Filing 134

MOTION for Summary Judgment , MOTION for Permanent Injunction by AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, INC., AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC., NATIONAL COUNCIL ON MEASUREMENT IN EDUCATION, INC. (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum in Support, # 2 Statement of Facts, # 3 Declaration Hutter Decl., # 4 Exhibit 1, # 5 Exhibit 2, # 6 Exhibit 3, # 7 Exhibit 4, # 8 Declaration Hudis Decl., # 9 Exhibit A, # 10 Exhibit B, # 11 Exhibit C, # 12 Exhibit T, # 13 Exhibit U, # 14 Exhibit Z, # 15 Exhibit BB, # 16 Exhibit CC, # 17 Exhibit EE, # 18 Exhibit GG, # 19 Exhibit HH, # 20 Exhibit II, # 21 Exhibit JJ, # 22 Exhibit KK, # 23 Exhibit LL, # 24 Exhibit MM, # 25 Declaration Ernesto Decl., # 26 Exhibit NN, # 27 Exhibit OO, # 28 Exhibit PP, # 29 Exhibit QQ, # 30 Exhibit RR, # 31 Exhibit SS, # 32 Exhibit TT, # 33 Exhibit UU, # 34 Declaration Wise Decl., # 35 Exhibit KKK, # 36 Exhibit LLL, # 37 Declaration Camara Decl., # 38 Exhibit MMM, # 39 Declaration Levine Decl., # 40 Exhibit NNN, # 41 Exhibit PPP, # 42 Exhibit QQQ, # 43 Exhibit UUU, # 44 Declaration Geisinger Decl., # 45 Declaration Schneider Decl., # 46 Exhibit Levine Depo Tr., # 47 Exhibit No. 1207 to Levine Depo Tr., # 48 Exhibit No. 1308 to Levine Depo Tr., # 49 No. 1308 to Levine Depo Tr., # 50 Text of Proposed Order)(Elgarten, Clifton)

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Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 1 of 386 EXHIBIT Z Case No. 1:14-cv-00857-TSC-DAR Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 2 of 386 CONFIDENTIAL Transcript of James R. Fruchterman Date: September 8, 2015 Case: American Educational Research Assoc., Inc., et al -vPublic.Resource.Org., Inc. Planet Depos Phone: 888-433-3767 Fax: 888-503-3767 Email: Internet: <> Court Reporting | Videography | Videoconferencing | Interpretation | Transcription Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 3 of 386 1 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 2 FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 3 4 AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 5 ASSOCIATION, INC., ET AL., 6 7 8 9 PLAINTIFF, vs. No. 1:14-CV-00857-TSC-DAR PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., DEFENDANT. _____________________________ 10 11 12 13 VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF 14 JAMES R. FRUCHTERMAN 15 CONFIDENTIAL 16 Tuesday, September 8, 2015 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reported By: 25 KATHLEEN WILKINS, CSR #10068, RPR-RMR-CRR-CCRR-CLR Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 4 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 2 1 2 VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF JAMES R. FRUCHTERMAN BE IT REMEMBERED that on Tuesday, 3 September 8, 2015, commencing at the hour of 4 9:21 a.m. thereof, at FENWICK & WEST, LLP, 801 5 California Street, Mountain View, California, 6 before me, Kathleen A. Wilkins, 7 RPR-RMR-CRR-CCRR-CLR, a Certified Shorthand 8 Reporter, in and for the State of California, 9 personally appeared JAMES R. FRUCHTERMAN, a 10 witness in the above-entitled court and cause, 11 who, being by me first duly sworn, was thereupon 12 examined as a witness in said action. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 5 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 3 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL 1 2 FOR THE PLAINTIFFS: 3 QUARLES & BRADY LLP 4 BY: 5 1700 K Street, NW, Suite 825 6 Washington, D.C. 7 Telephone: 8 E-mail: 9 and JONATHAN HUDIS, ESQ. 20006 (202) 372-9599 10 OBLON, MCCLELLAND, MAIER & NEUSTADT, 11 L.L.P. 12 BY: 13 1940 Duke Street 14 Alexandria, Virginia 15 Telephone: 16 E-mail: 17 KATHERINE D. CAPPAERT, ESQ. 22314 (703) 413-3000 FOR THE DEFENDANT: 18 FENWICK & WEST, LLP 19 BY: 20 555 California Street, 12th Floor 21 San Francisco, California 22 Telephone: 23 E-mail: 24 25 SEBASTIAN KAPLAN, ESQ. 94104 (415) 875-2477 ALSO PRESENT: STEVE PATAPOFF, VIDEOGRAPHER CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 6 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 4 1 INDEX 2 INDEX OF EXAMINATIONS 3 PAGE 4 EXAMINATION BY MR. HUDIS ......................9 5 AFTERNOON SESSION ...........................143 6 INDEX OF EXHIBITS 7 8 EXHIBIT 9 Exhibit 48 DESCRIPTION PAGE Document entitled, ............12 10 "Subpoena to Testify in a 11 Civil Action" 12 Exhibit 49 R. Fruchterman 13 14 Curriculum Vitae, James .......21 Exhibit 50 Spreadsheet entitled, .........41 15 "Patents, Trademarks and 16 Copyrights of Calera 17 Recognition Systems, 18 Inc." 19 Exhibit 51 Spreadsheet entitled, .........50 20 "Patents and Trademarks 21 of RAF Technology, Inc." 22 Exhibit 52 Document entitled, ............68 23 "Patents and Trademarks 24 of Arkenstone, Inc." 25 / / CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 7 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 5 INDEX OF EXHIBITS (Continued) 1 2 EXHIBIT 3 Exhibit 53A PAGE United States Patent No. ......69 5,470,233 4 5 DESCRIPTION Exhibit 53B Document entitled, ............69 6 "Abstract of Title for 7 Application 08210239" 8 Exhibit 54 Spreadsheet entitled, .........98 "Trademarks and 9 10 Copyrights of Beneficent, 11 Inc." 12 Exhibit 55 Bookshare website 13 14 Screenshots from .............143 Exhibit 56 Document entitled, "The ......179 15 Chafee Amendment: 16 Improving Access to 17 Information" 18 Exhibit 57 Article entitled, ............185 19 "Developing Information 20 Technology to Meet Social 21 Needs" 22 Exhibit 58 Document entitled, ...........190 23 "Assistive Technology for 24 Visually Impaired and 25 Blind People" CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 8 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 6 INDEX OF EXHIBITS (Continued) 1 2 EXHIBIT 3 Exhibit 59 DESCRIPTION PAGE Document entitled, ...........208 4 "Declaration of James 5 Fruchterman in Support of 6 Motion For Summary 7 Judgment" 8 Exhibit 60 Document entitled, ...........208 "Supplemental Declaration 9 10 of James Fruchterman In 11 Support of Defendant 12 Intervenors' Opposition 13 to Plaintiffs' Motion For 14 Summary Judgment" 15 Exhibit 61 Westlaw reported version .....229 16 of district court opinion 17 in the Authors Guild, 18 Inc. versus HathiTrust, 19 et al., reported at 902 20 F.Supp.2d 445 21 22 23 24 25 / / CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 9 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 7 INDEX OF EXHIBITS (Continued) 1 2 EXHIBIT 3 Exhibit 62 DESCRIPTION PAGE Lexis reported version of ....237 4 the Second Circuit Court 5 of Appeals decision in 6 Authors Guild versus 7 HathiTrust reported at 8 755 F.3d 87 9 Exhibit 63 Document entitled, "The ......241 10 Internet Archive's Open 11 Library is violating 12 authors' copyrights" 13 Exhibit 64 Document entitled, ...........249 14 "Expert Report of James 15 R. Fruchterman" 16 17 EXHIBITS PREVIOUSLY MARKED 18 AND REFERRED TO IN THIS DEPOSITION 19 EXHIBIT 20 PAGE Exhibit 34 304 21 22 QUESTIONS WITNESS INSTRUCTED NOT TO ANSWER 23 PAGE LINE 24 221 8 25 227 4 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 10 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 8 1 September 8, 2015 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 9:21 A.M. