AdvanceMe, Inc. v. Rapidpay, LLC et al

Filing 1

EMERGENCY MOTION for emergency hearing for a protective order in connection with a subpoena that was served on third party John Konop and the scheduling of his deposition on February 8, 2007, a date that counsel for AdvanceMe is unable to attend, with Brief In Support by AdvanceMe, Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Brief # 2 Certificate of Service# 3 Affidavit of Ronald S. Lemieux# 4 Exhibit A# 5 Exhibit B# 6 Exhibit C# 7 Exhibit D# 8 Exhibit E# 9 Exhibit F# 10 Exhibit G# 11 Exhibit H# 12 Exhibit I# 13 Exhibit J# 14 Exhibit K# 15 Civil Cover Sheet)(rth)

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Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC Document 1 Filed 02/07/2007 Page 1 of 6 j' l i f7 1(, S C~~ FIC,f~ ][] \ [ T]H[lE 'f :fl Vl 7CEl) STATES ]DPI'>T'lti(;'I' CiC I lU l27~a~~ ;~~i~o~ R IFO THE r1o:~, rHEIR.rv ]DIl [ '>TItI(," r of G F, 01 z 0M ~~ i . V '~~CC~~ I)I~ ~~L'3IU: ll~~'3~ ~' ~te~r~k ~~ .A~'I7 ~.A~] ~ 110 AD,v' ANC,IEr OIIE, IrvC - , :P' l a i :n t i iE i ', Nr . E13 0, 1 ? 9007 i7 ._ Nk 1 . ° ~cl 0 -.5 15, R AL :P' IDP'A Y I L L +C , e-t . . al ,, :CI eife' ğ dalirk . * Action is jpen jii n ;; i,ri the United States District Cou rt for the Eastern District ofTemas ATYVIXrvc .E;1vI:E,, `r , Phii ri ti iFF,, [ AL ( :, Defendant. CIVIL A L iC"rCIC) Ni 06-000082-LE UP" 1t : t it es No. for the ~° Action iis pc!1jjjijmg- in the United LS' District Court Eastern District oif Texas . 13 E .AL14:l:rJ(x FOR A ]P~tC1'T'l1[;'TI:~~F O RDE R ][ N G iCI NNEC rCIOPT WITH A SU] BP +C I IE NAL THAT WAS SERVED ON THIRD P , 4 . R 7['YJOH N KONOP AND THE SCHEDULING OF HIS DEPOSITION ON ~ ~]E13 ~ F ,lUA ~tY 819 :~ '~U' ~', . A. DATE: ~['fI.A~'i'' IC, 1, F OR A ]DIVAN CE M l . ][ ' i 1J1` d.AL ]Bl , F, 7 71(! A7"TE ND AND FN[]EP0[ I 3 1.2.ArTD 1 :JM Of' POINTS ok A LJ'Tl1 () l t[ 'I 7[ES Irk SUl':P'UR7' a :~ NC`4; E :NzEIR: Ia E NC{ "Y : Nzo vio rv .Fo l z ~ %.rq a 9poommOm THEREOF' U :- c,M_ cp s 'vV4 s s ; M o 5 s 1i Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC Document 1 Filed 02/07/2007 Page 2 of 6 Pursuant tiD Rules 4 S(c)(3)~~lA.) and Z5 ( c) of the Federal Rules of Civil P' r o c;e ciixre- and Loc a l Rule 7 . : ? (]B), Eirr1eq)-l-Incy, 'Nlovarlt,cINse , Inc . . ( " .PLdva n c ; elVI(-l" or " Er m, i' ,eri cy :Movanl :'''), brings this ernerg; e , ri cy rn. cat . ion, for 01 protect'E.lrc order in ronxiEx :t .ion with a c1-11positiari sUbpoen .a that was issued b ;~ Joseph Gray-, cc> > l fo r Uelfelndarits N1e : rc han.t Money 'Tree, Tr ic,, ("Merchant . Money 'free"), Reach F'iniarici .al ]LLIZ ("IR_e ;ac,li FiiraatzcialL''), First ]? umd:> Ll .("' ("First F l un.d~ ; ' '')~ , and A.rne ; ri 'h~ [er ~cha . rit ]LLC' (".ALI7llE~riA4erch.arit"' ) ai nd. siaroed on third party John :K _ ornop ( '"M r , k : on .a p"') , ·;,+on1mandiin g; the production o f clo,:,iunlemts atid depo,, l tll (?I7 t C St :I mC)Ily Q :C I 'T bmr s dkv~ , February 8, 2007' ,a date p1"ev1 CMLl : ;ly, sch.e;dulled : F+a :r the ;3 0( b)( 6) deposition of , defe n. ch'ti l_. Flxl ;ji ;,'h Financial arid a diate that, other couri .