Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 237

DECLARATION of Carl R. Nelson re #236 MOTION for issuance of order to show cause as to Why Conservation Easement Should Not Be Extinguished by Burton W. Wiand. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Deed of Conservation Easement, #2 Exhibit B - Appraisal, #3 Exhibit C - Pages from 2005 Tax Return, #4 Exhibit D - Order and Complaint filed in W.D.N.C.)(Nelson, Carl)

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Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al Doc. 237 Att. 2 168.794 ACRE CONSERVATION LAUREL MOUNTAIN EASEMENT LAND. PRESERVE TRACT BliI CRE)!K ES)'ATES ROAD . BVNCOMllE AND M:ClJOWELLCOUNTIES, NC .. Ptèpared For: Mr. AdNRd.el . Laurelivoiiutaj'l Pré$erve MainStl'cet 1618 Sarasota,FL 34236 PatteJ.. TeliniUe,l\,SM . Teiinîle&As~Qciates, I'ne. ....... . PreparedBy: DaVid il~ RobertsSRA , . . .:.. ......, '. .:....:.; ", ...:.,. 820BStåteEàriiÎRoad . Bòoue~N orth Carollna28607 Federal Tâ':iI))#56...77~936 IUfective DateöftheAlipraisal: Noveirher 1,2005 EXHIBIT l8 Tennille & Associates, Inc. Real Estate Appraisers October 19~ 2Q05 Mr. Art Nadel Laurel Mountain PreserVe 1618 Main Street Sarasota, FL 34236 erve, 168.794 Acre Land Tract, Bird Creek EstateS Road, Buncomheand:Mcpowell Cöuiities,NC Re: Laurel Mountain Pte s Dear Mr. Nadel: In accordance \vitG yourrequest for an appraisaLoftheabove n~ferenced property, located iiiB:ucol1bt ándMcDowellCounties, North Garolíp.a,David R. Roberts, SRA,. first inspected the: slibJect property on July 2 J , 200 5 ~. and the. final inspection a wasSeptember29,2005fortlepurose of analysis for due to the not charitable contrbution granting ofácohservation easement. Pattie J. Tennìle,MAI, 8RA did date of the physically iiispectthe subJtcLpropeity. The effective appraisal report f()r the purose ofestimâting the charitable contrbutiónis November 1, 2005. Propertyrightscippraìsedconsist of:the fee . assumigitätketable title. .IJie vahie reported in ths appr:iîsalis the simple e~tate;cillliep.s disregarded; Market VaiiieofthecQriservati'Øll:.:easeJ:ent;~clèteiuin,edby aiiånály~ìsøf thevMueöf the acreage prospective the boundâresof the 168. 794 ptopertybefor~ ändaftet.t~e,conservatión' easeinentisglaited' onallof.the the of lat.d,The.irarkét . va;lue hefore 168: 794 acres gtantÍ1gof a conservation easement will be deternliePQythe Sales Comparson ApproacliJor the parcel. as;;isandalso willindlcate the site subdivision with market value of a proposed 12 acres of land. This. valuewi1 of vallle estim:~tiQn. A be deternedbytleSu:bdivisionAnalysis method reconcilatlbn øfva1uewi;Ld~t~ime the estìrateofmwket. value for the siibj ect ~r:::~=;:øe~::ti~g~td~=r;:::~:::~~t:r~~~~~;ra~ placedinaconservat1eiic ,easellØnt:thathasrøstri~ted usage. will no. dtwêtoprrent potential on. a peracreba~is.The.speCifics of .tleconservationeasement and site restrictions wìlbe detfiJledmofefully ii the in the description section of the report after value. ,. ....:: ., '-. .' ';'" - ':: " ',." - - ..' : ,", .. 820~BState,Färm,R()aaJ~o.B9jQ1231 haO(nie;North. Carnliria28607 .l'eIèphon~::S28;:26r.~1533/Fax:828~264.0332 . October 19,2005 Mr. Art Nadel Page 2 Simply stated, Market Value is that reasonable and probable price a property will brig whén exposed for sale fora reasonable length of time. Implicit in the defititîon are various conditions, which wil be explained in the body of the appraisaL. The report reflects prospective market value for the of the easement and market value fot.the subjeèt property ea~err.ent The values wil be indicated.and. the .difference wil be.noted as the 'heenhancemÈmt value to a:djoiirg owner l:iröpe.rtes. ' We certify that we have no present or contemplated property prior to the granting the after the granting of va.1'ueofthechartable contrbutkm asoftie:specifieddätè. NsocoI1s'iderèd wil intereSt in thëproperi to the value nor was the appraised. . The fee charged reported. TI1isappraisal assigi:el1twas 110t made, for our service is in no way related appraisal rendered this .onthebasis of ,a.requested.iuinimumväluation,..specific valuation, or on an aniQUnt,:wlichwould result toestima.te for easemeiit as . use of in approva1ofaloan. The purpose of appraisal is federal income tax ptìösesthemarket vahie of acol1seKration the specified. date; November. 1,2005. The report was. prepared for easement It is and submission to the IntenialRevellue Servi.ceasevideiice ofthe value of chartable donatioaofa conservation terred upon ..Mlecorlcluded.that the. -proposedcøn,cepIp:laii. of 12sirgle";family hùmesites is. Cç.IlsJstentdwith. the .hîghest,tind ~estuse .ofthePropeny.The cpiiserva,tioh .~eaS~lTent"e1ffeçtîv~ly,eli11ates'ft1;re4~veloPrnent nftls. natue' inpe;rpetlity, e)(fRleets the' ... the hot to be distrbuted or to be by others without our writtenpènnssion; .tUiêÍet'seêtíonL 170A -14 of the InternàlRevenue . ¡ .' '.'.' ,- _. -'. - - . - -. Codeof1986. . . reqUiements outli,ecl irrtheconservatioiieäsymentact aspermittecl 3 Mr. Ar Nadel Octobèr 19, 2005 Page 3 The prospective market value of the subj.ect land parcel, the cOl1setVationeàsement, with the highest and best use asa 12-site subdivision, as of Nov em prior to the granting of her 1; 2005, is: TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ' ($2,398,000.00) Market Valut; .