Cambridge University Press et al v. Patton et al

Filing 327

DEPOSITION of Ann Cale Kruger, Ph.D. taken on April 22, 2011 by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Inc., Sage Publications, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5)(Rains, John)

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E X H I B I T 1 EPY 8220 of Education College State University Georgia and Scholarship Leadership Graduate EPY Instructon Dr Ann E-Mail 818 in Program Educational Psychology and Personality Development Fall 2009 culture race and in using gender library research independent Hours By Office and this course for the student is development lives work and to human in reports and research such issues development Students will become are considered empirical regarding explore the research actively of their papers in the preparation communication clear 413-8043 As with any course their roles in childrens technologies 413-8314 404 criticizing theoretical and thinking Appointment 404 Phone personality reading and in proficient Cale Kruger The puipose of and literature in social Psychology Education Course Objectives and Development Developmental Office Focused on Learning 8220-Advanced Social as of Page The they will gain experience to generate is goal of developmental in this subfield psychology Course RequIrements Articles topic deemed They expected to turn reading of the material active the flagship necessary by the instructor are also Each week ActIve Learning come from will in Students are expected each week one-page Weekly feedback we of the field journals will read and to read articles relevant will with others weeks be provided for the all digest to that response added weeks to the as background assigned articles articles that reflects their of the response regarding the quality papers Class Participation of the issues raised discussion constitute each significant part students contributions the quality regarding in the the readings 30% of the final during each However during the course students appropriate weeks summarize and and by further the student present relevant is dependant week following on will the article research This requirement constitutes make the make relevant the research appropriate not lecture midterm The in nart They 30% two they will also contribute course feedback students is will to The class together instructor be provided note will to students enrolled thought piece questions will by the for further that each be provided During the student stimulated presentations class Feedback in of the articles each all class In nart one to the class relevant The number of read from the assigned lists to the provide to required articles specific will bring of the final grade number of entire class will select two-part presentation article discussion student to the will will students the theft presentations Research topic to expected and the class participation of theft participation Presentation week is and meeting are paper This grade class Students response to the course literature This may be or an empirical proposal for the paper and Writing research research is due Students will write literature proposal Thursday review Papers that November Defendants k-ut Exhibit 1 - 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2 EPY 8220 Approaches BACKGROUND READING Blackwell pp Champagne Beisky 2004 Marcoen 2005 How M.J Bakermans-Kranenburg Approaches der READING pp 2007 Kolk A.S van to 2001 symptoms 75 1085-1097 brain Current the For better Current Directions in and for worse Psychological II Risk and Resilience Development 1996 Social MA Maiden development impact of childhood trauma Understanding magic Ordinary 1985 in Brazilian Resilience trauma Integrating Press University L.J Kirkmayer In and clinical biological it cultural pp 224-241 in processes and Culture scarcity shantytown development American Psychologist maternal thinking pp Blackwell 2008 P.C human Ethos 44 D.J Lang infants Tomasello infant Social Maiden development MA Newborns sensitivity to communication disturbance 1779-1784 Pascalis extends beyond Carpenter Slater A.M 2008 2007 Liszkowski Preference Science Developmental conspecifics new look at for attractive faces 11 76-83 infant pointing Child 78 705-722 Development Attachment NICHD 1997 The NICHD study of Tomlinson and Sociality 1996 Schaeffer intersubjectivity Psychology Kelly detachment 52-59 79-90 Innate Developmental Maternal 13 291-317 Infant BACKGROUND READING in ADHD to 227-23 survival Quinn M.H 2007 Ijzendoorn The developmental Cambridge Cambridge Scheper-Hughes Nagy related influence experiences influences Schaeffer Eds Barad perspectives 56 is anxiety Child Development 361-396 Lemelson Masten olds 00-304 BACKGROUND Blackwell 9-year social environmental to susceptibility 16 Science MA Maiden development 15 704-709 Neurobiology Differential Social antenatal High and in 8- anxiety J.P Curley in Opinion Foundations Biological 1996 Schaeffer problems and externalizing Development to 45-52 59-78 Van den Bergh B.R.H van of Page effects early child Cooper attachment in of infant child care South care on Contexts infant-mother Child Development Murray 2005 African peri-urban The attachment security Results of the 68 860-879 mother-infant settlement relationship Child Development and infant 76 1044-1054 GaStateOO66O53 Exhibit 1 - 3 EPY 8220 of Page K.T.M Van Doesum randomized in trial of mothers and depressed J.M Hosman C.M.H Riksen-Walraven control Attachment Kochanska Aksan conscience L.A 219-238 E.A Carlson Egeland New York problems relationship understanding the origins of attachment 44 969-982 Rhines H.M 2004 Collins and Maternal parenting Child Development moderator as Early security to approach Psychology Knaack preventing Consequences Contributors threshold Developmental disorganization Sroufe 2008 Meins Bernier at 79 547-561 Child Development their infants 2008 Hoefliagels aimed home-visiting intervention childrens 75 1229-1242 W.A 2005 of the person The development pp Guilford Gender BACKGROUND READING pp Blackwell 90-96 Golombok Hines and Parents 1996 Schaeffer Social Malden development MA 185-201 Rust K.J Johnston 2002 Team Children Study behavior of preschool children the Golding Testosterone longitudinal Avon and during pregnancy study population of Study Longitudinal gender role 73 