Garcia v. Microsoft Corporation

Filing 1

NOTICE OF REMOVAL with COMPLAINT, filed by Microsoft Corporation. Consent form to proceed before U.S. Magistrate and pretrial instructions provided. (Filing fee $ 350.00 receipt number 569668) (Attachments: # 1 Exhbit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Civil Cover Sheet)(epm) Please visit our website at to obtain Pretrial Instructions.

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Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 1 of 19 POI Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 2 of 19 1W THE: S U 1'IE R1C1 11 COURT OF F' I JL7' i) N' 'C O MIT' ["X F TtANC f ;SC 'O (; A TZ IC IA ii r i d ividu ,z l l,y., on lbt h al f of !1! s minor ch i l d 5I LVA IL7' O (',AFt+;IA and all others. a h nilarl y situ ated ) ) ;~ ; Civil ,a c t i an vs . AiI ,CF: Q50 FT +4 0 11 P'{)R A'fl ol'i El r(e-ndant . } ) ) EV IVI jHl O h 'S , TO i'1-[E IL 13 ON1]?·1JA M E D ElF :FEyI> jV'l': You im e here by sununona3 and required to file w i th the Clerk of Oil: Superior Court of Fu t on ~~I~~ .~ ii~y and serve ~ ~cn The Pla ~ ;ri ti f~'s attor~iE:y, whose name and E:ddr~s is . Ch ristopher (' .'faylor, E-sci . H'encza Taylor & Lc( LLC ., 99-D Holcomb 'Br.dge R.o,xi, Suite 3 Roswell, Ciwrgia. 30071i an answer to t'z+. Carn·Plaini which -is hexew·iit :;Exvaj upon ycn4vvidz'r 3i) days after service oftlus~;urn:~r.arsuFK~r :~c~u,e :~+c2~~~iv~oft1~~ : da ;yofse,,~i~:. It'+~ou fail tc~ d~so, .luclF~rn.~zl b;~ default will be ta:{em pfa9nst ,N:w br'khe relief aerrLanded in t'hc C:orn ;pIai»I . JURY r' 'T Ft l A '[ . 1) F.Poi p,NnPF: !D This .0 LP Id ly of ._*2007 . IPS I)ej:)wyClcA, Superior Court of Fulton C'avr .t;y,, Georgna To . Defendant upon who m this pm ; ticrri is served This wj?y of immphint and Summons wPLs served uF pon you can of 2.007 . OICI _______ d ay F) ~:~n :t y : i l it:ci f 7 ------- _--~-_- ----- -----_--_ '+ S Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 3 of 19 ~ ', 1 N 7 'liE : .5U] 'E R.[Cl l.1 C C 1 lJ R7 ' t1 F FU G7' A N'C' O NM F . Ar y r, ;t %, NV 11,41- EI i.41'tCI S CO (;AFt C IA ;ir t clivi du a I ly, on 15ch,1 'If (11 Ills ynin oir chil d : SILYAR1; 0 ( ;AFt + ; 7A and All oth Din . . similarly situMed '! ). C N il Att iari File No . : 4) " YS . MICROS OF7 ' IC O ]R ronji'TIOpP1 Pe fcndant .. ----------------------------------- ~ J TRY TR IM, ]Q F:r vuk 'V D 1r! R ( :I DIMPI . A I NT NOW cDOM ES . P u t 'R3' TI]; ;F ] =Jip ,t q CI 'SCC) (3AF;cu ( 't' h e. "F'laintil'F";t, indi ,viaueliy and o n b eha° f Of 115 minor ct i'Icl SHL`IAR.I0 tJ.AF :CUk (the "]v''in-ar Plaintiff"), 'by mid 1 hrou;~1 counsel, and mikes and file this Complaint agsinsl the Defendant, MICROSOFT CORPORATION, as follows : NATURE 0F,r,iu,,1 CASE 1. Pla in t ffs brings this class acl ion seekiz,g d ecla rarory idief, injunctive relief, co mpens a tory damages, punit i-re damages, cos ':s of litigation ir.cludi n g , wid ii»sl 'limitation, att oIreys' fCCs . a i z 11 past-j»ci 1p nent intere s t aga i nst Wl i c: ;a s e ·f t C'en Faral i o .z , a WlShi ngt0 is corporation (r mi erxx to , rer+ .in as the "Clrfend,mu"), because of Oil,- D ef:n d a rit' , . ( i) R a u dul ent inda c1hnent, (ii) c on v e r:,i~~, ,iii) fraud ,end deceit, ~( i v ) de c r~iiv~~ dud e p~a ctiae;> a n~~ (v) u n j +~~~t e:r~rirt~rn :i~~ . Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 4 of 19 PA R TITS 2. 71c putZx ive· -rep re se ntativc of" 'ffi e Class its ]Frar ;ci s cx , -Glarcia I' th e "Representative 1"] alinliff"), an individual and a reside nt of r.~ c State t , f Georgia, . .a}cn g w it h hi s minor san, S ilva rio Garcia (the "A4 -mo r Reim ese iii·ai ive 1'l ai nli :Ff" ) , an iri c[ iv ic[ u a l and ti -resident o f ' the (, ;ta te' ,Df CifX ,i gll. :s . Il e pulative Class will be defined herein. 