Silver State Intellectual Technologies, Inc. v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against All Defendants (Filing fee $400 receipt number 0978-3225417), filed by Silver State Intellectual Technologies, Inc.. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 5/10/2014. Proof of service due by 8/28/2014. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Civil Cover Sheet, # 9 Summons Google Inc., # 10 Summons Motorola Mobility LLC) (Austin, F.) Corrected Image 2 filed on 4/30/14. (ASB)

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EXHIBIT F US008538498B2 (12) United States Patent (54) TECHNIQUE FOR EFFECTIVE 5,218,629 A (Continued) OF GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) BASED ADVERTISING INFORMATION TO, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS AUTOMOBILES DE 19824587 Inventors: Michael L. Obradovich, San Clemente, EP 0 756 153 A2 CA (U S); Philip E. White, Laguna Niguel, CA (US) Inc., LaS Vegas, NV (U S) Subject to any disclaimer’ the term ofthis patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U_S_C~ 154(1)) by 931 days (*) NoticeZ (21) (22) (65) 12/1998 1/ 1997 (Continued) (73) Assignee: Silver State Intellectual Technologies, Appl' No" 11/445685 Filed: Jun. 1, 2006 _ OTHER PUBLICATIONS Paul C. Richardson, “CVAN: A Requirements De?nition for a Real Time Local Area Network in Land Combat Vehicles”, US. Army TARPEC, Warren, ML 1998 IEEE Dec1s1on on Appeal on US. Appl. No. 11/326,781, dated Jul. 2, 2009. Audi Navigation Plus User Manual, Aug. 1999. Garmin Corporation “Garmin CPSIII Owner’s Manual and Refer ence” Aug. 1997. Prior Publication Data US 2006/0217849 A1 (Continued) Sep. 28, 2006 _ Related U-s- Application Data (63) Sep. 17, 2013 6/1993 Dumond, Jr. etal. COMMUNICATIONS WITH, AND PROVISION (75) US 8,538,498 B2 (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: Obradovich et a]. _ _ _ Primary Exammer * Chr1st~1an Hanno'n . ~ (74) Attorney, Agent, or Fzrm * Klem, O’Ne1ll & Smgh, Continuation of application No. 11/274,239, ?led on Nov. 14, 2005, noW Pat. No. 7,142,844, Which is a LLP continuation of application No. 10/840,170, ?led on (57) ABSTRACT May 5, 2004, noW Pat. No. 6,987,964, Which is a _ _ _ Continuation of application NO 09/622,869, ?led as application No. PCT/US99/28848 on Dec. 6, 1999, P L N _ 6,754,485 $116as“5e1111 ‘£16 fQYm of me_slff‘ges;éuch gfssages are referrers 0 ec romc car-ma1 or -ma1 messages as eac HOW _ a} (60) In an automob1le, commumcatlons to and from the automo message has a destination or origination address Which O _ _ PrOVlslOnal appllcmlon NO- 90/113,397, ?led 011 D60 includes an identi?er, e.g., a vehicle identi?cation number 23, 1998, PrOVlSlOna1 aPPhCaUOI1 N0~ 60/117,958, (51) (52) (VIN), identifying the automobile. The messages may be ?led 011 Jan- 28, 1999~ delivered to the automobile from a remote server through a Int. Cl. H04M1/00 US Cl_ USPC (58) . . ................... .. 455/575.9, 455/569.2, 705/271 Field of Classi?cation Search USPC S 1. . ' ’ ?l f ' ’ 1 725/26 27’ h h. ee app lcanon e or Comp ete Seam R f C, d 6 erences ’ ation, de endin on the current location of the automobile. P g _ _ _ _ _ concerning selected entities, e.g., restaurants, gas stations, department stores, etc., also dependmg on the current locat1on of the automobile. The messages transmitted from the auto lstory' mobile to'the remote server may contain, e.g., GPS inijorma t1on 1dent1fy1ng the locat1on of the automob1le, dynamlc data lte ?lrnished by sensors in the automobile for analysis, an odom U~S~ PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,095,532 A g Yet another message may conta1n advert1s1ng 1nformat1on 455/575 9 569 2_ 701/213_ 705/14 """""" " (56) communications network, e.g., the Internet. One such mes sage may contain a recall notice to the automobile. Another message may contain just-in-time map information for navi (2006,01) eter readmg and a speedometer readmg for records, etc. 3/1992 Mardus 24 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets 1005 ~" ORDER BACK FORWARD RESTAURANT MENU FOOD HAM BURGER DOUBLE BURGER BEVERAGE COLA STRAWBERRY SHAKE EXHIBIT F PAGE 200 US 8,538,498 B2 Page 2 (56) References Cited OTHER PUBLICATIONS Norman et al., “Integrating Business Listings With Digital Maps for Use in Vehicles,” SAE Technical Paper 910062, Feb. 1991, doi: U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,400,018 A 5,442,553 A 5,442,557 A * 5,471,393 5,479,157 5,488,558 5,504,482 5,767,795 5,786,998 5,818,356 5,825,283 5,832,394 5,850,618 5,875,412 5,931,878 5,948,040 5,963,129 5,991,690 6,006,161 6,014,090 6,018,657 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 6,026,375 A * 3/1995 Scholl et al. 8/1995 Parillo 10.4271/910062. Silver State Intellectual Technologies, Inc. vs. Garmin International, 8/1995 Kaneko ....................... .. 701/213 Inc. 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(Case No. 2: 1 1-cv-01581 (PMP/PAL)): TomTom, Inc.’s First Supplemen tal Non-Infringement, Invalidity, and Unenforceability Contentions, With Appendices 1, A3, A9, B, C3, and C9, dated Jun. 4, 2012. Silver State Intellectual Technologies, Inc. vs. TomTom, Inc. (Case No. 2: 11-cv-01581 (PMP/PAL)): TomTom, Inc.’s Preliminary Non Infringement, Invalidity, and Unenforceability Contentions, dated May 9, 2012. Silver State Intellectual Technologies, Inc. vs. TomTom, Inc. (Case No. 2: 1 1-cv-01581-PMP-PAL): Defendants’ Claim Construction Brief, dated Oct. 26, 2012. Silver State Intellectual Technologies, Inc. vs. TomTom, Inc. (Case No. 2: 1 1-cv-01581-PMP-PAL): Plaintiff’ s Response to Defendant’s Contentions Pursuant to Local Rule of Patent Practice LR 16.1-10, dated Jun. 22, 2012. US. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administra tion, “Development of Human Factors Guidelines for Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO): Comparable Systems Analysis” Dec. 1996. US. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administra tion, “Human Factors Design Guidelines for Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO)” Sep. 1998. Zhao, Yilin, “Vehicle Location and Navigation Systems” Artech House, Inc., Mar. 1, 1997. * cited by examiner EXHIBIT F PAGE 201 US. Patent Sep. 17, 2013 :23 352a 5:2 QNPN K E 3 w: E 5 w w ¢ ¢ w Sheet 1 of7 my w. , 2;5 gmV056%20; 5 328a 2052 52: . 583:52 @2 3 @3 ¢ A we 5 . US 8,538,498 B2 2@53128 5 235“ ~ _ H _ ¢ E 8265 5 2%2 EXHIBIT F PAGE 202 5omasz 550E3 } US. Patent Sep. 17, 2013 Sheet 2 of7 US 8,538,498 B2 FIG. 2 ¢ 23° CENTRAL SERVER 25o 222“ ACCESS SERVER 21s I ———— _~>""'-_~< -__\“<—S-—':"__~\\ _.--{ x--_\ (N WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS “,1 \~--<\ NETWORK I ______ __,\__ _A_____’_____,____, COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM 205 S TRANSCEIVER 209 S MODEM EXHIBIT F PAGE 203 I) US. Patent Sep. 17, 2013 Sheet 3 of7 US 8,538,498 B2 FIG. 3 303 “T MAIL@CARCENTRAL.COM 307 ~/T JN1CA23D4TT567890@VEHICLE.COM 311v" 315% 319v‘ 32% 327w SELECTED DYNAMIC DATA DATE AND TIME STAMP ODOMETER READING GPS DATA DIRECTION DATA 33M SPEED DATA FIG. 4 12 405 s W 411 419! NAVIGATION T [:3 HAIL X 409 421% WEATHER 425w TRAFFIC 430 DTREcTDRY EXHIBIT F PAGE 204 4&5 ENTER US. Patent Sep. 17, 2013 Sheet 4 of7 US 8,538,498 B2 FIG. 5 509% @511 FROM: ABC AUTO MANUFACTURER <INFO@ABCAUTO.COM> TO: 1998 X MAKE Y MODEL <JN1CA23D4TT567890@VEHICLE.COM> SUBJECT: RECALL NOTICE DEAR VEHICLE USER: ABC AUTO MANUFACTURER IS RECALLING 1998 X MAKE Y MODEL FOR POSSIBLE FAULTY AIR-BAG DEPLOYMENT MECHANISM. PLEASE FIG. 6 405 S MAIN DIRECTORY 605 607 609 s 5 s NAIIoNAL REGIONAL INDIVIDUAL GIS-WRESTAURANT 617—I¢THEME PARK 619+» BUSINESS L 619 615—2¢GAS SIAIION 6I7-2w SOUVENIR e15 DEPARTMENT 615"“ sIoRE 619-2“ PERSONAL J 617 _ ‘A 6'7 K REGIONAL RESTAURANT EXHIBIT F PAGE 205 US. Patent Sep. 17, 2013 Sheet 5 of7 FIG. 7 OPTIONS BACK K S 721 725 FORWARD 1‘ 727 RESTAURANT ADVERTISING EXHIBIT F PAGE 206 US 8,538,498 B2 US. Patent Sep. 17, 2013 Sheet 6 of7 US 8,538,498 B2 FIG. 8 805B SELECTION CONFIDENTIAL. 807D SELECTION NONCONFIDENTIAL. ALWAYS NONCONFIDENTIAL. 00 NOT ASK AGAIN. 809 FIG. 9 40s 8 90s 905 907 909 911 S S S S 8 VIEW NAVIGATE FAVORITE BACK FORWARD McDONALD’S RESTAURANT HWY 5, EXIT 10 SERVICE AREA PHONE NO. XXX-XXX-XXXX SERVICE HOURS OPEN DAILY: 7301AM — 12:30AM EAT-IN: 140 SEATS DRIVE THROUGH OUTDOOR KIDS’ PLAYGROUND PROMOTIONS: FREE TOYS FOR KIDS RESTAURANT RESTAURANT f 913“ WEBSITE NENu EXHIBIT F PAGE 207 9'5 US. Patent Sep. 17, 2013 Sheet 7 of7 FI G. wow ORDER US 8,538,498 B2 70 BACK FORWARD RESTAURANT NENU F_O(1) BEVERAGE HAMBURGER COLA DOUBLE. BURGER STRAWBERRY SHAKE FIG. 1 1 BUSINESS REGISTRY 1113 S COMPUTER "03“ EQUIPMENT ADD COMPUSA (SPRINGFIELD, NJ) XXIX)‘ nosw "is DELETE OFFACE H317 SUPPLY ENTER . STAPLES (ALL LOCATIONS) ABC STATIONERY (NY, NY) 1 109 w RESTAURANI XYZ RESTAURANT (LA, CA) EFG STEAK (ALL EocATloNs) EXHIBIT F PAGE 208 US 8,538,498 B2 1 2 TECHNIQUE FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS WITH, AND PROVISION OF GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) BASED ADVERTISING INFORMATION TO, vice is knoWn as the “OnStar service.” This service requires that an OnStar system including a GPS receiver, and a cellular phone be installed in an automobile subscribing to the ser AUTOMOBILES resentative via the cellular phone, the system automatically vice. When an automobile user calls an OnStar service rep communicates the vehicle’s location tracked by the GPS receiver. The service representative may then provide the user With directions, restaurant recommendations, and/or roadside assistance depending on the vehicle’s location. In addition, to obtain diagnostic information from, and upgrade certain softWare in, an automobile, a system Whereby The present application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 11/274,239 ?led on Nov. 14, 2005 now US. Pat. No. 7,142,844, Which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 10/840,170 ?led on May 5, 2004, now US. Pat. No. 6,987, 964, Which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 09/622, 869 ?led on Aug. 23, 2000, Which is a National Stage of International Application No. PCT/US99/28848 ?led on Dec. 6, 1999, now US. Pat. No. 6,754,485, Which Was published under PCT Article 12(2) in English and Which claims the bene?t of (a) Provisional Application No. 60/1 13,397 ?led on an automobile communicates, With a remote station, data concerning the automobile is disclosed in US. Pat. No. 5,442, 553 issued Aug. 15, 1995 to Parrillo. In the disclosed system, the remote station communicates the data via a cellular phone netWork to the automobile having a cellular phone connec Dec. 23, 1998, and (b) Provisional Application No. 60/ 117, tion, using the cellular phone number to locate the automo 958 ?led on Jan. 28, 1999, all of Which are incorporated bile. herein by reference. 