Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library et al

Filing 57

RESPONSE to Motion re 51 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment DEF LEE ENTERPRISES INC'S BRIEF IN OPPOSITION TO PL'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT AGAINST LEE ENTERPRISES filed by Lee Enterprises Incorporated. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit FOUNDATIONAL AFFIDAVIT OF JEFFREY B. SMITH, # 2 Exhibit A - Affidavit of Stacey Mueller, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit J, # 12 Exhibit K, # 13 Exhibit L, # 14 Exhibit M, # 15 Exhibit N, # 16 Exhibit O) (Smith, Jeffrey)

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EXHIBIT D Case 9:11-cv-0006fSWM 221 South Sec -JcL Document 54-2 Filed dB}og/1 . Street. Hamilton. Montana 59840 * Phor. 1 Page 1 of 3 '06-363-6823 IN HAMILTON CITY COURT. STATE OF MONTANA CITY OF HAMILTON Case No. CR-2009-0000053 Plaintifl vs. Conditions of Release Order zND AMENDED Michael E Spreadbury Delbndant. The above naured defendant was charged with misdenreanor off'ense(s) Propelt),in viohtion ol 45-6-203, Nl.C.A. of: Crinrirurl 'hespass To The above nanred Defendant rvill be released on $ bail, posted by, rvith these conditions: l. ,/ ta Defendant is to personally appear for each proceeding on this case unless he seeks petmission fronr this Court to have an attorney appear in his/her place. Failure to appear at a jurl' confirmation hearing, orjury triol, constitutes a waiver ofjury, Defendant must not Court to do so. l"uuoAfffi*fSmlli$lgtli Sis. giu.n express permission by ttris Defendant is to maintain we€kly contact with his/her anorney once retained or appointed; failule to do so shall be reported directly to the Court by counsel. Defendant must notiry the Court and Defense Anomey with any change regarding address, telephone number, or place ofemployment immcdiately. 4. ..- Defendant must not be involved in any criminal activities nor be convicted ofany crinrinal offense p€nding disposition ofthis case. ./ D-cf9ndqn1_Fqs-t pglcontac!any witnesses or victinrs associated with this case. .Ar,Y l3r?7(trndcrT LIOCA{lt/ 6OAt1t'! (ntto16.R. N/A To JefipLoltCr vouttffe t t r\,<LLrv) \ sfiir Defendant nrust not enter any ba(s, tavenrs, casinos or other establishntents where alcohol is the chief iten ofsale. Defendant is uot to possess or consunre any alcohol ol dlugs, unless by a doctor's prescliption: 8. ^//A Defendant nrust subnit to a test for alcohol/drugs (Blood, Breath or Urine) at rh€ request of rhe or' . Presence ofarry alcohol or dr-ugs or refrrsnl to suhnlit to a test nrav c;rrrse inrntediate liolation of this Older. 9. Coult or La\\, Enforcenreut 10. e/c€97 .o (|. -jeRvt:) Dc'l'erd ln t )rt uo'4eN Na<cssaay I €s5f^trlaL 'fo co..o.r<a cct50\r7( 1 f)eF6Nfzn\Jl OELv ry\) <o qt8,-t \ o aozl <./F r&otkl krviol;ltion ofrn] condirion nm! be pLririshlble as contentpr a d re-su-lt in rrreil. TrrlJ <,tLA€^ Ar?f\rrJa a/\n, .a K^rad^.1 taqo*r<r vta-lrlrf.t, r AND 'rirA C-C.ut)- 2aNOV O\ D,*- 't ,t t6 tlt) lth1E Caseg:'11-cv-0OOO+lDruU-JCL Document54-2 FileddBIOg/l1 Paqe2of 3 il' Case " r:' g:1't-cv{00&f'OWM Documont 12-1 ."'(. FlledOSlIW (. aK i 70 t6lc e \ <@f ao n&.]tJ,) ?|ttal ,w9?1, Prr *orofilhffi,*uo,. ete 7 3 A E MoNTANA TwENrJff,lntlr Jd&lJil+h Dr erRr cr oouRT, 6 ,l oaues No. Dv-10.sV20 0 9 t0 1l 13 Tho Pormsnent Order of Prolootlon lgrued In Hamlllon Cfly courl on 13 t4 Nortember20,2009, yvttloh oxplres on Novombor20,2014, has boon t0 trBmmlttod to Dletdot oourl on Fobruary 17,2010, Mlfiad gprosdbttry 16 L7 l9 l, tlled e requost for retlof wltt lospool to lhe Qrdsr of Prutoolton, Thls Court refgrenoee lho JeruEry 1 9, 201 0' l'lamllton Qlty Caurl I Order Don$ng $ecpnd Mollon for New Trlal whoroln tho Order slaloe lhsl In a0 AI addltlon to bslng the Roapondont ln lhe 6bovo Ordor of Protegtlon, Mlohsol ,, Spreadbury ls al8o a Dofendenl In Rsvalll Dlslrlot Courl Cause No' DG10' e3 20, oharged wlth treepaoolng on lhs llbmry premlme atlor belng ordered off 24 28 36', lhe promlsee (th€ Honorabls John W, Laroon precldlng); and elao o Dofondant In Ravalll Dlstrlot Couil Cauoo l'lo' DC'09"154 where he ls O(lar . ?ittl I Caseg:11-cv-000644tt\NM-JCL Document54-2 FileddBi0g/11 Page3of ;, 'tl Cas€9:11-ov-00064..rDWM Document 12'1 Flled06103/11 PageSof 13 fiaruod rvlth lhe folony offoneo of Inllmldatlon ln whloh lho vlotlm ls 0 00nl0r I llbrary ompleyee (tho Honorablo Douglss 9, HaIlfi prooldlng), a Aa 0lElod ln lho Hamlllon Cltv Couil 3 ^ 6 Oder Donyhg a 8e00nd Mollon for s Now Trlel, thg Inoldont glvlng rteo to lhe Intlmldatlon ohargo ls the sama Inoldgnt whloh gdve rhe io tho Ordor of Protootton and entallod 6 .| demand lhat ihe employee prossur€ lhe olty Attemey Into dropphg the I mlsdomoanor ghelge, Tho oourl In esoh progegutlon has ordorod 9 gpreadbury aooeoe lo the oondltlono ot roloaog wtlloh efieollvely deny Mr' l0 11 llbrary, L2 For lhose rogoonS, 13 lT lS HEREBY ORDERED lhal the Psrmanont OdeN ot Protoollon u 16 glty oowt Ordot 0f shall romaln In otfod oonslslentwlth lho Hatnllon 16 Nowmbor tI oATED l8 It 20 ar 22 ?3 2t e9 26 20,2009. .# W lhla*d- daY of [4aY, 3

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