Facebook, Inc. v. Phoenix Media/Communications Group, Inc. et al

Filing 106

DECLARATION re 105 Preliminary Claim Construction Briefs by Facebook, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E)(Torres, Javier)

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EXHIBIT B 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 US006314458Bl (54) (75) United States Patent (10) Steele et al. (12) (45) APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MULTIPLE BROWSERS Assignee: Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, CA(US) ( *) Notice: References Cited (56) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,388,196 5,644,768 5,758,355 6,061,692 6,141, 759 Inventors: Douglas W. Steele, Fort Collins; Todd M. Goin, Loveland; Craig W. Bryant, Fort Collins, all of CO (US) (73) Patent No.: US 6,314,458 Bl Date of Patent: *Nov. 6, 2001 * * 2/1995 7/1997 5/1998 5!2000 10/2000 Pajak et a!. .......................... Periwal eta!. ....................... Buchanan ............................. Thomas eta!. ...................... Braddy ................................. 345/329 709/102 707/201 707/200 713/201 * cited by examiner Primary Examiner-Viet D. Vu Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer. (21) Appl. No.: 09/540,260 (22) Filed: Mar. 31, 2000 Related U.S. Application Data (63) Continuation of application No. 09/061,360, filed on Apr. 15, 1998, now Pat. No. 6,065,051. (51) (52) Int. Cl? ...................................................... G06F 13/00 U.S. Cl. .......................... 709/219; 709/203; 709/223; 709/313 Field of Search ..................................... 709/203, 217, 709/219, 223, 224, 225, 227, 313, 329; 707/10, 104 (58) 31 CLIEN An apparatus and method for providing flexible communications of data modification of Web resources between client browsers, where the Web resources are on a server. In particular, the apparatus and method are accomplished by having an application program ascertain if potentially shared database data was updated. If potentially shared database data was updated, then the application program establishes a connection to a security server and transmits a database change notice to the security server. The security server receives the database change notice and checks its sign-on list of all the client browsers currently active and sends a database change notice to all client user interface browsers currently connected to the security server. All client user browsers, upon receiving a database change notice, display the database change notice or change data within the client user browser, thereby voiding the utilization of stale database data in the client user browser. 14 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets r---------------------------140 sERVER 1 120 '--I 100 CLIENT USER INTERFACE (BROWSER) MAKE CALL TO SERVER APPLICATION FOR SERVICE RECEIVE OUTPUT DATA DISPLAY DATA TO USER RECEIVE DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE ABSTRACT (57) 81 APPLICATION PROGRAM (CGI-BIN) I 1-+-''-----i-1~ RECEIVE REQUEST FOR I I I I 82 RECEIVE PROGRAM NAME, AND ARGUMENTS IF AUTHORIZATION IS OK THEN EXECUTE REQUESTED PROGRAM SEND STDOUT TO SERVER APPLICATION SERVICE FROM CLIENT USER INTERFACE IF AUTHORIZATION IS OK THEN INVOKE REQUIRED APPLICATION PROGRAM RETURN OUTPUT FROM APPLICATION PROGRAM LOOP 160 CLIEN SECURITY SERVER CLIENT USER INTERFACE (BROWSER) ESTABLISH LISTEN SOCKET RECEIVE DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE 12, 16, 21, 33 OR 35 ---------------------------------------\.-CLIENT USER INTERFACE (BROWSER) 1 RECEIVE DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE I I RECEIVE DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE ON THE LISTEN SOCKET SEND DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE TO ALL THE CLIENT USER INTERFACES CURRENTLY CONNECTED TO THE SECURITY SERVER (ACTIVE) LOOP 86 IF DATABASE DATA IS CHANGED THEN ESTABLISH A SOCKET TO THE SECURITY SERVER AND SEND DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE TO THE SECURITY SERVER EXIT ~--------------------------- U.S. Patent Nov. 6, 2001 US 6,314,458 Bl Sheet 1 of 9 FIG. 1 .,-11 LAPTOP PC WORKSTATION 12 LAPTOP UNIX WORKSTATION 26 18 32 31 NETWORK SERVER PC UNIX WORKSTATION WORKSTATION WEB SERVER D 34 33 35 d • \Jl • FIG. 2 MEMORY 51 OPERATING SYSTEM 52 41 WINDOW MANAGER 53 BROWSER PROGRAM STORAGE PROCESSOR 180 DATABASE APPLICATION 46 INPUT DEVICES 44 0000 DISPLAY KEYBOARD 45 MOUSE - MODEM 100 d FIG. 3 • \Jl • MEMORY _I! OPERATING SYSTEM 72 WINDOW MANAGER 73 61 SERVER APPLICATION (HTTP) STORAGE PROCESSOR 120 ~160 140 APPLICATION PROGRAM (CGI-BIN) SECURITY SERVER BROADCAST ROUTINE 67 INPUT DEVICES 0000 DISPLAY KEYBOARD 65 64 MOUSE - MODEM d FIG. 4 ~------------------------------------· CLIEN 100 r---------------------------140 120 '-11 SERVER APPLICATION (HTTP D) APPLICATION PROGRAM 31 !SERVER CLIENT USER INTERFACE (BROWSER) J-+--1..