for an advertisement on the
display device;
the control device having a selector for selecting an
advertisement from a plurality of advertisements stored
in a central storage system based on a comparison of a
code stored in the control device and a code appended
to each of the advertisements; and
the control device receiving the selected one of the
plurality of advertisements from the central storage
system for display on the display device.
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