Filing 198

MOTION for Summary Judgment by AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING, AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC., NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, INC. (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum in Support, # 2 Appendix A, # 3 Statement of Facts, # 4 Annex A, # 5 Declaration Jane W. Wise, # 6 Exhibit 1-29, # 7 Exhibit 30-44, # 8 Exhibit 45-66, # 9 Exhibit 67-81, # 10 Exhibit 82-109, # 11 Exhibit 110-125, # 12 Exhibit 126-140, # 13 Exhibit 141-148, # 14 Exhibit 149, # 15 Exhibit 150 Part 1, # 16 Exhibit 150 Part 2, # 17 Exhibit 150 Part 3, # 18 Exhibit 150 Part 4, # 19 Exhibit 150 Part 5, # 20 Exhibit 150 Part 6, # 21 Exhibit 150 Part 7, # 22 Exhibit 150 Part 8, # 23 Exhibit 150 Part 9, # 24 Exhibit 150 Part 10, # 25 Exhibit 150 Part 11, # 26 Exhibit 150 Part 12, # 27 Exhibit 150 Part 13, # 28 Exhibit 150 Part 14, # 29 Exhibit 150 Part 15, # 30 Exhibit 151 Part 1, # 31 Exhibit 151 Part 2, # 32 Exhibit 151 Part 3, # 33 Exhibit 152 Part 1, # 34 Exhibit 152 Part 2, # 35 Exhibit 152 Part 3, # 36 Exhibit 152 Part 4, # 37 Exhibit 152 Part 5, # 38 Exhibit 153 Part 1, # 39 Exhibit 153 Part 2, # 40 Exhibit 154-156, # 41 Exhibit 157, # 42 Exhibit 158, # 43 Exhibit 159, # 44 Exhibit 160, # 45 Exhibit 161, # 46 Exhibit 162, # 47 Exhibit 163, # 48 Exhibit 164-173, # 49 Declaration James S. Thomas and Exs. 1-9, # 50 Declaration James Pauley, # 51 Exhibit A-V, # 52 Exhibit W-OO, # 53 Declaration Stephanie Reiniche and Exs. 1-2, # 54 Declaration Christopher Butler, # 55 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order and Injunction)(Fee, J.). Added MOTION for Permanent Injunction on 10/8/2019 (ztd).

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EXHIBIT W l Certificate of Registration Form TX l'er•~U..,Wod: This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. UNITED UATIS CONtlGHT Office TX 5-970-602 ! . :. I i '. 11111 . : ..,..,,---.i EFFECTIVE~ OF REGISTRATION JAN ~ ~ h : . ~ e s o f Ame,ica 2004 Y!J DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LIE.• YOU NEEO MORE SPACE. USE A SEPARATE CONTN.IATION SHEET 1 T1TUI OF 'J1IIS WORK T NFPA I Uruform Fire Code 2003 edition PREVIOUS OR ALTERNA TIVI! TITLES 'Y Ftre Prevmttoo Code i..oaa..- 2 cl NOTE NAME OF AUTHOR 'Y National F1re Protect1on Associat1on Waa 11.i.conlribohGP totlw "wodl!Mllellf1-"? _.1 l!!!hea 0 No AU11IOR S NATIONALITY OR 00MJC1l.B .._dC.., Ofl{Otlamoll': USA "Won: mam 1tr 1mwr t::t::c 0Yes 0 No IIIJ :~O:.::':,.. In ,,.ltlMcl QIVI lh9anpltye, !Mapace !C>r el!'!~, lar wtlOIII tlll llHlrlt O Yet llil"No ~II , ~~-~=• WAS nns AurHOll s CONTRIJUTION TO 11fE WORJC. , ,. . - io . . _ AJulyrnouf? ~? D Ya D No 0 Yn O No IMll\dDIII. OAffS OF ll&TH AND DEATH Year Born T Yeiir Died 'Y "" \... IHHlha I P - !OJ da!H ::.:~ ~ OYa AlIIHOR s NATION.Um OR DOMICILE -.. d°""*Y NAME OF AUI'HOR 'Y ::8: - : tha1part •1141 WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRmUTION TO 11-IEWORJC Wlla_m..., NATURE OP AUTHORSHIP Bm0yclaalblt11Prnf.....Wa.-.dbyttbntmrmwhxhaupptghi• c:1abrm 'f _,. ror1111e diem..,. Yfu Died 'Y DADS OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Dom Y Ye11r ~ 1" ------------------------- . . p1or91 Ml 'rear Born Y OA{ Clh&aiof~ D.,idW 111k W• lhll cantnbuban to the wn. generally Illa 11w 1r11p1t,y" DAffS Of IJ.RTH AND D1A11:I IM.....,.,.Ofb NAM! OP At.rrHOR 'Y • -..ti! llladt for hire It O.P.tptY ~}'ll'IOPlf Doridled Wt l.lnNr Ille la• Pll'IOll 30 Pt: ~ _W_•_t!lil_a,n_lnbutlon to_ttw_work a _ _ __ ___ __ A_UTH~-_,-'S-NA-TIO-N-AUTY--0-R-DOMI--CILE--- _W_AS_TIBS-~A-U111--0-Jl-'S_CO_NTJU--I-UTI--O-N_T_O_ "Work ma tot Jin"? nfE WOJlX .._ d DY• OR{Odmlol~ ~? D Ne, Dotnldled llllt ~1 D Yet O No NATURE OJI AtmlO.ltSHIP Bndlydarrh1111tanoh11a1malcnllld by thltMllhorinwhlchaipJright •dlloted 'Y COPYRIGHT CLAIMANTIS) N1111t and addr.. ttw .. tho,p"""'mSJ*e2.Y lln1fl" P""' mn If lhe clnMllt ii the NDW • N1hon1I Fm: Protection Aaoc1at1oa ~ --"----"--.. . --.. . . . . .-------------------111I 1BattCl)'fflU'Cb Pm: MA 02269 MORE 0N BACK.. ,~ .._.,.1o ._ --.:=• • .. DYes D No ~... lnlllUcllona. Aj'UAAR. ~Lb ONE OEP081T RECiD JAN 30 2004 TWO OEPOSIT6 A!CEIVEO FUN09 RECEVeD COMpllll 11........., .,_. (rllll'liM Ml 1111 IM IWMt lldt of ti.- 111111 S..dltlled ~ Sign . . bl'l'I .. h . NFPA-PR0020354 ;C .: E AMN DB ~ X IE Y C E K DB HCE Y JW CO R S O D N E 1 REP NE C E Ys . e I FO RMT X FR O C P RG T O YI H O FC FI E UE S OL NY D N TWI E A O ETI LN I Y UN E M R S A E U EAS P R T C NI U TO S E T O O RT B V HS I E F O E D O E P C S E A A E O TN AI N H E 5 P EI U R GS R T O H rg a o f tmo,o frmalnl nl h w >k ac d bmm u teoyg Oie R VO S E I T AI N a t $l n o l w k r o ,r n tO ot! Cf 1 Ny i ~ i hCpoh fc? s l r r l l . . tf f Y ON Iy a swr1 " e wyil Otrgtto~ 5 Uh ( hcaponh> o ) ln ! o fam n r 5 Ye h ,ll r eJnJo o h l ti 0 g ? Cekp p1 bx 1 t r . ' a~ 1 Ihht uih d d O oaokpe1 1f rp r <a Upb h dfrm a.: n p b e tl O f l s l f wr rv 0 U et e!nll h e o ! y e ll l bf1J ~ M apci 1 u vtm y r 1 1oM rpnh a nn lu• t pbao ,l u l ln Uhf oya di at 1 ll : b l t l ~ l n.s cagd o oteo: a ih wb •ae Cl lul p cbO l u a hnt wm n ! hwr. J ao ny pc6l rs pl a n t i i , l ' , g wPe o I pt. o N b J T 5 ]-9 i l' u h sn J n um u o X 55 7 'r i l 4 I [ f w eI Y fl . wr e y\ l I t Y 1o Rp a o . u f tt t a . rl 2 l20 / /00 l a D RV T V W R O C PL T O El AI E O K K OMI AI N Ptm n MI r t g ~HW lf lyn pt Sn w ko w k t whs o 1 b 9 do o l C ! OtsY t i dnfayr ahg o r o s l tiw k 8 & e nrl Op Re l t l r r . r l P V u ypbsc s na s n cdi r l s u abdt d dad oe c ol l a r i 6 a 7 Mta A d I nt o C eab dgn al aem notelf& t 11 be1 de tt » O a d11wx rpnh Jd n d1 arl d N O uWn n li : r n fell t etf hm f I h 1hM e a dd o h Wi n 1' hh oyg !I u e ' r l .l . l r k t S m n w n r VS d e o e e ade J Ctx t D P S A C U TU er gtlu fe9tb d f d o D ot E O r C O N t eltl Re1 oe w' ta qf t h ili !l ; ,l N 1e' .1 Y u C Il S O O N BCMO UE P N E C ~~ t!toyg Oi t p tlm 1 b oA o w n h pnh f c C t f. e' t n f f c o i l - um t t Aa 1N mt ' ci l b f - l r ' a d d n t w c r mo dn a ot ha pab t h uWb Nt ·l e dre A /i / u / I ' n a d a o uh o p oec b u t tpl o a o l : r e i lt t en . NlA da p C ySl ZP f l/ l / t t e Nn Kl ac ey i l Ntn F c r e 1n so1 1n aoa u Ptc o A ca o t l : ot s t Iae m c P k Bt y a h a tr r r b I .. U ) ,. , ,, & t?j O ll '( M ' dn ~ a 1*c l at llp n "679423 lil t ' 1 8-7 7 i ,O - F,,o I> 679472 uv e I ) 8 22 ,, 8 Nn Kl ac ey i l 01 >1 8 04 -1 / / 0 22 x a 5- - - - - - - ~: ~ - - - - - - - : -------Crfc el tl . w te i i n mtd I at n l wn O ld w evoe nlp t th ol t• ldfM ld 8 IU C 5 8e M l C 'lIO 0(t l )M fll ~ I t I ~ I O d/lll. ' ll ' NMI I I I a illl id IM I I ltl 111 h lle oI111I ... Ir o 1111~ IIO 111 f*l , 111 i ..nO nt '1' ' l' i .. t C Rt J,2 0-X e ./ 0 3 I ' 1 ' I W, F. ,M C3 • f' d' lJ ye~ . l- t ( t . 2l 'IM C1 1Cdd r i l l UBO w elPm n Ol t 20 I 13 0 2 o r n t gf O 0 CM I 1 2 01 rm i f I / N P- R 0 0 5 F AP 0 2 3 5 EXHIBIT X Certificate of Registration Form TX For a Non<lramaric Lil era r,· Work UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. REG 1 TX 6-261-668 - 1r111mmm1mnmmu1n •1-61-.. EFFECTl;EQ~ OF REGISTRATION ' ~ : : : / : ~ , , nf Amec;c, 1 Month NOV 04 2005 Dev Year . -- ----- ···-··--· ~--, --- •• --· ••• !ATE CONTINUATION SHEET. TITLE OF THIS WORK 1' NFPA I Uniform Fire Code, 2006 Edition PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES 1' Same as above PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION lf tlus wurk w~s publislu.-d os a contribuhon to a pcriodic,1], scn;il, or colleChl>n, g,vc 1nformahon about the collective work in which the conti,buh,m ~ppc~red Tille of Colltdive Work 't' If published m ~ pcriud1c~I or ~riJl g,vc Volume 't' 2 a '"'" ?- ° Ye~ WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK II lhe an5wer to e1\her Anonynwu~? P~udonyn\llus? ol tnese quest10lls ,s "Yes: see deta,led DY~& u/ No D Yes r;/ No jns1ruc1..1oni NATURE OF AUTHORSHlP Bnefly dcscnbc n~tnrc of matenal created by this authm in which copynght 1s d~1.rned l' NAME OF AUTHOR 'f W~s this conlnbuhon to the w,,rku 'lvNk mude rnr hire"? DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Born 't' Year Died 'f AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE Name ol Coun1ry Yes OR { Citizen of ... D Nn WAS THIS AUTHOR·s CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK lllheanswer1oe1lher D01mcil€d rn D Anonymous? D Yes D No D Yes D N,1 rS<JudonyTIW\IS? NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Bnefl)' desmbe n~ture ,,f material creoted by th,s outh,'1111 which copynght 1s claimed. 'f "'made for hire~ check ·Yes· ,n the spaco C Wus th,Hontribution to the w<>rk a ·•w,1rk made for hire''' thal pa,1. and leo•e 1he space ro, dales of birlh and dUlh blank. a be1ora comple~ng 111,s space. D Yes D N,, ol th&w ques11ons ,s ·Yes,' see detailed instrucl.Jons. DATES OF BIRTH AND DEA TH Year Born 'f Died 1' NAME OF AUTHOR 1' -------------------------------- as "Aulho,• ol See 1nstrui:11ons Name ol Count,y { C1 2 ·~ USA OR ~ en 1 Oom~-ciJed mlt..- -------------------------------- work lh&l wu 4 .1.1.: AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE b hons) For any parl of lhos provided. give lh a employer (or olher person lor whom the work was preparedJ National Fire Protection Association Wa~th,sconlr uhon 10th,: work J NOTE Under lh6 law. the 'author" of a ·work made I-or h11e'I 1s generally the employer. not the employee (see •Mlruc· DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Born 1' YeM Died 't' NAME OF AUTHOR 't' ··work m~de ,r lure"7 On rages,. Issue Date 't' Number't' AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE Name ot Caunlry c · ... OR { 1hzen 01 · ~ - - WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK ltlheanswerlo e1U,er Anonymous' Pseudonymous? Dorn,c,Jed 1n D Ye~ D No D Yes D N(l ol lhesa ques1,ons i, ·Yes.' ,ae detailed ,nslruclions NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Briefly describe natnre of m.itenal crcuf~cl by this nuthor in whu:h copynght 1~ cl~1med 1' YEAR IN WHJCH CREATION OF THIS WORK WAS COMPLETED Thltfnlormarlon 2005 mual be given . -4 Yaar In all casas. b DATE AND NATION OF FIRST PUBLICATION Of THIS PARTICULAR WORK Compta11thlalnlormellon ONLY 11 th/1 won: Month ... 8 Day .... 18 Yea, ... 