--~l~ MAKE CALL TO SERVER : APPLICATION FOR SERVICE I RECEIVE OUTPUT DATA I DISPLAY DATA TO USER RECEIVE DATABASE ....._ CHANGE NOTICE __.: _______ L-------------------------------r----J 12, 16, 21, 33 OR 35==:::: (CGI-BIN) RECEIVE REQUEST FOR SERVICE FROM CLIENT USER INTERFACE IF AUTHORIZATION IS OK THEN INVOKE REQUIRED APPLICATION PROGRAM RETURN OUTPUT FROM APPLICATION PROGRAM LOOP -------------------------------~---- 160 CLIEN CLIENT USER INTERFACE (BROWSER) SECURITY SERVER ESTABLISH LISTEN SOCKET RECEIVE DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE 12, 16, 21, 33 OR 35 -----, ---------------------------------~-- CLIENT USER INTERFACE (BROWSER) RECEIVE DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE RECEIVE DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE ON THE LISTEN SOCKET SEND DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE TO ALL THE CLIENT USER INTERFACES CURRENTLY CONNECTED TO THE SECURITY SERVER (ACTIVE) LOOP 82 RECEIVE PROGRAM NAME, AND ARGUMENTS IF AUTHORIZATION IS OK THEN EXECUTE REQUESTED PROGRAM SEND STDOUT TO SERVER APPLICATION IF DATABASE DATA IS CHANGED THEN ESTABLISH A SOCKET TO THE SECURITY SERVER AND SEND DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE TO THE SECURITY SERVER EXIT I DATABASE ____________________________ I J • \Jl • U.S. Patent Nov. 6, 2001 US 6,314,458 Bl Sheet 5 of 9 FIG. 5 101 INITIALIZE CLIENT BROWSER PROGRAM 102 GET USER NAME AND PASSWORD FROM USER INVOKE CLIENT BROWSER DATABASE UPDATE ROUTINE 103 104 CLIENT BROWSER PROGRAM RECEIVES A REQUEST FOR SERVICE FROM THE USER _) 10 5 ~ BIND TO SERVER APPLICATION (HTTP DAEMON) , v 106 MAKE CALL TO SERVER APPLICATION (HTTPD) _ / FOR SERVICE ,. 107 SUSPEND UNTIL RETURN OF DATA __/ 108 RETURN OUTPUT TO USER l-/ 109 I I LOOP ~ U.S. Patent Nov. 6, 2001 Sheet 6 of 9 FIG. 6 US 6,314,458 Bl 121 INITIALIZE SERVER APPLICATION (HTTPD) SYSTEM 122 WAIT TO RECEIVE CLIENT REQUEST FOR SERVICE 123 ELSE CHECK AUTHORIZATION YES BIND TO REQUESTED CGI-BIN PROGRAM INVOKE THE REQUESTED APPLICATION PROGRAM 125 126 SUSPEND UNTIL RETURN OF STDOUT DATA 127 RECEIVE STDOUT AND STDERR 129 LOOP SERVER APPLICATION (HTTP D) U.S. Patent Nov. 6, 2001 Sheet 7 of 9 FIG. 7 US 6,314,458 Bl 141 INTIALIZE APPLICATION PROGRAM (CGI-BIN) 142 RECEIVE EXECUTE AND ENVIRNONMENT ARGUMENTS YES 144 EXECUTE REQUESTED SERVICE PROGRAM 145 RECEIVE STDOUT AND STDERR SEND STDOUT TO SERVER APPLICATION YES ESTABLISH A SOCKET TO THE SECURITY SERVER SEND DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE TO THE SECURITY SERVER 147 148 EXIT U.S. Patent Sheet 8 of 9 Nov. 6, 2001 US 6,314,458 Bl FIG. 8 INITIALIZE SECURITY SERVER - 16 1 162 ESTABLISH A CGI-BIN LISTEN SOCKET WAIT FOR CONNECTION (ON CGI-BIN LISTEN SOCKET) FROM CGI-BIN PROGRAM RECEIVE DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE REQUEST FROM CGI-BIN PROGRAM ON CGI-BIN SOCKET ,.._ - 16 3 164 ~ ,. 165 INDENTIFY ALL CONNECTED (ACTIVE) CLIENT USER INTERFACES ~ 166 SEND DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE TO ALL THE CLIENT USER INTERFACES CURRENTLY CONNECTED TO THE SECURITY SERVER ,_ ,. LOOP 167 ~ U.S. Patent Sheet 9 of 9 Nov. 6, 2001 US 6,314,458 Bl FIG. 9 18 1 INITIALIZE CLIENT BROWSER DATABASE UPDATE ROUTINE 18 2 BIND TO SECURITY SERVER APPLICATION ,. SUSPEND UNTIL CLIENT BROWSER DATABASE UPDATE ROUTINE RECEIVES A OATABASE CHANGE NOTICE FROM THE SECURITY SERVER 18 3 ~ 184 PROCESS DATABASE CHANGE NOTICE AND UPDATE DATA IN CLIENT BROWSER ,. 185 DISPLAY UPDATE OF DATABASE DATA TO USER ~ LOOP 186 US 6,314,458 Bl 1 2 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MULTIPLE BROWSERS a network connection to any computer other than the one from which the client browser code itself was loaded. Therefore, if a client browser changes data in a Web resource that is being shared or accessible by other browsers, the ther browsers will not be made aware of the Web resource data change. However, until now, applications running in browsers have lacked the ability to notify other browsers running the same application of changes to their underlying database. CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION This application is a continuation of application entitled "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MULTIPLE BROWSERS," Ser. No. 09/061, 360, filed Apr. 15, 1998, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,065,051 and incorporated herein by reference. 5 10 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Certain objects, advantages, and novel features of the invention will be set forth in part in the description that 1. Field of the Invention follows and in part will become apparent to those skilled in The present invention generally relates to computers and 15 the art upon examination of the following or may be learned with the practice of the invention. The objects and advansoftware, and more particularly, to the apparatus and method tages of the invention may be realized and obtained by for providing flexible communication of data modification means of the instrumentalities and combinations particularly of Web resources between multiple client browsers, where pointed out in the appended claims. the Web resources are on a server. 