41 . Upon i c:lormzt i a n ac id t-e l ief., Gef.-nd a nt is z PJ:LSh i l;; an mr-poralion and Maintains its principal place a l'Ib - u ,- ines- ; and t .eadquarter :, in ; 5e .ilt l e, Wutiingtari. -' D e : fe nd . zii l -may be se rm :d by delivering a cop y of thi ss summons and complaint to iis registered a g ent , Co-rporation Service ( : omp any, located at - 4 1) ;I'cc:!`Mc · 1o;5:~ Pkwy S-a-Llffi, 11:3 t)I), N'orcross, CAA , 3 D09 2 . Jin t rs DU cPII on AND VENUE. c. . This Cowl li r e personat jurisdiction ov er De fF.r.dant pursuant to {} C..G.A.. j9·. 1 (1-91, because Defendant il ransac:teil business r the State of' Georgia arid because iti c tort i aus acts occurred in. the State of Gooi gi a. I . Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 5 of 19 Venue iii thi s i it : tiari prop .-fly l i es in &; i s [ :Dart, p u rsuant to t) C' .C . A . § S F-10· 9 :I, bt :c :aas e . the D 6endant transacts bu sfi-mss ir ; the Count y of F 'e: l rcpr i in the S t << tc of ('J a):-I ; ia e n d b ix :x e; se the breach of contract and to rtim ; mm s o c· cu n:W, in d% c : FA(~f, 3 S. County 0 f FuIton in the State of Georgia (}:t ow- about 0 ;.+:ober 2005, PWntift's c hild (Minor PlainiifD uttxf Plaintill's debit ca-,rd . to . purc'h um, a cirLe-.Y'c.1r :5 ub scriri tico r: to X 3 O ?; Live This c * nt-E ct vim; v»v e red ilta v<<< the : i rite ' Tie·t %v-ith e s :XB{)X oomputi:t. "["he- subs+ :zip1ion fel.- was S49 .99 . '4 . Oit ar Ekou Oc-tober 2006, N-frzd,i111 illlt0lTlahC :al ;y rM eweO the ar su'bsecip1 ioii t o] :13O:{ :-ye o» Live for SA9 .99 and thiss i.-harge appeaml on Plaintiff's debit carcl . 10. This charge put P laintiff's bank a ccount i -ira ar1 avcxd reifl status and a 135.00 fee was as 3es. se3 by 'WEm-fi ovia Bank ag~inst Plaintiff lI . t} - 1 O(,tober 6, 2006, the $49,99- sub scri p t : c1r,i·('e· e was ri: i i::r. ded to the Plaintiff by the.- Deftn(hint . C I A SS ACTION ALLEGATIONS 121 . This action is brought a; a c:lms Diction pmImIy maintainable under Georgia laws. 12. . Repies-n z i ative Plaintiffs bring this c ; la -;s ac- li o n individually and on behalf o f all other; s i n i la rly si m .3 tc-cf (, <<c;r, such pl v i .l! ; ifl'is ref:ITH t D Yiere ":n as a "Class hi embe e ' and c:aIlf-ct -IN-ely , the Class .+ Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 6 of 19 Members t yre I'd.-ITC-1 to h vrc·in its, 0 uC "C : la -s~,") who have be c a c:tiarge d lees for X E, OK Live sabsCH;p tions of z ny- I engt]h, wiit, .3,xx p rnpai z ;yi rg ; automatic 3s;f3 0 X Live subs inipi' i o-a renew als O f any length, wee such contracts h a ve; teen en-tere d int o U Y minor children in violation of 14 . F10.1wesentative 1']aintM biia,g this class action i;ridivid'ually and on behalf f all others similarly situated who have been chwged [w : :s for }S'E3OJs : Live subsci5-p:ioas of any length, with accDrrIpZr ;yiiz ;y euWmatic :KBO.K JLi<<e ;stsbscriptiori renewals of any length, where such rnuliipleyear. ; contiaeius with adalr Class Umbers are rat in writing as ircx ;6-re :cl under the applicable Statute of Frauds, IrbL::r d i r O .CI(iA -513 -5-3 a('>). 15 . &x c>rdi ngly, the ,, iz{e of It ; e -Class is s lal?: ;tarr,i a' , and grows daily, so fz ,3l ,joinder o f all E: !:a ss Members is ii-apractieable . 16 . '] "lit: Reprc ; c:ri t 3r iv.: F ' Ia i rt iffis ' claims are typ ical of the claim-, of the Class, Which all arise fiar i the s anve apcri l i , v+: facls and are based o n the same legal theones, b tC3imE: the conzplaiizR :d of z ci ~ons tire w ·i cl esp rm d at:cd s :andarri b: the Defendant . 