City of St. Clair Shores General Employees Retirement System v. Lender Processing Services, Inc. et al

Filing 41

AMENDED COMPLAINT against Jeffrey S. Carbiener, Francis K. Chan, Lee A. Kennedy, Lender Processing Services, Inc., Michelle Kersch with Jury Demand filed by Baltimore County Employees Retirement System. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix Index of Exhibits, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit J, # 12 Exhibit K, # 13 Exhibit L, # 14 Exhibit M)(Reise, Jack)

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EXHIBIT I Public Records of st. Johns couhty, FL Clerk # 2010005353, O.R. 3283 PG 1840, 02/04/2010 at 10: 50 AM REC., $1;' 00 SUR. $5.00 J b ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE SPACE FOR REl'ORI)NG ON!. Y r=.s.§(lll~.2(' LOT 38F OF THE COMMONS AT WINGFIELD GLEN UNIT TWO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 52, AT PAGE(S) 71 THROUGH 88, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA. as the same may have been amended from time to time; together with the Note and indcbtcdness secured thcrcby. MORTGAGOR(S): SANDRA A. RODRIGUEZ Print Name: Title: STATE COUNTY OF OF ~0Ðf BEFORE MEi,t,he undersigned, personally appeared Greg Alen Llquenda J\otey as Vice Pride and Vice Prsiden known to me to be the persons that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that foregoing as its duly authorized offcers and that such execution was done as the free act und dccd CONIC this REG nON SYSTEMS INCORPORATED d of .2010. AS NOMINEE FOR EQ M FILE_NUMBER: F09115108 DOC_ID: M001100 *F09115108* *MOOII00* Public Records of st. Johns County, FL Clerk # 2009061328, O.R. 3264 PG 9, 12/02/2009 at 10:53 AM REC. SUR. IN THE CmCUIT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL CmCUI IN AND FOR ST. JOHNS COUNY, FLORIA CIVIL ACTION NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS Sco . ith Florida BarNo. 26139 Justin J. Kelley Florida Bar No. 32106 Ane M. Cruz-Alvarez Florida BarNo. 17140 :: - ~, o FILE_NUMBER: F091151 08 DOCJD: M000105 (,r' .,~- INSTR # 2010000027635, Doc Tye ASG, Pages 1, Recorded 02/02/2010 at 02: 48 PM, Charlie Green, Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court, Reo. Fee $10.00 Deputy Clerk LFAHRNR ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE SPACE FOR RECOROlNG ONLY F.S.§69S.26 FOR VALUE RECEIVEJ), on or before October 24, 2009, the undersigned, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRTION SYSTEMs, INCORPORATED AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE ACCEPTANCE, INC., ("Assignr") whose addrss is asigned, trferr and conveyed to: CITmANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF STRUCTURED ASET MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS II TRUST 2007-AR6, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIS 2007.AR6, ("Assignee") whose addrss is ' its successors and/or assign, all of the right, title, and interest of Asignor in and to that certain Mortgage (the "Mortgage") dated May3l, 2007 and recorded June 04, 2007 in Offcial Records Insent 2007000177530 of the public records of LEE County, Florida, encumbering the following-described rea1'property: UNIT NO. 806, ST. TROPEZ, A CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT NO. 2007000165859, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIA TOGETHER WITH ANY AND ALL AMNDMENTS TO THE DECLATION AND ANY UNIVIDED INTERE IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS OR APPURTENANCE THERETO. as the same may have been amended from time to tie; togeter with the Note and indebtedness secured thereby. MORTGAGOR(S): JOSEPH ROCK A1K1A JOSEPH W. ROCK WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has executed and delivere this Intrument on ¡,. ¿I 2010. Witness ~ M Print Name'lrr/ie Witness Print Name ~L~k :ße )(¡bJ MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED AS NOMINEE FOR INC. ~ AM ~"ORTGAG' AcmANCE, By: Prit Name: ~ ~ Title:'Ýp.JÎIììi Attest: STATE COUNTY OF ~ Print Nam: Title: OF EFORE ME, e d¡:rsigned, personally Jlppeared ãt l9lfj duri T '! 2-. and O'f' as Via fl l,'J _ ~ u Ú VJQ/Y~ c 201~ 7 repectiv ,and known to me be the persons tht executed the foregoing intrument, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing as its duly authoriz offcers and tht such execution was done as the free act and deed of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED AiS NOMINEE FOR AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE ACCEPTANCE, INC. this ~ day of \ 14 ýiu/U.a , -ïta Public: .,, / My commssion expires: l ( r; ( ..( Recrding reues by, prcim by and mum to: Ralph McGrady Florida Defalt Law Group, P.L. P.O. Box 2501S Tam Florida 33622-50 IS F09106857.EMC MORTGAGE. CORPORATION- 8HOUA MOUA NOTAI "l- MlNN5SA t. COMISION EXPIES JA 31,2012 FILE_NUMBER: F09106857 DOC_ID: M001100 *F09106857* *MOOII00* INSTR # 2009000294904, Doc Tye LP / Pages 1/ Recorded 11/03/2009 at 01: 52 PM, Charlie Green/ Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court, Rec. Fee $5.00 Deputy Clerk MPARR \, ~,~ \' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TI TWENTIETH JUICIA CIRCUIT IN AN FOR LEE COUN, FLORIA CMLACTION I I CITIBAN N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR CERTIFICATEHOLDER OF STRUCTURD ASET MORTGAGE INSTMENTS II TRUST 2007-AR6, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTICATES, SERIS 2007-AR6, Plaintiff, I I I I I I SPACE FOR RERDING ONLY F.8§6!l6 vs. 09 - CA - 068260 CASE NO. DMSION Judge: McHugh, Michael T JOSEPH ROCK AIA JOSEPH W. ROCK; THE UNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPH ROCK AIA JOSEPH W. ROCK; ANY AND ALL UNOWN PARTIES CLAIG BY, THROUGH, UNDER, AN AGAIST THE HEREIN NAMED INDIVUAL DEFENDAN(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIV, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIR, DEVISEES, GRAEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; ST. TROPEZ-FORT MYERS CONDOMI ASSOCIATION, INC.; TENANT #1, TENAN #2, TENAN #3, and TENANT #4 the names being fictitious to account for parties in possession Defendant(s). / NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS To the above-named Defendat(s) and all others whom it may concern: You ar notied of the institution of th action by the above-named Plainti against you seekig to foreclose a mortgae recorded on June 4, 2007, in Offcial Intrent # 2007000177530 