~After Conservation EasemerttGranted - 168.794 Acres cönservatioI1.eâ::-,' n~ti." '." . - . " sen . "," t land: FOUR. Ft;lNtlREÐ TWENTY TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($422,000..00) . Value ofConservation.Eàsenient(Difference): ONEM:ltLi(jiW:1~lNEllUNJRED SEVENTY six Tl:OUSAND DOLLARS ($1,976,OOØ.OO) . PursuanttoLItC§1.170 A~14(b)(3)(i), ". ..if the granting of a conservation easeme?thas;~a~'al,efte.ctofi¡icreasiiig otherprqpertOWned by the donor ora relätedpeist)l1rtfeat()mito£:thedeductionfor .the..conservationcontrbution shall . beredtic.edbyth~itimQuiÍt oftheiricrease in the . .- ".,'., ',.. '. .:. - - ". .:""propert .. . " the other . value of ..:ri¡i:::~~r:MNove~ber 1, ~òs, Totalcontrbutiö1lB:1tutket Value: $ 175,000.00 . $l,Sni,OOO;Oo 4 Mr. Ar Nadel October 19, 2005 Page 4 gift The appraiser understands that this appraisal is made in Support of a conservatîon easement descrlbedl1erein and a taxpayer(s) deductîon of the conservation contrbution willptohàhlybeclaimed and this appraisal is therefore of the prepared for income tax puroses;' the date of contrbution wil be prior to December 31, 2005. Sincerely, &lv: 7Ø.æ1t Pattie L Tennlle, MAl, SRA NC Geiieral Appraiser #A287 vid R. Roberts,SRA. . NC General Appraiser # A17Rl PJT:DRR/nk 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Laurel Mountain PreServe. 168.794 A~res Buncombe and McDowellCounties, NC Location: Laurel MoliutainPreserve Bird Creek Estates OfrOld Fort Road Road Borders of Buncombe and McDowell Counties, NC Site Size: 168.794 Acres Before .graiithigofcóíiservation eaS.ement .Proposedresiden tbJIsiibtJjvision 12homesites-16'S.794acres AftergrantIl1g..òf'cQns.ervatioiiéaseincnt acres ~ cousërVatioueasement.lsiid 168594 Zonmg: Date None in ßUllcoinbeor McÐowell Counties, NC of Inspection: July 21, 2005 and8eptember 29,2005 N oveinber 1, 2005 Effeetive'Date of Value Estiate: Datcòf Report: '.' - Ott. he..,. 00$ .. o . rl'92 .:.. ...SlngleF1amîÌy:h,o,Rirsites . B~tQre'gra:ntigcouserYiitio:nells enient .Higln~stKÌ1d''Best Use:. . . Rec-h~~~ølllandd . . Mtergt'àîiÌíigconseJ:àtiØn:eàsement . Valne IndicãtiOiiS: n'eIrire Va.bie: Residentiä.ls. tibdiVIsIo. u . ". . ." . '$2,39:&;OOtüno (12'.homesites) 6 After Value: Conservation Easement Grau,ted $422,000.00 168.794 Acres Value of Conservation Easement (Difference) $1,976,000;00 Enhançement Value: $ 175,000.00 (Adjoining owner homesites) Total Contribution $1,801,000.00 Dávid R. Roberts, SRA Inspecting Appraiser: Appraiser: Report Patte J. Tenuie,MA, 8RA Complete Self-Contained Type: 1 ASSUMPTIONS ANLIlVTING CONDITIONS This appraisal is subject to the following underlying assumptiol1sandqualifying and limiting condîtons:. . 1. This appraisal.cQvers the property as. described in ths report, and the areas and dimensions as' shown herein are assumed to be cOrrect. 2. The appraisers have made no survey of the property and assume no responsibility in connection with such matters. Any sketch or identified survey of the property included in this report is only forthe purpose of assistig the reader in visualizing the prop,ert. . 3. Responsible ownership anq.competøntnianagementare assunéd. 4. No responsibiHtyis.âssumedformatters invQlving legal ortitleconsìderation. 5. The. informatÍon icienti'fedin this report as being furnshed by . others is believed to be reliåble,butn.orespousibility foritsaccuraçy is assumed. thereof, does not car with it the right of publicatioii,nor ì1äy ithetisedforanypuröse by anybut the client forwhorn it 6. Possessionofthsre:pott~~ra copy was made withoutthe coiiseiit of the appraisers or the client. 7. The appraisers are nOI.req... uired to give reason .8; TheallocationoftQtal value to land . . '. . ..-. or to buildings, as. shown present on testimony or attendance in. court by of thisapPl'aisalui~ss'atangements have been made previously thereof. in this report, is . ip.validated if used'sepanitél yin;cûiijunction withiiY otherap¡)taisa.l: . . · 9. Unless óthenyI$eSta:tedinthisreport,. the existence of hazardousstibstances, the itcluetng. wItlout liiûta:toÌlast,estos,polychloriated bÎpheiiyis~ .p~t:oleiim leakage~Orà$ri6tilturaldçlier¥cals;Which may òfilay not be pfOpèrt, or àt1erenvit()nment~lc6ntÜtiQns, were nötcalled totheattentionofnor . did tne..appraiser:b'eÓ'øniea\\åre òt,sR,çhduring theapptaìser's.insp~ction; The i::r:~if~~~t~:~~~~æ¡~~~;:!~~~1trit!the e ItazardoussubstancesörenV1tønmerit;lconditions, may affectije vahie of property, tievaltIe'estitäted ispredicå.tèd Qn the assuniptionthat thereìs nOisuch çondition Oiio.t ìntle ptopetty.'Ùriia.suGhproximtythereto thåt it would cause a løssin valuè;No'respøriî1Jilit)T isasislaed for any süchconditions, nor for an)' expertise 'Or engln~eritgkiowlëdge reqtiiredtodiscoverthem. 