Silver State Intellectual Technologies, Inc. v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against All Defendants (Filing fee $400 receipt number 0978-3225417), filed by Silver State Intellectual Technologies, Inc.. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 5/10/2014. Proof of service due by 8/28/2014. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Civil Cover Sheet, # 9 Summons Google Inc., # 10 Summons Motorola Mobility LLC) (Austin, F.) Corrected Image 2 filed on 4/30/14. (ASB)

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EXHIBIT E US007650234B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: Obradovich et a]. (54) TECHNIQUE FOR EFFECTIVE NAVIGATION (56) US 7,650,234 B2 Jan. 19, 2010 References Cited BASED ON USER PREFERENCES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Michael L. Obradovich, San Clemente, CA (US); John D. Pirtle, Silverado, CA 4,207,609 A 6/1980 LuiZ et a1. (US); Steven W. Schebesch, Aliso Viejo, CA (US) (73) (Continued) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Assignee: American Calcar Inc., Las Vegas, NV (Us) Notice: EP 0 829 704 A2 Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 3/1998 (Continued) U.S.C. 154(b) by 2 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No.: 11/971,193 (22) Filed: Eleftheriadis, et 31. “User Pro?le Identi?cation In Future Mobile Telecommunications Systems”, IEEE Network, IEEE Inc. NeWYork, U.S. vol. 8, No. 5, Sep./Oct. 1994 (p. 33-39). Jan. 8, 2008 (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2008/0120024 A1 May 22, 2008 Related US. Application Data (63) Primary ExamineriYonel Beaulieu (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiKlein, O’Neill & Singh, LLP Continuation of application No. 11/146,599, ?led on (57) ABSTRACT Jun. 7, 2005, noW Pat. No. 7,522,992, Which is a con tinuation of application No. 10/957,042, ?led on Oct. 1, 2004, noW Pat. No. 6,993,429, Which is a continua tion of application No. 10/382,687, ?led on Mar. 6, A navigation device utilizes stored user pro?les to navigate a user Who may be driving in a vehicle, on foot, or in other mode 2003, noW Pat. No. 6,829,532, Which is a continuation of transportation. Each user pro?le corresponds to one of the ofapplication No. 09/830,064, ?led as application No. user’s personae. For example the user business pro?le corre sponding to the user’ s business persona may be different from PCT/US00/27270 on Oct. 4, 2000, noW Pat. No. 6,542, 812. (60) the user personal pro?le corresponding to the user’s personal persona. The navigation device provides the user With a navi Provisional application No. 60/160,326, ?led on Oct. 19, 1999. gated route, together With information concerning the favor ite facilities and events surrounding the navigated route, (51) Int, C], G01C 21/34 which satisfy the preferences in a selected user pro?le. Block ages may also be established using the device to avoid (52) (58) US. Cl. ....................................... .. 701/207; 701/25 selected areas, or to block transmission of selected informa Field of Classi?cation Search ....... .. tion' (200601) 70l/200i202, 701/117*119, 2074209, 25; 340/988, 989 See application ?le for complete search history. 30 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets Jill 1011 f 119 GPS RECEIVER MEMORY [117 I103 f "5 USER I111 I113 P 110C550“ EXTERNAL INTERFACES DISPLAY DRIVER DISPLAY couuuucmnou UNH f 12" INTERFACE 121 TRANSCEIVER EXHIBIT E PAGE 181 US 7,650,234 B2 Page 2 US. 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Jun. 22, 2004 (14 pgs.). Of?ce Action for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Of?ce Action mailed Dec. 22, 2004 (13 PgS~)~ Final Of?ce Action for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Final Of?ce Action mailed Jun. 16, 2005 (11 pgs.). Of?ce Communication entitled “Notice of Panel Decision from Pre Appeal Brief Review” for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Of?ce Communication mailed Jan. 12, 2006 (2 pgs.). Final Of?ce Action for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Final Of?ce Action mailed Mar. 21, 2006 (12 pgs.). Application as Filed Oct. 27, 2000 for “System and Method for User Navigation”, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Application No. 09/699,031 (speci?cation 16 pgs.; claims 4 pgs.; abstract, drawings (16 PgS~)~ Amendment for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Amendment mailed Apr. 21, 2003 (10 PgS~)~ Response to Final Action for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP JP W0 W0 0 853 287 A2 9-231263 W0 97/ 07467 WO 99/33293 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Response mailed Sep. 17, 2003 (6 pgs.). 7/1998 5/1997 2/ 1997 7/1999 Amendment with an RCE for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Amendment mailed Nov. 20, 2003 (9 pgs.). Amendment for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Amendment mailed Mar. 29, 2004 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (15 PgS~)~ European Search Report dated Jun. 23, 2005 for European Patent Application No. EP 05 00 4271.2-2201, ?led Mar. 2, 2005, European Search Report mailed Jul. 5, 2005 (5 pgs.). Amendment for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Amendment mailed Sep. 22, 2004 American Calcar Inc. “Summons to Attend Oral Proceedings Pursu ant to Rule 71(1) EPC” and “Annex To Summons To Oral Proceed ings” issued on Dec. 22, 2004 in connection with European Patent Amendment for US. Appl. No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Amendment mailed Mar. 22, 2005 Application No. 00972367.7-2201, ?led Oct. 27, 2000 (5 pgs.). Notice of Appeal, with Pre-Appeal Brief Request and Arguments Accompanying Pre-Appeal Brief Request For Review, for U. S. Appl. American Calcar Inc. “Communication Pursuant to Article 96(2) EPC” issued on Aug. 1, 2003 in connection with European Patent Application No. 0972367.7-2001, ?led Oct. 27, 2000 (7 pgs.). (10 PgS~)~ (11 PgS~)~ No. 09/699,031, ?led Oct. 27, 2000, inventor Michael L. Obradovich, Appeal papers mailed Nov. 16, 2005 (7 pgs. total). EXHIBIT E PAGE 183 U-S- Patent Jan. 19, 2010 Sheet 1 of8 FI G. US 7,650,234 B2 7 101) j 108 I119 GPS RECEIVER MEMORY [H7 {103 J11] PROCESSOR f "5 USER INTERFACE I113 DISPLAY c0MMuMcIAII0R MRII {120 ,m IRAMscEIvER ' I [123 mm FIG. 2 REGISTRAHON RR AGE 80 IKI E: IEI: MARITAL sIAIus M OCCUPATION Cm EDUCATION R0100 CHILDREN M M W M3 1E3 EXHIBIT E PAGE 184 w 113 EXHIBIT E PAGE 185 US. Patent Jan. 19, 2010 Sheet 3 of8 US 7,650,234 B2 FIG. 4 Al) 505w PERsONAL OATA 505w ROsINEss PROFILE 507w PERSONAL PROFILE 509w vAOATION PROFILE 511w OPs OATA 513w NAP ANO RELATEO INFORNATION 515w BUSINESS FAvORIIEs 517w PERSONAL FAvORIIEs 519w \IAOATION FAVDRHES FIG. 5 NAVIGATION f sERvER 63'“ ACCESS SERVER x522 613 I; WIRELESS‘ ‘ya “w‘_“*-~ r“ OONNONIOAIIONs we“ ARRANGEMENT EXHIBIT E PAGE 186 US. Patent Jan. 19, 2010 Sheet 4 of8 US 7,650,234 B2 F I G. 6 saw TTATTTCATE % PERSONAL / //4 0EPOT HOME FAVORHES 651w w TE; i wELLs FARGO vows CHEVRON JACK [AT THE 00x COMP USA SPORTMARI MACY‘S KMART 7 053w EDIT FIG. '7 [H3 NaV EXPeft __. PRESET PROFILE SELECTION POPULATES DATABASE FROM STANDARD‘ PROFILES SELECT sELECT 705/E sELECT PRCTTLE T TTATT PTTCETLE 2 TTCTTATA PROHLES BUSIN£SS MAN SELECT PROFILE 4 SELECT SELECT BUSINESS WOMAN PROHLES SENIOR CITIZEN PROFILES TEENAGER EXHIBIT E PAGE 187 vTEw PROFILE i vTEw PTTCTELE VIEW PTTOETLEJ’" 703’ vlEw PROFILE _ ‘VIEW PROFILE vTEw FRGFILE T US. Patent Jan. 19, 2010 Sheet 5 of8 US 7,650,234 B2 FIG. 8 [1,3 NAvI0ATI0N I805 MODE 0F BY AUTOMOBILE 0N T00T TRANsPoRTATIoN By RAIL _‘_ ' {807 PERSONAL TAv0RTIES FIG. _‘_ BUSINESS vAcAIIoN 7 10 DOES NAVIGATION COVERAGE INCLUDE ORIGINAIION AND DESTINATION ADDRESSES AND IS STORED MAP AND RELATED INFORMATION FRESH ? IOOS [ESTABLISH COMMUNICATION CONNECTION WITH NAVIGATION SERVER If 1013 I CAUSE TRANSMISSION OF REQUEST FOR FRESH MAP AND RELATED INFORMATION FOR APPROPRIATE NAVIGATION COVERAGE THROUGH $1016 ESTABLISHED COMMUNICATION