Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 237

DECLARATION of Carl R. Nelson re #236 MOTION for issuance of order to show cause as to Why Conservation Easement Should Not Be Extinguished by Burton W. Wiand. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Deed of Conservation Easement, #2 Exhibit B - Appraisal, #3 Exhibit C - Pages from 2005 Tax Return, #4 Exhibit D - Order and Complaint filed in W.D.N.C.)(Nelson, Carl)

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" Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al Doc. 237 Att. 1 DoC ID:.Ø16855350021lype:CRP Fee .111I1~llø,~lmll~II~II, DeBruhl'Rei:üter '8untombe count' ,NO ' , ì 'Workflow# 1987353' Deeds .'' , ì~ML 4.U06ØO~~l9PG1S86-17Ø6 - ;t,r¿c- Ottowo, of Recorded: i2l1S/2005at 04:Ø5:47 PM Amt: $74. øø Pagel of 21 ' , !. . ......... -'.' - '-.:" . _MCDOWELL C01HC.fEE $74;00 , -.".- _ : f,RBSEiiiED"' .~. :Rce-öROED:" 2ü0500H,737 :'~~CDO~E,r.,ço; Ne., , '...' .,'. ,... ~i'iuSI:N1'i:¡i&;Il!¡éoIUi:ri; fEE; $75.00 02.d 3;. . ......... . 12-06-2005 . 02 r09 :09'PM .................. ...~aG~~~riióldck~el . ==JlsIsTm RiGIS't&ROl'oeees ' ~'~a~~;~fj~i:A~~:!~éI ,',. ,.... =S;:BY: CAROLYN I'REEL :.".-.. pepUTY R£GISTtR OF Deens 2006 .' 01:56 :20 -PM ~B¥: JANE:B¡.Ç'GEE. . . ...:........~:k:¡ØRP. "'e4'~- ." ~ BK:CRP 857 ~. , .",' ""dpöE..oD6 ~""p.'"G'.Aoi:i:" ' " .... .. . . . ',.- .....f'G :80a~828.. ~m!sJ~p~rF\O¡vlrE.REALPROPEA Ti\h.TJÇí¡l'RÓ:lSIONiJroN riw$iRQli ALLOR, ANY ' ti ,Î?l ltl' NJtØNJ 4INS R -Y.LE,-GALLY,n~SÇRl:ßEP HR:RIN.'SEEARTICLEVlJ, ,~:e~'flÇ1Nî~ ,,' -' .,,',.., '" . , , .~1~iæi;:;;i;d .cooservancy NÓ~'PH'Ç:ÂbtI_NA',. ", ',", . . ,A:portion:ofParGelIDNí.inbèr:' 0637:00~8i~0433 B".NCOM13EANi'rMCD- wE. L COUNTIES " " Ü '." .".:."..".. . o . L LAUREL . DEEDOFCONSERVATION EASEMENT MOUNTAINPRESEJtVE PROPERTY" '. ..,dtl:lsGräJlt,pfConservatioDEäsement(hereiflafter If ColiservatioIlEaseairIlC)is made ihis ~'!i~f8~Ti~~~~~~t¡E~~J!~:i~;~~;i~t~~~l~Eg~:~1~ RECITALS'&-.C()NSER;t~TIÒNPt1itÖSES COllntyRegistry and Book 762, Page 157, r~ferred -to-as :~~~~~~::::;:i:!~~~;;=!!~~::~1~t¡~~tB~~~1~~na, McDowellCQl;I1tyRegistry.(the168:794àtreshèreÌIpfter the' "Pi'nperty")and fuher descl'hed inÊx,hibit Aattaçheahe.retO?:idbythisreference . ". ,,::: ~.' "." - ..' --, "; . . '. ~ ~." ,: ,-'., .':'( inò8rPQtateg.l;.etêl1¡~\,:a\Iø't '. '..~' ,;,..,;, ,.... . ..... , '. f4.';'., 'r~ l l\ \ s:... CRP 857 486 GR, 8:49 '809 Wbereas,Grantee isa publiclysupPQrted, tax-"exemptn~nproiitoigahization and a qualified organization under Sectìons501(c)(3) and 170(h),respeçtively~ dfthe)nternalRevenue Code, ~-.ML as amended; ,apçl theregulations promulgated thereunder, and not apriyatefo.uiidatioti its natúral, scenic, 'històrÌ'Galt"ágriciiltural, forested andJotopè-n 'spâè.ëcondition;and under Code §509', Whòseprhriary;p~rpo~é is the preservation,protection,oreIiaIcementof land in Whereas,Grantor,'an~':~hmtee reeogrtizethat thepropertYinitspresènts~atejs' a" "natural- sëenic; ru--aLot9ke:ntJr.~~rthat has not beensubjecttosignifìçant develoPJ1entandls a significant' nat~ral~ëawhich:ptg:y:.ldes 'a'i relatively natured habitat o,ffish, wildlife, or similar ecosysteni" ast~âipli~s~dis useçl in Section 170(h)(4)(A)(ii) of Code. plants, or the Intemal Revenue More specifcully:thë Eäseíiient Area has: (í) Perenrialstreams which are a critical resource supplying fresh water to the (Ii),' d...f::;:~~Wii;~d:í¡ìi:;~;:~i~â~!Ji~tir~~~oitr::~~ · the. rarei;tfore,sted:.ç'QJ1QitlQtlsJovridin theeastem United S tatesiodayoffering 'an. Catawba Rhr.erwatershed RsweUassupportingaqllaticWilli1ife; '., ..... ...... atypiG'llglirr~se,)t?f: "örest,condìtiohS prior toEur()peár~.è6;laniiàti()riand dèfore~mltiòn:-,: . , ". . . . .., . (iii) RichanQaci..Øicg)veforèst ÇQrrtin;ties which are HigliPri()rity:Còrjs~rvation '. Areas .because the,y cONainthehighest nUp1bers of rarespeciea,and\total.sp.eçies ~:~~~:t~Y::'~1lçt:cerisjtyot Æorests:onsit~,Theyalso .provide ....~~pohantwil4iife (iv) Rareplantspeties:which.iïave been designated and träcked bythë, Natural H~ritclge,\RrQ:gùirt.-a.scritìcalbiolôgiCarèletlents to North Carolina the stäte of North Carolina;';8~Gli::$pe.êies" ,:Ôl;nduii theptoperiy :indllde "significantly . rare;' Coreopsis latijôNá; lind "watch list'? plant . species. such as Helianthús' g lau~opn'YHi,fl,i.s-riMiX ,:biltmøre(1nä, ,Tsugá .carolinü:mä; Trd.liúii ,'" ëttJ'eatumaid (V) .~i~i~~øii~!~~~~æ:~El~~~lEe::~: bird speçies;. 17, öfwhlChare listeci byPattnersinFlight as priòrity, conservati'o~ species:~~~;t~iR:~~t~cs?u,m~tt'Rlu~JRj;qgeReglón.,. ' ',,', " ....,~~~Ji!l..