8 10. The Americans with Disabìlties Act (ADA) becàine effective January 26, 1992. I have not made a specific compliance sureYQranalysisof this property to effect upon the value Of the property. Since I have no this issue, I. did requirements of the ADA. Inspection could reveal.that the property is not incotnplÜmce with act. If so, .tms fact could have a negative direct evidence relating to not consider possible noncompliance with. the requìrements of detenniie w:hethet or hot ît is iii conformty with the various detailed Oiie or more of the requÎrementsof the ADA in estimating the value of the property. 11. This appraisal assignent was not made, nor was the appraisal rendered on the basis of a requestedininiuin valuation, specific valuation, or on an amount that would result Inupproval of a loan. 12. The property Was Inspected on July 21, 2005 and September 29, 2005 by physically mspect date of theappraisalisN oveìnber 1,2005. DISCLOSURE AND DavidR. Roberts,SRA, PattieJ. Tennlle, MAl, SRA did not the subject property. The effective RESTRICTIONS UPON Disclpsure,ofthecontciits ofthisapprais,aJ report is goverredbythe By-Laws and Re.. gulatioiisofthe Appraisal Institute. Neitherallnoraiiypatt ofthecoiitents of this report to value, the identity òf tbeappraiseror theñnn' with which . " '.' USE he or she is connected,oranyreferertce to the Appraisal lIlstitite, or totheMAlorSRA desigl1àti.ons) sh.c:llbedjssemiatedto tliepublictloilghadyertisírg11edia;public relations 1Tdia,newsmedia; sales iIédia, or any oth~r. Imbljc)Xleansof commUncation: without the prior written consent or approval ,oftheappraiser. . . . ;.. .'... (especially any conclusions as 9 DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE OF THE APPRASAL The p:urpose of this appraisai is to estimate the market value ofa charitable coiitrbution~ due to the granting of a conservation easement on a 168.794';açte land tract, located il Buncoinbeand McDowell COUhties, North appraisal report wil Carolina. The estimate the befòreandafter market value of the parceL. The conservation easement will be determìiied by two analyses. The first analysis is the Sales Comparison market value of the property prior to the granting of the Approach todetenne the value for the acreage tract as-is. The second the. vahie for the ptopertprior to the granting o(the;conservatiQheaSementwill benotedasthe before value. The market value of thesubjectproperty. aftetthe. conservatiöii easement is grantecl is the value of the cOnservation easemcl1t land. The difference wil the Subdivision Analysis foraptoposeq. 12-sitesitbQivisionthatcould heplaced whhi the boundaries of the land parceL. The two va-lues wiHbe'teconciled,aiid analysis is be noted as the value of the cònservationeaseiiientasof ,was July 21,2005 and September November 1, 2005. The inspection date 2005. Enhancement value to adjoinng oWierpropertybecauseöfapositive valuè enhancement value wìl be deducted fTom the total 29, contrbutipfihy the subject conservation easeirieJit landwillbedeteried, and chartable coritrbution~ property shóüld brig in a will Market Vàlue is thè most probable price that a . competitive and. open market under all eonditionsreqiiisitetoa fàîr sale; these condìtionsassume . that the buyer aiid the seller knowlengèably, and that the each .aètpmdeiitly arid thsdêftrtiôfi is the:consurnation ofa sale öftitlefröm seller tobuyër under . ..'. .. . .. conditions price is notaffected,.bYiuduestiiulus. Itnplicitil 'whereby: ., .. us .. ofaspeêifieddàteáp.d ,thëpassing . " .... a) Brtyerand seiierar~ typicallyinótivated; . b) Botkpariesatewell info:iedor well advised, she considerslis or her and each best interest; . actingin whathedr c) Areasoiiable tI1e .is . allowed for exposure intheopen market; d) Paynéntis rnadeintenn;sofcashandUSdoii¡)rs orinterms offinanCIal arrangeíneiitscomparablethereto; e) The price 'fepresents thenormalconsideratiQnfor the property sold unaffected 10 by special or creative financing or.sales concessions granted by anyone associated wÌth the sale. . (Source: Offce ¡jft:e ComptrolIcr¡jf the CUlTencyunder 12 CFR, ,Part~4, Subpar C-Appraisals, 34.42 Dèfitions (f)) The Iiitemal Reveiiue Service definition of market value, which is also is: "the price atwhich the and a willing seller, neither beIng knowledge of considered compulsIon to propert wouldchàiige hands between a willng Uìiderany buyer buy or sell and both having reasonable relevant facts," (Source: IRS Section i, 170A-14 (H)(3)) It is our conclusion that usçoLthe property, prior to granting. of the conservatIoii easement~is the 12-site subdivision. This will.. be noted as the the before value. The subJec:tpxpperttyillbei:nalyzedbyhoththeSales and the Comparson Approach for the acreàgepâtCelas a vacaiLtractof land Subdivision . Analysis Method for . th~ ...127siteresidential subdivisiôu; . The reconcilation wil indicate that thê1ig:hêsf tuid hest use.of the. prø the be deteriiued'bythe Sales Comparison proposed resideiitial subdiviSion. The ..valueofthe ..subjectpropertyafter.. a conservationeasemerit is granted will Approach for. the acreage placed the value of the charitable in . theèasettent. The contrbution" less any owner land because. ofthe conservati.oneasement land. difference win benùted as enhancement to tlieadjoinng FUNCTION OF THE APPRAIS:A dl1t apptsa! isindt f\lr fut ijl\lrm;iô'1nl'fMr° . Ai N;idtl "fLrtiIMimnia froRltheo ....... r ..... nor to Decel1ber 31, ..2005.1Ño .cøpyofthe prehl1inary .. còriservåtionè ...... ......tnentdocU1ents wéi:eprovicledtotb:eacppraiser.. . . S.C.. O. ... :; . 