20 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 25 above Which uses the cellular phone number assigned to a cellular phone connection in a vehicle to locate the vehicle is disadvantageous. This stems from the fact that the cellular FIELD OF THE INVENTION We have recogniZed that the prior art system described The invention relates to a communications technique, and more particularly to a technique for communicating informa tion, including advertising information, With automobiles. phone number appertains to, and is speci?cally associated With, the subscriber to the cellular phone service, Who is most likely the current oWner of the vehicle. As the cellular phone number is used for personal communications, When the oWn BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In this information age, virtually everyone is “connected” With one another via telephone, cellular phone, facsimile, pager, etc. In particular, because of recent major advance ments in Internet technology, many people also utilize a per sonal computer (PC), notebook computer, handheld com puter, etc., With a modem to communicate electronic mail (E-mail) With one another over the Internet. In addition, With common Web broWser softWare of the type of the 30 locate and communicate With the vehicle using the old cellu 35 system turns on Whether the system has a record of the latest registration of neW phone numbers are in place, the Workabil ity of the system is undesirably subject to compliance by the 40 remote station in the prior art system When communicating 45 product or service, and the area in Which the user Wants to obtain same. In return, the user is presented With information concerning each location of the provider of the desired prod uct or service in the speci?ed area. To keep automobile users “Wired” even While on the road, 50 data With multiple automobiles needs to call one automobile at a time. Thus, such a communication scheme is also inef fective especially When the remote station needs to transmit the same data, e.g., information concerning a recall of a certain type of automobile, to many automobiles. In that case, the remote station needs to make multiple calls to the respec tive vehicles to repeat the same data. Conversely, utiliZing the cellular phone netWork, a vehicle can communicate With one remote station at a time. In the event that the same data from a PC speci?cally designed for them, namely, the “AutoPC,” the vehicle needs to be communicated to various stations for different analyses, multiple calls need to be made to the has been introduced. The AutoPC, Which may be installed in the standard car stereo slot, comprises Well knoWn commu nications and navigation technologies. For example, the auto neW oWners With the registration procedures. In addition, utiliZing the cellular phone netWork, the Many Web pages, especially those providing free services such as search engines and other portal services, contain paid advertisements. Some Web pages contain displayed options for providing directory assistance. One such option may be a “YelloW Page” option Whereby a user may specify the desired lar phone number. Thus, the practicability of the prior art phone numbers for locating vehicles. Even if procedures for NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR or MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER broWser installed in one such computer, a user is able to broWse, on the computer, Web pages from the World Wide Web (WWW), Which is a graphical subnetWork of the Internet. ership of the vehicle changes, the neW oWner Would most likely replace the current cellular phone number With a neW number for his/her oWn personal communications. As a result, the remote station in the prior art system can no longer 55 respective stations one at a time, Which is undesirable. In accordance With an aspect of the invention, the commu mobile users can utiliZe the AutoPC to communicate E-mail and pager messages. The users can also rely on the AutoPC to nications betWeen a vehicle and remote stations or servers are navigate With the aid of the US. govemment’s constellation of global positioning system (GPS) satellites. In response to signals from such satellites, in a conventional manner, the AutoPC pinpoints the vehicle’s location (in latitude and lon gitude). It also detects the vehicle’ s speed and direction. With geographic information stored therein, the AutoPC is capable of verbally and visually communicating to the user instruc tions for reaching the destination. The marriage of communications and GPS technologies bene?tting automobiles has been observed. The resulting ser Like a conventional E-mail message, a C-mail message is realiZed using electronic car-mail, referred to as “C-mail.” formatted in accordance With Well knoWn protocols, and it 60 may be delivered by conventional mail servers on a commu nications netWork such as the Internet. HoWever, unlike E-mail Whose address identi?es a person for personal com munications and is analogous to the aforementioned cellular 65 phone number, the C-mail has an address identifying the vehicle itself. For example, the C-mail address may be made up of the vehicle identi?cation number (VIN) identifying the vehicle. Such a C-mail address remains unchanged at least EXHIBIT F PAGE 209 US 8,538,498 B2 4 3 over the lifetime of the vehicle. As the C-mail address apper In a prior art system, a remote station communicates, with a vehicle having a cellular phone connection, data concerning the vehicle through a cellular phone network, using the cel lular phone number assigned to the connection to locate the tains to, or speci?cally associated with, the vehicle, rather than a person, e.g., the owner of the vehicle, communications with the vehicle using C-mail is intact throughout the lifetime of the vehicle, surviving all changes in the ownership of the vehicle. In addition, by taking advantage of the well known E-mail features, the vehicle may multicast via C-mail the same information, e.g., diagnostic information, simulta vehicle. However, such a communications scheme based on the neously to various servers on the Internet for different analy knowledge of the cellular phone number is de?cient in that the cellular phone number appertains to, and is speci?cally associated with, the subscriber to the cellular phone service, ses. Conversely, a server may multicast via C-mail the same who is most likely the current owner of the vehicle. As the information, e.g., recall information, simultaneously to selected vehicles using the corresponding VINs as parts of when the ownership of the vehicle changes, the new owner cellular phone number is used for personal communications, their C-mail addresses. In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a user would most likely replace the current cellular phone number with a new number for his/her own personal communications. As a result, the remote station can no longer locate and com may utiliZe a car browser to browse advertising information from a communications network, e.g., the Internet. The municate with the vehicle using the old cellular phone num ber. Thus, the practicability of the prior art system turns on whether the system has a record of the latest phone numbers advertising information is provided in a just-in-time (JIT) fashion, whose content is dependent upon the current location of the vehicle indicated by GPS coordinates. 20 for locating vehicles. Even if procedures for registration of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING new phone numbers are in place, the workability of the sys tem is undesirably subject to compliance by the new owners Further objects, features and advantages of the invention will become apparent from the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawing show with the registration procedures. In addition, utiliZing the cellular phone network, the 25 ing an illustrative embodiment of the invention, in which: FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an information and control system for use in a vehicle in accordance with the invention; FIG. 2 illustrates an arrangement in which a communica tions subsystem in the system ofFIG. 