20 To achieve the advantages and novel features, the present 2. Description of Related Art invention is generally directed to an apparatus and method As known in the art, the Internet is a world-wide collecfor providing flexible communications of data modification tion of networks and gateways that use the TCP/IP suite of of Web resources between client browsers, where the Web protocols to communicate with one another. At the heart of resources are on a server. the Internet is a backbone of high speed data communication 25 In accordance with one embodiment of the present lines between major nodes or host computers consisting of invention, a client user interface (browser) makes the call to thousands of commercial government educational and other a server application for service. The server application computer systems that route data and messages. verifies authorization and then determines which CGI-BIN World Wide Web (WWW) refers to the total set of interlinked hypertext documents residing on hypertext trans- 30 application program can perform the requested service. The server application invokes the CGI-BIN application profer protocol (HTTP) servers all around the world. Docugram to execute the requested program. The CGI-BIN ments on the WWW, called pages or Web pages, are written application program receives the program name and in hypertext mark-up language (HTML) identified by uniarguments, then executes the requested program and returns form resource locators (URL) that specify the particular machine and pathname by which a file can be accessed and 35 the output to the server application. The CGI-BIN application program then ascertains if database data, accessible to transmitted from node to node to the end user under HTIP. multiple browsers, was updated. If database data was A Web site is a related group of these documents and updated, then the CGI-BIN application program establishes associated files, scripts, subprocedures, and databases that a connection to a security server and transmits a database are served up by an HTTP server on the WWW. Users need a browser program and an Internet connection 40 change notice to the security server. The security server receives the database change notice to access a Web site. Browser programs, also called "Web and checks its sign-on list of all the client browsers currently browsers," are client applications that enable a user to active. The security server requires all client browsers that navigate the Internet and view HTML documents on the request access to the database to sign-on (i.e. register with) WWW, another network, or the user's computer. Web browsers also allow users to follow codes called "tags" 45 to the security server before access to the database is granted. The security server then sends a database change imbedded in an HTML document, which associate particular notice to all client user interface browsers currently conwords and images in the document with URLs so that a user nected to the security server. can access another file that may be half way around the world, at the press of a key or the click of a mouse. All client user browsers, upon receiving a database These files may contain text (in a variety of fonts and 50 change notice, then display the database change notice and/or change data within the client user browser. This styles), graphic images, movie files, and sounds as well as method of notification and/or data update avoids the utilijava applets, perl applications, other scripted languages, zation of stale database data in the client user browser. active X-controls, or other small imbedded software programs that execute when the user activates them by, for BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS example, clicking on a link. Scripts are applications that are 55 The accompanying drawings incorporated in and forming executed by a HTTP server in response to a request by a a part of the specification illustrate several aspects of the client user. These scripts are invoked by the HTTP daemon present invention, and together with the description, serve to to do a single job, and then they exit. explain the principles of the invention. In the drawings: One type of script is a common gateway interface (CGI) FIG. 1 is a block diagram of the client/server system script. Generally, a CGI script is invoked when a user clicks 60 utilizing the Internet. on an element in a Web page, such as a link or image. CGI scripts are used to provide interactivity in a Web page. CGI FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating a browser program, scripts can be written in many languages including C, C++, with a database update routine, situated within a computer and Perl. A CGI-BIN is a library of CGI scripts applications readable medium, for example, in a computer system of the that can be executed by a HTTP server. 