'J'..V.: "".L.:l-:J' ....~.. .£.~'~~: .:,- "~_',."',"- 'pun'F. ,fnUE ,;;i.C',A;L. . . - ". ~ - . '. . The subjectproperty isa 168:794,.åcre tractôflånd;that istùhaveapöttiori.ofthe hrod .piacedin a conservation easernenttesttic1ionthatlìintsdeveløpment. The pùrposeofthisTeport is to. provide' amarketvalu.é'orthecø:nservati~neasernent. Thefitst par of this processîsto provide alnarket v;Rlue oftliesubjectpropert the bighest and hestpse .of prior. tothe~rantig;of theeasenient for ths lanfl. . The n site wil he described niorefully in the site description in the valuation of the property before theeasenient. The second section òf the report, valuing the property after theeasenient is granted, utilzes vacant la.nd tract sales, and also coiisiders enhancement due to theconservatioii easement area adjoing other owner land. The. difference jn these two values, the before andaftet the value, is the value of thechartable contrbution. . . easement A value estimate for a property is.typícally based on the three generally accepted approaches to value. these Income Approaches. In approaches are the Cost, Sales Comparison and the case of the subject, which is vacant sites the before value, the Cost or Income. Approåches. to Value are not applicable. The Subdivision AnalysisMethodandthe8ale.s Comparison Approach and land in the subjéctpi6i)ef:Ytøprøyid~anestîmate dfvalue. ...lriestimating. â to value wil be market value for tlie'SJlbJëGrpr9~cei1 ,after tl1eeasement is grtUted;the Same analysis for the consêrvatfoti~å~e1Ìeiitland willbe utilzed. ... In researchingthsapp:raisalassìgnent,theappraiser used bothpriniar and of lnf()t1ajjon~The courouse, inc1U(liig the Registrar of Deeds OfficeandthetaxStlp~rVisör'sOfñêe,wasusedtofiid and verify vaÍous secondar sources pieces of ìnfonnatiou. :Loç:à14J,tO'kers,local inçlividuai investors, and previous appraisals wereålsocotllÛteçl for.i1fofnation. Local economicdevelopment studi es were also consulted. AREA ANALYSIS .Buncombe ~ollnty.. Th&i;oje(jtPi-QpertislocatedinBuncorrbeandMcDowell . Countîe$,. . but fortaX:Piue,s;ts~,ar4;J&~inarketanalysisisQOn~idered . COunty property. ..0rixasin~n;1'()l'~Øi;.o;ftheland js~in . BuncoIlbe MçDovvelLColliity, apdthe i~~aitiêË:~r~!ËNlEÊ1~ MajQr .1ighways. jn';t;he'9ÓtltyitølitèleIit~:rstateBighways .z,6and 40 and US .r=1~L~:;e7i:~~i$-~.ii~:iç!::li~: There are 22 tlailyfligJlts . .Tlle,a:veÏ7agete~P~rfltuèis5Sdegfees,Fafurenheit; rainfãll is 47;(j inchesand.the ,average elevation in the county 2,165 feet. Asheville is .lo.cåteQ,rtisOtl'thiK,ø$temN((;FtCai~Hl1ain the$ta:okeyMountaiØiue RidgeM9unttlcnajna,,1ghoutthe Ilouritaí to . the point of Ör:Ultr; ApproxiniatelySO?Iör,tOeiländ iiithe.counfy is steep 12 being unusable. Major towns in the county include Ashevile~ the Biltmore is the tenth largest city in NurtCarolina and the largest in western North Carolina. . Community, Black Mountain, Fairiew, Swananoa, and Weavervile. Ashevile Thepopula.tiönin .Bullcombe County increased 12% from 1990 to 2000. the county PQlJnlatíOiiditr2000was 206~330persons. The largest center of population is Íh the 25. to 40 years of age bracket for both males and females. Residential growt and development has increased greatly Ìn Buncombe County between 1996 and 2002, In 2004, total residential building pemùts issued totaled $30~OOO,000, which included 225iiew residential permts: Bun~otnöeCQ\Ûty1iås~utsuffeted as large an ecoiioinicdòwnturn because of thé heavy~epe~dep.t;~'~ntOllf3llaS many North Carolina counties. The. most receiit uneinploYieritfigar~savåilablefor year 2004 annual was 4.5% well below the statewideaverageof?%. .thecniloyment isblendedbetween. 30% of service sectorarrd 2l~4,tl;tetaa.and trade. Manufac1:rig is ,oriy15% of overall ,economic downtu. emplöyrent,Whì#h.,ihdiêàt'es the 'rèasoii for the lack of an il~tsr~~ti~:r:~~h:i~~~,:~:n~~.!t~:~g~~b~;;; BUSS11ânn.'Ot1øt.'~~preiniployérsin thecçmnty are Systew,the::ølÏt'ònibe CQunty Board of GOvetnØrit;lt;gl~"fivå:tkets,the City of Ashevine~ VA MissionSaint Joseph Health Education, Buncombe County Park Hospital, the Grove Inn Résött,aIa:,(aíæthroréEstäteandWine Còinpany. . . approXil1iitely2d:ltøíisawaÝ;dand :alsoneafey ivfarsEfiUGol1~ge,~ WapreilWiTson Gøllege,"J~%l~f1~~at;()øl'¡ege,~rid. AslievillelB1UconibTeC1incæl College with. over 40....' . ',-; ;-'.e:.-,;.