HBAC MatchMaker Media Inc. v. Google Inc. et al
COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed with Jury Demand against Google Inc, YouTube LLC - Magistrate Consent Notice to Pltf. ( Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 0311-1250807.) - filed by HBAC MatchMaker Media Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Civil Cover Sheet)(cla, )
United States Patent
Hite et al.
[76] Inventors: Kenneth C. Hite, 3 Center Knolls,
Bronxville, N.Y. 10708; Walter S.
Ciciora, 45 Hulls Farms Rd., Southport,
Conn. 06490-1027; Tom Alison, 280
Barrataria Dr., St. Augustine, Fla.
32086; Robert G. Beauregard, 66 E.
Parkway, Apt. 1J, Scarsadale, N.Y.
[21] Appl. No.: 08/517,838
Aug. 22, 1995
HO4N 7/10
345/327; 348/2; 348/9;
Field of Search
348/1, 2, 3, 9
348/4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13; 455/3.1, 4.1, 4.2,
5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 2; 345/323; 709/217-219;
HO4N 7/10
348/10 X
455/2 X
Primary Examiner—Nathan Flynn
Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Ostrolenk, Faber, Gerb & Soffen,
[51] Int. C1. 6
[52] U.S. Cl.
Dec. 14, 1999
4,404,589 9/1983 Wright, Jr.
4,814,883 3/1989 Perine et al.
5,099,319 3/1992 Esch et al.
5,155,591 10/1992 Wacob
5,200,822 4/1993 Bronifn et al.
5,231,494 7/1993 Wachob
5,319,455 6/1994 Hoarty et al.
5,424,770 6/1995 Schmelzer et al.
5,446,919 8/1995 Wilkins
5,495,283 2/1996 Cowe .
5,515,098 5/1996 Carles .
5,636,346 6/1997 Saxe
5,652,615 7/1997 Bryant et al.
5,661,516 8/1997 Carles .
5,774,170 6/1998 Hite et al.
5,805,974 9/1998 Hite et al.
[22] Filed:
Patent Number:
Date of Patent:
A system and method for targeting TV advertisements to
individual consumers delivering a plurality of advertisements to a display site. A command signal is sent to the
display site commanding the display of a selected advertisement suited for the individual consumer. In another
embodiment, a predetermined advertisement is delivered
upon command from a control center to a viewing site
intended for the particular consumer.
References Cited
Re. 33,808 1/1992 Wright, Jr.
4,331,973 5/1982 Eskin et al.
4,331,974 5/1982 Cogswell et al.
70 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
D reemptab e
Commercial —
Instruction \
' Formatter
\ 216
N 224
& Transmitter k\
Fig .1
Fig . 2a
, 204
\ 216 " Addr able
Commercial - N.220 ^Database
. 224
l 228
& Transmiiter
Fig 2 b
210 -. .,
V216 , Addr
& Transmitter
/ -
t Satellite
Si g nal
Other Signal
-..s___.- 342
Bank of
I ►
i 340
s Land Line
U.S. Patent
Sheet 5 of 8
Dec. 14, 1999
Set Top Box
- -.._... 412
Fig, 4
5 g
4 1
538 516 N592
in Band
Data Extractor
Outof Band
Data Extractor
I Analog Video
k 588
Remote Control
_____..... ___.
\. \
574 P
Video & Audio
V Decompressor
DemliPe xer
\ 560
586 534
On Screen
47 \
',. 540 550
Video & Audio
( 578
input \
--- 610
1 ►
Non-volatile Memory
Fig. 6
700 1
- Switches
Modulator ''
, Combiner
v Neighborhood
s Set Top Box
Fi g. 7
,.. 412
:; 414
° ----- 416
It is a further object of the invention to provide such a
system and process which will allow the operators of video
delivery systems to increase the effectiveness of their media
in delivering meaningful messages to consumers.
It is another object of the invention to provide a means of
dealing with the clutter resulting from hundreds of channels
oo f video and audio programming containing advertising.
The attainment of these and related objectives may be
achieved through use of the novel electronic systems and
processes herein disclosed.
The process of this invention includes the following steps.
The sets of advertisements are prepared so that they are
ss uitable for the transmission and storage means employed.
Each commercial is analyzed as to its nature and focus and
catalogued in a central data base. The messages are then
delivered to the point of usage.
Commercials may be classiifed into three categories: 1)
non-preemptable, 2) conditionally preemptable, or 3) uncon-
This invention relates to an electronic system and a
process for enhancing advertising by delivering TV and
radio commercials targeted to individual viewer's based
desires and needs.
TV has been dominated by the broadcast networks which
were the best available means of broad reach for advertisers.
Now, however, the world is changing with 67% of U.S.
homes wired for cable. Thus, cable systems are effectively
replacing on-air broadcast as the actual delivery vehicle for 1 5
Broadcast networks and their afifliates however, still
receive the vast majority of advertiser dollars for two
reasons. First, advertisers believe that placing their commercials in specific programs will ensure that they reach the 2o ditionally preemptable. For example, commercials in programs not participating in this system and process would be
right kind of viewers. Advertisers however are aware that
non-preemptable. Some commercials in programs which are
demographic targeting is highly wasteful. For example, dog
eligible for preemption may also be non-preemptable under
owners comprise only 30% of households, thus every
some circumstances. These are called conditionally preRalston-Purina commercial exposure involves 70% waste.
emptable. An example of such a situation may be that a
Target marketing is the answer Deliver your commercial 25 competitor's product may not be used to preempt. One brand
to only those who are the best prospects.
of automobile may be precluded from substituting for
The second reason broadcasters receive the majority of
another brand of automobile. An unconditionally preemptadvertising revenue is because they continue to attract the
able commercial may be subject to substitution any time
largest audience (approximately 60% of all viewers) despite 30 other higher priority commercials are available. In locations
the proliferation of cable channels which has fragmented the " not equipped with hardware which implements this system
viewing audience. The likelihood that viewers are watching
and process, the preemptable commercials are displayed.
any particular commercial/advertisement is reduced by the
Commercials which are subject to preemption are schedsheer quantity of channels. Advertisers have dififculty setuled to be imbedded in programs. The details concerning the
ting values on the advertising opportunities.
35 commercial's timing and where it will be found by the
Advertisers are faced with an even more aggravating
viewer's channel selector are stored in a central data base
situation with the advent of Digital Video Compression
along with information to indicate under what circumstances
(DVC). DVC means that the number of programs which can
a more suitable commercial may be substituted.
be carried by any digital media will expand dramatically.
A suitable process is used to target prospective viewers of
The operators of delivery systems with large capacity are 40 a set of advertisements using database search and list
frustrated by the inability to interest advertisers in any
selection procedures. The result of this process is a database
signiifcant amount of participation. It is very difficult to
which characterizes each subscriber according to which
demonstrate the effectiveness of advertising in an environcommercials are best targeted to that subscriber.
ment of a hundred or more channels of advertiser supported
In two way broadband systems, it is possible to implement
45 and up stream reporting capability where signals are transmitted from the viewing location to a central database
While a number of such systems and processes are known
location for reporting whether a speciifc viewing location
in this art, none of these systems and processes deal with a
had its receiving equipment powered and tuned to a speciifc
way to provide specific commercials to viewers needs and
channel. This information can be used to further target the
wants in a multichannel environment.