1 communicates with a remote server through a communications network; FIG. 3 illustrates data ?elds in an electronic car-mail mes 30 data with multiple automobiles needs to call one automobile at a time. Thus, such a communication scheme is also inef fective especially when the remote station needs to transmit the same data, e.g., information concerning a recall of a certain type of automobile, to many automobiles. In that case, the remote station needs to make multiple calls to the respec tive vehicles to repeat the same data. Conversely, utilizing the cellular phone network, a vehicle can communicate with one remote station at a time. In the event that the same data from sage in accordance with the invention communicated by the communications subsystem; FIG. 4 illustrates a screen containing displayed options remote station in the prior art system when communicating 35 the vehicle needs to be communicated to various stations for concerning navigation capabilities provided by a navigation different analyses, multiple calls need to be made to the subsystem in the system of FIG. 1; respective stations one at a time, which is undesirable. In accordance with the invention, the communications FIG. 5 illustrates a screen displaying an electronic car-mail between a vehicle and remote stations or servers are realiZed message; FIG. 6 illustrates a screen containing displayed options for 40 accessing GPS based advertising information in accordance with the invention; Like a conventional E-mail message, a C-mail message is formatted in accordance with well known protocols such as the well known mail transfer protocol and transmission con FIG. 7 illustrates a screen displaying an advertising page; FIG. 8 illustrates a displayed window including inquiries as to con?dentiality of accessing certain advertising informa using electronic car-mail, hereinafter referred to as “C-mail.” trol protocol/ Internet protocol (TCP/IP), and it may be deliv 45 tion; FIG. 9 illustrates a screen displaying information concem ered by conventional mail servers on the Internet. However, unlike E-mail whose address identi?es a person for personal communications and is analogous to the aforementioned cel lular phone number, the C-mail has an address identifying the ing a restaurant-advertiser; FIG. 10 illustrates a screen containing restaurant menu information; and 50 vehicle itself. A typical E-mail address is in the format of <user cerning favorite product/service providers for business pur id>@<domain>, e.g., “j”. As is well known, the <user-id> part before the “@” sign, e.g., “jsmit ”, iden poses. ti?es the E-mail user, e.g., Joe Smith. The <domain> part after FIG. 11 illustrates a screen containing information con the “@” sign, e.g., “”, identi?es the access mail DETAILED DESCRIPTION 55 FIG. 1 illustrates information and control system 100 embodying the principles of the invention for use in a vehicle, e.g., an automobile. In accordance with the invention, system 100 is capable of communicating information with remote servers through a communications network, e.g., the Internet in this instance. As to be described hereinbelow, system 100 server, e. g., anAmerican Online server connected to the Inter 60 net, providing the E-mail service for Joe Smith in this instance. However, in accordance with the invention, a C-mail address is in the format of <vehicle-id>@<domain>. In this instance, the <vehicle-id> part consists of a vehicle identi?cation number (VIN) which identi?es the vehicle to which the C-mail address is assigned. In a conventional man ner, the VIN uniquely identi?es the vehicle by its make, model, year, etc. The <domain> part may represent a prede may transmit information concerning the vehicle including, e.g., diagnostic information, GPS information, etc., to one or more servers, and receive therefrom information including, termined access mail server connected to the Internet for e.g., map information, weather information, tra?ic informa serving the C-mail needs of vehicles. For illustrative pur poses, the <domain> part may be “” in this tion, directory information, etc. example. 65 EXHIBIT F PAGE 210 US 8,538,498 B2 5 6 Thus, the C-mail address of the vehicle in question here may be “”, where Traction control subsystem 121, which may be of the type of the TRAXXAR stability control system, includes sensors for measuring the steering wheel position, yaw rate and lat “JNICA23D4TT567890” is the VIN of the vehicle. This C-mail address is stored in memory 107 in system 100, and remains unchanged at least over the lifetime of the vehicle. It eral acceleration of the vehicle. These sensors work with processor 103 to controllably apply brakes at selected wheels to avoid potential skids. should be noted that memory 107 here generically represents Similarly, under the control of processor 103, engine sub a combination of volatile, non-volatile and cache memories. As the C-mail address appertains to, or speci?cally associated with, the vehicle, rather than a person, e.g., the owner of the system 126 runs the engine of the vehicle at a selected R.P.M. using a selected fuel/air mixture to provide appropriate power for the vehicle. Wheel subsystem 129 includes sensors for reading tire vehicle, communications with the vehicle using C-mail is intact throughout the lifetime of the vehicle, surviving all changes in the ownership of the vehicle. In addition, as pressures, detection of loss of tire traction or tread, etc. described hereinbelow, by taking advantage of the well Climate control subsystem 131, which includes thermo known E-mail features, the vehicle may multicast via C-mail the same information, e.g., diagnostic information, simulta neously to various servers on the Internet for different analy stats and an air?ow controller, controllably cools or heats the vehicle compartment for the comfort of passengers, and the trunk/storage to properly preserve cargo; selects an air ?ow mode; sets fan speeds; enables or disables seat heaters; selects fresh or recirculated air; and enables or disables front and rear ses. Conversely, a server may multicast via C-mail the same information, e.g., recall information, simultaneously to selected vehicles using the corresponding VINs as parts of 20 System 100 includes communications subsystem 109 for communicating information, including C-mail, in the vehicle. FIG. 2 is a block diagram of subsystem 109 which comprises transceiver 205, which includes, e.g., a cellular The above-described subsystems each include sensors (not 25 phone, for transmitting and receiving information via wire advanced mobile phone service (AMPS) network, digital modem 209 are in proper order, which includes information 30 work, paging network, hybrid personal communications net work (HPCN), satellite network, microwave network, milliwave network, etc. Subsystem 109 also comprises modem 209 for modulating and demodulating carriers carry ing C-mail data to and from data channels, e.g., cellular 35 digital packet data (CDPD) channels, in wireless communi cations network 213. and transceivers. Sensors in electronic transmission/throttle subsystem 113 of the transmission, as well as the status of variables in the 40 subsystem 121, engine subsystem 126, wheel subsystem 129, climate control subsystem 131, auxiliary subsystem 134, clock subsystem 136, user interface 139 and navigation sub system 141. Subsystem interface 151 includes, e.g., an concerning the level of battery power therefor. Sensors in detection subsystem 111 provide dynamic data concerning whether the radars and transceivers associated therewith are functioning properly, which also includes infor mation concerning the level of battery power for such radars provide dynamic data concerning transmission or the status Referring back to FIG. 1, subsystem 109 is connected via common bus 113 to other subsystems in system 100 includ ing, e.g., detection subsystem 111, electronic transmission/ throttle system 113, brake subsystem 116, traction control shown) to provide a variety of dynamic data concerning the components associated therewith to processor 103. Speci? cally, sensors in communications subsystem 109 provides dynamic data concerning whether transceiver 205 and less communications network 213, e.g., the well known AMPS network, personal communications service (PCS) net work, global system for mobile communications (GSM) net defrosters, mirror defrosters and steering wheel heaters. Through auxiliary subsystem 134, processor 103 controls the functions of the doors, windows, hood, trunk, mirrors, air-bags, restraint devices, lights, etc., of the vehicle. their C-mail addresses. transmission including ?uid levels, etc. Sensors in brake subsystem 116 provide dynamic data concerning the wear of the brakes, status of the emergency brake and whether all of the brakes are in proper order. The aforementioned sensors in traction control subsystem ensemble of standard inputs/outputs (I/O’s) connecting pro 121 provide dynamic data concerning measurements of the steering wheel position, yaw rate and lateral acceleration of cessor 103 to all of the subsystems. Under control of proces the vehicle. sor 103, combinations of the subsystems synergistically carry Sensors in engine subsystem 126 provide dynamic data concerning the engine R.P.M., fuel/air mixture, emissions, 45 out various vehicle functions. For example, system 100 affords an adaptive cruise control 50 function using detection subsystem 111, electronic transmis sion/throttle subsystem 113 and brake subsystem 116. Spe ci?cally, detection subsystem 111, which includes sonar, The aforementioned sensors in wheel subsystem 129 pro vide dynamic data concerning tire pressures, loss of tire trac infrared transceiver, laser transceiver and/ or Doppler radar, measures the distance to the vehicle just ahead. With elec tion or tread, etc. 55 tronic transmission/throttle subsystem 113 and brake sub system 116, processor 103 adjusts the vehicle’s speed to keep it moving with the traf?c ?ow. If the vehicle ahead speeds up or slows down, subsystem 111 signals processor 103 to accordingly adjust the throttle or brakes to maintain a safe Sensors in climate control subsystem 131 provide dynamic data concerning the temperatures of the compartment and trunk/ storage, air ?ow mode, fan speeds, air quality inside the compartment, and statuses of the front and rear defrosters, 60 distance. Other automatic driving methodologies involving the above subsystems may be found in copending commonly assigned US. patent application Ser. No. 08/904,855 (“the ’855 application”), entitled “Centralized Control and Man agement System for Automobiles,” which however are deemed to be out of the scope of the present invention, and their description are thus omitted here. pollution content, remaining life of engine oil before the next requisite oil change, etc. mirror defrosters and steering wheel heater. Sensors in auxiliary subsystem 134 which include, among others, the odometer and speedometer which provide dynamic data concerning the current mileage and speed of the vehicle, respectively. Other sensors in system 134 provide dynamic data concerning statuses of the doors, windows, 65 hood, trunk, mirrors, air-bags, restraint devices, lights, etc., of the vehicle. In particular, some of the data concerns the integ rity of the doors, windows, hood, trunk and mirrors, detection EXHIBIT F PAGE 211 US 8,538,498 B2 7 8 of any physical impact