Facebook, Inc. v. Phoenix Media/Communications Group, Inc. et al
DECLARATION re 105 Preliminary Claim Construction Briefs by Facebook, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E)(Torres, Javier)
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HarperCollins Publishers
PO Box, Glasgow G4 ONB
First Edition 1979
Second Edition 1986
Third Edition 1991
Third Edition Updated 1994
Fourth Edition 1998
Reprinted 1998
© HarperCollins Publishers 1979, 1986, 1991, 1994, 1998
ISBN 0 00470453-3
Standard Edition
ISBN 000472168-3
Thumb-indexed Edition
ISBN 0 00472219-1
Australian Standard Edition
ISBN 0 00472218-3
Australian Thumb-indexed Edition
A catalogue record for this book Is
available from the British Library.
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Typographical design by Kerry Aylin
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Typeset by Market House Books Ltd, Aylesbury, England
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Caledonian International Book Manufacturing Lt,
Collins English dictionary.
4th AustraUan ed.
ISBN 0 00 472218 3 (thumbed Index).
ISBN 0 00 472219 1.
1. English language - Dictionaries. 2. English language Australia - Dictionaries. I. Wilkes, G. A. (Gerald Alfred),
1927- .11. Krebs, W. A. (William Alwyn). III. Ramson,
W. S. (William Stanley), \933- .
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Entered words that we have reason to believe constitute trademarks have been designated as such. However, neither the presence nt
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!tar Tass
Alps in the north and the Apennines running the length of the peninsula.
Offidal language: Italian. Religion: Roman Catholic majority. Currency: lir a.
capital: Rome. Pop.: 57 SOO O(X) (1996). Area: 301 247 sq. km (116312 sq.
miles), Italian name: Italia.
klr Tass (litO tors) n a news agency serving RuSSia, eastern EUfOpe, and central
Asia, created in 1992 to replace the former Soviet news agency Tass. [lnfonna
lion Telegraph Agency of Russia, Telegraph Agency of Sovereign States]
rrc (In Britain) abbrev. for Independent Television Commission.
Itch (It/) n 1 an irritation or tickling sensation of the skin causing
a desire to
scratch. 2 a restless desire. 3 any skin disorder, such as scabies, characterized by
intense itching . • vb 4 (intr) to feel or produce an irritating or tickl ing sensa
tion. 5 (intr) to have a restless desire (to do something). 6 Not standard. to
scratch (the skin). 7 itching palm. a grasping nature; avarice. 8 have Itchy
feet. to be restless; have a desire to travel. [Old English gfccean to itch, of
Germanic origin] � 'itchy adj � 'itchiness n
Itch mite n any mite of the family Sarcoptidae,
fif' Sarcoptes scabei, which causes scabies.
all of which are skin parasites,
.fte SUffix fonning nouns.
1 a native or inhabitant of: Israelite. 2 a follower or
advocate of; a member or 5upIXlrter of a group: Luddite; labourite. 3 (in biol
ogy) indicating a division of a body or organ: somite. 4 indicating a mineral or
rock: nepllrite; peridotite. 5 indicating a commercial product: vu/canite. [via
Latin -ita from Greek -iris or directly from Greek]
.fte2 suffix fonning nouns. indicating a salt or ester of an acid having a name
ending in -ous: a nitrite is a salt of nitrous acid.
[from French, arbitrary al
teration of _AU ]
Item n ('alt
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