2005 <Ill Na1,on h H been publlshad. COPYRIGHT CLAIMANT/5) Name nml nddrcss musl be g1~cn c1·cn if lhc c1~1m~nt 1~ the fame ~s th~ authur fllYen in spnce 2. 'I' II!:,. National Fire Protection Association One Batterymarch Park ~!o ~w __,Q_u_in_c~y.,M~A~0_2_l6_9~~~~~~~~~~~~------~~~----1i~ TRANSFER If the claimant(s) named her~ in space 4 1s (arc) d11ferent fmll'l the auth!lr(s) nJmcd m space 2, gwc n bricl s1a1cn1ont o[ how th~ cln1m,1nt(s) t>b1Jtncd ownership of tltc copyright 'I' MORE ON BACK... • Complete ell appl1caole • S~e detailed msirucHQns. space5 (numbers ,-9) on the reverse side ot \his page • Sign lhe form 111,ne 8 ti~ z It go 2005_ _ ONE 'l_iP~~IT RECEIVED NOY O4 lWO DEPOSITS REC~IVED FUNDS RECEIVED DONOTY.RE PaQe I of - - - oacos NFPA-PR0020356 *Amended by C.O. from phone call to Nancy Zagrodny on January 4, 2006. FORM TX EXAMIN~------- CHECKED BY D Yes FOR COPYRIGHT OFFICE USE ONLY CORRESPONDENCE DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. 5 PREVlOUS REGISTRATION Has reg1slrat1011 for llus work, or for an earlier version of this work, alr~ady bton made in the Copyright Ofticd ~ Yes D No U rour answer is "Yes,' why is Jnother registrJLinn h.!mg sought? (Check appropriate bo:,:.) ~ ~. O This 1s the first publblwd cd1tmn of n w{irk prev1<>usly registered in unpublished form. b. D Th,~ 1s the tirst apphc:itJOn submitted by this author ascopyn)!,htdnurnnt. (. O "fhis 1s n drnnged versrnn of the work, ns shtll\'11 by space 6 on this npphca lion If ym,r an,"'<:r 1s "Yes," ~l'<e: Previous Registration Number .. TX 5-970-602 2003 Year of Registration II- 6 a DERIVATIVE WORK OR COMPILATION Preexisting Material Identify anr preexisting work or w,)rks th,11 this work is based on or incorporates Y Previously published codes and standards Material Added to This Work G,vc ,1 brief, general stalerncnt ot the nmtcrfal that has been ,,dded lo th,s work and in wh,ch copynghl ,s cla,mcd " See mstruct1ons before tomplellng bh,sspace. Some new and revised text DEPOSIT ACCOUNT J! the ~g,slrat,on fee 1s to be ch~rged lo a Deposit Account estahlished m the Copyright Office, give name and number nf Acc,,unt Name• Acrount Number Y CORRESPONDENCE Give n~o,e and address to which correspondence about tlus apphcation shuu!d be swt. Name/ Address/ Apt/City /Stale/ZIP T Nancy Zagrodny • National Fire Protection Association I Batteryman::h Park Quincy, MA 02169 Area coda and daytime telephone number.. Emall t> 617-984- 7 550 FIIJCnumber t> 7 a b 617-984-7004 CERTlFlCATlON~ \, the unde1signed, hereby ,-erti/y that l ,1111 the Ch l'Ck onIy one .. ot the work identified 1n tl1is app!kation and 1h~t the statements made bv me in this apphc.ih.on arc co,1ccr to the best of mv kn,\lvlcdgc • • ~author D other ~opyright ~lmmant . 0 vwncr ,,f ~AduSl\'C nght(s) .iuthomcd agent of National 8 . fire Protectton Association Name ol aulhor or other copynght cta,manl, or owner ol exclusive nght(sl • Trped or printed name am! date 't' IJ this application g,vcs a date of pubhcah,m 1n space 3, d,, n(lt sign ~nd submit 1t before that date. Hand writttn slgnJtu r~ (X~.,,"" ,d ~ . X Certificate will be mailed in window envelope to lhis address: Dale .. ....-l 10/31/2005 1J~~_y.JJ1~~----------------------- - YOU MUST· Name T , Cilmplete all necessary spaces National Fire Protection Association· ATTN: NANCY ZAGRODNY Number1SlrljflVApl .,. l Batterymarch Park c,1v1s1ate1ZIP ,. Quincy, MA 02169 '17 U S C § S06[a). Acy ~rsoe who kncW1ogly makes a false repres~nlat,on w,1h the appllca11on. shall Ile hned ,101,nore than $2.500. ~ 2. Nonralundalilt 11h09 lee In ch11<:k or monay order payable to Register of OJpyngh/3 3. Depos;\ matenal MAIL TO: !ra,y 'ill c;ongress CcpynQhl or11ce • TX 101 Independence Avenue, S.E Washington, D C 205!9·6222 9 fUl1!1nb!llt1li e,1,,~;.t. , .. IWfl ..l ru,.c111e-1Ji~ C::•,rrt9hlOflln •1t11Ut 11 ft'l'c.;n1,;111,~. IIIUlltlilC:IJIIJJ,pl OH!tt,;1~li !l<il>Dr•IOllt or a m;,1anaJ la~11n the ~ppl1callon for copyngM 1'9grst,a,,on provided ror by s~lion 409. orin any wnllen &lalement hied ,n conn&o~on NFPA-PR0020357 EXHIBIT Y CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Thls Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below.The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. ~~:~ OFFICIAL SEAL FORM TX For a NondramaUc Literary Work ~TED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE RE! TX 5-752-623 /l/llfJl.!f11111 I ,He EFFECTivti«re Of REGISTRATION 17- United States of America DO NOT WRITE ABOVE nus LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. -•- a ,. m1111111, TITI..E OF THIS WORK 'f National Fire Codes Vol. 1·12 and Master Index 2002 Edition PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES 'f PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION U this work - publiehed as a contribution to a periodka~ IC!rial. or rolledion, give lnfonnallon about the colleclive work In which the ronlribullro appeared. Ulle of Colledlve Work .- Volume 1-12 and master index ff published In a periodical or serial glvt: Volume ., 2 Numl>er.,, OnP,tget., Issue Date • t.i:IO!tlNtlil 11 ii TI :tltllleU._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NAME!OPAUTHOR'f' DATES OF BIRTII AND OBATH Year Born .. Year Died 'f' a National Fire Protection Association NOTE '\ 1~- \~nder the law, 1 'aulhor" of t• '"-- .. lo;":.~::. ~:de ~::S-.!:'" b genarallythe employer. no1 Iha 111111ptoyea Was this qinttlbuUon lo the work a AUIHOR'S NATIONALIT\' OR DOMICILE! WAS 11116 AuntOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO 'work ma<k for hire"? Nfn1' of Count,y THE WORK II h _ , kl alNt el'Yes OR{Ollunof>: USA A>lonymous? OYe. 1ii!1 No D No Domldled In.. P-.donymous? D Yes el No lnsCNctlon8. NATUREOPAUTHORSHJP Bri«lydt«rlbenalureohnaterialaeatedbydibauthorinwhkhoopyrighlhdalmed. 'f' NAME OPAUTIIOR- DATES OF BlRfflAND DEATii Year Dom T Year Died 'f ----------------------------Was !his ronlribution 1o !he work a AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE "wonc made lot hire''? N11mul' COllnlly D f... Yes OR then o I": D No DomklJed In ---------------- T {a WAS 11116 AUlHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK 111·,e kl ahher (stelnslruc• lions). For any parl of IMa work lhtt was •made lor hire• NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Bril!fty deKribe nature of mateml ere.led by this aulhorln which cx,pyrighl Is dalmed. 'f Iha space provided. give NAME OF AUTHOR 'f' clleck ·ves· ln the employer (or Olher parson lot whom 1118 work was p,ep•fed) as "A~1hor' of :::!:!~~ C and space for dates of birth and dealh blank. 4 AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE on{ NameofOollnlry Qllzenof ~ Domidled In N i\TURE OF AUTHORSHIP Brl«ly describe nahue of material created by this O No EAR IN WHICH CREATION OPTIDS WORK WAS COMPLBTl!D Thie won.t!on 2002 <lllv.., - D Yes D No 0 Yes O No oll.eq,MSlionsle 'YM." ste detehd In$!~. DATES OF 81R1H AND DEATH Dom"' Year Died Y Was lhis oonlribution 1o the work a -work made forhire''l D Yes - Anonymous? P«udonymows? l:':::.t"' b =rft1t D Yes D No oa,... ]0 S:: ~- DATBANDNATION OPFIRST PUBLICATION OFTHIS l'ARTICULARWORK lhlt 1nt«n11Uon Manlnll,, January YNrll,, C-.!n~ National Fire Protection Association 2002 ? fJ ~) -v _ 2 __ 2. Affl..(),\Tw.~WEO , MHJ 1..1.Y UJ ,~ ONE Dl:POSIT RECEIVED <II Nawon rt 5 I Batterymarch Park nninr.v. MA 01?.(iQ.QIOl TRANSFER If lhe claimanl(s) Nmed here ill 1pac:e • ii (are) different from lhe author(,) named In •pace 2, give• brief 1tatemen1 of how lhe dalmanl(1) obtained ownertNp of the copyright Y ()------:;ORE ON BACK II,, • complete au appllel'lbl• 1pae.1 (numb•rt 5·8) on the r•v. lntlr\lcllona. f'feudonzmo!!!1 "'\hoc In whkh copyright Is claimed. T COPYRIGHT CLAIMANT(S) Name and addr8f must be glven even U lhe dalnlant IA lhe Nme.. th<! a1.1thor given In space 2. .- • 8$8 dal•ltd WAS THIS AUfflO.R'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK lftle-lOahhet Anonymous? O Yee O No ~~ IS • Sign IHI foml at Intl 8. ;I TWO DEPOSITS RECEIVED ,, ,,_,.Jo-01-85 FUNDS AECEIVEO DO NOT WIim HeftE Page I ol ~ p i , g e s NFPA·PR0020358 FORM TX FOR COPYRIGP' OFFICE, USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. F YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. 5 PREVIOUS REGISTRATION Has registration for thh, work. or for iin earlier W1$IM ot this wott. •lteady been made In the Copyright Ofrltt? gi{Yes O No Jr your answer ls "Yes," why is another registration belff: sought7 (Check appropriate box.),. a. D This is the first ,~1blished edition of a work prevlousif iq;istered In unpublished form. b. 0 This is the first application submitted by lhis aulhor as copyright dahnant. ~d-o6S YHtofReglstratlon.. 2001 a Changes maade co Che new edition 6 a DERIVATIVE WORK OR COMPILATION Prttdsllng Material ldenllfy any preeldsllng work or wo•kt that thJ5 work Is based on or lncoq,oHlef. T 7 Male1bl Added to This Work Give a brief, gene1.1l 1t.tement of the imlerial lhat has been ad~ to this wod<and In whlch copyri,i;ht is dalmed. 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Oother ropyrighl dalmant Downer of exduslve righl(•) Oauthorized a g e n t ° ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nameaf aulloforohu:iowlgtlt~Ol'-llf eio:dulM ri(lhl(a).il. 8 Typed or printed JIJttie •nd dJte T If this application give,, a date of publication in space 3, do nol •lgn and tubmlt It before that date, Nanci Kelly o.~ ... -=2/28/0====3'------- X ~~-------------------t 111 I 111 ~ - certmcate will be malled In window envelope tothla add,eaa: . NameY Nanci Kelly-National Fire Protection Association h\M!lbtt'ISlrHtlApl T 1 Batterymarch Park 9 Cll)'ISlat.izll' • Quincy, MA 02269-9101 "'*' '17 0,8,(:, § 606(e); Hr/ pertOn WhO kn0¥!1ngiy l!lllkfl & 1111$41 ~~ wllh tit appl!Qlllon, ,11111 bt notfflOl'ltht~ suoo. Rev. .line 2002-20,000 Wtb Aw. .kl"' 2002 Ii) Printtd on reoydtd pape, NFPA-PR0020359 EXHIBIT Z 'i ::<::::;:t~!1!!!1°:~t5l~~~~~tt;tl:::~~e'~;\tnftirt~7f0~· orcoll~on •• • /c • '•".• .I ~ , '"• · · ·•(µpiibb~.1~~J>E;n¢jcal or~n~lgive· . Vl)iiimf'!'.< '• : · .': .:::-:··· :,_ ,.:~ :·;;:::~>·' ._ • •·, - $1"".mfoqnatloll~b®tthe. ·. <-":_·,L .,..c.-,-;c..---"---'------_O_n_P-ag-et-.-.-.- - - .. . ... ·I NFPA-PR0020360 I· --·-··--···-. . . . . . . . ----···--··-·--·--·. . . . . . . . . . . . --·-·--.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---..