In-N-Out Burger v. Grab-N-Go Burgers

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Grab-N-Go Burgers ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0416-3127655.), filed by In-N-Out Burger. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Civil Cover Sheet, # 6 Summons - Grab-N-Go Burgers)(Glikin, Joshua)

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ExHIBIT C Int. Cl.:43 Prior U.S. Cls.: 100 and 101 Reg. No. 3,171386 United States Patent and Trademark Office Nov. 2M SERVICE MARK PRINCIPAL REGISTER ANIIMAL IN-N-OUT BURGERS (CALIFORNIA CORPORA- TION) NINTH FLOOR THE MARK CONSISTS OF STANDARD CHAR. ACTERS WITHOUT CLAIM TO AI.IYPARTICULAR FONT, STYLE, SIZE, OR COLOR, 4199 CAMPUS DRTVE o\ryNER OF U,S. REG. NO, 1,601,172. IRVINE, C^92612 FOR: FOOD PREPARATION, cls. 100 AND IN CLASS 43 (U,S. sER. NO. 78:781,655, FILED 12-28-2005. 101), FIRST USE ù0-1960; IN COMMERCE 04-1960. ALEXANDER L. POWERS, EXAMINING ATTORNEY Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) Page I of2 United States Patent and Trademark Office ttome lsite rndex lsearctr I rnQ le lossary lcuides lcontacts I eBusiness I eBiz alerts I ttews I ttelp Trademarks > Trademark Electron¡c Search System (TESS) IESS was last updated on Wed Aug 17 04:35:46 EDT 2011 @@@@@E@@@@ M@E@ NËrT Dr]ç L¡\ÉT CL9RR ¡-¡sf Dolj I Logoulj Please logout when you are done to retease system resources allocated for you On IJumpl to record: flstart¡ List At: :lñEtilt ASSIGII St¡tus TtJR TTAB Status ( Use the "Baçk" button of the lnternet Browser to return úo IESS/ ANIMAL Word Mark Goods and Services Standard Characters Claimed Mark Drawing Code Serial Number Filing Date Current Filing Basis Original Filing Basis Published for Opposition Registration Number Registration Date Owner Attorney of Record Prior Registrations Type of Mark Register Live/Dead lndicator ANIMAL lC 043. US 100 101 . G & S: Food preparation. FIRST USE: 19600000. FIRST USE lN COMMERCE: 19600000 (4) STANDARD CHARACTER MARK 78781655 December 28,2005 1A 1A August 29,2006 31 71 386 November 14,2006 (REGISTRANT) lN-N-OUT BURGERS CORPORATION CALIFORNIA Ninth Floor Campus Drive lrvine CALIFORNIA 926'12 41 99 MichaelA. Rule 1601172 SERVICE MARK PRINCIPAL LIVE http: I ltess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfi eld?Fdoc&state=4005 5snol5.2. : 1 8l17l20tt Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) Page2 of 2 @@@@@@r@@@ NETY.JÛC I,HOME I SITEINDEXI SEARCH I oBUSINESS http I ltess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfield?f:doc&state:4005 : : 5 I HELP I PRIVACYPOLICY snol5. 2. 1 81t71201,t Page 1 of3 Latest Status Info Thank you for your request. Here are the latest results from the TARR web server. This page was generated by the TARR system on 2011-08-17 12:59:30 ET Trademark Document Retrieval Serial Number: 787 81655 Registration Number: 317 1386 Mark AhTIh,{AL (words only): ANIMAL Standard Character claim: Yes Current Status: Registered. The registration date is used to determine when post-registration maintenance documents are due. Date of Status: 2006-ll-14 Filing Date: 2005-12-28 Filed as TEAS Plus Application: Yes Currently TEAS Plus Application: Yes Transformed into a National Application: No Registration Date: 2006-ll -14 Register: Principal Law Offïce Assigned: LAV/ OFFICE 101 If you are the applicant or applicant's attorney and have questions about this file, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center at Trademar Current Location: 650 -Publication And Issue Section Date In Location: 