Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 1311

DECLARATION of Burton W. Wiand re 1310 Verified MOTION for miscellaneous relief, specifically to Enforce Constructive Trust through Turnover of Real Property, or in the Alternative, through Foreclosure of the Receiver's Equitable Lien by Burton W. Wiand. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Doc 29 Order granting partial motion for summary judgment, # 2 Exhibit B - Final Judgment, # 3 Exhibit C - BK Case Doc 39 Order Granting Motion to Confirm Termination or Absence of Stay or Alternatively Relief From the Automatic Stay, # 4 Exhibit D - AQ Doc 115 Motion to transfer, # 5 Exhibit E - AQ Doc 182 ORDER granting 115 Motion to transfer; granting 117 Motion to transfer, # 6 Exhibit F - AQ Doc 184 Turnover Order, # 7 Exhibit G - 1 (pages 1-25) - AQ Doc 258 MOTION for confirmation of sale of Realty - with exhibits, # 8 Exhibit G - 2 (pages 25-50) - AQ Doc 258 MOTION for confirmation of sale of Realty - with exhibits-2, # 9 Exhibit G - 3 (pages 51-101) - AQ Doc 258 MOTION for confirmation of sale of Realty - with exhibits-2, # 10 Exhibit H - AQ Doc 263 FINAL JUDGMENT CONFIRMING RECEIVER'S SALE OF REALTY, # 11 Exhibit I - Hudgins Doc 264 Order Approving Sale of Real Propert)(Lamont, Michael)

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IMalO File 15 of 18 Page #141 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-3 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. G·07-436-20101PageID 2707 No /. DAi'.. -0....;.l 61: If> ,,7 . • \oJ OF THIS _41'99 ~ Gflham County rnco ea;,-,.. QUITClAIM pern M'rebacl W. Hcrmipn 1147 f'foridI Ave. Pacama City. n. 32"05 Mict.el W. lfcnnl.... 1147 rJorfda Ave. City, FT. )~ ',nma Brief dc$:rlptlon for the index: LoI 8·3, Stecoah Vlrw THIS QUtTCLAfM DEED madt this 1he by and betwem JL day of ~,; Trophy <lro\1p.Inc.. MWJi In,'eStmfl'lu. LtC. • FlorIda corpomlon a f10rida limited liability 1361 Turnbull nay Rood New Smyrna 8cad!.. FL l2Hill CDmJtll11Y 1847 Flctrida Aw. 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TIde to tbe property hcreiNbtm _ribcd Is nb}ed to tht ron-i". ftCeptioM if lIftr. or NONE IN TESTtMOOY WHF.RF.OF'. met CirartInrS hive hereImto"' theirlla,.ds ,nd sallbt day met 1"ftne IlboYe wri.lIn. "1CS:t _ Form SeA - 'Wln fOTAl' appraisal software by a la mode, Inc. - '·800·ALAMODE 781 ..... 119 rue " ' _ IMain File Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-3 Filed 08/11/10 Page No G-07 -436-20101PageID 2709 17 of 18 Page # 161 STAT'S Of PLOU)A CQlJHTYOP Vq/usjo- cemfy!.V~Nutt~~~=::.~~~f;..C:t= ~ omc. of TI"DfIlry Gtoap. Ide., • F'IorictIa CIIIrpCII'Itiaa ........ lie, .. CbIcf £ncudw OftJccr, boiat IaIhori.s to do 10, 8IIecuted!lle ~ 011 boWr of tile ~ Wi--!"y h.t IIId oIIkiallO&J orltamp. tIdt yfIII ,0'\ . ~ clay 01 ~A"'o .ia dw AJ·l.. •0iiIi tviiJC$U'iO' Pt.-a ~ NOCIIy 1"IIb&0fJ\daI 51...... ~~~~:&.d .... . - . . _ _ _ t ... Itoolr 111 Form SeA ~"nroTAL' appraisal software by a la mode, I[lC l-BOO-ALAMODE , .. "" 11. 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In accordance with your request, I have personally inspected and appraised the real property at: 165 Knoll Top Road Robbinsville, NC 28771 The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value of the subject property, as improved. The property rights appraised are the fee simple interest in the site and improvements. In my opinion, the estimated market value of the property as of _ _--"-07'-'-/;:;;.26;;.:../;;;:.;20:;...;1..,::.0_ _ _ is: $ 224,000 Two Hundred and Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars The attached report contains the description, analysis and supportive data for the conclusions, final estimate of value, descriptive photographs, limiting conditions and appropriate certifications. R~~~:. Signature: g ~IlML!£'" Thomas Edward Graves Valley River Appraisal Produced by Click FORMS Software Valley River Appraisal Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page 2 of Schneider 21 PageID 2712 File No. Case No. Freddie Mac Form 70 March 2005 Produced by ClickFORMS Software Case #: 6:07-<.'V-608-0rt-22DAB Fannie Mae Form 1004 March 2005 Page 1 of 40 Valley River Appraisal Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 PageNo. of 21 PageID 2713 3 Schneider File Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-:t Produced by ClickFORMS Software Fannie Mae Form 1004 March 2005 PaQe 2 of 40 Valley River Appraisal Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. ofSchneider 4 21 PageID 2714 File Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-:i Freddie Mac Form 70 March 2005 Produced by Click FORMS Software Fannie Mae Form 1004 March 2005 Page 3 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page 5 of 21 PageID 2715 Valley River Appraisal EXTRA COMPARABLES 4-5-6 File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22D Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC Produced by ClickFORMS Software Zip Code Page 28771 4 of 40 Valley River Appraisal Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page 6 of 21 PageID 2716 File No. Schneider Uniform Residential Appraisal Report Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA This report form is designed to report an appraisal of a one-unit property or a one-unit property with an accessory unit; including a unit in a planned unit development (PUO). This report form is not designed to report an appraisal of a manufactured home or a unit in a condominium or cooperative project. This appraisal report is subject to the following scope of work, intended use, intended user, definition of market value, statement of assumptions and limiting conditions, and certifications. Modifications, additions, or deletions to the intended use, intended user, definition of market value, or assumptions and limiting conditions are not permitted. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or analysis necessary based on the complexity of this appraisal assignment. Modifications or deletions to the certifications are also not permitted. However, additional certifications that do not constitute material alterations to this appraisal report, such as those required by law or those related to the appraiser's continuing education or membership in an appraisal organization, are permitted. SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work for this appraisal is defined by the complexity of this appraisal assignment and the reporting requirements of this appraisal report form, including the following definition of market value, statement of assumptions and limiting conditions, and certifications. The appraiser must, at a minimum: (1) perform a complete visual inspection of the interior and exterior areas of the subject property, (2) inspect the neighborhood, (3) inspect each of the comparable sales from at least the street, (4) research, verify, and analyze data from reliable public and/or private sources, and (5) report his or her analysis, opinions, and conclusions in this appraisal report. INTENDED USE: The intended use of this appraisal report is for the lender/client to evaluate the property that is the subject of this appraisal for a mortgage finance transaction. INTENDED USER: The intended user of this appraisal report is the lender/client. DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE: The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: (1) buyer and seller are typically motivated; (2) both parties are well informed or well advised, and each acting in what he or she considers his or her own best interest; (3) a reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market; (4) payment is made in terms of cash in U. S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and (5) the price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions* granted by anyone associated with the sale. *Adjustments to the comparables must be made for special or creative financing or sales concessions. No adjustments are necessary for those costs which are normally paid by sellers as a result of tradition or law in a market area; these costs are readily identifiable since the seller pays these costs in virtually all sales transactions. Special or creative financing adjustments can be made to the comparable property by comparisons to financing terms offered by a third party institutional lender that is not already involved in the property or transaction. Any adjustment should not be calculated on a mechanical dollar for dollar cost of the financing or concession but the dollar amount of any adjustment should apprOXimate the market's reaction to the financing or concessions based on the appraiser's judgment. STATEMENT OF ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: The appraiser's certification in this report is subject to the following assumptions and limiting conditions: 1. The appraiser will not be responsible for matters of a legal nature that affect either the property being appraised or the title to it, except for information that he or she became aware of during the research involved in performing this appraisal. The appraiser assumes that the title is good and marketable and will not render any opinions about the title. 2. The appraiser has provided a sketch in this appraisal report to show the approximate dimensions of the improvements. The sketch is included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property and understanding the appraiser's determination of its size. 3. The appraiser has examined the available flood maps that are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (or other data sources) and has noted in this appraisal report whether any portion of the subject site is located in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area. Because the appraiser is not a surveyor, he or she makes no guarantees, express or implied, regarding this determination. 