on any of them as happens in a colli sion, and Whether or not the air-bags are ready to function or message to be transmitted by communications subsystem 109 have been deployed, etc. In addition, clock subsystem 136 provides processor 103 With data concerning the current time and date. Relying on such data, processor 103 duly synchronizes activities of sys tem 100 and keeps track of events. Moreover, utilizing the from time to time, e. g., periodically. Accordingly, subsystem to a speci?ed mailbox in central server 230 on Internet 250 109 establishes a dial-up connection through Wireless com temporal data, processor 103 realiZes planner functions such munications netWork 213 to predetermined access server 222 Which, among others, serve C-mail on Internet 250. It should be noted at this point that server 222 may not be the only one access server on the Internet serving C-mail. It Will be appre as scheduling vehicle maintenance, etc. ciated that more access servers similar to server 222 are It Will be appreciated that the dynamic data provided by the above-described subsystems is only for illustrative purposes geographically distributed for effective communications of C-mail. The C-mail message composed by processor 103 is trans and, depending on the vehicle and the actual components incorporated therein, additional and/or other dynamic data mitted through the established connection to server 222 Where it is forWarded through Internet 250 to the central server mailbox, according to its address, e. g., may be desired. In any event, processor 103 polls each sub system from time to time for the dynamic data and, based on the dynamic data, it may issue Warnings, and messages describing irregularities through user interface 141 described beloW. Some irregularities may cause processor 103 to restrict certain vehicle operations until a corrective action therefor is taken. As described beloW, processor 103 causes selected ones of the dynamic data to be transmitted via C-mail to one, Where “” represents the domain associated With central server 230. FIG. 3 illustrates different data ?elds in the C-mail mes 20 or more remote servers for analyses and records. Presently, in the United States, about 200 million vehicles operate on public roads. HoWever, the operations of the vehicles are subject to federal and state laWs. For instance, sage as composed by processor 103. Speci?cally, data ?eld 303 contains the address of the central server mailbox, i.e.,, to Which the C-mail message is deliv ered. Such an address is stored in memory 107. Data ?eld 307 contains the C-mail origination address associated With the vehicle in question, Which is each operating vehicle needs to meet certain legal require in this instance as described before. Data ?eld 311 contains selected ones of the ments concerning safety, emission, licensing, insurance, dynamic data provided by the aforementioned subsystems in operational capabilities, etc. Thus, the laW enforcement is interested in obtaining certain information about each vehicle time stamp of the C-mail message Which is provided by clock to determine Whether the operating vehicle meets such 25 a predetermined format. Data ?eld 315 contains the date and 30 requirements. In addition, many of the vehicles in the United States are leased or ?nanced through ?nancial institutions. The latter typically place liens on the vehicles With the right to repossess them in the event of non-payment of the underlying loans. Thus, such ?nancial institutions are interested in knowing the subsystem 136. Data ?eld 319 contains the current odometer reading of the vehicle provided by auxiliary subsystem 134. Data ?eld 323 contains GPS data provided by navigation subsystem 141 described beloW, indicating the current loca 35 tion of the vehicle. Data ?eld 327 contains direction data from sub system 141 concerning the current direction toWard Which the vehicle is heading. Data ?eld 331 contains data concem Whereabouts of the leased or ?nanced vehicles in case of ing the current speed of the vehicle provided by the speed repossession thereof. ometer in subsystem 134. Upon receipt of the C-mail message, central server 230 processes the data contained in the message, and distributes Further, auto repair services are interested in knoWing the Working history of each vehicle to be serviced for diagnostic 40 purposes, and the maintenance history as to What and When the data into appropriate databases to facilitate queries by previous services have been performed on, and parts have been replaced in, the vehicle. Similarly, potential buyers of a different entities. Each neW data entry to the databases is used vehicle may Want to have independent records of the before, forms part of the C-mail origination address. Working and maintenance histories of the vehicle. In addition, identi?ed by the VIN of the vehicle Which, as mentioned 45 collision, Whether its odometer reading is accurate, etc. Still further, auto manufacturers and original equipment may contain C-mail data from the respective vehicles con manufacturers (OEMs) are interested in obtaining data con cerning components in each vehicle manufactured thereby to determine the durability of, and thus the appropriate Warran ties for, the components after the original sale of the vehicle. 50 (cc:)” feature, Whereby the destination addresses of the serv summonses to the oWners of violating vehicles, or even pro hibit use of such vehicles When the emission of the vehicles does not meet a certain standard, or When the safety of the 55 60 different entity and compile databases for use by that entity. Alternatively, in this instance, the data is collected by cen vehicle in question, and is programmed to cause the C-mail vehicles calls into question because of a lack of integrity of their lights, restraint devices, etc. The laW enforcement may issue such Warnings or summonses via C-mail to the violating vehicles using the VINs, forming part of the C-mail ers can be speci?ed. Each server may be associated With a tral server 230 in FIG. 2 serving as a data Warehouse, Which can be queried to extract useful information. To that end, processor 103 composes a C-mail message concerning the cerning, e.g., their emission, pollution content, and integrity of lights, restraint devices, etc. For example, after querying the ?rst database, the laW enforcement may issue Warnings or Independent Watch groups are interested in such data as Well for generating reports on vehicle quality for various vehicle brands. In fact, all of the above data of interest may be provided via C-mail in accordance With the invention. Such data may be multicast by individual vehicles via C-mail to different serv ers on the Internet using the Well knoWn E-mail “carbon copy A ?rst database in central server 230, Which may be queried by laW enforcement using queries in accordance With the standard relational database programming language SQL, they may Want to knoW Whether the vehicle Was involved in a addresses, in the responses to the queries. In accordance With another aspect of the invention, the subject vehicle includes a security mechanism Whereby the vehicle may be remotely disabled via C-mail in case of emer 65 gency, car theft, prohibition by laW of use of the vehicle, etc. In accordance With such a mechanism, processor 103 checks each incoming C-mail message for a secret code for effecting disablement of the vehicle. If such a secret code is detected, processor 103 accordingly shuts the engine off, preferably EXHIBIT F PAGE 212 US 8,538,498 B2 10 When the speed of the vehicle is loW to avoid an accident. The rest of the C-mail message may indicate the cause of disable United States Postal Service, to the last knoWn addresses of ment through user interface 139 described below. In a pre facturer typically maintains, on its oWn computer, a database of the VINs of the vehicles sold to Which the recall notice the vehicle oWners of record as in prior art. The auto manu ferred embodiment, multiple secret codes are used to disable the vehicle, and a particular secret code is assigned to the laW enforcement. In the event that the vehicle is disabled because of a violation of laW, having so informed by the C-mail message, the vehicle oWner needs to resolve the violation applies. Thus, by entering the aforementioned VINs obtained from the supplemented third database, and by elimination, the auto manufacturer computer identi?es the VINs of those vehicles Which have not responded to the recall notice. In accordance With another aspect of the invention, the auto manufacturer computer may multicast a second recall notice via C-mail to those vehicles using the identi?ed VINs as parts of the C-mail “ccz” addresses. Compared With the prior art With the appropriate laW enforcement authority before the vehicle engine is reactivated based on the particular secret code. A second database in central server 230, Which may be queried by ?nancial institutions to track the leased and ?nanced vehicles in case of repossession, may contain C-mail snail mail approach Whose practicability precariously depends on the validity of the record address of each vehicle data from the respective vehicles concerning their GPS loca tions coupled With the dates, times, and heading directions and speeds corresponding to such locations. The knowledge oWner Who may have moved or changed, the inventive C-mail approach is much more effective Where the recall notice in the form of C-mail is transmitted via the Internet to the vehicle itself, and the user in the vehicle is prompted by a user interface in a manner described beloW to read the C-mail of the Whereabouts ofeach vehicle is also important When the vehicle needs to be located in case of an emergency or acci dent, especially When the user is incapacitated and unable to 20 ried by auto repair services, OEMs and independent Watch groups, may contain C-mail data from the respective vehicles concerning diagnostics of the Working components in the vehicles provided by the above-described subsystems. An 25 data concerning, e.g., the speeds, and statuses of the brakes of a vehicle to assess the driving habit