2006-Il-14 http I ltarr.uspto. gov/se rvletl tan?regser:serial&entry:7 : 87 81 65 5 8l17l20tr Page2 of Latest Status Info 3 LAST APPLTCANT(SyOWNER(S) OF RECORD 1. IN-N-OUT BURGERS Address: IN-N-OUT BURGERS Ninth Floor 4199 Campus Drive Irvine, CA92612 United States Legal Entity Type: Corporation State or Country of Incorporation: California GOODS AND/OR SERVICES International Class: 043 Class Status: Active Food preparation Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1960-00-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1960-00-00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Prior Registration Number(s): t60lt72 MADRID PROTOCOL INTORMATION (NOT AVATLABLE) PROSECUTION HISTORY NOTE: To view any document referenced below, click on the link to "Trademark Document Retrieval" shown near the top of this page. 2008-04-04 - TEAS Change Of Correspondence Received 2006-ll-14 - Registered - Principal Register 2006-08-29 - Published for opposition 2006-08-09 - Notice of publication 2006-07-06 - Law Office Publication Review Completed 2006-06-30 - Assigned To LIE,entry:78781655 8l17l20n Latest Status Info Page 3 of3 2006-06-22 - Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam) 2006-06-22 - Assigned To Examiner 2006-03-23 - Attorney Revoked And/Or Appointed 2006-03-23 - TEAS Revoke/Appoint Attomey Received 2006-01-05 - New Application Entered In Tram ATTORNEY/C ORRESPONDENT INFORMATION Attorney of Record Michael A. Rule Correspondent Michael A. Rule Pepper Hamilton, LLP Suite 1200 4 Park Plaza Irvine CA926I4 Phone Number: 949-567 -3507 Fax Numb er: 949-863-0 I 5 1 http: I lta;r tspto. gov/se wlet/ tarr? regser:serial&entry:78 7 81 65 5 8lt7l20tt Int. Cl.: 30 Prior U.S. Cl.:46 United States Patent and Trademark Office Reg. No. 1160l.1172 Registered June 12, 1990 TRADEMARK PRINÇIPAL REGISTER ÄNIMAL IN-N-OUT BURGERS (CALIFORNTA.CORPO_ RATION) EAST VIRGINIA AVENUE BALDWIN PARK, CA 91706 13502 FOR: SPECIALLY PREPARED HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SAND. WICHES, CONTAINING EXTRA INGREDI. ENTS AND CONDIMENTS FOR CONSUMP. TION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES, IN CLASS 30 (u.s. cL. 46). FrRST UsE 0-0-196Q rN 0-0-t960. COMMERCE sEc.2(Ð. sER. No. 73-777,s4s, FILED í-¡o-tsas. JILL E. JOHNSON, EXAMINING ATTORNEY Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) Page I of2 United States Patent and Trademark Office ttomelsiterndexlsearchlraqletossarylcu¡OeslcontactsleBusinessleBizalertslttewslHelp Trademarks > Trademark Electron¡c Search System (TESS) IESS was last updated on Wed Aug 17 04:35:46 EDT 2011 f:rfrs? Iloc PRËn üûc [.rogouij Please logout when you are done to release system resources allocated for you. on [.lump.lto I Start I List At: TAßR Stotus ASSIGll Status Record 5 out of 5 record: TTR TTAB Status ( Use the "Back" button of the lnternet Browser to return Ío IESSJ Typed Drawing Word Mark Goods and Services Mark Drawing Code Serial Number Filing Date Gurrent Flling Basis Original Filing Basis Published for Opposition Registration Number Registration ANIMAL IC O3O. US 046. G & S: SPECIALLY PREPARED HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDWICHES, CONTAINING EXTRA INGREDIENTS AND CONDIMENTS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES. FIRST USE: 19600000. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19600000 (1) TYPED DRAWTNG 73777545 January 30, 1989 1A 1A March 20, 1990 1601172 Date June 12, 1990 Owner (REGTSTRANT) rN-N-OUT BURGERS CORPORATTON CALTFORNIA 4199 CAMPUS DRIVE, NINTH FLOOR IRVINE CALIFORNIA 92612 Attorney of Record Type of Mark ARNOLD M. WENSINGER TRADEMARK Register Affidavit Text Renewal Llve/Dead PRTNCTPAL-2(F) sEcr 1 15. sEcT 8 (6-YR). SECTTON 8(1o-YR) 20090718. ST RENEWAL 2OO9O71 8 LIVE http: I ltess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfield?f:doc&state:4005 : 5 snol5.2. 5 8lt7l20rt Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) Page2 of2 lndicator I,HOME I SITE lNDExl SEARCH I gBUSINESS http://tess2.uspto. gov/bin/showfield?Èdoc&state:4005 : 5 I HELP I PRIVAGYPOLICY snol5.2. 5 8l17l20lt Page 1 of3 Latest Status Info Thank you for your request. Here are the latest results from the TARR web server. This page was generated by the TARR system on 2011-08-17 13:02:18 ET Serial Number: 73777545 Assignment Registration Number Information Trademark Document Retrieval z I 60I 17 2 Mark (words only): ANIMAL Standard Character claim: No Current Status: The registration has been renewed. Date of Status: 2009-07-18 F'iling Date: 1989-01-30 Transformed into a National Application: No Registration Date: 1990-06-12 Register: Principal Law Offïce Assigned: (NOT AVAILABLE) If you are the applicant or applicantrs attorney and have questions about this file, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center at Current Location: 830 -Post Registration Date In Location: 2009-07-18 LAST APPLTCANT(SyO\ryNER(S) OF RECORD 1. IN-N-OUT BURGERS Address: IN-N-OUT BURGERS 4199 CAMPUS DRIVE, NINTH FLOOR IRVINE, CA926I2 United States Legal Entity Type: Corporation State or Country of Incorporation: California GOODS AND/OR SERVICES http I ltarr.uspto. gov/se rvletl tan?regser:serial&,entry =7 : 37 7 7 5 4 5 8lt7l20rt Page2 of3 Latest Status Info International Class: 030 Class Status: Active SPECIALLY PREPARED HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHEESEBURGER SANDWICHES, CONTAINING EXTRA INGREDIENTS AND CONDIMENTS FOR CONSUMPTION ON OR OFF THE PREMISES Basis: 1(a) First Use Date: 1960-00-00 First Use in Commerce Date: 1960-00-00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Section 2(l) MADRID PROTOCOL INFORMATION (NOT AVATLABLE) PROSECUTION HISTORY NOTE: To view any document referenced below, click on the link to "Trademark Document Retrieval" shown near the top of this page. 2009-07-18 - First renewal 10 year 2009-07-18 - Section 8 (1O-year) acceptedlSection 9 granted 2009-07-14 - Assigned To Paralegal 2009-07-06 - Combined Section 8 (10-year)/Section 9 filed 2OO9-07 -06 - PAPER RECEIVED 2008-12-08 - Case File In TICRS 2000-08-04 - First renewal 10 year 2000-08-04 - Section 8 (lO-year) acceptedl Section 9 granted 2000-01-04 - Combined Section 8 (10-year)/Section 9 filed 1996-07-24 - Section 8 (6-year) accepted & Section 15 acknowledged 1996-04-19 - Section 8 (6-year) and Section 15 Filed 1990-06-12 - Registered - Principal Register 1990-03-20 - Published for opposition http I ltarr.uspto. gov/se rvletl tan?regser:serial&,entry :7 : 37 7 7 5 45 8lt7l20tt Latest Status Info Page 3 of3 1990-02-17 - Notice of publication 1989-12-13 - Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam) 1989-10-26 - Communication received from applicant 1989-05-04 - Non-hnal action mailed 1989-04-05 - Assigned To Examiner ATTORNEY/CORRESPONDENT INFORMATION Attorney of Record ARNOLD M. WENSINGER Correspondent ARNOLD M. WENSINGER IN-N-OUT BURGERS 4199 CAMPUS DRIVE, NINTH FLOOR IRVINE, CA926I2 http : II tarc .uspto. gov/se wletl tart? regser:serial&entry :7 37 7 7 5 4 5 8lt7l20rt

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