Jones v. Wackenhut % Google Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT filed by Donald Jones; and Summon(s) issued. Consent form to proceed before U.S. Magistrate and pretrial instructions provided. ( Filing fee $ 350.00, receipt number 562585.) (Attachments: # 1 Summons # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(epm) Please visit our website at to obtain Pretrial Instructions.

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Case 1:07-cv-00567-CC-RGV J5d4 Re v . 5105 N DG A ;I Document 1-3 -! Filed 03/12/2007 Page 1 of 2 '~ , ~j ~ I ~~ ~ f[ T civil cov e e pleadings or other pap ors as req uir ed he ng a Th is J$44 hr sheet and the Information ~~ci n l a ne id heroin wither replace nor su F ~p l e ntt fl l i,~nd service 0except ai s p raWdacl by loc a l rul e r of couv1 . This farm His required for th e use of the Clerk o f Court for tlhm purpose of Initiall'Ing t he chill docicell r e+oo r d . 'SE E INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED) CIVIL COVER :~~`f E : E~~~ 1 . . (a ) PLAN"T11FF(S) pi E. I F EI NdAIV T'(S) aj~f P. ) F /21711117 'Y CIF' FtE41gi Eh G E OF FIF,8T }II5 m-w (EXCEPT IN 11 .9 . F ,IJWiR1IF F G13 E5') .I CDll IN1fY' t}F R Ec9 l Yl NCE .Q F F A A I T LII ST IED pN u.s .an .CASES oIHa,J NOTE : 114 tN G7N 0li MNA T11DM CASES, U$ETHE LOCATION (W DIE M TRACT cFumnavmu ( F11tIN NAME-ADDRESS, 1'ELEIPR'JI NIE MLI p A131u t, AND 1----MAIL . i4DDltlsi: i) ~ mrcuz Ni EYS (IF NO 0411 N. w II . 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