Filing 89

REPLY to opposition to motion re 69 MOTION for Summary Judgment and Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment and Permanent Injunction, 60 MOTION for Summary Judgment Filed MOTION for Permanent Injunction (Plaintiffs' Reply in Further Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment and Permanent Injunction and Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment) filed by AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, INC., AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC., NATIONAL COUNCIL ON MEASUREMENT IN EDUCATION, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Plaintiffs' Statement of Material Facts in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment, # 2 Plaintiffs' Reply to Defendants' Statement of Disputed Facts, # 3 Plaintiffs' Response to Defendant's Objections to Plaintiffs' Evidence, # 4 Declaration of Nikia L. Gray, # 5 Exhibit VVV, # 6 Exhibit WWW, # 7 Exhibit XXX, # 8 Exhibit YYY, # 9 Exhibit ZZZ, # 10 Exhibit AAAA, # 11 Exhibit BBBB, # 12 Exhibit CCCC, # 13 Exhibit DDDD, # 14 Exhibit EEEE, # 15 Exhibit FFFF, # 16 Exhibit GGGG, # 17 Exhibit HHHH, # 18 Exhibit IIII, # 19 Exhibit JJJJ, # 20 Exhibit KKKK, # 21 Exhibit LLLL, # 22 Exhibit MMMM, # 23 Exhibit NNNN, # 24 Exhibit OOOO, # 25 Exhibit PPPP, # 26 Exhibit QQQQ, # 27 Exhibit RRRR, # 28 Exhibit SSSS, # 29 Exhibit TTTT, # 30 Exhibit UUUU, # 31 Exhibit VVVV, # 32 Exhibit WWWW, # 33 Exhibit XXXX, # 34 Exhibit YYYY, # 35 Exhibit ZZZZ, # 36 Exhibit AAAAA, # 37 Exhibit BBBBB, # 38 Exhibit CCCCC, # 39 Exhibit DDDDD, # 40 Exhibit EEEEE, # 41 Exhibit FFFFF, # 42 Exhibit GGGGG, # 43 Exhibit HHHHH, # 44 Exhibit IIIII, # 45 Exhibit JJJJJ, # 46 Exhibit KKKKK, # 47 Exhibit LLLLL, # 48 Exhibit MMMMM, # 49 Exhibit NNNNN, # 50 Exhibit OOOOO, # 51 Exhibit PPPPP, # 52 Exhibit QQQQQ, # 53 Exhibit RRRRR, # 54 Exhibit SSSSS, # 55 Exhibit TTTTT, # 56 Exhibit UUUUU, # 57 Exhibit VVVVV, # 58 Exhibit WWWWW, # 59 Exhibit XXXXX, # 60 Exhibit YYYYY, # 61 Exhibit ZZZZZ, # 62 Exhibit AAAAAA, # 63 Declaration of Wayne Camara, # 64 Plaintiffs' Objections to Defendant's Evidence, # 65 Certificate of Service)(Hudis, Jonathan)

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EXHIBIT QQQQQ Case No. 1:14-cv-00857-TSC-DAR University of South Carolina /All Locations New Search Print Off Campus Access (Search History) (Search History) Library Homepage My Account Ask a Librarian Course Reserves Help Topics (More Searches) (More Searches) 44174490 CONTROL NO CONTROL NO USC All Libraries USC All Libraries Title Title Search Limit search to available items Request Add to My Lists Add to Bag MARC Display Result page: Previous Record Next Record What is PASCAL Delivers? Corporate American Educational Research Association. Author Title Standards for educational and psychological testing / American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, National Council on Measurement in Education. Publication Washington, DC American Educational Research Association, c1999. Info. Location Call No. USC Upstate OCLC # Bib Utility No. Description Note LB3051 .A693 1999 Status Public Note AVAILABLE 44174490 43048050 ix, 194 p. ; 26 cm. "Prepared by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing of the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education"--T.p. verso. Includes index. Contents Test construction, evaluation, and documentation. Validity -Reliability and errors of measurement -- Test development and revision -- Scales, norms, and score comparability -- Test administration, scoring, and reporting -- Supporting documentation for tests -- Fairness in testing. Fairness in testing and test use -The rights and responsibilities of test takers -- Testing individuals of diverse linguistic backgrounds -- Testing individuals with disabilities[2/10/2016 10:55:38 AM] University of South Carolina /All Locations -- Testing applications. The responsibilities of test users -Psychological testing and assessment -- Educational testing and assessment -- Testing in employment and credentialing -- Testing in program evaluation and public policy. LC Subject Educational tests and measurements -- Standards -- United States. Psychological tests -- Standards -- United States. Added American Psychological Association. Author, Corporate National Council on Measurement in Education. Joint Committee on Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (U.S.) ISBN 0935302255 Permanent Link Mobile Catalog[2/10/2016 10:55:38 AM]

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