International Refugee Assistance Project et al v. Trump et al

Filing 91

MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Preliminary Injunction by HIAS, Inc., Allan Hakky, International Refugee Assistance Project, Jane Doe 1, John Doe 1-4, Samaneh Takaloo (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit IRAP Declaration, # 2 Exhibit HIAS Declaration, # 3 Exhibit MESA Declaration, # 4 Exhibit John Doe 1 Declaration, # 5 Exhibit John Doe 3 Declaration, # 6 Exhibit Mateab Declaration, # 7 Exhibit Jane Doe 2 Declaration, # 8 Exhibit Mohomed Declaration, # 9 Exhibit Harrison Declaration, # 10 Exhibit Hausman Declaration Pt. 1, # 11 Exhibit Hausman Declaration Pt. 2, # 12 Exhibit Hausman Declaration Pt. 3)(Jadwat, Omar)

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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MARYLAND SOUTHERN DIVISION INTERNATIONAL REFUGEE ASSISTANCE PROJECT, et al., Plaintiffs, v. Civil Action No.: 8:17-CV-00361-TDC DECLARATION OF JANE DOE #2 DONALD TRUMP, et al., Defendants. DECLARATION OF JANE DOE #2 I, Jane Doe #2, upon my personal knowledge, hereby submit this declaration pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746 and declare as follows: 1. I am a United States Citizen of Syrian origin, and I live in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. 2. I am currently enrolled in college and studying to become a healthcare 3. My sister was born in Damascus, Syria, where she grew up and spent most technician. of her life. She is married and has two young boys, aged 7 and 2. In 2012, government planes bombed her neighborhood in Damascus and destroyed her house. She and her family fled to the home of her parents-in-law with nothing but their passports and the clothes on their backs. After remaining with her in-laws for several weeks, my sister and her family eventually moved to a home about two hours outside of Damascus, but shelling eventually reached that town, too. 4. While internally displaced within Syria, my sister and her husband heard rumors that the Syrian government’s selective service would eventually be expanded to include 1 men over the age of 30. After my sister’s husband saw some of his friends taken for the selective service, she told him to flee to Yemen, because only Yemen and Sudan accept Syrian refugees without visas. She stayed behind in Syria with their first child, pregnant with their second, because as a teacher, she was a government employee and was required to apply for government approval to stop working and leave the country. She remained in Syria, enduring constant shelling of their town, until she received permission from the government to leave work, at which point she fled to Yemen with her child to join her husband. 5. In Yemen, my sister’s family registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and received a temporary protection certificate explaining that they should be protected from forcible return to Syria. They remained in Yemen for approximately a year and a half, but war broke out in the country six or seven months after they arrived and the capitol, where they were staying, was soon besieged. They had no electricity, fuel, clean water, or food. Her husband had to risk his life to leave the city every day to find food and clean water for them because no trucks could enter the city to deliver supplies. 6. War engulfed the capitol and at one point, the house where my sister’s family was staying was taken over by insurgents as a site for launching shells. She and her children, including her newborn baby, were locked into a room for three to four days while insurgent militiamen used their house to fire rockets. In the meantime, her husband, who had left to find food, was prevented from entering. After the insurgents finally left, my sister and her husband fled that same day for the Saudi Arabian border. 7. My sister’s family is now in a refugee hotel on the Saudi Arabia-Yemen border and living in terrible, life-threatening conditions. They endure regular shelling from the Yemeni side of the border; where they live is shelled so often that the local school is open only 2 one or two days a week, if at all. The building in which they live is infested with bugs; human refuse from the bathroom of the unit above them leaks into their room. They are constantly sick and their children are throwing up all the time. The Saudi Arabian government often turns off the power to the building in an attempt to make the living conditions there so intolerable that the refugees will leave. 8. Discrimination against Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia is severe. My sister’s husband searches for work every day, but is often cheated out of his wages and kicked out of jobs without payment because he is Syrian. Because her husband is gone during the day, my sister must remain inside with her children; if she went out in public by herself, it is unquestionable that she would be abducted because she is a woman and a Syrian. The only time she and her children are able to leave the room where they are staying is at night, when her husband returns home and can accompany them outside. For this reason, their children did not believe that the sun rose and set in Saudi Arabia for the first year they were in the country because they room where they were staying had no windows. Her children never have the opportunity to play outside, but instead remain in their room for most of the day. During the rare times that they are able to emerge from the building at night, my sister’s younger son cries and tries to run away whenever they have to return to the hotel. 9. My sister’s older son always asks her, “When am I going to have friends?” He has not been able to make any friends because he is rarely able to go to school or to interact with other children and his entire life has been a continual experience of displacement. 10. I am very worried that my participation in this lawsuit against federal government officials could jeopardize my sister’s visa application. My I-130 petition for her is currently pending. Once approved for an I-130 visa, she will be able to access the U.S. Refugee 3 Admissions Program (USRAP) through the Priority-2 Direct Access Program for Iraqi and Syrian Beneficiaries of Form I-130 Petition for Alien Relatives. I do not want my participation in this lawsuit to adversely impact either her visa or refugee applications and delay or prevent her from joining me in the United States. 11. I fear that whether or not my sister’s visa and refugee application are denied, my participation in this case could result in harassment of me and my sister. Persecution of Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia is rampant, and the Saudi Arabian government tries to make conditions difficult for Syrian refugees in the country. I fear that if my identity is made public, it would be easy to identify her as well, making her susceptible to harassment or further persecution. 12. While participating in this lawsuit is important to me, I am also fearful that my participation may lead to me and my family being targeted for harassment if my identity were made public. 13. Even as a United States citizen, I am fearful of leaving the United States because I am afraid the Executive Order may result in difficulty or harassment upon my return to the United States. 14. I am aware of the reports indicating that harassment and violence targeting Muslims has been on the rise recently. In fact several of my friends have experienced such harassment on account of their perceived or actual religious affiliation. I am aware of the shooting at the mosque in Quebec and the bombings of mosques here in the United States. 15. For these reasons, I feel that my personal security and that of my family necessitates that I be allowed to proceed under a pseudonym. 4

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