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. Here 09:16:23 4 begins Tape No. 1 in the video deposition of 09:20:44 5 James Fruchterman in the matter of American 09:20:47 6 Educational Research Association, Incorporated, et 09:20:49 7 al., versus Public.Resource.Org, Incorporated, in 09:20:53 8 the U.S. District Court of the District of 09:21:00 9 Columbia, Case Number 1:14-CV-00857-TSC-DAR. 09:21:02 10 Today's date is September 8th, 2015. 11 Time on the video monitor is 9:21 a.m. 12 videographer today is Steve Patapoff representing 09:21:18 13 Planet Depos. 09:21:21 14 place at Fenwick & West, 801 California Street, 09:21:23 15 Mountain View, California. 09:21:26 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 The 09:21:12 The video deposition is taking Would counsel please voice-identify themselves and state whom they represent. MR. HUDIS: 09:21:15 09:21:29 09:21:31 Jonathan Hudis, 09:21:35 Quarles & Brady, LLP, for plaintiffs. 09:21:36 MS. CAPPAERT: Katherine Cappaert from Oblon, LLP, for plaintiffs. MR. KAPLAN: 09:21:41 09:21:46 Sebastian Kaplan, 09:21:48 23 Fenwick & West, LLP, for defendant 09:21:49 24 Public.Resource.Org, Incorporated. 09:21:52 25 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Court reporter today CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 09:21:56 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 11 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 9 1 is Kathleen Wilkins representing Planet Depos. Would the reporter please swear in the 2 3 witness. 09:21:56 09:21:59 09:22:01 4 JAMES R. FRUCHTERMAN, 09:22:11 5 having been duly sworn, 09:22:11 6 was examined and testified as follows: 09:22:11 7 EXAMINATION BY MR. HUDIS 09:22:10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. Good morning, sir. 09:22:11 Would you state your full name and address for the record. A. James Robert Fruchterman, Jr. 1850 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, California. Q. And is that your business address or your home address? 09:22:13 09:22:15 09:22:18 09:22:20 09:22:26 09:22:28 15 A. My home address. 09:22:30 16 Q. Could I have your business address, 09:22:31 17 18 19 20 please. A. 09:22:33 My business address is 4780 California Avenue, Palo Alto, California. Q. Mr. Fruchterman, I am here -- my name is 09:22:33 09:22:36 09:22:39 21 Jonathan Hudis, representing the plaintiffs in an 09:22:41 22 action in which you've been designated as an 09:22:45 23 expert witness. 09:22:47 24 25 My colleague, Katherine Cappaert, is here with me and will be working with me during CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 09:22:48 09:22:50 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 31 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 29 1 2 as you sit here today? A. 09:47:43 Oh, many ideas. Microfluidics, math and 09:47:46 3 science simulation software, more pattern 09:47:57 4 recognition companies, but none of these reached 09:48:06 5 the point of where I was actually employed, 09:48:10 6 because they never got started. 09:48:13 7 Q. Could you define for us microfluidics? 09:48:14 8 A. It's a semiconductor-based technology 09:48:18 for moving gases or fluids rather than electrical 09:48:22 10 current, but under the control of electrical 09:48:28 11 signals. 09:48:32 9 12 13 Q. Any other notable projects in your working background that you haven't told us about? 14 MR. KAPLAN: 15 THE WITNESS: Objection. Vague. I taught night school, in 09:48:44 09:48:47 09:48:49 16 computer programming. 17 part of helping homeowners understand more of 09:48:59 18 their earthquake risks. 09:49:03 19 the early '80s, when I was trying to get my first 09:49:08 20 company really going. 09:49:11 21 BY MR. HUDIS: 09:49:14 22 Q. I crawled under houses as 09:48:41 But those were back in Since it's a fair part of your expert's 09:48:51 09:49:20 23 report, Mr. Fruchterman, in simple terms could you 09:49:24 24 please define what is "optical character 09:49:28 25 recognition" and what does it do? 09:49:31 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 32 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 30 1 A. So optical character recognition is the 09:49:36 2 process of having a machine recognizing letters 09:49:41 3 and words, generally from documents, though it can 09:49:44 4 be from other objects, and translating those into 09:49:49 5 the letter or word equivalent so that those things 09:49:53 6 can be processed. 09:49:59 So the most common application of 7 09:50:00 8 optical character recognition is scanning, let's 09:50:03 9 say, a page of a document and turning it into a 09:50:07 10 word processor file that is the equivalent of what 09:50:09 11 you would have done if you had typed it in, but 09:50:14 12 the machine, instead, had it scanned and then took 09:50:16 13 the picture of the page and turned it into the 09:50:19 14 text of the page. 09:50:23 So for the remainder of this deposition, 09:50:25 16 if I use the initials "OCR," we'll understand that 09:50:28 17 to mean "optical character recognition"? 09:50:32 15 Q. 18 A. Yes. 09:50:35 19 Q. Is OCR a common method of creating 09:50:36 20 searchable digital copies of texts? MR. KAPLAN: 21 22 23 Objection. 09:50:39 Competence. Vague. 09:50:47 09:50:52 THE WITNESS: It is the most common form 09:50:55 24 when the source document is in physical or solely 09:50:56 25 image-based form, but it's probably not the most 09:51:02 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 33 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 31 1 common. 09:51:07 2 BY MR. HUDIS: 09:51:07 3 Q. What is the most common? 09:51:07 4 A. Having digitally created content that 09:51:09 5 6 stays digital and then is searched. Q. So, for example -MR. KAPLAN: 7 09:51:11 09:51:13 Can I just interject. For 09:51:14 8 the court reporter, you had my objection as 09:51:16 9 "compound." 09:51:17 It was "competence." I just wanted 10 to make sure we had that on the record. 09:51:21 11 BY MR. HUDIS: 09:51:50 So, for example, Mr. Fruchterman, a 09:51:50 13 document created in Microsoft Word would be a 09:51:52 14 method of creating searchable digital text? 09:51:58 12 Q. MR. KAPLAN: 15 16 hypothetical. Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: 17 Incomplete 09:52:01 09:52:02 It would be a great source 09:52:06 18 document to put into a system that analyzed 09:52:07 19 documents for full text. 09:52:12 20 you repeat the question. 