of the Public Records of LEE County, Florida UN NO. 806, ST. TROPEZ, A CONDOMI, ACCORDING TO TI DECLARTION OF CONDMIN RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT NO. 2007000165859, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUN, FLORIA TOGETIR WIT AN AN ALL AMNDMENTS TO THE DECLARTION AN AN UNDIVED INTEREST IN TI COMMON ELEMENT OR APPURTENANCE TIREJ9. Dated this ~ day of Ò~ ,2009. .. . . Florida Default Law Group, P.L. P.O: Box25018 Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 FILED (813?;66 By: ~ Scott . . ith Florida Bar No. 26139 . NOV O.i2009 BY D.C. CHALIE GREEN. CLERK CIRCUIT/COUNT COUTS Brian Humel Florida Bar No. 46162 Ane M. Cru-Alvarez Florida Bar No. 17140 FILE_NUMBER: F09106857 DOC_ID: M000105 iiiii~i~iiiiiii"i"ii"iiiiiiiiiiii""i~i~ii 1111111I1~11I"1~111I1I"1"1111111"111i JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE ~i~~Ui~ ~OU~~ - ~N~ ~U~i~ ~VUN~X FILE # 3399925 OR BOOK 3135 PAGE 2153, Recorded 10/12/2009 at 03: 58 PM ~~ ~~ ........HL~ Mortgage Electronic Regstration Systems, Inc., actig solely Liña Green LINA GREEN SIGNATURE VERSION i Public Records of St. Johns couni:, l.L l,i.erx: 1I ;'UU~UU/.:OO, v.". .:J.O" ..'" ~O', 02/13/2009 at 04: 16 PM REC. $5.00 SUR. $5.00 \ o .,;-_....-.~.-.... _._-- ."'.. LINDA GREEN SIGNATURE VERSION 2 1111~I111111111111111 '1111111111111111111~I .. . CFN 2009R0228662 OR Bk 26807 Pss 0766 - 767; í2p9S) RECORDED 03/30/2009 10:16:10 HARVEY RUVIN. CLERK OF COURT MIANI -DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Document Prepare By: Ron Meharg, 888362-968 Whn Recrded Reur To: DOO' 1111 Alderman Dr. Sulte350 Alpharetta, GA 300 i AHM i= 29780625 Th space for RccIdts U"" Ony ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the reeipt and suffciency of which is hereby acknowledged, American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc. as successor-in.¡nterest to Option One Mortgage Corporation, whose address is 6501 Irvine Center Drive, Irvne, CA 92618, docs by these presents hereby grt, bargin, seU, asign, trfer, convey, set over and deliver unto Wells Fargo Bak, N.A., liS Trustee for tbe Certcatebolders of Sound view HOUle Loan Trust 2007.0PTl, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2007-0PTI, whose addre.~s is 9062 Old Annapolis Road. Columbia, MD 21045-1951, the following described morte, secur the payment of a certin promissory note(s) for the sum listed below, together with all rights therein and t!lereto, all liens crete or secure thereby, all obligations therein described, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and aU rights accnied or to accrue under sueh mortgage. Original Borrwer(s): MAA ELENA FORUNI, A SINGLE WOMAN Origina Mortgagee: OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION. A CALIFORNIA CORPRATION Date of Mortgage: 0312212007 Loan Amount: $252,450.00 Recording Date: 040/2007 Book: 2SSSI Page: 2423 Document #: 200r0398979 Misc. Comments: ASSIGNMENT EFFECTI: 1 l/17/2008 LOT 3, BLOCK 24, PEDRO ALBERTO SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO TH PLAT THEREOF. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 150, PAGE 81, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIA and rerded in the offcial records of th County of Miami-Dade, State of Florida affecting Real Propert and more partcularly described on said Morgage referrd to herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has cased these presents to be executed on this date of 03/2/2009, ~¿z s;..~ American Home Mortgage Servicing. Inc. as to Option One Mortage Corporation Witness: Dawn Willams Linda Jiud ~ Green Vice Presideut Wjtnes~~ ~tltL~ T nna Thomas Ast. Vice Preident LINDA GREEN SIGNATURE VERSION O~n~~aQn7/D~nó 7aa ,.i:r.I-H~nnon~~Qaa~ o~,.o 1 ~f ') 3 III1III1III111111I1111 èFN 20090134004 OR BK 23190 PG 1SS1 Doent Pi By: RECORED 84/22/28 i3~4g:34 RoD Meharg lI2-9fí8 When Re Retrn To: Pal. s.acJ County, Florida Sbaron R. Bock, CLRK & COILLER ~ Pgs 1581 - 1582; (2pgs) ln~erman Dr. suík~ =GA3OO05 AB~1 3l92Z7 I CRet#0¿~9-PRe:A03t"POF o.te:~t BateIi ID-..48 Prpe Ad~~ 100 LAK ~.;:, BOYNON BEÁÇi,.. 33435 FL-c,Ø oim'" (c)2lby DOLL . II \.~;:~;" ASGNMNT OF MORTGAGE FOR GOOD AND V "~LE CONSIERATION, the reeipt and suffciency ofwhicb is hereby acowleged, Amerln Hlì)'~~ Sen-Icing, 1Dc. u succor-In-interest to Option One Mortgage Corporatio?, whos ~dr iH$~~lie Ceile Drive ~nie, CA 'l618, doe by these prts herby grt, baram se, asign, tr~'~Ý.Y, so ov an deliver un Detshe Bali National Tnst Compiii, 85 trte for GSAMìlA\I 200PT. Mort Pa..Throup CeJlite, Seri 20 -OPT. whose addr is 1761 Ea SttXiiiJrew Pla SaDta Aoa, CA 'l70593 ti followig decrbed mortag. secung th paent of a ~missry oote(s) for th Sl lised below, togeter witl all right therin an thereto, alllieis cr or Mear~ threby, all oblgation therin describe. the money due and to bemc du thern with int an all (ií#. aced or to ace uner such mort. Onglna Borweis): CATHRINE E.iGf.ER, A SINGLE WOMA Origina Morgag OmON ONE M~t.~GE CORPRATION. A CALIFORNA CORRATION v '.,,~:.:) Dat of Mort: 0l1Z ..",A Lo Amount: 5410,00.00 Recordin Date: 10/011004 Bok: 1758 Page; 0259 Docuent #: 2004055928 Le Desçnptlon: UNI G-3 VIA LAGQ, ACCRDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 39, AT PAGE 135, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAL BEACH COUN, FLORIDA. PARCEL ID NO. 08-3-5-15-14-03 Misc. Comments: Aument Effective As Of:: 111SI200 and recorded in the offcløl records of the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida afecting Real Propert and more panicularly desribe on said Mortgage referred to herin. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the underigned ha called these prents to be execute on this date of ~-5 /~¿ 0401009. Ameriea Home Mortage Sen-ic:g, IDc. as s_essor-Io-Interet to Op A e Mortgge Corpratin h- #1 -- :0.;; Willims Wiin: Chritia Hua l Linda 0 Vice President ~~.,ci-~ Tyan a Dmas Asst. Viee Prdent LINDA GREEN SIGNATURE VERSION Book23190/Page 1581 4 Page 1 of 2 .i.un.l1.' i....l. t:r\L, ....., ..""....""\. V..- ....ol .....10"_.._.. .........,. _....