·-·-··-.. . . ______._. _______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·-------·---..·- . . . . . . .·-·--··---------··. ·-··. -- . . . . . . . . . . . . -.....................-.. . .,. . . . . ._____. ___. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .·-----.. . . . . ____ _ NFPA-PR0020361 EXHIBIT AA )Cert1ffebate ofR.egr~tr~t~oµ_ -. . . ..· . ' : / •..• I 'C < .'' :.· 'f:his 9ert~ficate i~_sue,d :un:dei th(se~ ~fµie,S:<Spyr1g~t .• ::i· .· Office in ,wcprdance\~ith~titl~ ii,JJn{ted $faf~s .• - .-· ·.-···ittest1,tlja(t~gist,ration·has been niadefi;ir;tlie\vprk >>. ide~tifi.ed b~lo~.:The information on this·certificate :has> -< ForinTX;·· FonNondrw.m:Lltr:ruyWlll'k . UNITED STAT£$ COIYIICiHTOFFl(E lie¢~:.111ade?1?artbf t~~ (;opy#ghtOffick ~e~9j:ds:- /- ···· ~h-~//jjj;A @~' -·-- ' - ie~· Cop;ights, Unit~d:Stat~s oiAm~;Ac.a - . :.-DO NOTWRITE_ABOVE_THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. USE A SEPARATE ~NTINUATION SHEET .· : -'flTLI! OF 1HIS WORK 'f' .· ·• . ·:>fyf'PA 12. Standard on· G~n D1ox1d¢;Ex~gwshmg-Sy~¥s 200~ Edltjo~ :·. ·.>PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES Y • . · NFPA12 Sane as ;t.boveJ?98 Edition ·-· ·.·.·. NAMEOFAtmlORY .-:~·:N~t1,~~ia1Fue·~f9~fion),$#~~on' -· · ·: ·. QC) NOT WRf'rl IIE!'II' ·· .. '·,.,,. •• ,, .. :, •• _.•,.,,, • .., .. ,., ..... ,. ___ ... _,:•••••- '.%n•'•n••" ' •., ••• ·, •., • .,,.,.~.,, ... m................ ' . . -···., ....... · •• NFPA-PR0020362 ;It2}~!'.:: '}~=.":_"·-.. \Cf,)·\.~·'.1-"".r::-,\_ ·r- ~ f \i: ,'.-'-:~{·;. NFPA-PR0020363 EXHIBIT BB 111:. .< )}.-:~t~~\(. ~ ·-"::"ii-. :~.:' ![. ··'.··. :-.~~..;_~- ;'... .. :· . ~- ,,/:< ' \';)t: ~-])/:~{?:-~-- ~ '• ,' ',-·,, ,•, ::.••Fi:~~~~~.~~~.~~a;,;..'1~m~,~:~-~7~·~·~·~·~· ... \ .. _; ~:- ~ ._. ;:- :·· \ . ·1: ;': \; '· fl::{}Jl6 :· · · ·: .:, : :, ,[ \ . :; '. >·:. ·;--:: ,- ·' ·,--.2 ·, .-, ·NataonaIFireProteetioilA · ·><··\; -;< ·-:·:aNAMIIOPA.trlHOllY.' . ·--:-· llbOn.: ' ·.:\ ,.·--.,. ·>··'>~·. /- y~~· ''._;·'_>';]'.>ATDSOFBIRTHANl>"DBA111' · · ... < ·· :>.>,'.. -.J : -Yeaa"Dled .T -· L:::-c;,-~,::: \ ' :.:; :::;:,'~~lfd.a~li9n!o~wjld{~~~,.TIONAUl'Y~DQ~C!LI ::-,.---;-wASTHISAWIQll'SCO~QNTO ~t·· i:::. :. ::.f.(.j:~a/ -~-- l·i::r]:;;••:?~•;·•-)/j)!!tt'7T~~~~;. ~_'._to_lhi_-.wcdt-.-......-L-~-----~-NA:-. .. ........ ""'n-.·o"'"NALITY""· ""':-.""'"';Oll--DOMJ -:-.-_............'. ·==l~o,;500~~~~ ...""':-.-CILI!-, : _ :·""~"'".•-."llda-_inada-'.Cllflllllu. .... -: '··;. '' ..... :·......~-----'·-··-··--··-- \I ·,--. NFPA-PR0020364 NFPA-PR0020365 EXHIBIT CC Certificate of Registration Form TX This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. For• NomltJmJtic Littrnry Work UNITED ~TATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE REGIS" TX 6-261-666 o< 111mm~11mm1mm11m1 •lX8886261 f.669 EFFECTIVE r ~~h::~esofAnmirn E OF REOqATION Dav Month Year . __ . ___________ -·. __ -, ___ .. --· .. ATE CONTINUATION SHEET. 1 TITLE OF THIS WORK T NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code, 2006 Edition PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES T Same as above PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION lf this work w~s pubhshcd ns a contribunon lo a periodic~!, !>en~I, or collectiun, give mforrrrnMn about the collech vc work 1n \~hich the contnbut1on appeMed Title of Collective Work Y Numi,er Y If published 111 a periodical or seriJI give: Volume Y 2 National fire Protection Association Was this contnbutmn tt, the work a lurn··1 D y,.. ~, ·'wmk mad., for AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE Name ol Counlry OR { Citizen ut .... ~ No NOTE Under the law. lha •aulhor· ol a ·work made tor l"rne" 1s generally lhe employer. not the emptoyee b NAME OF AUTHOR., Wa~ tlus contnbubon ta the worko for hm:··7 OYes ··work made perso11 tor C wham the work was prepared) as . 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COPYRIGHT CLAIMANT(S) Name and ~ddress must be given even if the cla1ma11t 1s the 1-1me as theautl11>r g"enmspace2 'f" National Fire Protection Association ... . W)<, '" ONE Nallon 1ov1r'fiECEIVED 2Q05 One Batterymarch Park ~ i!j: t: w TVJO DEPOSITS RECEIV.ED ~Q_u_in_c~y~,_M_A~0_2_1_6_9~~~~~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~-....1~~ TRANSFER Ii the cl,11mnnt(s) named he,c mspD(c 4 is (arc) d1it~rent fn1m lhc author(s) named in l;~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,p~ce 2, 11,ivc a bncl statement of hnw the clmmant(>) <lblarned owncr,hip of the wpyright " zit: FUNDS RECEIVED 0 _ _ _ _ _ __ go MORE ON BACK II> • Cornplole 011 applicable spaces (numbers 5·9) on !he reverse side ot this page. .. Sign thl) lorm a.I line e .. Sae detailed lnstruct1oos DO NOT W?f HERE Page , of -~pegas NFPA-PR0020366 *Amended by C.O. from phone call to Nancy Zagrodny on January 4, 2006. EXAMINED SY FORM TX CHECKED BY DYes FOR CORRESPONDENCE COPYRIGHT OFFICE USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. 5 PREVIOUS REGISTRATION Hn~ rcgistratwn for this 1,•ork, or for an carl,ci vemon i>I this wmk, Jlreody been made io the Copyright Office? O No Ii y,1u1 answer 1s ··Yts:·whi• 1s another registr.1t1on bemg sought' (Check appropriate box) T ft Yes a. O This 1s the ftrst published cd,hiin ,,fa wiirk prev1,>usly regislered 111 unpublished iurm b. D This 1, the I1L"~t appl1cat10n submitted b)• this author as copi•nght daimant c. 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Name I Address/ Apt/City /State/ZIP T Nancy Zagrodny - National Fire Protection Association I Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169 Area code and daytime 1elephon~ number ii,, Email .. 617-984-7 550 Fax number i,, 7 a b 6 l 7-984-7004 nza grodny@n fpa .org CERTIFICATION• I, the undm1i;ned, hereby cerhfy th~t l om the Ch cc k on Iy one 11- ot th~ wurk 1de11ttf1ed ll'l this apphcallon and th~t the statements made by Ille 1n this apphc,1hon arc correct to the best of my knowledge 8 -Oauthor D other copyright cl~im~nt 0 owner ,1f e)fdusivc nght(s) authC1nzcd aii,ent of National Fire Protection Association Name ol eulhor or olller copynghl cla1manl, or owner ol exclusive nghl(•) • Typed or printed name and d~le 'f' If this application gives a date of publication in space J, do not sign and ,ubmit 1t before that dat(!. 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Oepos.l "18t$nal National Fire Protection Association - ATTN: NANCY ZAGRODNY I Batterymarch Park Cily1Stale1Z1P T Quincy, MA 02169 '17 U.S.C § 506jo]· Any person who knowingly makes a lalse rep,esen1aucn or a ma1ena1 tac! m lhe appl1cat10n w,it, 1~e app1,cat1on. shall be fined nol more tnsn f,2 500 SEND ALL 3 ELEMENTS IN THc SAME PACKAGE: M111MI!~ongreu !rart i Copynghl ONi<:e • TX 101 lndapendence Avenue, SE. wasnlnglon. o C 2D559·6222 9 fi1u111~11u1U cM'"rg-1- Ja:~~rr•I lffl, 1h1P,11'iJ CovrntMOl'U(.t 1111N~l11I llll'll'(.0111'Qbl,~~- W1111 11 -CC!p'Jn,;iM. gntit,0r-u11 (?m}lD-MOIU ror copynght reg,stralloo pro•1ded !or by sec11on 409, or 1n any wnt!en stalemenl filed 1n connect,on NFPA-PR0020367 EXHIBIT DD CERTIFICATE OF flEGISTHATION I?ORMTX TrdS Certiiicalt! _issued undm ,he S(~Hl ol lhn Copyr:fJh! Uni1ed r,1<1tes Co(le. 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Tb s hf ; ui e ct n1 d~ r glr dn~ f t it l s i , : i 'M ei ee1 $ cm . . Oh bte tt IM G Hl1 w Uhla c p d hdfi n b T b hfl ~ l l e 7, ! o s o y gl aaal . i l i l I cOT sb• agd einl hlW;s h'W . h i d ne vr o ol e d.f o n i s e ts nl ~ i l Iyu as ei" etier o ~ N ~Ior n wr sf sg : rml ' v i f - > ~pc sae , a Cag md t n w e-to hne ae o e d i n s i M C d A ddtTl Wd · ~i gn a~ o l eltrl a ~ bf a d d oh wr I dnh haprglbd e. a e a de •h$ •c emb d eel l r, , l hl &e alt . l id c' d e tt sok nIw c i y h i d, t I i i l , lm . . 6 Ad os adcre i n : aet ogo dt n n o c o md h uhu i i rt r t CO ~ N E C Gvnuea d dts otd: :pnecaott s p bo so de e1 . am A ds AtCy t eZ PT Rl 'O D N E ie. n n a dst w l om o dnebu h a p ! n hu b s t N e dts p i/ a/ J t .( s i i li i t. / t/ / t S t N Ti A K l y ac . e l i Nin F e Po c o A o a o aoa i r e in s ct n t l r tt s ii 1Bt y1 c P k P Bx 90 ae r a h a , O o- 11 trt r r . ~~~~ 67 8 73 1 94 27 - - Fxu br> ti ne - ..ato { l hc . Dl . .Ce o y n ; . a hro p b d a . . hd a oe : J . De pg a n l c f t lm t o n o eds e lh l w. t x u v r t 1 . r ! !{ C R II A I N J le U elnd a b crtd f( te E TF C T O ~ . h\\ r ge t e y eiy a am h ds . t l . . . . . . . · · .. _lh w d d ni cla pcic" t alec aeti ae o e o d e ~ l h pl ao ' h thsa nn.n d l t s il l 4 , l s b J elt s piaoa ~tee o 1 ~ y n k h . pcln t t hb tl 1 . i l t e o s l f o ~~ cJ f a e U c~ i w b i e t l · ael mldn f. wno td w e v oe ne p l tt s· oh l a des drs : · . t lF p , . . · , . O u ~f a ~o ~ 1) a 1 e tt ~1( M 5( a !l · r I oet 01 S 0 . ; . am o dDol w C )t clnW o C""c1~ i i )& N e f ! rrh Cl ' o b I rl' , l p\l r I !* l , v( .. ,s 0 . . 7 b. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 L 9 EXHIBIT EE ----:-'i"'""""- .-.--~-:-·-.. ··: Ce~t1flpate ·•~f R~gistration. ' ._ • :~ • •, C • • • 0 • · ·.•. ,..•. .~·.· .ForaNondnmatkLatenryWtll'k . •.. ~ Form TX '• . This Certificate issued \1nder the. seal of the. Copyrigh{ .. .. 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DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH ... YearDtedT '·: YearBoml' . : : '.was ~!us cimmbution to tliework a '·· ·. AUTHORS NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE '.'woikmadeforlure 1 . •NaintolC<alntry ·. . .. ' ... ·.. · .. · · • . :.; OR { 0Dom. ··oledof.... USA : : ..• ~~ ..... ·. . .· ·.. b.zen 1 M•- .> WAS lHIS AUTHOR S <::ONTRiBUTION TO THEWOR.K . lfthaamwtrtollltier 18 Anonymous? :O'tes g No ~::: ~ :.;:~Pseudonymous? .. OYes !;(No ,n'1:ruc:tiona >DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH . Year Born,. Year Died l' . .·· · ·.·. ··. DATES.OF BIRTH AND DEATH . . .YearBoml' {: (·:(. (: ~'.: 7:s,;,' ,:' / ;,. '\, .::,., , •' . . . '. . ----·· '; .,, ;' ' - \' ·.' ••' :'.~, ........ '.,1,10, .. ,..,-,.,,---•~ · .· •:~t~!1:t'::!1.,;~:·~~~.cnu~b::~s~~,i~f:; ~~=~~~. ofi~11iat( · llda.. ·"0:": ' •:, ·, ~-~,~- ' ·~.~.: -~•~n'""'•n• ··, \' --·--·--""··-•':',;.,.,,_,..,,~·: >·,h~- ' ' "" '· ··. YearDled Y ~.~. . \ . 'DO NO'f'.WRIT! !IIR! ~-; ·.;....~ '••-"0 ,.:.· ~~.::,, ___ ,_._·_.~ · • ~--~.:~,.••~\•\"-~•~.:.,_...~' _: •-••"'"''~''~'- • _: _____ ' -•-' ---·,'' '"'" NFPA-PR0020370 :{_ . ·.•. ,;;::itiJfl\';;.