- : " . .. . , 00stnâ ti1 " ~~.ii~I~§~~Ìil~~~~r~¡ 13 state. Median family income was $53,500, 30th in the state, and gross retaìl sales for the 2004 was $950,000,000. . Recreation,al and cultlial activities are vast. Ashevile is the cultural center of western Nort Carolina with camping,fishig; golf, hiking, white water raftìng, and.rnOU1tain climbing in the mountain region. Area attractions for recreatìon Biltmore Estate WmeÌy,.Thomas Wolfe Memorial, the North Carolina Arboretum, Mount Mitchell State Park, Chiey Rock Park and Lake Lure, the Ashevile Community Theater, the Ashevile Tourist Sein-Pro Baseball Team~ Blue Rìdge Parkway, Pisgah National Forest, the Western North Carolina activities include the Nature Center~ the Ashevile Civic Center, and numerous art galleries. Co~nntyfaçilities .are .also broad and include .oyer 280. '~l1;Ptpt~$tantfaiths,and five Catholic parshes, twö$yingogues and two churches .representÎng Greek Presbyterian Conference (JrthØgø*,çl;uitches. .. Billy Qraham Center and Montreat. ;Ceritèr'å:e~âls() loèated in the county: There approxiriåtely8,OOOroomsìn the county, . 30hed and twÖ,tegiôn¡:rmalls, and seven libraries with wîthoverl,800beds in the county and 18 theieiate?OOdoctors and 160 8 are 90 hotels breakfasts and motels with with 200 rooms, branches. There are five. hospitals nursing. hômes. with over ,1500. beds. nÎìl,c,d.ailyandweeklyiiewspapers, 12 radio stations, 4 ,televisions vièwitigèi~r~a~øablevision for the county, dentist ìnthecounty. Corrunic;itions include in the stations Bell$outhisthe major teiephoneservice J~l"öv:fa'~f.,20 posfuffices ând 'aU maj or. companies represented inpartål services. JB;i~îitQtrneQoqnty.hascøunciland .managërfort'uf governent withèlected . .'øtfiêiÎ'il,g;,anirappomte4\,managers. . The BlirlCombeCóutlty Sheriffs Departent erip10~s30Ò\persop-s. . There are 200 firefighters in. the city of Ashevile and 1500 yòllitiÚ'£isJutlie coùnty. .. BUIcömbeCminty has 20hankwith6Qbranchès, and i"'.5~'..:S".'~. :'-..!~E=~:El ~ : ~~! ~if ~ ~~: .', . .!.E~1lã;t~r:~tl!~:~;~~;f$~. . '''ísit6tstotne:àl~abecause. orgøodac_cess,aîr servièeandtheheautyòfthe. area. Buncomhe Cöunty . . ,a.ethé,rr~jót.pasitiYe:eøQnoin6factörs. aJthejJresen;t,tìl1e for 14 DESCRIPTION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD Withiii a communty, there is a marked tendency toward the groupìngQfland uses. The areas devoted to these various uses are termed "physical neighborhoods.1l follows: - . . Neighborhood "A portion of a larger communty, or aii interests and sinularity of eConomic use in this context is fùrther .defiied by the Appraisal InstitUte as homogeneous grOlipingof inabítants, buildings, or business enterprises. entire communty, in which there is a Inhabitants of a neighborhood usually have a more than casual communty of level or cUlttalbackground. Neighborhood lJollldariesmayconsist of well défined, naìUa1orman;;made batiersòr they may b,e,m~re()r less, well defined bydistìnctèhangèÏti1and use or in the charaëter of tleiPäbitarts." TlíesliI)Ject property is a portion. of the Laurel Mountain Preserve, a new. the subject site, the residei1Îiålneighhorhood lQcated in ruålBuncombe COlJ1ty at its intersection with MçD'oweii County, Nort Carolira. AsmalÌpottiOu of al1ountofwhich is unknown~approxtinatèly lOacrès;. is .IOcated in COUiity. Thè subject property has the ni¡:i:ority of thê land located C0Uìty, and' Islocated at the endpfBird. Crcièk Esültes Road, lQa4üffOld Fort Road in TOwiiSlûp~ . The 'Cteek Estates Road, Black eastern BuncombèCountyin thel3road River propert . has aphy~icàläddress6fLatlêiMountainPreserve~ Bird exact McDowell in Bnncombe a private graveled Mountain, BUtcombeCounty, North Carolina. The pröperty is located approxinately8niiles. söiith'Qf l31ackMountain, 5. miles east of of downtown theFäiewCòmmunty, and is;ipproximatdy is i1les. east '.Ashe¥íle~ :N9ii C:arolÌJa. The'suuJectsiteis, focatectapproxinately..8 miles Jnt~ts~~teJilighway 40 at south ,its .i,ntersectioii witl,NÇ.'lIishway9 .iii..theBlack .. Nlo~PtainConrirniiJty . ofetistëtrÎBuncombeÇóinty,I'qorthGllrølina:,. .kaurei I'0un~annöPJ~sierveisin arualnøighbôrliood'.itislopingto steep. terrain, typical ti't qf,tb . ; l ta n region, with. no cDuntywaterorse,weroffered,LaurelMountain Pres,erve isa,p1iiried resideritlatconiumtywithlO acre'plusho111esites that súr,Qlfdsthe . subject coiiserVatiö11 easenientårea,tháfwiIl'haveatofal;of 32 hOÏ\èsiites.the sunjeetpr()penyis a168.794'-acreportîon ofa tota14483-acre .Slë1eria~el;residentialcoinutties ?~~l¡~~~inmediatellarket ~¡:êç¡~ti havedeveløp:edinthe ~~!~: v ln w area,.. und . will be. notedfu hOtIthe absorpt1eaaíå!lysis'anti1hèhoitesite.. sales iitíiized in the Subdivisioii Anå1ysis. The':BlueRidgeMountaisof Nort Carolina have cJeperiênced l1eavy growth arddevclopniei:t .on lar~e .acrëågetracts 17 similar to the subject site for residential development over the period. Although remote in feel, the site is very convenient and is a prie developmeiittract. The iieighborhood isa good location for residential resort development as wil be îndieated by tle similar market compar;lbles utilized in the Subdivision Aralysis. The is taxed hy Buncòmhe ,and site McDowell Counties, has a small fire tax, and is ìt no muncipal area. It is not provided .. past five-year water and sewer install private wells by any municîpality. Homeowners wil he required to septic systems. Graveled road access to any neighborhood would be and with sites over 10 acrès insíze, which will be the case restrctions not applyig to permssible the subject property. No zo:nng is in effect for either Buncombe or McDowell County, with subdivision sites larger than 10 acres in any of aiiy residential home Considerig access,locatiortRIdprivacy; the subject site subdivision of aJand tract.This is thecasé of the proposed subject heighborhood. is i1 a prime location for resi dential growth and develop:rent. 18 ZONING There is no countyide zoning in effect in that wOlJld affect the subject property; Subdivision regulations largèr than 10 acres do either Buncombe or McDowell County indicate any sites not need county approval, and also would allow for graveled 168. 