Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Inc. et al v. Camdenton R-III School District et al

Filing 54

REPLY SUGGESTIONS to motion re 6 MOTION for preliminary injunction filed by Mark S. Sableman on behalf of Plaintiffs Campus Pride, Inc., Dignity, Inc., Jane Doe, Matthew Shepard Foundation, Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 1A, # 3 Exhibit 1B, # 4 Exhibit 1C, # 5 Exhibit 2A, # 6 Exhibit 2B, # 7 Exhibit 3, # 8 Exhibit 4, # 9 Exhibit 5, # 10 Exhibit 6, # 11 Exhibit 7, # 12 Exhibit 8, # 13 Exhibit 9, # 14 Exhibit 10)(Related document(s) 6 ) (Sableman, Mark)

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The Blue Coat WebFilterTM database contains Web site ratings representing billions of Web pages, published in more than 50 languages, and organized into useful categories to enable customers to better monitor, control, and secure theIr Web traffic, Blue Coat WebFiltor is supported by Blue Coat's powerful WebPulse cloud community. WebPulse accurately categorizes up to 98% of unrated objectionable sites in real-time to better enforce customer policy and makes that information immediately available to all customers (see Blue Coat WebFilter data sheet for more details). The following is an alphabetical listing and description of the categories currently used by Blue Coat WebFilter to classify Web sites. CATEGORI ES1 Abortion Sites that provide information or arguments in favor of or against abortion, describe abortion procedures, offer holp in obtaining or avoiding abortion, or provide information on the effects, or tack thereof, of abortion. Adult/Mature Content Sites that contain material of adult nature that do not necessarily contain excessive violence, sexual content, or nudity. These sites include very profane or vulgar content and sites that are not appropriate for children. Alcohol Sites that offer for sate, promote, glorify, review or in any way advocate the use or creation of alcoholic beverages, including but not limited to beer, viine, and hard liquors. This does not include sites that sell alcohol as a subset of other products such as restaurants or grocery stores. Alternative Sexuality! Lifestyles Art/Culture Sites that nurture and promote cultural understanding of fine art including bul not limited to sculpture, paintings and other visual art forms, literature, music, dance, ballet, and performance art and the venues or foundations that support, foster or house them such as museums, galleries, symphonies and the like. Sites that provide a learning environment or cultural awareness outside of the strictures of formalized education such as planetariums are included under this heading. Auctions Sites that support the offering and purchasing of goods between individuals. This does not include classified advertisements. Audio/Video Clips Sites that provide streams or downi.oads of audio or video clips - typically 15 minutes or less in length. This also includes sites that provide downioaders and players for audio and video clips. Sites that provide information, promote, or cater to alternative sexual expressions in their myriad forms, Includes but is not limited to the full range of nontraditional sexual practices, interests, orientations or fetishes. This category does not include sites that are sexually gratuitous in nature which would typically falL un.der the Pornography category, nor does it include lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or any sites that speak to one's sexual identity. Blogs/Personal Pages Alternative Spirituality/Belief Sites that provide or advertise trading of securities and management of investment assets (online or offline), This also includes insurance sites as well as sites that offer financial investment strategies. quotes. and news. Sites that promote and provide information on alternative spiritual and non-religious beliefs such as atheism, agnosticism, wilchcrafi, and Satanism. Occult practices, voodoo rituals or any other form of mysticism are represented here. This includes sites that endorse or offer methods, means of instruction, or other resources to affect or influence real events through the use of spells, incantations, curses and magic powers. The category includes sites that discuss ordeal with paranormal or unexplained events. Categories and theroefinlions asot July 6,2011 Sites that primarily offer access to personal pages and blogs. This classification includes but is not limited to content that shares a common domain such as Web space made available by an ISP or some other hosting service. Personal home pages and blogs tend to be dynamic in nature and their content may vary from innocuous to extreme. Brokerage/Trading Business/Economy Sites devoted to business firms, business information, economics, marketing, business management and entrepreneurship. This does not include sites that perform services defined in another category (such as information technology companies, or companies that sell travel services). This does not include shopping sites. Charitable Organizations Sites that fotor volunteerisni for charitable causes. This