09:52:18 21 BY MR. HUDIS: 09:52:19 22 23 Q. I'm not sure -- could Yes. 09:52:20 So, for example, a document created in 09:52:23 24 Microsoft Word would be a method of creating 09:52:26 25 searchable digital text? 09:52:29 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 123 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 121 1 I might want to know pages that mention 12:09:18 2 Constitution and bananas on the same page. 12:09:24 Q. 3 4 All right. So that would be a Boolean search? A. 5 12:09:27 12:09:29 Yes. So there are searches you could 12:09:29 Those are easier to do on digital content, 12:09:31 6 do. 7 obviously. 8 word spotting as well. 9 skimming that people do. But, you know, human beings often do Skimming. There's 12:09:38 12:09:41 And -- I mean, there are other tasks 10 12:09:34 I choose to focus on those as the 12:09:42 11 that people do. 12 primary ones that encompass what 95 percent or 12:09:51 13 more people would want to do with a given 12:09:55 14 document. 12:09:57 15 Q. And those functional tasks, just to 12:09:47 12:09:57 16 summarize -- I've been listening very carefully -- 12:10:00 17 to obtain the content, to read the content, to use 12:10:03 18 the structure of the document such as by markup or 12:10:06 19 by search, to skim the document and more 12:10:08 20 complicated phrase searches? 12:10:10 21 A. MR. KAPLAN: 22 23 Yeah. 12:10:12 Objection. Misstates testimony. 12:10:13 12:10:14 24 Go ahead. 25 THE WITNESS: 12:10:15 More or less, yeah. CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 12:10:16 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 124 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 122 1 2 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. Okay. 12:10:17 All right. Could Bookshare's 12:10:18 3 members with print disabilities access the content 12:10:26 4 in the TIFF file created by the process you 12:10:28 5 described earlier without having the file undergo 12:10:33 6 an OCR process? 12:10:36 MR. KAPLAN: 7 8 hypothetical. Vague. Objection. Incomplete Lacks foundation. 12:10:42 9 THE WITNESS: 10 being read it to them. 12:10:46 11 BY MR. HUDIS: 12:10:54 12 Q. They could have a human 12:10:39 Without intervention by another human 12:10:45 12:10:56 13 being, could Bookshare's members with print 12:11:00 14 disabilities access the TIFF file created as we 12:11:05 15 discussed -- I'm going to rephrase the question. 12:11:08 16 Without human intervention, could 12:11:15 17 Bookshare's members with print disabilities access 12:11:17 18 the content in the TIFF file without having 12:11:19 19 undergone the OCR process? 12:11:23 20 21 22 MR. KAPLAN: hypothetical. Vague. THE WITNESS: Objection. Incomplete Lacks foundation. I think the answer is no. 12:11:24 12:11:26 12:11:28 23 They need either OCR or a human to access TIFF 12:11:31 24 images if they're completely blind. 12:11:36 25 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 125 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 123 1 2 3 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. Now, what if they are a low-vision reader? hypothetical. Vague. THE WITNESS: 6 12:11:41 12:11:43 MR. KAPLAN: 4 5 12:11:41 Objection. Incomplete Lacks foundation. Then they could view the 12:11:44 12:11:46 12:11:48 7 TIFF image magnified or otherwise visually 12:11:52 8 processed and read the document. 12:11:56 9 BY MR. HUDIS: 12:11:58 10 Q. What do you mean by "visually 11 processed"? 12:11:59 12 A. 12:12:03 An example -- one obvious example is 13 making it bigger. 14 contrast so that instead of being black text on a 12:12:09 15 white background, being white text on black 12:12:12 16 background. 12:12:15 17 that people with low vision benefit from other 12:12:18 18 than those two. 12:12:22 19 Q. Another one is reversing the 12:11:59 There are many other visual things Those are the two most common. With the current state of technology as 12:12:06 12:12:26 20 you know it, how accurate is the OCR process in 12:12:27 21 recognizing words on a printed page? 12:12:32 22 MR. KAPLAN: 23 THE WITNESS: 24 25 Objection. Vague. It's quite good. BY MR. HUDIS: Q. Is there a known error recognition rate? CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 12:12:34 12:12:38 12:12:39 12:12:39 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 168 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 166 1 2 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 01:32:17 And that would include what we talked 01:32:18 3 about earlier; that's the storage of the content 01:32:20 4 on your service -- on your servers or, more 01:32:23 5 recently, the Amazon cloud -- 01:32:26 MR. KAPLAN: 6 7 8 01:32:29 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 01:32:29 -- in a secure manner? MR. KAPLAN: 9 10 Objection. testimony. Misstates Vague. THE WITNESS: 11 Objection. 01:32:29 01:32:31 01:32:32 I would differentiate 01:32:35 12 between things that are just the way we operate 01:32:36 13 the service and representations or changes we've 01:32:38 14 made in conversations with the publishers. 01:32:41 There are many, many things where we 15 01:32:44 16 simply say, We're doing it this way, and -- they 01:32:45 17 don't -- the association doesn't have any ability 01:32:50 18 to approve of our activities. 01:32:53 19 place, as it were. 01:32:57 20 BY MR. HUDIS: 01:32:59 It's not their 21 Q. Right. 01:32:59 22 A. They're simply a way to effectively 01:33:01 23 converse with the industry association and with 01:33:03 24 the industry. 01:33:06 25 think their members want to hear about, they'll go And if they see an issue that they CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 01:33:08 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 169 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 167 1 back to their members and talk to them. 2 So it's an efficiency mechanism. 01:33:14 But there is a difference between things 3 01:33:12 01:33:16 4 we just do and things we've explicitly conversed 01:33:17 5 with them and maybe made changes as a result of 01:33:21 6 that conversation. 01:33:23 So what I'm concerned about is how you 01:33:24 8 worked with the American -- with the Association 01:33:27 9 of American Publishers to make them comfortable 01:33:30 10 that the Bookshare site would not be subject to 01:33:34 11 abuse. 01:33:37 7 Q. MR. KAPLAN: 12 13 Was there a question? Yes. I'll phrase it a different way. 01:33:44 01:33:48 In what ways did you work with the 01:33:49 17 Association of American Publishers to ensure 01:33:50 18 that -- to make them comfortable that the 01:33:56 19 Bookshare site would not be the subject of abuse? 01:33:59 20 That people in the sighted community would not be 01:34:03 21 able to download their content without permission, 01:34:06 22 without compensation? 01:34:11 23 MR. KAPLAN: 16 24 25 Q. 01:33:40 01:33:43 MR. HUDIS: 14 15 Objection. Objection. Argumentative. Vague. 01:34:13 01:34:14 THE WITNESS: Okay. So we're now in a CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 01:34:19 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 170 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 168 1 much narrower area, and I'd say the 01:34:21 2 representations in our seven-point digital rights 01:34:25 3 management plan were the primary mechanism that we 01:34:32 4 dealt with that particular concern of the 01:34:37 5 publishing industry. 