Filing 16

ORDER approving the proposed redaction by the government relating to 1 MOTION MOTION FOR PUBLIC ACCESS TO CERTAIN SEALED COURT RECORDS filed by THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 11/25/08. (Attachments: # 1 Return in 02mj458, # 2 Warrant in 02mj458, # 3 Return in 02mj459, # 4 Warrant in 02mj459, # 5 Warrant in 02mj460, # 6 Return in 02mj461, # 7 Warrant in 02mj461, # 8 Return in 02mj462, # 9 Warrant in 02mj462, # 10 Chegne Motion to Seal, # 11 Chegne Order to Seal, # 12 Hatfill Motion to Seal, # 13 Hatfill Order to Seal)(jeb, )

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, tJNITED STATES DISTNCT C O m T FOR T H E DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA In thc Matt" o f the Search of ;1 +% .= ' i-f .: ...i c t>, I=- - 1 Storage ~ o c k e within the r - , Ocala, Florida rented to Steven J a y Hatfill, D O B SSN~ fi 2, 2002 <;<-;,:"~.4i;:~;::,:il:3run (SF\RCH WARRANT . ,... ..... - : - -" . .., :;.T r\~;(j I .-. , ., , . , m CASE NUMBER: TO: Special .Agent Pam Piersanti and any i\uthorized Officer of the United States t Affida\,it(s) halting been made before nle by Special A ~ e n Rlark P. Rlorin \vho has reason to believe that 0 on the person or E on tlle premises known as cnams, d o s c r ~ p t ~ o n or Iocst~on) J and storage lockc ill Ocaln. Florida in the Middle Distl-ict of Florida, there is no\\. concealed a certain person or property. namely (dcscrihc ~ h person c properly) tir hairs. textile fibers, lab equipment or materials used in preparation of select agents, papers, tape, pens, notes, books, nlanuals, receipts, financial records of any type, correspondence, address books, handwriting samples, photographs, computer files, cellular phones, phone bills, electronic pager devices. other digital devices, o r other documentary evidence 1 am satisfied that the affida\.its(s) and any recorded testimony establish probable cause to believe that the person or for property so described is noa. concealed on the person or prenlises above-described and establish g~.ounds the issuance of this \\,arrant. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to search on or before (Date) eny specified, serving this warrant and (not to exceed 10 da 1s) the person or place named above for the n ~ a k ~ n g search the (in the daytime - 6:00 A.M. to 10:OO P.M.) causc has been established) and if the person nr propcrty he found there to seize same, leaving a copy ofthis warrant and receipt for the: person or property taken, and preparc a written in\.entol-y of the person or property selzed and pron~ptly retu n this wamanr to the unde~.signed . Jud e:U.S. .Magistrate Jud e, as required by law. U. d 0% 4- k/ i, $1 w /1~$ \0:5l$~q Q/' Dale 2nd T ~ m e c in \Irashington. DC pursuant to the 1:;s domestic tem)r;sm search warrant provisions of the Patrio! Act. Section 219, which amended Rule 4 l ( a ) I fl,lfiL,dL DATE \V.AHKA h 7 RE('EI\'FJ> I N V E h T O R Y h f A r ) E I S THt; PKFSENCI; 0 : 1 I N V ~ t ~ ~ ~01-R E R C O S ~ P' I ' OR PROPFRTI. T A K E N P I I I f i I I A V 7 ' O T l l t i \\'.4KB.41' /I CERTIFICATION I swear char this inventory is a true and detailed account of rhe person or property taken by me on the warrant. II II Subscribed, sworn to, and returned before me this dare. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Receipt for Property ReceivecUReturned/RelessedlSeized Item(s) lisred below were: (Name) E K I C Un/~ ~ h STORAGE LOCKER- WARcf+ U/ltX4IJ7 (Location) Recoived From Returned To I? Released To BSeized pS f u r o ~ d q a ---- ITEM# - RENTED TO STEVEN JAY HATFlLL DOE I n -- A IIFSCI\IPrIOK ---- .. --- --... 2 3 4 VACUlJM SWEEP # 1 ( E X E N O R O F lNTWORLOCKERITEMS),WH TEAREDGE STNP, S E W I000859-3. .-- VACUIJM M p m r u o OF WENOR LOCXER ~ ~ E M s SERLAL# nm8588:, #z ~ ). .- - 5 VACUIJM SWFEP $3 (EXTERIOR OF INTERIOR LOCKER ITE;W),SERJN.U 0006247. -. - --.. .. PHOTONEGATIVL? .- 6 VACUIJM SWEEP #4 (IKTERIORTOPLAYER SWEm O BOXES), SERLAL # 0006248. F . . -. 7 8 9 10 - .. .- VACUIJM S V I SE (VACULMSWEEP O LZOTHPJGFOUND W Born),SERIAL U 0008587. W P 5 F -. *- --- MISC -1 S MISCELmUS INCLUDING PERSONAL NOTES AO BACKGROUND Bm . - ~~TODXLUDES O L D m OF POK'KNE MAGNINE ( EZLP GUN AKTICLE) E -.. --.. .. METAL CYLINDER WITH SPRING MISCE'LUNEOUSJ C 4 h . I BOQKS X W E TS -- 11 h?rSCE.LLANEOUS DOCUMENTS, BERET. XRAY FLM - -- - -. -- - 13 TWO (2) SHOEBOXES W W MISCELL-S W U U M E N f S AND PHOTOS --- - - - -..- - -15 .. hfLsCE'LlAl'EOUS DOCUMENTS TO INCLUDE C D N P ~ I A L L Y MARKED "PRESENTATION ExERCBE URBAN GUERILLA WARFARE" BOOK O 1NI;ECTIOUS DISEASES, M I S C E W U S DOCUMPsTS F , .. -- , . - 16 17 18 MISCELLAliEOUS DOCUMFNTS INFAh[TRY TRAINING MANUAL 19 MISCELLLLANEOUSDOCUMENTS,8006 Page I of 3 RUG-02-2002 14:22 FROM FBI-OCRLQ, FLORIDR 20 MILITARY' MAMIALS h ~ PATW > MISCELLNEOUS WCUMENTS INCLUDING ZIMBhBWE PHOW. BOOK .-. .- ,. 21 -. 24 -. -N O T E B ~ K SBOOKS AND MISCELIANEOUS DOWMFNTS , -- 25 26 27 MISCELLANEOUS DOC'UMEVTS AND PATCHW: -. . --, FQLmCAL SCIENCE BOOK . ..-- MISCELL~OUS DOCUMENTS ..-- -- 28 29 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT'S INCLUDING BLANK DIPLOMAS . * 7.- M I S C E L L , W U S DOCUMENTS- FIELICOPI'EK MANUAL 31 - .MISCELL.4NUIIJS DtX3LlhENTS TO INCLUDE DWUMENT LGRF.1-ED 'PROPOSALS FOR THE USE OF BIOLOGICAL RTAMNS AND UNCONVSITIONAL WARFARE OPERA'TlONS' 33 LAB COAT IWD FLIGHT Srrrr .- -. .- -., . -- 35 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS INCLUDING SWVERSIvE WARFARE MANUAL --. . .-- 36 37 BLACK N O m C O K LABELED R E S P M O N MED 8: PHARM -- -- MIS17EUANEOUS DO(XMBTS TO INCLUDE Uh'IWRSITY CAPE TOWN PHOTO VACUUM!, SWEEP #6 (VACULRYVSW.EP O CLOTlENING FOUND IN BOXES). SETUAZ # 0008595 F -- -- 38 -39 0 MISCELLKNEOUSPLAQuES AND ONE BERET (FORElGN) TWO MII3TARY MANUALS,BIOCHEMICAL. PATHWAYS R m JACKET BEARING AMES RESEARCH C E N E R PATCH ANL) ONE (1) J D PLAQUE 41 h.uSCELLANEOUSWCUMENTS INCLUDING PASSPORT hfISCELLANEOU DOC-S. 42 PHOTOS, PATCHES.LJIB COAT, BEXET 43 44 4" LONG ME'TAL CYINDER TUBE WEEALED END CAP CONTAINING UNKNOWN SIIRS'TANCE 3' LONG BLUE METAL OBJECT BEARING N820NA . , --. . .--.-. .. . --.- ..-- .-, -- .. -- ... - 45 3 GLASS MICROSCOPE SLIDES RUG-02-2002 14:22 FROM FBI-OCRLR- FLORIDQ TO 12022782628 P. 04 (END OF LET) Rcccived by: (Sipturc) Rew ived F8-f CAC I C S ( ~ J Ur~' r b c V,s t o ~ O A L/I ( Ac-t~c~ ~~sIoCJ~ ocm, 17 Page 3 vf3 TOTRL P.04

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