of the user. Based on the 30 35 database after they furnish repair, maintenance and/or part replacements to each vehicle, thereby supplementing the database. To that end, each auto repair service sends an E-mail message to the central server mailbox describing the services rendered thereby to the vehicle. The data ?elds of such an knoWn. Depending on its history, the replacement part can be recycled, refurbished, or properly disposed to better protect her vehicle accordingly. The auto repair services can also contribute to the third As mentioned before, the third database supplemented by the auto repair services also catalogues the parts of each vehicle, Which Were replaced by such services, by their replacement dates and times, and descriptions. In the eventual scrappage of the vehicle, by querying the supplemented third database, the history of each replacement part therein is auto insurance company may also query the third database for data Which indicates the frequency of the vehicle’ s exceeding the highWay speed limit, the rate at Which its brakes Wear out, etc., the insurance company determines certain risk factors associated With the user, and the insurance premium for his/ recall notice as soon as it arrives. In fact, it is more economical and advantageous for the auto manufacturer to multicast the recall notice via C-mail to all of the vehicles concerned in the ?rst instance. communicate the current vehicle location. A third database in central server 230, Which may be que 40 E-mail message may include (a) the destination address ?eld containing the address of the central server mailbox, i.e., the environment. For used vehicle buyers, the supplemented third database may also provide C-mail data concerning any detection of a physical impact on the body of a vehicle, and any deployment of air-bags therein, indicative of a prior collision. In addition, it may include the odometer readings of the vehicle, coupled With the dates and times corresponding thereto. The odometer readings are assumed accurate if they increase With time. It should be noted that to prevent fraud or tampering With the databases in central server 230, the data in the E-mail or C-mail to server 230 may be encrypted, or signed With a in this instance, (b) the subject matter digital signature for authentication purposes, in accordance or “re:” ?eld containing the VIN of the vehicle just serviced, With a Well knoWn cryptographic algorithm, e.g., the RSA (c) the origination address ?eld containing the E-mail address identifying the auto repair service, Which in this instance has been registered With the central server, and (d) the message body ?eld contains data concerning the services performed on the vehicle, any replacement of vehicle parts and descrip 45 tions thereof, and the date and time of the services, With an indication of Whether any service or part replacement is in 50 algorithm, digital signature algorithm (DSA), pretty good privacy (PGP) algorithm, etc. It should also be noted that by using a conventional rela tional database manager (not shoWn) in server 230, each query against the databases therein results in a concise report satisfying the criteria speci?ed in the query. In the event that any text, graphics, pictures, audio clips and/or video clips are response to a recall notice by an auto manufacturer. The attached to the C-mail or E-mail messages sent to server 230, message body ?eld may contain the data in a predetermined format, Which may be in code to facilitate the data processing by central server 230 after receiving the E-mail message. such attachments are titled and tagged in the databases. The report generated in response to a query includes any relevant attachments. Referring to FIGS. 1 and 4, user interface 139 includes 55 Central server 230 distinguishes such an E-mail message from a C-mail message by the origination address identifying the repair service, Which is registered and in a different format than a C-mail address. Upon receipt of the E-mail message from the repair service, central server 230 extracts the data from its message body ?eld and incorporates the data into the third database under the VIN provided in the subject matter ?eld. 60 Thus, among other things, by querying the supplemented third database, an auto manufacturer can obtain the VINs of those vehicles Which responded to a recall notice issued thereby, Which may have been sent via snail mail, e.g., the 65 display 405, e.g., a liquid crystal display (LCD), located on the dashboard of the vehicle, and a display driver (not shoWn), e.g., LCD driver, for processor 103 to control the display graphics on display 405. In this illustrative embodiment, interface 139 also incorporates Well-knoWn touch-screen cir cuitry (not shoWn). With this circuitry, the user can interact With processor 103 by, say, touching a displayed option on display 405. Through interface 139, processor 103 receives from the touch screen circuitry a signal identifying the loca tion on display 405 Where it has been touched. If such a location matches the predetermined location of one of the EXHIBIT F PAGE 213 US 8,538,498 B2 11 12 displayed options, processor 103 determines that the option has been selected. With such touch-screen and displayed option selection capabilities, the user is able to obtain infor WEATHER option 421, TRAFFIC option 425 and DIREC TORY option 430. By selecting option 419 by touching same on display 405, folloWed by selecting ENTER key 435, the mation on and control selectable functions of the vehicle. In this instance, interface 139 also includes (1) a conven user is able to obtain navigation instructions to a given desti nation. Speci?cally, the user is elicited for information con tional speech recognizer and audio input for the user to utter cerning the destination, any intermediate stops, etc. Such elicitation is realiZed by posing questions on display 405 commands and responses to processor 103, and (2) a conven tional speech synthesiZer and audio output for processor 103 and/or by uttering those questions using a synthesiZed voice to communicate to the user in audio. through the aforementioned audio output. The user then pro vides verbal responses thereto through the aforementioned Of course, in addition to, or in lieu of, the above-described audio input. The speech recogniZer in interface 139 then recogniZes and registers the responses. Navigation subsystem 141 in FIG. 1 receives signals from touch-screen capability incorporated in user interface 139, other Well knoWn user interface hardWare/softWare may be incorporated therein for selecting displayed options on dis play 405. Such hardWare/softWare includes, e. g., dedicated or a constellation of satellites Which is part of the US. govem programmable keys on the periphery of display 405; an indi ment’s GPS. In response to these signals, subsystem 141 pinpoints the vehicle’s location in latitude and longitude. Using map information from sources described beloW, sub system 141 provides on display 405 a suggested route leading to the destination speci?ed by the user. Furthermore, based on the knoWledge of the vehicle’s instantaneous speeds and cator device such as a mouse, joystick, light pen, trackballs, touchpad, or a combination thereof; etc. As disclosed in the aforementioned ’855 application, pro cessor 103 may cause different screens or pages to be dis played on display 405. Each page contains displayed options for controlling different aspects of the vehicle functions. For 20 directions, subsystem 141 is capable of verbally and visually example, an audio page provides a choice of radio stations, a directing the user to such a destination. climate control page provides for temperature and vent adjustments, etc. As mentioned before, a C-mail message containing data concerning current statuses of the subject vehicle is transmit For local navigation, the above map information may be provided from storage in the form of a compact disk (CD). HoWever, because of the limited capacity of the storage, for 25 navigation in remote areas outside the local coverage, sub system 141 may obtain the necessary map information in real time via C-mail described above, or in the form of a Web page ted from sub system 109 to server 222 on the Internet through an established connection from time to time. The frequency of such C-mail transmission may vary With the speed of the vehicle. For example, such transmission may be infrequent in a manner described beloW. For example, as central server 30 230 receives C-mail messages from the vehicle from time to time, based on the GPS data in each message, indicating the current location of the vehicle, server 230 determines Whether map information concerning remote areas is needed. This 35 may be during the interval betWeen the receipt of the present When the vehicle is stationary, i.e., at a Zero speed, as not many vehicular activities are going on. After each transmis sion of the C-mail message from subsystem 109 to server 222, the latter in return transmits to subsystem 109 any C-mail messages from the Internet addressed to the vehicle through determination is based on a prediction as to Where the vehicle the same established connection before it is disconnected. As soon as any such C-mail message is received by subsystem C-mail message and that of the next C-mail message. Such a prediction is realiZed based on the length of such an interval, the data concerning the current speed and direction of the vehicle in the present C-mail message, etc. If it is determined 109, processor 103 reads the header of the C-mail message, Which indicates Whether the message contains display data for broWsing and/or non-display data to be processed by 40 that any remote area map information is needed, server 230 returns via C-mail to system 100 map information in a just processor 103. If processor 103 determines that the C-mail message contains display data, it causes a pop-up C-mail indicator to be displayed on the page that the user is currently on, indicating that a C-mail message has arrived. For example, one such C-mail indicator, denoted 409, appears on the SMART NAVIGATOR page