01:34:40 6 BY MR. HUDIS: 01:34:41 7 8 Q. Okay. The last sentence on that page, page 15 of Exhibit 55, it says: 01:34:49 "With the extensive input 9 01:34:46 01:34:51 10 from consumers, authors, 01:34:54 11 publishers and leading 01:34:56 12 organizations, we have created a 01:34:57 13 model for Bookshare that can be 01:34:59 14 supported by a broad array of 01:35:01 15 interests." 01:35:04 What model is this passage talking 16 17 about? 19 01:35:08 MR. KAPLAN: 18 Objection. Lacks foundation. THE WITNESS: 20 01:35:05 01:35:09 01:35:10 The Bookshare operational 01:35:14 21 model. 01:35:17 22 BY MR. HUDIS: 01:35:21 23 24 25 Q. How would you describe the Bookshare operational model? A. A package of technologies and policies CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 01:35:21 01:35:22 01:35:24 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 171 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 169 1 and legal agreements and product features and -- I 01:35:27 2 mean, you know, it's a -- these things combined 01:35:33 3 create a service that delivers a value to people 01:35:38 4 with disabilities in a way that gets support from 01:35:46 5 these different stakeholders. 01:35:48 6 Q. Including the publishing industry? 01:35:53 7 A. Yes. 01:35:55 8 Q. Could we turn to page 16 of Exhibit 55. 01:35:57 Under copyright information, it says: 01:36:00 9 10 "Bookshare is an online 01:36:02 11 library that provides accessible 01:36:04 12 eBooks to people with print 01:36:06 13 disabilities. 01:36:07 14 requirements of the Chafee 01:36:09 15 Amendment which permits an 01:36:09 16 authorized entity like Benetech to 01:36:12 17 make books available to people 01:36:14 18 with print disabilities provided 01:36:16 19 that copies may not be reproduced 01:36:17 20 or distributed in a format other 01:36:19 21 than a specialized format 01:36:21 22 exclusively for use by blind or 01:36:23 23 other persons with disabilities. 01:36:25 24 Must bear a notice that any 01:36:27 25 further reproduction or 01:36:32 Bookshare meets the CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 172 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 170 1 distribution in a format other 01:36:33 2 than a specialized format is an 01:36:35 3 infringement. 01:36:37 4 copyright notice identifying the 01:36:39 5 copyright owner and the date of 01:36:43 6 the original publication. 01:36:45 7 'Specialized formats' means 01:36:46 8 Braille, audio or digital text 01:36:50 9 which is exclusively intended for 01:36:53 10 use by blind or other persons with 01:36:54 11 disabilities." 01:36:56 12 All right. 13 Must include a So I've read this passage, Mr. Fruchterman. 01:36:59 01:37:01 14 A. Right. 01:37:01 15 Q. Does this accurately describe the 01:37:01 16 overall way that Benetech makes reading materials 01:37:03 17 available to its members? 01:37:07 18 19 20 MR. KAPLAN: Objection. Vague. Misleading. THE WITNESS: 01:37:08 01:37:09 I think that these bullet 01:37:14 21 points that you just read recapitulate the 01:37:16 22 provisions of the Chafee Amendment, which is the 01:37:19 23 primary copyright exception that we use for making 01:37:23 24 copyright material to people with qualifying 01:37:26 25 disabilities inside the United States. 01:37:28 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 173 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 171 1 2 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 01:37:31 01:37:31 What is the purpose of this page on 3 If we could go to page 17 of Exhibit 55. 01:37:36 4 Bookshare's web site? 5 MR. KAPLAN: 6 01:37:38 Objection. Vague. Lacks foundation. 01:37:41 THE WITNESS: 7 01:37:40 This is part of our, 01:37:44 8 essentially, frequently asked questions, and it's 01:37:45 9 entitled "Digital Millennium Copyright Act." 01:37:49 10 And so as a -- and I'm not a lawyer, but 01:37:54 11 my understanding is is someone who provides access 01:37:58 12 to copyrighted material online, we are required to 01:38:02 13 have a DMCA agent to accept notices that there is 01:38:06 14 content on our web site that infringes the 01:38:12 15 copyright of others. 01:38:14 We frequently get DMCA notices from 16 01:38:17 17 authors or their agents or publishers saying, We 01:38:23 18 searched the web. 01:38:26 19 web site. 20 This copyright work is on your Take it down. And this is both explaining the DMCA 01:38:29 01:38:30 21 notice process at some level, as well as the, more 01:38:36 22 or less, if you don't know what the Chafee 01:38:40 23 Amendment is, you should look it up because we're 01:38:42 24 allowed to have it. 01:38:47 25 But I'm summarizing this in very direct CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 01:38:48 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 174 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 172 1 terms, because it's very rare for someone to issue 01:38:54 2 us a DMCA notice that results in us actually 01:38:56 3 taking down the work because it's usually legally 01:39:01 4 permitted under the copyright amendment. 01:39:04 5 BY MR. HUDIS: 01:39:05 6 Q. The Chafee Amendment to the copyright? 01:39:06 7 A. The Chafee Amendment. 01:39:07 Or often a 8 license from the author's publisher who gave us 01:39:10 9 the content, but the author and their agent 01:39:12 10 weren't aware this was one of the nice things that 01:39:14 11 their publisher did for their entire catalog of 01:39:17 12 books, not just that author. 01:39:21 13 14 Q. Mr. Fruchterman, could we turn to page 18 of Exhibit 55. 01:39:25 Is this text on page 18 Bookshare's 15 01:39:23 01:39:34 16 digital rights plan -- digital rights management 01:39:40 17 plan? 01:39:46 18 A. This is the current or, let's just say, 01:39:46 19 last month's current -- but I don't believe it's 01:39:49 20 changed since last month -- version of our 01:39:51 21 seven-point digital rights management plan that we 01:39:53 22 have discussed earlier. 01:39:56 23 24 25 Q. And what was the purpose of Bookshare implementing this DRM plan? MR. KAPLAN: Objection. 01:39:58 01:39:59 Vague. Lacks CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 01:40:04 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 175 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 173 1 foundation. THE WITNESS: 2 01:40:05 I would say that the 01:40:11 3 purpose of this was to represent to the 01:40:12 4 intellectual property industry, especially 01:40:17 5 publishers, that we were intending to follow the 01:40:19 6 law when it came to use of these materials. 01:40:22 7 was created for that original conversation we had 01:40:25 8 with the publishing industry quite a number of 01:40:27 9 years ago. 01:40:31 BY MR. HUDIS: 01:40:31 10 11 Q. So it And when you say "these materials," 01:40:32 12 that's the copyrighted materials on the Bookshare 01:40:34 13 web site? 01:40:36 MR. KAPLAN: 14 15 Misstates testimony. 