CONNECTION I RECEIVE FROM NAVIGATION SERVER NEW MAP AND RELATED INFORMATION AND CLONED PERSONAL FAVORITE IIST T’ ""9 I SToRE RECEIVED MAP AND RELATED INFORMATION, AND CLONED PERSONAL FAVORITE LIST $1021 I BASED 0N ST0RE0 MAP AN0 RELATED INE0RNATI0N, SELECT MOST TIME EEEIEIENT ROUTE, TAKING ENT0 AccouNT RELEVANT “T1006 WEATHER, TRAFFIC, AND ROAD coNnmoNs I cAusE TuRN-BT-TNRN INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING SELECTED RouTE T0 BE sIIowN EXHIBIT E PAGE 188 $1009 EXHIBIT E PAGE 189 EXHIBIT E PAGE 190 US. Patent Jan. 19, 2010 FI G . Sheet 8 of8 US 7,650,234 B2 72 § f 113 /1205 f 1209 I T215 BACK NAvTGATE {1213 RESTAURANT W833i", RESTAURANT MENU MGDONALD’S RESTAURANT HYW 5, ExTT T0 SERvTGE AREA PHONE N0. xxx-xxx-xxxx SERvTGE HOURS OPEN DAILY: 7:30AM - 12:30 AN EAT-IN: T40 SEATS 0RTvE TNR0UGB 0UTU00R KIDS‘ PLAYGROUND PROMOTIONS: TREE TOYS FOR KIDS FIG. 13 f 113 [I305 ORDER BACK RESTAURANT NENU m BEVERAGE NANBURGER DOUBLE BURGER FIG. COLA STRAWBERRY SHAKE 14 f 113 [N UIRY 1:] PERMANENT BLOCKAUE U TEMPORARY BLOCKADE FROM TO EXHIBIT E PAGE 191 US 7,650,234 B2 1 2 TECHNIQUE FOR EFFECTIVE NAVIGATION ing, obtaining entertainments, etc. To realiZe (2), the naviga BASED ON USER PREFERENCES tor arrangement in accordance With the invention alloWs for storage of user pro?les including user preferences such as This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 11/146,599 ?led on Jun. 7, 2005 now US. Pat. No. 7,522,992, preferred types of restaurants, shops, entertainments, etc. In accordance With an aspect of the invention, each user pro?le corresponds to one of the user’s personae. For example, the user business pro?le corresponding to the user’ s business persona may be different from the user personal the disclosure of Which is incorporated by reference herein, Which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 10/957,042 ?led on Oct. 1, 2004, now US. Pat. No. 6,993,429, Which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 10/382,687 ?led on pro?le corresponding to his/her personal persona. For instance, the user business pro?le may include ?ne-dining type restaurants for business meetings While the userpersonal Mar. 6, 2003, now US. Pat. No. 6,829,532, Which is a con tinuation of application Ser. No. 09/830,064 ?led on Apr. 20, 2001, now US. Pat. No. 6,542,812, Which is a National Stage of International Application No. PCT/US00/27270 ?led on pro?le may instead include fast-food type restaurants for personal dining. Thus, the navigator arrangement in accor dance With the invention provides a navigated route, together Oct. 4, 2000, Which Was published under PCT Article 12 (2) in English and Which claims the priority of Provisional Appli With information concerning the favorite facilities and events cation No. 60/160,326 ?led on Oct. 19, 1999. surrounding the navigated route, Which satisfy the prefer ences in a selected user pro?le. FIELD OF THE INVENTION In accordance With another aspect of the invention, the user can adopt a second person’s pro?le for a trip’s purpose par The invention relates to a navigation technique, and more 20 particularly to a technique for navigation subject to user pref the second person’s persona to achieve such a trip’s purpose. erences. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 25 Recently, navigation systems based on global positioning mobile. Such navigation systems are capable of receiving 30 and longitude. The navigation system also detects the auto mobile’s speed and direction. With geographic information stored in an on-board computer in the automobile, the navi gation system is capable of audio-visually communicating to route leading to a given destination. NoWadays, in general, 40 selects the most time-e?icient route, e. g., one that requires the type hand-held devices, is equally ubiquitous for organizing 45 prohibited areas or paths from Which the route selected by the inventive navigator arrangement deviates. For example, it a user to communicate data in a Wireless manner, e.g., to send 50 55 system used in an automobile, provides a user With directions to a given destination. The navigation typically provides the include purchasing business supplies, shopping for gifts, din may be sensible to place roadblocks around high crime areas especially When the user is neW in toWn and unfamiliar With those areas. A roadblock may be permanent or temporary. For SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION shortest navigated route in terms of distance to the given destination. HoWever, We have expanded the concept of the traditional navigation to broadly include providing a navi gated route subject to user preferences, together With infor mation concerning facilities and events surrounding the navi gated route for the user’s convenience. The navigated route is selected to satisfy a trip’s purpose. Such a trip’s purpose may be (1) to reach a given destination as in prior art, and/ or (2) to perform certain tasks enroute or at the destination, Which may least travel time, to accomplish the trip’s purpose despite any adverse traf?c, Weather and road conditions. In accordance With a further aspect of the invention, a user may prescribe one or more roadblocks specifying certain listing, address information, etc. More recently, hand-held communicators emerged Which have cellular communication and modern facilities integrated into a PDA, thereby enabling Traditionally, a navigation device, e.g., a GPS navigation Weather and road conditions. Thus, based on the information concerning such external conditions received from, say, a server via the Internet, the inventive navigator arrangement example, use of cellular phones for communications is ubiq uitous. Use of personal data assistants (PDAs), e.g., PALM and receive email, and to upload and doWnload information from Websites via the Internet. exclude, e.g., highWays, freeWays, etc. In accordance With still yet another aspect of the invention, the actual route selected by the inventive navigator arrange ment may also depend on external conditions, e.g., traf?c, Similarly, a GPS navigation device in hand-held form enables a user carrying the device to monitor his/her planned personal information including meeting schedules, telephone though they may accomplish the same trip’s purpose. The routes from Which the inventive navigator arrangement selects for driving have to be passable by an automobile, Which exclude, e.g., foot bridges, and Walk paths through buildings, parks, ?elds, forests, etc. On the other hand, the routes from Which the inventive navigator arrangement selects for Walking have to be safe to pedestrians, Which 35 a user instructions for reaching a given destination. hand-held devices for information organiZation and commu nications are popular and have been proliferating. For In accordance With yet another aspect of the invention, the actual navigated route selected by the inventive navigator arrangement may depend on the mode of transportation speci?ed by the user. For example, driving and Walking are tWo different modes of transportation. The selected route for driving may be very different from that for Walking, even system (GPS) technology Were developed for use in an auto signals from a constellation of satellites Which is part of the GPS. Based on the received signals, one such navigation system identi?es the automobile’s location, e.g., in latitude ticular to that second person, thereby temporarily assuming example, a temporary roadblock may be placed on certain streets Where a parade is held Which lasts for several hours. Similar to a roadblock, a blockade may be imposed to block transmission of certain information to the inventive navigator arrangement Which concerns, e.g., uninteresting facilities or events. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING 60 Further aspects, features and advantages of the invention Will become apparent from the folloWing detailed description taken in conjunction With the accompanying draWing shoW 65 ing an illustrative embodiment of the invention, in Which: FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a navigator arrangement in accordance With the invention; EXHIBIT E PAGE 192 US 7,650,234 B2 4 3 103 determines that the option or icon has been selected. FIG. 2 illustrates a registration page shown on a display in the arrangement of FIG. 1; Otherwise, a cursor is placed at the touched location on dis play 113, prompting for an input from the user. The user input may be realiZed using a virtual keyboard shown on display 113 also provided by the touch-screen circuitry. In a well known manner, characters are input by FIG. 3 illustrates a pro?le setting page shown on the dis Play; FIG. 4 illustrates the format of a user record stored in a memory of the arrangement of FIG. 1; touching the corresponding keys on the virtual keyboard. FIG. 5 illustrates a setup where the arrangement of FIG. 1 Alternatively, processor 103 may be programmed to recog niZe handwritten characters, and may receive through the touch-screen circuitry images of characters drawn by the user on display 113. Any recogniZed characters corresponding to the drawn images then become the user input. Still altema tively, through one of external interfaces 117, arrangement communicates with a remote server through a communica tions network; FIG. 6 illustrates a personal favorite list shown on the display; FIG. 7 illustrates preset pro?les shown on the display; FIG. 8 illustrates a navigation page shown on the display; FIG. 9 illustrates a directions page shown on the display; FIG. 10 is a ?ow chart depicting a navigation process based on certain information in the record of FIG. 4; FIG. 11 illustrates a map viewerpage shown on the display; FIG. 12 illustrates a restaurant page shown on the display; 100 can be connected to a keyboard device or a personal computer (PC) having a keyboard for user input. However, we have recogniZed that the traditional ways of inputting data to a hand-held device are ine?icient. For FIG. 13 illustrates a restaurant menu page shown on the display; and 20 example, user input by drawn images of characters is often susceptible to inaccurate character recognition by the device, thus requiring repeated input of the same characters, which is frustrating. Limited by the siZe of a display in a hand-held FIG. 14 illustrates an inquiry page where a user is pre sented a choice of blockades in accordance with the inven device, a virtual keyboard does not afford much room to each character key thereon. As a result, data entry using the virtual tion. keyboard is also error prone. Inputting data to a hand-held DETAILED DESCRIPTION 25 FIG. 1 illustrates navigator arrangement 100 embodying the principles of the invention for navigation subject to user preferences. Navigator arrangement 100 in this instance is realiZed as a hand-held device, which may be “docked” or connected to another device or system to enhance its func transportability in the ?rst place. However, navigator arrangement 100 is designed pursuant 30 from a remote source to supplement and update the databases 35 As shown in FIG. 1, navigator arrangement 100 includes processor 103, memory 108, display driver 111, display 113, user interface 115, external interfaces 117, GPS receiver 119, communication unit 120. Memory 108 is used to store soft ware and data for processor 103 to carry out various opera to an object to minimize data entry by the user. To the extent possible, databases in arrangement 100 are pre-populated with data, which the user may edit to satisfy his/her needs. In addition, arrangement 100 allows for downloading of data tionality, which may include a terminal, workstation, com puter system, or an automobile system described, e.g., in US. Pat. No. 6,009,355 issued to Obradovich et al. on Dec. 28, l 999. device using a physical keyboard connected thereto is unde sirable because of the bulkiness of the keyboard, which defeats the purpose of having the hand-held device for its easy 40 tions of arrangement 100. In this instance, the stored software in arrangement 100, and to provide thereto just-in-time infor mation, including, e.g., latest traf?c, weather, map and other information. To that end, transceiver 121 in communication unit 120 includes, e. g., cellular telephone circuitry for trans mitting and receiving information via a wireless communica tions network, e.g., the well known advanced mobile phone includes a navigator browser similar to the well known service (AMPS) network, digital AMPS network, personal communications service (PCS) network, global system for NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR or MICROSOFT INTERNET mobile communications (GSM) network, etc. Modem 123 is EXPLORER web browser for browsing information pro vided, e. g., by servers connected to the Internet. In particular, the navigator browser works compatibly with the standard 45 hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), hypertext markup lan guage (HTML), virtual reality markup language (VRML), tions network. Traditionally, a navigation device, e.g., a GPS navigation system used in an automobile, provides a user with directions graphics interchange format (GIF), JAVA applets, etc. Display 113 may include a conventional liquid crystal dis play (LCD). Through display driver 111, processor 103 con 50 to a given destination. The navigation typically provides the 55 shortest navigated route in terms of distance to the given destination. However, we have expanded the concept of the traditional navigation to broadly include providing a navi gated route subject to user preferences, together with infor mation concerning facilities and events surrounding the navi gated route for the user’s convenience. The navigated route is selected to satisfy a trip’s purpose. Such a trip’s purpose may be (1) to reach a given destination as in prior art, and/or (2) to perform certain tasks enroute or at the destination, which may trols the display of text and graphics on display 113 in a predetermined format. User interface 115 may comprise con ventional audio circuitry including a microphone and speaker for the user to communicate with arrangement 100 via audio media. User interface 115 may also comprise an indicator device, e. g., a mouse, touchpad, roller ball, or a combination thereof, which enables a user to move a cursor on display 113 and to, e.g., point and click at a displayed option or an icon to select same. In addition, interface 115 may incorporate well 60 known touch-screen circuitry (not shown). With this circuitry, a stylus to touch the surface of display 113 which is tactile preferred types of restaurants, shops, entertainments, etc. sensitive. Processor 103 receives from the touch screen cir it has been touched. If such a location matches the predeter mined location of one of displayed options or icons, processor include purchasing business supplies, shopping for gifts, din ing, obtaining entertainments, etc. To realiZe (2), navigator arrangement 100 in accordance with the invention allows for storage of user pro?les including user preferences such as the user can interact with processor 103, e.g., using a ?nger or cuitry a signal identifying the location on display 113 where used for modulating and demodulating carriers carrying the information through data channels, e.g., cellular digital packet data (CDPD) channels, in the wireless communica 65 In accordance with an aspect of the invention, each user pro?le corresponds to one of the user’s personae. For example, the user business pro?le corresponding to the user’ s EXHIBIT E PAGE 193 US 7,650,234 B2 5 6 business persona may be different from the user personal of certain information to arrangement 100 Which concerns, e.g., uninteresting facilities or events. When a user initially utiliZes arrangement 100 for naviga pro?le corresponding to his/her personal persona. For instance, the user business pro?le may