It would be desirable to have a system for targeting 5° commercials. In situations where the broadband network is
not capable of sending messages back to the central
commercials to those particular consumers who represent
database, other means can be provided. An example of such
only the best prospects for an advertiser.
means is an auto dialer device which accumulates the
information and then at appropriate times dials a number and
55 reports the accumulated data. The number dialed could be a
Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to provide a
local number or a "toll free 800" number. The reporting call
system and process which will solve the problems described
can me made in a manner which first test to see if the phone
above and overcome the disadvantages associated with the
line is in use and thereby ensures that calls in progress will
prior art systems described above.
not be interrupted. If someone in the home wishes to use the
It is another object of the present invention to provide 60 phone, this can be sensed and the report suspended and the
viewers with advertisements which are matched to the phone line relinquished so that another call can be made. The
viewer's interests and needs.
interrupted data transmission would be completed later. In
this manner, the use of an auto dial reporting capability can
It is another object of the invention to provide such a
be accomplished without intrusion on the normal use of the
system and process which will provide advertisers with less
waste and greater cost effectiveness in delivering their 65 telephone line.
messages only to those consumers who are desirable prosA frequency feature can implemented by keeping track of
the number of successfully displayed commercials by using
the up stream reporting capability described above. A suchomes or displays via either over-the-air broadcast or wired
delivery systems. The preferred embodiments are described
cessful display of the commercial requires the display device
to be in its "on" condition. An advertiser can then be assured
In a ifrst preferred embodiment of the system and process
that his commercial has been displayed on powered equipment at the subscriber's location at least the number of times 5 in accordance with the invention, an individually addressable digital recording device (RD) with a unique address is
speciifed in his contract. If the number is not achieved,
installed at the display site in the television or radio receiver,
perhaps because the receiving equipment is not powered, an
VCR, display device or set-top-box or modular decoder
appropriate adjustment with the advertiser can be made.
associated with the media provider (cable, DBS, telephone,
A sequencing feature can be implemented by keeping
etc.). One or more instructions are transmitted to and
track of which commercials were displayed by using the up 10 recorded by the RD in advance of the commercial broadcast.
stream reporting capability described above. By having a
These instructions will be used to "tell" the display which
sequencing feature, viewers would see a series of commerupcoming commercials to play and which to ignore.
cials in correct order. One commercial builds on another.
These data transmissions to the home can be delivered via
Two examples of commercials requiring sequencing are
communications capabilities established with the program
tutorials and commercials including a story line which plays 15 delivery system including but not limited to the Vertical
out in a determined sequence.
Blanking Interval (VBI) of analog video, ancillary
A viewer reaction feature can be included to cause addisubcarriers, amplitude modulation of the frequency modutional relevant commercials to be presented in reaction to a
lated audio carrier, totally separate data carriers, or using the
viewer's response to questions or other viewer interaction
digital equivalent of these means of a contracted or affiliated
transmitted using the up stream reporting capability 20 programming service.
described above. The relevant commercials could be for
Multiple commercials are simultaneously broadcasted in
more detailed information about the same product or sera television or radio commercial spot. For instance, rather
vice. Alternatively, they could be for products or services
than broadcasting one 30-second commercial, a number of
which are likely to be of interest to the viewer based on the
commercials might be broadcasted simultaneously over difviewer's responses. For example, a viewer who requests „" ferent separate channels. Note that these simultaneously
more information about children's aspirin may also be
broadcasted commercials could be compressed in a digital
offered a subsequent commercial on children's chewable
transmission to ift within the distribution bandwidth as
necessary. In any event, there would always be one of the
A registration feature could be implemented by directing 30 number of commercials designated or chosen as a default
the receive site to store data for later communication using
commercial that would play unless replaced by a targeted
the up stream reporting capability described above. When
commercial. Depending on the capacity of the transmission
such a commercial is successfully displayed, a confirmation
system, the number of simultaneous commercials could be
is communicated back upstream to the signal origination
relatively small—such as four or five (4 or 5)—or much
site. A time and date stamp is added. Two levels of regis- 35 larger.
tration are possible. In the simpler level of registration, a
A Commercial Processor (CP) at the display site would be
count is accumulated at the origination point or some other
programmed by an algorithm transmitted to the RD prior to
suitable place indicating the total number of commercials
the commercial transmission to look for and display targeted
successfully displayed at all locations. Viewer identities are
incoming commercials.
not tabulated. In the second level of registration, a viewer 40
Display of a targeted commercial is accomplished by
identification number is included in the acknowledgment
tuning to the frequency which contains the targeted commessages centrally collected. This second method is called
mercial and, if it is digitized, selecting the correct digital
a certification feature. In the case of certiifcation, the viewer
data stream. In order to avoid subscriber confusion, the
responds to the advertisement. This response could be to
channel indicator does not change during the display of the
answer a question, to merely make an acknowledgment, or 45 targeted commercial. It remains on the channel previously
to request a coupon or other item of value. This indicates that
being watched. After the targeted commercial is completed,
not only has the commercial been successfully displayed,
the tuner returns to the frequency previously used for the
but it has also been viewed, recognized, and acted upon.
program being watched.
There are several options for the upstream transmission of
In summary, in this preferred embodiment of the system
registration or certiifcation codes. This code could be trans- 50 and process in accordance with the invention, the commermitted upstream at the time the commercial was successfully
cials are simultaneously transmitted. The channels with the
received. Alternatively, the fact that it was received could be
programming include default preemptable or conditionally
stored at the receive site and relayed to the signal origination
preemptable commercials. The CP at the display site
site upon request or at a pre-programmed more convenient
responds to instructions previously downloaded to it during
time. Several options for upstream communication exist. 55 the commercial period and implements the targeted comThese include two-way cable systems, radio transmissions,
mercial strategy appropriate for the viewer.
telephonic communication, or the physical conveyance of a
An anti-zapping feature may be employed. "Zapping" is
printed report, a magnetic, optical, electronic or other
the practice of skipping over commercials in a video tape or
recorded report.
switching to another channel during a commercial to avoid
In summary, with the present invention, television (and 60 the commercial. There have been many attempts to make
radio) and advertising are enhanced by targeting, delivering
circuits to automatically pause a VCR during commercials
and displaying electronic advertising messages
so that they are not recorded at all. It is important that the
(commercials) within speciifed programming in one or more
downloaded instructions be in an encrypted form to prevent
pre-determined households (or on speciifc display devices)
commercial zappers from identifying the time of commerwhile simultaneously preventing a commercial from being 65 cials and preventing their recording or viewing. If this is not
displayed in other households or on other displays for which
done, boxes which prevent commercials from being
it is not intended. Commercials can be delivered to speciifed
recorded on VCRs will be available for sale in short order.