__ FILE # 3284852 OR BOOK 3038 PAGE 529, Recorded 12/02/2008 at 01: 46 PM .._.. Document I'repared By: Ron Mebarg, 888-362.9638 When Recorded Return To: DOCX 1111 Alderman Dr. Suite 350 AI barett, GA 30005 This Spa fur Recorets Use Only "_.. NC. LINA GREEN SIGNATURE VERSIONS INSTR # 200921596, Book 1634 Page 958 Doc Tye ASG, Pages 2, Recorded 08/11/2009 at 02:30 PM, John'A Crawford, Nassau County Clerk of Circuit Court, Rec. Fee S18.50 Document Prpa By: Ron Mebarg, 888-i.9638 When Recorded Ret To: DOX 1111 Adennan Dr. Snlte350 AIpharerta., GA 30005 I AHA CK 61397660 CRef:OSI0911009-PRem:A033-POF Date:07I2Prlnt Batb JD:6672 MIN #: UlOI76Ul6070602231 MERS Telephone #: 888'679-677 Prope Addrs: 2720 SAND HILL ROAD YULEE, FL 32097 fLi-R.O OLL0L2 Copgh/c):lbyOOLLC ilW~lrllmlillallllBI FOR This Spa rii Rordes Use Onlf I~I~ ASSIGNMNT OF MORTGAGE GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, th reipt and sucienc of which is herby acknowedged. U.s. Bank. N.A By America Home Mortge Servcing Inc, as Attorney-in-Fact, whoe addre is taO El Firn Stret, St. Paul, MN 55101, doc by thes preents hereby grt, baain, sell, assign, Cltigriip GlolnI Market Realty, whos addre Is 390 Grenwich Street, New York NY lOOt3, the following desbe mor seng th pament ofa certn '.trar, convey, se over and deliver unto proisoi Ils) for the sum list be.togeIhr wi all ngJ thn and ther, all liens crete or sere therby, all obligaon therein desbe the money due and to beome due theron with intest, and all rights acnied or to acc uner such mortage. Original Bomii(s): DONALD M. NOBLE, UNMARRIED Original MOl1gagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR ACCREDITED HOME LENDERS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Date ofMorige: 08/09126 Lo Amount: SJ6ú0.oO Recording Date: 091OlI006 Book: 0144 Page: 0442-62 Document #: 20064726 , Mis Comments ASIGNMENT EFFECTVE DATE 7111100 SEE A TIACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION th Connty of Nassau. State of Florida affecting Real Propert and more and reorded in the offcial reords of particularly desõe on said Mortge refer to lireln. ~!~ ::æms UA__~/ IN WITN WHEREOF. th undersign bas caused th presents to be excued on this date 0810311009. ~ U.s Bank. N.A., By American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc, UndaGreen Vice Preident .. Witness: Christina Huang StaofGA County of of Tyw'iThomas .. Ast. Vi~ Preident ~ - Fulton LIA GifÈEi~rSiGNTI VEON' eFN # 107852826, OR BK 45313 Page 1081, Page 1 of 1, Recorded 04/25/2008 at 12:50 PM, Broward County Coimission, Deputy Clerk 3075 . ....- J. CRef#:08I28IZ007.PRef#:AOi9-POF Dale:06129IZ007.Prit Blitch ID:1337 Prper Address: 600 THE ISLANDS BOULEVARD, #302B HALANALE BEACH, FL 33009 Thi." Spa for Rccrde(i: USC Ony ASSIGNMNT OF MORTGAGE FOR GOOD AN VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and suffciency of which is hereby acknowledge. Seattle Mortage Compan)'. whose addre is 190 Queen Anne Ave. North, Suire 100, Seatte. 'VA 98109. does by Ihese presenlS hereby grat, bargain, seJl.iiiga. trnsfer, convey. set over and deliver unto Bank of Amerca, N.A., whose address is 190 Queen Anne Ave. Nort, Suite 400, Seatte, WA 98109. the follong described mortge. secu we payment ofa certin promissory note(s) for the sum listed below, togeter with all rjghlS therein and thereto. all liens crted or sCClId thereby, all obligations werei described. we money due and to become due thereon with interest. and aU rights acced or to accrue under such mortage. Original Borrower(s): JEROME SCHFFER, AN ROSALIN SCHAEFFER, HIS WIFE Orginal Mortgagee: AMERICAN RESE MORTGAGE Date ofMongage: 10/1012005 Loa Amount; $4,000.00 Recording Date: 11/0312005 Book: 40819 Page: 902 Document #: 105492439 aod rerded in the offcial rerds of the County ofBrowartl Stnte of Florida affecting Real Propert and more particularly described on said Mortgage referrd to herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the undersigned has caiised these presents to be executed on this date of S"'U-L~ 04101/2008, Wi!~J~ I4 ~ Linda Green Vice President Witness: Korell Harp StaleofGA Count of Fulton On this date of 0410112008, befor me, the underigned authority. u Notary Publrc duly commssioned, qualified and acting within and for the afomnenlioned Slate aod County. personally appeared the within named Linda Gre and Jesca Ohde. known to me (or identified to me on th basis of satisfactor evidence) that they ar the Vice Presdent and Vice President respectively of Seatle Mortgage Company, and wee duly auworized in weir respctve capacities to execute the foregoing instrment for and in the name and in behn1f of said corporation and that said corpration execte the same, and furter stted and acknowledged that they had so signed. executed and delivered said inslnllnent for the consideration. uses and purposes therein mentioned iind sei forth, Witness my b d and offcial seii on the date hereinabove set forth. .~. .~ i .'~.~_.';~~\ TinA Detwiler NOT AAY PUBLIC ;. \ô '~~~~M:~~r.jJMy ~~~U;î'.~ -_... Fulton County State of Georgia Commi"ion Explrn MarCh 12. 2011 f'oti-R2.D ni~l~2.-.iOO7 Copght ee) JOOTby DOCX LtC' LINDA GREEN SIGNATURE VERSION 7 Doc. No. . A 804965 - ORACE OF THE COUNT RECORDER SCOTT COUNT, MINNESOTA Ce Rie andlor Recrded on 07-24-2008 at 11 :00 Recipt: 720005 Pat Boeckn, Count Recrder 01 Fee: $46.00 Spa Aboe ro. Recrder', U.. This Insirment dred by: CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTON OF MORTGAGE ~~ ~~ehrg PH#: 888-362-9638 IWELLS~ 0028620581 Ul1 Alerman Drive CRcf:08/0712008-PRefR089-POF Suite #350 Date:07l0812008-Print Batch ID:5S489 Alpharett, GA 3005 Prpert Addres:2207 FOOmILL TRAIL S. Recrding Reqd By; SHAKOPEE, MN 55379 Wells Fargo RUnk, N.A MNCQR2,O 071082008 COp)TÌghi (0) 200 by ÐO u. Whn Recorded Reium To: DOC 'A un Aldern Drie Suie3SO AI hlre I Linda Gree the Vice Preidet, in behalf of "'--- the Assign, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. succesor by merger to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. whose address is 2701 WELLS FARGO WAY. X91-LtR, MINNEAPLIS, MN 55467, certy that the aforeentioned is the holder, ,owner or successor of the mortagee's interest, and fur certifY that the note or other indebtedness secured by the Mortga described below, has been fully pad and sated. We reques tht this Certificate ofSaiisfaction be rerded and the below referenced security insment be reord. canled of Original Mortgor(s): CRAG A. JOHNSON AK CRAG ALN JOHNSON AND DENISE KAY JOHNSON, FK DENISE KAY RIEF, HUSBAN AND WIFE Original Mor: WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. Mortgage: 0711712003 Loa Amount: S162,600.00 Dae of Recording Date: 08/011003 Documell #: A 616325 and recrded in the offcial rerd ofthc Couaty of Sco State of Minnesta affecting Rea Propert and more paricularly described on said Mortgage refed to herein. 