~!i~!:;:~:tE=:i5~~~i~t:i . " ".,. . I"~' ,.;, ,_: (i) V.'ieWShent:'ff~ff:,gÓliti'.£åèili~'sld6~:~s in. theroad vicinity ndges amI and 'sOUth~facinés+QP~S, peaks from EdmuridsòriMountain and Wildcat Knob; (ii) .!i~fll2M:it~r~1JEtJiil~~~t~t....... """'2". LaurelMountain Preserve :.._..J M-..~~ CRP 857 487 CRP 849 810 profoundly Impo:iantforplant andanim::il rnigratioiiancfdìversity. Whereas, GrantQrbelieves that with the .' careful usëof \he cÒriservation easement, the reSources, habîtat,beautyandiîiqueeco19gicalc;iiaíåcter :(hereiniift~r'iéønservati()n . Values") land and its sùbsequent useaI1denjoyment,ånclGranfóris willing to foregoforeverthe rí~ht to fully tha(petmJts continuing private ownership of of thePr'operty can bc protectëd in a mániler Conservation Easement;, .'. : ' : .:." ; ,;.:. Whereas the' exploit the financial potential of the Property by encumbering the Property with this . ;.... protection of theiiaturalaÍ1d ope~space characteristics of the Property wì1 1. . '. Thepolicies;anclipllt;'()S;es, of:th,eÇlean Water yield signif.icant public benefìts, an~videncecl by: . . .. '., .... . Managenietit l:nistFund; 2;. 3. 4 - The "Mil1iollJ-cresJnitiatiye,",enacted..I1....J,une..q,QQO; N,;QQ.$.; '11.3A- .. far1an.didpeltsp-à,ce attl) eonserÝutionlanûsare permàiientlyprotëcted ' ;;':,J ..!1~tli~J!ll~t~~~~,"~i~~q~~ìÎ~~~:Ei.. 5; - Eigfgè~¡ï~IG;r~il'iøtg 3 Laurel MountainPreserve ¡. ¡¿~~ '. CRP 857 488 ." ~i) THe development arid maintenance of hiking, biking, and walking CRP 849811 trails including trail sigris;... . ..' . .'. (ii) ( iii) Arë~sónablé~umberdOfpicnic ,tablesanG benehes: . .... Prùvìdiiig thitan trailsaI1cl:piCni careäsetc: are wåy.. so as not Ú)iinpáir theaforemsnt~9ned siJ~ni:fiçant COI1serv~tion Values. of th:,:r...,....:;.....: ë'Hùid.'. ". Wbereàs,theConservation Values Grantee and to the are of Qevelopedand locatedin a people QfNort Carolina an,d thismition;:ánd great irrport,anceto'tle' Grantor, to the' Whereàs,~e ~haracteristics of thePtoperty~ its. currerttuseand state òfìmprovement, are describediri 'a. teliølt~:erititl~d"Laûtel' MOuhtaìhPrèsèi;e.B'á~elìn~;n,ocumentation, dated July . ;i~~:~e;~ì:~~:i:~~i:i~~fr~~:~n;~l~~~"it.~¡=~~~~~;c~f~ attached as Exhibit B:ro tbis 'ConsetvationEasement,) Thê-'(j~~lltôrwörkedwitli the Grantee mìnera;~;~~:tt~'~;~ti~t;~b~~~?1~~~i~;le~i~Ü~:~~~~i~=i~ntrre holders ..of,iiens,øt'9~~'T'~ti9ü~lJr~iiCtesllPön.thelraprrt.y; subordinate their in terest in thePrøp'l,ity' t(jth1s:,êônserviitioliEaseiîê'it;an4 ,', '. . . . .. ..f~Si~~i'~l!fl~lllt~!;~£~~~~;~~~ Z:".~.~.:" :: ;~;~~~~~=;::i~'=tÐi¡¡~~~~~b~~~~t~~~. 4 Laurel Mountain Preserve ~~~ CRP 857 4:89 and nsed therefore. his th~ further the Coi:servation Values. Graiitor intends that this Conservation dAR'fIÇLEII~ . ;,.. ....~.,.i p CRP 849 812 purpose oftliisConservatiQuEasemerit to prevent any use of Property that Will.'sîgnificantly' impäir or interfere with thé preservation of said Property iosnch activities. ás 'ar~" cónsistértt '.ith thepurpösésof conservätioil. . . ...... ;., .: ",'. . :: -::"" ..". '.' .-. "." Easement wìH restrict Use of the ..' .'. . DURTION OF EASEMENT '-'. ": '. . This Conservation; Jtasementshallbeperpetual. Jtisaneasement in gross, runs with the land; apdisenforceable :by'Qrai:tee agáinstGrantor; itsrepresentatives, successors, assigns, lessees, agents · and licensees. ,.;.: . . "';ÅR-TiuLEm.lUGHTS RESERVED ." .;.".. .... : ~ .' ". .... -' - ,- -.. -. . '. .' .' . -. . '../ . TO ,GRATOR the property, .including the . '.' '. ',Gr~ntôrrese~.è&'certaintightsaGCrning from óvvIlership of right tö engage in .orpermit ötherstö engage 'in useS oftheJ?ropértythatare not inconsistent reserved: ..... .. .. . bclow. .. . ... ... .. . 1.1 .Roads aidTrails:Graritor reservestherighttokee,p open with.the . ptlIipös.l'(s):,ofdhls,Easement,. AU Tights reSèrved,-by.GFàötotarereserved fcir.Grantot, ïtsrep:uesentfltives:,,:sl.CCessbts;and .aSsignS,andareconsidered to::be consistent with the conset\;atioó,'4)i;rposês'of;ttiis' 'Conservatiou..EasemeÍit....Thè following rights are expressly 1. .... C.(ostUl\~; i~'ighLtQcQnstruct str.ctutes exCepillôscexisting on the date of. thisqøiis~r:va:tiQll'Ea.seinent is .permitted only inaocordancewith. the paragraphs .existiiig,trails'onthè Property 'flt.the time ofthisCouservation and passable all .~:a~¡;~ilt~~.~:..~":;n:,;1~~ihh~e~~~;:.:n~~~:i':;\h~ ': ~iiFop:ê.l'tysb:iöiig asthenetwôrk'of traI1sdoes iiótciegrâdethe . .ColiservatiQn'Values of the Property. .. ... .',/' . 