~f~ l for Adlv anoe Me is unable to attend dlu(- to depositions and olthE N. nneet :in ;~s i n other be chmiged . Adlv an c e Me, br i ng s this Motion far' :Prot ec tiv e Order in the United States District Court four the Northern Ellistrict of Georgia, Atlexita Division,, pursuant to an . Order dated February 16, 2, {} 0 7 issued in, the Eastcllm District o#"Texas wherein the . United States Magistrate 3 oY i i I). Love d et earimi nE,d that h e~ was, without au.thor il~v to act on this M otion , amd " . . . in.s,t:na c t [ f; <i] the arties to seek relief from the U n ii tedl S t ates, District C'uurr; in the Northern Distr i ct Of Georgia . . ." [ .E-GALUS W # 55 , 5 84 0 58 . .-2-. Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC Document 1 Filed 02/07/2007 Page 3 of 6 M ore, s p e;rifi (-Alll ly, this is the sFrcumd geme:rgene,y motion A. dv xnce bA e ; has, been, fai rced to file, i ns connection with the third p arty subpoena th at was served san Mr . K c} ri o ;p . Previously, Defencl a az t:; unil3 'tE.rall ,y n{at i c ;ed the de p o sitio n of Mr . KX,riop for Sunday, January 21, 2007 without Adw,anceMe's corisentand without the approval afN Z,agi ,sitr a te Judge Love or Jucl~ ; ~~ Davis Who preside over- th . two w , ac1:ior.Es pending in , the, Eastell:-n. Di ,;1: ri a of"T'e,}.a>. Des pite the Ea s tern. C)i. s, tr iic;t o f Texas Local Rule CV-'30's clear p ro'. hibit :i anE against the taking o f rlE,pos i l ; o n ,w E,ekeM6, without the- approval of a. judge: or the agreement o f c;oiz:nsel, counsel for :C>f, fE,tad ants riane thel , S s U fu S e;cl tO take this df.poSI1:lor.i off i, a 1 emli r wid even fl e w to Atlanta, Georgia fir the purpose of takfti,g Mr. Ko:rtop's deposition . Only after Ad v an c; E;N 1 e filed yin emergency m oti ari inn the Eastern I? :i .;tric-A. of Texas amt nriacte arrang e ; rne;nts to file a similar motion ire this Court did L) efen daxits relent and agree t o 1-.Eke Mr. l{ .olio p 's deposition off'(.-al e,nd.a r ,, Thereafter, L} E~ :fE, n ~d anits again umilatera :Lly &che;dixlied Mr . Koriop's deposition on, February f3,, 20[17 -- a date prew :iou s'kY set for th e, 30(b)(6) clE ,p o sitioni of' de feri da,r.i t . Reach F i naracia :l . At the. time I)efen~da~1't~~ u~nilatf~r~~l1y scheduled Mr . K-ariop' :, clE,positiorn for February .3, 2007, l.Ar. K; o : nalp was available "cm any Thursday" :in the month of February or M arc ;l,~ . In other word s , it appears that De.fe n [lant s deliberately n oti c ed. Mr. LEGAL- US -W 4 55S8 I 4 0 ;i 8 - I .. 3 _. Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC Document 1 Filed 02/07/2007 Page 4 of 6 K:o :nop'sdeposititan to conflict with the 30(b)(6) deposition . of defc-11dant Reach Financial . After After n .urn ~e ~r~c~u. ; a,ttE ~r7ip1t ~~ to informally resolve; ~th :i ,e over several days fail. e;d,, on :Fe,bi2ia~~y 5, :_OC~ ;~, .ALd ' van.ce;~~[f, filed an E~iriei';E,n,cy Motion for P'ra~tect :i`~E~ Order in the Eastern District oi' TE,xa,s,, i3i mil i l . tarne ,cnx sly,1the Iaefen .c km1ts filed a. Motion t o C arn.p f. l the deposition o f J o hn K: o:n op con, February 8, 2007 .. The Ho r ionab l e, Jal-m 11 Love, U .S . 