also encompasses non-profit associations that cultivate philanthropic or relief efforts. Does not include organizations ihal attempt to influence legislation as a significant portion of their activities or organizations that campaign for, contribute to, or affiliate with political organizations or candidates. Chat/Instant Messaging Sites that provide chat, text messaging )SMS1 or instant messaging capabilities or client downloads. Child Pornography Sites that includes visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct. Computers/Internet Sites that sponsor or provide information on computers, technology, the Internet and technology-related organizations and companies. Content Servers Servers that provide commercial hosting for a variety of content such as images an.d media files. These servers are typically used in conjunction with other Web servers to optimize content retrieval speeds. Dynamic DNS Host Sites that utilize dynamic DNS services to map their domain names to dynamiC iP addresses, Education Sites that offer educational information, distance learning, or trade school information or programs. This also includes sites that are sponsored by schools, educational facilities, faculty, or alumni groups. Email Sites offering web-based email services, such as online email reading and mailing list services. Exhibit B BtueQCoat Blue Coat WebFitter URL Categories Entertainment Greeting Cards Intimate Apparel/Swimsuit Sites that provide information on or promote mass entertainment media including but not limited to film, film trailers, television, home entertainment. music, comics, entertainment-oriented periodicals, reviews, interviews, fan clubs, and celebrity gossip. This also includes wedding or other photography sites of a non-adult nature. Sites thai facilitate the sending of electronic greeting cards, animated cards, or similar electronic messages typically used to mark an event or occasion. Sites that contain images or offer the sale of swimsuits or intimate apparel or other types of suggestive clothing. This does not include sites selling undergarments as a subsection of other products offered. Hacking Job Search/Careers Sites that distribute, promote, or provide hacking tools and/or information which may help gain unauthorized access to computer systems and/or computerized communication systems. Hacking encompasses instructions on illegal or questionable tactics, such as creating viruses, distributing cracked or pirated software, or distributing other protected intellectual property. Sites that provide assistance in finding employment and tools for locating prospective employers. Extreme Sites that are extreme in nature and are not suitable for general consumption. This includes sites that revel and glorify in gore, human or animal suffering, scatological or other aberrant behaviors. perversities or debaucheries. It includes visual or written depictions deemed to be of an unusually horrific nature. These are salacious sites bereft of historical context, educational value or artistic merit created solely to debase, dehumanize or shock. Examples would include necrophilia, cannibalism, scat and amputee fetish sites. Financial Services Sites that provide or advertise banking services (online or offline) or other types of financial information, such as loans. This does not include sites that offer market information, brokerage or trading services. For Kids Sites designed specifically for children. This category is typically used in conjunction with other categories - it is not a stand-alone category. Gambling a user can place a bet or participate in a betting pool, participate in a lottery, or receive information, assistance, recommendations, or training in such activities. This category does not include sites that seli. gambling-related products/machines or sites for offline casinos and hotels, unless they meet one of the above requirements. Sites where Games Sites that support pi.aying or downloading video games, computer games, or electronic games. Also inci.udes sites that support or host online sweepstakes and giveaways. Government/Legal Sites sponsored by or that provide information on government, government agencies and government services such as taxation and emergency services. This includes sites that discuss or explain laws of various governmental entities. This also includes sites that advertise legal services, lawyers for hire, adoption services, information about adoption, immigration information, and immigration services. Health Sites that provide advice and information on general health such as fitness and well-being, personal health or medical services, drugs, alternative and complementary therapies, medical information about ailments, dentistry, optometry, general psychiatry,, and support organizations dedicated to a disease or condition. Hum or/Jokes Sites that primarily focus on comedy, jokes, fun, etc. This may include sites containing jokes of adult or mature nature. Sites containing humorous Adult! Mature content also have an Adult! Mature category rating. LGBT Sites that provide information