Farrell v. Schoemaker

Filing 3

SUPPLEMENT regarding Complaint 1 by Attorney J. Scott Paul on behalf of Plaintiff Keyen Farrell. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G)(Paul, J.)

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Joogle Finds No Data Misuse In Shoemoney Trademark Case Page 1 of? Buy releva nt li:n' .rGl on" SEARCH NEWS, COLUMNS, FEATURES Firs-lim~Yisi1'Z_S:rrtB~re 1 . Home . News · Eea.tlJr~s_ . Columns . How To . N~\ysl~ttçrs&E~eds , ~ :¡ iï EXHIBIT c ~ F . Members Only . Events .ÇQmrrnHiity · AbmitJls e a Search En ine Land member & access videos & more... MEMB~R_lQGil"L~iBEr-OMJiAmMEMBER_~ GQQglemF1ndsNQDatamMlsllse In Shoemoney Trademark Case May 18,2009 at 5:59pm ET by Danny Sullvan Earlier this month, my Why Hasn't Google Cleared. Fired Or Susnended Accused AdWords Employee? article asked why Google hadn't yet publicly commented about accusations that one of their employees may have abused the AdWords system for his own benefit. Now the company is speaking up - and saying it has found no wrongdoing. Google's sent me this statement: The privacy and security of our users and advertisers' account information is a top priority for us, and our internal policies prohibit any use of non-public advertiser data for personal gain. After a thorough investigation, we found no indication that any employee purposefully tampered with or circumvented any of those policies, processes or procedures, including our trademark fitering process. Due to an unelated human error, however, some ads with the "Shoemoney" trademark in the text were unintentionally allowed to run. The error has since been corrected, and the ads ran only for a short time. Talking with the company a bit further, it stressed that the human error was on the part of another AdWords employee, not Keyen Farrell, who is the defendant in the case Jeremy "ShoeMoney" Schoemaker has filed involving the use of his trademarks in AdWords copy. Taking over a month to investigate the situation and make this needed comment stil seems a long time, but at least we got there in the end. L.u_./1_____L___:__l__-i ___u/____l_ _1_____ __u__l__u_ ,__ _1_ __ 11" A n 1 Google Finds No Data Misuse In Shoemoney Trademark Case Page 2 of? Meanwhile, Schoemaker informs us today that that the defense has withdraw its motion for dismissal, so the case wil stay in Nebraska and move into the discovery process. Dany Sullvan is editor-in-chief of Search Engine Land. He's a widely cited authority on search engines and search marketing issues who has covered the space since 1996. Danny also oversees Search Engine Land's SMX: Search M._...r.k..e..t..i..n..g....Exno conference series maintains a personal blog called J2~gglç and can be followed on Twitter hçr~. ._... a.. ... ... ... ... .. . .._.____._~__..mmmm.___m._m......-.mm.......mm.. ..........._m..._.._._, See more articles by Danny Sullvan :; Share, Bookmark & Discuss This Article Emailthis · S12hinnlt! · QQQglçBQ_Qki~rkIhis · S_ay~JQ_d..l,içiQ,llsLL-s!lyç) · Stllbkltt · DiggThis! · Sh~r~Qn Facebook · Twit This! · Buzz Up! More: Sh~rçlhis rm Keep Updated: NÇFs_dYiaEniail i Nç~s_YiaRSS_Fççd I Nç\ys_ ViaI~ittçr See more stories like this in the Members Library! Check out the Google: AdWords, Google: Employees, the Members Library where this story is fied. Members also get News sections of access to exclusive video content, a members-only weekly & monthly newsletter, plus more. Check out all the benefits! L~g!ll:_Imdçmarks, Ion ONE COMMENT ON Goo Ie Finds No Data Misuse In Shoemone Trademark Case davethetruth, M~yJ8th.2QQ9at9:1JnmEI: Wow, big surrise that Google wasn't able to find any ilegal activity. Kind of reminds me of all the times they haven't been able to find any CLICK FRAUD, price gouging or unfair business practices loll Got to love when the corporate monster shows its teeth! POST A COMMENT Jot a comment? Log in, register to comment or become a premium member to comment without CAPTCHA hassles, 1ttn.//~p!:r('hpl'O";npl"'nrl "I"""/n-I"I"n-t""_"t"""..,, ",~~l~H~~ :_ ~L~_____n ____ 1 nA01 ì-oogle Finds No Data Misuse In Shoemoney Trademark Case Page 3 of? ) have your own custom picture/avatar appear, plus many other benefits. 'QDAYQNSEARCHBNGIN.ELAND_ 'OP STORIES · I:witt~r~s_R~~LIimçSp~ll_lmbl~m . Did Bing Leapfrog Yahoo? Not Exactly . Google Gets "Pole Position" On The Pre See All )) ,EARCH NEWS BRIEFS . Useful Search Options Comes To Google Video . 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