07/1612008. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. succesor by merger to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. IN WITNESS WHEOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be exed on this date of gdq,d~\ Linda Green Vice Preident StaeofGA County of Fulton 612008, before me, the undersgned auhority, a Notar Public duly commissioned qualified and acting wiin æid. for me aforementioned State and County. peonaUy appeared the within named Unda Green, Wells known to me (or identified to me on the basis of satisfactory evdence) that he or she is the Vice Prident of Fargo Bank, N.A. succeor by merger to Wells Fargo Home Mortage, Inc:. and was duly authorized in his or her On this date of 07/1 respective cait to exute thc foreoing instrment for and in the name and in bef of sad corporation and that said cororation exected the sae, and fuhe st and acknowledged that they had so sign executed and ~ delivered said iiiment for the consideration, us and purses therein mentioned and set forth. Witness my hand and offcial seal on the date hereinabove set forth. Nota Public: Nchlmunya Hamwanz My Commission Expires: 09/040ii Linda Green Signature Version 8 11I1I111111111111111I1 Docuen Prepsd By: FLMRSD3-S CFN 20070051814 OR BK 21364 PG 1695 04QS/Il RECORDED 02/0112e7 C!:52:41 RONALD E. MEARG When reor ret 10: Pab Bech County, Florida DOCX, LLC Sharn R. Bock, CLRK i. coP'! Pg 1695; tlpg) iiii~RM DR., SUTE 350 ALP A, GA 30005 77fl Prectil MI #: 'l1Illfì806120001996 VRU TelYflf79.ME Rerece#:lJ7132 1\111~ 433713Z* IIIIII~U *708-0' Seconda Re~ernce t~:aioi (ROO) PINrrax 10 #. '_;-7 Pry Addres: ~"" 67173RDST W. JUPITER, FL 33458 'f . M ítGE RELEASE, SATISFACTON, AN DISCHAGE IN CONSIDERATION'I' -*"yment and fu saûstàtiOl of all ìndednæi secud by ihat cerain Mortga descrbe below, lhe tmdonigne Mortpg ~øic Regtration System, IDe. whose addrs is 2701 WELLS FARGO WA V, sad the present leg owner of indebdies and theeby enitled and MAC X991-026, MIAPOi.;i~ 55467, being aul\rized to reve said paent, d~lease, satsf, and dischare mid Mortga in fun and does hereby oonsntthat the same be caceled and dischared ofrecit-. ':.;.. ¿:S Borreis): GEORGINA P MI~~\J UNMAD WOMAN Origina Mortgae: GROUP ONE GAGE, INC. Lo Amoun: 570,0.00 rc:J: DateofMoitge: 31241006 Commens: fÍ"" Date Recoded 3/311006 Book: :zoni Pag: 1284 lnsent Numbe: 20060189600 '-'-,::-.. and rerde in th offia reords of Palm Beach ~~siateofFlOrlda and iictng Real Prpert and more paicularly deæn1i on said Móiga m\d to hein. ~~(!' IN WIT WHEREOF, theuneisgn has.~these presen ..~í~, 1.$'".QAr;o.,dp '\ Jg'ò ..., ,ti1CJt:0"" WH :. ~~ -,':5:1 t~\ "'l~'" ~'-"ì \~~:-~~'.~fh~~~ ~.1 ....,....:~....~ to be llecUldon lIis iI of011212007. --Æ;CSY~"C' i£'~~ GREEN LINDA VICE PREIDENT ëALEË A STAN ARV StateofGA Coim ofFUL TON On lIis date ofOll2l2007, before me, lIe unisgned autrity, a Notal) Publi dul commissone quified and acting within and for lIe afremented State and Coun, pesonaDy appere thcwithin named LINDA GREEN and JESSICA LETE, known to me (or identied to me on the bais ofsitisfaol) evidence) tha lIey ar the VICE PRIDENT and ASSISTAN SECREARY repectvely of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGlSlRATION SVSlEM8, INC. ("MERS"), and wer duly authori:z hi ther repetie capaes to execUl the foreing inen for and in the name an on behalfofsa oorpraOl and thai said corpratin executed lIe same, and furter statd and acnm-edgid tht they had so signed, executd and deliered said inent for the cosideraion, use and pures thren mented and lit forth. Wi my h d an oflial sea on th date hereinabve set forth. PAUL MANN Noiary Public - Georgia Fullon County My Comm. Expits May 25, 2010 L1ndà Green' Sigñ-ätLire' Version Nine , 1IIIIBl 1I/IUmU' IJIIBII ß JJ 'HI n 1/11 Doceit Pr By RONALD E. MEHAG FlSDJ.S CFN 20070057424 OR BK 21378 FG 1136 04a8lOS RECORDED 02/05/2007 12:51:25 Palm Beach County, Florida SbaroQ R. Bock, CLERK & COKPTROLLER When reorii RI to: DOCK,UC 11~1 ERM DR., SUTE3S0 AL :A GA 30005 Pg 11361 (lpg) 7' 13 ProjecÆ508MERS MI #Ç~~ij625007486 VRU't OOI679.MERS iiii~."iiiiiii *708- 5527394* Seonda Refe r~., ¡ 0210 (R04S) PlNlfaxJD#: ~;¿K Pro Adds: ..:;; 790CHAM~NT LA WORTH, FL 3347 .MrGAGE REE, SATISFACTON, seCUd by tha eciain IN CONSIDERATION. nt and fun sitàtian of all indebdness AN DISCHAGE Mogae deaibe below, th IDdcigned Mortga nie Regtraton Sysem, Inc. whose addrs is 2701 WE FARGO WAY, MACX9901-Ð2ó, M1 MN 5547, bein the preset leg Morga in ful and doe herby authored to reeive said pacm, ~Ix release, satsf, an discha saidowerofsaidindebdns an theby const tha aud the eititled sae be caceled and dischared of rec!ì;'.i) \) Bowers): ERWI BLOOM ~Al BLOOM, HUSBAN AN WIFE .Orgina Migae: MORTGGE ~ONIC REGrSlRATIONSYSlEM INC., AS NOMl FOR GL FIANCIA SEVICES L.LC., ígTE LIABILIlY CORPRATION LonAmou: '140,00.00 ~ ,"_' DaeofM01ge: 101151%004 Reod: 10/21/2004 Commcms: Bok: 17~ Pag: 0819 Iicut Ntbe: 20040599404 (,/:~ Dae and re in the offcia recor of Palm Bech ~w, Sle deær on llid Morga reered to herlL Y:.Ç!~ of Florida and afei:ng Re Prrt and mo paricuarly IN WIs WHOF, theimergned~_dthse prto be executed on ~l!~ 01129/2007. MORTGAGE ELECTONIC REGISTTION SYSTEMS, INC. this da of ..... ~\CREGIS~ -:~\\"..........~N l(j....~pofl,~ i'YttJSEAL""". ÑDAGN VICE PRESIDENT liif ~tii l)l '90~ ¡fI" ~~f..;~~¡ .."' '" 'ò"'/ ...... StateofGA JE~ikñ: 1. 0 . L ASSSl AN SECTARY Coiy ofFVL TO On ths date of 01121207, be me, t1e mideigned autorty, a Not ~bl¡c duy comon qufied and acting wihin and fortl aftioned Siatean Coty, pell appred thewitl namdLlA GREEN and JESSICA LEETE, known to me (or ideed to me on the bais of smisoi ovideie) that they ar tl VICE PRIDENT andASSISl AN SECRETARY revely of MORTGGE ELECTONIC REGISlRAt'ION SY&rEM INC. t'MERS"), and wer du autormd in thei repetive capaites to execut th fooing iieu for an in tle nae and on behalf of said ooipan and tlt said cotion exead the sa, an fier slatd and acknedged tlt they had so signed executd and "' . delivii said. cut for?:e cosi ion us and pures thren mented and set Witi hand and of . on the dae hernave set forh, forh. ~.!