of FIG. 4, Which the user is currently on. By touching in this instance the area of screen 405 Where indicator 409 is displayed, exclusive of box 411, the user may 45 open the C-mail message containing display data. FIG. 5 50 in-time (JIT) fashion Which may be good for a predetermined radius from the current location of the vehicle. Alternatively, server 23 0 provides the map information affording a coverage based on the above-described prediction. The user may select WEATHER option 421, TRAFFIC option 425, and/or DIRECTORY option 430 in addition to NAVIGATION option 419 on the SMART NAVIGATOR page. For example, When option 421 is selected in addition to option 419, folloWed by a selection of ENTER key 435, illustrates one such C-mail message Which contains a recall subsystem 141 provides on display 405 a suggested route to a notice. As shoWn in FIG. 5, the notice in this instance is from ABC Auto Manufacturer to the subject vehicle regarding a given destination With indications indicating Weather condi tions, haZards, etc., along the route, as disclosed in the afore mentioned ’855 application. Similarly, When option 425 is faulty air-bag deployment mechanism therein. Under another circumstance, such a C-mail message may contain a Warning 55 or summons from the laW enforcement, an auto insurance selected in addition to option 419, folloWed by a selection of ENTER key 435, subsystem 141 provides on display 405 a expiration notice from an insurance company, etc. After read suggested route to a given destination With indicators indicat ing the C-mail message, the user has a choice to save the ing tra?ic congestions, highWay Warnings, etc., along the message in memory 107 using SAVE option 509, or delete same using DELETE option 511. If upon seeing pop-up indicator 409, the user decides to 60 causes a MAIN DIRECTORY page described beloW to be displayed on display 405. It suffices to knoW for noW that after further selections by the user of additional options on such a page, a suggested route to a given destination With directory read the C-mail mes sage indicated thereby later, the user may touch the area of screen 405 corresponding to box 411 to minimiZe indicator 409 for postponing the opening of the C-mail message. As shoWn in FIG. 4, the SMART NAVIGATOR page includes displayed options, e.g., NAVIGATION option 419, route. When option 430 is selected in addition to option 419, folloWed by a selection of ENTER key 435, processor 103 65 information concerning selected products and/or services, e.g., restaurants, gas stations, etc., along the route Would be provided on display 405. It should be noted that the above EXHIBIT F PAGE 214 US 8,538,498 B2 13 14 weather information, tra?ic information and directory infor sent the nationally known restaurants on the map. For example, tag 713 indicates the location of McDonald’s Res mation may be aggregated along the same route. In accordance with another aspect of the invention, the taurant; tag 715 indicates the location of a Taco Bell Restau rant; and tag 719 indicates the location of an Olive Garden software for a car browser similar to the well known NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR or MICROSOFT INTERNET Restaurant. Tags 713, 715 and 719 may incorporate the respective restaurants’ famous logos for easy recognition. In EXPLORER web browser is stored in memory 107 in system 100 for browsing information provided by servers connected any event, a selection of any of such tags, analogous to con to Internet 250. In particular, the car browser works compat ventional hyperlinks, causes the car browser to access central ibly with the standard hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), server 230 for the identity of the corresponding restaurant in audio and in text. For example, after a selection of tag 713, hypertext markup language (HTML), virtual reality markup language (VRML), graphics interchange format (GIF), JAVA based on the identity information from server 230, the car applets, etc. For example, after selection of DIRECTORY option 430 browser causes user interface 139 to announce, “Welcome to McDonald’s,” and/or play a jingle identifying McDonald’s Restaurant, along with a display of textual words identifying alone or in combination with NAVIGATION option 419, followed by that of ENTER key 435 on the SMART NAVI McDonald’s Restaurant next to tag 713. It should be noted at this point that server 230 furnishes the GATOR page of FIG. 4, processor 103 causes communica tion subsystem 109 to establish a communication connection directory information concerning product/ service providers based on their paid advertising subscription. For example, for nationally known restaurants, server 230 only provides direc with access server 222. Processor 103 then causes the car browser, which is assigned an Internet protocol (IP) address in a conventional manner, to request directory information from a server identi?able by a predetermined uniform resource locator (URL). For example, the URL is “ 20 ing the RESTAURANT ADVERTISING page of FIG. 7,” in this instance, which identi?es the aforementioned MAIN DIRECTORY page provided by cen tral server 230. Such a request by the car browser including the URL and an identity of the request originator, i.e., the car browser IP address, is sent via the established communication connection to access server 222, where the request in this instance is routed via Internet 250 to central server 230 based on the given URL. In response, server 230 returns a web page, namely, the MAIN DIRECTORY page, to the car browser according to its tory information about those restaurants which subscribe to its directory service. Server 230 stores in a memory therein the GPS coordinates of each subscriber restaurant. In provid server 230 identi?es those subscriber restaurants (e.g., the 25 restaurants represented by tags 713, 715 and 719 in this instance), which are within the selected distance of the vehicle location. Such a determination is based on a compari son between the GPS coordinates of the vehicle and those of each subscriber restaurant stored in the server memory. 30 OPTIONS key 721, BACK key 725 and FORWARD key 727 are also provided on the RESTAURANT ADVERTIS ING page of FIG. 7. For example, by selecting key 721, the IP address provided in the request. Upon receipt of the MAIN user may re-de?ne the coverage of the displayed map. Such re-de?nition may be achieved by selecting a further option for DIRECTORY page, the car browser opens same on display 405. FIG. 6 illustrates one such MAIN DIRECTORY page on 35 a new radius from the vehicle location, or by pointing and display 405. dragging cross mark 733 using an indicator device or using a ?nger if the user interface supports the touch-screen capabil As shown in FIG. 6, the MAIN DIRECTORY page includes NATIONAL option 605, REGIONAL option 607 and INDIVIDUAL option 609. For example, a selection of option 605 enables the user to access directory information ity, which is the case here. When the user points at cross mark 733 and drags same away from the center of display 405, the 40 concerning products and/or services of national recognition Conversely, when the user points at cross mark 733 and drags same towards the center of display 405, the coverage is reduced and the displayed map is scaled down (i.e., with the or brand obtainable within a selected distance of the current vehicle location. Speci?cally, upon detecting the selection of option 605, the car browser causes drop down menu 615, including RESTAURANT option 615-1, GAS STATION option 615-2, and DEPARTMENT STORE option 615-N, to appear on display 405, where N represents an integer. Without loss of generality, the user in this instance selects RESTAURANT option 615-1. Upon detecting such a selec tion, the car browser obtains the GPS coordinates of the coverage is enlarged and the displayed map is scaled up (i.e., with the number of miles per inch going up) accordingly. 45 number of miles per inch going down) accordingly. By enlarging (or reducing) the coverage, the number of restau rant tags within the coverage most likely increases (or decreases). By selecting key 721, the user may also specify the fre 50 quency of updating the RESTAURANT ADVERTISING current vehicle location from navigation subsystem 141, and page so that the user is informed of other restaurants on a then transmits a request for identities of nationally known restaurants within a selected distance, say, ?ve miles, of the current vehicle location indicated by the GPS coordinates just continual basis as the vehicle is moving. Such a frequency may be de?ned in terms of time. However, in this preferred embodiment, the frequency is de?ned in terms of mileage, obtained. In response, server 230 provides a RESTAURANT ADVERTISING page based on the received GPS coordi nates. FIG. 7 illustrates one such RESTAURANT ADVER 55 tinually polls navigation subsystem 141 for the current GPS TISING page on display 405, with the assumption that DIRECTORY option 430 was selected alone, not in combi nation with NAVIGATION option 419 on the SMART NAVI GATOR page. Otherwise if the NAVIGATION option 419 was also selected, any navigation instructions for reaching a given destination would appear on the RESTAURANT e.g., once every ?ve miles from the current vehicle location. As soon as the frequency is speci?ed, the car browser con coordinates of the vehicle, and compares such coordinates with those in the previous request to central server 230. Once 60 it is determined that the two sets of GPS coordinates are more than the speci?ed distance (e.g., ?ve miles) apart, the car identi?ed by the aforementioned GPS coordinates on a ?ve browser issues a new request for identities of nationally known restaurants to server 230, which includes the current set of GPS coordinates of the vehicle. In response to the new request, server 230 provides a fresh RESTAURANT ADVERTISING page including any new restaurant tags on mile radius map. Tags 713, 715 and 719 respectively repre display 405. ADVERTISING page as well. As shown in FIG. 7, icon 703 indicates the vehicle location 65 EXHIBIT F PAGE 