4. The appraiser will not give testimony or appear in court because he or she made an appraisal of the property in question, unless specific arrangements to do so have been made beforehand, or as otherwise required by law. 5. The appraiser has noted in this appraisal report any adverse conditions (such as needed repairs, deterioration, the presence of hazardous wastes, toxic substances, etc.) observed during the inspection of the subject property or that he or she became aware of during the research involved in performing this appraisal. Unless otherwise stated in this appraisal report, the appraiser has no knowledge of any hidden or unapparent physical deficiencies or adverse conditions of the property (such as, but not limited to, needed repairs, deterioration, the presence of hazardous wastes, toxic substances, adverse environmental conditions, etc.) that would make the property less valuable, and has assumed that there are no such conditions and makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied. The appraiser will not be responsible for any such conditions that do exist or for any engineering or testing that might be required to discover whether such conditions exist. Because the appraiser is not an expert in the field of environmental hazards, this appraisal report must not be considered as an environmental assessment of the property. 6. The appraiser has based his or her appraisal report and valuation conclusion for an appraisal that is subject to satisfactory completion, repairs, or alterations on the assumption that the completion, repairs, or alterations of the subject property will be performed in a professional manner. Freddie Mac Form 70 March 2005 Produced by ClickFORMS Software Fannie Mae Form 1004 March 2005 Page 5 of 40 Valley River Appraisal File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page 7 of #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA 21 PageID 2717 Uniform Residential Appraisal Report Case No. Case APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: The Appraiser certifies and agrees that: 1. I have, at a minimum, developed and reported this appraisal in accordance with the scope of work requirements stated in this appraisal report. 2. I performed a complete visual inspection of the interior and exterior areas of the subject property. I reported the condition of the improvements in factual, specific terms. I identified and reported the physical deficiencies that could affect the livability, soundness, or structural integrity of the property. 3. I performed this appraisal in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice that were adopted and promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation and that were in place at the time this appraisal report was prepared. 4. I developed my opinion of the market value of the real property that is the subject of this report based on the sales comparison approach to value. I have adequate comparable market data to develop a reliable sales comparison approach for this appraisal assignment. I further certify that I considered the cost and income approaches to value but did not develop them, unless otherwise indicated in this report. 5. I researched, verified, analyzed, and reported on any current agreement for sale for the subject property, any offering for sale of the subject property in the twelve months prior to the effective date of this appraisal, and the prior sales of the subject property for a minimum of three years prior to the effective date of this appraisal, unless otherwise indicated in this report. 6. I researched, verified, analyzed, and reported on the prior sales of the comparable sales for a minimum of one year prior to the date of sale of the comparable sale, unless otherwise indicated in this report. 7. I selected and used comparable sales that are locationally, physically, and functionally the most similar to the subject property. 8. I have not used comparable sales that were the result of combining a land sale with the contract purchase price of a home that has been built or will be built on the land. 9. I have reported adjustments to the comparable sales that reflect the market's reaction to the differences between the subject property and the comparable sales. 10. I verified, from a disinterested source, all information in this report that was provided by parties who have a financial interest in the sale or financing of the subject property. 11. I have knowledge and experience in appraising this type of property in this market area. 12. I am aware of, and have access to, the necessary and appropriate public and private data sources, such as multiple listing services, tax assessment records, public land records and other such data sources for the area in which the property is located. 13. I obtained the information, estimates, and opinions furnished by other parties and expressed in this appraisal report from reliable sources that I believe to be true and correct. 14. I have taken into consideration the factors that have an impact on value with respect to the subject neighborhood, subject property, and the proximity of the subject property to adverse influences in the development of my opinion of market value. I have noted in this appraisal report any adverse conditions (such as, but not limited to, needed repairs, deterioration, the presence of hazardous wastes, toxic substances, adverse environmental conditions, etc.) observed during the inspection of the subject property or that I became aware of during the research involved in performing this appraisal. I have considered these adverse conditions in my analysis of the property value, and have reported on the effect of the conditions on the value and marketability of the subject property. 15. I have not knowingly withheld any significant information from this appraisal report and, to the best of my knowledge, all statements and information in this appraisal report are true and correct. 16. I stated in this appraisal report my own personal, unbiased, and profeSSional analysis, opinions, and conclusions, which are subject only to the assumptions and limiting conditions in this appraisal report. 17. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no present or prospective personal interest or bias with respect to the participants in the transaction. I did not base, either partially or completely, my analysis and/or opinion of market value in this appraisal report on the race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin of either the prospective owners or occupants of the subject property or of the present owners or occupants of the properties in the vicinity of the subject property or on any other basis prohibited by law. 18. My employment and/or compensation for performing this appraisal or any future or anticipated appraisals was not conditioned on any agreement or understanding, written or otherwise, that I would report (or present analysis supporting) a predetermined specific value, a predetermined minimum value, a range or direction in value, a value that favors the cause of any party, or the attainment of a specific result or occurrence of a specific subsequent event (such as approval of a pending mortgage loan application). 19. I personally prepared all conclusions and opinions about the real estate that were set forth in this appraisal report. If I relied on significant real property appraisal assistance from any individual or individuals in the performance of this appraisal or the preparation of this appraisal report, I have named such individual(s) and disclosed the specific tasks performed in this appraisal report. I certify that any individual so named is qualified to perform the tasks. I have not authorized anyone to make a change to any item in this appraisal report; therefore, any change made to this appraisal is unauthorized and I will take no responsibility for it. 20. I identified the lender/client in this appraisal report who is the individual, organization, or agent for the organization that ordered and will receive this appraisal report. Freddie Mac Form 70 March 2005 Fannie Mae Form 1004 March 2005 Produced by Click FORMS Software Page 6 of 40 File Schneider Valley River Appraisal Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 CaseNo. 8 of #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA Page Case 21 PageID 2718 No. Uniform Residential A ort 21. The lender/client may disclose or distribute this appraisal report to: the borrower; another lender at the request of the borrower; the mortgagee or its successors and assigns; mortgage insurers; government sponsored enterprises; other secondary market participants; data collection or reporting services; professional appraisal organizations; any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States; and any state, the District of Columbia, or other jurisdictions; without having to obtain the appraiser's or supervisory appraiser's (if applicable) consent. Such consent must be obtained before this appraisal report may be disclosed or distributed to any other party (including, but not limited to, the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media). 22. I am aware that any disclosure or distribution of this appraisal report by me or the lender/client may be subject to certain laws and regulations. Further, I am also subject to the provisions of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice that pertain to disclosure or distribution by me. 23. The borrower, another lender at the request of the borrower, the mortgagee or its successors and assigns, mortgage insurers, government sponsored enterprises, and other secondary market participants may rely on this appraisal report as part of any mortgage finance transaction that involves anyone or more of these parties. 