01:40:39 01:40:40 THE WITNESS: 16 17 Objection. Yes. 01:40:42 BY MR. HUDIS: 01:40:43 18 Q. Could we turn to page 19. 01:40:43 19 A. Mh-hmm. 01:40:46 20 Q. What's the purpose of this sign-up page? 01:40:46 21 22 23 24 25 That's page 19 of Exhibit 55. MR. KAPLAN: Objection. 01:40:52 Vague. Lacks foundation. THE WITNESS: 01:40:54 01:40:55 This is a screen shot that appears to be of the individual sign-up for CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 01:41:15 01:41:16 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 176 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 174 1 Bookshare that is collecting data about a 01:41:22 2 potential user in order to start the process of 01:41:24 3 becoming a Bookshare member. 01:41:29 4 BY MR. HUDIS: 01:41:32 And at the bottom it says -- it has a 01:41:32 6 check box, and then you would sign your name or 01:41:34 7 its equivalent. 01:41:36 5 Q. Do you see at the bottom? 8 01:41:38 9 A. Yes. 01:41:39 10 Q. And by doing so you're agreeing to the 01:41:39 11 terms and conditions of the Bookshare web site. 12 Do you see that? 13 MR. KAPLAN: 14 01:41:44 Objection. Is the -- the question is whether or not he sees that check box? MR. HUDIS: 15 Counsel, good. 01:41:45 01:41:49 01:41:53 Is the purpose of this check box to have 01:41:55 17 the user acknowledge that he or she is agreeing to 01:42:02 18 the terms and conditions of the Bookshare web 01:42:04 19 site? 01:42:07 16 20 21 Q. 01:41:42 MR. KAPLAN: Objection. Vague. Lacks foundation. 22 MR. HUDIS: 23 THE WITNESS: 01:42:08 01:42:09 Thank you, Counsel. Yes. I believe that that 01:42:10 01:42:13 24 check box and the filling in of your name 01:42:14 25 indicates that you're agreeing to the terms and 01:42:17 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 201 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 199 1 technique still in wide use today. 02:19:04 2 The Perkins Brailler and Braille 02:19:06 3 printing presses are important 02:19:10 4 tools for professionals to use to 02:19:11 5 create Braille books. 02:19:16 6 human-narrated books are widely 02:19:17 7 available on audio cassettes." 02:19:20 And We've replaced audio cassettes at this 8 02:19:23 point with technology, but the rest of it, are 02:19:25 10 these still document transformation methods in use 02:19:31 11 today? 02:19:33 9 MR. KAPLAN: 12 13 14 Objection. 02:19:34 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 02:19:34 All right. And that -- and the ones 02:19:34 15 that I'm pointing to are having the sighted person 02:19:35 16 read aloud, the Perkins Brailler and a Braille 02:19:39 17 printing press. 02:19:42 18 MR. KAPLAN: 19 THE WITNESS: Objection. Vague. All of these are still in 02:19:46 02:19:48 20 use today. 02:19:49 21 BY MR. HUDIS: 02:19:50 22 23 Q. Now, the next paragraph, it says: 02:19:55 "Technology in use today has 02:19:56 24 greatly expanded the options 02:19:58 25 available for accessible reading 02:19:59 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 202 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 200 1 and lessoned the need to have a 02:20:01 2 sighted person intervene in the 02:20:03 3 process. 02:20:04 4 transcription software, personal 02:20:06 5 Braille embossers, refreshable 02:20:08 6 electronic Braille displays for 02:20:11 7 audio. We have computer 02:20:13 8 synthesized voices to speak aloud 02:20:15 9 digital text, also known as text 02:20:19 to speech or TTS." 02:20:21 10 We now have Braille My question is, are these technologies 11 02:20:23 12 still in use today as nonhuman intervention 02:20:26 13 methods for the print-disabled to access printed 02:20:30 14 material? 02:20:36 MR. KAPLAN: 15 16 19 20 Vague and confusing. Yes. BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 02:20:37 02:20:38 THE WITNESS: 17 18 Objection. The next sentence says: "With reading systems that 02:20:41 02:20:42 02:20:47 02:20:49 21 use optical character recognition, 02:20:50 22 or OCR, we can provide access to 02:20:52 23 Braille, audio and customized 02:20:56 24 visual displays directly from the 02:20:58 25 printed page." 02:21:00 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 203 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 201 1 Why is this important? 2 MR. KAPLAN: 3 THE WITNESS: Objection. 02:21:01 Vague. 02:21:02 Because we want to turn 02:21:11 4 inaccessible print books into forms where disabled 02:21:13 5 people can access them using OCR. 02:21:16 6 BY MR. HUDIS: 02:21:21 Q. 8 9 Could we turn to page 557 of Exhibit 58. 02:21:21 At the bottom of page 50 -- 557 to the 7 02:21:34 top of 558 it says: 02:21:37 "Authors and publishers of 10 02:21:39 11 books are concerned about piracy 02:21:41 12 and worry about making books 02:21:43 13 easily available in electronic 02:21:45 14 form, although they rarely object 02:21:47 15 to access for people with 02:21:49 16 disabilities." 02:21:50 17 Do you believe this is still true? 02:21:51 18 MR. KAPLAN: 02:21:54 19 THE WITNESS: 20 23 Vague. Yes. 02:22:10 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 21 22 Objection. 02:22:11 Mr. Fruchterman, could we turn to page 558. 02:22:23 02:22:25 A. Yes. 24 MR. KAPLAN: 25 MR. HUDIS: 02:22:27 We were there. We were there. 02:22:29 Okay. Thank CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 02:22:30 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 204 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 202 1 you. Q. I would like to direct your attention to 02:22:39 the middle of the page, where it starts "however." 02:22:40 2 3 02:22:31 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. All right. 02:22:45 It says: 02:22:46 "However, the image cannot be 6 02:22:47 7 directly used to generate Braille 02:22:49 8 or synthetic voice output." 02:22:51 Why is that? 9 MR. KAPLAN: 10 11 foundation. Objection. Vague. Lacks Incomplete hypothetical. THE WITNESS: 12 02:22:54 You need to convert the 02:22:55 02:22:56 02:23:04 13 inaccessible image into a text file in OCR. 02:23:05 14 BY MR. HUDIS: 02:23:14 Q. 15 16 Mr. Fruchterman, could you turn to page 560 of Exhibit 58. 02:23:26 This paragraph at the bottom of page 560 17 02:23:24 02:23:40 18 talks about the image processing steps of -- in 02:23:46 19 OCR. 02:23:49 20 and straightening the page, recognition of 02:23:55 21 specialty fine characteristics and recognition of 02:23:57 22 a character or glyph. 02:24:01 And it talks about despeckling, orienting 23 Are those the -- 02:24:02 24 MR. KAPLAN: 02:24:05 25 You're talking about the last full paragraph, not the last paragraph? CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 02:24:05 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 207 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 205 What is the DAISY standard? 1 2 A. 02:26:50 The DAISY standard is a standard for 02:26:58 3 delivering accessible books to people with 02:27:01 4 disabilities. 02:27:05 5 Q. Is that standard still in use today? 