regarding, support, promote, or cater to ones sexual orientation or gender identity including hut not limited to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender sites, This category does not include sites considered sexually gratuitous in nature that would typically fail under the Pornography category. Malicious Outbound Data/Botnets Sites to which botnets or other maiware (as defined in the Malicious Sources category] send data or from which they receive command-and-control instructions. Includes sites that contain serious privacy issues, such as "phone home' sites to which sottware can connect and send user information, Usually does not include sites that can be categorized as Malicious Sources. Malicious Sources in conjunction with another category Sites that host or distribute malware or whose purpose for existence is as part of the malware ecosystem. Malware is defined as software that takes control of a computer, modifies computer settings, or collects or reports personal information without the permission of the end user. It also includes software that misrepresents itself by tricking users to download or install it or to enter personal information. This includes sites or software that perform driveby downloads; browser hijackers; dialers; any program that modifies your browser homepage, bookmarks, or security settings; and keyloggers. It also includes any software that bundles maiware (as defined above] as part of its offering. Information collected or reported is 'personal' if it contains uniquely identifying data, such as email addresses, name, social security number, P address, etc. A site is not classified as malware it the user is reasonably notified that the software will perform these actions (e.g., ii alerts that it will send personal information, be installed, or that it will log keystrokes]. appropriate to the subject matter (e.g.. gambling]. Media Sharing Illegal Drugs Sites that promote, offer, sell, supply, encourage or otherwise advocate the illegal use, cultivation, manufacture, or distribution of drugs, pharrr.aceuticais, intoxicating plants or chemicals and their related paraphernalia. Illegal/Questionable Sites that advocate or give advice on performing acts that are illegal or ol questionable legality such as service theft evading law enforcement, fraud, burglary techniques, and plagiarism. This also includes sites that promote scams or that provide or sell legally questionable educational materials such as term papers. Informational Sites that provide content that is informational in nature and does not provide a way to directly act upon the information (e.g., a site that provides lottery results, but does not sell lottery tickets]. This category is always used Internet Telephony Sites that facilitate Internet telephony or provide internet telephony services such as voice over IP jVO1P). Sites that allow sharing of media (e.g., photo sharing] and have a low risk of including objectionable content such as adult or pornographic material. BLueCCoat Blue Coat WebFilter URL Categories Military Peer-to-Peer [P2PI Religion Sites that promote or provide information on military branches or armed services, Sites that' distribute software to facilitate the direct exchange of files between users. P2P includes software that enables file search and sharing across a network without dependence on a central server. category also includes news radio stations and news magazines but does not include sites that can be rated in other categories. Personats/Dating Sites that promote and provide information on conventional or unconventional religious or quasi religious subjects, as well as churches, synagogues, or other houses of worship. This does not include sites about alternative forms of spirituality or ideology such as witchcraft or atheist Sites that promote interpersonal beliefs [Alternative Spirituality/Belief). N ewsg rou ps/Forums Sites that are designed to appear as a legitimate bank or retailer with the intent to fraudulently capture sensitive data e.g., credit card numbers, PIN numbers), Sites that primarily focus on providing information about and/or methods that enable authorized remote access to and use of a desktop computer or private network. Placehotde rs Restaurants/Dining/Food Sites that are under construction, parked domains, search-bait or otherwise generally have no useful value. Sites that list, review, discuss, advertise, and promote lood, catering, dining services, cooking, and recipes. Political/Activist Groups Scam/Questionable/Illegal Sites sponsored by or that provide information on poi.itical parties, special interest grOups, or any organization that' promotes change or reform in public policy, public opinion, soCial practice., or economic activities. Sites that promote scams or that provide News/Media Sites that primarily report information or comments on current events or contemporary issues of the day. This Sites that primarily offer access to newsgroups, messaging or bulletin board systems, or group blogs where participants can post comments, hold discussions, or seek opinions or expertise on