In a second preferred embodiment of the system and
their individual needs and wants. These instructions are then
process in accordance with the invention, an individually
transmitted individually to each viewing site and stored
addressable digital recording device (RD) with a unique
there for use by the CP. As the situation of the viewers
address is installed at the display site in the television
changes, the instructions appropriate to those viewers also
receiver, VCR, display device set-top-box or modular 5 changes. For example, as children are born, certain products
decoder associated with the video provider (cable, DBS,
and services are of interest. As the children grow and mature,
telephone, etc.). Commercial display instructions for a parproducts and services previously interesting are replaced
ticular display site (consumer) are transmitted to and stored
with those appropriate for older children.
in an in-home storage device at the display site. These
The apparatus at the viewing site can store and process
instructions include details about which commercials which io IDs for multiple individuals at the viewing site. When the
will be later transmitted are to be captured and which are to
viewer identiifes himself or herself either directly or
be ignored. Commercials are subsequently transmitted to the
indirectly, the commercials appropriate to that individual are
in-home storage device with sufifcient capacity to hold one
or more commercials prior to display. The commercials
could be in analog form, but it is more efifcient of trans- 15
mission and storage capacity to digitize and compress the
The attainment of the foregoing and related objects,
commercials prior to transmission and storage.
advantages and features of the invention should be more
The frequency, sequencing, registration, and certiifcation
readily apparent to those skilled in the art, after review of the
features could be applied as in the ifrst preferred embodi20 following more detailed description of the invention, taken
together with the drawings, in which:
In summary, in the second preferred embodiment, predeFIG. 1 is a basic block diagram of the system;
termined instructions are transmitted to the display site and
FIG. 2.a is a block diagram of the Advertisement Adminstored therein, commercials are then sequentially transmitistration Facility;
ted to the display site prior to the time of their intended use.
FIG. 2.b is a block diagram of the Advertisement AdminAppropriate storage is provided at the display site to store 25
istration Facility including a Consumer Classifier;
one or more of the commercials as appropriate for the
display site, selected by following the previously transmitted
FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the Media Origination
instructions. If storage for multiple commercials is provided,
Facility; and
they are downloaded and used appropriately.
FIG. 4 is a block diagram of the Display Site.
In a third preferred embodiment of the system and process
FIG. 5 is a block diagram of a set top box implementation
in accordance with the invention, the commercials are
of the invention.
delivered in a switched video on demand (VOD) system. In
FIG. 6 is a block diagram of the Commercial Processor
a VOD system, consumers request programming which can
FF IG. 7 is a block diagram of a Video On Demand system
begin at any time. The programming comes from massive
storage systems called servers. Those servers supply signals 35 which implements the invention.
to switches which rout the requested video to the individual
display device. The commercial choice switched to that
location is based on instructions transmitted from the central
database .
Turning now to the drawings, more particularly to FIG. 1,
there is shown a block diagram of the overall system. The Ad
In a fourth preferred embodiment of the system and
Administration Facility 200 is where customers,
process in accordance with the invention, the channels with
commercials, and programs are analyzed and categorized
preemptable and conditionally preemptable commercials are
and the results stored in databases. The information from
synchronized at the signal origination source so that
enhanced advertising can be inserted independent of which 45 these databases is used to construct instructions governing
the display of targeted commercials which will be transmitprogram is being watched. This makes enhanced advertising
ted to display sites.
particularly valuable. Not only is the commercial selected to
ift the needs and wants of the viewer, but these more
The Ad Administration Facility 200 distributes the tarinteresting commercials can be made to appear on a variety
geted commercial display instructions to a plurality of
of programs. The consumer becomes more reachable even in 50 Media Origination Facilities 300 via satellite 100 using the
an environment consisting of hundreds of channels. This
uplink antenna 202 and the downlink antennas 302.
invention can cost effectively implement a comprehensive
Alternatively, for Media Origination Facilities in close
version of the "Road Block" technique used in broadcast
proximity, antenna 204 can be used to transmit some or all
television where the same commercial is simultaneously
of the targeted commercial display instructions to antennas
placed on all networks. If the viewer changes channels to 55 304 at Media Origination Facilities. An electrical and/or
another channel with a preemptable commercial, the comoptical link 206 could be used as well as physical conveymercial is uninterrupted even though the channel indicator
ance of the targeted commercial display instructions by
changes and indicates the new channel. Even if the viewer
physical means 208 such as optical or magnetic tapes or
changes to a channel with non-preemptable commercials,
disks or other suitable means. The Media Origination Facilthe commercial already started could be completed before 60 ity 300 also receives programming and commercials from
switching to the new channel. The advertisement is thus
other sources and creates some programming and commer"locked up" in the program of the newly selected channel.
cials in its own facilities.
This embodiment can be combined with any of the previous
The package of programming and processed commercials
and targeted commercial display instructions is conveyed to
The appropriate instructions for each viewer are selected 65 the display site 400 (reception site) via electrical and/or
by a marketing organization which accumulates data on
optical links 306, or radio transmission via antenna 304 and
viewers to determine the commercials most appropriate to
404, or via satellite 100 and antennas 304 and 404, or even
via physical means 308 such as optical or magnetic tapes or
disks or other suitable means.
In some situations, one or more of the facilities 200, 300,
and 400 may be co-located simplifying the transmission
requirements for the processed commercials and targeted
commercial display instructions.
FIG. 2 is a more detailed block diagram of the Ad
Administration Facility 200 of FIG. 1. The Ad Administration Facility is where the characteristics of those viewing or
hearing the commercials are analyzed and categorized and
the results stored in a Consumer Database 210. Commercials
suitable to the needs and wants of those viewing or hearing
programming are also categorized and the results of this
analysis stored in the Targeted Commercial Database 218.
Information on commercials which can be preempted is
stored in a Preemptable Commercial Data Base 214. Programming is also analyzed and categorized to determine the
suitability of insertion of different categories of commercials. The results of this analysis is stored in a Program
Database 222. The Consumer Database 210 contains lists of
consumers who would be viewing or listening to programming and would be served by commercials which match
their needs and wants based on the systems and process of
this invention. This list is supplied by agencies which have
gathered data on the consumers and have created algorithms
for determining which commercials are most appropriate for
those consumers. The combination of the algorithms and the
data yield the instructions for targeting commercials to be
used at the Display Site 400 of FIG. 1. The speciifc nature
of the data collected and the algorithms varies with the
creativity and resources of the advertising agencies using
this invention. It should be clear to those skilled in these arts
that there is a wide variety of combinations of data sets and
algorithms which could be used with this invention. Neither
the data set nor the algorithm are a part of the invention.
The Programming Database 222 contains lists of programs which would be suitable and eligible for use with
commercials which match the needs and wants of consumers
in the Consumer Database 210. This programming contains
Preemptable Commercials as listed in the Preemptable Commercial Data 214.
To prevent the zapping of commercials, all commercial
targeting instructions can be scrambled or encrypted in a
manner which makes them indistinguishable from one
another using means well known in the computer and
communications arts.
The data in the Consumer Database 210 is conveyed by
connection 212 to the Addressable Instruction Formatter 226
of FIG. 2. The data in the Preemptable Commercial Database 214 is conveyed by connection 216 to the Addressable
Instruction Formatter 226 of FIG. 2. The data in the Targeted
Commercial Database 218 is conveyed by connection 220 to
the Addressable Instruction Formatter 226 of FIG. 2. The
data in the Program Database 222 is conveyed by connection
224 to the Addressable Instruction Formatter 226 of FIG. 2.
The Addressable Instruction Formatter then prepares
detailed instructions for each subscriber so that each subscriber will view commercials determined to be of interest
and utility to that subscriber. The methods of this invention
described later are used to implement these functions. The
Addressable Instruction Formatter 226 conveys its results
via connection 228 to a Signal Combiner, Modulator and
Transmitter 230 which relays these instructions to the Display Site, 400 of FIG. 1. These signals may be conveyed via
wire line 206 comprising coaxial cable, fiber optics, or
copper wire or some combination of these, or via over-the-
air radio links using antenna 204, or via a satellite link using
satellite antenna 202.