1.2 ,Rectëational Structures: . Grantorreserves , .. right .' to.:construct a .;. :..:i.. ~... :. . ......; ". . -:, ..,... .";.':;;,'!J/i'... . '-,..: ... ...' . :¡llI~ãt:¡!~¡il~;n;:~~~t1;~;~. 5 Laurel MountaìnPreserve 'ß-ACRP 857 490 3. 'Timber . Harvest. The right tci Giit timber or remove or CRP 849 B13 destroy trees shall be. peri:itteq upmi 'theP-roperty,only under the followingçonditìons òr for the follo\Ving purposes: '. . 3.1 Clearing. and restoring veget~tive cover, that has disturbed by forces of nature or otherwise been darraged9f., . 3.2 or fOTihe rem(wal öfdead yvood . or trees as necessar to control or prevent.imminent hazard? disease or fire. . in Selective .thiiting 'ór,hate-stitgirees is,perritted, bntdone. only accordance withcontemporary,conservatìonc.based; forest. mariagement .... practices and according to, a;plriú:th",tisçol'sistentwith' the,pr9Vi~i~n.s?f . this:CoIlservationEasejnen,t;, and prêparedby the 'Nortb'Üìi9liija Division of Forest Resources, a registered 'foresterot.otler'qüalified' biologist. Such may be plans must be' approved by Grantor and Grantee?aid amended from time to time by the ,paries. SnchPlaisshall. one .iSa\T~i1abi~, ensure that include acopyofthis ConservationEasenientas .an appeildìx.apd'$li~Jl'. alSo Hhcludè a'.'bìològicål'ínveiitøry, bfthe;'PrOpertY' if The .... purpose of this' requireinentis to . goal. 'ofthe,'f()t~~~_ ..', ,'mànagemêtit 'plan 'isèonsistent with:tle ptiöseof thiS:C~~~~bvati;0: ' ' '..,' ." ,Easeinent " . ". ". . ..., ..'.,. " .' ...', ',", .'.. . ......,." " ",.,"'_ ' "3.3, "Gi'autor8hall' indeniify~ranteeJorall.ël~imsôfpersôp:aJ:iNjtlty\~;t-;d:: ' property damage; including-reasonableattomey;fees andQö~ts;pØ~1ltlij1gd';' on" the Property to':, theextønt.,they ;arecaiiseddbythe:1"e¡gl~g~iJG~dWt" intentional act of Grantor, jts employees, or agents, O¡:aritec'§tlåJii." indemnify injury or prupertYdàniå.ge, , Grantor for aHc1aims of ,personal incluçling reasonabJeattorieyfeesandcQsts; OGCUrrWgouthè.fP-ropêrty"io " the,extent that theyarecåused by the'tlegligencé.örintèiitiôrirtl' åètof Grantee, its eIìployees? or agents. . , '1" '." 4. ' ,,Recreational Use. GrantorshaUhá~~' tJe Tight toengageihand to pennitothets , tO"~l1gage ,in recr~ationalusesof tné "Ptøpenty,)nçLudiæig;;iÐ.tW'TIotUmitêd" to~hikirig, -çåú1j.g" pi9niclÌJS, .non~motoriz,edbiGy'øliì:gf lan¡rul' ihUlltihg:"åúd ... fishing; and;Qther i;e,qretitibrial uses,that. requITe, .nO .,;build;ings, 'facilties,.suFf~ce;:âlteratiön .. or. other 'devètdpment ofthe land." . ,': ',. .', , . ~";':. . : :', allowed? provided thatåryl1etõicide sh.aìl'beå,IJPliedinaeeofdance theteeomrendations and/or réquitetrentsontlelabelofthehèrbicide ~nd . . -.". ." -:- . . . -- -." 6 With Laurel Mountain Preserve ¡? -/~ CRP 857491 .. . its us; shall be consistent with any applicable federal; state, and CRP849814 local laws ann regulations. . 6. . . Excavation..Qräntôr 'Shållhave the'righttoexcav-áteoruy ,as necessary to allow the construction of the ihiprovernents allowed above, the maintenahceofexistihg hiking trails and the preventioii of erosionand/orflooding. There shall beno other excavation or alteration tbihelopógraphyalIowédon thePròperty. , 7. Water Quality and DtainagePatterns. infuheranceofwêtlahd orripariar restôrationactivhiessolOIig assnch activities to . accordance with ahabitat improvement plan prepared Grantor reserves the right to alter the land restore natural hydrology, or tö enhance wètlands or Other hydric hábitat; areperfoimed in by a biologist, consultant, or other ... ~;~:;!~~tt6!~t~~;~~~:ít;;::J~.~~el:,e~~t;~~r¡:a~~n~~;ln~ 8. ..... . Signage.No~igis -or nillboards or other. advertising displays are Property,~eXöéRtt1~t'Signs.Whpsè;,placèment,. number an(Ldêsig~ dò 'not sighificantl y allowed on the .dhûinishtne.'sceuIcøhåta.eth ofthê'Propèrtymay be dispJayeCltpdctentifyroags or trails and theConserv~tionVaJues of the. Pr~perty, tOidentify:'the .n~e' and åddr~ss of the ?aie~7~Jt1itoiPQstthe.:FrQperty ~:j~~$i~!1~:;:¥i:;:~:'i~ t i~~r:itî~! to cóntroltrespassing~, . s l or reriJ, ~nd . ,"' ': ".:'';" ". .: . . . ,.:", "';~'." - .'. .... .;:;.-.:. . :,.,:' . ';.- -.', '", '. :- :::. ; ,.~, : . - .' ,.' .. . : : ':.~ ".: .:.' .' . ':. '.:", : . ." . :" :~edata~~tQ~~ii~¡':::t~~~:a¡~:~:tè~~:;~:Jl:~e~:d methodsapptdY:tidbltheGr~Í1.iee;. . The method . empJoyed'sliallbe .selectiyeand specific to indiyjQuai~,ràt1~i:.,thap:b~ØátlcaSt,~On-' iti. .accqrdånçe WitQ~llP~~~~t~e;.~ê,:!!~~;¡~lnç~J~WSaQd re$latÍn., .. ... .... ..'.... ...~E:~ettg~~t~~f£~!4~~~:~~:::t~::::JiE~~~:~ii~~:d ,: ARfì.çt~ W:;iR~Q~ITED,,$N, RES1?RIGm)j,~Cin~'fmS -. . ,~, '.. .., ''¡ , . COll~t~:&..