02:27:06 6 A. It is. 02:27:11 7 Q. By whom? 02:27:11 MR. KAPLAN: 8 9 foundation. Objection. Vague. 02:27:14 02:27:14 THE WITNESS: 10 Lacks The DAISY consortium is 02:27:17 11 essentially the leading libraries for people with 02:27:21 12 print-disabilities, and I believe almost all of 02:27:25 13 the DAISY members' libraries use the DAISY format 02:27:27 14 as part of their system of delivering accessible 02:27:32 15 books to their disabled patrons. 02:27:35 16 BY MR. HUDIS: 02:27:37 17 Q. 19 02:27:37 MR. KAPLAN: 18 Is this a proprietary format? 02:27:41 Objection. Vague. Confusing. MR. HUDIS: 20 21 Q. I'll ask -- I'll reask the question. 22 02:27:41 23 24 25 02:27:42 02:27:44 Is DAISY a proprietary format by the participating libraries in the consortium? MR. KAPLAN: Objection. Vague. Confusing. CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 02:27:44 02:27:47 02:27:50 02:27:50 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 208 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 206 THE WITNESS: 1 My understanding is the 02:27:55 2 DAISY format is shared widely so that anyone can 02:27:57 3 use the standard and it is not proprietary to the 02:28:01 4 members. 02:28:04 5 BY MR. HUDIS: 02:28:04 6 Q. 7 PDF file? Objection. Vague and confusing. 02:28:11 02:28:13 THE WITNESS: 10 02:28:04 02:28:07 MR. KAPLAN: 8 9 Does this technology require use of a It's the antithesis of a 02:28:14 11 PDF file. 02:28:16 12 BY MR. HUDIS: 02:28:19 13 Q. Okay. And why do you say that? 02:28:20 14 A. Because PDFs are frequently not 02:28:22 15 accessible in the form that they present 02:28:25 16 themselves. 02:28:27 17 Q. Without OCR technology? 02:28:28 18 A. That's -- 02:28:31 19 MR. KAPLAN: 20 THE WITNESS: 21 with PDFs. 22 Objection. Vague. That's one of the problems BY MR. HUDIS: 23 Q. Yes. All right. 02:28:31 02:28:32 02:28:34 02:28:35 So does -- does the DAISY 02:28:36 24 technology require use of an OCR-processed PDF 02:28:38 25 file? 02:28:42 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 209 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 207 MR. KAPLAN: 1 2 Vague and 02:28:44 confusing. 02:28:45 THE WITNESS: 3 4 Objection. No. 02:28:46 BY MR. HUDIS: 5 Q. 6 02:28:49 What is required for use of DAISY technology? 7 MR. KAPLAN: 8 THE WITNESS: 9 02:28:49 02:28:51 Objection. Vague. 02:28:53 Well, the DAISY standard is a format for digitally delivering typically 02:28:57 02:29:01 10 books, but could be other kinds of documents. It 11 encompasses digital text, structure, audio, video, 02:29:08 12 pictures, tactile graphics. 02:29:12 02:29:05 13 And so a DAISY book might contain one or 02:29:17 14 all of those different elements without respect to 02:29:21 15 how it was created or how it will get used. 02:29:27 16 just a file format. 02:29:31 17 BY MR. HUDIS: 02:29:32 18 Q. And -MR. KAPLAN: 19 It's 02:29:32 Can we, when you're done 02:29:33 20 with this line of questioning, take a very short 02:29:34 21 break? 02:29:37 22 MR. HUDIS: 23 MR. KAPLAN: 24 25 Yes. Thank you. BY MR. HUDIS: Q. And DAISY -- DAISY-processed texts can CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 02:29:37 02:29:38 02:29:39 02:29:39 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 272 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 270 1 the screen aloud. 2 Q. 3 04:13:47 All right. And is that example of text to speech? 04:13:49 04:13:52 4 MR. KAPLAN: 5 THE WITNESS: Objection. Vague. Different users use their 04:13:54 04:13:56 6 screen reader with different forms of information. 04:13:58 7 The most common is text to speech. 04:14:04 8 example, a deaf/blind person uses a screen reader 04:14:06 9 with a Braille display, and the text is -- that's 04:14:11 10 on the screen is presented on the Braille display. 04:14:15 11 BY MR. HUDIS: 04:14:18 12 13 Q. But, for And, again, so that -- if it's a blind and deaf person, it would be a tactile Braille? 04:14:26 15 sensible uses of Braille are tactile, though there 04:14:33 16 are sighted people who can read Braille visually, 04:14:38 17 so ... 04:14:42 18 Q. 19 All Braille is tactile. 04:14:22 Or at least all 14 A. 04:14:20 I'd like to know if you recognize these as brand names of screen reader technology. 04:14:43 04:14:45 JAWS from Freedom Scientific? 20 04:14:48 21 A. Yes. 04:14:50 22 Q. Window-Eyes from GW Micro? 04:14:52 23 A. Yes. 04:14:54 24 Q. Okay. 25 Dolphin SuperNova from Dolphin Computer Access? CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 04:14:55 04:14:59 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 273 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 271 1 A. Yes. 04:15:00 2 Q. System Access from Serotek? 04:15:00 3 A. Yes. 04:15:02 4 Q. ZoomText from Ai Squared? 04:15:04 5 A. ZoomText is a combination screen reader, 04:15:08 6 but most people think of it as a screen 04:15:10 7 magnification product. 04:15:13 8 Q. And NVDA open source screen reader. 04:15:14 9 A. Yes. 04:15:17 10 Q. Would screen reader technology work with 04:15:21 11 an image-only PDF document? MR. KAPLAN: 12 13 hypothetical. Incomplete Vague. THE WITNESS: 14 Objection. 04:15:24 04:15:29 04:15:31 Some do. Some screeners 04:15:32 15 also have image magnification as well as screen 04:15:33 16 reading. 04:15:37 17 contrast by reversing the contrast or changing the 04:15:40 18 colors, so -- but that would be not the typical 04:15:43 19 use. 04:15:50 20 BY MR. HUDIS: 04:15:50 So you can make it big or change the 21 Q. 22 technology? MR. KAPLAN: 23 24 25 What is the typical use of screen reader 04:15:51 04:15:53 Objection. Vague. Confusing. 04:15:53 04:15:54 THE WITNESS: Generally, to read what's CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 04:15:56 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 274 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 272 1 on the screen aloud in words. 04:15:57 2 BY MR. HUDIS: 04:15:59 3 Q. So text to speech? 04:15:59 4 A. Yes. 04:16:00 5 Q. So would screen reader technology for 04:16:01 6 text to speak -- text to speech work with an 04:16:04 7 image-only PDF document? 04:16:12 MR. KAPLAN: 8 9 hypothetical. 11 12 Incomplete Vague. THE WITNESS: 10 Objection. 04:16:17 No. 04:16:19 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 04:16:16 04:16:22 Mr. Fruchterman, please turn to page 4 13 of your report. And I'm focusing in on the first 14 full paragraph of that page. 15 "For the purpose of this report." The paragraph starts 04:16:33 04:16:35 04:16:40 04:16:46 Do you see that? 16 04:16:49 17 A. Mh-hmm. 04:16:49 18 Q. And the second sentence says: 04:16:50 19 "Based on the information the 04:16:51 20 screen reader can glean from the 04:16:52 21 pages displayed on the screen, can 04:16:55 22 a blind person locate the standard 04:16:57 23 and read it." 04:17:00 24 25 In this context, what did you mean by "locate the standard"? CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 04:17:01 04:17:03 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 275 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 273 1 A. 2 searches. 