24. If this appraisal report was transmitted as an "electronic record" containing my "electronic signature," as those terms are defined in applicable federal and/or state laws (excluding audio and video recordings), or a facsimile transmission of this appraisal report containing a copy or representation of my signature, the appraisal report shall be as effective, enforceable and valid as if a paper version of this appraisal report were delivered containing my original hand written signature. 25. Any intentional or negligent mlsrepresentation(s) contained in this appraisal report may result in civil liability and/or criminal penalties including, but not limited to, fine or imprisonment or both under the provisions of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, et seq., or similar state laws. SUPERVISORY APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: The Supervisory Appraiser certifies and agrees that: 1. I directly supervised the appraiser for this appraisal assignment, have read the appraisal report, and agree with the appraiser's analysis, opinions, statements, conclusions, and the appraiser's certification. 2. I accept full responsibility for the contents of this appraisal report including, but not limited to, the appraiser's analysis, opinions, statements, conclusions, and the appraiser's certification. 3. The appraiser identified in this appraisal report Is either a sub-contractor or an employee of the supervisory appraiser (or the appraisal firm), is qualified to perform this appraisal, and is acceptable to perform this appraisal under the applicable state law. 4. This appraisal report complies with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice that were adopted and promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation and that were in place at the time this appraisal report was prepared. 5. If this appraisal report was transmitted as an "electronic record" containing my "electronic signature," as those terms are defined in applicable federal and/or state laws (excluding audio and video recordings), or a facsimile transmission of this appraisal report containing a copy or representation of my signature, the appraisal report shall be as effective, enforceable and valid as if a paper version of this appraisal report were delivered containing my original hand written signature. APPRAISER ~o~~ g r&tWLS-Name any Name __________________________-; pany Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-; Telephone Numberl1.:.!;-8~2~8-::§8@3I7-:11~93~9L_ _ _ _ _ _ _-=~~--~'·· Email Date of Signature and Report -"0..:. ;7/:. ,;:3:.: ;0""'/2o.: 0c.;.1.: .0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date of Signature Effective Date of Appraisal..:::0.:...7/:,:2:.;:6:..:/2:,::0;.,:.1..::.0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State Certification # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l State Certification # .:...A=5..::.3.:::.57.:...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ or State License # -----------------l State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---l or State License # or Other (describe) State # _ _ __ State .:...N:..::C~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration Date of Certification or License Expiration Date of Certification or License ..:::0..::6""'/3:..:0;:..:/2::..:0=...;1:...:1~______ SUBJECT PROPERTY ADDRESS OF PROPERTY APPRAISED 165 Knoll Top Road Robbinsville, NC 28771 APPRAISED VALUE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY $ _-=22:...4:.1.:,0:..;:00.:.0__ LENDER/CLIENT Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Company Name Shutts & Bowen LLP Company Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email Address ___________________________ o o o Did not inspect subject property Did inspect exterior of subject property from street Date of Inspection _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---4 Old inspect interior and exterior of subject property Date of Inspection _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1 COMPARABLE SALES Did not inspect exterior of comparable sales from street Did inspect exterior of comparable sales from street Date of Inspection _________________--1 o o Freddie Mac Form 70 March 2005 Produced by ClickFORMS Software Fannie Mae Form 1004 March 2005 Page 7 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document Valley River Appraisal 08/11/10 Page 9 of Schneider 258-4 Filed 21 PageID 2719 File No. Case No.Case #: 6:07 Freddie Mac Form 71 March 2009 Produced by ClickFORMS Software Fannie Mae Form 1004MC March 2009 Page 8 of 40 File No. Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. Case21 PageID 2720 10 Schneider -cv-608-0rl-22 of #: 6:07 Case Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC Zip Code it. ~ '..~ 1..: ! ,l 28771 1 Market Conditions Addendum to the Appraisaf Report i I Produced by ClickFORMS Software Paqe 9 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page 11 of 21 PageID 2721 Vall~ River Appraisal COMMENT ADDENDUM File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road County City Robbinsville Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC Zip Code 28771 Scope of Work: For the sole purpose of providing the lender/client with an accurate, and adequately supported, opinion andlor estimate of the market value of the subject real property that is the subject of this report based on a quantitative sales comparison analysis for use in the mortgage finance transaction for purchase. Intended use & user: The intended user of this appraisal report Is the lender/client. The intended use is to evaluate the property that is the subject of this appraisal for a mortgage finance transaction. Subject to the stated scope of work. Purpose of the appraisal. Reporting reqUirements of the appraisal report form, and definition of market value. No additional intended users are identified by the appraiser. General Comments: Local building authority/tax assessor does not use block #s in their legal description. No Zoning area are typical in this market and they do not adversely effect marketability. The appraised value does not include or give value to any personal property. Wells and Septic systems are typical in this market and they do not adversely effect marketability Subject Is accessed by private streeUroad(Asphalt) which is common to this area, and is supported by comparable properties exhibiting the same characteristics, and has no negative impact on subject marketability. Existence of the private streeUroad is not a detriment to marketability, accessibility or value of the property. Private streeUroad is being maintained in a manner that generally meets community standards and has no negative impact on subject marketability. Private street/road area are typical in this market and they do not adversely effect marketability. This report is for an effective date of 07/26/2010 Subject property is appraised in its present condition as of the date of this appraisal. No speculation Is given for future market value. Standard limiting conditions apply based on the assumption that all mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems are functional. The appraiser has made every attempt to locate sales similar to the subject in terms of location, site/view, design/appeal,quality of construction, age, and condition, as well as gross living area, room count, and other areas of comparison. When differences in these area are noted, necessary adjustments have been made for differences between the subject and these sales based on the market reaction to differences for these items. the sales used are the best, most similar, most proximate, recent comparable sales available, and unless otherwise noted in the report no adverse factors are noted related to the use of these sales. If the sales vary from the subject In terms of age, design, or have gross living area variances over 20%, unless otherwise noted on the report, this is not an adverse factor and all sales are comparable in terms of overall marketability, with the appropriate adjustments noted where warranted. In all cases the appraiser has attempted to use the best, most similar sales for comparison with the subject. Primary emphasis was placed on the most relevant comparable in the opinion of the appraiser with respect to gross/net adjustments, lime, distance, and overall similarity of the comparable sales. The above comparable sales represent the best available sales in the subject area Unless otherwise noted on the report, if the final value is above or below the predominant value by more than 20%, this is not an adverse factor and does not impact the subject's marketability andlor value. The appraiser has provided a sketch in the appraisal report to show approximate dimensions of the improvements and the sketch is included only to assist the reader of the report in visualizing the property and understanding the appraiser's determination of its size. Due to the difficult of accurately measuring{Angle}, upper level sketch is not guaranteed and is only approximate dimensions. Tax records have been searched. A thorough deed search and opinion based on such research is beyond the scope of the appraiser's expertise and has not been completed. If the client, through the use of a qualified abstractor or attomey, discovers information contrary to the tax records then the report will be updated to include this new information. Mountain Lakes/Jackson Mis Data and County records was utilized to provide the sales used in this report. In the appraiser personal opinion the sales utilized were the best available sales and most recent sales at the lime of inspection. Produced by ClickFORMS Software Page 10 