~iit,~':~~l~it~~~~!i::!~Ç::ii:~~'h'=:;;:~G"~o~: have no rightto..agrøeio.à,yaptivÌty that .wQuld result in the.tenninationof this COß$ervation 7 LaurelMountainJ?eserve ~- AJ CRP 857492, Easement setförth above. CRP 849 815 Except forlhoserights specifically reserved to Grantor in Article'iii and without limiting thegenëralityofthefQregoing, the fonowing~ctivities :an,;,ar~es:pressiy p,robibited or restriçted:, . ' right of passage forsuch pùroseS are prohibited 1. "Industriai andComrerdal,Use. ,lnd~striål.arq, S9m~xrci3.Laqtivities ,and any 011 thePtoperty. ' 2; SubdivisioIi. ,~h~Pro;~~ty mayn'ot'bedi~id6cl::subaivt4bir()iparÜti?ned,nor conveyed except jn,Üs current configuration ,as an yhtity. ' ,, ~itifigù~~~1~s~i~~~:t¥~~~~~1;::~tE~&~~~;~r~tl~~~suant 'toa, transferâbledêve16pm6nftights 'scherne o'ryiustø.rçitveloPIle,N;:arr#ig~iR~l1t or otherwise. . . ",,' ';.", ~;=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~:'h~~~~t~~~1~~:; ;~mov~~~tl:~f~=t~~~~~_i?I~ll~~~lor . ".... '..~ :.:. .-:-:-'~/:::.~: :.; (: ....:t:;". .i:.:.".: ~;";.' ::. . . ,,'.:: .:..: ':,.. -,- . ~~~:~lJiii¡l'¡fi~~\¡¡fitl~it~~~:; i!~¡ì:ii~rl¡i~l~lii;iIi:: · . . . . . ":",,..,;.~. '.~1.,:~,:,~,;; ~,;:\,':,;.,~,~,~r",,; ,,'~;:,:~, :-;:; . ~- - .:.~\ ~".; .;. ..... - . . (t, .: ~.~..' :'.:.':y. .,::~::' : ':"~:;:~~;.:.;.'" ":., = ' ," ;t:.. .-~' .::..;;:=.t.; ',' "- ,,-,-' '.r ! ..~= '~)~i; ,;_.; ; . ."!; 8 Laurel Mountaìnf'reserve CRP857493 ~.~ÆP ,. , ,-) Ll siItationon the PrópertY'CRP 849 816 10. . ,WaterOt;ai1tyand :orainagePatterns.. There shall be no alteration of water purity or that would pollution or or waterpodi;esaid:;J1öac;tivities. that wòuldbe:detrimentai,to . .,'a1tèdiâtuniiwa.ter JeveIs,drainag;e, sedimentationiidlorflow in over the troperty or ...~:~f~~,~~z~i:~r:''::J~~i::,j:~9nor~r9Sion;nor diking, dredging, u., , Adverse or Inconsistent Uses. There shall other use or a,ctivity that is iiicònsistent;~itb.theCon.~ervation Purposes. ' '" " , .AR')'èLt\t:~it$JtEsi#~p .:r'GRÅNRE;ENøRcÈ~¡rAN.IlEmES .~f¡~~O~~\¡ff~:~O:il~~tyir~U;°J::~f:~::JiN::;:i i~~:i;~:; with . the purposes (lftlÙsCOliservåtion 'Easenìentand 'to require the Grantor, all .....ièfl.l~l$È&~l~j~il!~m~:¡Ë~~:~; "First ,N'óÍiçe") 'öf $uchbreach. TiaedGrâ,nto:r shall have: thirty (30) days after receipt of 'or 'adi~ity.~t~tiststent 'Witl1;'the,'puÌose ,. of tliisC()ns~rvåtlon.. Easement, . to .restóre the .... ~: èXfliut)staUces..dai¥ágetö'ihe'Gr, iitep~aòlr,ariçlremedie,satlaw will be 9 Laurel MöuntainPreserve M- --Æ& CRP 857 494 successors and assigns; have the right, L \.l- CRP849 with reasonable notice, to.enter the 817 Property 2. Right of Entry and Inspection. Grantee; its employees and agents, and its once a yearforthe purpose of IIspectîngtheProperty todeternme iftheGrantor, Gnmtor's reptesentatlves~br. assigns ate complying withtheterms, .,conciit.()nsatidrestrii~tion.sof . thisiCQnservatión Easement. 'Graiitee" may enter ..theProperty.witho~tgivíng . reasonáblê . notíceto the: 'Gråiitorwlierievèr" GranteeIias reasonable' evidenèeof a vioiation;in tlis evêrit'Gt~nltee' . will riotifyGtantorof the re~sonâble,evidenc~ prompting Gra,utee i s entry of the Propertýír accordance with' Article VII, Paragraph 6. below; ...., ".: .', '.',:",. :". .:. '~.' , . . ..ii~.=~¡i~~t~~~i~Ë~i:~:~l~a~F~~~ . :::.::~y;¿::;...:~~,...;.. ': ." -':'.' .:,'.,-'::¡. :;\.:;- ~~; ¡--r..,-;~:~::.;h,;:-~--:~ - ~- ~,'- ~_:,:'/r~ ::/' ,-:~¿,:.- /~.:' i.. ~'.\,,'. '. '. :.'.'.¿ .' ....: 'f. . .::/;' .:. ..ß ';,:': '" "AkiziÇ" :Lit .yi.:øO.CÌiJ1ViENrr~TiøN AND TITLE- ,.~ i " ¡ l .:''''(1l',ù;~i~~~~il~~~~t:~~*~i~;ir~hzt~~~;: :~itJ::ì'1~¡Iiri~~~;~æa=r~1~~!î~: 10 Laurel l\ountaiii Preserve lJ~...~. Iì '.' .,' n 11 ¡¡ CRP 857 495 CRP 849 '.' 818 Property, thatthèPrôpe~tyjsfreeaJJd clear oLany anct all encumbrances, except eåsementsofrecoid,no:re of'Riii'cl1 woulqnuÍlify,jnwair or limit in any wçiy the terms or effect of thisCáiiserva,tlapEaseroerit;,Gtantor shall defel1d its title against the claims of äUpersons " whotÍsQey~r, an(fGrn,~:tórd covenants ,that. tl~G-ra,t1tee shaTlhave the use Conser.vatiun:Easerient: " ..' , , 3. .' EasernentDo'currei1tâÚcin~el1ört. T;le .-Paiie,sacknow1edge that copy of which of and enjoy aU'oftht benefiisderived from ålq.arsing out of the aforesaid the Report, a is ()n'file,atth,e ßff'-ítes.ofGi;~ntee,accurately establishes the uses, structures,Canservatio,. Valuesanci Gonditionofthe Propertyas:ofthe date hereof. '. : . '. ii ,.". '. : ~ A"RXIciEYll."M'.J',", '::'-:"1'. .-:L_.. -..' ,. -.NO"".' S SCE -, LA -,- "... U ~ '- .......;.:~,..;:..,.,:...