794 streets. The proposed 12 site. subdivision withi the boundaries of the acreS is an allowable use of the subject property. TAXES The subject property is located in both Buncombe and McDowell County. However, tneSinall portion of land in McDowellCoiinty is McDowellCqUlty; hutis nQtedasa portion The oliehoriesitë1n the proposed of the not taxed by property in Buncombe County. subdivision is located above the county line in thesubdi-vlS10îiplånbutisincluded in the assessment of the Buncombe propert. site. The parcel iSCU1è:rtlyidenti:fed as tax parcel 0637-00-81~0433 in the Buncombe noted as. an Therefore, BupconrbeCounty taxes wil only be noted for the subject County Tax AsseSsors Officeas Laurel MountttinPresetve. It is acreage tractcontMril1g ,a total of subject propert'yisaportion. The land curently assessed value of $670,400~ Tödete:tiiie a value for the 12 homesItes that are .HItO acres or above, thefdIl6wingtaxcomparables. wil iiidicateprobablevalues for.the subject has an . ,," c:'"., .",. ' - .~. 372.43 acres for theeiitireparcel of which the property.'the'gi,ent tax rate förBuncombe County is $59 per witha$.07pøt$îOO fitèti:xad:ditional for ässessmeI)t of $100 for 2005, $.66 per $100 probable taxv~luesforthehömesìtes. ' Site value. The followmgare simar tax comparables in the IIärket area to indicate Tax Value .$25Ù;OQO .. ... $400~OOO $1 Løt24: ;rigliÇjlifa Lot 19 'tIighCliffs. Lot13Eir6versRoadPreserve Lot l1ri~()MêtsRoad Ples~rve Lot l'6.lrov.gts Roa(i PreServe 5();ÙQO $125;00.0 $25Ø,;OOO are larger . All the taxcolIPf1~biesare Înthe immediate subjectmarket area, and. homesItës. 'lbisiridicates,probable annual tax vähies fortle subjectsites all 10 acresphis insizeøf$20O:,OOOeack Theprobableannualtàxes .are. a:sfôll()ws: $200,000 'probable ,annual tax value x $.66 per $JOO value tax rate =$1,320 anmial taxes A tax mapføt:thestibjectiandparcel is included on the following page. 21 N Buncombe County, North Carolina surey qualty. c This map has assessment ben developed the ta process, and is nat of This propert map is Dot a surey and should used as a SUl"ey. Grid Is basèd on the Nörth North Carolina State Planè Coordinate System 1927 North American datum . 7/21/2005 1 :26 pm ~ --- 1 -lu 1~:---~" : v f ¡ L One ParcelSètected ToWii$hip: 28 Deed Dati!: .12 ;0812003 PiriNuiTber :°937 - 00 -71-9499 owner: LAU~El MOUNTAIN PRESERVELLC Atcc;unt:. . O()81 tl4578 båede~Ok\Pi:9é:'3487 ¡aGOg Plat 'Book\Pi:ge:'omio 10062 TaxValLie: $.0 Sib,l$'Mdhess: 19999 ÓLD FORT RD Acreage: TdtRbM~rketVal!Je: $0 $0 358,75 Total AppraisedYalLJe: 22 HISTORY OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property isa 168.794-acreportiou of a total 448.3-acre tractof land Mountain Preserve, LLC on December 4, 2003. The property is located in b()th BuncoiibeandMcDowell that was acquìredby the curent owners~ Laurel Counties, North 44.acres, 'in Carolina, withönly a small portion,oftheptoperty, approximately. McDowell County. The property was acquired ínboth coUnties from Etohab Development Company, LLC, wîth the Buncombe County recording Deed Book 3487, Page 9 and the McDowell County recordig in Deed Book 762, Page 157 in the Register of Deeds Office for both counties. Deed stamps recorded in Buncombe County indicate a. purchase price for the property C0nf1hedhy:the buyer of $2,035,000 for the entire 448.3"åcre ttactOfland lOèatedinh()thcelífies; The propert was acquired "by Ecohåb. Development'Conipany,LLCfro$ .J()1l',lt and Tristen Green on April 10,2001. Thistransactioii is recorded iiiD.~ecl,13'b:øk 2457, Page 726 in Buncombe in . Page 258 in. McDowell County, Notth:Carolina: Deed stamps .indica,te:a,iØta1 . purchase price of$950,000 for the property on County, Nort Carolina, and inDeëd,Boòk$4Í, this date. Alsoacquirecl;byEë'ôÎiah Development Company, LLCfToin Betty C.andOavid West wasLoi lÖ'Îpf adjoining 'Bird Creek Estates .on.May23,2001...Tlis transactioll,is..reqotdedln Deed stamps indicate a purchase DeedBook 2500, Page. 532 in.ihe.Buncon:be COUìty Register of D~etÎ~fØ:ee. property 0£$31,$00; A copyùf the most receiit legaldescriptîoiis for the subject prÖpertY is löcatedon pages. price for this section of the the. following 23 ,1 of 2) Wo r k flow 9999 -00252902 '7 BOOK 3487 PAGES 9 iß .lluM.ombe Oounty., NO No 9999-00252902 i of 2pagøs .e.plse :ràX:. ., $4,06.1..00 Recorde~12/a8/2003 01: ii : 05~1i Otto II. ~DeBruhl, RegIster Of Deeds Excise Taj¡~$4,06LOO~:" Do NOT wrte above ths line, Recording: Tirre, Bobk. arid Page NORTH CAROLINA GENERA WARTY DEED R!il;urn '.to: Seé,liélow DEVELOPMÊNrëØMìAN, Ltc .dDìi~id "yGrlfteø¡. ther.