include ?ne-dining type restaurants for business meetings While the user personal pro?le may instead include fast-food type restaurants for tion in accordance With the invention, the navigator broWser personal dining. Other pro?les may include a vacation pro?le play 113. FIG. 2 illustrates such a REGISTRATION page Which corresponds to the user’s vacation persona and may include a different set of preferred restaurants, shops, enter tainments, etc. In accordance With another aspect of the invention, the user can adopt a second person’s pro?le for a certain trip’s pur Where the user is prompted for entering his/her personal data, e.g., his/her name, age, sex, marital status, occupation, city, education, religion and number of children. After the entry of the personal data, the navigator broW ser in arrangement 100 opens a REGISTRATION page on dis opens a PROFILE SETTING page on display 113. FIG. 3 illustrates such a PROFILE SETTING page for the user to set up a pro?le corresponding to one of his/her personae. The pose, thereby temporarily assuming the second person’s per sona, especially When arrangement 100 is shared by more than one person. For example, Where a husband and Wife share the use of arrangement 100, the husband may utiliZe the Wife’s pro?le in arrangement 100 to shop for a gift for the Wife’s birthday. Based on the pro?le corresponding to the Wife’s personal persona, arrangement 100 provides a navi gated route, together With information concerning the Wife’ s personal favorite shops surrounding the route. Of course, user here is afforded a choice of “business”, “personal” and “vacation” personae in box 203. By Way of example, the user in this instance Wants to set up a “personal” pro?le Which includes preferences of the user While on personal travel (as opposed to business travel or vacation travel). Thus, the user may use a stylus to touch the “personal” option (as opposed to 20 each user’s pro?les may be protected against uninvited intruders. In that case, access to the pro?les may require veri?cation of a personal identi?cation number (PIN) orpass Word, or other Well knoWn secure access measures. Pro?les may also be imported or doWnloaded into arrangement 100 25 from an external source or from another arrangement similar to arrangement 100. Thus, in accordance With the invention, arrangement 100 provides a navigated route, together With information con cerning the favorite facilities and events surrounding the navi gated route, Which satisfy the preferences in a selected user 30 the “business” or “vacation” option) in box 203 on display 113 to select the option. In addition, the user is prompted to select preferences in different categories to be included in his/her personal pro?le. For example, these categories may comprise MUSIC cat egory 205, ENTERTAINMENT category 207, SHOPPING category 209, RECREATION category 211, SPORTS cat egory 213, RESTAURANTS category 215 and SERVICES category 217 In this instance, the user selects COUNTRY option 231, and JAZZ option 235 in MUSIC category 205 for his/her music preferences. Similarly, the user may also select any options in other categories for inclusion in his/her per pro?le. In this instance, such information comes from an sonal pro?le. Each selected option is illustratively indicated external source, e.g., a server connected to the Internet, and is by a check mark at the option. Other pro?les such as a busi communicated to arrangement 100 through communication unit 120. ness pro?le and vacation pro?le may be similarly set up. 35 In accordance With another aspect of the invention, the actual navigated route selected by arrangement 100 may depend on the mode of transportation speci?ed by the user. For example, driving and Walking are tWo different modes of transportation. The selected route for driving may be very different from that for Walking, even though they may accom plish the same trip’s purpose. The routes from Which arrange ment 100 selects for driving have to be passable by an auto mobile, Which exclude, e.g., foot bridges, and Walk paths through buildings, parks, ?elds, forests, etc. On the other 40 question. Processor 103 then creates a record associated With the user. FIG. 4 illustrates the format of such a record (de 45 personal pro?le described above. Section 509 contains any 50 conditions received from, say, a server via the Internet, arrangement 100 selects the most time-ef?cient route, e.g., 55 vacation pro?le set up by the user. Section 511 contains the aforementioned GPS data indicating the current location of arrangement 100. Section 513 contains map and related infor mation, based on Which processor 103 is capable of generat ing maps Which correspond to different modes of transporta tion, e.g., by automobile, on foot or by rail. Such map and related information also includes identities of facilities and events, and the GPS coordinates identifying the locations of such facilities and events on the maps. Section 515 contains business favorites Which are determined based on the per a user may prescribe one or more roadblocks specifying cer tain prohibited areas or paths from Which the route selected by arrangement 100 deviates. For example, it may be sensible to noted 400) created by processor 103 in memory 108. Record 400 comprises section 503 containing the aforementioned personal data including, among others, the user’s name Which identi?es record 400. Section 505 contains any business pro ?le setup by the user. Section 507 in this instance contains the highWays, freeWays, etc. one that requires the least travel time, to accomplish the trip’ s purpose despite any adverse traf?c, Weather and road condi tions. In accordance With still yet another aspect of the invention, response, processor 103 in FIG. 1 obtains from GPS receiver 119 data concerning the GPS coordinates of the current loca tion of arrangement 100. Based on the signals from a constel lation of satellites Which form part of the GPS, receiver 119 in a Well knoWn manner determines the GPS coordinates in hand, the routes from Which arrangement 100 selects for Walking have to be safe to pedestrians, Which exclude, e.g., In accordance With yet another aspect of the invention, the actual route selected by arrangement 100 may also depend on external conditions, e. g., tra?ic, Weather and road conditions. Thus, based on the information concerning such external Continuing the above example, after setting up his/her personal pro?le, the user selects SUBMIT option 241. In 60 place roadblocks around high crime areas especially When the sonal data in section 503, business pro?le in section 505 and GPS data in section 511. Similarly, section 517 contains personal favorites Which are determined based on the per user is neW in toWn and unfamiliar With those areas. A road sonal data in section 503, personal pro?le in section 507 and block may be permanent or temporary. For example, a tem porary roadblock may be placed on certain streets Where a parade is held Which lasts for several hours. Similar to a roadblock, a blockade may be imposed to block transmission GPS data in section 511; and section 519 contains vacation favorites Which are determined based on the personal data in section 503, vacation pro?le in section 509 and GPS data in section 511. It should be noted at this point that the informa 65 EXHIBIT E PAGE 194 US 7,650,234 B2 7 8 tion in sections 513, 515, 517 and 519 is provided by a ditions (road conditions) is stored in the tra?ic (road-condi tion) database according to the GPS coordinates de?ning the areas affected by the traf?c conditions (road conditions), respectively. As such, each tra?ic condition (road condition) is readily mapped to the area de?ned by the corresponding navigation server connected to the Internet. Continuing the above example, processor 103 in this instance causes the navigator broWser in arrangement 100 to generate a request to the navigation server for the map and related information in section 