-:,::. :.:.:-- .!";":-1. . Subseque~tTrans£èrs:'G.räntøràgreesf()ritself, jts successors and . assigns, to . ._~-;,~:. :";: ..~:., .t..:": ~:j:. . \-:1-..r:~:. .~:.- -. ,.~::; .:'.... 2. .ilS~i,igt~'fl~~~ï"Jitè~~r1d!td~Kti~~~~~ afo~ee~n~~:~a~;:i .~;;" ~.;. _.;;. . 2.2 ;:...,. .,. 1. . 2:3.,.. shall beeq)¡alt0thedifferenee between(a)tlefåirmaiket value of the EaseniøntA~eaasifR~t:?Urclenedl)ythjs,çQnserya1Ji.9nEa$ement interest .....~:::~~~~e~i:~!;¡r~~~lf~~;ß~i~h~:.~~d~m~fi:i;"l¡#~.á~#i~è,lgis. 11 LiiUreL MOtintaInPreserve 10z ~ Æß CRP857496 2.4 . !;.:, GRP 849 819 1f ,at any tímeGraiitee oràny sucçes'sororassign~e is unabletQeJJforce successor or~ssighee this ColiservationEàSeinënt Or if :Grantee or any of Gdntee'stightsünder tlii$CòÍiservation Ea~eineìitceflses tgexist or . . ceasèstobea"quçiHfièdorganizåtiün"(àsdefinéd in .tbe Code ) and if, . withiriateàsótià:hl' pêriod of tineat'er tleöccUienceof aty oftpêse events, Granleè. of any sUècéssór örassigI1êefailst(). åssignall ôfits rights ånd responsibilities organization" and under this Conservation Easement to a "'Ì'uâ1ified "holder" , thenthe rights. and TespollsibilitìeS under this Conservatìon ;Easenientshallbecbniè vtsted in ~d fall;u:pùnariother a proceedirigHefore;åndthe order of; . åny couiöf cornpéteht jiitisdiòtión.Gråntor :sliaUháve the qualìieçl otganizâtîoti ÎÍi accördànc6 with right to comment in writing on the selection of an organization or eiitity tottâìistetthfs:Côhs;èrvaìion 'Easêiíêntto and GranteeshaU consider sU'chcomments -in the-irdeçision.. . . 3.. ,'. ...... EXisting.ReSPonSí£î!.w~s. i9fGra~~tør:,andd,:èr,allt~e,Not..Affeeted.Other~hân as specified . herein, this CO,iis,ervRttØJ1Eáseirentis cIotintenc;ed to, -irrpose,any legal. or other responsibility ol1theOr~~te~; orin anyway to affeçtanyexistingoblig~tion to the' . . 3:1 . TaxeS.The;:iGjr~#tør Sh,~ll.ç;oIitÌ'nlletodhe,~Qielyrespon$ibl~ .foLpaymerit Graiiiortl~ . owner oftfie i?r9P:~r:lY. .'Arn,Qng,Ptljer, things, this shallapplyto: ofallÚixtsåiidâssess1IeIits "teviêdagaiùst the Property.. I~thè :G,r~ntëe is ever reqUired ,Ptop,erty "the its interest ÌI the Grantol will rehnburse .theGraiite,efQr,th~s~me. to pay any taxes or assessments On 3.2 .. ~¡g¿:ibÜi~i~~~;::~;~aIl~~~l~:::;:;,oih:~~f:::~~,t~ .~: :~~~~ itrraybereÇJuired .byJaw~ .The'Grantee sheJlhäve-.trQobligationfortht upkeeporrrainteIlance ofthePr()perty. ...,. . .' '.' . .' . .... .' .' 33 '. :',: . "."'." .~.. ":" '": . . (.::.....,. " . - ,~. !.': . _: V":-S:.:.)' ;,::-, '\:'r":-- ::I:i-... At. .......... '. CónstniC.tom.QLil.emis.'.'. dThiSd)CnÎls~r~âtlOñ'Æ1R~elit~lÎî'sli~H be' constred to. promote the pmposes,øf:'Jhe,;Nort. Catoliiä'êhanliíï~tgtátÎ;të\sef'j6rthhl N. C.O.S. 12 i - 34 a~:1ii;i~'~~~~i~ir~~if¡i~;::1~i:Ë:§! 'j~~IÝ,~~~fr:~i"ti~~;~~ji~i~~=:~~~=:~~~,; 12 LaurelMouritain Preserve Carolina,anci may fe-record jt Notices. Allnot1ces, requests or other comiunicatlòns perrnitted or required by shall: be senrby, eertifi eel mail;returtreceiptrequested, addressed to the parties as set, fort 'above, or to such other addresses süch pary 'mayestabHsli in writing to the other. All such items shall, be deemed given or made three (3) days after: being placed 6. this Agreement .. ." - ..." '... CRP 857'497' at ahy tírie astnaybe required tö preserve fl-~ 'i L ,.i GRP 849820 its rìghts. inile UnitedStates'niailashereinprovided. ' ': lbarycase' wh,ere the terms of this Conservatión$asêlîeritTequitethe consent of anyparY,siich,cpnsentShallbe requested by writtennÖt:icé~ d$ucheonsèritshaH bedeeIDedapptoved'uriess,\Vithin thirty (30) days itadditional informatioh ,Ìs.ìequttedor ' requested 'to renderà decú;iôn, 'consent will be deemed 'approvedthiry(30)daysafter rèceiptof saídaddìtiùnal ìtonnation if a response' is not after receipt oLnotiëe~àwlitteh tesporise is teturried viá iegistered maÜ. recejved:~.' :;'::'i ." . Laurel.Mountain',P.reserveLLC . To'Grantor; .'; '",.' . " 1'oth.e GraÍitee:', d i 31 G~t~;~ Cre6kRoad .' Fairview Carolina I\1'oüiltain Land Conservaiicy p.o. Box 2822 Hendersonville.'Ne 28793 NC'2'873tL". .....:.... ".:.,'. i. 7. '. ....Amendinehts.;,+ Tn:: Æurt1ieùmceof the 'ConsèrvaHôn Purposes of this C()nservatjOD,):Eas~fi,~rit,(neither 'GråiitornorGranteec6ntemplàte the amendment of thi; Öo:nsei:vU'tiôtf:E~sèmè,iitëxcëptin the' event öf 'an" etrór in drafting jointly adrnowJedgediby'MothifJr:lintör'ahd, GtaItee,ór'othet- rarè, tinlikelycircUrhstances. If circumstances,afiStf8~Ch.fhatan' amendment to,. or. modification. of, this Conservation EaSeinel)lwoultl¡~e::Rpproprüi.e;Grantor and Grantee'åfe'.'frêe to jointly amend' . Conservalinn,iEuserfëùt,,:providedthat no ainendrnentshållbeallowed that wil affect the. qualificatiQtl:"J"tlisCòn,servatioù.' E~setnent as a . qualifiedc6nservàtionconttibúti on orthe'&t5ttusof,'(l'f,~..t~è'lindef'änyapPlicable Taws;'inSlti~irg:S'~ction .170(h). 