• _,.,,_ . . i?Ilr"· NFPA-PR0020371 EXHIBIT FF Certificate of Registration Form TX For I NondrlfflllU~ Lttc:nry Work UNITED STATES COl'YRIGHT OFflCE This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, at.tests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. a.,v 1 ~::h~~esof nu I nn, 1c.:. ,..,vn;. 1 m,:, un,; ,r 1vu '"""" TX 5-953-205 111111111111111 T~ 'Bi-e OF REO!STRA'TION u o-1 EFFECTIVE ~ Monlh Ame,ica Oty 111vnc.:. .,...,..,..,_ .,..,._,. ..c.:.rn.lATE CONTINUATION SHEET Tffill OF THIS WORK Y NFPA 59 Utshty LP Gas Plant Code 2004 E<lioon PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TIIlES ,,- NFPA 59 Utlltty LP Gas Plant Code PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION If thlS work was published ns i'I contnbution to a penod1~al st>nal or collectu:m give 1nformation about the ,;t1llective work u, wlmh the contnbution app,med Tttll! of Collmin Work.,. ____ _____ , If published 2 Wa, thts rontribution to the work a 'work made for lun: Undu tht l•w lht author ol lor hir• I& WAS THIS AUTHOR S CONTRlBUTION TO THE WORK lil1"Yes OR{ utuenoflll>__!l.~A___ Anonymous? OYfs ~ No D No Domiciled mL........PS,!udonymous? 0 Ye, r,J No NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Bnefly describe natUie of matenal created by thl!I author m wlm:h copynght is Y II lhl e.n..,.., lo O'lllllf ~!:~It 11'18INCl!oos DATES OP BIRTH ANO DEATH Year Born Y Year Died ,,- WM this contnbution to the work a 'Work made for lure ? AUTHOR'S NATIONALITI OR DOMICILE NWN ol Coon1ry WAS THIS AtrrHOR S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK OYes OR{Cstwmoft,,. Anon=nus' OYes O No ,-0 No Domiciled lM i'it!udonymol.L17 D Yes O No NATURI! OF AUTHORSHIP Bnefly desmbe nature of maru1d created 1,y thlS author m wluch mpynght is drum«! 'f oo,n,trv~ P"' ol th,• work that wu mad, ro r hire check VH I~ thl tptc• C woik wn pr1par1dJ .u A~tho, of U1•tp,,t 1-.~.1~• and op•c• for datu 01 birth and dH!h bl•n~ 4 Year Died ., ----------------------------- ----------------- Uona) Fo1 any p rovld•d glv. AtrrHOR S NATIONALITY OR DOMICrLE Na/1\f ol Co<Jntty NAME OF AUTHOR "f employer not 1ht tmpl oy.. th• •mploy,r ? Year 'Born,,- b gtntrally the rn, OATES OF BIRTii AND DEATH a National Fire Protection Assoc1at.1on a work mad• wh,xn a ~nodical or Sl!nal give Volume 'f' NAME Of AUTHOR ... NOTE. jorothu 11•r1on for in N11mbtr'f' a tt Ille answtf lO either clY•~-q~~11 • ...,._.., •Mttr\JG11ont DATES OP 81RTI! AND DEATH Year Born T Year Dted 'f NAME OF AUTHOR" -W-a,-llu-s_ro_n_!n-b-ub_o_n-to-t-hc_w_o_r_k---A-UTH--0-R_S_N_A_T_IO_N_A_L_ITT_O_R_D_O_M_I_C_IL_E___ _ .. W_A_S_THJ S_A_UTH O_R_S_C_O_NT_RI_B_UTI_O_N_T_O_ __ __ ··-- ' Nameo!Coon""' THE WORK ,r--1111-r .., ....... A• 'wOTk m.ade for m= •, • .. -~~ ,A """"" 0Ye5 OR{Citizenof.______~Anonymoull? OYes O No ~~~18 O No Dortualed in Pseudonzmc11,1s? 0 Ytt O No mflrucilon$ NATUnB OF Av• nO RSH IP Bnrfly dNMbe l'\llh.l~ of matenal aeated by thu:author 111 which et1pynght Jtcl~ 'f ., ,. l'Y'U . YEAR IN WHlCH CREATION OF THIS WORK WAS COMPLETED Thll lnfOl'!Mllon 2004 ___ _• v.-r ~ ::J."" b CM!m DATE AND NATION OF FIRST P'UBUCATION OF THIS PARTICULAR WORK 11111 lftfqnlWll:!Qn Mon1!1 ... 2 . oay Ji> 12 ve-ar.. 2004 "=~ f!Li,!, .JlSA -=- - COPYRlOHT CLAIMANT(Sl NAIJ'le and addre;H mu&t be given even if the cl~1mant 11 the ,a- H · - --~ Neti<NI A~AW~R-J.O .4.-11 ~------------...... IM author givm m fplla! 2 • Nabonal Flre Protection Assoc1at1on -,-~ ...... .......~ -~ ON~ ~PO.SIT RECEIVED TRANSFER I! lt.e clumant(t) named here m apace 411 (are) c:Wferent from the author(a) named in sp,,ce 2 give I bnc( etlltftllllnt of how the cl~i.m.anl(s) obtained owoerslup of the copynght 'f' ;s 1 _o"'_!1_~~'""y_M_m_f_o_\_~..;...;~~-------------------1ii MORE ON BACK II> J:..~ rw~J!.ltt·o---··············-··-FUNDS RECEIVED ~n• C~mplete all 1pplluble 1p1~11 (nijmber• 6 $) o" the rBY&rH 11de 01 tt11e page Sign !he Iron 11 e s.. dttalltd I n ~ NFPA-PR0020372 FORM TX _EX_AM~I-NE_o_ev_[io~~----~ - - - CHECKED BY D CORRESPONDENCE Yes FOR COPYRIGHT OFFICE USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET 5 PREVIOUS REGISTRATION Has registrabon for tlus work or for an earlier version of tlus work already been made m the Copynght Office? ft YH O No II your aruwer 15 Yo why is enothl!r reguitrabon bemg sought? (C'M(k appropnate box) 'f' a D This is the fir,t published ed11ton of a work previously registered m unpublished form b O Thu 11 the fint applicabon submitted by tlus author as copynght claunant c D TI11s 1s a changed ver,1on of the work as shown by space 6 on this apphca llon If your answer 1s Y~ give Prevlou, l\egi,trahon Number ... TX 4 838544 8/14/98 Ym of Registration... a DERIVATIVE WORK OR COMPlLATION Pl'ffrl1U11g Material Identify any preeXllltmg work or works that tlus work IS based <m or incorporates T 6 a 7 Previously published standards and codes Malerla!Added to Thl• Work Give a bnef genenl statement of lhtmatenal that has been added totlus work and m wluch copynght iaclumed 'f' Some new and revised text DEPOSIT ACCOUNT If the regutral:lon lee IS to be charged to a Depo,1t ACCOUt\l embh!ihed rn the Copynght Offa:e give name and number al Account N•me T Account Nwnber 'f' CORRESPONDENCE Give name and addre,s to wluch correspondence about thlsapp!tcabon should be sent Name/ Addrus/ Apt /City /State/ZIP 'f' Nanci Kelly National Fire Protechon Assoc1at1on l Batterymarch Park Qumcy MA 02169 ArHcod11nddaytJ1Mt.ltphonenumbtf• Emall JI, 617 984-7237 faxf\Umbti JI, b 617 984 7222 NKelly@nfpa org 8 CERTJFICA TION" I the under$tgned hereby cerhfy that I am the ~author O other copyright cl-uma.nt '-'~o yone JI, 0 owner of exclUS1ve nght(s) of the work 1dentwed m tlus application and that the statemenl.9 made authoru.ed igent of National Fire Protectlon Assoc1atlon by me m tlus apphcabon are correct to the belit of my knowledge Nwne ol ~ or - ~ ol ,:,,;tum rigl~e) A 1 cl&lm&n1 or ,..,_ _,, nl Typed or printed name and date 'f' U !lus applicabon gives a date of pub!Jcabon m space 3 do not sign and submJt it before that date Nanci Kelly 3/ 19/04 D11e Iii> x~i(;;;J;__'~-----------------------Ctrtfflcate wlllbt malled In window tnvt!Opa to thll 1ddrq1 Qumcy MA 02169 - - 2 Offa TX In olltd! 0< tJIOl'il)' QI~ delQAvtlllll SE oc 2WH222 -- (lllllfl- i 500(,) M'/ ~ wf'IQ i<rl~ mlke11 tliH repr1H11taton ol a m111111al 1ICI ,n !he appt,cabon ror cq)\'OQhl 1'9Qlflflb0fl proYldfd IOI by Nellon ,tOII or ,nan~ W111ttn lllltl!Mllt ftlt<l III c:onntoflOll IPP!iea~cn 111&11 bt nned no, mort 1!1811S2500 17 USC '1111th 11'11 Nllfflbtl/SlrttV~ ,- City/Stat.,ziP 't' 9 IIJ!IIIIIIIIIII FMn--• Nanl'llundlbll= r-rpa~n.11 ..... "' . =-.---=.a:.i:rSign yotir llpllllc:IIIOn ., . . - e National Fire Protectton Assoc1at10D I Batterymarch Park -r .. '*"'Nl'I' ..,_ NIIM't' NFPA-PR0020373 EXHIBIT GG FORM TX CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE This Certificate issued under the seal of Hie Copyright Office in accordance with title 17. United States Code, attests that registration r1as been made for Hw work identi· fied below.The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyrigr1t Office records. ~R~EG~l':!:!ST~AA~Tl~OO~N:'!"U~M~8,.EA~-------,_ TX 4-092-419 llllllilllllllll - • l;,:l"11'V~tl:d'i4l'.111' •AV ~b;M {?Afu, NOV Ot,998 m:GISTER OF COPYRIGHTS United States of America Day PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES Y Same 1996 Edition PUBUCATION AS A CONTRIBUTION U this worlc was published •• a contribution to • J)friodic.111, serial, or collection, give infonnatim, about the collective work in which lhe contribution appeared. Tille of Coll«tlve Wo,Jk 'f -. -:-;--:;..-.--. .--:--:-~..-:-.--c-::.--::--=:;,-:'--=-----:-:---:---::-'!"-------;----,~-=-----,.,--,,,--.:----~ If published In a periodical or serial givr: Vohunt ,. NtUnber 'f IN~ D•k' 'f' On Page• T \ ns:.r%. c:;ca~~ei: :i: .:o_ meec~~~•~1E1~:::a:1-Ss::38E::miHlf.:: usmsnml~tmt. uii1re1r Ill ::oo::: ;sss::satmr w• n n:::!!j'.DHi:rm~~n·nmHm:aqc uw·as~~ NAME OF AUIHOR 't' DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION AuntOR'S NATIONALITY OR POMIC1LE Name ol Cou11lt~ ONo ......, ted by this author In which copyright Is clalmed. 'f tr : ..~':ay bNAME OF At.mlOR 't' plo)>ee(see"" ~).For any pan Q/ t,i~ won< flat was 'madefo, hire' ct>ec1< "Yes. tn lhe~provkk>d. gil't ttHl : 11.S • Aud'l«' ol Iha! part, al1d leave Iii space f<.V !IA!81 ol C:,.rlh and dollh blank DATES OP iiirii XFJB DEATH Year Died Y Year Bo"" 'Y . AUTHOR'S NATIONAU1Y OR OOMICILE Wu this rontriootion to tht work-. M.-~wotk mede lot hire"? io Yes Name ol COUnlfV { Otiz.en of• D No OR Domiciled in • U' S' A.' WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO 'I'HE WORK ,....v If Ille a-to eilhe< Anonymous? 0 Yes U\ No ol lh-, questiOnS i$ Pseudonymo\.1$? r <;;.,, 'f DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH NAME OF AUJ'HOR 9 Year Died '!f' Year Born if AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE Wu this contribution to the work a "work made for hire"? Named Coum•y WAS lH[S AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK 11 1M aru.w8f to eit!\ef D Y!.'S . OR { Citizen of"' Anonymous? O Yes O D No Domid.led in "" Pstudonymou$? O Yes D NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP BneRy desrobf nature of the mat!'rill m~ed by this au1hor in whkh copyright Is c:lalm,d. • ~ml'l~~>'mtf®':tr n 1mm ·~;,:;:.:;eiailetl D Yes D( No NATIJRE OF AUTHORSHIP Briefly de$(tibe nature of the m.-teml aefted by this author h1 which ropyriSht b claimed. ~(or (l!t)e(l*IQnfO( wl'tctllf'>twc,,1( was pn9pared) TI{E M• ... Uooet f,e law. 11W "dlar· ol e IW!~. nollho- Ye,r Died 'f' WAS THIS AUJ'HOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO WORK If !he answer lo '"the< 0 Ye$ §{J No ol. ll'leSe QuflliOnl i5 { Ci tizen of 11'----++--e---fl--........- - - - - - - Monyffll)IJS7 OR Donu' -'hd ,M .. U, S•A• ' ·ves: ,ee oeia<100 P.eudonymous? 0 Yes No inso,ietiOns. Wu thls contribution to the work " "work made for hire"? NOTE Yen Born 't' No No ol IM58 qvesuons Is ·vms: cee d<!lai!l!d M1s!ruc1ioos. ssmsrnr ., : :rnrn:m ·::·;;;e; • YEAR lN WRICH CRl!A110N OF nns WORK WAS COMPLETED 1998 'Ill Year '* lnfOl'fflellOII ::~ COPYRIGHT CLAIMA.NT(S) N•rne an<! addrtss must be glve11 even 1.f e c:lahmnt is the APPLICATION RECEIVED t.!f!'