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4Ap'praisal 08/11/10 Page 12 of 21 PageID 2722 Filed Vall~ River COMMENT ADDENDUM File No. Schneider Case No. Case #; 6;07-cv·60S·0rL·220A Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road County City Robbinsville Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC Zip Code 28771 Comment on Adjustments: (1) It is typical in this market area to have sale comparable with the differences between the low and high comparable prices and the adjusted sales prices were necessary due to these sales being the only available comparable sales of valid similarity in this limited market. (2) Date of sale/time is a important factor of the valuation process and will reflect adjustments when it has an impact on market value. Comment on comparable sales in excess of six months: The appraiser has made every reasonable effort/attempt to locate sales similar to the subject in terms of location/similar neighborhoods with similar conditions, influences and amenities), site size, view, design/appeal, age, condition, gross living area, room count, basement area/Crawl Space) and other areas of comparison; there are other homes in the subject value range in the subject market area, however, none had sold recently in order for consideration in this appraisal. In order to complete the analysis it was necessary and common in this market area to utilize sales data which closed more than six months prior to the effective date noted on the report. One or more of the comparable sales utilized data which closed more than six months prior to the effective date noted on the report. Unless otherwise noted on the report this is not an adverse factor and the sales used were the most recent similar sales available. Valuating real estate, as always, depends on supply and demand and real estate market has slowed in the area, which has affected the number of listing of the subject market area. All comparable sales used are located in similar neighborhoods with similar conditions, influences physical differences and amenities. All sales were/will derived from within subject market settings and they would all appeal to, and compete well for the same purchaser as the subject and the most similar properties were chosen to derive a comparative market value. Comparable sales number two(2) and number three(3) data of sale, closed more than six months prior to the effective date noted on the report. No lime adjustment was deemed necessary due to similar market conditions at the time the comparable sales sold. Their use is unavoidable due to a lack of acceptable comparable sales. Market stability renders this practice accurate, acceptable and unavoidable. (3) Comment on comparable sales in excess of one mile: In order to complete the analysis it was necessary and common in this market area to utilize sales greater than 7.43 miles+/- from the subject property. The appraiser has made every reasonable effort/attempt to locate sales similar to the subject in terms of location, site size, design/appeal, age, as well as gross living area, room count, and other areas of comparison; however, no other comparable sales are available in this market area that have sold within pass twelve months. There are other homes in the subject value range in the subject market area, however, none had sold recently in order for consideration in this appraisal. Valuating real estate depends on supply and demand and real estate sales have slowed, which has affected the number of sales in the subject market area. Appraiser has expanded the search parameters as necessary to use the best, most similar sales for comparison. One or more of the comparable sales utilized exceed preferred distance guidelines outside of the immediate area. Their use is unavoidable due to a lack of acceptable comparable sales. Market stability renders this practice accurate, acceptable and unavoidable. All comparable sales used are located in similar neighborhoods with similar conditions, influences physical differences and amenities. All sales were/will derived from within subject market settings and they would all appeal to, and compete well for the same purchaser as the subject and the most similar properties were chosen to derive a comparative market value. Unless otherwise noted on the report this is not an adverse factor and the sales used were the most proximity/recent similar sales available. (4) Location is a important factor of the valuation process and will reflect adjustments when it has an impact on market value. The subject and comparable sales neighborhood area is located in a ruraVsuburbanlremote portion of the county. The land use in the subject and comparable sales area includes single family, vacant land, good/excellent view and water frontage influence property and national forest. There is no Significant market reaction of subject location vs comparable sales location, therefore an adjustment is/was not warranted. If any of the sales presented appear to be across major highways, railroads tracks. or other natural or man-made boundaries, unless otherwise no led on the report, this is not an indication of any adverse factors. (5) View is a important factor of the valuation process and will reflect adjustments when it has an impact on market value. There is significant market reaction of subject view VB comparable sale number one(1) view, therefore an adjustment is/was warranted. There is no significant market reaction of subject view vs comparable sales number two(2) and three(3) and active listing view, therefore an adjustment is/was not warranted. Produced by ChckFORMS Software Page 11 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page 13 of 21 PageID 2723 Vall~ River Ap"praisal COMMENT ADDENDUM File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rJ..22DA Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC Zip Code 28771 Comment on Adjustments Continue: (6) Site is a important factor of the valuation process and will reflect adjustments when it has an impact on mari<et value. It is common in this area for the of the site to being 1.52 acre+/-. This is not considered an adverse factor, and is typical for the area. The average site of property in Graham County will vary greatly. It is common in this area for the value of the site to exceeds 9% of the total property mari<et value ratio. This is not considered an adverse factor, and is Iypical for the area. Typical no adjustments are made for differences that are 1/2 acre or less. A contribute value of $10,000 per acre adjustment was warranted to reflect market difference. (7) Design(Style) There is no significant market reaction of 1.0 story vs 1.5 story homes, local mari<et does not recognize a difference in value, therefore an adjustment is/was not warranted. (8) Quality of construction was not intended to reflect the exterior building materials, but the overall construction of the dwelling. (9) Actual age and effective age may be different depending on how the property has been maintained. Adjustment of $1,000 was warranted to reflect mari<et difference. (10) Condition is a important factor of the valuation process and will reflect adjustments when it has an impact on mari<et value. There is no significant market reaction of condition subject vs comparables utilize therefore an adjustment is not warranted. (11) In some cases it may be necessary to utilize sales having more or less than one bedroom than the subject property. If this is noted, unless otherwise indicated on the report, this is not an adverse factor, and the sales used are the best, most similar available as of the effective date of the report. Typically no adjustment is made for any difference in the number of bed rooms within one bed room count. There is no significant mari<et reaction to bed room with more or less than one bedroom therefore an adjustment is not warranted. (12) In some cases it may be necessary to utilize sales having more or less than one bathroom than the subject property. If this is noted, unless otherwise indicated on the report, this is not an adverse factor, and the sales used are the best, most similar available as of the effective date of the report. Typically an adjustment is made for any difference in the number of finished bath rooms of the subject property and comparable sales to reflect bath facilities/fixture/plumbing. Adjustment of $3,000 per full bath room and $2,000 per half bath room was warranted to reflect mari<et difference. (13) It is common in this area for the gross footage of the subject vs comparable to be greater than 10% of the total gross frontage. Unless otherwise noted on the report this is not an indication of any adverse factor. Gross living area is typically adjusted for when the difference is over fifty square feet. The appraiser is aware of the client's requirement to bracket the gross living area of the comparable sales presented. however this is not possible in all cases. and if the gross living area does not fall within this range, note that sales to bracket this gross living area were unavailable. Unless otherwise noted on the report this is not an indication of any adverse factors, and the sales used are considered the best. most similar. most recent proximate sales available. And all sales are comparable in terms of overall marketability. (14) It is common in this area for the basement area gross footage of the subject vs comparable basement area gross footage to be greater than 10% of the total gross frontage. Unless otherwise noted on the report this is not an indication of any adverse factor. (15) Typically an adjustment is made for any difference in the number of finished rooms below grade of the subject property and comparable sales to reflect mari<et difference. Adjustment of $1.000 per bed room and $3,000 per full bath room and $2.000 per half bath room was warranted to reflect market difference. (16) Typically an adjustment is made for difference in heating/cooling to refiect market difference. There is no significant mari<et reaction of hp/central vs fwa/central therefore an adjustment is not warranted. There is significant market reaction of hp/central vs twa/none therefore an adjustment is not warranted. (17) Typically an adjustment is made for difference in garage-attldeUcarportlbsmt to reflect market difference. Adjustment was warranted to reflect market difference. (18) Typically an adjustment is made for difference in porches/decks/patios to reflect market difference. Adjustment of $2,000 per porch and $1,000 per deck/patio was warranted to reflect market difference. (19) Typically an adjustment is made for difference in fireplace/pre fab fireplace to reflect market difference. Adjustment was warranted to reflect market difference. Produced by Click FORMS Software Page 12 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page 14 of 21 PageID 2724 VailE!)' River Appraisal SKETCH ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA State Zip Code NC 28771 53.4' Closet Bath Dining Kitchen Bath Bedroom Bedroom -q Bedroom Living Room ,...._ _ _........