FIG. 2.b is similar to FIG. 2.a in most respects except
rather than preparing detailed instructions for each
subscriber, the subscribers (or consumers) are divided into
classes. The Consumer Database 210 conveys subscriber
details via connection 232 to the Consumer Classiifer 234.
The Consumer Classifier assigns consumers to a limited
number of classes depending on their characteristics. The
criteria for making these classiifcations is expected to differ
from advertising agency to agency. The more correct the
classification, the more successful will be the commercial
targeting. The Classes of consumers are then conveyed via
connection 236 to the Addressable Instruction Formatter
226. The method of FIG. 2.b signiifcantly reduces the data
transmission requirements. Rather than requiring detailed
Commercial targeting information for each subscriber, only
information about which commercial is targeted to which
class of subscriber need be conveyed to the Display Site 400
of FIG. 1. At some convenient time, each subscriber receives
dd ata making an assignment to one or more classes. Under
some circumstances, all of the signals that would have
normally been delivered via satellite or conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection are recorded on some suitable media 208 and physically delivered to the Media
Origination Facility 300 of FIG. 1.
FIG. 3 is a more detailed block diagram of the Media
Origination Facility 300 of FIG. 1. Signals are received from
the Ad Administration Facility 200 of FIG. 1 and from other
sources via Satellite 100 to Satellite Antenna 302, conveyed
by electrical and/or optical connection 206, and by physical
distribution means 208. If the signals arrive via the Satellite
Antenna 302 they are tuned and demodulated by Satellite
Receiver 310, and conveyed by electrical and/or optical
connection 316 to the Addressable Instruction Modulator
322 where they are put in an appropriate form for transmission to the Display Site 400 of FIG. 1. The Addressable
Instruction Modulator may be of any type commonly used
for the transmission of data in broadband systems. Included
are Quadrature Amplitude Modulated (QAM) systems,
Ampiltude Modulated systems, Frequency Modulated
Systems, or Phase Modulated Systems. If the signals arrive
via the electrical and/or optical connection 206, they are
tuned and demodulated by Land Line Receiver 312 and
conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 318 to the
Addressable Instruction Modulator 322. If the signals arrive
via physical means 208, the Playback Machine 336 is used
to convert them into electrical signals and they are conveyed
by electrical and/or optical connection 338 vial Synchronizers & Switches 340 to the Addressable Instruction Modulator via connection 316. If the signals arrive via the
over-the-air radio spectrum via antenna 304, the Over-theair Receivers 314 will convert them to usable form and the
signals will be conveyed via connection 320 to the Addressable Instruction Modulator 322. A wide variety of other
programs and signals are received by the satellite antenna
302 and Satellite Receivers 310 and Land Lines 206 and
Land Line Receivers 312 and antenna 304 and Over-the-air
Receivers 314 and physical means 208 and Playback
Machines 336. These signals are conveyed by connections
316, 318, 320 and 338 to the Synchronizers and Switches
340 where they are mixed and time synchronized along with
signals from Other Signal Sources 342 conveyed by connections 344. The Synchronizers & Switches 340 prepare
the signals and convey them via connections 348 to a Bank
of Modulators 346 which put the signals into separate
frequency channels so that they may be tuned at the Receive
Site 400 of FIG. 1. The modulated signals are conveyed via
Screen Display Generator 520. The descrambled video comconnections 350 to a Signal Combiner 326 where they are
bined with optional on screen display signals is then concombined with each other and with the Addressable Instrucveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 522 to the
tions which will direct the Receivers at the multiple display
Remodulator 524. The Remodulator 524 prepares the sigsites in the correct manner to target the commercials to 5 nals for use by ordinary TVs or VCRs at a convenient
subscribers. The combined signal from the Signal Combiner
channel, such as channel 3 or 4, which is unused locally
326 may be directly conveyed via connection 306 to Display
off-air. The on screen display generator 520 is used by
Sites 400 of FIG. 1. Alternatively, the combined signals from
various services to create messages which assist the subthe Signal Combiner 326 may be conveyed via connection
scriber in their use. Microcontroller 550 provides the infor328 to a Satellite Transmitter 330 which prepares these io mation required by the On Screen Display Generator 520 to
signals for a Satellite Antenna 302. They are then delivered
assemble the messages via signals conveyed by electrical
via Satellite 100 of FIG. 1 to Display Site antennas 402 of
and/or optical connection 552.
FIG. 1. Alternatively, Over-the-air Transmitter 334 can drive
Optionally, the audio signal from Descrambler 516 and
an antenna 304 to deliver the signals over the air to a
the video signal from On Screen Display Generator 520 can
plurality of Display Sites 400 of FIG. 1. The signals can
15 be conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 528 and
optionally be distributed by physical means 308.
530 respectively to TVs or VCRs which have baseband
Other programming and preemptable commercials are
video and audio inputs.
generated locally and is received via satellite, ifber, coaxial
Service provided over broadband media frequently concable, twisted pairs, and other means and is represented by
20 tain either in-band data or out-of-band data or both. In band
the Other Signal Sources block 342.
d ata is sometimes used for signal security purposes where it
FIG. 4 is a more detailed block diagram of the Display
is necessary to assure that the data and the video are related.
Site of FIG. 1. Signals are conveyed by electrical and/or
This method modiifes some characteristic of the signal to
optical connection 406 and/or by radio via antenna 404
carry this data. A common method is to put data in the
and/or via satellite via satellite antenna 402 to a receiver
Vertical Blanking Interval of the video signal. That is the
illustrated in FIG. 4 by a Set Top Box 408. Optionally, 25
portion of the signal which carries no video since the picture
physical media 308 could be used within an Optional
tube's electron beam is retracing its path back up to the top
Playback Device illustrated in FIG. 4 as VCR 412. Set top
of the screen. Out of band data is used when the receiving
box 408 typicall connects via a radio frequency connection
device needs to be in constant contact with the data source
410, typically at television channel 3 or 4 to the antenna
independent of which channel is being viewed or recorded.
terminals or cable input of VCR 412. VCR 412 is connected 30
Out of Band data can have higher speed and capacity. In
via either a radio frequency link or a baseband audio and
some cases, a combination of both in-band data and out-ofvideo link, either is designated in FIG. 4 as 414 to a
band data are used as a security measure. The In-Band Data
television receiver 416.