·' fl £ ~ 19 9 s.,mus thuuthor glVl'n In sp,,re 2:'t' National Fire Protection Association One Batterymarch Park, ·p,o, Box 9101 Qt.d.ricy ~-· m··o22"69*9101 ,~ONE~EPOSITREC~IVED ~g . . . . ---.....--------~-~-----~·Bi TRANSFER If the cla1Dllnt(1) Nmed he~ in space t ue dilfen!nt from tht .ulhor(ll n1med 11'1 tp,ict 2, gt" a brief 1t111tement of how the c:lalmanl(1) obtained 41wnershlp Of the copyright ,'f 1;~ oEPOs1rs Rece1veo r.t'/. D4. NUMBER E ~ REMITTANCE 19 g AND DATE NFPA-PR0020374 M 6 l ~ $: Em a ~ w c imn ;1 E AI E8 X MN 0 Y s u mr~ c;m rem~~~~ es s n : :. ::. s , : t FO T RM X C E K DB HCE Y O ! : DCesRRESPONOENC Y D I AC C 0FEPOSTSEDOUNT UD U NS FR O C P RG T O YI H O FC FI E UE S OL NY D N TWI E A O E TI LN.I Y UN E M R S A E U AS P R T C NI U TO S Et O O RT B V HS I E F O E D O E P C, S E A A E O TN AI N H E &; > " p~ . m ~ < _ : $ i , ; ' 0 ~ x . . • ' P E I U R GS R T O Hsrgta o fr h wr, o fr n r e vr o o ti~r,a ed be md i te o y gtOie R V O S E I T AI N a ei rt n oti ok r oa o ir es n f h ok l ay e n ae n h C pr h f c? s i s l i s r i f ~ y O N Iy u aswr s Y, w y ia ohr ei rto bi gs u h? Cek pr p aeb~ Y ) N ( o f or n e i~ H h s nt e rgta n en o gt ( hc a pot t o ' ' . s i i ) 0 Ti i teitp b s e ei o oa okpei u y~ tr di u p b s e frm h s h fs ul h d di n f wr rvos i ee n n ul h d o . s r i t l s i 0 Ti iteit plcto s bmt d ytiat o a c prgtca at h s h fsa p a n u i e b h uhr s o y h l s r i i t s i imn . D Ti ia hne vr o o t e ok a s ow b sae o tia p cto. h s ca gd e i n f h wr, s h n y pc 6 n h pl a n s s s i i R Y ro Rg tto Y u f ei n q s i Iy u as e i " C " ie Pei u Rgt1 o N brY f or n wr s Y s gv rvo, c , t n ume ' , ; lr i T 42241 X 2-1 19 96 · m r J!'!111·': , i , = ;1;$"co · ·1 l ~ l ~ .%:< A ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ '' :. ' m < : A' - ~ ;. " ~ . i , • 1:: 1r m n "*i1 mm#!1''1mem,,,= ml~ " , 1 So•>> a ,..{~ l ', ' • ., , D R V T V W R O C PL T O C peebt s .6 & 6 fr drvtv wt;c m kCol 6 fr c p a o. E J AI E O K R OMI AI N omlt oh r : a b oa e a e ok o pt' ny b oa omi t n ~ i i li Iet y n pextn wr o wrs tatiwr ibsd. o icr oa sT dnf a y reii g ok r ok h h ok s ae o r nopr e i s t s n t. a P" dtn Mtil . ' 1 a g aua i ~ Cag m d t p o ei o hne a e o r r di n s i t b M 1rl A d d l Ti Wr . 1e b d e o h ok s « . ~ / Gv ab e gnr saem no te ae a t ahsbe . d l ti wr a di wiha prgl s a e T ie r f eea tt et f h mtr l ht a en 1 ~o h$ ok n n hc ; y h ic imd i, l i , i l . Sei S u in e nl c os rl blt c m 11n eae o pei g l s p c. l s ae l i ~~ ~ « ~ ~t ~~ ~ ~<~t~8i~;?uu~~iw!~~AA.~lil~~~l$S~SS,e~· ,, ~ ~rt P; ~ ~cifit!ll· , - ,, . :. !li! ' l i \t#hrm~8E li~18~'l~lI .l'"~8i~S Sl;ll~~~iSJ*llli~.le 11iio ilJlfll8ll • lFll7 !>F l O J~ ! i" ~ <ti ~ a!1 SU! ~111$ \ >~AAl:" !1 JIBliJ',,·~1a 8ilil $,-l 18li, l ~:lfl8l!i11811~Pl \ I- * ~ l #W' ~ ~ li !i ;! . 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P O,e ~ r ~ e n y n a eymr b ak - ,·a x&2 0 . c. t . i C « o e• hk n fh wt ie h e i ti a p c i n n tatett et m d t e oc dn! d n h pl a o a d h h saem n a e r i s it t s ( e i t s pl a o ae o t t te e o m k o lde m n h a p c i n r cr r o h bs f y n w g i it , tt t e . • ~MW S mf i ~W ~ i i *l $ fi m~ O ohrcprg1lim. t e oy h c1 .n i . rl 0 ow e o e dsv r h & nr f x u ei t ) i g( Nto a F e Poeto As cat a nl i rtc n soi i i r i f uhru aet1 i t o dgn r a i e Nr e 1 hf <ll c prot l 3t o oe eg[ • . n a 1 oO oh o y h c im n r t ~ r hs l ' / l f , a . - , i l) ye o p n~ n « n dl " Itii'ul h dok !idt ms b t e am a o L e h nt e ae f ul a pd rr l d am a d ae f f h sf b s ewr, h ae u e h s e s ri r . h dt o p b c , i s i s t t' a lt it Dn e ri 11 aT e e s ii 1a-i r i ca r 1 d e. lJ t Sa . . w E , emm ; • • II AL : RIJ E TF. . A ET T O el ct rf ae t l lb l e l ee I ldn l ld w no w oe ep l V U ' U! O · S ' Nm ae " D n e c amr-i e ei :M N aaT r s l l '1. - nl i 1! . i ~ F e Po c o A o a o ' t n r rt t n s c t n ei s ii N b <Soe Aa et N ne ' umeIle l pr n u b< f t tm r Oe B tr mr hPr, PO B x 9 0 n a ey ac- ak .. o 1 1 t Cy r eZP" .l alI t Sl Qi c, M 0 2 99 0 un y A 2 6- 1 1 < WL T \ I O S GO E NM N P I T NGO F C · • Ai~14 1,M n . V R E T R NI FI E A < •- 0 1 n - N P- R 0 0 7 F AP 0 2 3 5 EXHIBIT HH ·Certificate of Ru~istration <.J This Crrlificatc i.s,ned und,'r the St'«l <Jf the Cnp)Tight Offic(' in .iccordaJKt' \Villi titk J;·, Unit,:d \Lit,,:s C:()(k attc;;ls that rcgi~tration has becnrn;1d<: for ih,, 1'~urk identified below. Tiit: i11fom1,1tn.n1 on \hi~ ,:,'1til1,:,1k h.i:; b:c:rn nwcka pnr1 of tlw Copyright OiTi(e rer(llds. TX 6-108-410 ' • • • •-··a;,··· . • ' . ; - ,, I ,, !1 .. 1 ~ :! I :i, "'-IM-4iil" ._ .'-f/k,,).idA Gltua • • . EFF!CTrv~·oF F!EGISTAATION Rcgistei<!f Copyright~, Unit,;d St;ites uf /\nldir:.1 1 TITLE OF THIS WORK "I' Natmoal Electncal Code 2005 Pll.BVIOVS OR AlTBRNATIVE TITLES Y 2002 POBLICA.'tlON AS A CONTUWUTION If tlu.s work wa, pul> as a amJ11bunon to a pmod1c,.l w-iM or collection give mform•llM ~bout tht T1tfo of C,;iUEcltve Wodc 'f colki,ttve wod, m which. the conlribubon appore_d ; . ~ueDate• .Nu111berT 2 a N~bolal Fire Prot-ect1on Association w$S tlu, tOntnbution 10 the work a , . Uncle! lilt It.VI .. 11'111 BUlhOI ol worlc mlldl a ror tilt• 1s . Qllltrally th• &mptoytr not· lhe. tmQloy1$ OATI::S OF JffiTH AND OiATH Year Born T Year Died 'f' NAME OF A.UTHOR • workmadefodutc? .· if Yes 0 No b AU't'HORjS NATIONALITY OR Dt>MICJLli Nllrtlsof~ OA { Crtl.1:en of to • USA . . . Oom1ol.admllt.. N=~u, '-'"' Aur·RO· • A,. ..... rNt .A · , . . . WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO . 'I'fttWORI< AnW\ymous? ¢hOol(. Yet l~ r------ -------··--------::1-WAS ·tO THE WORK 11()_, · AUnIOR'S NATIONALITY Oll DOMIOUi Nilft-4 o f ~ OR{. Cltu;(dl of THIS AUTHOR 8 CONTIUBUTION II ltlt C :z~i:,:,;.:{ "* . DATES Of.Blltffl AND D1!Affl Year llom Y Yea.r D1ed 'f' Was :=1$ ------------------------------- ----------------thiscontnbution to the iYorJ.,: a AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY 01\ DOMICILE WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIMITIOI>,fTO 'work m1de for hue O Yes Avllior 01 111111 f)•rl an d · leave the -1p1c. lot <Jet•~ , NATlllU!.OF At.rl'HORSHIP . . . . ·. : 2004 ·... . · .. · ··· ·· · Anonymou~? Domte1!ed inlt Pwidonnnous? en.ellv dekt1bt M.·11.1~«malmalQ'llll<$by tJu, 'lllth11.rtii "·.fudlc:onvn""t.lf diii.nw:I , r I!>'' b. .·"tBARINWHI.CHCREAT[ONOPnDS ·.. .. WOJU<WASCOMPLfflD. Tltltt11fi~~ . : a· THE WORK"' Coonuy · .... OR { Cbz~n of i,: 0 No'th.ind <leath .blank. : btMtr ~!:':::ft II>:. lh1 ~P*¢' peuon for inollllOlions Anonycnous' O Yes D No Doaualed 111.. .. PS11111donyinous? D )'e., D No lll!t/uticll'lf · " NAronl! OF AUTHORSHIP Bnelly ~1be nature of ma1er1ill created t,y th1s author 31'1 which copynght 1s c!MtMd 'f' parl ot 11i,s mad• tor hfr• · (ototh•r IIV!tllllSWl'»tilifl' PA'RS OI' Bm.TH ANO DJ1ATJI Yearllorn 'If' Year Died T Wai; thlfi OOl'lmbuaon to tht work a w«ic made _tor hne ? O Yes · 0 No work th,1 wu !)tl)vld•d give ll'tl 1mployor ~!:"4 .,!;::'Jt G1 No Pst-Udonymous' • OYes til'No . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... ·. t::',i}~~ny DYo1..S mu,1111 wtn . · .. Vetr lnallca1 • ,··· • CJ Yes D No 0 'f Yt$ · II !ht !IMW.r~ INI•• 'Y•• ·- · Ol lhla ...... 0 No 111 ~ ~ v,., . . OA'I'EAND . ONOF_l'IR$TPUBLIC,A110NOJiTfflSPAllTlCULARnot eomottt1W.IMMUMila:n ~Iii> lO .. · o.av~ 8 · .. · 2~4 · Gffl.'i'lltl!!twll'JI : · . ·. · · ' · • · ,... !lailHnPllblll~ . ·. . ··. · ... · .. ~ ... ···4·.·.·· . _ . MORE ON GAOi< ..,_ . (;ompl•te all applle$b1t &paott (nu.mbe.,~ 5 9) on 111$ r,v~ree s1d9 of \his pag, sea d91:alt.o ~\loo$ · · s~ 111e 1c>1m ll .llM: a · DO HO't Page 1 of . ffdAf ..cQ:.. .p&gti NFPA-PR0020376 Pl D I ( Air H-e 1 a ~ r hWi~ c o : m ~ ® f#r. ( ~1~ ~i(~yg(fj o-~ ~~ -_ . >' l ~ GSI T . ~ g j t t : w :tiM u ~ < ~f,aJ*'•: _ prt) c : l l '. oi r ( r 1 oi n i f ~ : i l4 .l ! t ! ii f 7: ; - ' " : l tl / . . " , ~V O o Io a e n r:l I n hr lln > ¢ oat ~~ !pr e ~e x· '. " '-.-'-- '-.''-· :< ' t t N f u ~r :e w I o e~t ' tm sul yr ,s i a t r o1 f . J" l Po nth >-· ' ' _ -· ; _ori lei1l~d 1~ ;:oktvP5 Y ~ 1: n u frm:> .-~ . u~ h~ ~ e 1oo,wrp iu1: ~ nu p ~ o ::- ' - r, 1 i i t, e " : : ~ b ~ ~ n~ pb!) ~ u b~ ~~~ a o~la ./ O' : t lp~i-ri y .i lt r ~ i p( ~l :. c c l t ·1Jis,a• ;~i~teo~i w b.pc~~h~p1~o· c 1iu" ~d ;odhwr so n ysa oik,p1h~ ' i .l , t t '' t -_~~l,~Y p P TO s ~n ~. J yf N+ : e, t l; R~ ~r. f : (e t u , \ ; y~f g! ~ ~ ~> ~? ~l O· \ f f ti n :s{M <. . ti F· is : ' : ..'·. . . •:· .. · -. ·: __ '.. ~ · :_ · ; I -' I ~ , "-. : · _ : / · · \.-. · (, \ ·.', -· : ( - -lRV'J IWOU O C P. T O · - - -_ > -> i· ,_- . · --·• t i A V I C R OM UAI N i l ! ' · . , -' - -· · .~~ Jgal ldnfayxbg ~kowrsd ~l:w'I ~-~ 1' c¢r ~~ : p·I 1 ~t~ _efy n~un vr r ~ t t! okS ~ A? ~~ ot I t : i l i: k a u r - i .a . •. ~ - · ' , !, , ' •- ,: , , ·\ ' , . ~ Ad4tl t tkG ~r:-~ emn~ elieet.1~b~d'df ~r61 ' h:~yg ~ \ d 1;._ • a de ~ -Wi t ;if -Jt eft !i n h6' se a41 ( w k1dww d pr h ~&m! ' -. Ml ' 'M i' v be t e h lf l . t o il i t f: . . : om. ~w o r~e tx s tn a o esd et ' ' ' _. '_. • . .' ·. .· . ' "' C ' , '- • •' ' i\ , ,· ,I ' . : -< • . .· .· , - \• ~ . , ! ' -l ~"... \( ~\ fl i N •! im. ' ' :t. . g~ , -< C ~ IN g1tt o ~ 1 tb cipta ps" c®m tel hd1t CFrstfc . ~ ~ r .5fb ~ $ oe ifl o D ot A if i bsi11 h oJni?le t r \ t t ti , t f : ' ~ . . ,. . · , - - - ' • , . _ ___ - - _ cot ~.r >: . Ac ~ N b ' ', _ e! . - • •• ' - - - •- - \~I n n_i ~ e oA'( ~_':'' _, .{ ~ ~ ul w br ,(} _ : _ .' , ( ~ i d f: . a. ' _ , ,. : : . \- , _ '- ;. ' . _ ; . ~ .~ ' " ' - - : -. : , - - - • • \- ~ • • ~ - - - • -,' m ~"- ~.~' # ~1~/ P) .•"c ~! '~ . -) ; i ~ ~ ; * • .. . ' 4 ;i ~ • /j ! j • " , , · . ·· L 1 Niyl g dyNlF ~ Po co A o ao m ; r n" ~ u _r el! s c ~n ~ ao ' . tt l s i lae m c P k >-- ' Bt y a h a tf r r Q my.M 01 uc A 2w ·- > • · '· ·· · -:~} anP:61945o : ~afm~: *·1~875.: : t l. . -n <ly@ mr :_._ z H q. g ,• n : o- Cf TI AI N.·1te Udr1ndh ey rf !a am :·! µ !r· ll l C TO' · h1 1 a ge e b ~ly h I ~ {al o . f. f " ' .s , r l t f · _ _. . - _ Ce < n ~ I> hc ; l l loy - . <--- -:.; ·· · : _' < :_ .. -_ . - . _ >_ . · · '_ . ot rg ~, t l · C tt 1h Gmlt · ] h~ t l l 0: . C-wr e:i1:~ L. l: noll 1,e( : o t f ou . J < ; , . ,- -· :· : , . , :· , oteWt:dnfi ntu.pdbn U tu1-e,tmnmd - --e~-z ~ ~ -fP;1 Fr-rQ c oi 1t e ~·.· ft O ael•1 f a li o!l ft1 ti e w e · i k lil ipl, ' d i . a a .. r ~ . r N1 D11 1~P kt ." Uo 1 ·; " ll r: > '. :.