3 Q. 4 A. 8 Q. Basically, read it aloud, generally, 04:17:29 04:17:31 Which, if the person was blind, could 04:17:37 04:17:39 MR. KAPLAN: Objection. Vague and confusing. 04:17:40 04:17:41 THE WITNESS: 11 04:17:17 04:17:19 not do? 9 10 And in this context, what did you mean would be the most common use. 7 04:17:07 04:17:10 by "read the standard"? 5 6 In this context, I was focusing on web Well, if they located a 04:17:54 12 text version of the standard, they certainly could 04:17:56 13 read it aloud. 04:17:59 14 BY MR. HUDIS: 04:18:01 Q. 15 16 17 They'd need assistive technology to do so? 04:18:02 04:18:05 A. Yes. But when -- when I use the term 04:18:08 18 "can a blind person read it," I'm presuming that 04:18:10 19 they're using technology to read it as opposed to 04:18:16 20 something else. 04:18:22 21 22 Q. And when you say "use technology," what did you mean? 23 MR. KAPLAN: 24 THE WITNESS: 04:18:23 04:18:25 Objection. Okay. Vague. Taking a step back. 25 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 04:18:27 04:18:29 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 316 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 314 1 2 BY MR. KAPLAN: Q. A. So let's take that one at a time. 05:16:35 So you checked for adds? 3 4 05:16:35 05:16:37 Well, I examined the document, and I'm 05:16:39 5 talking about errors I observed as opposed to 05:16:41 6 errors I didn't observe. 05:16:44 7 I would have been seeing it. So if I had seen an add, I don't know. 05:16:47 8 Q. So -- 05:16:50 9 A. I was looking for errors. 05:16:51 10 Q. Right. 05:16:52 11 So my first question is, did you check for adds errors? 12 MR. KAPLAN: 13 THE WITNESS: 05:16:55 Objection. Vague. If I -- if an add had been 05:16:58 05:16:59 14 there and I had been looking at it, I would have 05:17:01 15 been checking for them, yes. 05:17:03 16 BY MR. KAPLAN: But -- 05:17:05 17 Q. And you didn't find any? 05:17:06 18 A. I didn't see any adds. 05:17:07 19 Q. And did you check the entire 212 pages 05:17:08 20 of the document for adds errors? 05:17:11 21 A. No. 05:17:13 22 Q. So now we're at page 10, at the bottom 05:17:22 23 of page -- of Exhibit 64, your expert's report. 05:17:24 24 A. Yes. 05:17:28 25 Q. After you OCR-processed select pages 05:17:29 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 317 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 315 1 from the image-only PDF file of the 1999 standards 05:17:32 2 given to you by defense counsel, you used the 05:17:35 3 Window-Eyes software tool to read text aloud and 05:17:39 4 to conduct full-text searches by keyword? 05:17:43 5 A. Right. 6 Q. All right. 05:17:47 Now, Mr. Fruchterman, you 05:17:48 7 could not use the Window-Eyes software tool to 05:17:51 8 read text of the 1999 standards aloud or to 05:17:54 9 conduct full-text searches by keyword before the 05:17:58 PDF pages were OCR processed. 05:18:01 10 MR. KAPLAN: 11 12 Objection. Vague. Compound. 05:18:05 THE WITNESS: 13 05:18:04 You're making a statement. 05:18:10 14 What's the question? 05:18:10 15 BY MR. KAPLAN: 05:18:13 16 17 Q. All right. I will ask the question a different way. 05:18:14 Could you use the Window-Eyes software 18 05:18:13 05:18:16 19 tool to read the text of the 1999 standards aloud 05:18:18 20 before the PDF pages were OCR processed? 05:18:22 MR. KAPLAN: 21 22 25 Vague. Confusing. No. BY MR. KAPLAN: Q. 05:18:25 05:18:26 THE WITNESS: 23 24 Objection. Could you use the Window-Eyes software CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 05:18:30 05:18:30 05:18:31 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 318 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 316 1 to conduct full-text searches by keyword before 05:18:34 2 the PDF pages were OCR processed? 05:18:37 MR. KAPLAN: 3 4 7 Vague and confusing. No. 05:18:46 BY MR. KAPLAN: Q. 05:18:41 05:18:41 THE WITNESS: 5 6 Objection. 05:18:46 And, in fact, Mr. Fruchterman, you could 05:18:53 8 not use any screen reader software tool to read 05:18:54 9 the text of the 1999 standards aloud before the 05:18:57 PDF pages were OCR processed? 05:19:01 10 MR. KAPLAN: 11 12 Objection. Vague and confusing. 05:19:05 THE WITNESS: 13 05:19:04 That's correct. But some 05:19:09 14 screen readers have OCR software built in and 05:19:10 15 would be able to do that process inside the screen 05:19:13 16 reader. 05:19:15 17 screen reader. 18 BY MR. KAPLAN: 19 But I did not do that process inside the Q. I did it in a separate product. 05:19:18 05:19:21 And you could not use a screen reader 05:19:21 20 software tool to conduct full-text searches by 05:19:23 21 keyword before the PDF pages were OCR processed? 05:19:26 MR. KAPLAN: 22 23 24 Objection. Vague and confusing. 05:19:31 05:19:32 THE WITNESS: Correct. 25 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 05:19:33 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 319 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 317 1 2 BY MR. KAPLAN: Q. 05:19:33 Let's turn to pages 11 and 12 of your 05:19:39 And I'm focusing on the textual material 05:19:42 3 report. 4 in your report, Mr. Fruchterman, under the title 05:19:50 5 "The Archive.Org Version of the 1999 Standards." 05:19:53 6 A. Yes. 05:19:57 7 Q. Now, it's true you were -- it's true you 05:19:59 8 were told by a representative of the Internet 05:20:09 9 Archive that an electronic text or txt version of 05:20:11 10 the '99 standards was hosted on the Internet 05:20:15 11 Archive web site at one time? 05:20:18 12 A. Yes. 05:20:20 13 Q. You did not attempt to locate a 05:20:21 14 historical version of the Internet Archive web 05:20:24 15 site to determine whether an electronic text 05:20:26 16 version of the 1999 standards was previously 05:20:29 17 hosted on Internet Archive? 05:20:32 MR. KAPLAN: 18 19 Objection. Vague and confusing. 05:20:40 THE WITNESS: 20 05:20:34 Not beyond doing a Google 05:20:41 21 search, which I don't believe turned it up for me. 05:20:43 22 But it might have if I kept going in the results. 05:20:45 23 BY MR. HUDIS: 05:20:47 24 25 Q. But if you did, you didn't document it in your report. CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 05:20:48 05:20:50 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 325 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 323 1 Q. I'm sorry. It's late. 05:27:02 Mr. Fruchterman -- 2 05:27:04 3 A. Yes. 05:27:04 4 Q. -- if you could turn to page 7 of your 05:27:04 5 expert's report, Exhibit 64. MR. KAPLAN: 6 7 05:27:07 That one almost slipped past me. 05:27:10 05:27:10 8 (Reporter interruption.) 05:27:10 9 MR. HUDIS: 05:27:11 10 What he said was I blew past him. MR. KAPLAN: 11 12 Sure. 05:27:20 Yes. 05:27:22 BY MR. HUDIS: 05:27:22 13 Q. Are you there, Mr. Fruchterman? 