~. VERONICA TURNE~ ri.;,..,.,~ Nolê'Y Pubfic Geoa :Sf 10';"?:''' is Fullon. Conty-31 2010 ~\ "/JB~\",Χ Mycom, Expues Aug, , ~.S:ëP) Linda Green Signature Version Ten INSTR # 2009000207894, Doo Tye ASG, Pages 2, Reoorded 07/30/2009 at 02:27 PM, Charlie Green, Lee County Clerk of Cirouit Court, Reo. Fee $18.50 Deputy Clerk LAROSIO Document Prepared By: Ron Meharg, 888-362-9638 When Recorded Return To: DOCX iin Alderman Dr. Suite 350 Alpharetta, GA 30005 I AHMA ~l 60300590 CRef#:08/08/2009-PRef#:A032.POF Date:07/2712009-Print Batch 1D:6603 Propert Address: 13151 KINGS POINT DR #12 FT. MYERS, FL 33919 FLaosi-eR2.0 011071200 Copyright (e) 200 by DOX LLC This Space for Recrder's Use Only 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE which is hereby acknowledged, American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc'b whose address is 6501 Irvine Center Drive, FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and suffciency of Irvine, CA 92618, does by these presents hereby grat, barga, sell, assign, trsfer, convey, set over and deliver unto Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, whose address is 333 W. Wacker Dr, Chicago,lL 60606, the following described mortgage, securing the payment of a eertin promissory note( s) for the sum listed below, together with all rights therein and thereto, all liens created or secured thereby, all obligations therein described, the money due and to become due theron with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under such mortgage. Original Borrower(s): YUDELIS OLMO, A MARRED WOMAN ALBERTO OLMO, HER HUSBAND Original Mortgagee: HOMEBANC MORTGAGE CORPORATION Date of Mortgage: 05/03/2007 Loan Amount: $109,900.00 Recording Date: 05/0812007 Book: NIA Page: NIA Doeument#: 2007000148489 Misc. Comments: ASSIGNMENT EFFECTIVE DATE 9/9/9999 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CONDOMINIUM PARCEL: UNIT NO. A.i:, OF FIRST KINGS POINT, A CONDOMINIUM DESCRIBED IN THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN OFFICIA RECORDS BOOK 231, PAGE 571, TOGETHER WITH SUCH ADDITIONS AND AMENDENTS TO SAID DECLATION AND CONDOMINIUM PLAT AS FROM TIME TO TIME MAY BE MADE AND TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST OR SHARE IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS APPURTENANT THERETO. ALL AS RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. and recorded in the offcial records of the County of Lee, State ofFlorida affectng Real Propert and more paricularly described on said Mortgage referred to herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on this date of 07/281009. ~ Witness: Dawn illams -= .. - T~an~as Asst. Vice President INSTR # 2009000207894 Page Numer: 2 of 2 StateofGA County of Fulton On this date of 0712812009, before me, the undersigned authority, a Notar Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting within and for the aforementioned State and County, personally appeared the within named Korell Harp and Tyanna Thomas, known to me (or identified to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) that they are the VÌI:e President and Asst. Vice President respectively of American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc. ere duly authorized in their repective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the e a d in behalf of said corporation and that said corporation executed the same, an rter stated and ac owl ged that they had so signed, executed and delivered said instrument for the co i ration, uses es rein mentioned and set forth. tness my, and an 0 icia! se on the date hereinabove set fort. Brittny Sno NOTARY PUBLIC Fulton County State of Georgia My Commission Expires May 21, 2011 173 678981450 ;;;1-;t; ... -00271200 02:46 PM "l CReff:05l1Sl009-PRef#:R056-POF Date:03lJlIOO-Prul Batch ID:17623 .. :11111111 MORTGAGE ULEASE,SATIACTÖN,AN lJlSCÎlGE IN CONSIDER nON oftbe päent and ful satifaion of al inebtess securd by that certin Mortag decribè below, the unersiged, Bank of AmerieaN.A., whose addres is 4161 rerd. . Piedmont Pkw, GrensbOro, NC, 2741lJ8110, being the present iega owner of said indebteness and therby entitled and alionz to recive said Pàyren doe hereby releae, sasfY. and discha said Mortage in full an do hereby consent that the sae be cacel~ an ~ischatged of Ongin Borrwe(s): NEIL SULLIVAN AN AN A.. BLEDSOE, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TENAN BY TH ENTIRTY Origin Mortee: BAN OF AMERICA, N.i. Date of Mortgage: 10l1012QaJ Lo Amount: S187,800.00 Recrding Date: 1012003 Book: 33115 Page: 021 Docment #: 377 the Couaty orSufTolk, Stae ofMliaebusett affecting Real and recoded in the offcial rerds of Propert and more parcularly described on said Mortage referred to hélein. IN WITNE WHREOF, the undersigned ba caused these presents to be executed on this da of 04/1712009. Bank of A.merica. N'A.. tL , ~~ Linda Gren . ,-. Vice President Ë 8 .~ ~ ;: .. øQ ,. StaofGA County of Fulton On this da of 04/1712009, before me the widersigned autority, pesonally appeared Linda .... I: Gre, peonaly known to me to be the person whose name is subscnbed as the Vice Presdent of il !:" ,2 Bank or America, N.A.. a.corporation, on the witin instent who, being duly afed, . ..-ten;¡ 1l '0 - i: ~ ~ ei Go ~ acknowleded to me that he/she, beig autorized to do so, in the capacity therein sta. executed the within intren for and Oil behalf tg l ~ õ~ i; go ó::=i!it of the corpration, as It fr and volun ac and ded, for the consideraon, uses and purses therein contained. Wi1ess my hand and offcial sel on the dae hereinabove set forth. (l (~li ~ Notar Public: Alicia V. Wims . My Commission ..'t.. IO I' Fu~ Expire: 0410712011 "'of~ .7,.iz My Qllllllon.. LINDA GREEN JOB TITLES Document Prepared By: .,- Ronald E Meharg PH#: 888-362-9638 Recordin Requested By: Bânk of America, N.i. r-- 1 EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 3284853 OR BOOK 3038 PAGE 531, Recorded 12/02/2008 at 01: 46 PM Document Prepared By: Ron Meharg, 888.362-9638 When Recorded Return To: DOCX 1111 Alderman Dr. Suite 350 Al harett, GA 30005 Ths Spa fQr Redei. Use Only American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc. as successor. to Option One Mortgage Corporation in-interest OR BOOK 3038 PAGE 532 Notar ...":;'~ ~..:~........,I;"". ~#~~~' 'ii~ ¿Hi... "';~ "'~r. \~l' ~èö~:o9 ""..""",,,,,\" AlicIa V. Wlllla NOTARY PUBLIC Fulton County State of Georgia My Commission