Dunstan et al v. comScore, Inc.

Filing 269

DECLARATION of Chandler Givens regarding motion for protective order 268 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G)(Thomassen, Benjamin)

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EXHIBIT A re r% &17 r&2',1 .3',l00 rLY$luH{- Two Otiver Street, 11th Ftoor Boston, MA 0?1ff? ffirffirT&* Initial Report of Michael Perrv on Review and Expo{t of Information fron Jeff DuFstan?s Computer Svstem Scope I was asked to review the forernic images of two hard drives from a computer used by Jeff Dunstan in connection with the Dunstan et al v. comscore, Inc,litigation as described in the October 23,2013 Protective Order covering production of Jeff Dunstan's hard drive. I, and colleagues working at my direction, reviewed these,images and exported various data and reports ("Retrieved Data") in accordance with the Protective Order. This report details the "Retrieved Data" to be produced to counsel for the Defendant after review by Plaintiff s counsel for potential objections to such production. Forensic Images Two forensic images were sent to Elysium Digital ("Elysium") on October 25,2013 from Edelson, LLC. Neither image is included in the Retrieved Data; they are described here as they are referenced elsewhere in this report and in the Retrieved Data files. l. Image Name: EDEL-JDunstanP0 Model: WDC WD2500AAJS-60M0A0 Serial #: Not present in the imaging log files. Source Data Size: 238475M8 Image Captured: l2l2l l20Il Imaging Tool: FTK Imager ' 2. Image Name: EDEL-JDunstanPl Model: ST3160815A Serial #:9RA72A66 Source Data Size: 152627M8 Image Captured: l2l22l20ll Imaging Tool: FTK Imager Analysis Tools For reference purposes, Elysium used the following software during its analysis: 1 Initial Report of Michael Perry - Dunstan v. comscore ffi r% 61 ?. S? t "31 ,*fi ILY$IilMs lffi ilY& o o o 'o o 1 - * www"€[y*"ccrn The following information was extracted from the Windows Rcgistry: ComputerName:ACER-262DC2EBF3 RegisteredOwner:Lori ProductName : Microsoft Windows XP CSDVersion : Service Pack 3 Productld : 7 6487 -OEM-00 I I 903-00 I 00 CurrentBuildNumber : 2600 Buildlab : 2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.0 9 1208-203 6 SoftwareType: SYSTEM SourcePath : C:V386 SystemRoot : C:\WINDOWS PathName : C:\WINDOWS InstallDate : Wed Sep3 23:58:03 2008 (UTC) o o Logon Profile:"Lori" Last Updated: Wed Dec 21 20:40:54 201I (UTC) Time Zone: DaylightNams -) Pacific Daylight Time StandardName -) Pacific Standard Time Retrieved Data l. File Listings - File listings were created to include all files found in the forensic images. These files can be found in the "Filelists" directory. The files included are: o ES01 EDEl-JDunstan_Filelist Email.xlsx - This report contains all email files found in the forensic images. The report was compiled using FTK v4. o fih FLosr S*stnn, MA S?tS? X-Ways Forensics v. 16 AccessData Forensic Toolkit (FTK) va AccessData FTK Imager Internet Evidence Finder v6.l Misc. system utilities System Information o o o Two 0liver $tr*et, ES0l EDEl-JDunstan_Filelist_Files.xlsx - This report contains all files found in the Initial Report of Michael Perry - Dunstan v. comscore forensic images, excluding email messages. The report was compiled using X-Ways Forensic vl6. 2. Windows Registry - The Windows Registry hives were extracted from the forensic images and included in the "Registry-Natives" directory. The files included are: default,'sam, security, software, system, and userdiff found at the path "\Windows\system32\config"; and ntuser.dat found at the path "\Documents and Settings\Lori\". 3. \ilindows Registry - Extracted Data -Data was extracted from each registry hive into text files, creating a human-readable version of the registry data. These files were named for the registry hive from which they were created (, sam.reg.txt, security.reg.txt, software.reg.txt, system.reg.txt, userdiff.reg.txt, and ntuser.reg.txt) and saved in the "Registry-Extracted" directory. 4. Event Logs - All Windows event logs containing data were extracted from the forensic images as found at the path "\Windows\system32\config" and included in the "Event- Logs_Natives" directory. The files included are: AppEvent.evt, OSession.evt, and SysEvent.evt. ). Event Logs - Extracted Data - All data was extracted from each event log into text files, creating a human-readable version of the event log data. These files were named for the event log from which they were created (AppEvents-exported.xlsx, Osession-exported.xlsx, and SysEvent_exported.xlsx) and saved in the "Event-Logs-Extracted" directory. 6. Internet History - Internet history artifacts were extracted from the forensic images using Intemet Evidence Finder (IEF) v6.1. These reports were saved to the "Internet-HistoryExtracted" directory. These reports include: o o o Browser Activity,csv Chrome Web History,csv Chrome-360 Safe Browser Carved Web History.csv Initial Report of Michael Perry - Dunstan v. comscore o o o o o o o o o o o o Firefox Bookmarks.csv Firefox Cache Records.csv Firefox Carved Web History.csv FirefoxDownloads.csv Firefox FormHistory.csv Firefox Web History.csv Internet Explorer Cache Records Carved.csv Internet Explorer Cache Records.csv Intemet Explorer History.csv Internet Explorer Leak Records.csv Opera Web History.csv Parsed Search Queries.csv 7. LogX'iles - Log files found in the forensic images were extracted and included in the o'Log- Files" directgry. The original path of these files was recreated in the o'Log-Files" directory. The "Log-Files" directory also includes a file "MBAM-log-2013-10-30 (0g-25-44).txt", which is a log file created by Malwarebytes as the result of a scan against the forensic images. Retention of Copies of Forensic Images In accordance with an agreement between the parties, Elysium Digital will retain the copies of the forensic images made for the analysis and in the production of the "Retrieved Data". These forensic images will be stored in a secure location at Elysium's office, and will not be reviewed or shared, unless by mutual agreement of the Parties, or an order from the Court. The original image provided to Elysium will be returned to counsel for the Plaintiff with this report. SIGNED UNDER THE PENALTY OF PEzuURY THIS Michael Perry Initial Report of Michael Perry - Dunstan v, comscore 3I st day of October,20l3.

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