1 i. Plaintiffs are not a-m ag ,oni stic: to the I CI ;I::s Un d Will tairl y and adequately represent and protect the interes t s cr1 ' l b e C Iass. 1 f.. .· Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 7 of 19 F l ,3ini i ff:, are commuted t o~ aigor+»-mly ]i r ig,iai ;z; ; this rri z1 t ~ e T, r~ ; ~~~es~ .~iled b ;y rarrp~.lent caunse ' . and do no t ha ve any intExes i s that might cause item t o not vigorously :rue thi s claim 19 . Certification +) .f the, ( u n d e r O . C . Ci . A . § 4) 11-23 is apFmp;-ia-1c, becau se al ' . Class Member., ;lass have Sn identical intE :resi in se-eking compensatory damages 11o r the unlawful a cts; u CL? e f end aa- : c orrYp2ai :icxl Ofhe-xin . 20 . tl nlc r hi r~z t ~l y , i.t is Hipr a:lica1 or ·irnpo:> ;,ib'le for e ach Class M e mber t o bring iNs action i »d iviII-a .i l l ;y,1:)--I :ZLuse t he iislc associated - w ·i-l}i incurring th e cxIsh of litigation in a matter of Ibis t ;43+; Or' t oo high 1rar the C l a<,-s ]V[m'acr. T1-h makes fi l ing such a·y ac t'on i : :ci iv id uai lp . i i r p r ac-li ca l and unl ikcl,r. With so little incentive, e c o norrtic Or o then v is e , to see k lepi recourse for e : c omplai<<ed o f acr,ions, t h e ~~ l t~ss ie Gei ~'e s3~xs l i+ .e; pri m~vi ly 1rso~~h cl ~;rz . ~~ ;~~, with re~pect to th . .- entire C; la >s . 21 . Certification of .I11e· Class ptinsna -zr to OJIG A § 9- 11-Z3 i : s appropriate, because commoll question G,u estions of law and J act m 3 c »n i iz, ite over i r, d i vi d u e l : ; and 1her{ .-i'ore ., a class Er .-l i oiz i s superior to cf:wh available me rh cds for th . .- fsi r and CAT .ci+:sit tL clJ udicAt i ar; a.r'tM s coni i c ov er, , ;+. s2 . IN.- yueslio n s of la w and fa c l - e+»rmo ;z to the t ;'1 2ss incl ude, without 'l i m it a ti o ry (a) w 'h ..-lher the 11:I"endant f aiuc lu l .nil, y induced m in c ir Class Zvfemb ei S to enter inlc , uncn- fo rceable + :ozitr 3 cts for r XBOX Live subscription C01ilr.W ls of any length, and w xx, rnp -m yir, g; automatic , X B ()X ' Live subs .-A ption renewal contract s, of a ny length, urn3~· th { , w .-,, 1 -tst ; :b2i St L e ~1 "1 n :Parcy Doctrine" Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 8 of 19 fi'xyd in t] .( : GA . § l3· .3-20 . (Iii whefz, .i tlic Defmdarit impicperly, chaiged initial ,XD(3X: Live subs+nipti-D-n fbr., and sutsep-mil aulomatic )MO} : Lave subs+::iplion rra .,-,+Yal fees . to adult Class rdei-rker.> without secvrinF; vvritteri c-:),z°ra .-Is with adult OXI s Members n violation of Cil: Statute of Frauds, found in O C.G A . § l :f·5-3fl ;S), (c) whether t;ie }7efrnda.rt', actions constitute conm^s .i+xn,, (d) whether the Gefcnd<int's actions constitute Nud and idecE·it, {e,) whether the DE:fenda-v:'s actions c:ansur:e deceptive trade practizes and {f,F wreih :;r tie D-efendant' :, a :iio»s consl itcite vrju>t e:ruic,tuncnt CAUSE OF ACT I ON I FIRAUDULANT INDUCEMENT 23 . Representative Plaintiffs i,acoiTiarare 'by reference Flaralp aphs I t1zi aL-g~ 2 2 above .a :s ii'srt ;FcIrth. herein in full . 24. Uix)n ini`urmatian and belief ancd despite unequal bargaining power between 1he: Gef.ndant and die Minor Represen;aiove ]Plzin"ifl; Deienda-vt &sudulc:ritly induced a contractual relationship for ?,3 3 C,X, Live services vrit% the Minor-Representative PZainiif' .' and somee or a!'l o f the minor Class Mernber, by charging Glass Mt :rnbe,.rs X B () X Live sub:;c :ription fees v6ri'!e 1u1owiiig , upon inic-rRiatiori and 1x:Zic1; tha': s'u .-11 initial ;XD()X Live subs ..lip-tioris con-acts are uncTlorecable against mi»0i Class rderriNTs p»>suan't Go arc well-eslablis'h-:41 "lnfuir.y Docirirtc," found in C>.C : .C'· ..A . §13-3-20, wherein contracts wilh minor cllitdrrn are urieriforc,esatIe . 