Expires April 7, 2012 FLai-eR2,O 0811912008 Copyright (c) 2008 by OOCX LLC INSTR # 2008000220909, 000 Tye ASG, Pages 2, Reoorded 08/18/2008 at 12:26 PM, Charlie Green, Lee County Clerk of Cirouit Court, Reo. Fee $18.50 Deputy Clerk LAROSIO 0031106321 CRef#:08120/2008-PRef#:A030-POF Date:08/0812008-Print Batch ID:1711 Propert Address: 3909 32ND STREET SW LEHIGH ACRES, FL 33971 This Space for Recordets Use Only ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and suffciency of which is hereby acknowledged, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICAN BROKERS CONDUIT, whose address is 6501 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618, does by these presents hereby grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, convey, set over and deliver unto BOGUS ASSIGNEE FOR INTERVENING ASMTS, whose address is XXXXXXXXXXXx, the following described mortgage, securing the payment ofa certain promissory note(s) for the sum listed below, together created or secured thereby, all obligations therein described, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under such mortgage, Original Borrower(s): MANUEL GONZALEZ, A MARRIED PERSON Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICAN BROKERS CONDUIT with all nghts therein and thereto, all liens Date of Mortgage: 0412712006 Loan Amount: $192,000.00 Recording Date: 0412712006 Book: NIA Page: NIA Document #: 2006000190351 Misc. Comments: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 7, BLOCK 30, UNIT 2, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, LEHIGH ACRES, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK IS, PAGE(S) 96, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, and recorded in the offcial records of County of Lee, State of Florida affecting Real Property and more the particularly described on said Mortgage referrd to herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on this date of 08/1112008. .~ MORTAGE ELECTRONIC REISTRATION SYSTEMS. INC. ~ ASNOMm FO;:::CONDUl Witness:_ 11~~ ~A~~ Witness: _l?et.u ,1fHM INSTR # 2008000220909 Page Numer: 2 of 2 State ofGA County of Fulton On this date of 08/1112008, before me, the undersigned authority, a Nota Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting within and for the aforementioned State and County, personally appeared the within named Linda Green and Jessica Obde, known to me (or identified to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) that they are the Vice President and Asst. Secretary respectively MORTGAGE of ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICAN BROKERS CONDUIT, and were duly authorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the name and in behalf of said corporation and that said corporation executed the same, and further stated and acknowledged that they had so signed, executed and delivered said instrument for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth, Witness my hand and offcial seal on the date hereinabove set forth. ~. Notar Public: ~'\\~ŠIM~'''" .,~~....,...o~.. Ells Simmons NOTARY PUBLIC Fulton County ~¡t~;~ """'I~~i~~\\" State of Georgia My Commission Expires April 7, 2012 FLasi~R2.0 08121007 Copyrght (e) 2007 by DOCX LLC INSTR # 2007000379105, Doc Tye ASG, Pages 1, Reoorded 12/28/2007 at 03: 22 PM, Charlie Green, Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court, Rec. Fee $10.00 Deputy Clerk ELAYDEN ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE SPACE FOR RECORDINQ ONLY P.5.§69S.26 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, on or before September 24, 2007, the undersigned, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, AS NOMINEE FOR INDYMAC BANK, FSB, ("Assignor") assigned, transferred and conveyed to: DEUTSCIl BAN NATIONAL TRUST, ("Assignee") whose address is 460 Sierr Madre Vila Ave, Suite 101, Mail Stop HS 01-04, Pasadena, CA 91107, its successors and/or assign, all of the right, title, and interest of Assignor in and to that certin Mortgage (the "Mortgage") dated August 29, 2006 and recorded September 15, 2006 in Official Records Book 2006 at Page 000359109 of the public records ofLEE County, Florida, encumbering the following-described real propert: LOT 4, BLOCK 20, COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, SECTION 34, TOWNSIIP 44 SOUTH, RAGE 27 EAST, LElHGH ACRES, AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK is, PAGE 104 TO 106, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. as the same may have been amended from time to time; together with the Note and indebtedness secured thereby. MORTGAGOR(S): KEITH FERGUSON, OLGA GARAND, and MALINDA FERGUSON Lj tJ.tmiiu- WIIEREOF, Assiguor has executed and delivered this Instrment on IN WITNESS c2 ttli ,2007. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence o~ øbJ: 0: Witness U ~ O~AA' 1/ '''.':: ~~~ Attest: Typed NameIU (l 0 I" IT" m~=i'f Typed Typed Name: :Jash ! i êl La d -L Name Typed Namc:~Orl.ko Lao t Title: Op (Affx Corporate Seal) STATEOF ~ COUNY OF Jõilz and 7òfJCll: fEU( as UP BEFORE ME, the undersigned, personally appeared go 56 (, ø. Lade. of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, AS NOMINEE FOR INYMAC _a d ~ respectively, BANK, FSB known to me to be the persons that executed the foregoing instrment, and acknowledged that they executed the ing as its duly authorized offcers and tht such execution was done as the free act and deed of MORT ONIC REG.ITRATION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, AS NOMINEE FOR IN C BANK, F B this tt day of =lhütr14 /J 4.(/ ,2007. JAMES C. MORRIS ,,0 i.".RY PuBliC. M!NNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2009 Recording requested by, prepared by and retu to: Florida Default Law Group, P.L. FILEßUMBER: F07040134 DOC_ID: M001100 *F07040134* *MOOI100* INSTR # 2007000323076, Doc Tye LP, Pages 1, Recorded 10/25/2007 at 01: 22 PM, Charlie Green, Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court, Deputy Clerk DLESLIE ~~ ,\ \: .mrr: 1.;-~~. (": ;)";'::j..l IN THE CIRCUI COURT OF TH TWNTTH JUICIA CICU IN AN FOR LEE COUNTY, FLRIA CIV ACTION ii 20U70CT25 "'!