05:27:23 14 A. I am. 05:27:24 15 Q. Thank you. 05:27:25 As part -- now, looking at page 7, the 05:27:26 16 17 top paragraph of your expert's report, as part of 05:27:29 18 your accessibility review for the purposes of your 05:27:34 19 expert's report, you reviewed the 05:27:35 20 Public.Resource.Org web site? 05:27:38 21 MR. KAPLAN: 22 THE WITNESS: 23 24 25 Objection. Vague. Yes. BY MR. HUDIS: Q. Did you observe on Public.Resource's web site any place where Public.Resource held itself CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 05:27:41 05:27:44 05:27:46 05:27:46 05:27:49 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 326 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 324 1 out as making the materials posted on its site 05:27:51 2 accessible to the blind or print-disabled? 05:27:55 3 MR. KAPLAN: 4 THE WITNESS: 5 Objection. Vague. 05:27:59 I did not. 05:28:02 BY MR. HUDIS: Except for a placeholder noting the 05:28:04 7 voluntary takedown of the 1999 standards, you 05:28:05 8 could not locate this document on the 05:28:12 9 Public.Resource web site, correct? 05:28:14 6 Q. 05:28:03 10 MR. KAPLAN: Objection. 11 THE WITNESS: Correct. 12 13 Vague. 05:28:17 05:28:18 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 05:28:18 However, you did search for and access 05:28:18 14 other standards posted on the Public.Resource web 05:28:20 15 site? 05:28:22 16 MR. KAPLAN: Objection. 17 THE WITNESS: Correct. 18 Vague. 05:28:24 05:28:26 BY MR. HUDIS: 19 Q. 20 05:28:27 Mr. Malamud -- I did it again. My apologies. 05:28:32 Mr. Fruchterman, there were no sign-up 21 05:28:29 05:28:34 22 procedures in order for an Internet user to access 05:28:36 23 the content on the Public.Resource web site, 05:28:38 24 correct? 05:28:41 25 MR. KAPLAN: Objection. Vague. Calls CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 05:28:41 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 327 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 325 1 for speculation. THE WITNESS: 2 3 4 Lacks foundation. 05:28:43 Correct. 05:28:46 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 05:28:46 During your review of Public.Resource's 05:28:51 5 web site, you were able to access standards 05:28:53 6 produced by other companies, such as the NFPA, 05:28:56 7 without restriction? 05:29:01 8 MR. KAPLAN: 9 THE WITNESS: 10 11 Objection. Vague. Yes. 05:29:08 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 05:29:04 05:29:08 There were no requirements that a user 05:29:10 12 be visually impaired to access these other 05:29:11 13 standards documents on Public.Resource's web site? 05:29:15 14 MR. KAPLAN: Objection. 15 THE WITNESS: Correct. 16 17 Vague. BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 05:29:19 05:29:20 05:29:20 Mr. Fruchterman, for the next series of 05:29:32 18 questions, I would like you to pull out 05:29:34 19 Exhibit 60, which was your supplemental 05:29:36 20 declaration from the HathiTrust litigation. 05:29:40 21 A. Okay. 05:29:42 22 Q. And I'd also like you to pull out 05:29:43 23 Exhibit 55, which is the materials we reviewed 05:29:47 24 from the Bookshare web site. 05:29:52 25 A. Good. Do I get to put the rest of them CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 05:29:59 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 328 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 326 1 away? 05:30:02 2 Q. Soon. 05:30:02 3 A. Or are these the only two I need to have 05:30:03 4 5 6 7 8 9 out now? Q. 05:30:05 Those are the only two you have to have out now. A. 05:30:09 Okay. I have those two documents in front of me, Exhibit 55 and 60. Q. 05:30:07 Okay. 05:30:18 05:30:19 So I would like to focus your 05:30:25 10 attention on -- in the supplemental declaration, 05:30:25 11 Exhibit 60, to pages 2 and 3, where you talk about 05:30:28 12 the digital rights management plan. 05:30:33 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. Okay. 05:30:37 And similarly, an explanation of 15 the DRM plan on page 18 of Exhibit 55. 16 And that's the Bookshare web site. 05:30:38 05:30:43 05:31:04 17 A. Okay. 05:31:13 18 Q. During your review of Public.Resource's 05:31:13 19 web site, how did their web site compare with the 05:31:16 20 Bookshare web site in terms of employing a digital 05:31:20 21 rights management or DRM plan to protect the 05:31:23 22 digital copies of standards posted on 05:31:27 23 Public.Resource's web site from unauthorized 05:31:30 24 copying? 05:31:35 25 MR. KAPLAN: Objection. Vague. Calls CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 05:31:35 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 329 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 327 1 for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: 2 3 MR. HUDIS: I didn't find a DRM plan I'd like to take a break for five minutes. 05:31:43 05:31:45 05:31:52 05:33:18 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 6 7 05:31:36 in evidence on the Public.Resource.Org site. 4 5 Confusing. Going off the record at 5:33. 05:33:19 05:33:20 8 (Whereupon, a recess was taken.) 05:33:27 9 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 05:39:35 Back on the record at 10 5:39. 05:39:37 11 BY MR. HUDIS: 05:39:38 12 Q. Mr. Fruchterman, when you examined 05:39:40 13 Public.Resource's web site, you noticed a number 05:39:44 14 of standards that were hosted on that web site? 05:39:48 15 A. Correct. MR. KAPLAN: 16 05:39:58 Objection. Vague. Asked 05:39:59 17 and answered. 05:40:00 18 BY MR. HUDIS: 05:40:00 19 Q. Did you notice any restrictions on the 05:40:01 20 ability of an Internet user to copy any of the 05:40:02 21 standards that you saw on Public.Resource's web 05:40:11 22 site? 05:40:13 23 MR. KAPLAN: 24 THE WITNESS: Objection. Vague. No. 25 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 05:40:14 05:40:17 Case 1:14-cv-00857-TSC Document 60-30 Filed 12/21/15 Page 330 of 386 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of James R. Fruchterman Conducted on September 8, 2015 328 1 2 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 05:40:17 Did you notice any restrictions on the 05:40:19 3 ability of an Internet user to download any of the 05:40:20 4 standards hosted on the Public.Resource's web 05:40:28 5 site? 05:40:31 6 MR. KAPLAN: 7 THE WITNESS: 8 9 Objection. Vague. No. 05:40:32 BY MR. HUDIS: Q. 05:40:31 05:40:32 Did you notice any restrictions on the 05:40:32 10 ability of an Internet user to print any of the 05:40:35 11 standards hosted on the Public.Resource web site? 05:40:37 12 MR. KAPLAN: 13 THE WITNESS: 14 MR. HUDIS: 15 Vague. No. THE WITNESS: 17 MR. KAPLAN: Thank you, Mr. Fruchterman. Okay. Thank you. I have no questions at this 20 You get a chance, huh. Okay. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Oh, that's right. 05:40:52 05:40:53 05:40:54 This marks the end of 22 the deposition of James Fruchterman. 23 the record at 5:41. 25 05:40:46 05:40:53 THE WITNESS: 24 05:40:43 05:40:43 time. 19 21 05:40:40 05:40:41 That's all I have. 16 18 Objection. Going off (Whereupon, the deposition concluded at 5:41 p.m.) CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 05:40:56 05:40:56 05:40:59 05:41:00 05:41:00

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