a variety of topics. Non-viewable Servers with non-malicious, nonoffensive content or resources used by applications, but not directly viewable by web browsers. Includes but is not limited to Web analytics sites (such as visitor tracking and ranking sites) and content filtering systems. Nudity Sites containing nude or seminude depictions of the human body. These depictions are not necessarily sexual in intent or effect hut may include sites containing nude paintings or photo galleries of artistic nature, This category also includes nudist or naturist sites that contain pictures of nude individuals. Online Meetings Sites that facilitate online meetings or provide online meeting, conferencing, or training services. Online Storage Sites that provide secure, encrypted, off-site backup and restoration of personal dots. These online repositories are typically used to store, organize and share videos, music, movies, photos, documents, and other electronically formatted information. Sites that fit this criteria essentially act as your personal hard drive on the internet. Open/Mixed Content Sites with generally non-offensive content but that also have potentially objectionable content such as adult or pornographic material that is not organized so that it can be classified separately. Sites that explicitly exclude offensive content are not included in this category. Pay to Surf Sites that pay users in the form of cash or prizes for clicking on or reading specific links, email, or Web pages. relationships. Phishing Pornography Remote Access Tools or sell legally questionable educational materials such as term papers. Also includes sites that advocate or give advice on performing acts that are illegal or of questionable legality such as service theft, evading law enforcement, fraud, burglary techniques and plagiarism. Sites that contain sexually explicit material for the purpose of arousing a sexual or prurient interest. Search Engines/Portals Potentiatty Unwanted Software Sex Education Sites that are not malicious sources but that host software with undesirabi.e behavior or cause undesirable browser behavior such as such as intrusive adware, adware servers used exclusively by intrusive sdware, and browser hijackers. Proxy Avoidance Sites that provide information on how to bypass proxy server features or gain access to URLs in any way that bypasses the proxy server. This category includes any service which will allow a person to bypass the Blue Coat fiLtering system, such as anonymous surfing services, Radio/Audio Streams Sites that provide stream.s or downloads of radio, music, or other audio content -. typically more than 15 minutes in Length. Real Estate Sites that provide information on renting, buying, or selling real estate or properties. This also includes vacation property rentais such as time-shares and vacation condos. Reference Sites containing personal, professional, or educational reference, including online dictionaries, maps, censuses, almanacs, library catalogues, genealogy-related sites and scientific information. Sites that support searching the Internet, indices, and directories. Sites that provide information (sometimes graphic) on reproduction, sexual development, sale sex practices, sexuality, birth control, tips for better sex, and sexual enhancement products. Shopping Sites that provide or advertise the means to obtain goods or services with either prices listed or a clear way to order. This does not include sites that can be classified in other categories (such as vehicles or weapons). Social Networking Sites that enable people to connect with others to form an online community. Typically members describe themselves in personal Web page profiles and form interactive networks, linking them with other members based on common interests or acquaintances. Instant messaging, file sharing and Web Logs (blogs) are common leatures of Social Networking sites. Note: These sites may contain offensive material in the community-created content. Sites in this category are also referred toss 'virtual communities" or "online communities". This category does not include more narrow'.y-focused sites, like those that specifically match descriptions for Personals/Dating sites or Business sites. BtueQCoat Blue Coat WebFilter URL Categories Sites that prc.vido information on matters of daily life. This includes but is not limited to pet care, home improvement, fashion/beauty tips, hobbies, and other tasks that comprise everyday Life, it does not include sites relating to entertainment, sports, jobs, personal pages, or other topics that already have a specific category. Software Downloads Sites that are dedicated to the electronic download of software for any type of computer or mobile device, whether for payment or at no charge. Spam Sites considered to have suspicious content and/or intent that poses an elevated security or privacy risk. This categorization is determined by analysis of Web reputation factors. This also includes sites that are part of the Web and email spam ecosystem. If a site is determined to be clearly malicious or benign, it