25 . Upri iizl'ormc:tiori and belief grid despite Lr.equal bargaining power between -the Defmdant and the Minor Representative Plaintiff, '.pefi:nclard :frandalently induced a subSC-ClUfft contractual Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 9 of 19 re :lal ion :atiip f'ar :0 OX Live s+:rr ·i ,x*, wi th the hs m ar lt --j»ese izI ati ve ]' 1 zi i zfin',11 id son ic: or all o ; ' 1r .e minor Class Member.; by charging C t wss Members. subs+x l u<:r i t X ESOX Live subscription IWI ewi I te e ; wh ile knowing, upD n information and b e ·! ' ef, ill-pat wc 'I subsequent atitornatic-MION' Live subse ·ription renewal contracts ,aye similarly c · ri enfor ceable: f ig ai ; z ; t these minor Class N [F:rn ' be rs p ursuant to C . G . +3 .A . §13-340 . 26 . U pon i r. fm nation and belief, l] eferic [ 2s, t fraudulently indua mi a contractual relationship with the Representative Plaintiff an3 some oral] of thc: .adul t Class Member; in violation o i' iffie ;5tar ml e of Frauds, found i n O.C . I J .A, §13-: i ·3 0( S ), i e q uiring such rr4ll i pl e-ye; i r m 7 : rae i' s to be in writing by charging adult Class Member ; initial )BOX Live sub s c ,tiplioi i fe-!! ; and subseque nt automatic : KErOX Live s ubs cription r+ .newa " fees w ithout written contracts and, u1mi irfD Rnation mi d belief, d e d ucting -thm ; fees directly fi o r s+)i r. e of the Class N[c:rnbe ;-s' b arik ac ,c:oL· r ,ts or credit cards . 27 . As a result ., Re-p rCx-rita-live 1'l ai nliff 's quid sortie or till Class M embers suffered IbOr} , monetary dain ages and personal dainagm . 28 VI]i+:cefi»re, Representative Plaintiffs quid some, or all of she Class, Members are entitled to p l]"1 'I t11 r E: (I ctr73,, n y G I rI FFm sat o ry damall,E!S, 1:0 st i mid e)C])t.[ISGS of 1:x1 15 'litigation including ,9no·-ne :}5' and .tuc :h other relief as the Court proper. T C O ivV711 RSiC I PJ--- Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 10 of 19 :! ~ ?. Relv ese n rati ve Plaintiffs ir.coq) orat+c t y !r(- frr(-r L c^c 11 i1-agr,3lAi;. 1 throia;~i 1'F; a':),)- v -,- as if set ~D- -th }If7C l C1 [ IL full . 3 0. Upon inf+»Tnaiion Find : be'ief, Defe:nd :ant has converted the Repm.,entative Plair,t-iffs IFi.ind's, and same ~D-,- all of the C:hms . Members' lends, by iYaudulently FraMIing initial XBOX Live .,ct-scriptian fees, where such fees tire based on un-nil'aro.abie contracts wiih minor children under ID . C' .(i A . §13· :x·20 ,arid, 1x ;;m3n information and beli,.i; cle-&:eting these lees directly from . .arm of the . Cl:accounts or cr+:dit cards. a ' W-A :ss Member Upon inf» Tna r i -0 n and b el' ice" Defendant has c:or wer led 4h e : Repres entaiiv e F' la; r, k ifr's ,fiLr i c !s, and s an ~ ~ of all of the Mass Members' fiuu~s, by fraudulently 1 prc~c~ ~rin~, a L t -3ir Iat ; c MIOX Live s .L:b script i ar, renewal f. C s ., where such Fees me based en unenforceable contmas with. minor < :h ilcssen under O .C .(1 A . §13-3420 and ;, ia ;)q)i 1 im fonnation $ n3 be'l ieF, deJ uc c in , g Ific-se fees directly from some of the t :l us ' U[E:rnbe :-s' b ank accounts or credit cards . 32 . Upon inft .7naIian and be'lief, l]efE:riclPnt has corivert<d the Repn.-ser.t,3live Plairitiff's, funds, and some r all or the C:la:;,c, Members' furds, by italldul'ently' r,mc'x7rtg initial XBOX Li ;ve subscrio-an f,-rand subsequent automatic :XDt)?S : L.iv .. ~,Lbscription renewal fvn ; and, up-on :, . int'onnation and tiel ;ef, deducting Am: tees dire:etly from some of the (:;,ass Memb+:is' hark aicmL .r.t·3 or cTOj ;t ·caids vriilunut seci.uing ·writtcxi rnultiplc-y;.