·r ~ ~ ~ «~t•l Kt)_. • ~ ~ ~ ~' - o~rd l ~o . . - n e ~ p :l~ C rtl e;o y n w d e . - ym ~ a pm~ ~ ( ~oh ~ fm k P k g . . l l t . p4;n d " a ~ h ~W~ v-dtpWh ~ 11«d n ~i~f,~ ~~ 1·, >·< T 4 w t - ' l ~i bs ~ ~~ - e 1 1~ ~ ~ ~ 1l ~t d 11_ ' y n ~ ·' e t s d i ll' ; ( lf 't 24 5, . ~ 1 0 ·· ~: ( -__ · •-:=:.· ._; " \ i ·d ° Nn·Y Q N• e, t . . . . . . ~~ ' ss.1....~.,.. ~,~~...-,....._ N.~__~.f......_........... .. ~....-...-.,. a.t--..~., n_,.....- ..... .- .,.,...,-. , ol- m-.....A.o.1,. : ...., . .... ,.. .. . :.) Q , ~.1n ,~ : . to. a _.; -.._ ; .. . .. . . '. . -. . .. . . . . ::p·1Btrna O Pr :W e .ty,l h ak : . at ' - n_ . .n . N11/. V Y.·_ u1 w. ~ S. , . .tdi.: · : i c-es . , ~ . .. . ,. . ;, . ' , , . \ :. ~~ \• \__._+~:•. •i, ; , -. ;: ~ .,,,r.. · .. •~,· . l, !' , · ' N P- R 0 0 7 F AP 0 2 3 7 EXHIBIT II -t~is,·cpertifif~te'{~s17e~ w-id~ft~e s~al)ofµi~ ¢optlj$R-f: '. •:Qffkein actoidari~e with_ htiei7,'0nitedStates" Code,:. - •_ :ai~'sts t;hittegistr.a#on hi.I~ :bee1i-k~cte toFih~-w~rk: .:_ _. -. _ --iderttifie-d below. The infc\rmationoit this cetltificatehas • - ±n~de afa.rt 9ftli~ :C9pr,r/gh(qftifJ}:e¢?/Ji·,- ;b~~n ,_- 'T&l.:~~;~:-; .):e:;;ai C9p;rig~~s,'.Uniteµ St~tes .of >. ---., __-:_ :·T _,,.-, -- . -- - .-_,_ A~er~ca -- __, -- . - - Limitati.on:;oLcopyright cl~im \"""-•-_."""'.·--------~.--"""---:"""--"""-~~~~................"""""'"'"""""'"""'"""'!'!........~.......~- -._-_ :-·_:~!~~11~i-_ef~1~4f~ff<>'!1':ta,i_~.-c~~:,·)-:•i'rfr~?~1y·rp1ii~~~q_• : !": t:,.~---~::~---~·:::::_.;:.:·: _ :: ~-c·>·c-~-,-, c:·c··. _. ·.-• .. _. __ ,_::·. NFPA-PR0020391 NFPA-PR0020392 EXHIBIT JJ ..... ·. ·· ·· ·. ·· . .· · .· ' . ·< . :· ">"· ···.' ... :· : . ·,.·. :.?::FOR.M TX . .... -·\:::certificate of Registration · · ..... ·. . . <)or aNondramatic Literary Work · ·· ·· under. the seal of the Copyright( :.UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE Office in accordance with title 17,lJnited SfatesCode; .· ·(' : , l'IEer ·. • .. TX 5-841~133 .... attests that r~gis,rati()n has been µiad~ fo[thew~rk • • ·~. .. identifiedbelow.'the informati6n 6nthis ~ertificate has•::·.. · . been made a part of the Copytighi Office r~coid~. :·. . . •••••• ~:!h:::~esoi~mm,a · TITLE OP lHIS WORK Y ·· ·. · · · · ..... National Fire Alann Code 2002 Edition .· .. ·PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE Tml!S Y ... ' . . .. ' ' . . . . . . ··.·•.PUBUCAllONASACONTRIBUllONUthi.WCldc.wa,~~a~iloiitoa~aerial,;.,..mllecli1111,~1n!ormat1onaboutthe · .· . ~woddnwhlchthecontriblitlonappeaied. .. .Tilleilf(o~Wodc'f'-<. \ : :: · : . ·.. ·· . . . •. · . ... ;,·: _·, "·.,.........:· ··-------············-·----· ---·--· ', ·.... , ... , .., ... ,.....·.. ·' . _____ . -- : . ', -,-,.." ... ·.........'., ·........................ NFPA-PR0020379 ' 1cl~r;ca~~,~~~J;t~~;;,:;i;};~r· -~):,:~<:.) -.i ~~·.• '• "/"' . ,. • ;• • •, •~·-t. >··," t • "\ •,_,,•("' "c( • : ~-_: ~J;liPOStrACCOUN'l'.Ulhe~hei}Qbl~lOl~~~linthi~~~rialfte'li\d~),f~;. ,_~~ . •• S / > • ' : •' ,{"!~~'~::~,~~?; ,· - • / < ··~ • "'-;.c~·.{.\;~ • , (." '.~; ·.·.: ..:·::·~.. ~. -::,,:, L ." • ',) •. . . • '~ • • · . ( • "•.,~ • • ""•. • ~: ".o, C ·">·· • ~(-~::;\~ _;;~ • 1 •· .. , NFPA-PR0020380 EXHIBIT KK Certificate of Registration Form TX Po. a Nondramatic Utuary Work This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. ... _......... 1 ~~h~~es ,.,, . ,, ........ __ ,, ......._..... ,.,.,.. ... UNITED STATES COPYilC.HT OFFICE TX 6-153-939 RE• IIIUIIIIIBIMIIIHI •TX&ee61"5l-91l9• EFFECTIVE DATE OF REGISTRATION aB 3 ofAmedrn Day Moolh ' y y · · - - -.., _ , , _ - · - - - , - - - - --· - - - - - - - · - - -... -~\IJl.l....:•·Jlil·".,·\;!',·•Jf-·'i"'ll:r.JC",.._.,_,. Year N.-ATE CONTINUATION SHEET . TITLE OF THIS WORK T NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code 200S Edition PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES Y 2002 PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION If this wurk was published as a contribution to a periodical, serial, or'collectian, give information about the collective work in ,,hkh th~ c,mtributi,m appenn,d. Title of Collective Work Y .·:-.,.-l1~.;tJi'Jl,,l}<t#ft'~~,;..i.T~"1111------------------------ JI published in a periodical PT s,:rial giv~: Volume Y 2 -------111--~n,,~~d~·TI,;,,-~i,t.h":-,':"'~~'°:~.r;-,· a the law, tile ·•ulllor" ot a ·work made tor hi1e· is not the ernploree (see ,nstructionsJ. For any OR{ Citizen of IJll, . USA Anonymous? Domiciled in Pseudonymous? or lhne qv&atlons Is 0 Yes GT No 0 Yes ~No "Yes; Ml<! detailed in$1,vcoon~. NATURE Of AUTHORSHlP Rriellv demib~ natur~ ,,f material created by this author in which copynght i, cfaimcd. T NAME Of AUTHOR T DATES OF BffiTH AND DEATH Year Bnrn 1' Year Died T Dmrunlcd ina,. O No part ot this work lhat was •made for hire• es ON,, WAS THIS AUfHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK II lhe answer to eilhe, AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOM!ClLE Name of Count"/ -------------------------------- -----------------WM thiscontr,buti,m t" th~ work a AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO ··worJ..m~defmhire""? NameotCount<y THE WORK ltthean$W8!1oeither D { Cn f~ of lhesa questions Is Y~i OR , un o Anonymous? 0 Yes D No ·Yes; Sff detailed employer. ::~~,::.~°Jt Was thi, ,on!nbuti<>n to the worl a ·'work rnadr for hiw"'' b generally the cllack ·vea· In the space PIQ'llide-d, iji'r-'8' the employer (or other parson for DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Born Y Year Died .,. National Fire Protection Association ~Ye~ NOTE Under NAME OF AUTHOR T OnPage&Y Issue Date Y NumberY Pseudonynwus? - D Y~s D No lnstruclions. NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Jlrieny describe n,1ture of material m,ated by this author in which copyri~ht is cl~imed. T C "Author• or NAME OF AUTHOR 1' DATl'S OF JIIRTH AND DEATH Year Born T W-a-s-.h-is_co_n_t_ri_ou-1-io-n-t,-,-th_e_w-(1-,k-a--A-U_T_H_O_R_'S_N_A_T_I_O_N_A_LJ_TY O_R_D_O_M_IC-I-L-E--- _W_A_S_TH_f_S_A_UTH--0-R-'S_C_O_NT_RJ_B_UT_I_O_N_T_O_ __ ·work made for hiw"'> O Yes tllat put, leave the and space ror datea ot birth and duth blank. Year Died .,. THE WORK Anonymous ? Nam 9 ol Country OR { Citizen of~ .... . ..... - O Yes O No D No Domiciled in Pseudonxmou~? O Yes O No NATU RE Of AUTHORSHlP llriell)' dcscril:,e natur<· 111 material ueoted by this authur in which copyright is claimed." lllhe an~we,to eithllr al thGee questioos 19 ·Yes." see delalled instructions. -.i•!!'ta------..-~~.:.r··.~. ,"'·'~'*-111-l>l!_Hl •.,,11o.,.;,aen,111•••••••·••-••111n.JDNi.__u_a _____ _______________________ 4 a YEAR IN WHICH CREATION OF THIS WORK WAS COMPLETED Thtt t"lor111a11on 2005 .. _ - .. - . . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ., r/ • • • • SN ,nslfll>l:lions be1ore eornplet>ng lhis apace. mu1t bl glv,n Year ln111c,n1. hublfllpubll1h1d. '• ••, ..... , ..... ,.,:,.~.~.-~ ·~~·iilll·,!,.~,...' -· ···- . . - · · ·_ _ ... COPYRlGHT CLAIMANT!SI Nnm• and nddrcs~ mu,t be given c,·cn if the da1mAnt 1s the s.ime as thuu\J1,1r 111v~n 1n ~p~re 2. Y .. N•Hcn APPLICATlON RECEIVED UAD ·? R?IVII\ II! :i- oN\'6!"6!1T RE~ National Fire Protection Association I Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169 ~--~. . . . 11 thc l'iilimanl(st nJmcd h~r~ in )p,1--c 4 i~ (nrc) ,iitJ~n'nl Imm tl1l· nuth11r(s) n~med in TRANSFER MAR 2 8 2fm I rwo oe.Pos1Ts RECEIVED ~~ II! 1~ FUNDS-RECEIVED--··· ~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---4-~ sp~cc 2, t,11w ~ > ._.... • . (1, ... ~t;.,"P;lihl!'",N;tr·(,~ DATE ANO NATION Of FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS PARTICULAR WORK Monlhlll> 3. ·--.. oa~I), _IJ.. .... _Vear Ill> 2905 i "'J Com111,1, thl11"1om1111°" L · ONL 'i' llthll wolfc brict ~t~tcm~nl 11! hmv !he d,1i1n:,nt{s) t1bl,rnicd 11w11~r.h1p t>f the ,11pytight. • MORE ON BACK ~ • Complelo .:·.·~·'•;.,·.~~·· .,...i;,·,1r~•. J:::;!f )"'.,..,:"'='·•fl,_,.~::,...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - all appllcoble &pacos (number, S·91 on the 1eva,99 1tde ol lh,s page. • Seo detailed m•MJcbons , Sign lhe lorm at hne a. 00 NOT ~ITE HERE Page 1 ot ·-· paoes NFPA-PR0020381 F RMT O X E AMN DB X IE Y C E K DB HCE Y C . DYORRESPONDENCE e s F R O . O YI H C P RG T O FC FI E UE S OL NY - D N T WI E A O ETI LN.I Y UN E M R S A E U EAS P R T C NI U TO S E T O O RT B V HS I E F O E D O E P C, S E A A E O TN AI N H E. 5 - - - - - IWlJF,. ~~.' T-': .~ ~ ~ - - - I - .. t 11,:l ~ ~ i " - - -I I r ' , .) - .. ' : ~- - P E I U R GS R T O H r ,ta, fr h wr o f a Ni.eino t s o, aed be md i teoy g Oie R V O S E I T AI N a q ~ t, ot ~ ok r o nre v s s , rin i , r l r r o i h w k l ~y en ae nhCpr h fc? i r r it f f e O N Iyu asvri" e" h ianler)irto tlgogt ( hc apmrae o)" ts Y o f or n-e ,Y, wy s·o r e; ,inil suh Cek p p t bx i s h !t1 , e l ? i . a D T siteit uihd,d uoa o p v>~ rgt e i upbse f m . h s hfspbse .i nf w k r itl e s rd n nu ihd o . i r l .l i r c,t y i e l r b0 T siteit p ia o sbic t t su o a rpi, cm a. . h s hfsapcin u m • , l a hr s ny! h l mn i r l t t dyu t t r1t t cw T sia hM E v s no t e o. aso 1 b sae (lt spiao .' h s c g d ei f h w k s h w1 y pr & l h apcin i i ro r l i lt . I or n wr s Y, g cP v u Rgt t nN me J> T 5 8 98 f u as ei" e" w r i s e s a o u br I X - 4 4 y s : eo iri 5- Y ~ o Rg$ a o J> er f ell t nI ti 20 02 D R V T V W R O C PL T O E I AI E O K R OMI AI N a Pe~ t g M e a Ie iy n p e s ! w k, \ Hs h t s o ioSd n r no "J s re i : a rl dnf ay r ~l ~ 0 , \ hta l wr sJ€ o o icrit . i& n t i t e ii t r r' , tu l fr e T Pe os p bse rv u y uihd i l l 6 S &lsvin & nrco t t i bkr c p& n o>e om ~ g t b1511G1 hSt< <. Mtra A d dt T hWr G wa rt gnr ~t m n o te 1ti tahs en de t t s n a d n h hrpr hici e T ae l d e o h ok i i h c eea t e Ll i h 1 arl h a be " dd o h w k n i w c ny g sl md t, l J ' , ci t . i r i it a . S en wa drve tx om e n e sd e i t ----.·.A. --- ~.• . --- t, ' ' ~ -; , ~ ! ~, a C R E P N E C G cn m ad dr; twuhcr sodne but sp ia o sol b sn N e A des AtC ySaeZP' O R S O D N E i a e n ad, , rc o epnec ao h apcin hud e et am/ drs p i /tt/I t , · es , r t i l t / /t ' b NnyZg dy-aoa FePtco A o ao ac a on Nin i r ein s ct n r t l r ot s ii Iae m c P k Bt y a h a tr r r Q ny M 019 u c A 26 i , Ae c d a dd y e e po n br r a o & n a,m 1 oh~ um e . t l , 67 8 75 1 94 50 - - ----°,.