In-N-Out Burger v. Grab-N-Go Burgers

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Grab-N-Go Burgers ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0416-3127655.), filed by In-N-Out Burger. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Civil Cover Sheet, # 6 Summons - Grab-N-Go Burgers)(Glikin, Joshua)

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ExHIBITB Int. Cls.: 29,30,32 aîd,42 Prior U.S. Cls.: Æ, 4ß and 100 United States Patent and Trademark Offrce Reg. No. 1,528,455 Regbtùed M¡r. 7, 19t9 TRADEIVIARK SERVICE MÀRK PRINCIPAL REGISITR IN:N.OUT BIJRGERS (CALIFORNIA CORPO- 13502 EAST VIRGINIA AVBNI.JE BALDWIN PARK, CA 91706 CLASS 42 (U.S. CL. lo0). FIRST USE 124-1986; FOR: MILK AND FRENCH FRIED POTA. TOES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF TTIE PREMISES, rN CLASS 29 (U.S. CL. 46). FIRST USE 12-0-1986; COMMERCE IN 12-O-1986, FOR: IIAMBT RGER SANDTMCHES AND CHEESEBI,'RGER SANDWICHES, HOT COFFEE, AND MILKSHAKFS FOR CONSTJMP. TION ON OR OFF TTIE PREMISES, IN CLASS 30 (u.s. cL. 46). FIRST USE 124-1986; IN COMMERCE r2-o-1986. FOR: LEMONADE AND SOFÎ DRINKS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES, rN CLASS 32 (U.S. CL. 45). FIRST USE 1241986; l2-o-1986. IN FOR: RESTAURANT SERVICES AND CARRYOUT RESTATJRANT SERVICES, IN RATTOtÐ COMMERCE IN COMMERCE l2+1986. owNER OF U.S. REc. NOS. 1,023,506, l,2El,E2l AND OTHERS. NO CLAIM IS MADE TO THE Ð(CLUSryE RIGIIT TO USE APART FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN. THE MARK COMPRISES THE WORDS 'IN. NOUT BURGER" SUPERIMPOSED O\/ER A STYLIZED ARROW OF THE COLOR YELLOW WTTHIN AN ESSENTIALLY RECTANGTJLAR BACKGROI]ND OF THE COLOR RED. sER. NO. 724,43t, FILED f2s-19E8. CHRIS A. F. PEDERSEN, EXAMINING ATTOR. NEY Page 1 of2 Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) United States Patent and Trademark Office Home lsite Index lsearch Trademarks > I FAQ lGlossary lcuiaes lcontacts leBusiness leBiz alerts I ttews I ttelp Trademark Electron¡c Search System (TESS) ïESS was last updated on Thu Jul 14 04:35:46 EDT 2011 @@@@ilE@@@@ ['ænn"o*i Please logout when you are done to release system resources allocated for you Record 1 out of TARR Status 1 ASSIGII Status TtIR TTAE Status ( Use the "Back" button of the lnternet Browser to return fo IESS/ Word Mark Goods and Services IN-N-OUT BURGER lC 029. US 046. G & S: MILK AND FRENCH FRIED POTATOES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19861200. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19861200 IC O3O. US 046. G & S: HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDWICHES, HOT COFFEE, AND MILKSHAKES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19861200. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19861200 lC 032. US 045. G & S: LEMONADE AND SOFT DRINKS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19861200. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19861200 lC 042. US 100. G & S: RESTAURANT SERVICES AND CARRY-OUT RESTAURANT SERVICES FIRST USE: 19861200. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19861200 Mark Drawing (3) DESIGN PLUS WORDS, LETTERS, AND/OR NUMBERS Code Design Search 24.15.02 - Arrows forming any other geometric figure Code 24.15.25 - Other arrows 26.11.21 - Rectangles that are completely or partially shaded 26.17.12 - Angles (geometric); Chevrons Serial Number 73724431 Filing Date Current Filing Basis Original Filing Basis Published for Opposition April25, 1988 1A 1A December 13, 1988 http ://tess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state:400 1 : lbsuO8. I 1. I 7lt4l20t1 Page2 of2 Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) Registration Number Registration Date Owner 1528455 March 7, 1989 (REGTSTRANT) rN-N-OUT BURGERS CORPORATION CALIFORNTA 4199 CAMPUS DRTVE, gTH FLOOR IRVINE CALIFORNIA 92612 Prior Registrations Disclaimer 1 023506; 1 031 095; 1 031 096 ; 1 0851 63; 11 01 628;1 1 01638;1 281821 ;AND OTHERS NO CLAIM IS MADE TO THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE ''BURGER'' APART FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN Description of THE MARK COMPRISES THE WORDS ''IN.N-OUT BURGER" SUPERIMPOSED OVER A Mark STYLIZED ARROW OF THE COLOR YELLOW WITHIN AN ESSENTIALLY RECTANGULAR BACKGROUND OF THE COLOR RED. Type of Mark TRADEMARK. SERVICE MARK Register Affidavit Text sEcT 15. SECT 8 (6-YR). SECTION 8(1o-YR) 20080703. Renewal 1ST RENEWAL 2OO8O7O3 Live/Dead lndicator PRINCIPAL LIVE l.HoME I slTE lNDExl SEARCH I eBUSINESS http ://tess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfield?Èdoc&state:400 I HELP I PRIVAGYPoLIcY I : lbsuO 8. I 1. I I1141201t Latest Status Info Page I of4 Thank you for your request. Here are the latest results from the TARR web server This page \ilas generated by the TARR system on207l-07-1420:04:3087 Serial Number: 73724431 Assignment Information Trademark Document Retrieval Registration Number z I 52845 5 Mark (words only): IN-N-OUT BURGER Standard Character claim: No Current Status: The registration has been renewed Date of Status: 2008-07-03 Filing Date: 1988-04-25 Transformed into a National Application: No Registration Date: 1 989-03-07 Register: Principal Law Office Assigned: (NOT AVAILABLE) If you are the applicant or applicant's attorney and have questions about this file, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center at TrademarkAssistanceÇeq1!e4@uqp!þ4ey Current Location: 40S -Scanning On Demand Date In Location: 2008-07-28 LAST APPLICANT(SyOWNER(S) OF RECORD http ://tarr.uspto. gov/se rvletl tarr?regser:serial&entry:7 37 2443 1 711412011 Latest Status Info 1. PageZ of 4 IN-N-OUT BURGERS Address: IN-N-OUT BURGERS 4199 CAMPUS DRIVE, 9TH FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92612 United States Legal Entify Type: Corporation State or Country of Incorporation: California GOODS AND/OR SERVICES International Class: 029 Class Status: Active MILK AND FRENCH FRIED POTATOES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1986-12-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1986-12-00 International Class: 030 Class Status: Active HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDWICHES, HOT COFFEE, AND MILKSHAKES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1986-12-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1986-12-00 International Class: 032 Class Status: Active LEMONADE AND SOFT DRINKS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis: l(a) First Use Date: 1986-12-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1986-i2-00 International Class: 042 Class Status: Active RESTAURANT SERVICES AND CARRY-OUT RESTAURANT SERVICES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1986-12-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1986-12-00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Disclaimer: "BURGER" Description of Mark: THE MARK COMPRISES THE V/ORDS "IN-N-OUT BURGER" SUPERIMPOSED OVER A STYLIZED ARROW OF TFIE COLOR YELLOW WITHIN AN http : II tarr .lspto. gov/se