513 and personal favorites in GPS coordinates in the map layers. section 517. This request contains the personal data in section The subscriber database in server 630 contains data con cerning commercial facilities and events, e.g., department 503, personal pro?le in section 507, GPS data in section 511, a pre-assigned Internet protocol (IP) address for identifying uniform resource locator (URL) identifying the navigation stores, gas stations, concerts, etc., Which subscribe to the navigation service. With payment of a subscription fee, the subscribers may appear in the map layers for promotional server on the Internet. It should be noted that the GPS data in purposes. The identities of the subscribers are stored in the section 511 is refreshed continually and in particular each time immediately before a request is sent to the navigation locations of such subscribers, along With other information the broWser as the request originator, and a predetermined subscriber database according to the GPS coordinates of the concerning their address, contact phone number, Web URL, business hours, advertisement, promotion, directory, etc. server to re?ect the mo st current location of arrangement 100. The request is formatted in accordance With the requisite protocols including the Well knoWn transmission control pro tocol/Intemet protocol (TCP/IP) in this instance. Referring to FIG. 5, processor 103 causes communication unit 120 in navigator arrangement 100 to establish a dial-up connection through Wireless communications netWork 613 to The non-subscriber database in server 630 contains data concerning public facilities (e.g., parks, hospitals and rest 20 fee. The identities of such non-subscribers are stored in the non-subscriber database according to the GPS coordinates of access server 622 maintained by an Internet service provider their locations, along With other information concerning their address, contact phone number, Web URL, charity or civic (ISP). The aforementioned request is then transmitted to access server 622 through the established connection. Upon receipt of the request, based on the URL therein, access server 622 routes the request to navigation server 630 identi?ed by the URL. It should be noted at this point that server 622 may riot be the only access server on the Internet serving arrange ment 100 and the like. It Will be appreciated that more access stops) and civic and charity events Which are selected to appear in the map layer Without payment of a subscription 25 functions, etc. Continuing the above example, upon receiving the request from arrangement 100, based on the personal data, personal pro?le and GPS data therein, server 630 determines the user’ s personal favorites as requested, e.g., favorite personal facili servers similar to server 622 are geographically distributed 30 ties and events, Within a limited navigation coverage, e.g., for effective communications With arrangement 100 and the like. Navigation server 630 Which may be a host computer pro vides the navigation service in accordance With the invention. Among other things, server 630 receives data from different de?ned by a predetermined radius from the GPS coordinates identi?ed by the GPS data Such favorite facilities and events may be selected from the above-described subscriber and non-subscriber databases. In addition, based on the map, 35 ing the limited navigation coverage, (ii) the Weather, traf?c scriber database, etc. The map database provides data concerning maps covering 40 various geographic areas. Each map includes layers corre sponding to different modes of transportation. For example, a ?rst map layer corresponds to travel by automobile; a second map layer corresponds to travel on foot; a third map layer corresponds to travel by rail; etc. The map layers can be Weather, traf?c, road-condition, subscriber and non-sub scriber databases, server 630 provides the requested map and related information, Which concerns (i) the map layers afford sources and maintains numerous databases therein including a map database, a Weather database, a traf?c database, a road-condition database, a subscriber database, a non-sub 45 and road conditions relevant to the coverage, (iii) the sub scribers and non-subscribers appear in the coverage, and (iv) a time stamp indicating When the map and related information is provided. Since even With the same navigation coverage, the Weather, tra?ic and road conditions in (ii) vary With time. As such, the map and related information is time-sensitive and thus includes the time stamp in (iv) to ensure its just-in combined to facilitate travel by more than one mode of trans time provision. portation. Buildings, locations, streets, roadWays and the like Server 630 then transmits a response Which contains (a) the IP address of the navigator broWser in arrangement 100 to in the map layers are de?ned and identi?ed in the database by their GPS coordinates. The Weather database contains data concerning Weather conditions in various geographic areas, Which is collected and updated by server 630 from time to time using such systems 50 dance With the predetermined protocols. Upon receiving the as the United States satellite systems, Delta radars, local area radars, etc. The data concerning the Weather conditions is stored in the Weather database according to the GPS coordi nates de?ning the areas affected by the Weather conditions, Which the response is destined, (b) the personal favorite facili ties and events just determined, and the GPS coordinates thereof, and (c) the map and related information, in accor response, processor 103 in arrangement 100 causes the received (b) and (c) to be stored in sections 517 and 513 of 55 record 400, respectively. When the content of section 517 is modi?ed, as is in this respectively. As such, each Weather condition is readily case, the resulting list of personal favorites is automatically mapped to the area de?ned by the corresponding GPS coor dinates in the map layers. Similarly, the traf?c and road-condition databases each personal favorite list (denoted 651) shoWn on display 113 Which includes, e.g., “Home Depot,” “Wells Fargo,” “Vons,” contain data concerning traf?c and road conditions, Which is updated and derived by server 630 from of?cial traf?c and road-condition reports furnished by local departments of transportation, and from data provided by Well knoWn radar systems such as line-of-sight radars, and Doppler radars each With terrain folloWing capabilities, to sense surrounding traf ?c and road conditions. The data concerning the traf?c con displayed for the user’s revieW. FIG. 6 illustrates such a 60 “Chevron,” “Jack in the Box,” . 65 . . . It should be noted at this point that the personal favorites selected by server 630 may vary With the GPS data identify ing the current location of arrangement 100, even though the personal data and personal pro?le remain the same. This stems from the fact that the selected favorite facilities and events may be limited to certain areas. When such facilities or EXHIBIT E PAGE 195 US 7,650,234 B2 10 events are outside the current navigation coverage, they are either eliminated or substituted by server 630 With similar facilities or events, in accordance With predetermined pro gram instructions in server 630. For example, “Jack in the Box” Which is a popular fast food restaurant in California but transportation, and “Personal” as the favorite list used. In response, the navigator broWser opens a DIRECTIONS page on display 113. FIG. 9 illustrates such a DIRECTIONS page Where the user is prompted to enter an origination address at unavailable in NeW York may be substituted With “Wendy’s” When the navigation coverage includes NeW York. In addi tion, server 630 may add to the personal favorite list those facilities and events Which satisfy the personal data and per sonal pro?le, and Which Would otherWise be unavailable had it not been the current navigation coverage. user