-'": ---"'; .' ---'·• Em ~ a• 7 · ') ·· ·-.,, I a u ~ . -. . - - - - - - - .. · ' ~ ·t...C , , a . ~ ·'.,. J : , ~ - - ,- - - - - - - -. - , . - - - - - - - -, D P S TA C U T Itee,t\ ne,lb c i~ Ha e r Acu e ~ihdi ttCpr~ O k g e a adn me i Acu. E OI C O N f hr ?sao tesoe hr e o Op n . nn s b~e n h oy h f e i n = n u b : con )iri , , ,t : t t l , i t f, v ri f l Acu N b ' con um u t t ' Nm T ae na on n ar zg dy@ p o r f. g F:n te , a vm r . , . .,.,~-... - --·------- I,-.. u...-M -··------- ·,. -.r, -U-··-------M- ',, " · , · . .· ,, ~' -, · • , e, ' · . • C R ( C T O • !teneJ< e h ey et t, I11 ,e E T l A ( N , hud~ l d e b ~ty la ,11 h f : n, r r f -l Ceko v n J> hc n oe I l .. _ 67 8 70 l- 4 04 9- · o te okie i e i t sp in o "d h tett ,nmd f hwr dnf d n h apr ,n n t" h,aem t ae ti i l t t ·, b m i t s p ia o a cr c t t~ >;o m k o k g y e n h apcinr o e o h l c l y n w d c i l t c rt t ~uh r "tt • 8 · 0 \ h cpi hduat > e oy:t a nn t r t; i 0~~ .•;: \f..h~v i h: .n,·: ;, .ic i lt . :i . : ci ; g (} ·. . ·. a hr c ~e o Nin FePt t n s ct n u o zd gn f aoa i r ei A o ao i i t t l r o co s ii o h ta l l l l g( ' 0 airrtecpnhci a,rDWe r a uleihs• . 1 w o o r oyg l mn o fr J ~ l r t) N" a" ' T p do p ne n , n dt T I t s p iiM i vs Jt o pbcini~ae3c nt inn sb ii eo ta a . y e r r t d am ad ae ! h apc n: ~~ , ef niao l pc , h o. ad u m t fr h d e i i \. : , 1 l t l , g t b e tt .NnyZgo!Y . .ac a~~l. . . . D eJ>]1/ 9 a I !, _ 5 t ' 2. Hn wl ns n U ( \' a d rt i a r X ' it g ! e f / . 't ~'! ?- - - - - - - f 1 $/i f - - - - - - - l !l j - - - - - - - i X Y U r1 ~ O .u 1 • O'\ G. ne a' pcM Clll i e 9Ml e a 'p ! \ t ) CrH ae ~ . Y e lt t c am e • g y u a pci n ns a: e S n o. pleo 1 p 4e i , lt wl b i e l Nin Fe r einA o ao aoa i Ptco s ct n t l r ot s ii 5t0 L , lf' T ~ A L 1 flI S l lI mle I 1 - - - ~ - -- - - - -- - - - - l 1! SA1 P C< AU a d n - - - ~- - ·- · - - ~ - - - - - 11 l ~ ~ l. l t --··-- - - - - Al cto .o 1 pla ofrm , p i l wn o id w · umr S 1 G A Y N ~1t 1 V p r t 2 N neu d b.i ?'neko l Ot . crr n a et l lf n " e rl < Y f im ' l I ev oe ne p l O e p y b I R gJf<I~ $ l r a al O &ll > d e l 1 t ti o hs a de s dr s: Iae m c P k Bt y a h a tr r r 3Dps mt nl . e o t aa' i a CySt'I T iil Q P t e Z j ~ _Y_ MAo2I 9 qi c, ___ __ __. ?__, 6 ----.u.iM.!.l-'-~ ---·.t1 n-fo~". ---· : ·' : : t _ 9 _ _ wrloc nr a b, HH If ayl o g u J r i n = .. 0 . r.E · ·Wolgo. 12 5 = - jah~ ~C ~ S. - ~ntn O.a5 ' U.. §56)Ayp 0< . o< o"I mks a a • ers-1 o o 'f~fci I-w.-oy-ri- ol -o- nn-tt - , cne~n 1 . C 0 e n e 01 . l n"l Y ae lt r p e 1 tla ae a~t n h-i. nfr p"h-o pOie- c n0 0 ,- nsaem n 110 - o 7 S (: r t i lJ i • • n a 1 nr l; · «a - a o- lt e- r Y a -l ci ! st 1 t d r , l 4- i i - - b i , t c ~hf t n (m ! l a . - t . oc- g a / -o y o- < ~ ywt - t 10 n on t - , , - - - 9 -r t - e- wh l e pl a o.s a b H e ntmr t a $. 0 i h e ptt n hl & n < o oe h n 25 0 t l l l l N P- R 0 0 8 F AP 0 2 3 2 EXHIBIT LL CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below.The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. ~6M~ REGISTER OF COPYRIGHTS . United States of America 1 FORMTX Wodc For a Non<hlmlUo JJterary .. UNITED STATES COPYRrGKT OFFICE R TX 5-371·918 IIIIIRIIIIIIIII . •1XMOOj.+',i'l8a- l 3 APR 2001 - Yw. nn.EOP11tlS WORK T NFP.A 101. Life Safety Code. Nwaht:Y 2 a ·· NOTE·. NAMJl OF AlJTHOlt T National Fire Protection Association DATBS OP BIRTH AND DEA.1H YearBom 1' ·Yeaz-Died Y DA.TBS OF B0.111 AND DEA.TI-I YwBom Y Y~Pkd Y NFPA-PRnn?n~A~ •. O.ves -. · ·. . : COARf:SPOffOENc \ .. .--.~-~-----~.-.-...~--.~----------.....- - - - ... . -~ .FOR USE ONLY 5 l'.JUMOOs JWGJSTltA11o.N&~adoe.klblswcd;. titlot*8ear11«nnli:inottit,~~1:ieto..ael\1t.e~om,e1 .cm. CHo lfrow~Js"'re.,"1'111,-1tw,1heu~bcalgtollpd((2icd:.'ilf'pt,tlale~Y ·.: DD1Jbdte8at~ealoft-ol•.1ftld:pmioaslf~fa.~fonn.. . .1>.0rNskdtelmt'W"'*lillA~"71Ns ...... ~~ ·i){1111s11: . ~nnbuitlhe-.~.t-n~,p,ce f on1Nnpp~i:ado,,, UJfllll'~Ji")'cs,~~~~,_~ .. . , ·· · .. . TX4 737 773 6 a '·· . Changes made to prior editiO~!: · tuaWMIW to W. Wodc. Qn ! ! ~ ~ ~ o l . f i e. . . . lhlthld kallldded'lotbk~IIOlfltlll'hlcfl~lsd*wd, T Corrections and~·p.dditions made throughout .: ' ... ,,· •, · • ·. 1 • · ·, . · · · JC · · t 1 • • s · · · ·r · · · • · cb~rom>ENCB em- iwltroo:ldms to'!Vlti ams,on4Molal>out f f , ~ ii-'! l,e-t. . Namd.M«ew/tf!t/ar,swepJPY .- Nanci K~lly NFPA . One Batterymarch Pari .. 617-984-7237 . ,_..~u.\!lf~~~269 ....9101" . l I 1¢ • · b· · · 6·17-984-7222 . • F...-l'llffiber .. '!'4diite Y lfllk llf'Plbtk'.oglfaadate~~tii:l!'-ill.'*9 s..•,notllgll Nd~lt~-~dale. _. . ·····. ,. ··.Na~t Kelly· . - _ -:··· ~ .. : 4"/4/0J .: l)'pea_tr;dlllcdnunt -a·~~!>:~~ . . . . . . . ... -.. ·. ·. - .· . ; -·.· ;· ·., .. X- ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ ; . _ - - ~ - · - ; . . ._____ _; __ "•.. . .·.. ::... ; . .. ·• . ..... . . .: ... :. ; '· . :·: .. _.. :.. ·..·.. -~~ .. ; . ' .. : • ·~· ~ ....~,. ·g r. . Qne Batterymarch Park y .. Quin~y. MA . 022~9·.. 91Ql Wh • '.' .w.e.~~C)fff)e1'9MS4-I~- .', ··---·-·-·•,.. ,..- ... ,,_,_ ..~_ -· ---~·~·-··~-~· ''"''' ..... . . ,,. . ··-·· ---··-·- ···-··-~·~ ----- - - .--- -~.. .. .. .. ~·- . . . . ··-. ·--·-... l\lt=D.lLDDnn')n':IDA EXHIBIT MM l/t"(_i\:: :f;\/, :\{)(:tf:G_e.zjti4~~fe of Registratio9 -·- ' -FORM TX .·. ·~ ;eal This Certificate_issued under the ~fi:he C:~pyright -' · - Office inaccordancewithtitleL7;·lJnited States Code, .- . -•-attests that registration h::is been made for the work •-_ identified below.The inforniation on this certific~te hai -been ma?e part of the Copyiight Offi}e ;ecor!.is; • - - ..· . . . . (:~~~¥:r~f&~;&J{.°S'rnce -, ll a _ _ ocr10 2001. y.__ _ EFFECTIVfiii'TE OF RE81~110N . __ ~ ~ g h : : : e s ofkntlica ' Month . p,r . . ·:··, }> lfpublthad In a periodical i,,ll!rialgtve: Vol11111eT - -_ -a, :Nation Fue ProtectiOII ~oci~on_ ·- - . - - • . -• NAME OP AUTHOR T -- · - -_ _ .. · -· ; DATES OPDIRTHAND DEATH _ . Year Boin T . Year Died T .. '.. / ·• :~flt(~~~~~ :~~~~'7"'~~·;;7#.~.0~r:.>• . · ·.-· ···<·>. :..)~.-'.:\~-:. . ;::j;;';-~:.('r:.y;~:)\}::)~/)/i:' ~._.: ,·:·,,:::·,,'.•' :-.-c··.·,'.··.-.:< =>:-- -· 1···:\ . ·. . . ~~-... ,.....,............ ,. ..... ···-·····--· ._____ - ' . ------- ·........... ·-......-.· -· ·.. -----· ... '"""'""""""""""""'' NFPA-PR0020385 ·t·' ( ::;;'..~ ··r: \· (· .... :.- .,,. ;WAro~n4~q::.:liy:i;£··~.••• •·!~i~rn,·\~h~p~::.9~~:].:.< •.;t?f;~?:•. :.Nanci >Ke.lly. qn Nov .13; 2003.~: .····.··..· ·.· . .. NFPA-PR0020386 EXHIBIT NN Certificate of Registration This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. G r~~!!12:~LltomyWork UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE REGISTRATION NUMBER TX 6-294-334 111111111111111 ·-· NOV ~ ~ h : . ~ e s of Amc,irn o• 2005 Day . -- ··--- -·-··- -· . ·--, --- .. --· _. IATE CONTINUATION SHEET. TITLE OF THIS WORK ... NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, 2006 Edition PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES T Same as above PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION If this work was published as a contribution to a periodical, serial, or ,ollection, give information about 1he collective work in which the contribution appeared. Tille of Colledlve Work Y If published in a periodical or seria L give: Volume 'Y Number 'Y -----------------··------- NAME OF AUTHOR..,. On Pages.,. Lssue Date 'Y - DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Bom T Year Died ..,. •'"l,.i,))S-l4i'...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c.:• ·"l National Fire Protection Association w~, this contribution to the work a "work made ffr hire''? . . ltYes NOTE Under the law. the ·autho,· ol a ·work made lor hire" ia generally the -0No bNAME OF Al!THOR , lhe employee (see inltruc- lions). For any par1 of lhis work lha1 was ·made for hire· d'le space ;:;f~:::.;:7 person for T C D Yes "' No r-1 D Yes !il No of ttiese queatioos ia "Yea,'-dttaied instructions. DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Born T Year Died ..,. Briefly describe nature of materi3l cre3ted by this author in whkh copyright is claimed . ..,. NAME OF AUTHOR T DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Bom T Year Died T -~-a-,r-~h-~-;-;-:1-f~-;-~ti--~:-~-/-"-th_e_w_o_r_k_a--~-;!11t-e_o_t-&u-R-~~-N-A_T_J_O_N_A_L_ITY O_R_D_O_M_I_C_IL_E___ __ 0 thalpert,and OYes spaco for datH 01 binh anc1 death blank. D No lea.,e lhe An ? onymou~ Pseudonymous? -------------------------------Was lhi.s cuntribution to the work a AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE WAS THIS AUTHOR"S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK If the Mn.we, to tilhor "work made for hire"? Nam& or Country of ttiese questions D Y~s { Ctiz f ... D Ye • D No ·Yes." see delail&d is 1 en° Anonymous? OR • O No Donticiled i n L _ _____________ Pseudonymous? D Yes D No lnlltructicns. NATURE OF AlTJ'HORSHIP ch&ck 'Yes" In (orothe, ··---~--·-···· WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBlITION TO THE WORK If !he answer 10 ei!her NATURE OF AlTl'HORSHIP Briel1y dc.'11Cribe nature of ma~al created by this author in which ropynght is cl.aimed. ,P employer. nol provided. oive the employer AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE · Name ol Country · OR { Citizen of... USA Domiciled in OR{Otiz.enol ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NATURE OF ·AUTHORSHIP · · Domiciled in ~i ;£,., ~~AUTHOR'S CONTR~,1!..~s~~1 Anonymous? Pseudonymous? OYes O No ofttiesequeiltions!s D Yes O No "Ye,,• aee ae1&Ne<1 in'1ruction$. Briefly describe nature of material created by this aulhor in which copyright is claimed. ,P ;(I,', COPYRIGHT CLAlMANT(S) Name and address must be given even ii the daimanl is the same as the 3uthor 19ven in space 2. Y See inelrucliOlls before compleHng lh,~ llj>aC&. w ffi~ National Fire Protection Association One Batterymarch Park =~ 1 -------"-----·- Quincy, MA 02169 ll! - - - " - - - named here in space 4-(are) different - - - - - - 1 5 - - - - - is - - - frnm the author(s) named in 1-~ TRANSFER lf the claimant(s) space 2, give a brief stalement of how the daimant(s) ubtai~d ownership of the copyright. 'Y ~~ TWO DEPOSITS RECEIVED FUNDS RECEIVED .. ~·~·.........- .....................,ll'lli................llal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ _ _. . . . . . ._ MORE ON BACK ... • Complele all applicable spaces (numbtr• 5,9) on the reverse side of this page. • Seo delalle<I inslructions. • Sign th!t form al line 8. -·--- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ DO NOT W~ HE!JE Paoe 1 or _- ~ a s NFPA-PR0020387 • · ·*Amendea-ey----G.0.