~Lr contract :, with BJLI'lt Clam Members in ~rialation of the Statute of Frauds, ibund in O,( :.Ci . A . §13-5-:301:5) . Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 11 of 19 33 . As a rc-s ult, Repn:sE:rti l i· ve 1'lainli ff s , and soire or till af' the Class, Members suffi-red both . rz ond ar;y damages UA ;p m=sonal damages . 34 . Wherefore, R.q r m t:n ta °ive ]';;aiiz r iff 's, and s o-rie or all of the Class 20' eml»eis vc : entit ' :ed to p L, r, i fi ve &;r1 ages ., to mpews ator}r d a ma gcs , coals and expenses of this litigation including atrarne,ys' fees, and u--h at1ict iehef as the t;cnut C'eerns proFcr CIA UPS F' OF it ICTI ON 1111 ]FRAUT) AND DECEIT 35 . k ev es entative 1' ] ai m i ' ff's incorporate by re f.rence p<<ra ,gra phs 1 tlu·auFk, 34 above a - ; if s:1 forth herein in Ri ll. 36 . 13-:)on informiation and be:lieC, L)rlendazr purimehlly &ceived ixe ]kepresentative PlaintifF :; and some : or Eil I of tie Claw TZM,bera iii urde :· to fimrcittZly proii : by fraudulently procuring illit ; a] 7tB0X Live subscriptior 'fees 63m; C1 :IL's lv'le-nlb I ,as, MItLe7e such fee~> are based on UnCtitorCIMN e rc~r,t·r<<ci'i with minor childien under ~~ .1~, (,,~~ . §13-1.20 and, upon inE:,7nation a~~~ 'belic-1 ; CIE'di:ctir,g, Ih ese f :c<. d ira:ll;y from sorac of the CI ass 'M[exnaeis' bank account ; or credit ca·,-cl ;: . . 3;. {JpDn infornlatioi and lx;lic-f; D< :tendaz° purpascfialiy cleceived iffie· Repri, : .ent,iti,ri . T'lsint ff!; aid s,oric or all of the lass Members. ·irL order to financially profit by fraudulently Fmciifing ,,t; t- sequcn l e uir- rl a t tc } Live : ,ubs, cr .p t io r L renewal fees from Class TT.-rn ber ;>, where su ch :BOX Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 12 of 19 f :es, are based cart unenfc»cea5le contras"s with minor children under O .C .G.A . §13-3-2.0 and, upon information and belief, deducting these lees dirrxtly from some of the Class Members' bank accounts, or cl-edi!l cm~ds . 38 . Upon inflorrr<<<tiari and belief, Defendant purposefully dec :ei,ml the Representative Plainliffmid s-3-reIC Or ail Of the GlUS Member, in onler to financizlly profit 'by trtiiiduleatly procuring initial } :13C016 Live smitiscriptiar, fees and subm;uerit automMhc XBOX L ive subsi.iip-tion ienewa[ km ; from :iduZt Class Member.; and, upon infoiina,:ion erd lbeliel; &ducting I .hes~ ; directly From feesome of the Class P'emb+ :rs' Will vxmunts or credit cards without securing Nnirie» multipleyear contracts !vilb adult Class Members in violation of the 'Sta :tite of Frauds, found in O .C' .G . .A, 39 .AS a r+:s ult, Repr eser, t .iti· w . I'll ainti ff s ,, and some or fill o f -the : Class M emb ers :s uffe .-W both m on+ .tarl damages and ;p :M onal damages . 4 -0 . ti yherelon : , Rex,rC-, cr i ta ^ ive ]' 'l ai nri fis , and s oITI e : or all o f the Class Members are entitled to rc ri!, ive d 3rnabe s, com pen sG toi-3, damages, CD513 and exp vrws of this IItIj ;-,-t'ICIrL including atl crne;p ' l ees ., and s uch other rel ; ef as the Omit deems proper --------------------i - E - I ~ -- j~ 'l ~ 7'RAI) E 1' [t~ . ~TIC ' ;-1 ~-C'-;-PT'----------'---I--+-1-----1-:3 AIr ] . R+:ptr. sen tative ]' ; : ai nfi ffs inco q) ocat( : by re ·fe re·r, ce paragraphs l throt i Foi 40- above as if set f:)-rth hmrn iin frill . Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 13 of 19 42 . Upon i»-"armatiori and belief', I?R,feadam pugm :.efi'11y engaged in deceptive trade piac-lices with the Representative Plaintiffs and some or all of the Class Members in order to ficiacially profit ;BOX ? by iTaa~~a''ent]}~ ;prcrc ;uring initial Live subscription fe m fi-ora (:lass Members, where such feea are; bas-ed on trenforceablE ; contract. with rririar children under O .C'. G .A . §13-3-20 and, upon infonr.atron a:id beIic:f; deducting these fees directly from some of the Class Members, bank aCcountsor credit cards . 