/I"'2 íì¡. J i" i. I I 8V DEUTSCHE BAN NATIONAL TRUST, Plainti, I . "-------. ¡,;., 07,,CA-013453 Judge: Sleinbeck, Margarei 0 vs. CASE G ONLY F.s,§6!l.Z NO. DIVION KEITH FERGUSON; OLGA GARAN; THE UNOWN SPOUSE OF OLGA GARAN; MAINA FERGUSON; AN.A AL UNOWN PARTIS CLAIMING BY, THRÒUGH, UNER, AN AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIV, WHTHER SAI UNKNOWN P ARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRATEES, OR OTHR CLAIANTS; COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES ASSOCIATION OF LEHIGH ACRES, INC; TENANT #1, TENANT #2, TENANT #3, and TENANT #4 the. names being fictitious to account for parties in possession Defendant(s). NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS To the above-named Defendat(s) and al others whom it may concern: You are notied of the institution of this action by the above-named PlaititI againt you seekig to foreclose a mortage recorded in Offcial Recrds Inent #2006000359109, OD the followig propert in LEE County, Florida: LOT 4, BLOCK 20, COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, SECTION 34, TOWNSHI 44 SOUT, RAGE 27 EAST, LEIDGH ACRES, AS PER PLAT THREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, PAGE 104 TO 106, OF TIE PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUN, FLORIA. Datd ~ day of t?--007. Florida Default Law P.O. Box 25018 Tampa, Florida (813) 251-47 By: FIDINDYMAC-eONV-R-ejayska HOLlA flNTL FLORIDA BA NO. FILE_NUMBER: F07040134 DOC_ID: M000105 i~"iiiiiiiiii"~iii"i~iiiiii"iiiiiii,,~iiiii,,ii i"iiii~iiiiiiiii""i"ii""ii""iiii"ii 0847631 INSTR # 2007000379431, Doo Tye ASG, Pages 1, Recorded 12/28/2007 at 04: 22 PM, Charlie Green, Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court, Rec. Fee $10.00 Deputy Clerk BPERRY ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE SPACE FOR RECORDING ONLY F.S.§695.26 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, on or before October 23, 2007, the undersigned, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, AS NOMINEE FOR INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B., ("Assignor") asigned, tranferred and conveyed to: DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST, ("Assignee") whose address is 460 Sierra Mae Vila Ave, Suite 101, Mail Stop HS 01-04, Pasadena, CA 91107, its successors and/or assign, all of the right, title, and interest of Assignor in and to that certin Mortgage (the "Mortgage") dated July 28, 2006 and rccorded August 02, 2006 in Offcial Instent #2006000304065 of the public records of LEE County, Florida, encumbering the following-described real propert: LOTS 18 & 19, BLOCK 1425, UNIT 16, CAPE CORAL SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGES 77 TO 88, INCLUSIVE, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. as the same may have been amended from time to time; together with the Note and indebtedness secured thereby, MORTGAGOR(S): MARGOT A. THOMAS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has executed and delivered this Instrent on , ~ - le ,2007. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INCORPORA :.S NOMINEE FOR INDYMAC BANK, F.S. . By: Witness Typed Name ~ ~~ STATE COUNTY (Affx Corporate Seal) OF OF and .:~I!C ~,Q ¿w as \) e BEFORE ME, the undersigned, personally appeared Laura Hescoll of MORTGAGE and '\ . respectively, ELECTRONIC REGIST TlON SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, AS NOMINEE FOR INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B. known to me to be the persons that executed the foregoing instrent, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing as its duly authorized offcers and that such execution was done as the free act and deed of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REfQSTRATION Sl2EMS, INCORPORATED, AS NOMINEE FOR INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B. this day of r¿( ,2007. i;taryPUbÎic: ~4' .. My commission expires: //íj,p ~ SHOUA MOUA NOTARY pusue. MINNESOA MY COMMISSION EXP1Rf:S JA. 31, 2012 Recording requested by, prepard by and retu to: Florida Default Law Group, P,L. P.O, Box 25018 FILE_NUMBER: F07049498 DOC_ID: M001100 *F07049498* *MOOII00* INSTR # 2007000337350, Doc Tye LP, Pages 1, Recorded 11/09/2007 at 01: 57 PM, Charlie Green, Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court, Deputy Clerk DLESLIE CD . 6'í: ,(f' , \ .00 j, IN TH CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTTH I JUICIA CIRCUI IN AN FOR LEE COUN, FLRIA I CIV ACTION I I DEUTSCH BANK NATIONAL TRUST, I Plaintif, I I vs. CASE 07 -CA-014636 NO. E FOR RERDING ONLY F.5.§69526 Judge: Steinbeck, Margaret a DMSION MAGOT A. THOMAS; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MARGOT A. THOMA; MICHELLE L. HASHM; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MICHELLE L. HAHMAN; ANY AN ALL UNOWN PARTIES CLAIING BY, THOUGH, UNER, AN AGAIST THE HEREIN NAMED INIVUAL KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIV, WHTHER SAI UNKNOWN DEFENDANT(S) WHO AR NOT PARTIES MAY CLAI AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIR, DEVIEES, GRATEES, OR OTHER CLAIMATS; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRTION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, AS NOMINEE FOR CITIMORTGAGE, INC.; TENANT #1, TENANT #2, TENANT #3, and TENANT #4 the names being fictitious to account for parties in possession Defeodant(s), NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS To the above-named Defendant(s) and all others whom it may concern: You are notified of the institution of ths action by the above-naed Plaiti against you seekig to foreclose a mortgae recorded in Offcial Instrent #2006000304065 on the following propert in LEE County, Florida: LOTS 18 & 19, BLOCK 1425, UN 16, CAPE CORAL SUBDMSION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGES 77 TO 88, INCLUSIV, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNT, FLORIA. Dated ths 1.. day of tJ ø'lt.i, ,2007. Florida Default Law Group, P.L. P.O. Box 25018 Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 FILED NOV - 9 2001 Cl K Circit Clrlie ~óunt;~ Florida cort D.C. (813) 251-4766 BY:,~ E.Tyler Samsing FLORIA BAR NO. 0028380 Andrea D. Pidala FLORIA BAR NO. 0022848 FIDINDYMÇ.