rvletl tarr? re gser:serial &entry :7 37 2443 I 711412011 Latest Status Info Page 3 of4 ESSENTIALLY RECTANGULAR BACKGROUND OF THE COLOR RED. Design Search Code(s): 24.15.02 - Arrows forming any other geometric figure 24.15.25 - Other anows 26.11.21- Rectangles that are completely or partially shaded 26.17.12 - Angles (geometric); Chevrons Prior Registration Number(s): 1023506 103 1 095 1031096 1085163 I 101628 1 101638 t28t82l MADRID PROTOCOL INFORMATION (NOT AVATLABLE) PROSECUTION HISTORY NOTE: To view any document referenced below, click on the link to "Trademark Document Retrieval" shown near the top of this page. 2008-07-28 - Case File In TICRS 2008-07-03 - First renewal 10 year 2008-07-03 - Section 8 (1O-year) accepted/ Section 9 granted 2008-07-01 - Notice Of Suit 2008-06-25 - Notice Of Suit 2008-06-18 - Assigned To Paralegal 2008-05-30 - Combined Section 8 (10-year)/Section 9 filed 2OO8-05-30 - PAPER RECEIVED 1995-06-30 - Section 8 (6-year) accepted & Section 15 acknowledged 1994-11-16 - Section 8 (6-year) and Section 15 Filed 1989-03-07 - Registered - Principal Register http I ltarr .uspto. gov/se rvletl tarr? regser:seri : al &entry :7 37 2443 1 711412011 Latest Status Info Page 4 of 4 1988-12-13 - Published for opposition 1988-11-19 - Notice of publication 1988-11-11 - Notice of publication 1988-07-11 - Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam) 1988-06-22 - Examiner's amendment mailed 1988-06-16 - Assigned To Examiner 1988-06-16 - Assigned To Examiner ATTORNEY/CORRESP ONDENT INFORMATION Correspondent ARNOLD M. WENSINGER IN-N-OUT BURGERS 4199 CAMPUS DRIVE, 9TH FLOOR IRVINE, CA92612 http I ltarr .uspto. gov/servl etltar?re gser:seri al&,enLry:7 : 37 2443 1 71t412011 Int. Cls.: 29r 30r 32 and 42 Prior U.S. Cls.: 45, 46 and 100 United States Patent and Trademark Office Reg. No. 1,516,560 Registered Dec. 13, 1988 TRADEMARK SERVICE MARK PRINCIPAL REGISTER ilNffi'N'MMtr B tsUR@ER IN-N.OUT BURGERS (CALIFORNIA CORPORATION) 13502 EAST VIRGINIA AVENUE BALDWIN PARK, CA 91706 FOR: MILK AND FRENCH FRIED POTA. TOES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES, rN CLASS 29 (U.S. CL. 46). FIRST USE 6-o-1987; IN COMMERCE 6-0-1987. FOR: HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDWICHES, HOT COFFEE, AND MILKSHAKES FOR CONSIJMP. TION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES, IN CLASS 30 (u.s. cL. 4ó). FIRST USE 6-G1987; IN FIRST USE 6-È1987; lN CoMMERCE 6-0-1987. COMMERCE 6-0-1987. FOR: LEMONADE AND SOFI DRINKS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF TTIE PREMISES, rN CLASS 32 (U.S. CL.4s). FOR: RESTAURANT SERVICES AND CARRY.OUT R-ESTAURANT SERVICES, IN CLASS 42 (U.S. CL. lm). FIRST USE 6-G-1987; IN COMMERCE 6-G1987. owNER OF U.S. REG. NOS. 1,023,506, 1,28t,82t AND OTHERS. NO CLAIM IS MADE TO TTIE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE .'BURCER", APART FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN. THE MARK COMPRISES THE WORDS 'INN.OUT BI.JRGER" IN TTIE COLOR RED SU. PERIMPOSED OVER A STYLIZED ARROW OF THE COLOR YELLOW OUTLINED IN RED, sER. NO. 7 24,430, FTLED 4-25- I 988. CHRIS A. F, PEDERSEN, EXAMINING ATTOR. NEY Pagel of2 Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) United States Patent and Trademark Office Home lsite rndex lSearch Trademarks > I FAQ lclossary lGuides lContacts leBusiness leBiz alerts I News I Help Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) IESS was last updated on Thu Jul 14 04:35:46 EDT 2011 @@@@E@@@@ ' -il Please logout when you are done to release system resources allocated for you Record I out of 1 TAER Status ASSIGII 5tûtus TOR TTAB Status ( Use the "Back" button of the lnternet Browser to return fo IESS) MM'ffiil'MUTtr Þ FUR6E[$" Word Mark Goods and Services IN-N-OUT BURGER lC 029. US 046. G & S: MILK AND FRENCH FRIED POTATOES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19870600. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19870600 lC 030. US 046. G & S: HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDWICHES, HOT COFFEE, AND MILKSHAKES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19870600. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19870600 lC 032. US 045. G & S: LEMONADE AND SOFT DRINKS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19870600. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19870600 lC 042. US 100. G & S: RESTAURANT SERVICES AND CARRY-OUT RESTAURANT SERVICES FIRST USE: 19870600. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19870600 Mark Drawino õ;;-'-'-"'- (3)DESIGN PLUS WORDS, LETTERS, AND/OR NUMBERS Design Search 24.15.02 - Arrows forming any other geometric figure Code 24.15.25 - Other arrows 26.17 .12 - Angles (geometric); Chevrons Serial Number 73724430 Filing Date April25, 1988 Current Filíng 1A Ëasls Original Filing 1A Published for Opposition Registration September 20, 1988 http ://tess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfi eld?Èdoc&state:400 1 : lbsu0 8. I 3. I 711412011 Page2 of2 Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) Number Registration Date Owner Prior Registrations Disclaimer I 5l 6560 December 13, 1988 (REGTSTRANT) tN-N-OUT BURGERS CORPORATTON CALTFORNTA 4199 CAMPUS DRTVE NINTH FLOOR IRVINE CALIFORNIA 92612 1 023506; 1 031 095; 1 031 096; I 0851 63; I 101628;11 01 638; 1 281 821 ;AND OTHERS NO CLAIM IS MADE TO THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE "BURGER" APART FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN Description of THE MARK COMPRISES THE WORDS ''IN-N-OUT BURGER'' IN THE COLOR RED Mark SUPERIMPOSED OVER A STYLIZED ARROW OF THE COLOR YELLOW OUTLINED IN RED. Type of Mark TRADEMARK. SERVICE MARK Register PRINCIPAL Affidavit Text sEcT 15. SECT I (6-YR). SECTTON 8(10-YR)20080502. Renewal 1ST RENEWAL 2OO8O5O2 Live/Dead lndicator LIVE I.HOME I SITEINDEXI SEARGH I eBUSINESS I HELP I PRIVAGYPOLIGY http: I ltess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfi eld?Èdoc&state:400 I :lbsuO8, I 3. 1 711412011 Latest Status Info Page 1 of4 Thank you for your req uest. Here are the latest results from the TARR web server. This page was generated by the TARR system on 2011-07-I4 20:06:4087 Serial Number: 73724430 Assignment Registration Number: Information Trademark Document Retrieval 151 6560 Mark ilM'ffif,'ffiUTr E' H,UR6EF$" (words only): IN-N-OUT BURGER Standard Character claim: No Current Status: The registration has been renewed. Date of Status: 2008-05-02 Filing Date: 1988-04-25 Transformed into a National Application: No Registration Date: 1988-12-13 Register: Principal Law Office Assigned: (NOT AVAILABLE) If you are the applicant or applicant's attorney and have questions about this fìle, please contact theTrademarkAssistanceCenteratTrademarkAssista@ Current Location: 40S -Scanning On Demand Date In Location: 2008-07-23 LAST APPLTCANT(S)/O\üNER(S) OF RECORD http : II tarr.uspto. gov/se rvlerl tarr? regser:serial&.entry :7 37 2443 0 I lt4l20tt Page2 of 4 Latest Status Info I. IN-N-OUT BURGERS Address: IN-N-OUT BURGERS 4199 CAMPUS DRIVE NINTH FLOOR IRVINE, CA926I2 United States Legal Entify Type: Corporation State or Country of Incorporation: California GOODS AND/OR SERVICES International Class: 029 Class Status: Active MILK AND FRENCH FRIED POTATOES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1987-06-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1987-06-00 International Class: 030 Class Status: Active HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDWICHES, HOT COFFEE, AND MILKSHAKES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis:1(a) First Use Date: 1987-06-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1987-06-00 International Class: 032 Class Status: Active LEMONADE AND SOFT DRINKS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1987-06-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1987-06-00 International Class: 042 Class Status: Active RESTAURANT SERVICES AND CARRY-OUT RESTAURANT SERVICES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1987-06-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1987-06-00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Disclaimer: "BURGER" Description of Mark: THE MARK COMPRISES THE WORDS "IN-N-OUT BURGER" IN THE COLOR RED SUPERIMPOSED OVER A STYLIZED ARROV/ OF THE COLOR YELLOW http ://tarr.uspto. gov/se rvletltarr? regser:serial&entry :7 37 24 43 0 7lt41201t Latest Status Info Page 3 of4 OUTLINED IN RED. Design Search Code(s): 24.15.02 - Arrows forming any other geometric figure 24.15.25 - Other affows 26.17,12 - Angles (geometric); Chevrons Prior Registration Number(s) : 1023506 103109s 1031096 1085163 l 101628 1 10163 8 l28t82r MADRID PROTOCOL INFORMATION (NOT AVATLABLE) PROSECUTION HISTORY NOTE: To view any document referenced below, click on the link to "Trademark Document Retrieval" shown near the top of this page. 2008-07-23 - Case File In TICRS 2008-05-02 - First renewal 10 year 2008-05-02 - Section 8 (1O-year) accepted/ Section 9 granted 2008-02-28 - Assigned To Paralegal 2008-02-21- Combined Section 8 (10-year)/Section 9 f,rled 2008-02-21 - PAPER RECEIVED 1995-06-30 - Section 8 (6-year) accepted & Section 15 acknowledged 1994-11-16 - Section 8 (6-year) and Section 15 Filed 1988-12-13 - Registered - Principal Register 1988-09-20 - Published for opposition 1988-08-20 - Notice of publication http //tarr. uspto. gov/servlet/tarr?regser:serial &entry :7 37 2443 0 : Tt41201t Latest Status Info Page 4 of 4 1988-07-11 - Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam) 1988-06-22 - Examiner's amendment mailed 1988-06-16 - Assigned To Examiner 1988-06-16 - Assigned To Examiner ATTORNEY/CORRESP ONDENT INFORMATION Correspondent ARNOLD M. V/ENSINGER, IN-N-OUT BURGER 4199 CAMPUS DRIVE 9TH FLOOR IRVINE, CA926I2 http : II tarr.uspto. gov/se ruletl tarrr? re gser:serial&.entry :7 37 24 43 0 7ll4l20t1 Int. Cls.: 29r 30r 32 and 42 Prior U.S. Cls.: 45, 46 and 100 United States Patent and Trademark Offïce Reg. No. 1,525,982 Registereil Feb. 21, 1989 TRADEMARK SERVICE MARK PRINCIPAL REGISTER ilN'N'ffiMffi B IN-N-OUT BURGERS (CALTFORNTA CORPO- RATION) 13502 EAST VIRGINIA AVENUE BALDWIN PARK, CA 9I7Oó FIRST USE ,l-O-1988; IN COMMERCE +0-1988. FOR: HAMBURGER SAND!