65 client systems. A key difficulty with communication between client FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating a server's service browsers is caused because the client browser will not create application program, the CGI-BIN program and the security BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION US 6,314,458 Bl 3 4 server broadcast routine situated within a computer readable connected to the network 11. In order to find a resource, the medium, for example, in a computer system of the server user should know the network location of the resource systems. denoted by a network location identifier or URL. These identifiers are often cryptic, following very complex FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating the processes and communication traffic between the client browsers, using the 5 schemes and formats in their naming conventions. Systems today identify, access, and process these server application, CGI-BIN application program, and the resources desired by a user by using the processor 41, security server processes, as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. storage device 42, and memory 51 with an operating system FIG. 5 is a flow chart of the process for the client browser 52 and window manager 53. The processor accepts data of the present invention, as shown in FIG. 4. 10 from memory 51 and storage 42 over the bus 43. Direction FIG. 6 is a flow chart of the process for the server's server from the user can be signaled by using the input devices application of the present invention, as shown in FIG. 4. mouse 44 and keyboard 45. The actions input and result FIG. 7 is a flow chart of the process for the security server output are displayed on the display terminal 46. program of the present invention, as shown in FIG. 4. The first embodiment of the present invention involves FIG. 8 is a flow chart of the process for the CGI-BIN 15 the browser program 100. The browser program 100 is the program process of the present invention, as shown in FIG. software that interacts with the server to obtain the requested 4. data and functionality requested by the client user. The client FIG. 9 is a flow chart of the database update routine in the browser program 100 and database update routine 180 will client browser of the present invention, as shown in FIG. 4. be described hereafter in detail with regard to FIGS. 4, 5, 6 20 and 10. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF 1HE Illustrated in FIG. 3 is the architecture implementing the PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Web Server 31 and the network server 26. The principal difference between the servers 31 and 26 and the clients 12, The present invention will now be described in detail with specific reference to the drawings. While the invention will 16, 21, 22,33 and 34, illustrated in FIG. 1, are that the client be described in connection with these drawings, there is no 25 systems interface to the user and request the functionality intent to limit it to the embodiment or embodiments disthrough the browser program 100, while the servers 26 and 31 provide the services requested by the client systems closed therein. On the contrary, the intent is to cover all alternatives, modifications, and equivalents included within utilizing the server application program 120, the security server 160, and CGI-BIN application program 140. the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the 30 appended claims. Otherwise, the functionality of processor 61, storage 62, mouse 64, keyboard 65, display 66, and modem 67 are Turning now to the drawings, FIG. 1 is a block diagram essentially the same as corresponding items of FIG. 2 of just one system configuration that illustrates the described above. As known in the art, the client systems 12, flexibility, expandability, and platform independence of the 14, 16, 21, 22,33 and 34, and servers 26 and 31, may reside present invention. While the system configuration could take 35 on the same physical machine. many forms, the diagram of FIG. 1 illustrates a plurality of diverse workstations 12, 14 and 16 directly connected to a The principal difference in the servers is that the memory network, for example, but not limited to, a LAN 18. Addi71 interacting with the operating system 72 and the window tional workstations 21, 22 may similarly be remotely located manager 73 provide the services requested by the client and in communication with the network 18 through a dial-in utilizing the server application 120, CGI-BIN application 40 or other connection 24. Each of the workstations in FIG. 1 program 140, and security server 160. Server application are uniquely illustrated to emphasize that workstations may 120, CGI-BIN application program 140, and security server comprise a diverse hardware platform. 