£ R-ejayka - FILE_NUMBER: F07049498 DOC_ID: M000105 1IIIIIIl~~ 1~111I1111111111I1111111~1111111I1111111I IIIIII~II~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIII ~. AUTORIATION TO CANCEL TIm UNDERIGNED, OPTION ONE MORTGAGE COlUORATION, A CALIFORN CORPRATION, whose addres is 6501 lrviie Center Drive, Irviiie, CA 92618, being the owner and holder of presnt legal Trut described below, in acknowledgment the indebtedness seurd by that certn Deed of of payment in full of all sums described in and secured by said Deed of Tru does herey auori and request the Chancery Clerk of said County to enter satisfaction of and cacellation of recordof said Deed of Trut Original Borrower(s): CIlSTOPHER S BOnO AN TRACI L BOBO HUSBAN AND WIFE Original Trustee: LEM ADAMS il i ;_ Original MOrtgagee: Option On~ Mortgage Corpor.ttion, A California Corporation Date of Mortgage: 08/30/2006 Loa Amount: $101,000.00 Recording Date: 091061200 Book: 2557 Page: 622 Legl Descnption(if reuired): See Attached .- and reorded in the offial reors of the County of Misissippi affecting Real Propert and DeSoto, State of mor påculary decrib on sad More refer to he. IN WllNESS WHEREOF7 the undersigned has caUSed these presents to be executed on this date of 0410512007. CORPRATI0dtL OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPRATION, A CA.LIFORN ~reen . Vice Preident .'-- UNDA GREEN ------. --.JTILES a hooch 0 linda greens - -- Page 2 of23 Sk: 48159 Pg:49 Tota1 # of page t' . : i ~I ale 4819 pa: 4è' Do: DIS Pa,r.t of 1 . ll14l O~:I. AM Spce AIe For RROrdr'l Use 0.11 MORT(AGE RESE, SATISFACTION; AND DISCHAGE . .IN CONSIIERl'lON of the paYment _ fuJI saiisfactiQÐOf aU Indebtdness secur by th certain Mortgae described below. the W1dersign, OPTtON ONE MORTGAGE A CALIFORNIA coRPRATION. whos adssis6soi Irve Center CORPRATION. 'Driye,.Irine,èA 92618, being th prnt legowner of said indebtedess" an thereby entitled anaullprid to J'ce¡ve said payment. does heby relea, satisfy, an discharg said JVodßä in full an does hereby collentthat the sae be cinceleatd discharged ofrerd. .. ~ p .~ ~ :i 0 t: Origina Borrei-s): CORUN A. FLOYD . . Original Mor1gee: 9PTION ONE MOR'rGAGECORP()RATION, A CALiFORNA CORPRATION . .. . of Mortgage: 011071í004 Loan Amoun: SI10,9òO.oO. , Date Recording Date: 07/0711()04 Book: 43240/ Page: 239,Doumeri #: 1il040017Ci8 and re~rd in theofciai reOO of the Recordlòg òf Middlesx (SoutirèniDntrid). Stae of Ma~clustbaffeçting Real Propert and more paicularly deseñbed on said.Mòrgage referr to ¡,I; g herein. ". ~~ .s da ofØ9IØSI006, Q'O~ Qr"' i.r- ~ ¡ INWITNESSWIlEREOF. the unersigned has çausd these preents to be èxecuted on this i':3~t ø.::1" c. OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION. A CALIFORNJtÁ.CO. :nON !~..~£ .. ~~J£0J /' daGrln Vic Preident SmteofGA County of Fulton . . On this da ofO'IOSl006. before me, the undersigned auUioriy. a NotaiPiblic duly commissioned, qualjf~d an acting within and for the aforementione Stté and çounty, persnalty appeared the within named Lind. Gren, known to me (or idenified to me on th~ bais of satisfaCt evidencè)that they are the Vice Prident ~~tiveiy òfOPlION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION and were duly authriZed in their repective capaities to executèthe foregoing instrument for and in th nae and in bealf of Said coipOllon and tht said corpration excut the sae, and fur sted and açknowledged th they ba so sign. exeCU an delivere said inument for the considetation, uss and puses therein mentiond an set forth, \\llness my ha and Ofcial seat on the da hêielnabov; set fo. . G J!.," ~" OLL co ,/ \ .~ ~ . D ~,.MyCo NcNi. Ge iJ '. ~~ iÀ #l"""J.I RiCoy' . NOtaPubîi EIfAu.31.20tO llg mob MA.-O O1i2ll Olpygl (c) 20 By DO, htts:// OdFaLKtGzg8b YxD3DBXcSGoOrM CTtkm... 4/25/20 i 1 a bunch 0 linda greens Page 4of23 Bk: 48159 Pg:496 MA.l 0f. Total fJ òf pl: l Prjc#:.7Ø8WFaM ReeRef# '98123$85$4 .. . . IIIIII 1IIIIRtllllllii * 7 Ð 8- 0 12 3 3 8 5 7 3 4 * Sc .Rfeeti: '~2 (R5) PIN m ## i05Z4 .i DòC:.DIS 1 of 1 . &l4I00 00:'4 AM Bk: 48169 FJ:4g . Page; ProAdd 3 INRI TJ i¡ce fo Rci'ef.U¡li OJ/y WAY . GROTON. MA OI45Ør/ ¡. , Doen I\ed by .."'..,....... '1 ..~.......I" I htts:// OdFaLKtGzg8b YxD3DBXcSGoOrM_ CTtkm... 4/25/2011 a bunch 0 linda greens Page 5 of23 ~ _. Sk: 48159 Pg:498 Tot 1# of pag: 1 Bk: 48169.Pd:4øa .Doc: .DIS p.: 1 of 1: 00141200 09:14 AM. Sp.. AIiDY "Dr k.conl.r's lI. Oiily DISCHRGE . ,l\0ItTGAGE RELEASE~SATJSFACTION, AND IN CONSIDERATION ortlle piiyment and rull satisfaction of alHndebtness secured by tht çertain Mortgiige described bèiow, theiindersigned, OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION, A CALiFORNIA CORl'OnATION. whose addre i56501 Irvine Center Drive, Ir¡ne. CA 91618, being the preent legal owner ôf sad indebtdness and therby entitlêd an authorized toteeeìve said payment. doeshèreby rel~as, satisfy, and discharge &a Mortgae in I :a ~ = ... Cl ~ i5 rull an does hereby consent tlmt thesnrne be ~anceied and discharged of rerd Original Borrower(s): l\ICIIAEL J LEBLAt'C ¡ Original MOl1gagee: OJitimt One l\orlgllge COrpraUon. A Callornla Corporation Date ofMol1gage:Oiii5~(i03 l.oan Amount: St8J,OOO.ÒO . . Dnie: oin:Uii;n3 Book: 371-l9/Page: US AJumCJl IJ: 1565 Recrding ;~ and reeorded in the offcial reords of the Rrrording of Middlesex (Southern ÐistrJå). Siaof ~.~.~ 0; .~~~ § '~'~'. 8 'C~. 'ii herein. IN WITNESS WflEiiEOF. the uridcrsigned has caused these preens to be executed on this MâsSllCbusctls .iffecting Real Property and more plrticularly desribed . 'C.. .~"e" 0 on said Mortga reerd to . datè 0(0910612006. OPTION O~tl\ORTGAGE CORPORATION. A .. ¡i !j.. ~9 :i'~ 8-.. -- 82 !: ~f Co.. _ r: CALlFORNIA CORPRÀTI0N ". #' 1. -? u. " Llnd:i Green . . . Vke President SlateofGA . County of , iilt " On On this d:ue or 09/06'2006, beRireme, .the undersigied autbontyj a NotarPublici:uly c:mml.ooed¡qiialiled iiml aciing within and for the aforementioned sia and County, personally apped thewithinmimcJLimla Green, known to me (or idenified to me onthe bais ofsaiisfaeory evidence) that theynre th~ Vie~ Pmidentrespecilvely of OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION, A CALIFORNIA CorU'OltATiON and were duly authorize in their repetive çaitiesto execute the rtircy:oing .instrument for and in the name an in behaf of said corpration and thatsaid corporntionexec~itt:d the same, Dnd further stated and acknowle(ge that thy had ~ signd, executed and delivered said Iiistl'uineit ror the consideration. use andpuroses therein mentioned an set fait. Witness my hand and olTcial seal on lhe daie hereinabQve set furt. ~~~~- .MALK£V .' ,rjAl,. Nø Pi . Gi .."' ifWtCo . &~~ Myca,~0C14,20 MAmtsR20 0712ll /' CII~(è) 20 By DO, htts:// OdFaLKtGzg8b YxD3DI3XcSGoOrM _ CTtkm... 4/25/2011 ..¡ !

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