Barket v. Google, Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against John Doe, Google, Inc. (Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0978-2405099), filed by Steven Barket. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 6/23/2012. Proof of service due by 10/11/2012. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Summons) (Morris, Brian)

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H. STAN JOHNSON, ESQ. Nevada No.: 00265 Bar ohnson. com 2 sjohnson@cohenj BRTANA. MORRIS,ESQ. ) BarNo.: 11217 Nevada 4 LLC COHEN-JOHNSON, 5 6293DeanMartin Drive, Ste.G LasVegas, 89118 NV 6 tel:(702)823-3500 fax: (702) 823-3400 7 Attorneysfor Plaintiff I 8 UNITED STATES I}ISTRICT COURT 9 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 10 ll STEVENBARKET, Plaintiff, t2 l3 v. I4 JOHN DOE, andGOOGLE,INC., t5 Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No.: ruRY TRIAL DEMANDED ) ) ) ) 16 t7 18 r9 20 COMPLAINT TO THE HONORABLEruDGE OF THE COURT: Plaintiff STEVEN BARKET ('Barket") files this original complaint againstJOHN DOE 2l 22 ("Doe'), andGOOGLE,INC. ("Google"),respectfully the showing Courtasfollows: I.INTRODUCTION 23 violationsof the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, l5 U.S.C. 24 In this caseBarketasserts 25 $1125(d) the Lanbam an damages, and seeks Act, 15 U.S.C.$1125(a) 15 U.S.C.$8131, and and 26 injunctionrestrainingDoefrom infringing Barketos riglrts,andajudgmentorderingthe transferofthe 27 d o ma i n 28 <h ttp ://w w w .blogger .com /pr ofile/1003 450A688963114971> and I <http:/lstevebarket.blogspot.comF to Barket. 2 J 4 II. PARTIES 1. Barketis an individual who residesin Clark County,Nevada. 2. Doe's identity is not known with certaintyat this time. Upon discoveringhis identify, Barket 5 him with process undertheFEDERALRULESOF CM will amend Complaintandserve the 6 PROCEDURE. 7 I 3. Google is a California corporationwith its principal place of businesslocated at 1600 9 in Way,MountainView, CA94043. SeeExhibit 1. Googleregplarlyengages Amphitheater 10 to in agentpursuant NRS 80.060.See business Nevadaandhasfailed to maintaina registered 11 14.030(1),andNRCP4oprocessmaybeservedu Exhibit2.PursuanttoNRSS0.0S0,NRS t2 to and theNevadaSecetaryof State.In addition,pursururt NRS 14.030(a) NRCP4, a copyof 13 locatedat the summons complaintshallbemailedto the statutoryagentfor the Defendant and 14 2710Gateway OaksDr. Ste.150N,Sacramento, 95833.SeeExhibit l. CA t5 16 III. JURISDICTION AI\ID YENUE 1 7 4. 18 is Jurisdiction properin this Courtunder28 U.S.C.$1331and 1338;aswell as 15 U.S.C. VenueisproperinthisCourtunder23U.S.C.$1391O)a $l125andand15U.S.C.$8131. 19 (c). TheCourthaspersonaljurisdictionoverDefendantsbecausetheyhaveconductedbusi 20 and committedtortious conductin this judicial district. 2l IV. FACTUAL BACKGROTJ}{D 22 23 5. Barketis an individual who residesandworks in Clark County,Nevada. 24 6. ofeamingalivingisthroughinternet Barket'slivelihoodisreliantontheinterne!ashismeans 25 based marketingand internetbasedreputationmanagement. 26 7. Due to Barket's profession,his nameis well known on the internetand is thereforehighly 27 28 -2- I valuable. 2 8. The Infringing DomainNamesareidentical and similar to that of Plaintiffs narne. a J 9. 4 Doeregistered Infringing DomainNameswithout the consent authorization Barket. the of or Doeregisteredo andis trafficking theInfringing DomainNames uses, with thebadfaith purpose 5 of harassingBarket and for preventingBarket from claiming ownershipof the Infringing 6 DomainNarnes. 