215 US 8,538,498 B2 15 16 In a conventional manner, the car browser records the sequence of pages that the user visited or browsed. Selection the image ?le is stored according to the GPS coordinates in the ?le header Which identify the subscriber restaurant. of BACK key 725 enables the user to revisit the page (e.g., the VIEW key 903, NAVIGATE key 905, FAVORITE key 907, BACK key 909, FORWARD key 911, RESTAURANT WEB MAIN DIRECTORY page) immediately before the current page (e.g., the RESTAURANT ADVERTISING page). Simi larly, selection of FORWARD key 727 enables the user revisit the page immediately folloWing the current page. In this instance, FORWARD key 727 is non-selectable as the page folloWing the RESTAURANT ADVERTISING page has not SITE key 913 and RESTAURANT MENU key 915 are also provided on the RESTAURANT page of FIG. 9. A selection ofkey 903 causes server 230 to furnish, on display 405, one or more of the most recent digital images of McDonald’s Res taurant in question Which are identi?ed by its GPS coordi Continuing the above example, having learnt that tag 713 nates. Advantageously, by vieWing the images, the user can determine Whether the facility is desirable, and Whether the represents McDonald’s Restaurant, the user may be inter restaurant Would be croWded by the time the user arrives at the ested in dining therein, and again selects tag 713 to obtain restaurant, taking into consideration a time stamp associated further information about the restaurant. Upon such a selec tion, the car broW ser opens an inquiry WindoW on display 405. With each image. As illustrated in FIG. 8, the inquiry WindoW includes three system 141 to provide the user With directions to the restau inquiries regarding the con?dentiality of the user’s selection. Speci?cally, if the user regards his/her selection con?dential, rant in a manner described before. A selection of FAVORITE key 907 enables the user to “bookmark” or register, in an been established. the user may select box 805 to dispose of the inquiry WindoW. On the other hand, if the user regards his/her selection non con?dential, the user may select box 807, instead. Further more, if the user regards his/her selection alWays non-con? dential, and does not Want to be bothered by the inquiry WindoW in the future, the user may select box 809, instead. After receiving, from the car broWser, a request for further information about McDonald’s Restaurant, and the user response to the con?dentiality inquiry, server 230 ?rst incre ments a hit count of tag 713, representing McDonald’s Res taurant in question, by one. In general, server 230 keeps track of a cumulative number of hits of each tag representing a A selection of NAVIGATE key 905 causes navigation sub 20 and a business registry. The user may bookmark the restau rant’ s GPS coordinates in a personal (business) registry if the restaurant is his/her favorite choice for personal (business) 25 purposes. BACK key 909 and FORWARD key 911 function similarly to above-described keys 725 and 727, respectively. Key 913 represents a hyperlink to the Website of the restaurant. Thus, 30 product/ service provider-advertiser, the time and day ofeach hit, etc. The resulting statistics may be used by the provider a selection of key 913 causes the car broWser to open the restaurant Website on display 405. In addition, a selection of key 915 enables the user to access the RESTAURANT MENU page, Which is illustrated in FIG. 10. As shoWn in FIG. 10, the RESTAURANT MENU page enumerates types of food and beverage served in the restau advertiser to measure the effectiveness of its directory sub scription, and help formulate its promotional plans. In addition, if the user response indicates that his/her selec tion of information about a product/ service provider is non con?dential, server 230 stores such a selection, the time and individual registry described beloW, the GPS coordinates identifying the restaurant in question. It suf?ces to knoW for noW that the individual registry includes a personal registry 35 rant. Each food and beverage entry may be highlighted by selecting same. The user may order ahead the highlighted food and beverages by selecting ORDER key 1005. Upon day of the selection, etc., in a record identi?ed by the IP selection of key 1005, the car broWser causes the order infor address of the car broWser representing the user. Any other selection by the user associated With such an IP address is mation to be transmitted to server 230 Which in turn transmits the information to the Internet processor in the restaurant for 40 processing the order. stored in the same record. The resulting database, containing records from different users, may be utiliZed by the product/ service providers to develop pro?les of the consumers of their It should be noted at this point that the information con cerning the selection of tag 713 representing McDonald’s Restaurant, and any food and beverage ordered therefrom is products/ services. Taking advantage of the knoWledge of the consumer pro?les, the providers are able to design advertise ments, commercials and promotional campaigns more tar geted to their respective groups of consumers. 45 Finally, server 230 returns a RESTAURANT page onto display 405. FIG. 9 illustrates the RESTAURANT page con taining directions to McDonald’s Restaurant represented by selected tag 703, and information concerning the restaurant service hours, phone number, facility, any promotion, etc. In 50 instant example, if the user returns via the same route or a route close thereto, tag 713 Would most likely re-appear in the return trip. In that case, based on the stored information corresponding to the same GPS coordinates as tag 713, the car an alternative embodiment, this page is preceded by a com mercial about the restaurant based on a video and sound clip also provided by server 230. In accordance With yet another aspect of the invention, server 230 collects digital images of subscribers’ business 55 60 Illustratively, each image ?le includes in its header the GPS itself. In a conventional manner, the image ?le is transmitted by the Internet processor via Internet 250 to server 23 0, Where able color highlight on tag 713 advantageously triggers the user’s memory about the associated restaurant, and thereby helps him/her to decide Whether or not to revisit the restau rant. In the event that the user decides to revisit a restaurant, and thus re-select the associated tag, When the user comes upon selectable items on the associated Web pages Which e.g., GIF ?les, by an Internet processor in the restaurant. coordinates of the restaurant, and the time that the image Was taken. The image time may also be embedded in the image broWser highlights tag 713 With a distinguishable color, indi cating that the restaurant associated With tag 713 may have been visited. That is, tag 713 Would be colored differently from other tags Which Were not selected. Such a distinguish operations and establishments. In this instance, one or more digital cameras are installed in each subscriber restaurant Which periodically take pictures of the restaurant facility. The resulting images are formatted in conventional image ?les, stored in a speci?ed memory space in memory 107 according to the GPS coordinates corresponding to tag 713. In the event that the car broWser in the future receives, from server 23 0, tag 713 corresponding to the same GPS coordinates, the car broWser retrieves from the speci?ed memory space any stored information corresponding to such GPS coordinates. In the 65 Were previously selected, for example, those food and bever ages on the RESTAURANT MENU page of FIG. 10 Which Were previously ordered, such items are also highlighted in a EXHIBIT F PAGE 216 US 8,538,498 B2 17 18 distinguishable color. Again, such a color highlight advanta geously triggers the user’s memory about the selected items, and, based on the retrieved information, presents on display 405 a BUSINESS REGISTRY age, Which is illustrated in FIG. 11. and thereby helps him/her to decide Whether or not to re select the same items. As shoWn in FIG. 11, the user’s favorite product/service provider pertaining to business are arranged under different category options such as COMPUTER EQUIPMENT option Returning to the MAIN DIRECTORY page of FIG. 6, in this example, the user selects REGIONAL option 607, instead. In accordance With still another aspect of the inven 1103, OFFICE SUPPLY option 1105, . and RESTAU . . RANT option 1109. The user may add neW favorite product/ tion, the REGIONAL option enables the user to access direc service providers to the registry by using the FAVORITE key, tory information concerning regional attractions, and prod e.g., FAVORITE key 907, on a Web page as described before. Alternatively, the user may utiliZe an ADD key on a registry ucts and/or services of regional recognition, i.e., Which are particularly knoWn in the region Which the vehicle is cur rently in. Upon detecting such a selection, the car broWser page to achieve such addition. For example, upon selection of ADD key 1113 on the BUSINESS REGISTRY page, the car broWser issues a request to server 230 for a directory menu obtains the GPS coordinates of the current vehicle location from navigation subsystem 141, and transmits a request to server 230 for an appropriate drop doWn menu Which is a containing the identity and GPS coordinates of each product/ service provider subscribing to the directory service by server function of the current vehicle location indicated by the GPS 230. After receiving such a menu, the user may select there coordinates just obtained. Upon receipt of such a request, server 230 determines What region the vehicle is currently in from additional favorite product/ service providers in any cat egory. Accordingly, the BUSINESS REGISTRY page is revised, and the GPS coordinates of those selected providers based on the received GPS coordinates, and prescribes the appropriate menu containing options of products and/or ser vices pertaining to the region as determined. 