adopts the default response to query 903 Which is the query 903, Where the navigation starts. In this instance, the location identi?ed by the GPS data in section 511 of record 400. OtherWise, the user may enter a different origination address. The user is also prompted to enter a destination address at query 905. The user in this instance enters a home address as the destination address. To avoid re-entering the same address in the future, the user may select LOCATIONS option 910 to save the address. In that case, the user is Advantageously, When a user travels from one navigation coverage to another, based on the same personal data and personal pro?le and the current personal favorite list, server prompted to assign an icon, e. g., icon 915, and a designation, e.g., “HOME,” to the home address. Thus, in the future, the 630 can “clone” personal favorite lists Which correspond to different navigation coverages. Similarly, server 630 can clone business favorite lists corresponding to different navi gation coverages based on the same personal data and busi ness pro?le and the current business favorite list, and vacation favorite lists corresponding to different navigation coverages user may select icon 915 in location box 907 to retrieve the corresponding home address in response to query 903 or 905. Similarly, in location box 907 icon 909 corresponds to a previously saved address of a delicatessen; and icon 911 20 corresponds to a previously saved address of a ?tness center. 25 Alternatively, addresses in locations box 907 may be saved by clicking at icons elseWhere and duplicating same in box 907. For example, icon 913 in location box 907 correspond ing to a Wells Fargo bank address results from clicking at icon 1103e in favorites box 1103 (described beloW With FIG. 11) based on the same personal data and vacation pro?le and the current vacation favorite list. Thus, With arrangement 100, the user’s lifestyle is maintained as much as possible despite traveling from place to place. List 651 in FIG. 6 tends to be overinclusive. The user is afforded EDIT option 653 to modify the list to satisfy his/her needs. For example, to delete an item in list 651, the item is selected, folloWed by a selection of EDIT option 653. Pro and duplicating same in box 907. After learning the origination address and destination address responsive to queries 903 and 905, respectively, pro cessor 103 overWrites the content of section 517 of record 400 With the resulting list of personal favorites. 30 As mentioned before, the user may sometimes Want to adopt another person’s pro?le for a certain trip’s purpose, layer corresponding to automobile travel in this instance, includes the origination and destination addresses, and e.g., buying a gift for that person. Thus, the user is also afforded preset pro?les in arrangement 100, from Which the user may select. Such preset pro?les may be accessed by selecting PRESET PROFILE option 239 on the PROFILE SETTING page of FIG. 3. FIG. 7 illustrates preset Pro?les 1 35 map and related information does not exceed a predetermined period (i.e., the stored map and related information is fresh), 40 based on such map and related information, processor 103 at step 1006 selects the route from the origination address to the destination address Which is the most time-e?icient, i.e., fast est by automobile in this instance, taking into account the female and Want to buy a gift for a man in a business setting. In that case, the user may Want to vieW the preferences in Pro?le 3 of a business man using VIEW option 703, and may select such a pro?le using SELECT option 705, thereby assuming a man’s business persona. After such a selection, a Whether the stored map and related information is fresh, as indicated at step 1003 in FIG. 10. If the navigation coverage includes the origination and destination addresses in ques tion, and the period elapsed from the time stamp of the stored through 6 corresponding to pro?les of a typical “Man,” “Woman,” “Business Man,” “Business Woman,” “Senior Citizen,” and “Teenager.” For example, the user may be a cessor 103 analyZes the map and related information stored in section 513 of record 400. Speci?cally, processor 103 deter mines Whether the navigation coverage based on the map relevant Weather, traf?c, and road conditions along the 45 selected route, together With any roadblocks set up by the user list of favorites corresponding to Pro?le 3 Would be doWn in a manner to be described. Such a selection process is loaded from navigation server 630 for the user’s revieW in a manner described above. The user may then get a gift idea achieved by analyZing the portion of the map and related information concerning the Weather, traf?c and road condi from the favorite list, and request arrangement 100 to navi gate her to a selected favorite facility to buy the gift. 50 It should be noted that the user may also start With one or more of preset pro?les in FIG. 7, Which the user may edit to become his/her business, personal and/or vacation pro?le tions and roadblocks in the navigation coverage, and involves predictions concerning the effects of such conditions on the automobile travel along the selected route at different points in time. At step 1009, processor 103 causes turn-by-tum or vacation favorite list is established, the user may select instructions 917 concerning the selected route to be shoWn on the DIRECTIONS page. OtherWise, if the stored map and related information does not cover the origination and/or destination address in ques NAVIGATE option 657 for navigation by arrangement 100 in tion, and/or if the map and related information is not fresh, accordance With the invention. Upon such a selection by the user, the navigator broWser in arrangement 100 opens a NAVIGATION page on display 113. FIG. 8 illustrates the NAVIGATION page Where the user is prompted to select the processor 103 at step 1013 establishes a communication con described above. Referring back to FIG. 6, after the business, personal and/ 55 nection to navigation server 630. At step 1016, processor 103 60 information for an appropriate navigation coverage through the established connection. This request contains, among mode of transportation (e.g., “By Automobile,” “On Foot,” or “By Rail” in box 803), and the list of favorites (e.g., “Per other things, the personal favorites in section 517, personal sonal,” “Business” or “Vacation” favorites in box 807) used during the current navigation episode. 65 By Way ofexample, the user in this instance is on a personal road trip and thus selects “By Automobile” as the mode of causes a transmission of a request for fresh map and related data in section 503 and personal pro?le in section 507 of record 400, in addition to the origination and destination address information. In response to such a request, navigation server 630 prepares neW map and related information for the EXHIBIT E PAGE 196 US 7,650,234 B2 11 12 coverage from at least the origination address to the destina tion address. In addition, based on the neW map and related he/ she may then click at icon 1105b in either box 1105 or map 1101 and drag same into box 1103 to effect such an addition. In this instance, the user is afforded PHONE option 1109 to information, the received personal favorite list, personal data server 630 the neW map and related information and cloned contact personnel of any listed facilities or events by phone. For example, a selection by the user of icon 1105b, folloWed by a selection of telephone option 1109, causes processor 103 to look up, from the map and related information stored in section 513 of record 400, the phone number of McDonald’s Restaurant associated With icon 1105b. Processor 103 then personal favorite list. Processor 103 at step 1021 stores them causes transceiver 121 to place a voice call to McDonald’s in sections 513 and 517 of record 400, respectively. Again, the Restaurant using the phone number just looked up. Accord