7 8 10. Doeosbad faith intent is evident because he has no intellectual property rights in the (1) 9 In&inging Domain Names;(2) his legal name is not embodiedin the Infringing Domain 10 Names;(3) he hasnot previouslyusedthe Infringing DomainNamesin the past;(4) Doe has 1l providedmaterialandmisleadingfalsecontactinformationwhenapplyingfor theregistration 12 of the Infringing Domain Name, and, upon information and belief, Doe's prior conduct t3 indicatesa pattemof suchconduct;and (5) upon informationandbelief, Doe haspreviously t4 t5 registered acquiredmultiple domainnarneswhich he knows are identical or confusingly or l6 similar to marksof othersthat aredistinctiveat thetime ofregistrationof suchdomainnames, t7 without regardto the effect of the parties. 18 11. l9 Furthermore, domainsin questionarein violation of Google'scontentpolicy: the 2A 2l 22 23 Impersonating others:Please don't misleador confusereaders pretendrng by to be someone or pretending represent organization else to an whenyou don't. We'renot sayingyou can'tpublish parodyor satire- just avoid contentthat is likely to misleadreaders aboutyour true identity. SeeExhibit3. t2. Barket hasrequested, more than one occasion, on that Googleeither disableor transferthe 24 25 offendingdomains,all to no avail. 26 27 28 a -J- 1 V. CAUSESOF ACTION 2 COT]NT 1 J 4 (VIoLATTON OF 15 U.S.C. S1125(d),TIIE AFITICYBERSQUATTTNG CONSUMER PROTECTION ACr) 13. 5 Defendants registered, usedandfraffrckedin the Infringing DomainNameswith the badfaith intent to profit from Barket's name. 6 14. Thenamewasdistinctiveat thetime Defendants registered Infringing DbmainNames, and the 7 it remainsdistinctivetoday. I 9 15. the time Defendants registered Infringing DomainNames,and they remainso today. the 10 1l The Infringing DomainNameswere identical or confrrsinglysimilar to the Barket's nameat 16. 12 Defendants' registration, andtraffrcking in the Infringing DomainNamehascaused, use and will continueto cause, damages Barket,andis causingirreparable to harm wherethereis no t3 remedyat law. adequate t4 15 17. Barketis entitledto temporaryandinjunctive relief, statutorydamages up to $100,000, and of t6 otherdamages Defendants' for violation of the Anticybersquatting Consumer ProtectionAct, r7 15U.S.c.$112s(d). l8 18. l9 Barketseeks Orderfrom the Court orderingthe transferof the Infringing DomainNames an to himself. 20 COUNT II 2l (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT - DOMAIN NAME OWNERSHIP) 22 19. An actualcontoversyhasarisenandexistsbetween within themeaning BarketandDefendants 23 24 of 28 U.S.C. $2201. 25 20. By virtue ofhis registration ofthe DomainNames, Defendants implicitly corrtend theyare that 26 the rightful ownersof the DomainNamesto the exclusionof Barket,andttrat Barkethasno 27 28 - 4- I ownershiprights in or to the DomainNames. 2 2 t. Barket seeks order from the Court declaringthat it is the soleownerof all right, title and an J interestin andto the DomainNames. 4 COUNT III 5 (woLATroN oF 15u.s.c.91125(a) 15u.s.c.gfl3t, TrrELANHAM AIYD Acr) 6 22. 7 Barkethas beendamagedbyDefendants conduct anamountthat withinthejurisdictional in is 8 limits of the Court. Barket is entitled to injunctive and equitablerelief againstDefendants 9 restrainingandeqioiningthemandall othersactingby, througho underor in concertwith him 10 from (a) usingBarket'sname,tradenames, service or marksin anymanner; regsteringany (b) 11 domain namesthat are identical or confusing similar to the name or other trade names, 12 trademarks servicemarks of Barkef or assisting,aiding or abettingany other personin or 13 engaging anyofthe conductdescribed sections and(b). Barketasksthe Courtto enter in (a) in 14 l5 perrnanent injunctive relief by exercise its own equitablepowers;andunderall applicable of l6 statues rules of law. and YI. PRAYER t7 l8 t9 23. Barketrespectfullyasksthe Court to enterjudgmentagainstDefendants