160 will herein be defined in more detail with regard to FIG. 4 and FIGS. 7, 8 and 9. As is well known, browser applications are provided and readily available for a variety of hardware platforms. Brows- 45 With regard to FIG. 4, the client system 12, 16, 21, 22, 33 or 34 can request services from the Web server 31 by ers are most commonly recognized for their utility for accessing information over the Internet 32. As utilizing the client system browser program 100. The aforementioned, a browser is a device or platform that browser user interface program first receives a request from allows a user to view a variety of service collections. The the user and checks to make sure that the user is authorized browser retrieves information from a Web server 31 or 50 to access a particular function. network server 26 using HTTP, then interprets HTML code, Next, the client user interface browser 100 makes a call81 formats, and displays the interpreted result on a workstation to the service application for service. This request for service display. goes out on a network line to the server 31 and is received by the server application 120. Additional workstations 33 and 34 may similarly be located and in communication with the Web servers 31 for 55 The server application 120 receives a request for service access to Web pages on the local server and the Internet. from the client user interface 100. Next, the server applicaWorkstations 33 and 34 communicate with the Web server tion 120 finds the requested program and executes 82 the 31 on a LAN network 35. Networks 18 and 35 may be, for requested program by invoking CGI-BIN application proexample, Ethernet type networks, also known as 10 BASE gram 140 using the program name and arguments. 2, 10 BAS 5, 10 BSAF, 10 BAST, BASE BAN network, 60 The CGI-BIN application program 140 receives the proCO-EX cable, and the like. gram name and execution arguments. The CGI-BIN application program 140 checks to verify that the authorization is As illustrated in FIG. 2 client systems today generally include only a browser program 100 (e.g., Netscape, Internet correct, then executes the requested program to provide the client user browser 100 the requested service. Any database Explorer, or other browser program) for use in accessing locations on a network 11. These browser programs 100 65 access 83 required is completed. The application program reside in computer memory 51 and access communication 140 sends the output of the requested program service to the facilities modem 47 to transport the user to other resources server application 120. The server application 120 receives US 6,314,458 Bl 5 6 the output from the application program and returns the Illustrated in FIG. 7 is the flow diagram for the CGI-BIN output to the client user browser requesting service as shown application 140. First, the CGI-BIN application program 140 is initialized at step 141. The CGI-BIN application program in item 85. 140 receives the request for the requested service with the The application program 140, after returning the output to the server application 120 then checks to see if database data 5 program name and arguments, at step 142. The CGI-BIN application program 140 establishes whether the client user was changed during the execution of the requested program. interface requesting the service is authorized to access the If database data was changed in access 83, then the appliservice at step 143. If the application program 140 detercation program 140 establishes a communication socket to mines that the client user interface 100 was not authorized the security server, and then forwards a database change notice 86 to the security server 160. The security server 160 10 to access the requested service, then the application program 140 proceeds to step 148 and terminates. receives the database change notice 86 on the socket established by the application program 140. The security server If the client user interface 100 is authorized to access the requested service, the CGI-BIN application program 140 160 checks its sign-on listing of all client user interfaces 100 currently active. Then, the security server 160 sends a executes the requested service program. After the requested database change notice 87 to all client user interfaces 100 15 service program is executed at step 144, the CGI-BIN program 140 receives the stdout and standard error messages that are currently active for further processing. from the requested service program and sends the stdout and The browser program 100 then returns the output to the standard error data to the server application 120 at step 145. application program that requested service in the client Next, the application program 140 checks to see if datasystem 12. This process will be further explained hereafter with regard to FIGS. 5-9. 20 base data was changed at step 146. If no database change has occurred, the application program 140 proceeds to step 148 The process implemented by the browser program 100 in and terminates. the client system 12 is illustrated in FIG. 5. The first step 101 of the browser program 100 is to initialize the client browser If the application program 140 determines that database program 100. The browser program 100 accepts the login of data was changed, then the application program 140 estabthe user name and password from the user and creates a 25 lishes a socket to the security server and sends a database change notice to the security server at step 147. In the connection to the security server 140 at step 102. Browser program 100 invokes the client browser database update preferred embodiment, a TCP/IP socket is established. Once routine 180 at step 103. The browser program 100 then waits the database change notice is sent to the security server 160, to receive a request for