user is afforded a chance to edit the cloned personal favorite list in a manner described before. Processor 103 then pro ceeds to step 1006 described above. the phone connection. and personal pro?le, server 630 “clones” a personal favorite list from the received list. As discussed before, this cloned list may be different from the received list to re?ect any geo graphic differences betWeen the previous and current naviga tion coverages. At step 1019, processor 103 receives from ingly, the user may talk to the personnel of the restaurant over Alternatively, the user is afforded INFO option 1111 to obtain further information regarding any listed facilities or events. For example, a selection by the user of icon 1105b, folloWed by a selection of INFO option 1111, causes proces Referring back to FIG. 9, the user in this instance may rely on turn-by-tum instructions 917 to reach home by automo bile. If arrangement 100 is “docked” or connected to the sor 103 to access the stored map and related information in aforementioned automobile system, the turn-by-turn instruc tions Would be communicated by the automobile system via audio media to the user When the automobile traversing the 20 thereWith. In this instance, the processor 103 causes user interface 115 to announce, “Welcome to McDonald’s,” and/ or the navigator broWser to play a commercial of McDonald’ s navigated route approaches each turn. In addition, the user is afforded VIEW option 919 to vieW an image of a map including the navigated route. Upon selec tion of option 919, the navigator broWser opens a MAP VIEWER page on display 113. FIG. 11 illustrates such a Restaurant based on the video and sound clips. The navigator 25 broWser then opens a MCDONALD’S RESTAURANT page on display 113. FIG. 12 illustrates the MCDONALD’S RESTAURANT page containing directions to McDonald’s Restaurant asso 30 taurant service hours, phone number, facility, any promotion, MAP VIEWER page including map 1101 Which corresponds to automobile travel. Map 1101 is also derived from the map and related information currently stored in section 513 of record 400. The navigated route (denoted 1102) for Which instructions 917 are given is highlighted on the MAP ciated With icon 1105b, and information concerning the res etc. NAVIGATE key 1205, BACK key 1209, RESTAURANT WEBSITE key 1213 and RESTAURANT MENU key 1215 VIEWER page, With preselected icon 1107 indicating the origination address previously entered, and icon 915 described above indicating the destination address previously entered. In addition, favorites box 1103 on the MAP VIEWER page section 513 for video and sound clips, graphics and textual information concerning McDonald’s restaurant associated are also provided on the RESTAURANT page. A selection of NAVIGATE key 1205 causes processor 103 to provide the 35 user With a DIRECTIONS page similar to FIG. 9 described before, including turn-by-tum instructions to the restaurant. lists the personal favorites currently stored in section 517 of A selection of BACK key 1209 enables the user to return to record 400. The icons Which are associated With such per sonal favorites are populated on map 1101 to indicate the the previous page, i.e., the MAP VIEWER page. Key 1213 locations of such personal favorites. For example, icon 1103a in box 1103 associated With the personal favorite “Chevron” is also shoWn on map 1101 to indicate its location thereon. Icon 1103b in box 1103 associated With “Vons” is also shoWn on map 1101 to indicate its location thereon. Icon 11030 in box 1103 associated With “Comp USA” is also shoWn on map 1101 to indicate its location thereon. Icon 1103d in box 1103 associated With “Kmart” is also shoWn on map 1101 to indi cate its location thereon. Icon 1103e in box 1103 associated With “Wells Fargo” is also shoWn on map 1101 to indicate its location thereon. Scene box 1105 lists “scenic” facilities and events Which may serve as landmarks along the navigated route, as the icons associated With such scenic facilities and events are also populated on map 1101. Some scenic facilities and events may be important to the user such as a rest stop indicated by icon 1105a, or “McDonald’s” indicated by icon 1105b in case 40 represents a hyperlink to the Website of the restaurant. Thus, a selection of key 1213 causes the navigator broWser to open the restaurant home page on display 113. In addition, a selec tion of key 1215 enables the user to access the RESTAU RANT MENU page, Which is illustrated in FIG. 13. 45 As shoWn in FIG. 13, the RESTAURANT MENU page enumerates types of food and beverages-served in the restau rant. Each food and beverage entry may be highlighted by selecting same. The user may order ahead the highlighted food and beverages by selecting ORDER key 1305. Upon selection of key 1305, the navigator broWser causes the order 50 information to be transmitted through Internet 650 to a res taurant server at a predetermined URL for processing the order. Thus, the resulting order aWaits the user’ s arrival at the restaurant. 55 Referring back to FIG. 11, the user is also afforded BLOCK option 1113, Whereby the user can prevent or limit the appearance of certain subscribers and non-subscribers in the user is hungry When traveling along the navigated route navigation by arrangement 100. For example, a selection by Which is not close to any of his/her favorite restaurants in this instance. Some scenic facilities and events may be of mar ginal interest to the user such as the “Charity Walkathon” the user of icon 1105b, folloWed by a selection of BLOCK option 1113, causes the navigator broWser to send to server 630 a request for blocking transmission of information con 60 indicated by icon 11050. If indeed the user decides to adopt cerning McDonald’s Restaurant to arrangement 100. Upon any scenic facility or event as one of his/her favorites, the user may use an indicator device to click at the icon associated With the scenic facility or event in either box 1105 or map receiving such a request, server 630 returns to the navigator broWser an INQUIRY page, Which the broWser then opens on 1101 and drag same into box 1103. For example, if after display 113. 65 FIG. 14 illustrates such an INQUIRY page Where the user trying McDonald’s Restaurant indicated by icon 1105b, the is afforded a choice of a PERMANENT BLOCKADE and a user decides to add the restaurant to his/her favorite list, TEMPORARY BLOCKADE. In this instance, a selection by EXHIBIT E PAGE 197 US 7,650,234 B2 14 13 the user of the PERMANENT BLOCKADE causes a perma receiving a request for planning a route from an origination nent prevention of transmission of information concerning to a destination; determining that the coverage area is different from one or any McDonald’ s Restaurant in the World to arrangement 100. An alternative selection of the TEMPORARY BLOCKADE more areas in navigation coverage de?ned at least by the origination and the destination; needs to be accompanied by a speci?cation of a time period during Which the blockade is effective. For example, the user searching the database for selected tra?ic information spe may have groWn tired of McDonald’ s food and thus may Want to use the TEMPORARY BLOCKADE to prevent transmis sion of information concerning any McDonald’s Restaurant in the World to arrangement 100 for a speci?ed period. Any blockade choice by the user is communicated by the navigator broWser in arrangement 100 to server 630. The latter stores the blockade choice in a record identi?ed by the IP address of the navigator broWser. In each sub sequent navi gation episode, server 630 transmits to the navigator broWser information concerning subscribers and non-subscribers in a selective manner, re?ecting any blockade choice stored in the associated record. Similarly, the user is afforded ROADBLOCK option 1115 to preclude certain roadWays or areas from navigation con ci?c to the one or more areas; and 10 navigation device is de?ned by GPS coordinates. 