¡;¡,¡pi. ofwhÎcbis hereby.. . cd,bèlow: .. COUlty, CoUI\i: LESS AN EXCEPTING Lôts 105,107, 1Og:and no as shown Íh a.' . c~t : ~i t13 . 46 at Page 163, Buncombe COWlty Registr, refè' miie fo a n: ~ ul ' description. REFERNCE is made to Deed ~ook 2457 at Page 726 andDeed Book 2500 at Page '. 32, Buncombe County Registr and Dee Book '641 at.Page 258, McÐowell County Regis . TÖGETIR WITEI AN SUBJECT 'rQcasemiints;resircl;o1I andiíglitsofway ofrecatd. Afterr~l)ril~lfllàUt¡¡j . : - .... . .. ~J)nti\1èd Qll,t'íÍ&e~ (:Box .61) (jRi .;::~ñerNO. Còilty Johi RiIl(ise 03-5243 AttomeyatJ'it-¡ P.Ø.nöJ7436. .... Ashevinè;Ne 281102 Qntie~'ÐG,yof -'fgei,øf2 .. . ,~003. Z4 HOok:3487,p¡ige:9 ¡ 2 of 2) "2 Continued frm Page i TO I- VB AN TO !ìOLD thesajdPnipert 'and all privilege. and'áppurnaces (rîi¡hls) betoiiging to Oritee,in ~e .lipk, . l' by Grantor: Grtor proinses (covellts) w'thÖrantti, thtOnfor li encumbrances (i.e, morages and jiidgeirents),aid Grator willwit and defend the simle¡has the right to ciinvey thedtieÌn fee slilc;thtthe tide is iikeiable and free and clear ofalHiens ani! title to the Propert iï fee claim of Bl persons, except for the folloWingexceptionil: title agail the lawful TOGETHER WITH AN SUBJECT TO eaements, restrctions. righisof way of record and va em taxes fòr2003.. . Jidliìldüìi (SEAL.) . (SIlL) ..($&1.) Name: By' . (SEAL) . (SEA:L) Title: (SEAL) -p~ . -;:~ ....~~~~&'.~r~~(~~.l...a...' ~V'( ~ ..~-,nJ:l ~ "'.'.~OTA~;i\~ ... o:cP" AUB\.\O..,~.,.. '~~, .",~:tjt~~~~ß\S~6~P6bHd . T1lê,tciiëgoi)g Çèi:lìêlÎias)òl\.: :,' ..' -j .;:-"',:.--:e 25 fjbok:3487.P;;ge:Q 1 of 3) Bo.ok 762 Page 157 ~MCIl00, .HC FER $17.00. .. ..'HO TAXLECOHSIDElTIOH 2003020614 ._;.BK:ÇRP7G2 ... .. ,. . 'PG: 157,.158 .=~'l'PAriICïA' AIl ~..a.~.~l;ici~A, S . . i.ll.~:~.b~tP Rel .....- ..", '.'. . "'~.'i~~D:'_.' . .... 12'-9;;2003 LO~42:54 AM Excise TaX.I Do NOT wrte above thlie. . Reiording: lïriè, Book and Page .'. - . -'. - '. - - - - . ..-' ~. . NORTH CAROLINA GENERA WARTY DEED ï'!JiJ!1i!lkliif:, . '" ",.. . .,. ." -. .".,"':. - - ;'.,. -.:." " .' ". Gtantèe: . LAtiRE:(MÔUNTA1;fR:SERVÊ;LLC . . Noít.CarolÜiaand Townsh .of CkQÓ'KDCREK CoUntY, COiiDtý. ,. BEINGè44g.S~ltBres,,rí9reor iess,(4hP.6~S,Ì¡resaftert!()epnon..Delow);aSSliownina. plat recorde(!,inJ:iatBqök.~9atÌl~ge62,~ii~&P~CoW1tyRegi¡;,angiÌipwi3QBk~.atFage 41, M¿Dów~lIPOl!iy(R~$,sti,'l;êf~ence'tò,:wipch. ätt:llà4e.for ainqi:~p~C\iii d~~i;npiion. $tf~=ir~~=:Jl~~~';;~# .AfterèÌ'~~¡¡r.~m iJr ;~~~~~TIiïet~6~ ~r~¡!:~~:802 On 'th :.nåyof CoUnty .2003, J3y ;Pagd of2 vi 26 2 of 3) Book 762 Page 158 Contiued from Page 1 CRP 762 158 (eesiple. . . Prollses by Grantor: Grtor promises (~ovenats) with Grntee, tht tøP:ß11~ 'NAlSUBJECT TO easemeits,rèStrctiòns, ',- ".::':, ,"'"." -....;. ". TOHA VB AND TO HOLD the sad Proper and ni privilges and iippuiences (righi.) belonging to Grantee, il simple; has the right to convey the title il fee simple; tht the title is nikellble and free and cleii of aIlieii and encúmbraces (ie. mortages and judgements), and Gior will wat.and defend the title agai the lawful . clai of all persons, except far the followig excetions: Oitor ba title to the Proper in ree " åd.yaiöten:daxes for2003.. . .. '~i¡p~threSd:t:ntQriias(l~yeK~ted the foregoing litrent,lloftieiiyand year rights òfway ofrecord and fit wrttabQve, Indivdual (S,EAL) Entity (SEAL). (SEA) (SEAL) By: Titli:: (SEAL) (SEA) INlVuAL STATKOF. . ... .... . ... . . COUNOF I,aNoiaI) Public of ti County and Statè afores~id,certfy that : ........"."......". .-.".. .. .... .... ... iitÌept. ~i1ness¡n lid and otiÓíiilsta or sêo t1~ day of .. . ..... .. 2M3, MiÇ9~iö~,EXpíres:.. ,. . . NotaPulic Qitor¡íø'()tÚiy ~nef9ri!I\, ths (\y¡înd aclmoWledgecttb,e execution Of the foregoilg ,;...::",:.:.". :;~t~~~~~Î)j¡~Óffu~bQ::::~fgw:¡~fytbi ..... ... . . Z".J,,+,~~~~1lt:j.1%l"':7::~:: '1g~~Jg~'6J~Zteg).Niìta Públic. ,~~~,i::r~tii::£~:ü;ti~:~rdfi~erí~ie arcâuiy regì~te~~atthe date aidtle,aidil the R't . . .... .Oeputy/Ásiisit-ReglstèofDeeds ..' . . . .. .REGISTEOF.JEEDS FOR .......' ... .. .... .. COUN 27 ,3 of 3) Book 762 Page 158.002 Register of Deeds McDowellC()unty Pat:dcia A. Reel Register of Deeds 21 South Mai Street, SiIite A . Marion, NORTH-CAOLINA 287Si --~.. --- -----. )..'-._. ---. --.-= ..:.~ -~'- ..:~'. _--eiep~one 82~-6524727 ~_ F~828-§~2.-1SH.. .~ ..*.,.-..... li "."'fr*ll". *...... *.,..... ..-. *."..**11,* ..*.,.~... **ii. ..-l j.*"... ... ii,_.....*'...~. ...... ...'. ........ tHot lIor.Rlisuat: '12/.09/2003 Book: CLI 762 1'0.\1'. 157"158 ooèt No" 20oio.206U m.m 2l?B 0.00 lIrder; illlB .i.lcGtg :~*.* * ."... it.~. ~.,. ,.-".. it'!...... 1\.. t."'""" .;.*.. *.... 'I ..** ..'* ** .-......- ***.**'f-*_.* .-... .... It ,it*... *.. *.. t..........;..- ** ~ ;?:t9 of .'tto.rth"Ct¡rolina,- CO:W-~__Of Mcin,àii 'Ec~iiòo~, . !NRrèIJ: ,7', l\Io, .UIõ:ÏSi-R. OF ~Ø"'::f"o~:Lng -ear.b.ifiaatøø of EÚZZA'lB: B oi,'Nota,ry('ies) Pu1-iò"is(are) cetifiaci to be co;rrlilit thi-,s .09'lll'of DlI.ES ,.~,¿/Y~ ;ii.....-.... .... . '., .,. ~.~:".i~-:(j~.~;*:_~.it_*..*.. :~.'D¡~.~...:S. ,...... ..... ...... *.*......~...."....... ii.. ........ ~".,'t""'T:i .-._.*.