1'Via;gi s trate Judge den . i ed. both motions, stating: [Qhis Court, sitting in the E,118teM District ofTexas, cannot compel attendance a non-p;artjf witness outside its u.bpi:iena. :rarlg,e . Accordingly, the Court DENIES the motions of both parties and{ct,> the I:)arties to seek relief frc>ni the 'United States District Court in the Northern District of Georgia ifthey cannot seek favorable resolution oiFtlleir own.. Affidavit of Ronald S5 . Lemie,ux. in Support of Advancelvic"s Motion . for Protective Order, E >?d1 . I . None oi'the senior counsel fir AclvarlceMe, are available to attelndtlie. . d f, p 0si tio r E of'Mr . :K:(-)m o p on Fc bruai7~ 8, 2007 dlue to an expert deposition in c another case that is 1 .~rf .sently pending in the Eastern District c>f"Texas ;; a critical client conference that cannot be postponed in another niatter ; and other depositions . AclvariceMe; would be severely prejudiced if this deposition ofa :FomnE~r corporate ~~ff3cr~~f AdvanceMe ~~~f .rEh tea 13,1D lEo~-rua~rd~ VJiLthout the pre-se ..,4- IL, I :(iAl. US V4' # 55 58408 1 Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC Document 1 Filed 02/07/2007 Page 5 of 6 senior counsel since the subpoena calls far the prt,ciucticm of dc,cumej1't :; and ,deposition t, e ; s,til-n ony .:us to matters that are. likely p r ote ct:e; c} by the att :orr.Ee=y--cl i ent privile.g;f, . Adlvaiwen/le :ha .s made numerous attempts to iniformally resolve this sch.e:d u lli nig matter ; 11OWever , its efforts h . aATv been. Unsuccessful . For these reasorLs, Ai d varic; e],M e rn o v es this Court for a prot{a cti.v E , order providing that(l) the product ion of' d o cu rner.its amd deposition t.e stimi on ,y of Mr. Konol p not ;o d forward ort February 8 , 2007, as Crirrently scheduled, (2),thus de :x>ositiorl go iFor`Nardl at a date, time, arid location that is mutually ag ]C e E',i ~ b l e, t o {C O Ulr1 :iE : l For Ad<< cIll C ~ 64 e, counsel for Uefeğdarits, acrid third px.rty John Konop, and (3) any documents Mr . ]{ .o n op intends t o produce, in, re; ;pon iss e; to this subpoena be provided irRially only to counsel for Advarice:Pvie , riot counsel for Uef6c~ rnts, so th at counsel for a .A,ci·varnc ;eME, can review these d[oc .izirriE,tnt .> and remove ftoni production any d GCU172 c ]'2 $ > that are protected by the aftoime ;Y-clie ; rit: :p ri v !i lege, aiad otherwise designate the re ~ rna.i : n :i ~ng ~da~ctur.~E~TI~ S p UII"SUlclYlt 'CO the standi ~n~, :Prot~~cti~vE~ Order, as appropriate . Irk s U p port. of' 1: his ~mo tic~ri ,. .A~d·van ~c, erlvif~ relies, on its suppa :tl ; in.; nnen~o ran . cltx rri ofpcoints and aiathoritiels, filed With 1:Yiis emergency mot:icm. IsE: GAL '.]S ~U 4 55584058 . 1 -5 Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC Document 1 Filed 02/07/2007 Page 6 of 6 Date ci: February '1, 2007 GAUL, HASTINGS, ,J,ANOFS]KY& WALKER LIP E~[) 0 Peacht:ro ~i ~ Street, N .]E .,, Suite 2400 Atl.z'ritZ, GJ A 3 p 10 8- 2',1 :? :Z Te1E,plhoriE, :(4Cr4) 8 1 `i--24,OOi Facsimile : (4CI4 ;) 8.1-5-2424. j olaip ar]ker`b,p2111lha,>ti :ng ;s .conn .4;,;,7ey fo)- E, mergency Movant .4dvauceMre-, 1'ric, . [. G OAL-US-IN 4 SS ;i84 05 g . 1 ..6-

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