43 . Upon information and belief; Defendant purpx>set :ilIy engaged i n deceptive trade practices with the R .exiresentalive PlaititilTs and :>orne or all cf the ( :lass Mcmbm in order to finmr[cilsll ;I profit by flaudulently procu ri ng 5-abstxiuer,t automatic : ?03C')C ] : :we : su'Sst :riplion ienew<<1 ;Fees 'from Class Member,, where such fees are based on -1 1 ' 7en1 lorc{,ablc ccrti-act ., ; with minor children under O.C' .1u- .A . § 133 :".(t will ., 'u-p3n i nfomiatic>n and belief, deducting the-se ;fees directly fi-or-I soars: of the bank ac :c:o4r,n or credit ca.~d :, . 44 . Upon information and belief, De fenda -if purix>:, ef ul ly engaged in deceptive t rade p r actice:; with the Rex- re>erita"i vr F' iii r , t iffand ,w nze or all ofiffi e Class Members i --i order t o finaneiEd ly -pr-o fi l b y fi- E : uc[ul -vzlly procuring initial XBOX Live subscriplion fees P·rd s ,.ib: > cxltie ·rt automatic X13,O}C Live sub script i ur, renewal' f :+; ;; from adult Class Members a:id,, upon infbnTatlon and belief, deduct i ng these tees directly fi-o rn some o f the C :I a>s Membe rs ' ba n& accounts or credit c2rds withoul securing written mulri p le- rat w ntrac i:s vv i *L adu l t Cl ass 1vlern'S -m -s in vi Of atian of fhl-, St Al.- of Fraud s, fibt; nd ir.. O . C .(3 .A ?3 1 ;3··5-30(`i) . Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 14 of 19 4-' . As a result, Representalivi . 1'laiiiliffs, and sOirc or all of the Class Members ,suffizred both moiv :lart damages and personal da'rLag,es 4·6. Wherr,lor ., pursuant to O .C,(i A . §l0-11 .373, Repceseilative ]'lainli·ffs gird the Class Members arc eilirled -to tin injtuictiori agEll[i5l the Clef .iidant that enjoins fiutll+ :s conduct like that complained of herein, punitive dwnages, treble cl<<rnayiz., +wmpensator ;y dainage.s, CD51S and expenses of Ibis HiF ;at ;an including airarne ;ys' Fees, and such atli+;z rclie1' ELs the Court eems F .roper. UNJUST EPIRICHIVIENT 4,1 ' . F :+;p»cs.n l at i re la1 a fill i n'u r icoraorat .-: > by reference pa mgmp hs I through 46 above as if set forth h cre : :n ;i re Full . go ;. Upon info irn al i oi z a.r. d Ibe li ei; I)rFerdant has mm erte ·d 'the Representative F' 1 .3i rt ; f£s ilmC 's, and some or all oF the Class Members" funds, 1)}, lra ud ulcntly pmcm »ng initial : X B OX five subscription fins, where sa c h fees tire on unen ll-r oNible c-c>ntra + : ts W i lr minor children tinder O . C . (3 . Et . § 1 3· 3 -20 and, upon enfo mz :ilion Prd 'a. l i · .1; cl d'u ctm g these fees directly from . c arne of the C lass tAerntx:rs ' ba nk a ccoun u or credit cards a nd has beer ' un justl y' .eI v - ich, x l in so doing 49. Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC S Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 15 of 19 Upon in-Farmat io tt and b +:lie1 ; Defendant has u nvehed the Representative Plaintiffs, and some or all of the Class Members' fl sitd s, by fi ,3u dulen ; ly procuring autarna~~ic 7~:~3 ~~}; Live subscrip li on m nc wat fees, where such tee s are based on unE.niorcezble wntracis With 'minor children undei O . C ;. G . A . §13-.t-20 and, upon information and belief, deftair.g. these feel; di rectly from some of the C' I m trlemtx :rs' bank amounts or credit cards and has been unjustly . end ched i n -so doi n g;. 