Extractor 538 receives detected signals from the channel
FIG. 5 is detailed diagram of a set top box as is commonly
selected by the Tuner 508 and demodulated to baseband
used in the cable industry to compensate for consumer 35 frequencies by Detector 512 and conveyed by electrical
electronics tuner deifciencies and to add new services and
and/or optical connection 514. The extracted data is confeatures such as descrambling, electronic program guides,
veyed by electrical and/or optical connection 540 to the
on screen displays, interactivity, multimedia, etc. This is one
Microcontroller 550. The out-of-band data is conveyed by
proper mechanism for adding the capability to practice the
electrical and/or optical connection 566 from combiner 504.
present inventions. A broadband signal carrying many chan- 40 It is converted to a usable form by Out-of-Band Data
nels is conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 502
Extractor 542 and conveyed by electrical and/or optical
from the service provider to the subscriber. The signal is ifrst
connection 546 to the Microcontroller.
introduced to combiner 504 which adds in an optional
In a two way cable system, the Microcontroller 550 sends
upstream signal and splits off an optional signal for the
messages conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection
Out-of-Band-Data Extractor 542. The signal is conveyed by 45
548 to the Optional Upstream Transmitter 562 which uses an
electrical and/or optical connection 506 to a Tuner 508
appropriate modulation method and conveyed by electrical
which selects one frequency band out of the available
and/or optical connection 564 to Combiner 504 which then
spectrum. In typical cable practice, a 6 MHz piece of
impresses these signals on the broadband connection 502 to
spectrum is selected out of a range of 50 MHz to commonly
750 MHz and in a few instances 1,000 MHz. This piece of 50 the service provider. It is sometimes the practice to use
another media for upstream communications if the broadspectrum is called a channel and is conveyed by electrical
band service provider doesn't have two-way capability.
and/or optical connection 510 to a Detector 512. The DetecExamples include dial-up modems on telephone twisted
tor 512 converts the signal from a modulated form to
pairs and appropriate radio transmitters. A low power, low
baseband with frequencies extending from zero to around
4.2 MHz. The operation of Tuners such as 508 and Detectors 55 bandwidth satellite up-link has also been considered.
The Microcontroller also receives consumer inputs from
such as 512 are well known to those skilled in the radio and
the IR Remote Control 584 to IR Receiver 590. These
television arts. The signal is then conveyed by electrical
signals are conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection
and/or optical connection 514 to Descrambler 516 and
582 to the Microcontroller 550.
In-Band Data Extractor 538 and digital Demultiplexer 558.
The Descrambler 516 descrambles signals for authorized 60
If the signals are Digital Compressed Video and Audio,
subscribers under the control of signals conveyed by electhey are conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection
trical and/or optical connection 592 from Microcontroller
514 to Demultiplexer 558 which selects the desired data
550. The descrambled audio signals are conveyed by elecstream under the inlfuence of control signals conveyed by
trical and/or optical connection 518 to a Remodulator 524
electrical and/or optical connection 556 from the Microconwhich combines the descrambled video signals which have 65 troller 550. The demultiplexed signals are conveyed by
ifrst been conveyed to a Combiner 568 before being conelectrical and/or optical connection 594 to the Video and
veyed by electrical and/or optical connection 536 to an On
Audio Decompressor 580 where they are converted into
baseband video and audio signals. If these signals are
one which is conditionally preemptable but whose condiscrambled or encrypted, they are descrambled or decrypted
tions are violated.
here as well. The video signals are conveyed by electrical
In the second preferred embodiment, a cost effective
and/or optical connection 534 to the Combiner 532 which
Optional Video & Audio Storage Device 551 is anticipated.
then are conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection to 5 This device may consist of a variety of possible storage
the On Screen Display Generator 520. The audio signals are
media including semiconductor, optical and magnetic. The
conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 522 to the
storage medium may be static or dynamic such as rotating
Remodulator 524 and the optional audio output 530. Power
media or tape transported between spools in a cassette or
Supply 570 provides the correct voltages and currents for the
cartridge. The commercials may be stored in analog or
operation of all the circuits in the set top box.
10 digital form. If stored in digital form, the commercials may
The above describes the operation of an analog or digital
be compressed to save capacity. A wide variety of such
set top box before the introduction of the technology of this
devices are under development for many other purposes.
When such devices become economically practically, it will
FIG. 6 shows the detail of the Commercial Processor 578
be possible to pre-store one or more commercials in these
of FIG. 5. The Commercial Processor 578 comprises a 1 5 devices. Then when the correct time for a commercial
Microcontroller 600 supported with Input\ Output Driver
arrives, it is simply played back. An Ad Queue is stored in
Circuits 604 connected via connection 602. In this
Nonvolatile Memory 616 of FIG. 6 listing the contents of the
application, only one of the lines 588 is bi-directional. Lines
Optional Video & Audio Storage device 551 This embodi572, 596, and 553 are output lines. All four of these lines are
ment has the further advantage that it facilitates the substifound in FIG. 5. Some of the program for the operation of 20 tution of targeted commercials in live events such as sports
Microcontroller 600 is held in Read Only Memory, ROM,
contests. In these situations, it may not be possible to time
608 and conveyed via bi-directional connection 606 which
synchronize several channels of alternate commercials at
queries memory locations and carries back program instrucarbitrary times without causing conflicts with normally
tions. Additional programs and data are stored in Random
scheduled preemptable commercials on regularly scheduled
Access Memory 612 connected to the Microcontroller 600 25 channels. However, the commercials of this implementation
by connection 610 and Non-volatile Memory 616 connected
are available at the moment needed without concern for the
to the Microcontroller 600 by connection 614. The advantiming on other channels.
tage of Non-Volatile Memory 616 compared with RAM 612
It will be appreciated by those skilled in the Microconis that it retains its data even when power is removed. The
troller arts that the Microcontroller 600 contained in Comadvantage of both Non-Volatile Memory 616 and RAM 612 30 mercial Processor 553 as shown in FIG. 6 can be combined
compared with ROM 608 is that it can be changed. The
with the Microcontroller 550 of the set top box 500 of FIG.
advantage of RAM 612 over Non-volatile Memory 616 is
5. Likewise, the function of the Data Decoder 674 of FIG.
that it is much more compact and less expensive and
5 can be combined with the functions of the Out-of-Band
therefore more can be utilized for a given cost and size
Data Extractor 542 and the In-Band Data Extractor 538.
constraint. The advantage of ROM 608 over RAM 612 is 35 They are shown here as separate devices only for clarity of
that it is permanent and even more dense and less expensive
than RAM 612. So each of these types of memory have their
FIG. 7 is a detailed block diagram of a Video On Demand
own advantages and disadvantages and must be utilized
(VOD) system as is used in cable and other broadband video
systems. This constitutes the third preferred embodiment of
Returning to FIG. 5, in this ifrst preferred embodiment 4o this invention. The VOD system comprises a bank of Servmultiple commercials are simultaneously delivered to the
ers 700 which store both programming and commercials in
Display Site 400 of FIG. 1. One of these commercials, the
a form which allows rapid access. The currently employed
default commercial, is embedded in the programming. The
storage media include but are not necessarily limited to
other commercials, the targeted commercials, are provided
semiconductor, optical, and magnetic media of either staon other channels. The Commercial Targeting information is 45 tionary or rotating or transported types. The servers 700 has
also delivered either via the Out of Band Data Extractor 542
a multitude of channels which convey by electrical and/or
through connection 560 to the Data Decoder 574 through
optical connections 702 the individual signal streams to a
connection 576 to the Commercial Processor or via the In
bank of Switches 704 which direct the correct signals to be
Band Data Extractor 538 via connection 598 to the Data
conveyed by electrical and/or optical connections 706 to a
Decoder 574 via connection 576 to the Commercial Proces- so bank of Modulators 708 which modulate these signals onto
sor. The Commercial Targeting data contains information for
a variety of frequencies. The modulated signals are coneach channel which has preemptable or conditionally preveyed by electrical and/or optical connections 710 to a
emptable commercials. The instructions are stored pertainCombiner 712 which assembles a complete spectrum which
ing to where the replacement commercial can be found. If
is then conveyed by electrical and/or optical connection 714
the commercials are digitally compressed, information about 55 to a Laser 716 of sufifcient power to excite Optical Fiber 718
how to demultiplex the appropriate data from the stream in
in a manner that produces adequate signals at the Neighthe proper frequency band must also be supplied.