service from the user at step 104. the application program closes the socket established to the 30 security server 160 and exits at step 148. When browser program 100 receives the request for With regard to FIG. 8 illustrated is shown the process of service from the user at step 104. The browser program 100 binds to the server application 120 at step 105. The browser the security server 140. First, the security server 160 is program 100 makes a call to the server application 120 at initialized at step 161. Next, the security server 160 estabstep 106. The user browser program 100 is then suspended 35 lishes a CGI-BIN application program 140 listen socket at until the returning of data at step 107. step 162. The security server 160 then waits for connection to a CGI-BIN application program 140 on the listen socket When data is returned to the client user interface, the established at step 162. browser program 100 is unsuspended and the browser program 100 returns the data received from server applicaWhen a connection is made to a CGI-BIN application tion 120 to the user at step 108. The client user interface 40 program 140, the security server 160 receives a database browser 100 returns to step 104 and waits for the next change notice request 86 from the CGI-BIN program 140 on request for service from the user. the CGI-BIN socket at step 164. The security server 160 then identifies all connected client user interfaces 100 that are Illustrated in FIG. 6 is the flow diagram of the architecture currently active at step 165. In the preferred embodiment, and process implemented by the server application 120. The server application 120 is initialized at step 121. The server 45 the security server 160 determines which client user interfaces are active by checking a listing for all client user application 120 waits to receive a client request for service interfaces that are currently connected to the security server. at step 122. The security server 160 sends a database change notice to When a client request is received at step 122, the server all the client user interfaces 100 that are currently identified application 120 checks if the client user interface 100 making the request is authorized to access the requested 50 as active and connected to the security server 160 at step 166. The security server 160 then returns to step 163 to wait resource at step 123. If the authorization check is okay, then until it receives another token from a user client interface the server application 120 determines which application 100. program 100 will provide the services requested by the client system. The server application 120 binds to the Illustrated in FIG. 9 is the diagram for the client browser specified CGI-BIN application program 140 and invokes the 55 database update routine 180. The client browser database specified CGI-BIN application 140 with the specified arguupdate routine 180 is part of the client user browser 100 in ments and sends the necessary data at step 125. The server the preferred embodiment. First, the client browser database application 120 process is suspended at step 126, until data update routine is initialized at step 181. The client browser is received from the specified CGI-BIN application 140. database update routine binds to the security server 160 at When the output is received from the specified CGI-BIN 60 step 182. The client browser database update routine 180 suspends all processing until the client user browser update application program 140, the server application 120 receives routine receives a database change notice from the security the output at step 127. The server application 120 prepares server 160. the output received from the CGI-BIN application 140 and Upon receipt of a database change notice from the secureturns that output to the client requesting service at step 128. The server application 120 then exits that session, loops 65 rity server 160, the client browser database update routine back to step 122, and suspends itself until a new request is then processes the database change notice and updates any received. occurrence of the data changed in the client browser at step US 6,314,458 Bl 7 8 184. The client browser database update routine 180 can 7. The application apparatus of claim 6, further comprisdisplay a message to the user that an update of database data ing: has occurred at step 185. The client browser database update means for determining if the database data, accessible to routine 180 then returns to step 183 and waits for the next the plurality of browsers, was modified while performdatabase change notice to be received from security server 5 ing the request for service. 160. 