__ .-l a. ~ 16.5' \0 ~.\o 16.5' - "'--"-"'---'---'" 11' \.\.' ..... __ •__ ••. _ ••••••••• 15.4' ···-'••'t/oo D~"-; 15.4' 11.;1' ..···.w•••• \.\..1 .1 ~ 53.4' Kitchenet Bath Laundry Garage N ~=JUti"tyIMud Bedroom 0.1 ~ .j- Room ~~fl.--_..., 16.5' \0 _...___ ._____•... II' 15.4' \0 Den/Rec-Room '\. ~ t-.-....··.w.·....-"'1'; patlo 1./, \.'\.. 16.5' .....__.________ .1 N a. ~ 15.4' Skelch by Ape!! Medina 'III Comments: LIVING AREA BREAKDOWN AREA CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Code DescrIption GLAl Firat Floor Baaement Porch Porch BSM'l' PIP Net LIVABLE Area Net Size 1455.5 1455.5 411.0 411.0 (rounded) NetTota.. 1455.5 1455.5 822.1 1455 Breakdown Firat Floor 4.0 x 0.5 x 6.0 x 10.2 x 0.5 x 53.4 x 4 Items Produced by ChckFORMS Software Subtotals 20.4 122.4 20.4 1292.3 10.2 20.4 4.0 24.2 (rounded) 1455 Page 13 of 40 Vall~y River Appraisal Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 ADDENDUM LOCATION MAP Filed 08/11/10 Page 15 of 21 PageID 2725 File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider PropertyAddreSi 165 KnoUTop. Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC Zip Code 28771 'Y,',l' .' ............. ./t- • I .~' :", ... ....... . -... •If. '" ~ . .. ,........ ,. ....~ ~ ..... *. " " #." .... t CHEROKEe ,,' .. t'" .' " ! '---' ~OtO MiclOsot1Co. ~008 NA.TfQ ••II4/orTtlt ftI~$,ln$, "\'"'--''' Produced by ClickFORMS Software Page 14 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4Appraisal 08/11/10 Page 16 of 21 PageID 2726 Filed Valley River SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA NC Zip Code 28771 FRONT OF SUBJECT PROPERTY 165 Knoll Top Road Robbinsville, NC 28771 REAR OF SUBJECT PROPERTY STREET SCENE Produced by Click FORMS Software W' Page 15 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4Appraisal 08/11/10 Page 17 of 21 PageID 2727 Filed Valley River SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrowe!-- Dennis J. & Virginia 8. Schneider: Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address Slate File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA NC 28771 Zip Code Kitchen[Main Level) Living Room[Maln Level] Master Bed Room[Main Level] Page 16 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page 18 of 21 PageID 2728 Valley River Appraisal SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07 -cv-608-0rl-22DA NC 28771 Zip Code Bed Room[Main Level] Bed Room]Main Level] Master Bath Room[Main Level] Produced by Click FORMS Software Page 17 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4Appraisal 08/11/10 Page 19 of 21 PageID 2729 Filed Valley River SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA NC Zip Code 28771 Bath Room[Main Level] Living Room Area[Main Level] Dinning Area[Main Level] Produced by ClickFORMS Software Page 18 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4Appraisal 08/11/10 Page 20 of 21 PageID 2730 Filed Valley River SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07 -cv-608-0rl-22DA NC 28771 Zip Code Den/Rec-Room Area[Basement Area) Laundry Room[Basement Area) Bed Room[Basement) Produced by ClickFORMS Software Page 19 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-4 Filed 08/11/10 Page 21 of 21 PageID 2731 Valley River Appraisal SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA NC Zip Code 28771 Bath Room[Basement Area] Garage Basement Area Mud Room[Basement Area] Page 20 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 1 of 20 PageID 2732 Valley River Appraisal SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA NC Zip Code 28771 Addition Front View Addition Front View Addition Front View Produced by ClickFORMS Software Page 21 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 2 of 20 PageID 2733 Valley River Appraisal SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Case No. NC Schneider Case #: 6:07 -cv-608-0rl-22DA 28771 Zip Code Left Front Exterior Door Wealther Right Front Exterior Door Wealther Basement Left Side Front View Produced by ClickFORMS Software Page 22 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 3 of 20 PageID 2734 Valley River Appraisal SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia S. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA NC Zip Code 28771 Basement Right Side Front View Addition Rear View Front Right Side View Page 23 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 4 of 20 PageID 2735 Valley River Appraisal SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia S. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA NC Zip Code 28771 Drive Way Asphalt Well Produced by ClickFORMS Software Page 24 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 5 of 20 PageID 2736 Valley River Appraisal SUBJECT PHOTO ADDENDUM Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07 -cv-608-0rl-22DA NC Zip Code 28771 Additiob Photo Addition Left Side View Produced by ClickFORMS Software Page 25 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 6 of 20 PageID 2737 Valley River Appraisal File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22DA COMPARABLES 1-2-3 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road County City Robbinsville lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC 28771 Zip Code COMPARABLE SALE # 809 Gladdens Creek Road Robbinsville, NC 28771 COMPARABLE SALE # 2 1215 Sam Cove Road Robbinsville, NC 28771 COMPARABLE SALE # 3 175 Deer Run Robbinsville, NC 28771 Page 26 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 7 of 20 PageID 2738 Valley River Appraisal COMPARABLES 4-5-6 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address File No. Schneider Case No. Case #: 6:07 -cv-608-0rl-22DA State NC Zip Code 28771 COMPARABLE SALE # 4 393 Eagles Nest Circle Fontana Dam, NC 28733 COMPARABLE SALE # 5 1035 Sam Cove Road Robbinsvi"e, NC 28771 COMPARABLE SALE # Produced by ChckFORMS Software Page 27 6 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 PageNo. of 20 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22 8 Case #: PageID 2739 Case Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC 28771 Zip Code NORTH CAROLINA APPRAISAL BOARD APPRAISER QUALIFICATION CARD Expires~yh~ ";~Pf·2011 < ,.". '~ REGIS :'W" ~ ~ /" ~ /! TR'ATtd,N"c'>ifcENS,E; CERTU=J,CATJ:f10 L DE R- T~~bA$ EDWA~b GRAVES', ~ 0 ' ~/ t i}~: J l',*,:~ :~ . ',~ "i"' u ,. ~' ;\'.kf·.«·~<·' '.;. APPRAISEH'S SIGNATURE Produced by ClickFORMS Software PaQe 28 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. of 20 6:07 -cv-608-0rl-22 9 Case #: PageID 2740 Case Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC Zip Code 28771 IPaqQ 1 of 4) NO ! DAd .. -0 !5--JJJ . ';" '1£ THIS ~ Grah am COIJllty - .- ~ TaXCOlJCto;- QUITCLAIM DrUm MIchael W. Henni~ 18.17 florida Ave. P",,":a:tlu Cil~·. fL )2.HI5 This in~ntment prepared by: Brief deSCription fnr the index: Michael W. Hcnnl~.,n 1847 florida Ave Panama City. FL 32405 Lol B·), Steconh View nus QUITCLAIM PEED n,ade this \he J.L dl\~' of 1lfE::!.:; by und between Trophy Group.lnc .• a Florida corporation 1368 Tumbull Bay Rond New Sm)TM Deneh. fl. 321611 MWI f J",·e~menlS. n Fl<'lrida limited liAbility company ,R47 Florida Ave. Panama Chy. fL 32405 Tne dt!li~nation Grantor nnd (ir.lntct IS used herein shall include said parties. their successors. Illld shall include sil1guf:1r. plural. m!lSttlfine. feminine. or neuter as may be required h) context. as~ign!i • .ilnd W1TNF.SSETH. \"31 said Gmn1or, for 8:1d in considcr3tlor. of the sum of len dnilars ($1000) and o!he> considl!rati()n to it in IHmd p"jd. the receipt of which i5 tu:rch: nCkOtlwlcdgcd. hall remised and released and by Ihe~ prtSt"nt~ does remise. relellse. and forever quitdnim inrn rhe rm:mee Ilnd irs successors and tt~~i~s all drill. title. claim. and inteTe<;t Mthe snid Gmntor in line":' (I cer1lm, tmet Produced by Click FORMS Software PaQe 29 of 40 File Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 PageNo. Case20 PageID 2741 10 Schneider -cv-608-0rl-22 of #: 6:07 Case No. Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State , . I'-lHt-·',...'·..,.-·,::."'I>-t.-<t-4..... • '·~1.?I"'H''4+ NC 28771 Zip Code , ·"1I··•• '0 ~; ., Produced by ClickFORMS Software PaQ6 30 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. Case 20 PageID 2742 Case 11 of #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address NC State 28771 Zip Code .• '\!J -; M_L_S_'_·_R_'_O_5_6_0_0_P_(_p_Ct_.l_d_'"....;O_'_l_ls_t_P_r_,,_e_:_S_l_59_,_O_O_O_ _ _. If)!) Knotl {'If) ROA-d ROi1RtN.sV'H.ll' Nt 1111'71 lor. IIHrll I, SUtWWI~JO" ti ,. COUNty I,.",I·'\' SOI()-(Jt.~ IONINC) LOT $JJE OF!