borhood Node 720 which converts the signal to a frequency
It is possible to program the Commercial Processor 578 so
spectrum of electrical signals for transport on Coax 722 to
that once a targeted commercial is begun, it is completed
a Tap 724 outside the subscriber's residence 400 which is
even though the viewer is switching channels. The channel 60 connected by cable drop 406. A set top box 408 processes the
indicator may change to show where the Tuner 508 will end
signal for use by a VCR 412 and TV 416 under the
up once the commercial is completed, but the commercial
subscribers influence via remote control 418. It will be
remains uninterrupted. This is an exceptionally powerful
appreciated that the Optical Fiber 718 could be extended all
method of advertising which is particularly valuable in the
the way to the subscriber's residence 400 and even to his set
environment of hundreds of channels. It may be necessary to 65 top box 408 or TV 416 or VCR 412. In this embodiment, the
allow for the commercial to change if the subsequently
Optional Video & Audio Storage Device 551 of FIG. 5 is not
selected channel contains a non-preemptable commercial or
required. Nor are a multitude of additional channels for the
transport of alternate commercials. Rather, when it is time
for a commercial, the appropriate targeting instructions are
delivered and as a consequence a request is issued upstream
back to the Server 700, the Switches, 704, and the Modulator
Bank 708 to play back and rout the appropriate commercial 5
for reception at the subscriber's residence.
This embodiment has the further advantage that it facilitates the substitution of targeted commercials in live events
such as sports contests. In these situations, it is usually not
possible to time synchronize several channels. However, the 10
commercials of this implementation are available at the
moment needed without concern for the timing on other
channels. The preferred embodiment of the invention
involves supplementary electronics built into set-top boxes,
consumer electronics products, personal computers, plug-in
modules for the Decoder Interface of "cable ready" "
products, and other display devices. This electronics has the
purpose of managing the display of special advertisements
based on the needs and interests of the viewer.
Although the invention has been described with reference
to preferred embodiments it will be apparent to one skilled 2°
in the art that variations and modiifcations are contemplated
within the spirit and scope of the invention. The drawings
and description of the preferred embodiments are made by
way of example rather than to limit the scope of the
invention, and it is intended to cover within the spirit and 25
scope of the invention all such changes and modiifcations.
What is claimed is:
1. A system for delivery of targeted advertisements from
a head end system to individual consumers at at least one
consumer display site comprising:
(a) a control device at the at least one consumer display
site; and
(b) a controller at the head end system for sending a signal
to the control device at the at least one display site for
causing an advertisement to be displayed at said at least 3 5
one display site intended for a particular consumer;
(c) the controller at the head end system including a
program database supplying program materials and a
commercial database supplying advertisements for display at the at least one display site, the commercial 40
database further storing information concerning the
type of each advertisement; the head end system further
including a consumer database having information
about a consumer at the at least one display site, and an
instruction formatter having inputs from the consumer 45
database, the program database and the commercial
database for generating an instruction for the control
device at the at least one display site, the instruction
being generated based on the type information stored in
the commercial database and the information about the 50
consumer at the at least one display site and optionally
a characteristic of the program materials; the controller
at the head end system further downloading the instruction to the control device at the at least one display site
to command the control device to select an advertise- ss
ment from the head end system intended for display at
the at least one display site.
2. A system of claim 1 wherein an individually addressable digital recording device is installed at the consumer
display site having a unique address, and further comprising 60
a transmitter transmitting instructions to the recording
device in advance of advertisement broadcast that will
tell the display site which upcoming advertisements to
play and which to ignore.
3. A system of claim 1 wherein a commercial processor is 65
at the consumer display site to look for and display targeted
incoming advertisements.
4. A system of claim 1 further comprising a circuit for
preventing channel indicator from changing during the display of a targeted advertisement and after this advertisement
is completed, the display site changes to the selected channel.
5. A system of claim 1 further comprising storage provided at the consumer display site for storage at the display
site of targeted advertisements for later viewing at the
display site.
6. A system of claim 1 including a central data base, a
switched view on demand system including services that
route advertisements to a consumer display site based on
instructions transmitted from the central data base.
7. A system of claim 1 wherein a roadblocker is provided
for simultaneously placing on all channels at the consumer
display site the same targeted advertisement even though the
consumer changes channel.
8. A system of claim 1 wherein a consumer classiifer
assigns consumers to a predetermined class of consumer for
receiving a targeted advertisement intended for the class of
9. A system of claim 1 wherein an addressable instruction
modulator receives the signal and places it in a form for
transmission to the consumer display site.
10. A system for targeting advertisements from a head end
system to consumers at at least one remote display site
(a) a control device at the at least one display site;
(b) a controller at the head end system for delivering a
program and a plurality of advertisements to said
control device at the at least one display site for display;
(c) the controller at the head end system sending a
command signal to the at least one display site for
determining which advertisement is to be displayed at
the display site while preventing the display of the
remaining plurality of advertisements, the controller at
the head end system including a program database
supplying said program, a commercial database supplying said advertisement, the commercial database
further storing information concerning the type of each
advertisement; a consumer database having information about a consumer at the at least one display site and
an instruction formatter having inputs from the consumer database, the program database and the commercial database for generating the command signal for
the control device at the at least one display site, the
command signal being generated based on the type
information stored in the commercial database and the
information about the consumer at the at least one
display site and optionally a characteristic of the program; the controller at the head end system further
downloading the command signal to the control device
at the at least one display site to command the control
device to select an advertisement from the head end
system for display at the at least one display site.
11. A system of claim 10 wherein an individually addressable digital recording device is installed at the consumer
display site having a unique address, and further comprising
a transmitter transmitting instructions to the recording
device in advance of advertisement broadcast that will
tell the display site which upcoming advertisements to
play and which to ignore.
12. A system of claim 10 wherein a commercial processor
is at the consumer display site to look for and display
targeted incoming advertisements.
13. A system of claim 10 further comprising a circuit for
preventing a channel indicator from changing in response to
viewer channel change requests during the display of a
21. A system of claim 19 wherein a commercial processor
targeted advertisement and for preventing change of freis at the consumer display site to look for and display
quency after and this advertisement is completed, the distargeted incoming advertisements.
play site changes to the selected channel.