1678- effect of Child Development 1687 Dittmar Halliwell experimental Benenson J.F withdraw to exposure Developmental 42 in groups Boys withdraw Developmental 2007 Lee Developmental 2003 need enemies New hate Heath Pasupathi emergent adulthood to want be thin The of 5- to 8-year-old girls one-on-one interactions whereas girls 42 272-282 and Enemies in the grooming in kindergarten The emergence of flattery behavior 10 255-265 Science Abecassiss for Social more Psychology Friends Pu image girls 28 3-292 2006 Heath Does Barbie make of dolls on the body images Psychology more 2006 lye you just the way you are Exploring the formation maintenance Directions 2009 for Child The development The continued importance of of narrative listeners identity and 5-22 Adolescent Development in Developmental late adolescence Psychology and 45 558- 574 At Play Pellegrini fantasy Peskin A.D play Bjorklund Human Ardino hide-and-seek and D.F 2004 Development 2003 keeping The ontogeny 15 23-43 and phylogeny of childrens object Representing the mental world in childrens social secret Social Development Exhibit 1 - 4 behavior and Playing 12 496-512 GaStateOO66O54 EPY 8220 of Page A.D Pellegrini in the adjustment Kato Blatchford childrens playground games USA and the 2004 Baines primary school in UK Social shod-term for Implications 13 Development study of longitudinal adjustment to school and social 107-123 Morality Vaish and its relation Posada 2008 K.H L.J Hennig Walker Moral of survival in the context in and 2000 and Parent taking perspective 45 534-543 society Columbian childrens violent 79 882-898 Child Development revenge Krettenauer affective Psychology Developmental development Child Development reasoning development Sympathy through behavior in toddlers to prosocial Wainryb judgments 2009 Tomasello Carpenter peer contexts childrens moral for 71 1033-1048 Aggression Burt S.A Distinctive on the 2009 moderation etiological M.H 2002 Goodwin J.M Neiderhiser Exclusion Human playground K.A Greenberg 2008 Testing an idealized P.S dynamic cascade H.R A.J identities Seaton E.K 44 Sellers K.D Drummond Toward identity unified Russell J.S Jackson and stereotype identities creating of race theory 2008 threat Social and in and self-theories categories Foundation Sage Caribbean Black gender identity Linsenmeier nonconformity 2009 Debate Psychosexual S.J Peterson-Badali Bradley with gender Rieger Hegarty Group violence In social pp.11 5-135 The prevalence of perceived youth Developmental Psychology 1288-1297 Current girls R.M African American among of serious Identity New York participation Caldwell Social and Contesting stereotypes and educational discrimination model of the development ambivalence 2007 Aronson Ed Research practices 63 651-670 Psychologist Dweck Fuligni Prevention Problems Conduct and Ethnic Pride prejudice and American ethnicity Good 2008 of language 79 1907-1927 Racial Markus analysis 45 392-415 Malone Child Development 45 1164-1176 Psychology Ethnographic peer groups Development Dodge adolescence by age Developmental in girls behavior nonaggressive antisocial versus Aggressive disorder Developmental J.A.W Gygax Evidence Bailey Psychology J.M from home videos et al 2008 and Rieger follow-up study of et 2008 44 3445 Sexual orientation Developmental Towards an LGTB-informed paradigm Comment on Drummond Development K.J 2008 Zucker al for children 2008 Psychology who break Developmental and 44 gender childhood 46-5 norms Psychology 45 895-900 GaStateOO66O55 Exhibit 1 - 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6 GaStateOO66O56 EPY 8220 Course take are GSU Policies ON ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance the of Page is class during place all class meetings unless there on Class Attendance Policy students missed at required in the meetings are important will to successful with the instructor arrange reason for absence compelling is Bulletin The Graduate College of Education as described in of course requirements completion that activities If classes make up assignments to POLICY ON ACADEMIC HONESTY Students in all courses at Georgia State University of this policy For explicit coverage honesty General Catalog for the University collaboration POLICY at disabilities course Students policies and before must is provided Professional GSU Disruptive to include to verbal outside behavior this excessive threatening Any student of Disability on examinations without honesty in the unauthorized permission with the Office or expectations with disability of Disability The the at Office of who may require of the beginning be made according to the Universitys Services this is and it of notice persisting may or other which locations also text in other students disrupts the educational behavior Such unreasonable interference or pages messages instructor to and of disruptive personal process includes but is not with class during class leaving or other illness be considered disruptive and extenuating conversations behavior for behavior toward the instructor inappropriate to According classroom or other learning in defined by the instructor repeated obscenities policy intimidating with instructors behavior student personal phone calls tardiness of modify interacting is purpose physical threats members For purposes be registered instruction arrangements can appropriately frequently in the absence circumstances exhibit on academic section an appointment with the instructor both on and off-campus making/receiving class entering or make by the Office student behavior for class discussion for credit of academic degree BEHAVIOR behavior includes environment to requested POLICY ON DISRUPTIVE limited the plagiarism cheating must can 4044113-1560 at self-identify so that guidelines policy accommodations an instructor can be contacted accommodations Disruptive demonstrate the highest advised to read are discusses submissions of material multiple requiring State Georgia Services Disability special students This policy to expected ON DISABILITIES Students with Services and falsification are with other class student to or classmates of class For purposes professor of this document while the word the word class course is defined refers to the entire Exhibit 1 - 7 as one specific meeting of students and section GaStateOO66O57

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