'C ran tor this Pu'r:posrs. " "":(( ,:''':~~i.:t~'(~! ". ~ ".(:~.ê..,:. : ; .; .,;Õ. . ". . . :". ~.:, 8"',EIÌviføfitfè1't~1:'''Ø~tlá,itfbh ddtPFöp~rty. The ,Qf~n:tør;i\arants; represents and covenants toth~GIialÌtåethat tothebe~tofi,ts knowle.d:g~,à-ttr\appropriate inquiry and ;. ,': inves-tigation. tltâë"(M ;tilè/itO~éi.y" 'detierf!J;ed 'h,tleill is, ,andat'~åll;tiites hereafter will con:ünuetò be, iii full coìlpliaIce w-ìth' átff6deral; state and'locaJ.envitQi:ent.allawsand regulations, and(b) as öfthe date hereof there are no hazardous materüils, substances, 13 Laurel Mountain Presel've '/¡-~ 'GRP 857498 wastes, or environrnentally regiiiated substances :(íncluding, tí GRP 849 821 without limitation, any materials containing asbe~t()s) loòated,on, ip orurider the Property qr used in connection therewith, and that, there ;isnoe~viropmentalconçiitiQnexistìng~n the Prnperty that may prohibi c'orjinpedeuseot the' ;property forthepiirpØses, set foi:thin the Rltcitals.and the C'.ntor.illnot allbw .....:., .. .".." . ." ". ..... ". .. . rå . w ........ such 'uses conditions. or . ..~~~~R~~lt~t~it~~~~;i~F¿~~!~:t~i==i~:::~~f Gtautör agrees'noho proceedwlth,or shaUdiscontinue,tht use, resòlution ofthê disptite,either pary may in writing up'ontl~ other. Within ten (10) 'or activity shall seleèt asingle trained and impartial mediator. If the paries are unable to agree pending refer the dispute toinediatio:n by reqùèst made days of the of such request, the paries receipt on the initial requestwil joiïitly the selection ofa single mediator,then the paries, within fifteen (l5)daysof receipt of to a proper court fortheappointnWntöfäträined and apply guidelines:' '. . '. inipartieJmedla,tor. Mediation shallthèn proceed 9.1l'urqse:Thepurposes of . betwêenthepaities;(b)assist the paries ,in .developing and pertinent information concemingissues in dispute; in accordance:wìth the folloWing the rrediation are to (a)promote'discussiòn exchanging and (ç) as,sistthe paitlesÌl(Íeveloping. pr()posalsthat'e?ablethemt?,tlive,atamutually 'acç~pta,bJeresQi iitionof the cQntroyersy. Tl1e'Ilediati.onisnot intended to ~2 .iai;t2:It7i~Ê~~ãiei~1:S~~b~;::;' '9d~'J" .".; :. '"., ", . " : ~ .'~.~ .~, .':"'-.'.'.":: ." .....::\.:';;;.;. :. .::.-':~"..' .';:-!:" i'~: ':" 9.5 . '" ". \;~-.:.:~¡,: . '9,,6 '.~ ",' . . . . ~.! . :....: :";". ;.. '..".:":r..: ," 14 Laurel Mountain Preserve Æ~,~ CRP 857 499 with respect to the ConservatioD.Easemeiit aIid supersedes j ¡,,"-; ~ .,,, 'CRP 849 822 10. ", Entire Agreement. ThisinstlÜmentsets forth the entire agreement of the parties negotiations, understandings oragreenients relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, thetemainder' of theprovisiQns of thisConstrvation Easement,and the application those hereto of all priOr discussions, as to'Rhich it is found tobeinvalid,:shállnotbe affectedthereby. Theparty(ies) intend 'this document lobeanìnstrment 'executed under such provision to persons órcircumstances' öther than seaL.' ifa.ny párty is an individual, partnership:Or'liiUitedTiàb1ltyconipatiy, stich pary heréby adofJt$, the 'word "SEAL"following his/her sig-att:êraídtJieriame' of cqiupany as hislher/its légal se-aL'TheRêCitals set' fort abOve and the the pateiship'òr limi,tedliability Exliibìts hereto,are incorporatedhereín bý referencê~ , , " , ' , , ' attached ;11: "Indemnity.'The GraÎ1torágTees;tÖ;thé'fullestt~Xient'pettittedbY lá\.; tbdefend, =~~~=r:~~~~;:=S:~;~~~~f:~~:~~r~E~~~¡i environmental or land use law or regul~tiøìÌ or of the use or presence of any hazardous substance, was-têor other regnlated ;,rÌàteriåljr; 'thè Property.' Granteeshall älsoI-ndemnify Grantor, frotnañy\~uêhV.iolutibncaus~d' byG:rantee; its "èIlpíõyees, or ôn or t1der ' agents ,12. Interpretation. This Con,setvatløl1Ea:sement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of' North Garolina,and 'resolved so as to give maximum effect to the conservation purposes sought to be protectedhereir. 