*** ....... t rS'1R"Ôl; .:~:* ;i ~,lr-..~ . ** il.... .-** . .. . . ,; :~ ~ "' .~.. tii4 Çèr,titiç~tl(,ti.iit;,. .a. vital bli -t;~:..,~~,~prdi'~ ." put ~fvoúrD~,,~:~! pi;",':,¡~ retain wah origirnili;Qú,;iitimci. .iiiit 28 DESCRIPTION AND VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY BEFORE CONSERVATION EASEMENT SITE DESCRIPTIÖN of the Laurel Mountain Preserve land that has the following physicalcharácteristics: The subjectproperty is a 168.794-acre portion Location: The subject site is located on the 'eastern boundary of Laurel Mountain Preserve propert at the end of Bird Creek Estates Drive, the private graveled road access to thesupject property. The property is located in Buncötìb~andMêDöwellCøuitiés . at the county b.oundary, with MêDöweii:County. The ofBitdCreek Estates only a siuallportioriof the propert. has a land in physical address Rdacl, BlåckMountain, North total 448.3.,acre land tract, Carolma.' The propert iswitl. the bóuiidares of LaurelMoup.tåjn Preserve~ a theT~inairng area of which is bèing developed into residentialhomesites. Size, Shape And Dimensions: A surey of the subject tractfòllows this site descriptì on, tract is .anda'siteplan fOfthe168.794'acresofland. The irregihrrinshape. with access:foni Bird Creek Estates Rnad'8nd..existiggraveled roads from.adjoing Laurel Mouitair. PresêtVe;Th.e tractof hlid is loca-tedon the . .. eastølt.bourdaofLaurelJvlolîntai~ PreservèJand; and i:uns';øuasouthto north £loW töwardtlie McDowell .cQll~line. ... 68 .794 . Prep,Q&erl'wìtlithé.bolU4ålesof the) Hçres of iåhdire.mvélve 10.'acre$.plus .tesiilentialhoiu,esites that those wop1¥';beHccessedfröin,grå,yelèdsFteetssimaaf to inä~Jøtmng LaurelMoÙttainPtèserve.A site plan of these. 121iiniesites, áncl&ls'ba site planiidiöatiìg the ~lQ~~:èf.:~:t=~~::::~:.'T~~::~~:li:=:arJ:. . site;çfes~Pi:pti~n. TliesÍtesá síze and,b:aiVe slopmg to'steeP topagraphy. Six öfthe sites areaverageIIterior1öts withsønie views,. and six of the si:es;dareiiöng,;range vi~vvlÇ)t$,. A copy of the subdivision plaifollovvstlssItedescrip,tøIr. .29 Soil: The soil type common to the NorthCarölina mouhtains is loam. There appears to bé no soil or subsoil coiiditions, which would adversely affect the value. See Liriting Condition Number 9 in thebeging of this appraisal report. . Access: Access to the subject property is from Bird Creek Fort Estates Road, a private graveled road with deeded right- Road, which is a . public paved street. To provide access to the proposed of-way to the supject site off Old 12 home sites withi the boundaries of the property, gtável road constrcti()n wotildbe necessar. Trantham and Son Grading Cqinpany, providig construction in .a,djoing Laurel Mountaìn:Preserve,has provided an . estiate of road . costs at $80 per linêar foot for 5,000 linear. feet of graveled streets; . Utilities would be along. these. roadways at.. anadâitional cost lmearfeet, which wou1dbe a . feet ofutílitiesan:d roads total cost of $90 of $ 1 o run per at . 5,000 linear feet. This per linear a total cost 0($450,000. Utilties: Utilities àvailable to the site include publîcelectricity, telephone and. cablevIsion. Each site would require a privaté we1Land septic system with no countywide wàter North . Carolina. The cost ofI;nståiiatiön of the utilities' was he c1scuSsedùithe subdivjsion .alsûprovidedand .wil Qr seWer available .Ín.. Buiicombe County, àtnà:lysis., . .. . ... .. Topography: 'Typical ofthem.ountain regiol1, the subject tract is . slopilg tos.t~ep with. .tb.e steepest terrain on .the .I1ottwesternsiteboooda, however prøvidedftomthe interior of roads; Th~ easte:rnsiteboundag,.which is access could be the :sitealöngthe graveled also sloping tosteep is tlotdutHized føtresiclentiäluse but is left as dPêIl,:apace.'lbe toWøgraphyôf:'thetraçt withlO,acre pllishøinesites is well . ûtiHzedoy the proposed .s1Ìbdi'vIsÍön plan. Flöo'clZone: The aJd can subject property is not he found on FIRM in a hazarclous flood :zone Flood Map 37021 C0160C 30 for Buncombe County, North Carolina dated May 1996. A copy of this 6, map follows the site description. Site Improvements: Site improvements will consist of 5,000 linear feet of graveledstreets~ and underground utiltìes along the roadways. A -sirallamount of signage and. landscaping wil also be necessary. The following page contaInsa survey sketch of the property, a subdivision plan and a flood rnap. 31 II t.L-' J.~ r-, '-\.IVII \.01 I L iyini THIS DOES 'F~l~"TU"r~'PL'1~' 1,0;ö:,rt~im' ' n~~':~~is l\'l J H 'I DI \lriJr'(~.m:D1II!m~~A'lOF~,~ THE AREA SHOWN is APPROXIMA If. NO- REPRESENT A ~=~~o ~.£\-~~ -- N 0 'l E S -~- CURRENT BOUNDARY SURVEY. - -i-. i 'rør.~~ .&.f;~ 'f. ~'Æ F"OO.,REGnA.l1~ Al I;~CO ~~vmiii¡¡. -7-- , '-.- 1H OÆCE.!N.iA. Pc '1l OJ (; ",:2, A1 o' ~ . ii¡¡'Ð1 .. ro. 85 IF mI.... . '."Jìs:'w.. ',15 OF. AN 1:~ PAR 01 LAD. P,l.4tPG.5!- (ico CO.) / I I I "-. " .. . :~QJF..iilRlUN .D:; :æsoPtt' fee ".P.B. æ ',roi7' - L1n~ '",. ¡!1.:. "" . ~s+. .1æl:.e3 ~ 1i 1 '~~: :ßS " '.¥ ,eMO" !iUO' 1G1m' 18~ '4 .' to ,.ø:.. 1~ .;i1~ ... g,~~A\l:¿.~i:::~; .' 'SC~;'LE 1',''', ZOO' , ~Å~"=: g~.1:'Ó,~;d05

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