--f.rom-flhone-eal-l----to--Naa,aC}J'.I--'- EXAMINED BY ·Zagrodny on January4t 2006. FORMTX FOR ~CORRESPONDENCE COPYRIGHT Yes OFFICE USE ONLY DO NOT WRrTE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. 5 PREVIOUS REGISTRATION Has registration for this work. or for an earlier version of this work, already been made in the.Copyright Office? O No If your amwer is "Yes;' why is another registration being sought? (Check appropriate box.) Y 'i,/ Yu a. D This is the first published edition of a work previously registered in unpublished fonn. b. 0 This is the fir!lt application submitted by this author as copyright claimant. c. 0 Tl1is is a change,d version of the work, as shown by space 6 on this application. If your answer is "Yes," give: Prtvlous Reglttratlon Number 9J> reu oi Regimahon r TX 5-841-134 · 2003 6 a DERIVATIVE WORK OR COMPILATION Prttxi~ting Material Identify a11y preemting work or works that this work is based on or incorporates. " Previously published codes and standards Material Added to Thi• Work Give a brief, general statement of the material that has been added to this work and in which copyright is claimed. l' Some new and revised text .. _.-__ ,i··.. · DEPOSIT ACCOUNT·H the regi$tratforo Name" '* is lo be charged to a Dtposit Account oistablished inlhe Cop}'righfOffice, give name and number of Account. Acrount Nwnber T . . .. . . . .. · · ·· · ··- CORRESPONDENCE Give name and ~ddress to which cor~pondence about this application should be sent. Name/ Addxesa/ Apt/City/State/ZIP Y Nancy Zagrodny - National Fire Protection Association l Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169 Email• 7 a b 8 ~ b author . . . D other copyright claim,mt '-""" o y one ..Downer of exclusive right(s) of the ~ork_ iden~ed. in this application and that the statements m~de authorized agent of National Fire Protection Association by me m this application are correct to the best of my knowledge. of aum 01 othtf OC>P't'ri!t,t claim811~ or OY!T'IIII or exclu.N• ~~a) A CERTIFICATION• . L the undmigMd, hereby certify that 1 am the ,.,_ --k rJ .._ Nem, -Type·d or printed name and date Y If tius applkatloti gives a ilat-e cif publicatfori in_space 3, do IK>t sign and submihi before t!iaidate.... - .. - . Nancy Zagrodny Dale 9J> Handwritt,n.lgnatu~ (X) Y · 10/312005 · x.J.l~-~1/r----------------------Certlflcate wlll be malled In window anvalopa to thl• address: I Nam. ,. · !!PPM ~In..,_ a Y omplf!t a1t ~ IIP6Qt& • Sign :,o,.,r National Fire Protection Association - AITN: NANCY ZAGRODNY ---- Number/SlrNVApt'f' ~ 1 Batterymarch Park ora.rpaya1i191o ~ o 1 ~ ::;;:P~~ 021-69 i. Nonr8'\• INl!lp f• ln checl< or money TX ~r...v. . . . . . 9 - -... "-·""- -M =;'=· IIN,_ .. cww,iOhl•• . i S.E. 1na1m--. WuhlrleJ, D.C. 20659'6222 '17 U.S.0. § 506(e): Any person""° mowingty makee a lslse rsp,uentaliOn O!, ma.te~41 fact in tlM •W1ic111on for copy,i{jht registration provkled ror by &tcilon '409, o< in any written 11ai.ment ltted in COfinaction wtt'l the awlbtlc:si. dlall be lll'le<i not mor• than $2.500. - NFPA-PR0020388 EXHIBIT OO Certificate of Registration Form TX This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. - Por I Nondr11111tlc Ulu1ry Work UNtnD STATES COPYRIGHTOfflrr TX 6-445-855 R •1111.11111 , rxu EFFECTIVE'b,,:fE OF AEOISTAATION _______ ________________________________________ ~~h~~csofAme,iw , ·1 ___ , .. .,.,.,.. ,..,-.,, .. n w v • - ,, ... .., ... ,~.,,... 1 , 1 Yaar Day • ,.._ ........ n,_ .... -· n-.. , ·-- ~ _ .. , n,IATE CONTINUATION SHEET. TITLE OFTHlS WORK.,. NFPA 704 Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response, 2007 Edition PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES T Identification of the Fire Hazards of Materials PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION If this work was published as a ,.,:mtribution to a periodical, serial, or collection, give information about the coll~ctive work in which the contribution .lpp,!ared. Title of Collei:tive Work T ·····----··-·-·,-----------------------------------------. a If putilished in J periodical or serial give: Volume T hsueDateT NumbtrT NAME OF AUTHOR T DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Born T Year Died T National Fire Protection Association w.,s this contritiution to th~ wor~ a "work 0 No NATURE Of AUTHORSHIP NOIE Undtr the law, the ·author· ot a ·work made lorhire· ,s Entirety • :,'"l v generallythe emptoyer. Ml the employee ($91 ,nstruc- Uono. ~or any W,JJk that WH C (orolhe, person lor whom the work was prepartdl as · Author· ol an d ;~ : ~'~,!~~I $ae lf1SINCl!onS Domiciled in Briefly descrtt.!mtur~ of WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK II tti. nnswer lo llltl'Mlr ol lhaae qll88Uons Anonymous? 0 Yes r;J No "YH," llffllelabd iS Pseudonymous? D Ye5 ~ No infln,::tioru. mater!al created by this author in which copynght JS claimed.,.. NAME OF AUTHOR T DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Born T Year Died T -----------------------------Wns th1setmtrihution to the work a AUTilOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE "w,irk mode for hire"? Name 01 Country 0 Yes { C'ti f~ OR , ;ren a ----------------WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK II the answer lo tlthtr O Yes O No 'Vea.' -de1ai1id i• ol thea. QUeelionS Anonymous? Domiciled inlt, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - Pseudonymous? - D Yes D No lnallVC!ioot. NAME OF AUTHOR,.. DATES Of BIRTH AND DEATH Year Born T Year Died T _W_a_s-,h-is_co_n_tn_b_u_ti_o_n-to-t-he_w_t-,r-k-a--A-UTH--0-R_'_S_N_A_T_[O_N_A_L_IT_Y_O_R_D_O_M_I_C_I_L_E___ _W_A_S_T_H_l_S_A_UTH--0-R-'S_C_O_NT_R_I_B_UT_l_O_N_T_O __ hire''7 Neme ol Coun"" THE WORK II ... .,,-, lo 11·t111r .. , "' """ O Yes OR { C" 1tizeno/ to,----~. ---~ - - - - - · . Anonymous? D Yes O No o1 lheM quttllon& II "Ve&,'uedalaWfd "work made for space 1ar datea ... tr' ,....., • OR { citizen ol t,, ..USA·- ... - --~-- . . . - .. NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Btiefly describe nature of material created by thi, author in which copyright is daimed. ,.. ·made ro, hira" check •.,. ... m tho space provided, give the tmployer leaYe the Name ol Country 0 No parl or lhi& thal par!. AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICnE mad~ lnr hire"? ~ Ye., ~ OnPageaT a MIO•• complet,ng 1r11s IPICf. D No Domiciled in Pseudonymous? D Yo O No NATURE OF AVTHORSHIP Briefly d~be n~ture of material created by this author in which copyright is claimed. T YEAR IN WHICH CREATION OF THIS WORK WAS COMPLETED Thl1Jnformattan 2006 . •• . • . _ • mutl bt 91vtn .'--Ytar Inell et-. b DATE AND NATION OF FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS PARTICULAR WORK Montht,,_____ ,_ _ Oayt,, 17 _.. _ v,arJll, 2006 8 Com1!11t1lhl1ln1onna11on ONLV llthl1 wort hu '"9n pubillllMd. .. . _ COPYRIGHT CLAIMANT(SI Name and address must be given even if the cl~imant is the Jame as the authc,r given in space 2.,, TRANSFER If the claimant(s) n3med here in 5pai:e 4 is (•re) dif/erenl from the authttr(s) named in spac, 2, giv11 ~ brief &!atement of how the clal.ment(s) ubt.1ined ownership of thl! copyright. "' • Compl&I& all applicoble sp1cH (~~mosra 5•9) on the revont aid• ot thit p1g1. • See dala!le~ lnattuefons. • Sign the lorm at line 8. "4 Nation APUj· RiC~ - If GIia • .. •. _. I>- ONE DEPOSIT RECEIVED ~! (El 1 8• National Fire Protection Assn. One Batterymarch Park _..,Q""'u;;;.in;..;;.cy._...... . 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[f your ~n.,wcr is '·Yes," gh·e: Previous Regiilr;ition N.iimbu·,- TX 2·889•7802 )990 Ye.irol Regi1tration>- 6 a DERIVATIVE WORK OR COMPILATION . Preexilllng Material Identify any preexishrig work or works that this work is b.:ised on or incorporates. 'f' Previously Published . Material Added to This Work Givl'a brief, g:en.eral ~tatement oi the material th3t has been added to this work and in which copyiigh.l is daimed. T Some new and revised text ·------------------------------------------------------DEPOSIT ACCOUNT 1f the regi~lNtion lee is to he churg~ to a Deposit Account established in the Copyright Office, give name and :number of Acrount. J\ame 'f' AccountNumberT CORRESPONDENCE Gi\'e n.-unc and address to whic.h corrcspondenc,:, about this application sho~ld be selit. ·-·---.------~ N.lffie/ Addresi/ Apt/City/State/ZIP T Nancy Zagrodny • National Fire Protection Association I Battcrymarch Park . Quincy, MA 02169 faxnumbet' .. - Emal i,.. · 7 a b 617-9_84-7004 .___ __ CERTIFICATIOW l, the ~ndersigned, hereby certify ihat J .om the . u·.author . Chc,:k only one ,. · "' the i_vork_ iden~cd_ m this applic'ati,m and that the state(llents made b:,- me m th1s _apphcat1on are correct to the ~t of my knowledge. . : .- 8 - D other rnpyright claimant . . . D oiwner ofcxcl11sivc right(s) · . ~u•horizcd 3 gent of National Fire Protection Association Ntn\e Of aulh<lr or otller copyrlght claiman!, er owner o1exclu9fve 11<.lhl(s) £. .· T)'J'ed or printed nallle md d•te"" If thi~ applicatlnn i::ives a dMe of p11bticatiun in space J, du not sign and submit it before that date, . ~- --- __ , ·- _:.__ -·,- _ Oa;e,- ..)~ancy Z~gro_qll)' _ _ . _ I0/13/06 h.· · ·· · · . X »~-~~-$::--'-------,-~--'-----c--~--.,. Han.dwrltte_n 1lgnatur\! (X) T Certificate wlU be . malled in wlnd"W erive~pe to.this addr&ls: • 1 : N111111 ,.. . : ·. .· '_ .· . • Sign y!)Ur applleati¥ Iii 11*9 8 : · . · ~ it:t~p:~·o;i~~:··-·---····------···-·····- 2,l«lilre/lll'ldabitR~":Chec1c. ormooty vb,., ~ N•-...., -... I ~........ ,.,, •. ,.,, .1 Battci'ymarch Park i. . . . .... -- ~ -~·· -· :.:;:...:. -· .. - .. .. . . . · u·----··--·----· ------- .. : ... - . - - ..•- . -· • - ·-· 9 =~= - -.. 9f;9~~- ·· • · ! Natiol)al Fire Protection A.ssot:iatio_n ·ATTN: NANCY ZAOROONY ·=lt.~v.nue.$.E. t~~ai. '• ~ -·.·:j W111hii,allln. O.C. 2055H2ll2 ~4;,.. (211tl!fl-. '17 u.s.c. § S06{eJ: Any peflOII who kllowi~y makes a fatso represenlaUon of a ml!Mal f'-Ol in the appli~~lloo for copyrtgM r&gi11ialion P«>Vkltd fc, by aecllon 409. or in eny ·wnn!ff\ alatemenl IR&d In connKllon will> lh•.•Pfll1callon,.sh1l1 b• 11ntd n~t mC1e 1han $2.500. · . · · · NFPA·PR0020390

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