4. The method of claim 1 Wherein the navigation device is used in a vehicle. 5. The method of claim 1 Wherein road conditions are also taken into consideration in planning the route. 6. The method of claim 1 Wherein Weather conditions are 20 also taken into consideration in planning the route. 7. The method of claim 1 Wherein the navigation device includes a display element, and at least part of the planned route is shoWn on the display element. 8. The method of claim 1 Wherein turn-by-tum instructions 25 are communicated via audio media to a user of the navigation sideration by arrangement 100 as the roadWays may be haZ ardous for driving and the areas may have a high crime rate. For example, to set up roadblocks, after selecting ROAD BLOCK option 1115, the user may use a stylus to trace any roadWay or de?ne any area on display 113 to be excluded device When traversing the planned route. 9. A method for navigation using a navigation device Which from the navigation consideration. In this instance, the user chooses to block a portion of the Ortega HighWay denoted 1131 and indicated by crosses thereon, and area 1133 shoWn shaded in FIG. 11. In response, the navigator broWser may open an inquiry page similar to FIG. 14 Where the user may specify Whether each roadblock is a permanent blockade or includes a location-sensing element therein, the method com prising: 30 forming a database storing Weather information for extrac tion thereof With respect to areas; receiving data concerning a location of the navigation device Which is determined using the location-sensing temporary blockade. Processor 103 stores the user’s choices of blockade and the GPS coordinates de?ning road portion element; 1131 and area 1133 in section 513 of record 400. Based on such stored information, processor 103 accordingly selects planning a route to the destination, taking into consider ation at least tra?ic conditions derived from the selected traf?c information. 2. The method of claim 1 Wherein the database is external to the navigation device. 3. The method of claim 1 Wherein the location of the 35 routes circumventing road portion 1131 and area 1133 in searching the database for Weather information speci?c to a coverage area including the location of the navigation navigation. device; receiving a request for planning a route from an origination The user is also afforded DELETE option 1117 to remove certain displayed items in the MAP VIEWER page. For example, a selection by the user of icon 1105b, folloWed by a 40 to a destination; determining that the coverage area is different from one or selection of DELETE option 1117 causes a deletion of icon more areas in navigation coverage de?ned at least by the 1105b from both box 1105 and map 1101, along With any information associated thereWith. searching the database for selected Weather information origination and the destination; The foregoing merely illustrates the principles of the invention It Will thus be appreciated that those skilled in the speci?c to the one or more areas; and 45 art Will be able to devise numerous other arrangements Which embody the principles of the invention and are thus Within its spirit and scope. For example, navigator arrangement 100 is disclosed herein in a form in Which various functions are performed by 50 navigation device is de?ned by GPS coordinates. discrete functional blocks. HoWever, any one or more of these 12. The method of claim 9 Wherein the navigation device is functions could equally Well be embodied in an arrangement used in a vehicle. in Which the functions of any one or more of those blocks or 13. The method of claim 9 Wherein road conditions are also indeed, all of the functions thereof, are realiZed, for example, by one or more appropriately programmed processors. The invention claimed is: 55 taken into consideration in planning the route. 14. The method of claim 9 Wherein traf?c conditions are 1. A method for navigation using a navigation device Which includes a location-sensing element therein, the method com prising: forming a database storing tra?ic information for extrac tion thereof With respect to areas; 60 receiving data concerning a location of the navigation device Which is determined using the location-sensing also taken into consideration in planning the route. 15. The method of claim 9 Wherein the navigation device includes a display element, and at least part of the planned route is shoWn on the display element. 16. The method of claim 9 Wherein turn-by-tum instruc tions are communicated via audio media to a user of the navigation device When traversing the planned route. element; 17. A navigation system for a user traveling in a vehicle, searching the database for tra?ic information speci?c to a coverage area including the location of the navigation device; planning a route to the destination, taking into consider ation at least Weather conditions derived from the selected Weather information. 10. The method of claim 9 Wherein the database is external to the navigation device. 11. The method of claim 9 Wherein the location of the 65 comprising: a database formed to store tra?ic information for extraction thereof With respect to areas; EXHIBIT E PAGE 198 US 7,650,234 B2 15 16 a processing unit for searching the database for tra?ic a database formed to store Weather information for extrac information speci?c to a coverage area including the tion thereof With respect to areas; a processing unit for searching the database for Weather location of the vehicle; and information speci?c to a coverage area including the an interface for receiving a request for planning a route from an origination to a destination, Wherein When it is determined that the coverage area is different from one or more areas in navigation coverage de?ned at least by location of the vehicle; and searches the database for selected traf?c information an interface for receiving a request for planning a route from an origination to a destination, Wherein When it is determined that the coverage area is different from one or more areas in navigation coverage de?ned at least by speci?c to the one or more areas, and Wherein a route to the origination and the destination, the processing unit the destination is planned, taking into consideration at searches the database for selected Weather information the origination and the destination, the processing unit least traf?c conditions derived from the selected tra?ic information. 18. The system of claim 17 Wherein the location of the vehicle is de?ned by GPS coordinates. 19. The system of claim 17 Wherein road conditions are also taken into consideration in planning the route. 20. The system of claim 17 Wherein Weather conditions are also taken into consideration in planning the route. 21. The system of claim 17 Wherein at least part of the planned route is shoWn on a display. 22. The system of claim 17 Wherein tum-by-turn instruc speci?c to the one or more areas, and Wherein a route to the destination is planned, taking into consideration at 20 tions are communicated via audio media to the user. 23. The system of claim 17 Wherein the database is external to the vehicle. 24. A navigation system for a user traveling in a vehicle, 25 least tra?ic conditions derived from the selected Weather information. 25. The system of claim 24 Wherein the location of the vehicle is de?ned by GPS coordinates. 26. The system of claim 24 Wherein road conditions are also taken into consideration in planning the route. 27. The system of claim 24 Wherein tra?ic conditions are also taken into consideration in planning the route. 28. The system of claim 24 Wherein at least part of the planned route is shoWn on a display. 29. The system of claim 24 Wherein tum-by-turn instruc tions are communicated via audio media to the user. 30. The system of claim 24 Wherein the database is external to the vehicle. comprising: EXHIBIT E PAGE 199

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