13. Parties. Every provision ofthisConservationEasement thatapplies to the G-rantorsorto the anyambigiiities herein shaH be admiriistratbrs, assigns, ,and ;' 14. ,', No -ExtingûIshment Though.lVlerge,i;.GrantorandGràntee hereinagreetnat , " , ,snouÌdÇaiölma dNiôlltta.inLånd'Ö9hs~1'áncy' cQire toOWtl 'all or apòrtion ôf-the' 'fee in the Pröperty,(a)Carölitia Mountain LandConservancy as suceessorin title ,, Grantee shall grantees, Conservation Easement of record to Easement likewise apply to their respective heirs, executors; andal1 other successors in interest herein. to :~~~i:~;~~:;:~it;~¥~r:~lU:'.'~fia'1Ii~r::~¿~l~t. tt;=~~~ti:.~ (b)this.Cønset.vatjonEäsemeiit shallnotbe extirguished,. in whole orin pàrt, througb the doctrine of merger in. view of the public interest in its enfòrcement; and (c).Catolina Mountain LardGoIlsetvancy asproinptly'uspracticable shall assign tleGranteeinterests in this requirenientsqfthisparagraph,. Aricle. vn, Pçiagraph 14. Arty instmmentofas-signrent of this (;onservation or the Tights conveyed another holder il conformity with the herein shall refer iotheprovisions to of this paragraph, Article VII, Paragraph 14, and shan COntain language necessary continue it in force. of 15. . Subsequent Liens. No provisions construed as iJipairirig the ability ofGranlórs-to use the ,this Conservation Rasement shall be Property for collateral or IS Laurel Mountain Preserve , ~ ~~. 11--',Jt CRP 857500 borrowing purposes" provided that CRP~ 849 823 ary ÎIQrtg~ge or lien arising therefrom shall be subordinated tothisConsrvation Easement. , )6. ' "Termination:ofEasement.Jf ins determined thatcònditiQùsònør ;surro;Uding the Propetty hayethangedsp~uc:h that it ¡simpossible to fulfiH' anyöfthecQIlservátion , ,purposes set forth above,acour vyith jurisdiction :may, attbejoinL reqi.estofhothtlie . 'Graniør ap.dGrantee; termatethis,C(msrrvationEaSëlIen.tlfcorideínatiò:rr:øf~ part ,of theproperty, or öfthtc;mtireP:r()pettybYPl,blie,authoûtyrerrdersit ,ÍinpøsSì\)le'to " 'fulfïll, any pf thesecônséiwatìonpurposes,'thc; .cOl1Ser:vå,tion,Eas"inent'l1iiyber\y' t~rIl1nated thrq-qgh eondeIlation proceedings. ifthe,'Conservation~Easrinr~tiS.)d '. leriIÌialedand the Propèrty is soldot taken for public llse,then,as requirëdby'SeC:' " 1.1 70A- 14(g)(6) of the JRS regulations, the Grai-tee shallbeentitled to apercentageòf ...:ff~lfi~~~;f;f~i1~~Ei§~~s~~~~~§i~.f~Of ..;. ::-:::.:.~,:._:-\;?:_.,.:.,:-: in thiscJ;()ijS~:hv~ttQil... .. ,Eii~énient, nothing):ereI1 shaJLconvey to.. or' establishforthe,pü'bÍícá 'iigh.t'Ó'f'açbès~over 17 ~ ..,No PublicAccess. JJnlessqtherwisespeciflçallyset forth , the Property or the Property; . . . . . .,.;",.:,.\ ;:.:... .. ';: ....i..... .-:.:.:':.:'. j;; ; ..,')...,. ;:,:: .. ':".;....(",:' -;.: ..:.,;.,.:.' ....._,..:;. ...:.'. . \,'" ;:' ..; . ;. '! :. . .~: :.,.;-.. , ;: .'. ~ . .- -': ". . 16 Laurel Mountain Preserve ~-,~CRP 857 501 TO HAVE AND Tv HOLD unto THE CAROLINA MOUNTAIN CONSERVANCY, its successOrs and Grantor's representatives, Successors perpetuity !'OJ eRP 849 824 LAND conditions, restrictions and purposes imposed as aforesaid shall be binding upon Gràntor, assigns, forever. The coven~ts agn~ed to änd the terms, with the Property. . '.. .... . . . . . IN . WITNESS : WHEREOF, and assigns, and:shall continueas.a serV,It\ir1e rU,I1ing in ", presents lobe executed by its officers above written. ".,:_,;, ..... and its seal affixed, to be effective Grant()r,byauthórity cliiJygjy~n,has,,'li~reUntócai;sed.these 'the day and. year first GRANTOR: ~7t;~ Its~V~(ìir~ GRANTEE: (Seal) ..,,:.::" '.CarolinaMountainLand. Couserv8,Qy;aNurt. CaroliIi~NOfi2.prdfit(kinPØl-a,ti'~h ".,.: rr...~... J............../lA.....O'......... (COFporat ..':'..,: .,.:.:......:.;.,' ".:,'.";' 17 Làùrel MO'untain Preserve ~-~"?r CRP 857.... 502. STA TE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF)3J CiQ'Y1ó:.. .'. :." . æ ;¡j CRP849S25 certify thatA~;"--U\r (\ç;. . ..' , as rc ep~"\ .'. ...... '. . . of Laurel Mountain Preserve LLC,personaiiy a.ppeareq before m~ this clue execution of i.ÆI'ol. ~èJ(' ,à'Nòtàr Ptibliè; of said Stàiean(j CqtUty:dÓ bereby , day " daçknQwledged. the the forego~g,l~Sti1~ëÍîtåri behålf åftheJ...mitêdLîa1Jílityçòrrpany.' . WITNESS my hand aid ~otarial Seal, this the2\"3day ofh\Ò\;e;rV;,G2005. ~"~'l1iililll,,, , \\\\ . ' .111 ~"9ot.a.r~~~ . y~ N My coniission expires: ei(411201 () . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTYOFii~Yx G!f!~ ,~""(C~,-,,.....,...., ~~ ~ ll¡~'ij'il¡I¡I'~I\'\'\\ , .~,;.¡rr"inv.N,C . \\\~ g 8 , ' .' '0' .'~"" ~\.s :~e~~~~~t:t:~11l~j~~¡årY6~iit~1~~!:~l~ïe~:s~':ç~ fortg()il1giristrüni~ht was signed ,in arid,attesied by,hiin~9Ifas its Board its nAme by its Board I, . J"~~(tlÆlTair~ ..' '.' , a Notary Public :Qf .said$tate ;anri CO\1~tYdO a non~prbfit'com()ration, and,that. by . a~thòtity . duly given act otilttQ,aiP9råtioI)the Secrëtary. .. . .'