£) rtlcs fRtC HemS 1IS,5£ .55M£1I1$: N,,\ Sill,' Of fI~A( j- 1 . , ." "i • ~'" .' lUI 1't; At.! liS-SOCIA nON ()(Jf $ ACCESS ••• /jAIHS H$lUr lMfH\ I)Pl'fH //41. f fiJi tH5 I!PPf'l~ aATHSMAJN IlIll;: 1M 1',.,5 MAW BArns tl)W'f:fI ItAt.f IJA HIS LOwE'!? lIAr." OArflS asM. 'i: ",. (lOO¥!} I " '¢j INTf'RIOR t;fA TURfS.' SOl. Fl.1(I)r?l:S 01'11" 11m CON(lWtmfttlG AfnC'ROOF FLOORING: r ,~'" 1',,,,,f,,,,'H,0 FENCE: GARAGEiCAHPOR( ';.'H .•. y ~'IA!t.R·Sf;Wf/l 1'1···.'·· 'N·'1 WA rER UEllrER: APPLII1NCES.· COtriS [PUC nON; I' ;jl:',,? l·'Ot/NOA fl()WtlASEMlNr t.fATIIliG sysrf:M.! >I.'.l'i flP'iPLAC£tWOOD!lYOVE ~kjF'" "fi I. fPi NANff, f,' l.'POl<EflAt.1:' ,)WM1I'!N411t OCClJPAt.,::y ! JMUE Ii Sf:HVK'f IHTH1Nf.'T H}CK80)(' II', t,. II'~ SOfl 11(,)1 " PHOPI'IN P(~~~;~~~~N~~\~;'jc ;';(i~~: ' ..• "[~ ') 1114(, Nc OSP1.YJlDOR u.s'1Nn IHiENT",l" ""t: 'iv, OfHCI: N.4frltE MAIN I'/<)( EltCI A(;V f(jf(Ct5R '. v.,,,, tONfAC111 f-j.j .\' . ,., B"h, ,Ii ' [,' AG£NlfiMAII t ICfNSI' HUM8fR .. l' Produced by ClickFORMS Software PaQe 31 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. Case206:07 -cv-608-0rl-22 Case 12 of #: PageID 2743 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP State Graham Address NC 28771 Zip Code (165 Knoll Top Road) [~~~!~-=';~=JT~~~~=:Jr=~~~~:~~~~.~::~~-~~~~~~~=~~J 12125/2009 1050'00 AM l[Maxine Williams-Bahr (Broker)IINew lIsting ($249000) 12f25/200fJ 11 :03'00 AM IINavlcaMlS I r~!~!200·9-·10,-i?::OO,,~~,_J t~_~~In..~,,~~I'.~~~s-Bah r (8'~~ker)] [E~pire Data Modified Om . - - , - . . ., , - \ Ilphoto for Mam Vle~ Pr~~~se~.,, ____ L!,Q!.!',~?Q9.~~~_~~~Q_~]~~ WjHiam~.Bah!..,iBr!?kiiilIE)(plre Dat~ ModiflBd_ L~_O/8/3gQ9 445 00 PM '-'~,,~__-~~] .... 1~~~1200fj"IQi~~~~f.~ax,~e Wllhams~Bahr (Broker)IIMain view Deleted ~09·-320~9 PM"JINav1caMLS' I /[Photo for Main View' Processed "Maxine Wilhams·Bahr (BrokenJ!Expire Date ModIfied .J F'~:t·;;~;?09 1243 on p~F;~~~~ ~111r~mS-Bahr (8rokenllMiSC Change ._" [2,7~~O 248'00 PM=:J§~ Wliliams-Bahr (BrO}«01I Expire Date Modified [l(11"f20 t 0 1.5200 PM 14/28/2010 11 J .. I[MaXfOe ~llIlams-Bahr {Broker>IIPrice Change ($249:.Q O to ,,~?_?'.§~99g11 o.., E~;-;?O~ 0 3:~5 00 PM J~~~~~~~_~~=~~_~,!B(~ker)IIMi$C ~~~15.I~M J .....__ ~-=-~:=] '" .,,-----] l~ne_WiHiafTI~:~~hr Change _ __ , ... ] (BrO}«01I Pri ce Change ($229.0§O to $2)9,000)] 120~IMaXlfle ~~"ams-Bahr (BrOkenIIMISC Change. ____,""." .. _,_, ... _J ~/2010 1-T'1'2.00 AM ][Ma.~jne Williams-Bahr (8rOkef})lp(ice Change (5219,000 to $2099pgj] 16/712010 '1213.00 f:~~IMaxme WIHiams-Bahr (Broker)lIpnce Change ($209.?OO 10 $209.0@ 16/7/2010 12 14 00 PM 1§:a~'~1e Wilhams-Bahr (Brokenl[§ce Change ($209.:0o..0"!9_-i:2g~_QOq)J E~;;;;~l-~-~ 42 ~'O ~>M JrMax,~e v~";~~m-S-Bahf (Broker)IIMISC. Change 11§'2 3i?:()~4~~?OO-PM "_______ pJ JiM.x,"" ~~~~~o~[P"ce Change 1$209YQ:o-~Fit~~);ll i6:~I;~~~~~;~~oc=!:-Jl~aXlneWII"an~5-Bah r1B;,::::dbc_~~-ge,=--. _. _ --J! IEc7./.?2;Q::~?!.99 1~~_=jJ~~_~~~l"=- VI{;~~~~~:~~:~!;~~~~"?1;:~~]~~~2L__",,,,,===.::::;. :::=.:. :._" Produced by ClickFORMS Software PaQe _ :U .::.. 32 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. Case206:07-cv-608-0rl-22 Case 13 of #: PageID 2744 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State OfYliR TO rUR-eliAS.: ,,1'1) CON'TRA(''I ~'G} f()f" gutdllixe in .:t)fllplf"ia~ lC,rn ..utt "fiUaidu'l>t!f' (form NC 28711 Zip Code ti'!l~ ,... , ""_"",,__,,,__,. ,...,_.".___' .. __~IJ!U.::.'i.~!1!1Jl:t!1f.ft.yJ!!lIJJj"'.fA...~l!mi.!1.l~'__. ",_..,._., ,...... __....... __.' lit \ hCfClYy llffu. to pl,udtrt.fjr ltllO ______~___ QWrul( 91 C!$SI!!1/.icl1~!.;;".Jilll'fJJ!S.9iJ!J/£_. _____ ._.._____.",,,.,, iJ$ ;.I?~t\ a«ep·(tlH":4.' of IUIW vl'fi:T. ~,,:a to 5.4:11 ,,-uti l:J;w..vey. 1111 or that plut, pica ur paf'C'el ol Land dc1{"Tit»:1 belt.lw, WgC1he.\ >,;ah J!l 'mp""H~1fkMh 1«.. 10(£ tnen:'''JflllOO UII":!. tbrut1:S and pc'NOrud IUC li~tod bo,h>\\r ( ... ~l1(:«jv<'liy «:f'C1'lcd tu u the I.Ipun Ih.:: femu 4ft.:! (oudiUOIlJO Hi f<Jnh 11¢110111. 'I'lll, i,'IfTcr tllullIl:u'cbmli a bitldil1g t:,t)nln.t.."t .Hi th~ 4at!!' !I'llit: (it the litH one lsvrcr "'lit! s.el~r h.a.Il !.i!P'l14 or Initialed tbb utfcr Of the flnlll .:ouuk('otr¢f. ,flliny. and (H) ~ucb ~l!llli;~ or Illili1l11nt; 1$ t:(HlUl1U1H'4i~d 10 !h~ fwty 1"t,lkif11 til(:: offer ()f clxmteroff'u. u th. C-4\'>lf tmIY be. ~t.K:b date! Ilttl1l1 be rr.(I::neu In hrnlUl II .. fhe "EtTcct:h'c Date ~ ,.t RI.AL paOf"1';R"l'Y, L-tlCated in _ _ ,---B.fL~Y* {!Ie. GnJltatn CQunty C(}IUtI-:<. ~1II.c Nmth ()H'"l)r,n. ilIltt Qo:u::nbed il.l; Addn:n; Stt~ ..____._•..______,._ 1~r9.J!BP.ijtl. . . _ . _ . . . . . . . .. , . . _ . CI1)'~ __ """_,__,_,,, _~_._. _ _ _ _ _...• _ _ _ _ _ ••.. , L.lp •. __ •••... l4.l!.t .....___ NOTE: Ckw\'!mmcoll'1I1 numority o~'er ilaxc:.. toning. sdtoul .:illCricu. ullUdcs MId mail delivery moy ,ft(fi:r fnmt t\Ju.IreS-1\ %hnwn f)eJl.aipt \-on; .. _;,rutrm!.;1.~...l.~J!H.Y._t!qmf.. lc!£i,!,gnJ.g,t!ldl_............ _......... '" '" .. "' $ubdivl.$Ioo Nam(!!' ---L~lL'{!ll1!}1.y.1:!'l{tI19!r. Piat ttdt;!'f:.II<;.C; t.rn: or SiX:tkm _"' __ '_~"'m_" __'_"'_'" 'Jl.~. ,If) Pial Book Of _w!..~'!lt._._ {Property acquit"d by Sc:1I~J' io D~1 Hook NfTlf;; f>rmt to I';l ilmiS COO(fA.'i· Va>.;«lit L.o(lLwd, 1l'J)'t1 i, AU .. lserJ to liIlIY, whiw may rb<lt UN (,!(ttu~ f>r(lpcrt~ •• fld to rOld lh~ t>oeliW'3ti<m of RC~lri"li .. ,c C';'YCtlAJlt.a, H)"L4W\, .\tt,,;lu of !IH:~Wj-mrlSfkm. !tu~ III~ itc.-pJAlio<I'l., 4"*<1 ~ ,QVIITlliUK ~;OCUIT'Qn~ of thtr owr• .,' u'.ioc:ll.d()11 lID..t.I()C t1;o: ~M"liuon. if '''Pillic'II.blt: If 'h~ ?roptrt)' lJl :.ubjl!t;t t.l fe&lJhulOfI by I/lI _ncn' ~H.. ion. 11 i. ~orottlct\dcd f!ily.::r ~lIIA '" capy I)(.J C{,IorllpkH:d Owners' A~l:ttkm [)'3C\OWfC'! And ."'ddC:J'l.dwn {ll1al1danJ (rmn lA I::>-'n pttOf W !llf.,lllll&; I.h!~ OHt:r Hl f'\m:hM.~ <W'I11 C t :wtlf4CI. "",.1 fl,e/Ilk II lI.nd tl ~n<)W" "~orn ,,<)fticlJIAd)' L.e.,., mit lln~f1Ikef'ICI\.Q, it lUty, :.'1M If \)wll(:d by tno Sellcl. ilt'lt iD<:.h~ W d~ ptlfl; pnc< irr;:c of Hens; il1I:< i:lllill'{fl t100r GOv.mncs. blimb. wdes., dr!tpt:t')' r~h. :ulti CUI1.ll;n l\Xtn, ~d .11 t!;'hu.ed turtfwarc:. wi~ Md door "'~. M<lfm witl~. combimW{Jft lioofs, awnHtIP!. anto'lfllt$., ,,,,Idllle di;;hi:l\ <Iud r~~i .. {"t" b;,'fin:ttlftOb.; atiUlWI., pool;md 1ip.4 cq\li~nl.liow ~ ~Y*fl:)";«l fit<!!lp,.,..~c KI'!!','l, ~M I•.'S$., HYl"lI fl;<,'1T 1!\I.t;fl:$. ~1>t"11'( ~ daor opmc:n witIJ _lI'Olct. out.kJOl' pl.mulllf.1d .reef; (clh~ fban in !U«) ... ble (C')ordllilflcCU}. b.;uk(!lb~" gf.... \lor .. !!_ \I1(,illl<, m.liR,o:n:n. w!$II.,.ftd!ot d.)o(I( ",.in!,,)f., ltHlI-cllni f'ir~lt' J\.!U tank, Invitiible (endnn indudIHM, .. 1I n::!l1fc,:) c{fwpm.:nf. h'WIl Irng.ntitm 'iYlltnfa and all nllld~d e"'ll"j~Mlleot. WIl!er Hjj\cllC'./c41ndttiOflillf llnd filler <>qUlprruml, lind .:Irq <.l'tlltT .Ien,j. .Hadled U1 ,df:lIe<J !O 1/'1; f'n'fICrt)'. EXCEPT *'Y .~ itmu IQl:.ed by !fie StUcr Md the fuflowin~ 2(Imn.: fL(.IfffJ. .._._ ....._._ .. ,.... . ..... _ ...._ ,_.., '] FIX,tIlU',;,S; The fflUU\lJIiI1j\ l~. "PPUMlcU, ii,ltt Cit:lurn, cl'tHmg t'JIIfU. 1l1til(;hcd '$. "(1RCHASE t'KU::E: ,he pufchMa pt'i" is S _ _ _ _ _ _._.._J~fl~_____....._....., .... 1IOft'! ;;It.U be p;1l.d III U S i)ollan. S1lwkt lin? c.hect or OdUtT (WIth paid by Sll}~ boo di~c:d, allY r_'$<tnt, by rhtl mstirutlutt lipoll which the plt)"fnefH Jr"wll. RiS)CT ShAll have mte(l) banklna day .ft.G' written not'" todeUvcf !Ctltl fundt (0 Ihl:' l"'yt'C, 1n thtr '1vt'n« 8uyer ~ not '.'1'floCty de!i~'l':T.gpoJ "'utn. tho: Sellcr ":MII h".'<! Ih-c "gin to tClCmmato dlia c;utllt;x;t VfWf! •... ntl.w m>h(¢ 1<1 lito 111,\,::,,, Tlle I)'Iltdqu(! ;wiG.: ~h"l1 .,. pa.d INS fUUU'ilflJ (_) " ____~t_05J!1.:;.,.Q!L.~.~ ___ -... EAltNBST Mf')-NEY DF.l'(JSrr with ttTls "fTa bjI tam :xi pc""''lt1.l1,h«..i. ) tn.,.. dl(,f.l ] (t\f1ll1ed dt«.k J ol\')t;r: In tx depo$il~d liS.... helC If'. e"c.Qw by "l!~flf') ';"Hi fhe "de IS <.kL.,.cd. ·11 .... hich I;m~ " 111 the eVCflt (1) this vfrr. tl itO( .tcccphxl; .:N 1,2) oUt) c.( Ill&: c<.lIlJ,ti,,,,u. h-cr~u lire fKlof ~tjlfled. thetllln ~t mVIIIClIl'.f1#iI be rcfun<kd to thy ..... In the enHt lif UtlC.",!t of '/loi, co.,1n<!f by $.,Un, \til Ufl"I(!'. m(!nte$ \nllil b<II '~(Unded to !:tu)'$' UpctI lJlIYef"!!l I1ltt~t. but .\11.0" n:flU'lI ~kltn "~\I "fteCI at'l, (~hCf rot>edl<!ll> ,\v,lllabk Iv Buyr:cr faf u.>(,l\ !Jfe.!Kh. Iu tt., ~m of tlRiW.h of Ihn cunn.-" try i:Juya, I'fa) III t'Jlfl'>CSt mUcH!!:'! ','IlI,n b>!: ('lrx.:'fNj !n ,';db uprlft \klkr;' r~~ INt IIKh rorfe"',....... !llh.~ lIf*t IIIftY ",>the, IClJfleQ ..... I>"MUI~k! h. :)..t1l...... for ,. ..<h r>fr;",,'h ,.,. .$ rur fhht r_ /'lvH" !n ANOARU YORM 1 .. r ft.,." .... d ""2011;'1 Ib'-.")' .ppf'~'" fJoy: en"'" .. , .Iy._i;di_ North <:"tol1l,. A . . . ..afion 'Jf R£."L ;mf~1!ik ~ __..~_ "If~ "(')4L~Ilf.. I". 7,'1fI09 Sdler .... '.._ .• ,_..=.:_." .... Produced by ClickFORMS Software Paqe 33 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 14 of 206:07-cv-608-0rl-22 Case No. Case #: PageID 2745 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP SOUIHLAND RFAt 1'1' Id Graham Address State NC Zip Code 28771 From lil :'t. R&SK 0 .... L(),."iS: Tho: nl<k Qn",:". (lr tlmnll.ce by (ke Of othor clu .."h;t pdQr !il Cl\j~l"t. dH'lIlIJ<:! UP"'" ~>':;'('L if 11.:; '"'I""'''m~''tI'. ()(\ CM r't~ 1m! dt$tmycd dtI' """'-'1IIIIy dAm~ prJ« HI CI£fflin&. Bu)e, mit)' ltrfrnilUlle: thl$ ('nUll.:! "y wr."~" ." ,h,., Jell",,", "d h) Sdlcr Ot So::tler', ag.:nt <lOU 1\11 depmllts li.i~1I be I'llf'!t!dcd \0 Bu)'a In the eY!4'1l! Buyer OJ.)(:.) NOI dco (v Icnnim"'c (hI:, ""..,fT ••;!. HIl)'t' .... dud' be ml'llr:>t1 10 f~c:dY(l,. in aJdhioft (.. lIll! Ptnpe;ry, ~fty o(ln·\,; Sdler'!. 