follows: as (i) 20 Declaringthat Barketis the soleand exclusiveownerof all righ!,title and interestof the DomainNames; 2l (ii) 22 Temporaryand perrranentinjunctive relief restaining Doe and all othersacting by, 23 through,underor in concertwith him from (a) using Barket's nameor other Barket 24 trademarks, tradenames, servicemarksin anymanner;(b) registeringany domain or 25 namesthat are identical or confusingsimilar to Barket's nameor other tradenames, 26 trademarks servicemarksof Barket,or which containmisspellingsof the n rmeor or 27 28 - 5- I other trade names,trademarksor service marks of Barket, or assisting,aiding or 2 abettingany other personin engaging any of the conductdescribed sections in (a) in J and(b); 4 (iii) ordering the transferof the Infringing DomainNamesto Barket; (iv) Awarding to Barketall actualdamages caused Doe; by (v) Awarding to Barket exemplarydamages againstDoe, jointly and severally,in an 5 6 7 amountto be determined the trier of fact; by 8 9 (vi) l0 1l t2 13 t4 Awarding to Barket reasonable necessary and attorney'sfeespursuantto 15 U.S.C. statutes rulesof law andequity; and $1117andall otherapplicable (vii) (viii) Awarding to Barketall costsof court; and to Barketall otherrelief to which he may be entitled. Datedthis_l3!b_ of June,2012. day 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2l COIIEN-JOHNSON, LLC By: /s/ Brian A. Morris H. STAN JOHNSON, ESQ. Nevada BarNo. 00265 BRTANA. MORRIS,ESQ. Nevada No. ll2l7 Bar 629SDeanMartin Drive, Ste.G LasVegas, 89118 NV Attorneysfor Plaintiff 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 6- EXHIBIT 1 6113t12 Business Search Business EntitiesBusiness Programs jt, t //t.r. r t f t/t,t t o.rtt t t r t a {r*n L, a Business Programs Busl n e s s E n t i t i e s ( B E) O nli n e S e r v i c e s - Business Search - Disclosure Search - E-File Statements - Processing Times Business Entity Detail Dat a is updat ed w e e k l y a n d i s c u r r e n t a s o f F r i d a y , u n e 0 8 , 2 0 1 2 . I t i s n o t a c o m p l e teo r ce r ti fi e d J record of the entity. r ,,,:.r l.r lr r r ;,ir l, GO O G LE l N C , Serv i c e O p t i o n s ,:.,i.iit C 247473L Nam e A v a i l a b i l i t y , . , . : . t : l' ; i: : ir r ; 11/07/2002 ::rr.: ACTIVE Filin g T i p s r ' ..!::r ,.ii..ji:r :i:: D E LA WA R E I nf or m a t i o n R e q u e s ts (c er t i f i c a t e s ,c o p i e s & l, Main P a g e Form s / S a m p l e s & F e € s Annu a l / B i e n n i a l S t a te m e n ts sL olu > r EPv r sJ S ervi c e o f P r o c e s s FAQS Conta c t I n f o r m a t i o n Res our c es - Bu s i n e s s R e s o u r c es - Tax Information - S t a r t i n g A B u s i n e ss - I nt e r n a t i o n a l B u s i n e ss Relations Program C us to m e r A l e r t s - Bu s i n e s s I d e n t i t y T h e ft - I { i s l e a d i n g B u s i n e ss Solicitations :' ii:,i,;ilii,,,i ,:,.ilirllr:::.: 'i..1.,. ;.,rj:i'!r i..,i1,, !j,.r.:.:. I tl::i ) 1600 AMPHITHEATRE PARKWAY MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 :.l,r ,,i;,i .;ir ' ;r :;::q'i i :,:'iOR P OR A TIONS E R V IC E C OMP A N Y WH i C H WILL D O B U S IN E S S IN ;' C : , :' :i' i' .:ilr :r i: C A LIFOR N IA A S C S C - LA WY E R SIN C OR P OR A TIN GS E R V IC E ir;{,}ri jrli-lil;ii::trr i. 2710 GATEWAY OAKS DR STE 150N SACMMENTO 95833 CA ,r,ili: * Indicatesthe informationis not containedin the California Secretaryof State's database. r If the status of the corporationis "Surrender,"the agent for serviceof processis automatically revoked, Please refer to California informationrelatingto CorporationsCode .se-ction..z.L.L*.tor s er v ic eupon c o r p o r a t i o n s h a t h a v e s u r r e n d e r e d . t . For information on checking or reserving a name, refer to .N.q.nn-e_.Ayg.ile.hilL!