ù/ICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDWICHES, HOT COFFEE, AND MILKSHAKES FOR CONSUMP. TION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES, IN CLASS 30 (u.s. cL. 46). FIRST USE ¿L0-1988; IN COMMERCE 4-0-1988. COMMERCE ¿H-1988. FOR: MILK AND FRENCH FRIED POTA. TOES FOR CONSUMFTION ON OR OTT THE PREMISES, rN CLASS 29 (U.S. CL. 46). FIRST USE 4-{-1988; IN FOR: LEMONADE AND SOFT DRINKS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF TTIE PREMISES, IN CLASS 32 (U.S, CL.45). FOR: RESTAURANT SERVICES AND CARRY.OUT RESTAURANT SERVICES, IN CLASS 42 (u,S. CL. l0o). FIRST USE 4-0-1987; IN COMMERCE +0-1987. owNER OF U.S. REG. NOS. 1,023,506, 1,28t,821 AND OTHERS. THE DRAWING IS LINED FOR THE COLORS RED AND YELLO\il. sER. NO. 738,306, FILED 7-s-1988. CHRIS A. F. PEDERSEN, EXAMII.ÌING ATTOR- NEY Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) Page 1 of2 United States Patent and Trademark Office Home lSíte rndex lsearch I FAQ lclossary lGuides lContacts leBusiness leBiz alerts I News I Help Trademarks > Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) IESS was last updated on Thu Jul 14 04:35:46 EDT 2011 @@@@@@E@¡q -j " Please logout when you are done to release system resources allocated for you Record 1 out of TARR Status 1 ASSIGII Status TTR TTAE Status ( Use the "Back" button of the lnternet Browser to return úo IESS) mfi\T'mfi"mMTÏ B Word Mark Goods and Services IN-N-OUT lC 029. US 046. G & S: MILK AND FRENCH FRIED POTATOES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19880400. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19880400 lC 030. US 046. G & S: HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDWICHES, HOT COFFEE, AND MILKSHAKES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19880400. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19880400 lC 032. US 045. G & S: LEMONADE AND SOFT DRINKS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19880400. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19880400 lC 042. US 100. G & S: RESTAURANT SERVICES AND CARRY-OUT RESTAURANT SERVICES FIRST USE: 19870400. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19870400 Mark Drawing Code Design Search Code Serial Number Filing Date Current Filing Basis Original Filing Basis Published for Opposition Registration Number (3) DESIGN PLUS WORDS, LETTERS, AND/OR NUMBERS 24.15.25 - Other arrows 26.17 .12 - Angles (geometric); Chevrons 73738306 July 5, 1988 1A 1A November29,1988 1525982 http ://tess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfi eld?Èdoc&state:400 I : lbsuO8. I 7. 1 711412011 Page2 of2 Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) Registration Date February 21,1989 Owner (REGTSTRANT) tN-N-OUT BURGERS CORPORATTON CALTFORNTA 4199 CAMPUS DR|VE, NINTH FLOOR IRVINE CALIFORNIA 92612 Attorney of Record Prior Registrations Description of Mark Type of Mark Register Affidavit Text Renewal Live/Dead lndicator ARNOLD M. WENSINGER 1 023506; 1 031 095; 1 031 096; 1 0851 63; I 1 01628;1281821 ;AND OTH ERS THE DRAWING IS LINED FOR THE COLORS RED AND YELLOW TRADEMARK. SERVICE MARK PRINCIPAL sEcT 15. SECT I (6-YR). SECTTON 8(10-YR) 20080908. 1ST RENEWAL 2OO8O9O8 LIVE I.HOME I SITEINDEXI SEARCH I eBUSINESS http://tess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfield?Èdoc&state:400 I HELP I PRIVAGYPoLIcY I :lbsuO8. I 7. I I1t412011 Latest Status Info Page I of4 Thank you for your reques t. Here are the latest results from the TARR web server. This page was generated by the TARR system on 201 l-07-I4 20:72:14 ET Serial Number: 73738306 Assienment Information Trademark Document Retrieval Registration Number: I 525982 Mark mffiqr'ffifl.mM Tfl B (words only): IN-N-OUT Standard Character claim: No Current Status: The registration has been renewed. Date of Status: 2008-09-08 Filing Date: 1988-07-05 Transformed into a National Application: No Registration Date: 1989 -02-21 Register: Principal Law Office Assigned: (NOT AVAILABLE) If you are the applicant or applicant's attorney and have questions about this file, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center at Current Location: 830 -Post Registratron Date In Location: 2008-09-08 LAST APPLTCANT(SyOWNBR(S) OF RECORD http : II tarr.uspto. gov/se rvletl tarr? regser:seri al&.entry :7 37 3 83 0 6 7lt4l20tt Latest Status Info 1. Page2 of 4 IN-N-OUT BURGERS Address: IN-N-OUT BURGERS 4199 CAMPUS DRIVE, NINTH FLOOR IRVINE, CA92612 United States Legal Entity Type: Corporation State or Country of Incorporation: California GOODS AND/OR SERVICES International Class: 029 Class Status: Active MILK AND FRENCH FRIED POTATOES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1988-04-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1988-04-00 International Class: 030 Class Status: Active HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDV/ICHES, HOT COFFEE, AND MILKSHAKES FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1988-04-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1988-04-00 International Class: 032 Class Status: Active LEMONADE AND SOFT DzuNKS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1988-04-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1988-04-00 International Class: 042 Class Status: Active RESTAURANT SERVICES AND CARRY-OUT RESTAURANT SERVICES Basis: l(a) First Use Date: 1987-04-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1987-04-00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Lining and Stippling: THE DRAWING IS LINED FOR THE COLORS RED AND YELLOW. Design Search Code(s): 24.15.25 - Other arrows http : II tarr.uspto. gov/se rvletl farr? re gser:serial&.enrry :7 37 3 83 0 6 7l14l20tt Latest Status Info Page 3 of4 26.17.12 - Angles (geometric); Chevrons Prior Registration Number(s) : 1023506 1031095 103r096 1085163 I 101628 l28r82r MADRID PROTOCOL INFORMATION (NOT AVATLABLE) PROSECUTION HISTORY NOTE: To view any document referenced below, click on the link to "Trademark Document Retrieval" shown near the top of this page. 2010-01-04 - Notice Of Suit 2008-09-08 - First renewal 10 year 2008-09-08 - Section 8 (1O-year) accepted/ Section 9 granted 2008-08-20 - Assigned To Paralegal 2008-08-01 - Combined Section 8 (10-year)/Section 9 filed 2OO8-08-01 - PAPER RECEIVED 2008-07-28 - Case File In TICRS 2008-07-01 - Notice Of Suit 2008-06-25 - Notice Of Suit 2008-06-16 - Notice Of Suit 2008-06-02 - Notice Of Suit 2008-05-20 - Notice Of Suit 1995-06-30 - Section 8 (6-year) accepted & Section 15 acknowledged 1994-ll-16 - Section 8 (6-year) and Section 15 Filed http : II tarr .uspto. gov/servlet/tarr?re gser:seri al&entry :7 37 3 83 0 6 711412011 Page 4 of 4 Latest Status Info 1989-02-21- Registered - Principal Register 1988-l I-29 - Published for opposition 1988-10-29 - Notice of publication 1988-08-17 - Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam) 1988-08-15 - Assigned To Examiner 1988-08-15 - Assigned To Examiner ATTORNEY/C ORRESPONDENT INFORMATION Attorney of Record ARNOLD M. V/ENSINGER Correspondent ARNOLD M. WENSINGER IN-N-OUT BURGER 4199 CAMPUS DRIVE, NINTH FL IRVINE, CA926I2 Phone Number: 9 49 -5 09 - 6240 Fax Numb er: 949-509-637 I http ://tarr.uspto. gov/se rvleTl tan? regser:serial&entry:7 37 3 8306 7lt41201t

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