1I1!W.IM1Cf' r'l'''~t'c.;h \">)':thk on 1,,,'C(\tIrH "fHx: OI1H1d!j;C ," dr:nrU(flol'l ilfipllcablc fa Ifill ?rupert)' hcing ptI~cd. S(tIlt:1 h. illiYhod tlttll' 1(1 (411,<.:1 ¢:..i;Hitlg il'l:lu')j,I\(~ (j,ft lf~ P((>fl<':n,. "lilt! afh:r .,mfirmin& 1«.wdiJUon of me: de"",' p<u·l.c~. t~11 lrlt~igm'd ::2 AS!:HGNM':l"i"rS: lllb cOon1rlK1 mily rwe hoe ;t.'I.1:tCm:rl without Ihe wrlUcll C<mS<:flC o( aU {hen !Ill. ct>fllr.v:t thull be btndil'l' 00 tbe IlS~:IlJJ«! IU~ bb heirs W1!d .~~W'if1. hy ngf~'mf·n(. 2;; "fAX·l}HF'RRtlF.{) J:XCUAt'«;Y..: It! fhl: eltent Duyct"!)If S"Uct lil;$ifC$ 10 <:rrccl a t.~,def(\r·l:d (;x..:nllnge in C()ffrll¢t-tlUQ ..... ith the ClJllvi¢y.1.I:IC<: of f'!'UfM'uy, l:htYIII and Seller agn:llI lO ~Ul ill cff« Judi ex<;:!.allg.e; flw" ided.. fww~v<t:r·. Ihill Ihl'! " .. changi"G ,,"'ly :0."1111 be ltl'l!pOMib~ rue'.11 Addiiioou! _~ IU100eillfed witt; sucb ac:hangc:. IUld provided (llrtitcf. that ;t /}t)f\--('"Cn#tt!i.hl& 1""'1,.. ~h,,11 MI Ii,,$um~ 1tt.1)' lIddilkoultt liabilit)' wilh ~('4 lo ,uch t1tJH,iefelTCd I:xdulnp. Seller and aQ)~ .'al1 e.><t;:;uh:r ~W;:h Mkhtiooal ,mmllmts. &l1'lO~ !Othe~ch!ll1lPA3ptUt)'••uh.Ubucquin:dw &ivoem.a tothit Pfl.l""ision. (M01'1! If AItx~Mij.." 1 till«r \l'C'..... Jm~li' 16 of thb ccmr34'i win lI.pply.' ~td lICdc advice c:.onomlln, the llllulti_ (If the O....tion Fr-c:) tm: _lUll 24 PARnrS! 111ifcnnfTKf.1I be hlr<dJ,. u.,an mdwlJ mthC!:p3J'ltC$, i.e•• ~lIild Scllu..oo thcU hdI'" ~u«.eJ.!.Of'S allii esigtU. As m<4 berdn. word3 1ft the .tngulllll' iltdudc t.kc plund md ~ m:oculinc ir..dudD lho fcmln~fle lind 1i4IlU\':1 del)J.mJ,,.S apptupnlWtJll_ 7.5. SUaVIVAI.; rranypr(W\:$tl)f\ bctcm c~ ..... tdc:lt by iU ~ omdeffe:a til< rcqf.ltn:ld 10 bq o~ed, kepi IIn~ ')f performed Ifw: Cknta& II "'aU ~l'<O the C1Q$il11 1114 ,~ift binctki. upon and (or llu: bcm:fk of Ih~ ,.tic;,: ~Q u."ItH fully Qt~<I. hfVt tlf I"!l'fonnco, 26. ti:NTIRIt AGREf.MJtl't'T: This (ontr"' (lOfllailu the entire 1tB'l'fIrnC:tH ofrhco: p ..ITI;U ,wd Ihue 1m: no ncP'f~nta,,01'l'. truluc'.nIcm, t)f t)4hl':f ptOYi$W.II, other Ihan t~ npmu.ed h4:rem. All ~ additIDfIl> (>I' d.e!o:-utm:l> ht:n:to m~::U bee in wririrt1J, and .Jl:ncd by 1111 ~t.i~ Nocbi.IJfl cOifltllina.! h<:n:!in Jd.....l ,Ukt my a,s:rccment bctwCCiD a Itt'."!. fOft. "'- ijml &Ik, <Jr Bu),('r ".~ .:<m~ In any U..ti"J ~aemlQlt. Du)'(1 ~":I'l!f;'Y .,._"1:>1)1. \#' lIfty 1It\.~., "1V~.>tIC.. t bo.>fW«0l1 1'*11. 21. N01"CF. AND 1.X£(."\I'nON:. Any f'KI(k:e Of' _,fUmlc::.ation to be "",_ 10 .. pirty Wc;(lltn mJI:}i 00 d;"<',f) 10 tile polly (j'f:O tm;r. AIty wtfl1l:tJ nod« Of ~ ill eMf~ witt U. lnI~ioft C.olllm1ptlud by lt1i.i wmr"".'t may be gi\'l;t\ 1.0 .11 porty In II p-arIy', agen' by SMdin& t ... uU$mittmg it 10 IIJI)" !!I\jlitinL~' c-·mAiJ -.d.dI_ ()It iall Ill1lntJet s;¢t forth in th~ JNotk" Adc:tRa'" _lias ~tow, Sell« Md BIlYO:" dyt the .. N:otieo 1st iQu" ~d ".EfCf_ A;:i.IW... I«~I~ ACti.;l1'~ below shaJl not <,_drum. nuim-iaJ J)'IL1t of tJthl Off« to Pu,dlti1t and Coouacl. and ttlM dle.lddkitlft Of' roodificntiOfI 1..,( Mt)' informlUtoo ttnrrcill uwll'lUl torntit\Jt(' 4; rcjCd.kla qf lm ofYu !)If" dICI Cl<utiUII of. «m:mc:wUv. ltw \ill'lltr"l !nay be .. i'I)':~ Itl multiple: :Jti·glmlb., all Q( whkh ~'II:l' c::on:uit:un: ON! and th4 ~ iUlI'mmem:. mtd die ~ies.dope the w4l1d "SI:AI."lJ,m;idt; loki; *iO\/tiWfCl belo...... pad)'" .,em. .2 t. COMPtJT A TION OF OA Y'S.: IJnIeu otItt::fwiw prov~ fOr ~ cffbl~ CUPtt'l!Jll::t... I.b!! ferm ~My!$" _It nwan Ctwu,eCl1ti'le clI.lrnru.r d.~. mciiJd!hI S"fwdll~,. S~)'S. 11M.! i".IOlidlf)l'f. WktHt tt'dcnJ. AAte. ~; ,)r !."gwm for til<: rmrJXllICf of C!UClllllitlllg (hot. COllnl of -<bys.~ wll bc::gil'l OlJ lbe .fay fc:ttk'''';flS the day upotI .....tIidt .ny.u;t ,., »<'>tier .... pnlvt..'kd in lI1U cold'md .... WI t¢quit-ed 10 be pc:rfttmed t'!1' ," -de. ...... dllYII. B_,,« ~ II...,. ..J ll.. __ _ ., Pl'"o•• ' UlIiIIItllIatioft of 'lte f'~ ptwt' to tk flIIaU_" of thu on'"". THt~ NORl"H CA~Ol.j:-«A ASSOCiA nON Of REAL TO RS_. INC. Am> nUi M}R.lft CAROLINA BAR 1\ ~>SOC!A nON MAKE 7-10 ,R.£PfU:::5 £:n A nON AS TO TIlE Lf.'(IAL VAf..fDtTY OR AI>liQUACV OF ANY I'R{JYISION OF H1)<; FORM !:'I ANY SPECU1crRANSA(.."TION. iF YO(J 00 NOT UNDERSTAND THIS FORM OR FEEL THA r IT DOES NOT PROVIDE HlR YOUR. tEG .... t Nf.EOS. YOU SHQ(;l.D CONSUl. r A 1'¥JRHI CAR.QLINA REAl. Ie.Xl i\ 116 A ITORNf:Y flEFOkE YOU SIGN rr ....; / =L::... ~ . ::......2..-2.cQ...L~. Buy"" ---.-·.2>o:;..Jt;#f;;''a..:;{.f}!i;.,...{·-q~REAJ.) . .. \If 8 STANDAan FORM!.-f l{ ~ ... t~«I 11l00;l 1(1."" Produced by ClickFORMS Software PaQe 34 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. Case206:07-cv-608-0rl-22 Case 15 of #: PageID 2746 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC 28771 Zip Code ~~W Irnel: rJ.PHJ\ fHVlRUtMJHAL :;r;YHiCl lllllllililllll Mr, Gn:g Iliweil( «24 Karls (~ Road Marietta CiA JOO6S n. 2004. 1m Alpha F..:uvimn:metlt.lll SciCllCX'3, tnc. lm r:ttdD:y~ (~ rt."ft:rerl'*~ projet..'1 site. reclum':ltUi visited t.h<: IIbnvt! 100 «:clJnlcian pe.di:)rmed ~ hand aul,>et''-l Wlm d).1l..iUrric t:\HtC pcn~t('\m<::t.:r ~ 8uod an the M.nd Ill.lJP' ~ Alpha bas ~nincd thllt t:l:Jc ~ be:mng ~Ity of the ~ smhs to be 2000 psi. ~y eight teet of tbe: ~ttt ~B to he l\~ flU: U:wf<!lmt::. Ihc ~ buildina should be ~ ,., tt.a the f~ m C'AlUide of the fiB area !)t' foundation c:u;;avntiQlfl. $hoold be cl'rri-cd bitclr; to unamufbed ooil.<i. She'uld you bwc 'IfiDY ip;~ or ffCIeId IIdditillOlll i~oo.. do not ~rtatt: ttt aUI IT!C, We would be happy 10 usist you in tbe COIJ5tructioo phase (lfthe building pha.....e. Attached IS a Dr'OChure f!U~ IJUf' awilftlbJe saYi.~ ~~!) M4toro, P(j (iecOOgistlOivision Jv~ ~tma! P'ROf"P$!·IIJNt\i. FN'/lRGl'JMEN'! f"''''.rftt.4¥l'·it~,: .s.nt1tf"~ t~t'f9!t'!d~>x.i ;~J :4J~ ("f'J'I<J.,61Jt 0!1k:'f!: A. P'l"It {.)ftk.i!' Soll(;1 J • 11m'!} 4i,2:44') I F,n (~~al 'b2-7fl76 J6'J [lI-UWt,lo& Rd., ih.cIldilljt ,,·.,W.""""'. t...C Produced by ClickFORMS Software PaQe 35 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. Case206:07-cv-608-0rl-22 Case 16 of #: PageID 2747 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State F&R did not perform a Geotechnicol Engineering Study fot chis praJe(t. NC 28771 Zip Code (Jllr evaluotion WI15 pNformed lJsinl) ViSW.11 Qb~':1VatU:ms. This i?Voluat'lon has /lot evaluated che det>p/~( wbswfoce fOolls ami rock in relation fo foondatlofl pertarmrmcf? Of 01 /u(!J(<! toto( alld dE/jereMial :,t:nlem~>nf slope' stability. ; I F&R appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you, and if 'Iou allV I~uestfons. please call. Rcspectfulfy submlttl.oQ, Froehn." and Robertson. Inc.. ~o... \JYY) O-J}OI), r. Wideman, EJ. Branch Manager ~tJClrt'S :,- ZA-09 .'!t /'lowen, lIP fJliIll>.-bjrn ,w. . ,'fll 165 KIl<tiI f(.'1J "<tad .way!:_ l r(19 ,'077 Produced by ClickFORMS Software PaQe 36 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 17 of 20 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22 Case No. Case #: PageID 2748 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC 28771 Zip Code , slope. The cut slope ;)t the bad: of the h(tIJ~.e i~ showing '.ome signs of erosion (sf~e photo ;15) Just above the cut slope is the devetopment ac.ces'S (oad calied Knoll Road. Knoll Road is showing signs of cracking and potential settlement at an area above the hOUSt~ driveway approxlmatelv 75 fee{ in length {see photo #6). In additton, tso~ted driveway shQwed signs of l<rOSlon (Sf!+! photo's. It is our opinion that the 3'C;}S , ,Hld along the entrance In and #8). s.tope at the front of the house trom the driveway ;Jrea past the southwest oorner of the hoose, and the sectton of knon Rood sh<)Wing sIgns of cracking,. should be (emediated in order to prevent -:;Iope failur'e. One method of remediation 15 it method c.alled : -;oil "amng whith requlr-e:s a )Pt~l<lliled tOntf3ctor who will ariU and grout mf~tal mds into tfH' side of the slope in order to stabilize the stope and prevent 'lilope failure< Ustl·d b.;:jow Me' two conta<:ts for companies that perform !).oil naiung.. AdditKmaf Contiat1Ol'S could tw provided upon request. Wursfer Engineering & Constructit»l, Inc. Daryl Wurster, PE. President MobUe: 864-313-2334 Office: S().1·6l7·1T51 ~~~Ufst~U.ns:£.«?l!! SoU Natllaunchf!f Inc Keith Be1idcf Celf: 33.6·462·6242 Office: 97()"21(} 6170 '!,IWw.suilnailll!!:!!!fhcG.,<;()1Tl Th\' cut s'ope at the back of the house and the e'roslon areas along the drivftway, at a minimum. :;hould he rernedktted by pl<tcmg erosion control matting such as jutP Illat with p,ras.s seed or hydro--~am8 with a ,"ukh. se-ed. and fenifttp.f combination" We would recommend that the I.)ken . u.s "'wi! r.,p RO/Jd .Vlu'N&~ItHP fA."v ".>S1t f'trJf(!'C.t No.' Jljl. fll41J Produced by ClickFORMS Software /{,(J9 Paqe 37 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page 18 of 20 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22 Case No. Case #: PageID 2749 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP @ Graham Address State NC Zip Code 28771 FROEHLING.& ROBERTSON, INC. f:ngin!?t;ring • Fnvironmentill .. Gf,otechnic;j! 503 SW(!Oti.10 Cro;l"!k Indu'>trlal Park A ...twvlHe. North f"nmt!fl;t ifH:\\F~ T 828]740142 I r B2B 274.l';Yl1 Illel May 71, 2009 Shutts & Bowen. UP Mr. Mk:hael Gore P O. [;OX 4956 Or1ando. Ftorida 3180] Re; Site Observations and RKommendations 165 Knoll Top Road Graham County, North Carolina f&R File No.: 1OIA)027 Fl'o€hling and Hoberuon. Inc. (F&R) is pleased to our pn;sf>lH ob.serv<1tl0m dnd During this datE!' a member of our engineering ~tatf visited the r!?fer~m:.:ed prolect to oost'fve ,emd do,um(~nt sih'~ conditif.H'I". The resid~ntjal 2-51,ory wood framed home has a footprint .area of appro)(lmat~ly 1,168 !f,quare feet (34 feef by >2 feet) with a Map-Slock-lot number of 6602.01).00·5040133 according to the provided Deed records. The nCJflle was constructed approximatelv :; '(eilf'S ago, Con.struction plans for the building and lospi?«:tion document.ation WNC not ullail.