Barket v. Google, Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against John Doe, Google, Inc. (Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0978-2405099), filed by Steven Barket. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 6/23/2012. Proof of service due by 10/11/2012. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Summons) (Morris, Brian)

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sJS r+4 (Rw. l2l07) CTVIL COVER STTEET TheJSzl4civil cover sheet theinformation and contained herein neither replace supplernent filingandservice oleadines other nor the of or naoers as uird bvlaw. b.ylocalrulesofcourt. Thisfon4approvedUy${gdiclalCgnfererreoftheUnitedStatesinSeptemb6rlgT4.isrequiidforiheuseofdre'Clerkofdourt !mef (SEE thEcivil docKet She€t, INSTRUCTIONSTI{EREVERSE THE ON OF FORM.) I. (a) PLAINTIFTS StevenBarket (b) DEFENDANTS JohnDoe;and Inc. Google, Countyof Residence FirstListedPtaimili of (EXCEPT INU.S, PL{NTIFF Cla{k County ofResidence ofFirst Listed Defendant (IN U.S.PLAINTIFFCASES ONL'I') CASES) NOTE: IN LAND CONDEMNATION CASES, USETHE LOCATIONOF TTIE LANDINVOLVED. (C) Attorn€,'y's(FirmNm, Ad&ass,mdTel@cmeNumber) Attomels (IfKnowa) Cohen-Johnson, LLC,6293DeanMartinDr. Ste.G, LasVegas,NV Unknown. 891 18 II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION {Ptaeml(inoneBoxonlv) CITIZENSHIP UI. Of' PRINCIPAL (Fo DivmityCas 0 I Onfy) PTF d I PARTIESTpTT e *x- tuGE Boxfe plahtifi mdOne Boxfo{Defadmt) PlT DEF IncorporatedorPrincipalPlace n 4 d4 ofBusiness In This St* !i 3 FedsdQuesrim (U.S. Covsmment Nct I Psty) citiz€n ofThis state U . S .Go vsn mt Dofeadmt 04 Citizenof Ancds Stte J2 f,2l tr c dpor ar edandl }i r c ful pl w of Buinas In Anotlrer Stde Cl 5 O5 Citizenor SuUect ofa O2 U.S. Govemment Plabtitr n3 D3 56 n6 ondiode Citizptrship of Putios in ltmItr) CI ll0Inmce n o n o l20Mrine l30MilldAct ItfO Negciable Instnmau I 50 Recovery of Overprymcnt CI 151 MediffiAct ct 152 Recovery of Defadred Stud€nt Lof,s (Erct. vet6ms) fl 153Rmvery ofovspalml of V€ttrm's Bae6ts fl 160 Stockholders'Suie n n n l90OthsCmtret 195 Coqrlrct Prodrt Liability 196Fmcii 2l0LmdCmdmatim D220Fmlrm O fl B O 230Ratl-ase&Ej€cfiat 240Tdtstoland 245Tort ProfuctLishility 290All Odra RealProperty V. ORIGIN I l Original Proceeding Div€rsity (Ptrc a'X" PERSIONALINJURY 3l0Airplan€ 315 Airpldo ProdEt Liability 320 Awtrlt Libel & Sleds 330 Fedffil Efiplryers' Liabitity 340Muine 345Mrinehodrst Liability 350Md6vehicl€ 355 Motd V€hiclc Productliahility 3600ihsPmonal 442E 4loylmt aa3 Hmsing/ Accomndatims 444 Wel&re :145Arer. dDisabilitis Erylstn€dt ,146Am.dDisabilitieOths ,140Oths civil Riehrs PERSONALIruURY 362Pesonall{uryMed. Malprrctire n 365 P€rsdd Iniry Pro&c.tliabiliry 8368AsbestosPersmal InjEy ProeFt Liability PEnSONALPROPERTY fl 370OfterFrard ||3TlTnntintading D 3S0OtherPersmal hcperty Damage 0 385Proper'ryDmnge hoductLiablitv Cl - 3 610Agricultue cf 620othsFood&Drug tl 625DrugReldcdSsire ofProparty2l usc 881 O 630LiquorLws O 640R.R&Trck D 650Airline Rqs. n 660OccuFtioal SafctyiHalrh 510 Motims to Sate@ Ihb6Corpl|3: 530Gaeml 535 DedP€nalty 540 Msdans&Other 550 Civil Rights 555 PrimCmditim 720Labc/lvlgm. Rel*im 730 LabmA,{gtrd.RQorting & DisclogrreAct 7,lt) Railwayl"NbdAct 790 OthtrLabor Lftigdion 791 EDd. Rst hq SffiityAst VI. CAUSE OFACTION F or ei gnN * i on 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 423 Wiltdrawal 28 USC r57 .tooSt*eRe4portiummt 4loAntirrus 430BaksmdBaking 450Cmce fl Cl 0 O 460 D€porlrilim n 470Racft*alnnu€nedmd CorruFOrgmizdim ll 480CmCrcdit 862BlackLung(923) 863DrWC/DIWW(4,05G) 864SSIDTidoXVI oDefa&at) E7l IR$:Tttd Prty '26UsC7ffi 490 CabldsdTV 810 Sslectivc S€rvic€ E50 SruitieVCmoditieV Exc.hmge 875 Cu*omerChallage l2 usc 3410 890 Otls Stdutory Actions t9l AgricultEal Acts 892 Ecemic Stabilizatioo Ast 893 EnvirdmralMdttrs 894EaaglrAllcdio Act 895 Freedmoflnfmation ,{(' 900Appel of Fc Deumindim UnderEqualAccess to Jr$ii€ 950Cmstinrtimalityof Stat€ Statut6 HabcasCups'163 AliaDetaire ,165Othtrlffii€rstisr Acti@s inOae Boxonfy) il2 Rem ov edf r om SEteCourt DEF O I from 5 Transfened D 6 Multidistrict district Litigation Appeal to Distict r 7 {gnlqT st'tufts drversttv); udess fl9dffiIlrgt1gst tgU6f tg tsryg{S{:*i.tbmr n3 Remandedfiom Appellate Court n 4 Reinsa$dor fl Reopened c€rse involvingthe unlawruluse ol Plainflts name. VIL THISIS A CLASSACTION CHECKTF IJNDERF.RC.P.23 COMPLAINT: vrrr. RELATED CASE(S) IF'ANY DATE RECEIPf # JTJDGE CIIECK YESonty if demanded complaint: in JURYDEMAND: d Yes 0No DOCKETNI.]MBER SIGNATURE ATTORNEYOF RECORD OF 0611312012 II)ROFTIC& (Sc insrructims): DEMAI{D$ /sl Brian Monis A. USEOI\ILY AMOT'NT APPLYINCIFP MAG.JUDGE

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