20 are stored in the aforementioned allotted memory space, along With the identities of the additional providers. DELETE key 1115 provides the inverse function to ADD Continuing the example, assuming that it is determined that the vehicle is currently Within a predetermined distance of Orlando, Fla., Which is knoWn for various theme parks and other tourist attractions. Accordingly, server 230 provides drop doWn menu 617 Which includes, e.g., THEME PARK option 617-1, SOUVENIR option 617-2, . key 1113 and alloWs the user to delete out-of-favor product/ 25 To access directory information concerning, say, of?ce supplies according to the user’s business registry, the user may select OFFICE SUPPLY option 1105 and then ENTER .and REGIONAL . key 1117. In response, the car broWser issues a request to RESTAURANT option 617-K, Where Krepresents an integer. Similar to a selection of RESTAURANT option 615-1 described before, a selection of THEME PARK option 617-1 30 Server 230 then returns onto display 405 the OFFICE SUP 35 the art that similar to the above-described RESTAURANT ADVERTISING page of FIG. 7, the THEME PARK ADVERTISING page Would include a map having selected coverage, indicating thereon the current location of the vehicle and the locations of those theme parks Which sub scribe to the directory service by server 230. In addition, similar to the above-described RESTAURANT page of FIG. 9, any THEME PARK page (not shoWn) Would include, e. g., directions to the theme park, information concerning visiting hours and promotions, an option for vieWing digital images of aforementioned directory menu for substitute providers in 40 45 ers. 50 products/services on the same ADVERTISING page. For 55 example, the user may select COMPUTER EQUIPMENT option 1103, in addition to OFFICE SUPPLY option 1105, before selecting ENTER key 1117. In that case, ?rst and second sets of tags associated respectively With any computer sonal) registry contains information concerning the user’s favorite product/ service providers for business (personal) equipment providers and of?ce supply providers, as located, 60 identifying the location of such providers. Speci?cally, upon selection of option 609, drop doWn further selected, the car broWser then retrieves from the allot ted memory space the stored business registry information In the event that the user’s trip is multi-purpose, Which involves obtaining different products/services in the same trip, the user may select multiple product/service provider options before selecting ENTER key 1117 to aggregate the directory information concerning providers of the different product/service providers according to the aforementioned menu 619, including BUSINESS option 619-1 and PER SONAL option 619-2, is provided on display 405. Without loss of generality, in this instance BUSINESS option 619-1 is range to the favorite providers. HoWever, the tags on the advertising page Which represent the favorite providers are highlighted in a ?rst predetermined color, and those repre senting the substitute providers are highlighted in a second predetermined color, thereby enabling the user to readily differentiate the favorite providers from the substitute provid A selection of INDIVIDUAL option 609 enables the user to access directory information concerning the user’ s favorite purposes, and the corresponding sets of GPS coordinates that area Which may be of the same chain or franchise, or Which supply products/services of similar quality and price RESTAURANT MENU page of FIG. 10, any ADMISSION individual registry. As mentioned before, the individual reg istry includes a business registry and a personal registry. Both the business registry and the personal registry are stored in an allotted memory space in memory 107. The business (per TAURANT ADVERTISING page of FIG. 7, the OFFICE SUPPLY ADVERTISING page includes a map having selected coverage, indicating thereon the current location of the vehicle, and the locations of any of those favorite of?ce supply providers. In the event that no favorite providers can be located Within the coverage area, server 230 searches the the park facility, etc. Further, similar to the above-described TICKET page (not shoWn) Would include, e.g., information concerning admission ticket prices and discounts, an option for ordering admission tickets ahead, etc. server 230 for an OFFICE SUPPLY ADVERTISING page. PLY ADVERTISING page (not shown). Similar to the RES in this instance causes server 230 to provide a THEME PARK ADVERTISING page (not shoWn) on display 405. Based on the disclosure heretofore, it is apparent to a person skilled in service providers from the registry page. Would be indicated on the ensuing ADVERTISING page. The tags in the ?rst set differ from those in the second set by their shape, color or other feature to facilitate the user’s selection of the corresponding providers. Returning brie?y to FIG. 6, a selection of PERSONAL key 65 619-2 instead of BUSINESS key 619-1 as in the above example occasions a process similar to that described above, Which hoWever involves product/ service providers of the EXHIBIT F PAGE 217 US 8,538,498 B2 19 20 10. The method of claim 1 Wherein the provider includes a user’s personal choice. In addition, an ENTER key may also be used on the MAIN DIRECTORY page to enable the user to restaurant. aggregate, on the same ADVERTISING page, directory 11. The method of claim 1 Wherein the selectable option is provided on the display element. information concerning providers of different products/ser vices under NATIONAL option 605 and/or REGIONAL 12. The method of claim 1 Wherein the location of the option 607. The foregoing merely illustrates the principles of the vehicle is sensed using a global positioning system (GPS) invention. It Will thus be appreciated that those skilled in the 13. A system for use in a vehicle, comprising: a device for sensing a location for the vehicle; a display element con?gured to shoW at least one indicator indicating a location of at least one product or service technique. art Will be able to devise numerous other arrangements Which embody the principles of the invention and are thus Within its 10 spirit and scope. For example, system 100 is disclosed herein in a form in provider in relation to the sensed location of the vehicle, to shoW information regarding a plurality of products or services offered by the provider, and to shoW an indica Which various transmitter and receiver functions are per formed by discrete functional blocks. HoWever, any one or more of these functions could equally Well be embodied in an arrangement in Which the functions of any one or more of, those blocks or indeed, all of the functions thereof, are real tion of a selectable option to order one or more of the plurality of products or services; an interface con?gured to receive a user request to obtain iZed, for example, by one or more appropriately programmed processors. The invention claimed is: 1. A method for use in a system in a vehicle, the vehicle information concerning a plurality of products or ser 20 and to receive a user request to order one or more of the plurality of products or services; and a processor con?gured to provide for display on the display including a display element, the method comprising: sensing a location of the vehicle; shoWing, on the display element, at least one indicator indicating a location of at least one product or service element of the indication of the selectable option to 25 provider in relation to the sensed location of the vehicle; shoWing, on the display element, information concerning a plurality of speci?c products or services Which may be 30 showing, on the display element along With the informa tion, an indication of a selectable option to order, 35 2. The method of claim 1 Wherein the communications netWork includes a Wireless communication netWork. 40 20. The system of claim 19 Wherein the data includes directions for reaching the location of the provider. 45 promotional information. 7. The method of claim 1 further comprising shoWing, on to a user request for the data. 9. The method of claim 7 Wherein the data includes con 21. The system of claim 19 Wherein the data includes connection information for communicating With the provider. 22. The system of claim 13 Wherein the provider includes a restaurant. the display element, data concerning the provider in response 8. The method of claim 7 Wherein the data includes direc 19. The system of claim 13 Wherein the interface if further con?gured to receive a user request to obtain data concerning the provider. 5. The method of claim 3 Wherein the descriptions of the tions for reaching the location of the provider. 17. The system of claim 15 Wherein the descriptions of the products or services previously ordered are indicated in a selected status. includes promotional information. prises a menu. products or services previously ordered are indicated in a selected status. 6. The method of claim 1 Wherein the information includes 15. The system of claim 13 Wherein the information includes descriptions of the products or services, and the display element is further con?gured to shoW the information. 16. The system of claim 15 Wherein the descriptions com 18. The system of claim 13 Wherein the information 3. The method of claim 1 Wherein the information includes descriptions of the products or services. 4. The method of claim 3 Wherein the descriptions com of the plurality of products or services based on the information. 14. The system of claim 13 Wherein the communications prise a menu. through a communications netWork, one or more of the plurality of speci?c products or services. order, through a communications netWork, one or more netWork includes a Wireless communications netWork. purchased from the provider indicated by the displayed indicator, in response to a user selection of the indicator; and vices offered by the provider indicated by the indicator 50 23. The system of claim 13 Wherein the selectable option is provided on the display element. 24. The system of claim 13 Wherein the device incorporates GPS technology. nection information for communicating With the provider. EXHIBIT F PAGE 218

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