<;tbJe during this IflV1:!Sfigal ion. fhe house was visUi!l1y tn!>pected on the in So/de and outsIde to identtfv signs oJ settir!m(ml or :.tructural damage. ThefE! weft! no visible signs of settlement or stlucwral damage tnside the house. Our inspection was confined to accessible portions of the house only. At the front of the house .tt the southwe-:st comer there afe signs of movement at the exterior concn~t(~ slab. Ir. photos Ifl and Ifl, it appears that the slah is be'lrlng on hll malenal iHlrl i', moving aW;i!Y from the our:side wall of the house and there is some notf:(i cracking in the nmtheast fo be eroding and in the proc(~s.s of underrmrdng the (fH1crete ~ttlement in the driveway asphalt \lIRGtNIA • NORTH CAROUNA • p4~nt (OfTIer uf the ~Iilb (~.ce photo 1l3). with dsphak cradling (SE'e photo :14) from the soum CAROLINA. MARl1.AND • OISTRKT OF COLUMBIA" EASTERN EUROPE Produced by ClickFORMS Software PaQe 38 of 40 File No. Schneider Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 Page No. Case 20 PageID 2750 Case 19 of #: 6:07-cv-608-0rl-22 Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC 28771 Zip Code 04/1512009 US.52 1111 11111111111 111111111111111 MI. Greg ?i~ii: 4424 JCads Gitc ROId Marietta GA lOO63 On Friday. <.k:tobcr 21. 2004. an Alpha 1:1,.nvi.n.mmcmUIJ ~, Inc. tedtruCUUl vi.srted the abcwe ~ 1'be tcelmiet4n pc:tfOtmed $eVen hand angers with dynrunlc cone penetrometer te5lina. 'Rued Oft the band auger rCsuIts. Alpha ba:s deCm:miDtJd that the desip bearing t"~ity of the subgrade soib to be 2000 psi. Approxirrutll:;ty eight feet "fthe Stte Ilppean to be loose lill thcrefnn::. the ~ building lSbould be mtWdcd lfC thltt the ~ l!'> oot:fide of the fiU :uea or faundmion excavations 'Should be carried ~ to natlJil1ll undisturbed s01ls Should you hfnte my ~ or ocod additiooal do not he:sitab: to call me. We 'WOuld be lwppy to ~ you in the oom.t.ruetion phase of tbe building pb.ue Attached is 1\ brochure suflUJl1U"i:liogOUT available ~ Rep O. Moore. PO Pmf'ea;ioul OeoJcgistlDivislon Manager _ _IIIIIIIIl_ _ _ _. . . . . . . P'ROFESStONAL k'NvtRONMRNi At O)!'..;SVLTINf'; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ En.'l"_'nt'!l' Mtt'fr>/S PrOf'lJnt by Alpha w..rl<nrftr.t :'''<iftCl'", !'.~ c"..,.,"',. 0ff_ :;<,:7t~llw.mtl Rd., RuiJdiugA, U1UJUNllpha..7fUllflf1 OJfff t'(J.$tOlfut'Bo:,,:n W!lyru~vlll..!, Ne ~ • (Ir'-S} 452·3449/ Pu (f.l2/:t) 45l·1lf.18 Juofr .. ·?'!)CmU'ltcy P:az<1. DDn Grel!l'. 5t~ 2%Si·.e244 • (&.6"i d71 Produced by ClickFORMS Software ~ ian:ptfj.H 1~!\.·(1 . 1-"" (W<4) "i7.#.l'\ PaQe 39 of 40 File Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-5 Filed 08/11/10 PageNo. of 206:07-cv-608-0rl-22 20 SchneiderPageID 2751 Case No. Case #: Borrower Dennis J. & Virginia B. Schneider Property Address 165 Knoll Top Road City Robbinsville County Lender/Client Shutts & Bowen LLP Graham Address State NC 28771 Zip Code 57 fi:'ct Produced by ClickFORMS Software PaQe 40 of 40 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-6 Filed 08/11/10 Page 1 of 2 PageID 2752 EXHIBIT I "C" Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-6 Filed 08/11/10 Page 2 of 2 PageID 2753 NORTH CAROLINA GRAHAM COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, Nancy Waldroup, a Notary Public of Graham County and North Carolina, duly commissioned, qualified and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared, Barbara Bonnette, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that she is the Typesetter of The Graham Star, engaged in the publication of a newspaper known as The Graham Star, published, issued and entered as periodical mail in the Town of Robbinsville, in Graham County, in the state of North Carolina. That she is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement: That the notice or other legal advertisement - a true copy of which is §ched hereto - was published in The Graham Star on the following dates • :lo and that The Graham Star in which such no ce, paper, document or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes ofNorth Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. S) to · :. ft 11 T hIS _......::~ t~\ ______ day of _ _ U4J"--,,-,=,,,c..:::..V\~_' 2010. J f3c&4~ gdJn~~ Barbara Bonnette ~+h Sworn to and subscribed before me this _ .~'--__ day of ... 2010. .U ~l'1J W<l.9J~ fJ ~~ (Notary Public) rvly commission expires ~~ , :1:) n.. ~ ~ Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-7 Filed 08/11/10 Page 1 of 2 PageID 2754 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA ORLANDO DIVISION CASE NO.: 6:07-cv-0608-0RL-22-DAB SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, Plaintiff, -v. AQUACELL BATTERIES, INC. and MICHAEL J. NASTE, Defendants, AQUACELL BATTERIES FLORIDA, INC., ETERNERGY, INC., GAMING SOFTWARE, INC. (f/k1a BET-NET ENTERPRISES, INC.), GAMING SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL, GODFATHER'S INC., MIGHTY MUSCLE CARS, INC., and HOLLYWOOD MOVIE HAIR PRODUCTS, INC. Relief Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) / --------------------------------------- ORDER GRANTING RECEIVER'S MOTION FOR CONFIRMATION OF PRIVATE SALE OF REALTY (165 KNOLL TOP ROAD, ROBBINSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA) This matter came before the Court on Receiver, Michael L. Gore's Motion for Confinnation of Private Sale of Realty (165 Knoll Top Road, Robbinsville, North Carolina) ('~Motion") [DOC _ _ ]. UPON CONSIDERATION of the Motion and being otherwise fully advised in the premises, it is hereby ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that: 1. The Motion is GRANTED. 2. The sale by the Receiver to Dennis J. Schneider and Virginia Schneider (,'Buyers") of the following parcel of realty, 165 Knoll Top Road, Robbinsville, North Carolina~ EXHIBIT 10 I "D" Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-7 Filed 08/11/10 Page 2 of 2 PageID 2755 Legal Description recorded in Book: 00281, Page 0179, Graham County Official Records (the "Property") is confinned pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2001. 3. The Receiver shall satisfy the costs and expenses of the sale (including brokerage fees and prorations for property taxes and insurance). 4. Because the Buyers of the Property are not parties to this action and have no continuing role in this action, there is no just reason to delay issuance of a Final Judgment regarding such sale of realty. Accordingly, this Court expressly directs that a Final Judgment Confinning Receiver's Sale of Realty be issue simultaneously herewith. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers in Orlando, Florida this· - - - day of - - - - - - 2010. DAVID A. BAKER UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE Copies furnished to: All Counsel of Record 11 Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-8 Filed 08/11/10 Page 1 of 2 PageID 2756 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA ORLANDO DIVISION CASE NO.: 6:07-cy-0608-0RL-22-DAB SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, Plaintiff, -Y. ) ) ) ) ) AQUACELL BATTERIES, INC. and MICHAEL 1. NASTE, Defendants, AQUACELL BATTERIES FLORIDA, INC., ETERNERGY, INC., GAMING SOFTWARE, INC. (f/k/a BET-NET ENTERPRISES, INC.), GAMING SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL, GODFATHER'S INC., MIGHTY MUSCLE CARS, INC., and HOLLYWOOD MOVIE HAIR PRODUCTS, INC. Relief Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ---------------------------------------/ FINAL JUDGMENT CONFIRMING RECEIVER'S SALE OF REALTY (165 KNOLL TOP ROAD, ROBBINSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA) This matter came before the Court on Receiver, Michael L. Gore's Motion for Confinnation of Private Sale of Realty (165 Knoll Top Road, Robbinsville, North Carolina) ("Motion") [DOC _ _ ]. By Order Granting such Motion [DOC_ _ ], this Court confinned the Receiver's sale of a parcel of realty located at 165 Knoll Top Road, Robbinsville, North Carolina, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 200] and expressly directed, pursuant to Rule 54(b), Fed.R.Civ.P., that Final Judgment be entered because there is no just reason to delay. Accordingly, this Court issues this Final Judgment Confirming Receiver's Sale of Realty, for which let execution issue forthwith. EXHIBIT 12 I "E" Case 6:07-cv-00608-ACC-DAB Document 258-8 Filed 08/11/10 Page 2 of 2 PageID 2757 ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that: 1. The Receiver, Michael L. Gore, was authorized to sell the following parcel of realty: 165 Knoll Top Road, Robbinsville, North Carolina; Legal Description recorded in Book: 00281, Page 0179, Graham County Official Records (the HProperty"), more fully described as follows: Lot B-3, Stecoah View Subdivision, Stecoah Township, Graham County, North Carolina, as described and conveyed in the deed dated December 12, 2005, from Stecoah Vista, LLC to Trophy Group, Inc., said deed being recorded at Deed Book 263, Page 389, Graham County Registry of Deeds. Being the same real property purported to be conveyed in the deed dated April 19, 2007, from Trophy Group, Inc. to MWH Investments, LLC, said deed being recorded at Deed Book 281, Page 179, Graham County Registry of Deeds 2. This Court has issued an Order granting, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2001, the Receiver's Motion to confirm the sale of the Property. 3. Accordingly, a Final Judgment is entered confirming the Receiver's sale of the Property. 4. This Court shall retain jurisdiction to enforce the terms of this Final Judgment. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers in Orlando, Florida this day of - - - - - - 2010. DAVID A. BAKER UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE Copies furnished to: All Counsel of Record ORLDOCS I I !S98588 3 13

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