wilt be placed in a different category. Sports/Recreation Sites that promote or provide information about spectator sports or recreational activities. This does not include sites dedicated to hobbies such as gardening, collecting, board games, scrapbooking, quilting, etc. Violence/Hate/Racism Sites that depict extreme physical harm to people, animals, or property, or that advocate or provide instructions on how to cause such harm, This also includes sites that advocate or depict hostility or aggression toward, or denigrate an individual or group on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, or other involuntary characteristics, and includes content that glorifies selfmutilation or suicide. = Weapons Sites that sell, review, or describe weapons such as guns, knives, or martial arts devices, or provide information on their use, accessories, or other modifications. This does not include sites providing information on BB guns, paintball guns, black powder rifles, target shooting, or bows and arrows, unless the site also meets one of the above requirements. Also does not include sites that promote collecting weapons, or groups that either support or oppose weapons use. Transtation Web Advertisements Sites that allow translation of text [words, phrases, Web pages, etc.) between various languages or that can be used to identify a language. Sites that provide online advertisemonts or banners. This does not include advertising servers that serve adult- oriented advertisements. TraveL Web Applications Sites with interactive, Web-based office! business applications. This excludes email, chat/IM or other sites that have a specific content category. Sites that promote or provide opportunity for travel planning, including finding and making travel reservations, sharing of travel experiences (pro or con), vehicle rentals, descriptions of travel destinations, or promotions for hotels/casinos or other travel rotated accommodations. Mass transit information including but not limited to posting of schedules, fares or any other public transportation-rotated data are also included in this category. Spyware/Matware Sources Sites that host or distribute spvware and other maiware or whose purpose for existence is as part of the spyware and maiware ecosystem. Spyware and matware are defined as software that takes control of a computer, modifies computer settings, or collects or reports personal information without the permission of the end user. This includes soI'tware that misrepresents itself by tricking users to download or install it, or to enter personal information. This Web Hosting Sites of organizations that provide top-level domain pages. as well as Web communities or hosting services. Corporate Headquarters ., fOrmat Harn'zuhie, UK// .044100.2554600 hi, I rn'wid woif.,,,.. ', No,. v'I,ntaqn 6 oy.,I.''vIi',nfE APAC Headquarters EMEA Headquarters 5ut'nwio, Blue Coat Systems, Inc. ..,Ie.''. ,h.i'qvw'',uI',too ri'i,riiivCorio v.9,iu'..,o,v, Sites that provide information on or promote vehicles, boats, or aircraft, including sites that support online purchase of vehicles or parts. Sites that offer for sate, promote, glorify, review or in any way advocate the use or creation of tobacco or tobacco related products including but not limited to cigarettes, pipes, cigars and chewing tobacco. This does not include sites that sell tobacco as a subset of other products such as grocery stores. Sites to which spyware Las defined in the Spyware/Matware Sources category) reports its findings or from which it alone downloads advertisements. This does not contain sites that serve advertisements for other Web pages in addition to spyware advertisements; only those sites uniquely used by soyware. Includes sites that contain serious privacy issues, such as phone home" sites to which software can connect and send user information; and sites to which browser hijackers redirect users. This usually does not include sites that can he categorized as Spyware/Malware Sources. a' VehicLes Tobacco Spyware Effects/Privacy Concerns P. Sites that provide streams or downloads of television, movie, or other video contenttypically more than 15 minutes in length. Suspicious Sites that are part of the spam ecosystem, including sites linked in unsolicited bulk electronic messages and sites used to generate or propagate such, messages. upy..cir''i u' f6'' 2,' I bplen , TV/Video Streams includes sites that perform drive-by downloads; browser hijackers; dialers; any program that modifies your browser homepage, bookmarks, or security settings; and keytoggers. This also includes any software that bundles spyware (as defined above) as part of its offering, information collected or reported is 'personal if it contains uniquely identifying data, such as email addresses, name, social security number, P address, etc. A site is not classified as spvware if the user is reasonably notified that the software wilt perform these actions [e.g., it alerts that it wilt send personal information, be installed, or that it wilt log keystrokes). 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