5 0Upon in-Furmzatioty and br,Zic-l, L)elendant has converted the itc-pies .iliative ]''lai,z"ifi".; funds, zincd some of all of the Class 11Zentem' funds, by fraudOcnlly procuring iniai,il )MOX Live 5 pb5cI 7pPio ;n fees und subsequent auramali+; :tBO ;{ Live subscription rene'w'al lees Eirld, upon iii':ortti<<tinn and belief, deducting : f .m* directly ;From some of the Class Member : .' b .xnl : these acwunis or cards without .>cc:c:ririg wriilen multiple-yem- contracts wi1h; adn11 (;]ass Members in v'tolaiiwi of the Statute of-Frauds, iaun3 in O .C .G .A . §13-:i··?t~(5), and has been unjustly enriched in so doing . 5.1 . Ims e. result, R.cpr e;;ert m iv e 1'l ainfiffs , and s OIre or all of the Class Members s uff .-Td' both r1 anetary damages and personal darri &g ;es 52 . Wherefore, g:eprncritative ;Plxi-nlifl's, and some: or all of the Class Members are entitled to p4ri-live daMages ., cc,rxp.e»:;ni.3--3r &Lrnaps, eosI.s and expenses of this litigation iricluding atrorncys' i7ees, and such ohin relief Ps the (a)wt e'cemm proper A T '1 ' OF :rJ F. Y ' S . 'F F ES Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 16 of 19 !r2l . Rev es{.ntative P;ai»>i ft's incorix)iati : by re fei·er,ce pmagrighs. I through 52 above as if set forth Ecrein in Rill . = ;Z1 F :cpres en tative Plaintiffs l l' e s es l:h m the D efi:rid ti ri Eras been stubbornly li l igi a Lis and i;, i1tiere 'fure entitled ra W t il-r IC y' .s f ee., U11 d IN 10-. iI(3 . A . 15 l 1 .. 6-1 . :6 . Where lare, Representative Plaintiffs and tt fE: C'l, i:s 1V[eTI'DIN s are entitled up cos ts and expenses Of t'h Ls liri,gari·en incl v di,z ;y atlarrn- ; pm ; ' fees, ancd such other i eli eCas the Court dcerris, proper . . CAIUS 1'. OF ACTION 11111 91 . F :i:p cese» lat i ve 1 Pl a i -n -A's inco g x»ate b y reference a tagra pfy<, ] Ihma;;li M. ~:)o' v a as if set fo rth . tic r .-ir im Cull . 57. 16.1n e seizi :a t i r· e Plaintiffs alleg ws tha: T) e lenda m 's co nvf ; rs , ci r , of h i s and The Class hiernbers' funds vlon,g w ith the i r 1ra - .id ., d w-e-it and decept i ve 1r 3+ ie, practices 4 ;o c i :, i iWtf:s w i l l ful misconduct, waizi c - rress an d cons .- ;aL, s indifl'ere»a; a n d are th e r efor : entitled to p u nitive daiTages under A s P : M-S IIIE of the above viol at i cns, R epresrcitative 1 '] ai nf i ff, a n d -the C: l m :, Wrn ber.; , s sz ffn ed d<<rn a; ;;, and/or continue to suffer damages and are entitled to - pani tive: dam ages, cost-s. and ., Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 17 of 19 ex p· ciz -ses o f t:~, s litigation ·t ri cT ud, r g attorneys' 1ees , an d such other relief ets the Court dCCT1S proper . GENERA 1, HZAYI? R FOR RELIEF J'HFiREFC)1tE, Re pre-w-rita' :ive F'lairitiIf Francisco Q3rcia and M i-wr Reprmse:r,t30 ive F'la ;r,t· ;ff Silvaria Gar-1 a, indivi+iuall ;,r and on behalf w`'s'l[ others .>inzilml ;y situated, cesp .c,tNlt,y prays . . foi jjudgment in favor i~1" Repr{ .;~ent,iti-r+, Fl,aint,f~'Fra:l~7sc+) t~ .ircia and ?v1 inor Represe :ntai iv,P laintiff Silvaric, +: arria as;d the Class against D- dant hl ic-m' iOIl C .OIF 0f3 1. I .a-i as follow : : .-Per (A) That process 15 -we : ,3171 SC N ICC t C made 8CCDrding to law ; (13) That this t;4»rFl,iint be se rv-Di upon Dcf<:k'ant in acsorcl2,ce with la (C) That flu : 0-ms, b+, certified . in ac::orelance with l aw ; (lJ) For a dectaiatcon that Defendant's . comptainod of herein are unlawful act under state anA'at federal law ; ( ]7-- ) For the entry o f :i p enr. anent inJ «r icti c-n Ordering Defendant to e-stat> l i, ,h and pmp eit ;y m a inta in appropriate in ie ,mal s Efe,pxiI d S as to preve»i a repeat o f & .e fate suffered by th e Class As ena bcrs; ( 'F) For an award o f m- r1;p .ns2.t ory damages in an a:-noun t 1 a be detenri ned a t court ; 00 ) For an :nv a rd of pr e-j :ui &M ent interest I n an m nount to be dc: te ·rrnincxl a " izou if . (} 1 ) Fcr an mwvd of Imst judgment i nte m t i n a·ti amount o be d+.ten-n i -z~x3 at coup . (l) For P in award of x,1 1 co >Is o f'l i -ti g a i i on., inc t udi r g ; wilI c c t limitation, actonzr.;n. ' ti 0 Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 Page 18 of 19 fees, in an u .7iaUrd to be determined at a:)-Li:K; (J) For an awErd of'piuiitive dmnagm to punish wui deter Defendant from lfiirthE :r such action iirtm amount to b e de- ;e-rrruna3 at court ; (K :) For the creation cifii court StIpFrvised fund 1o process and distribute mv,uds to the C :lasi ; (L) For all other relief Oil : C:omt deams just and propec . 'Re Runtifi fiereby demands a trial ty je :ry on ,d1 cli illiL.,mici issues so triable . kmpecttully subrnitied, this, :Z2"d d<<y ~f A.u;Lst 2007 . Taylor '13;y'-1Ehst'ophc :r ( : HERNAN TAYLOR & LEE, LL(: On) rj 3 Dar # : 699 096 5FS'Cl :H all :omb Bridge Rd, ,>>a t z 3 Phone : (770) 650-7200 Fa-,q : (770) 650-1211 WIN Case 1:07-cv-02363-CC Document 1-2 Filed 09/27/2007 r Page 19 of 19 + h f a, ; i simt . C'au n [7 I'z o ba te C :curt [7 'Q) c; Fi 1= RI IF F ' :3 E :1VfF t1,! (}I = SERVICE : -- : t:· 85 =2 ,. Civil Action No D:i ci : Filed i _Jt_~ -- Supm·riar ( :oun, S ta i r C031-t )a venil c Court ._ C ' ~ Attortiey's Addns-i ! If , _P .., . ~I~ ~ ; i ~ g ay t t' Plain IT r,'f · .5I' Plsrty to Ibm Served 01-Nameand',Addiess T i ~ l I 1 -- ---------- -~t 7 Defendant ~J/r l___ I ~rN GLJZ` ~ F !I ~ r ~ SHERIFFS fiN'Y F:1' OF SERVICE z Faw this silly ser w 4 I IY cfe i01dant---_ __ ~ a f the w it hi n Mcvo n and ! u mI wn l Il+r ~ - - ---~--.. ~ -~' a p~ Cv ; --------------~-- ----------------------------------------- -------- -- ------------------- v _~ C` copy 1 have this d iy it ry eC' 16: dc Ft rof i n 1----------------------------- -------- !~ -----~I { ----------- _F y A a . i nf n ~ I Ii .r d w,rvnr n im his mroit oxx i oua p 1aKr ls f a hade in U , r,i.iN nt y l { i II' C I Ikl i .ered u i m into lu rkis or_------ - ------------- --_- L --__----- - gle knl xd s k I 4)rFs . ~ ~ 39--, ~ ba u L. _~___ .._~ ~ain~, M el g lit______ ..__Pc ux:~ FK g'u, ib a 1- -- --,-----I aY a~kl - ~!i---- r Iln K hei , c lom K .l c4 a : i l M· rr j denXt of 2 ck 'dti d anl ----------- - - - -- - - - - - - -~ - - - _--- - - - - - J -----~ _ ----; _C -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C ~ ; C) \ !y 1 ~·a vie g a copy t he ( I n 012 -Be Ell ~ :~e ·~oC the dt isil dtnt~~ .'; Jl.~ .~] ~~f-~~-----; ~: ~ I l L~t ~l~ % l 4f~I .cii,ri an d s um nxn :. ·w i~ F _-- ~~ / Dt ~ ~T ~ w' of IM o f ru Y a I I p l . u: do i n il I} usim ss or , m ! · Corpr r anwi In thu Co u n t y ~ C~---- ...__ ... _._.. . _t eor px,uia i . ~- .E -~ s ------------------- . · I Fr r i t lu~: day Fen ced the 0I+e ety b! a ffu far~~ an d ~u mmo m cM IIK defer dmtl~ f b r pc~ ~un ~ . cop y o i' IM ~~ .n : Ri o Hid d l~ ~ r of I h : I~rt~m~es des ignrad i e a,a Ml , ~ L} i !fid avy , md an t he um ~ d, ~Y~ 1)f wo . louing by C kIMs 1dnj A 11V" COPY Of ufi nK is 1 1w· IJmt «I SUN-1 Maui 1iiu (1t c ; ~ n `~i envelope p rol xdf , . d d i r;s+· d Ms tile } ekfe-iC a nu i - it Ihe .c ldresF OK A n in la id st imm Um ~ with ,ilde<<u at e pcau p afi i ard thereon ennlai nmj; notp t w IM dcfe rp Lm ( s) 'lo anjwei s a id u i rturau a i h : FC- - - - - - - ~I± - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f - - - -- - 61) u~ I) di11ent VeJ nh 01214 A n7~d ii J nynl °------------------------------ ---__ [] cwt in be k ui tid i n [be JL rl sdi c'i`wn of this C ' oun ~ I ~i ----------- .' -T-------- ------ sue-- - , of-j- . ,. r ~ 4 ~ PAGE PAGE ------,· .. DEPUTY SHER IFF PICK K ET ~~ i

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