8. A security server apparatus for providing flexible The foregoing description has been presented for purcommunications of data modification of network resources poses of illustration and description. It is not intended to be between a plurality of client browsers, comprising: exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed. Obvious modifications or variations are possible 10 means for receiving a sign-on request from a client in light of the above teachings. The embodiment or embodibrowser; ments discussed were chosen and described to provide the means for adding the client browser to a list of currently best illustration of the principles of the invention and its connected client browsers; practical application to thereby enable one of ordinary skill means for receiving a database change notice from an in the art to utilize the invention in various embodiments and 15 application server if database data accessible to the with various modifications as are suited to the particular use plurality of browsers was modified by the client contemplated. All such modifications and variations are browser; and within the scope of the invention as determined by the appended claims when interpreted in accordance with the means for retransmitting the database change notice to the breadth to which they are fairly and legally entitled. plurality of browsers. 20 What is claimed is: 9. The security server apparatus of claim 8, further 1. A method for providing flexible communications of comprising: data modification of network resources between a plurality means for determining a plurality of active browsers. of browsers, the method comprising the steps of: 10. The security server apparatus of claim 9, wherein the receiving a request for service from one of the plurality of 25 active browsers determining means further comprises: browsers; means for checking the list of currently connected client performing the request for service; browsers. generating a database change notice if database data 11. An application apparatus for communication of data accessible to the plurality of browsers was modified modifications of network resources between a plurality of while performing the request for service; and 30 browsers, comprising: transmitting the database change notice to a security a first application mechanism that receives a request for server for retransmission to the plurality of browsers. service from one of the plurality of browsers; 2. The method of claim 1, further including the step of: a second application mechanism that provides the determining if the database data, accessible to the pluralrequested service to the one of the plurality of browsity of browsers, was modified while performing the 35 ers; request for service. a third application mechanism that generates a database 3. A method for providing flexible communications of change notice if database data accessible to the pluraldata modification of network resources between a plurality ity of browsers was modified; and of browsers, the method comprising the steps of: a fourth application mechanism that transmits the data40 receiving a sign-on request from a client browser; base change notice to a security server for retransmisadding the client browser to a list of currently connected sion to the plurality of browsers. client browsers; 12. The application apparatus of claim 11, further comreceiving a database change notice from an application prising: server if database data accessible to the plurality of 45 a fifth application mechanism that determines if the browsers was modified by the client browser; and database data, accessible to the plurality of browsers, retransmitting the database change notice to the plurality was modified while performing the request for service. of browsers. 13. A security server for communication of data modifi4. The method of claim 3, further including the step of: cations of network resources between a plurality of determining the client browsers that are currently con50 browsers, comprising: nected. a first security server mechanism that receives a sign-on 5. The method of claim 4, wherein the determining request from a client browser; currently connected client browsers step further includes the a second security server mechanism that adds the client step of: browser to a list of currently connected client browsers; checking the list of currently connected client browsers. 55 6. An application apparatus for providing flexible coma third security server mechanism that receives a database munications of data modification of network resources change notice from an application server if database between a plurality of client browsers, comprising: data accessible to the plurality of browsers was modified by the client browser; and means for receiving a request for service from one of the plurality of browsers; a fourth security server mechanism that retransmits the 60 database change notice to the plurality of browsers. means for performing the request for service; 14. The security server of claim 13, further comprising: means for generating a database change notice if database data accessible to the plurality of browsers was modia fifth security server mechanism that determines a plufied while performing the request for service; and rality of active browsers by checking the list of curmeans for transmitting the database change notice to a 65 rently connected client browsers. security server for retransmission to the plurality of browsers. * * * * *

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