22. A system of claim 19 further comprising a circuit for
14. A system of claim 10 further comprising storage 5 preventing a channel indicator from changing in response to
provided at the consumer display site for storage at the
viewer channel change requests during the display of a Road
display site of targeted advertisements for later viewing at
Block advertisement and for preventing changing of prothe display site.
gram data stream and after this advertisement is completed,
15. A system of claim 10 including a central data base, a
the display site changes to the selected program data stream.
switched view on demand system including services that 10
23. A system of claim 19 further comprising storage
route advertisements to a consumer display site based on
provided at the consumer display site for storage at the
instructions transmitted from the central data base.
display site of targeted advertisements for later viewing at
16. A system of claim 10 wherein a roadblocker is
the display site.
provided for simultaneously placing on all channels at the
24. A system of claim 19 including a central data base, a
consumer display site the same targeted advertisement even
switched view on demand system including services that
though the consumer changes channels.
route advertisements to a consumer display site based on
17. A system of claim 10 wherein a consumer classiifer
instructions transmitted from the central data base.
assigns consumers to a predetermined class of consumer for
25. A system of claim 19 wherein a roadblocker is
receiving a targeted advertisement intended for the class of
provided for simultaneously placing on all channels at the
18. A system of claim 10 wherein an addressable instruc- 20 c onsumer display site the same targeted advertisement
though the consumer changes channels.
tion modulator receives the signal and places it in a form for
26. A system of claim 19 wherein a consumer classiifer
transmission to the consumer display site.
assigns consumers to a predetermined class of consumer for
19. A system for targeting advertisements from a head end
receiving a targeted advertisement intended for the class of
system to consumers at ifrst and second display sites com25 consumers.
27. A system of claim 19 wherein an addressable instruccontrol devices at each of the ifrst and second display
tion modulator receives the signal and places it in a form for
transmission to the consumer display site.
a controller at the head end system for delivering a
28• A system for targeting advertisements from a head end
program to said control devices at said ifrst and second
display sites having a plurality of predetermined breaks 30 system to consumers at at least one consumer display site
and a plurality of advertisements; and
a control device at the at least one display site displaying
the controller at the head end system sending a command
a program having a break for displaying an advertisesignal to the first display site for determining which of
said plurality of advertisements is to be displayed at the
a controller at the head end system for delivering a
ifrst display site during a ifrst break intended for a first 35
plurality of advertisements to said at least one display
consumer and simultaneously sending a command sigsite appropriate to a particular consumer; and
nal to the second display site for determining which of
said plurality of advertisements is to be displayed at the
the controller at the head end system sending a command
second display site during said ifrst break intended for
signal for selecting one advertisement of said plurality
a second consumer; the controller at the head end 40
of advertisements for display during said break approsystem including a program database supplying said
priate for a particular consumer, the controller at the
program, a commercial database supplying said pluralhead end system including a program database supplyity of advertisements, the commercial database further
ing program materials, a commercial database supplystoring information concerning the type of each advering said plurality of advertisements, the commercial
tisement; a consumer database having information 45
database further storing information concerning the
about a consumer at each of the ifrst and second display
type of each advertisement; a consumer database havsites and an instruction formatter having inputs from
ing information about a consumer at the display site
the consumer database, the program database and the
and an instruction formatter having inputs from the
commercial database for generating said command
consumer database, the program database and the comsignals for the control devices at the ifrst and second so
mercial database for generating said command signal
display sites, the command signals being generated
for the control device at the at least one display site; the
based on the type information stored in the commercial
command signal being generated based on the type
database and the information about the consumer at the
information stored in the commercial database and the
at least one display site and optionally a characteristic
information about the consumer at the at least one
of the program; the controller at the head end system ss
display site and optionally a characteristic of the profurther downloading the command signals to the congram materials; the controller at the head end system
trol devices at the first and second display sites to
further downloading the command signal to the control
command the control devices to select an advertisement
device at the at least one display site to command the
from the head end system for display at the display
control device to select an advertisement from the head
end system for display at the at least one display site.
20. A system of claim 19 wherein an individually addres29. A system of claim 28 wherein an individually addressable digital recording device is installed at the consumer
sable digital recording device is installed at the consumer
display site having a unique address, and further comprising
display site having a unique address, and further comprising
a transmitter transmitting instructions to the recording
a transmitter transmitting instructions to the recording
device in advance of advertisement broadcast that will 65
device in advance of advertisement broadcast that will
tell the display site which upcoming advertisements to
tell the display site which upcoming advertisements to
play and which to ignore.
play and which to ignore.
30. A system of claim 28 wherein a commercial processor
is at the consumer display site to look for and display
targeted incoming advertisements.
31. A system of claim 28 further comprising a circuit
preventing a channel indicator from changing in response to
viewer channel change requests during the display of a Road
Block and/or targeted advertisement while preventing
changing frequency and/or data stream and after this advertisement is completed, the display site changes to the
selected channel and/or program data stream.
32. A system of claim 28 wherein storage is provided at
the consumer display site for storage at the display site of
targeted advertisements for later viewing at the display site.
33. A system of claim 28 including a central data base, a
switched view on demand system including services that
route advertisements to a consumer display site based on
instructions transmitted from the central data base.
34. A system of claim 28 wherein a roadblocker is
provided for simultaneously placing on all channels at the
consumer display site the same targeted advertisement even
though the consumer changes channel.
35. A system of claim 28 wherein a consumer classiifer
assigns consumers to a predetermined class of consumer for
receiving a targeted advertisement intended for the class of
36. A system of claim 28 wherein an addressable instruction modulator receives the signal and places it in a form for
transmission to the consumer display site.
37. A system for targeting advertisements from a head end
system to consumers at at least one consumer display site
(a) a control device at the at least one display site;
(b) a controller at the head end system sequentially
delivering a plurality of advertisements to said at least
one display site; and
(c) the controller at the head end system sending a
command signal for selectively displaying an advertisement of said plurality of advertisements, the controller at the head end system including a program
database supplying program materials, a commercial
database supplying said plurality of advertisements, the
commercial database further storing information concerning the type of each advertisement; a consumer
database having information about a consumer at the at
least one display site and an instruction formatter
having inputs from the consumer database, the program
database and the commercial database for generating
the command signal for the control device at the at least
one display site; the command signal being generated
based on the type information stored in the commercial
database and the information about the consumer at the
at least one display site and optionally a characteristic
of the program materials; the controller at the head end
system further downloading the command signal to the
control device at the at least one display site to command the control device to select an advertisement
from the head end system for display at the display site.
38. A system of claim 37 wherein an individually addressable digital recording device is installed at the consumer
display site having a unique address, and further comprising
a transmitter transmitting instructions to the recording
device in advance of advertisement broadcast that will
tell the display site which upcoming advertisement to
display and which to ignore.
39. A system of claim 37 wherein a commercial processor
is at the consumer display site to look for and display
targeted incoming advertisements.
40. A system of claim 37 further comprising a circuit
preventing a channel indicator from changing in response to
viewer channel change requests during the display of a Road
Block and/or targeted advertisement while preventing a
tuner and/or digital demultiplexer from changing frequency
and/or program data stream and after this advertisement is
completed, the display site changes to the selected channel
and/or program data stream.
41. A system of claim 37 further comprising storage
provided at the consumer display site for storage at the
display site of targeted advertisements for later viewing at
the display site.
42. A system of claim 37 including a central data base, a
switched view on demand system including services that
route advertisements to a consumer display site based on
instructions transmitted from the central data base.
43. A system of claim 37 wherein a roadblocker is
provided for simultaneously placing on all channels at the
c onsumer display site the same targeted advertisement even
though the consumer changes channel.
44. A system of claim 37 wherein a consumer classiifer
assigns consumers to a predetermined class of consumer for
receiving a targeted advertisement intended for the class of
45. A system of claim 37 wherein an addressable instruction modulator receives the signal and places it in a form for
transmission to the consumer display site.