. . . PresideIit, . s~alecJ,;wiQ:ríts"ç-6rPorateseal . wt:$s~ynandand"t~~:~.,;;~;;~,?, Myçom~ssìm¡ eXPIT~:~~'~(itidr'l:rf~ ~.:,..~.:-J:c:Y-~.~.'~.~;~~....~',\c:-. ,~". .. ' ~ ~-~ _:~. -.-~.-.,_.t:~ -~ . ,~. ' 'f,.. " ;/' . "\\\). ",\, '. ", iriiiiII #.;1# _ . .,,\'\ ,,' ll\\\\\\ .' 18 . Lçurel Mountain Preserve !:j ,i . CRP 857503 51' ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF iJ-y¿ CRP 849 826 Th~Foreg6ing Certificate(s) of ... ... . . ;Notary(ies) Public,. are certified tobe.correct. Thls instrumeiitWås presented for rëgistrationand reëotdediÏ this office iriBouk-.' page.~. .. ... . .... . . ..' . This day of ..... . '; 20"at~o,:qloGk~M',¡ Register of Deeds By: Deputy Register of Deeds 5T ATE COUNTY OF NORTH CAROLINA OF The Foregoihg Certificate(s) of , Notary(ies) presented for registration ahdrecordeò-in Public, are certified to be correct. This instrment was this office in Book--,page This day of , 20_, at o'clock_M.. Registèr of Deeds . By; Deeds . - - -/ . '. . ." .' DeputyR,egister of 19 Laurel Mountain Preserve . '"1 ...~ ;'.; 2:':" (.' ri 'j"'" í\ ,n i ! 1', !1 !;-¡\ ¡'''') J\ \ ¡ i\\)(;"j;,j'~ ! i All ofthé168.794 açre parcel desighatedas "ÂpproximatcéArêa" as surveyed Sllrntrey,'PLLC, ancI as shown on aplatthereof dated September 10, 2005 .. " -. . "The Property" Deed ".' . . .....F.:'..,._.. EXHIBIT A 4-857 504 -~ CRP CRP 849 827 by Da\:ìdE. , It :J BöoklQO, Page 81 , and recordedinPHit ßiicombeCoiinty Nort Carolina Registry and also recorded in Plat File Registry andfurter,being a Book3487 ,'Page 9 in the" . . ..1\ '.; Slide ~.í, McPowellCollntyNort Carolina portion of LallrefMO'uritair Prêsèive,LLC:asteêorcled in Buncombe County Registry and subject to the restrictions imposed therein. ," . .".. .~: . -,' ~,,: :.' ", :.' .: ," ,':".'. ~ 20 Laurel MöuntaiiiPrëserve ,,:. ( i\T"' f' r', ~ ¡ r ¡; r" II i"r /\1 ¡ h 'L.' r"i t,,; ;~~ i.t í .d~" EXIDBITB' . '(TösatisfYSectionL170A~14(g)(5) of CRP 849 --28 ConservationEas~iUent Baseline PocuI1entation Report SUilniary the federal tax n~gulations) This is a summary of the useS,structures, conservaxioDvalues andco.I1dition ofthepiotected Easement Area as of D~cember 2005, which has been prepared ny;iEqüHiöxt:IivirOJîental tómplèteLaurel Mountain Preserve'Bas,tlfu~Ryporrisi(jnfié at the oft1ces of Cönsultation & Design, Inc. A copy of the Carolina Mountain Land the, ROäd' . iKird Cteø ',,; . ,'''''t~,..,. \Vu...~"','n'n.,.d..'.d.dtS.",v"h.;, ..l"p:~r.u'On~d,o',.'n'" .-,;,,:;:'i,')(" " ''''','''",.;, ". ;,'.";,,", Lu J 1: " ~H¡t56iì~tj~;$'; ", :bEie(J:Boo-i#page: ....''':'.' . ',-.;~/.' '. Topography : gi~::~tion, ~1~!íj"'j~:W'Nê2SjSÓ. ..~~~ tåxltlärèellD:)' ., . i" Several peaks"slltround 'te i,ANDDESCRIPTlON ..:..., .;,., ...... ..... .... . , property witheieyatioas ranging from ~;6ÖOtö 3,450;'teet incJudingCross Mö'úhtàin (3;420ft.).to the':Ioltwest, ntiohiaiiRidgè(2\i?äirthtò the east, a:IQ/RoundM9u,ritaip (3;446 ft.)tö the soúthe~stEievatioh$ WithiIìtbêp~o;~e~~-f:a;~&~(~,:r,~,~;;9?6i¿ 2'jOO ft. . ... '. . Wittèrshèds: Catawba River River severalmif~sclon¡I1strêarr; " .. ..... Forest, Acidic Strêams: Niimerousunnamed tributarieswSíc:h flowdiiitó"B!ird ,Greek ánWiJèI1Unto the Catawba ciA ~Jii()hflows northeast into Crooked Creek :NäturalÇQí;lliiityTypes:Rich Cove Fores.t;SUQmesicOak Forest, and Mesiç;Qak:Forest. . '" .... - . Cove Forest, Montane Oak Hickory Forest, Chestnut Oak RÒ~&iTiiâî(s:AIiÙwotkofhikingtrâi1s, gì'avel~ ean tQadsRnd,aba.ndoned logging' roads úistS.On . . . . -,- :.': ",'. . .. .-.... ,!,".. ..",'" .... :',"..:. ,..:....-......... "."the ptopeity; ..:Påsf:~nn~,-lJ~:eJisttirbahçe: The PrOfletty,1ike'mO$t0f.theSO~tlrøl;I1-APp~hiqh¡~I1S,.. was propab)y, e~W!WVeIY:Qut .' fo¡-tiinber50~7Ð years ago, ho\vever)~;aRløtoxirateJy3 7. åctéSOi"óJdgròWth forêstwas. identifiedinthê'Repört.These olq.grQwrÌiáreasprobably exist due tirbe,qf4heConsetvationEasèmeIit, the llè'Ptop,eity shall serve as OPp(wtlùiities,' . to îhtstt~ep slopesai1dlack' of goödaccesstotlie,se.,ryasoHli~BfÇlpert-y,;:Atthè, " 'Property is intended to be parr of a"conservation base~;'deveI()pment;,ahd the nature presètve feFth.ecommuiiityahd'ptovide iLwith pa:ssive;tecrëat¡on:~J" " ' ',,' " ,', , mC°rrpliâice.'thSectioÌl 1. J 70A-14(9)(5) of the federal tax regUlâtions, this ..~..II/?!4IJr . GrâiitOr- Date 21 natural resources IÌwentöry isàn o:d~aùa;te,rep:iesêritâtiÓti(jfthèpropeJrYät.the time of the cbnservatÎon easëmënt donation. . " ~..: -~.:. La~rel,Mountain Preserve

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