-.y. r For informationon ordering certificates, copiesof documentsand/or status reports or to request a more extensive search, refer to -I-nf-glm?.H.9-n..Bgltg-e,F-tg. r For help with searching an entity name, refer to -9_gefs-h..T-ip--{. . For descriptions of the various fields and status types, refer to -tig.|"4..-P--e-gS-f-ip-Si9nf..-en"g.-S-_t?lg Definitions. Hp-CLfv-.-s..-e-srs.h .Prin-ts.r...t-1"-i-e.r-{ly -qF--c-K.}e.Ss.?.r-qh..Sffsl-t; l[-!..R9.r9.9-r: .?.iiy-isJ.ll.?tsns-nL Co p yr ig h t@ 2 0 1 2 kepler.sos. gov/cbs.aspx ca. C al i fomi aS ecretary S tate of 1t'l EXHIBIT2 Nevada of Business Entity Search Secretary Siate, - 6t13t12 Home I About Ross I Catendar I l*$rs I FAQ I Forms I Contast t's S earch.. . Businoss C€nter Eeciion Center lnformation Conter Licensing Center id! i ;Ji ;r Online Services Securities Centor i r i l ::,j .tl :i j r i i tr r i i i j i r i tti i i i ;f: |i :4r-iili,t,iri l" l{l*i:{iiii:li NevadaBusiness Search n Inclldes Trademarks,Trads Names, $ervlcs Marks, Roseryed Names & Busineas Lieenses uv search h"q$,"jsrer-:-;- FjetC-::-:^:-:"---"] lt phonetic matches l-I Include Sort by l_T919""f-d;:*H --"::-:i i*-} order {tJdescendins ascendins SearchTiPs &slil results Search Results 1 - 10 of 10 search ..i;-l,,t'.,' I .$'v'l *rrlr,r'",is iilr jil*it;,": i !l-ii."i NV20101342899 Revoked Domeslb Limibd{hbllity ComPanY ut-c Icoocu wronrvsvsrems. lcooct-rovvl,tNc. NV20091109514 Revoked Limibd{iabilitJrCompany Domestic NV20091163565 Revoked Domestic Comoration lcooGLE PAYMENTCORP. NV20051138290 Ac{ive ForeignGorpordion tst D, IGOOGLE -AN L.L.C. I NV200214Y87 TR.ADING LMITEDPARTNERSHT' GOOGLE Gorporation PermanenffRevoked Domestic Limibd ParhershlP NV20001132287 PernranentyRevoked Domestic Name Reserved EleLed Corporation NV20041611705 PennanenflyRevokedDomes{ic Limiled{bbility Gompany Dornestic Revoked NV20O71tl624 ElAircd Name Reserved NOTE:This website has beentested to work with MicrosoftlntemetExplorer7 or 8 and Mozilla Firefox3 or greater. ffiiW|@rl"r---I D a t a i n t h i s s y s t e mm a yb e u p to fifte e n m in u te sb e h in d actual fi l i ngsi ntheS ecretaryofS tate'soffi ce. i nordertoopti mi zethebusi n es s s earc h prohi bi ted' i col of th e x p e r i e n ce r a ll o u r cu sto m e r s, e a u to m atedand/or systemati c l ecti on data from thi s h,€bsi tes stri ctl y fo ' 1*:trtryw* t!* tt{:* * twrt#. f * \ * r * t * x r t * r lW w: ; * n* s x * , * r * er l L i e *n *i n g t **n t e r N %, *t n r . *, 1 *t t {. *{t t *{t {3 t v & 4 f t 4 %*{i }'4 {*t ' 101N Carson StreetSuite3 Carson City, NV99701| (775)684-5708 @ 2010All RightsReserved. I AboutThb Site gov/sosentitysearch/corpsearch.aspx nvsos. 1t1 EXHIBIT3 Content policy t13t12 # Btogger i31::&?,*'{ ? {-*r":i*rr-*li:'y for self-expression feedom of speech.We beliew Blogger and is Blogger a fee sendce communication, healthydebate,and makespossiblenew encourages increases awilabilityof infonnation, the peoPle. between connections for of We respectour users'ownership and responsibility the contentthey chooseto is our of to this contentis contrary a senice that basesitselfon freedom expression. beliefthat censoring this our ln orderto upholdthese\alues,we needto curbabusesthat threaten abilityto provide senrice on As it and the feedom of expression encourages. a result,thereare some boundaries the type of we'redefined thosethat both complywith are Theboundaries contentthat can be hostedwith Blogger. as the and legalrequirements that sene to enhance service a whole. Bou nd arie s Content for a role in maintaining positiw experience you, the users. 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