46. A system for delivery of targeted advertisements from
a head end system to individual consumers at at least one
consumer display site comprising:
a control device at the at least one consumer display site;
a controller at the head end system responsive to a
consumer's action for delivering a program, said program having at least one break;
the controller at the head end system sending a command
signal selectively to said at least one display site
selecting a predetermined advertisement for display
during said break intended for a particular consumer,
the controller at the head end system including a
program database supplying said program, a commercial database supplying advertisements, the commercial database further storing information concerning the
type of each advertisement; a consumer database having information about a consumer at the at least one
display site and an instruction formatter having inputs
from the consumer database, the program database and
the commercial database for generating the command
signal for the control device at the at least one display
site; the command signal being generated based on the
type information stored in the commercial database and
the information about the consumer at the at least one
display site and optionally a characteristic of the program; the controller at the head end system further
downloading the command signal to the control device
at the at least one display site to command the control
device to select an advertisement from the head end
system for display at the at least one display site.
47. A system of claim 46 wherein an individually addressable digital recording device is installed at the consumer
display site having a unique address, and further comprising
a transmitter transmitting instructions to the recording
device in advance of advertisement broadcast that will
tell the display site which upcoming advertisement to
display and which to ignore.
48. A system of claim 46 wherein a commercial processor
is at the consumer display site to look for and display
targeted incoming advertisements.
49. A system of claim 46 further comprising a circuit
wherein the advertisements are classified into one of three
categories which include
preventing a channel indicator from changing in response to
viewer channel change requests during the display of a Road
(1) non-preemptable; (2) conditionally preemptable and
(3) unconditionally preemptable.
Block and/or targeted advertisement while preventing a
57. A method of claim 55 including the step of storing the
tuner and/or digital demultiplexer from changing frequency 5
details of the advertisements' timing and where it will be
and/or program data stream and after this advertisement is
found by the consumers TV channel selector in the central
completed, the display site changes to the selected channel
data base together with information indicating under what
and/or program data stream.
circumstances another advertisement may be substituted.
50. A system of claim 46 further comprising storage
58. A method of claim 55 wherein each consumer subprovided at the consumer display site for storage at the io
scribes to the targeted TV advertisements.
display site of targeted advertisements for later viewing at
59. A method of claim 58 including the step of storing in
the display site of targeted advertisements for later viewing
the central data base characteristics of each subscribing
at the display site.
consumer according to which commercials are best targeted
51. A system of claim 46 including a central data base, a
switched view on demand system including services that is to that subscribing consumer.
60. A method of claim 55 wherein signals are transmitted
route advertisements to a consumer display site based on
from the consumer viewing location to the central data base
instructions transmitted from the central data base.
for reporting whether this consumer viewing location had its
52. A system of claim 46 wherein a roadblocker is
TV receiving equipment tuned to a specific channel.
provided for simultaneously placing on all channels at the
61. A method of claim 55 wherein signals are transmitted
consumer display site the same targeted advertisement even 2o
from the consumer viewing location to the central data base
though the consumer changes channel.
for reporting the number of times a particular advertisement
53. A system of claim 46 wherein a consumer classiifer
is displayed at this consumer viewing location.
assigns consumers to a predetermined class of consumer for
62. A method of claim 55 wherein signals are transmitted
receiving a targeted advertisement intended for the class of
25 from the consumer viewing locations to the central data base
for commanding the delivering of advertisements in a pre54. A system of claim 46 wherein an addressable instrucdetermined order.
tion modulator receives the signal and places it in a form for
63. A method of claim 55 wherein signals are transmitted
transmission to the consumer display site.
from the consumer viewing location to the central data base
55. A method for targeting TV advertisements from a head
end system to consumers at at least one consumer display 3o in response to the consumers request for additional advertisements related to an advertisement delivered to the consite comprising the steps of:
sumer viewing location.
preparing a set of TV advertisements;
64. A method of claim 55 wherein the consumer viewing
analyzing each advertisement as to its nature and focus;
locations is directed to store data for later communications
cataloging each advertisement and storing it in a central
35 to the central data base.
data base at the head end system
65. A method of claim 55 wherein signals are transmitted
selectively commanding the delivery of an advertisement
from the consumer viewing location to the central data base
to a consumer from the central data base that is targeted
that a commercial has been displayed, recognized by the
for that consumer, further comprising supplying proconsumer and acted upon by the consumer.
gram materials from the head end system into which at 40
66. A method of claim 55 wherein the consumer viewing
least one advertisement is to be inserted at the at least
location is commanded which advertisement to view and
one display site, further comprising storing information
which to ignore at this location.
at the head end system concerning the type of each
67. A method of claim 55 wherein at the consumers
advertisement; supplying said at least one advertisedisplay set the same targeted advertisement is simultament to the at least one display site; storing information 45 neously placed on all channels at the display site event
at the head end system about a consumer at the display
though the consumer changes channel.
site and generating an instruction at the head end
68. A method of claim 55 including the step of assigning
system for a control device at the at least one display
consumers to a predetermined class of consumers for receivsite, the instruction being generated based on the type
ing a targeted advertisement intended for the class of coninformation stored in the commercial database and the so sumers.
information about the consumer at the at least one
69. A method for targeting an advertisement from a head
display site and optionally a characteristic of the proend system to consumers at at least one viewing site comgram materials; further comprising downloading the
prising the steps of:
instruction to the control device at the at least one
selectively delivering upon command from a control
display site to command the control device to select the 55
center at the head end system a predetermined adveradvertisement from the head end system for display at
tisement for display at the at least one viewing site
the at least one display site.
intended for a particular consumer, further comprising
56. A method for targeting TV advertisements from a head
supplying program materials from the head end system
end system to consumers at at least one consumer display
into which the predetermined advertisement is to be
site comprising the steps of:
inserted at the at least one display site, further compreparing a set of TV advertisements;
prising storing information at the head end system
analyzing each advertisement as to its nature and focus;
concerning the type of each advertisement; providing a
cataloging each advertisement and storing it in a central
plurality of advertisements at the control center, storing
data base;
information at the head end system about a consumer at
selectively commanding the delivery of an advertisement 65
the at least one viewing site and generating an instructo a consumer from the central data base that is targeted
tion at the head end system for the at least one viewing
for that consumer,
site, the instruction being generated based on the type
information stored in the commercial database and the
information about the consumer at the at least one
viewing site and optionally a characteristic of the
program materials; further comprising downloading the
instruction to the at least one viewing site to command 5
a control device at the viewing site to select the
predetermined advertisement from the head end system
for display at the at least one viewing site.
70. A method for targeting advertisements from a head
end system to consumers at at least one display site com- io
prising the steps of:
delivering a program and plurality of advertisements to
the at least one display site for display; and
selectively commanding the display of a ifrst advertisement at said at least one display site from a control 15
center while preventing the display of the remaining
plurality of advertisements, further comprising supplying said program from the head end system into which
the first advertisement is to be inserted at the at least
one display site, supplying said plurality of advertisements to the at least one display site, further comprising
storing information at the head end system concerning
the type of each advertisement; storing information at
the head end system about a consumer at the at least
one display site and generating an instruction for the at
least one display site; the instruction being generated
based on the type information stored in the commercial
database and the information about the consumer at the
at least one display site and optionally a characteristic
of the program; further comprising downloading the
instruction to the at least one display site to command
the at least one display site to select the first advertisement from the head end system for display at the
display site.
* * * * *
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