Cambridge University Press et al v. Patton et al

Filing 301

REPLY to Response to Motion re 272 MOTION in Limine IRRELEVANT EVIDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDER OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 filed by J. L. Albert, Mark P. Becker, Kenneth R. Bernard, Jr, Larry R. Ellis, Rutledge A. Griffin, Jr, Robert F. Hatcher, C. Thomas Hopkins, Jr, W. Mansfield Jennings, Jr, James R. Jolly, Donald M. Leebern, Jr, William NeSmith, Jr, Risa Palm, Doreen Stiles Poitevint, Willis J. Potts, Jr, Neil L. Pruitt, Jr, Wanda Yancey Rodwell, Nancy Seamans, Kessel Stelling, Jr, Benjamin J. Tarbutton, III, Richard L. Tucker, Larry Walker, Philip A. Wilheit, Sr. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Errata D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G)(Bates, Mary)

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EXHIBIT D L\I TT{E LT}.IITEÐ ST.A,TËS ÐJS]RICT COURT FOR TT{E FJORTT{ERN DISTRICT OF üE.OR.GIA ATLANTA DIlilSIO}ù CAMBRIDGE L}IHERSITY PRESS, el al., $ Plaintiffs, $ v. F. BECKER. in his officisÏ capaciry as Georgia State Univer:siry President, et al., M,4r-RK Ðefendants, $ $ õ Case r ^--^ No" 1;08-CV-1425-ODË $. $ $ Ï $ DËCLA,R.4.TTON TF JENNTE GR.TNNA,GE I, Jennie Grinnage, do hereby, dsclare under penaity of perjury as ft¡llows: 1" M¡, name is Jennie Grinnage. ro melce this declaration. ,4,11 I am over the age of tr I and comFetent of the facts stated herein a¡e withín:nry personal knot'lcdge and are true and correct. 7. I am the Administrative Specialist for Cuniculum for the College of Busincss at Georgia $tstc University. h,fy responsibilities include. eourse scheduling and curriculum coordination fo¡ the Colluge of Busåness. A¡ a nËcess*.*)'r¿sl¡lt of these responsibilÍties, I have åcc,es$ to the College of Business's records of cûruses tauchf. and the numher of students enrolled in each üOurse. 3. I unde¡stand thaf Ftaintifts in this case have alieged that a cert*in r¿'erk rvàs used in corurection with "'IB44l0 - fufanageülent ín Transition Ecruomies: The Czech Republie & Hungar,v,, taught hy professor l)anis during h'faymester 20CI9. IB4.4.l û falls wjthin :he college of Business. 1, I have revier.r.ed rhc Colìegs of.Businrss coursÈs plaintiffs allege were tâught during lvfayn:cster 2009. Professor Danis did not teach IB44l0 in I,faym+stcr 20û9. I declare unde¡: pen*Jry Execured on l,Jarch of perjur¡*'that the flnregoing is rrue and soryect. ;1 ,l0l I ?

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