Viacom International, Inc. et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al

Filing 214

DECLARATION of William M. Hohengarten (Part Eight) Ex. 160 in Support re: 176 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment /Viacom's Notice of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Liability and Inapplicability of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Safe Harbor Defense.. Document filed by Country Music Television, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, Viacom International, Inc., Black Entertainment Television, LLC, Comedy Partners. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 161, # 2 Exhibit 162, # 3 Exhibit 163, # 4 Exhibit 164, # 5 Exhibit 165, # 6 Errata 166, # 7 Exhibit 167, # 8 Exhibit 168, # 9 Exhibit 169, # 10 Exhibit 170, # 11 Exhibit 171, # 12 Exhibit 172, # 13 Exhibit 173, # 14 Exhibit 174, # 15 Exhibit 175, # 16 Exhibit 176, # 17 Exhibit 177, # 18 Exhibit 178, # 19 Exhibit 179, # 20 Exhibit 180, # 21 Exhibit 181, # 22 Exhibit 182, # 23 Exhibit 183, # 24 Exhibit 184, # 25 Exhibit 185, # 26 Exhibit 186, # 27 Exhibit 187, # 28 Exhibit 188, # 29 Exhibit 189, # 30 Exhibit 190, # 31 Exhibit 191, # 32 Exhibit 192, # 33 Exhibit 193, # 34 Exhibit 194, # 35 Exhibit 195, # 36 Exhibit 196, # 37 Exhibit 197, # 38 Exhibit 198, # 39 Exhibit 199, # 40 Exhibit 200, # 41 Exhibit 201, # 42 Exhibit 202, # 43 Exhibit 203, # 44 Exhibit 204, # 45 Exhibit 205, # 46 Exhibit 206, # 47 Exhibit 207, # 48 Exhibit 208, # 49 Exhibit 209, # 50 Exhibit 210, # 51 Exhibit 211, # 52 Exhibit 212, # 53 Exhibit 213, # 54 Exhibit 214, # 55 Exhibit 215, # 56 Exhibit 216, # 57 Exhibit 217, # 58 Exhibit 218, # 59 Exhibit 219, # 60 Exhibit 220, # 61 Exhibit 221, # 62 Exhibit 222, # 63 Exhibit 223, # 64 Exhibit 224, # 65 Exhibit 225, # 66 Exhibit 226, # 67 Exhibit 227, # 68 Exhibit 228, # 69 Exhibit 229, # 70 Exhibit 230, # 71 Exhibit 231, # 72 Exhibit 232, # 73 Exhibit 233, # 74 Exhibit 234, # 75 Exhibit 235, # 76 Exhibit 236, # 77 Exhibit 237, # 78 Exhibit 238, # 79 Exhibit 239, # 80 Exhibit 240, # 81 Exhibit 241, # 82 Exhibit 242, # 83 Exhibit 243, # 84 Exhibit 244, # 85 Exhibit 245, # 86 Exhibit 246, # 87 Exhibit 247)(Kohlmann, Susan)

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CODED FIELDS: BEGDOC: G00001-00507405 ENDDOC: G00001-00507407 BEGATTACH: G00001-00507405 ENDATTACH: GOOOO 1-00507407 RECORDTYPE: E-File CUSTODIAN: Dunton _(Maryrose )-GOONDCEOOOOO 1612 DATASETID: GOONDCE000001612 MASTER DATE: 01/03/2006 SENTON DATE TIME: CREATE DATE TIME: 01/03/2006:21:35:58 LASTMOD DATE TIME: 01/03/2006:21:35:58 RECEIVED DATE TIME: P ARNTFOLDER: HAL-SB-0207\1 Customer\Macintosh ----- HD\U sers\maryrose\Library\Application Support\Adium 2. O\U sers\Default\Logs\AIM. maryrosedunton\ojakemo-GOONDCEOOOOO 1612 AUTHOR: TO: CC: BCC: SUBJECT_TITLE: ojakemo (2006001 003).html ORIGINALSOURCE: NA TIVEP ATH: FILEEXT: html FILENAME: ojakemo (2006CiOl 003).html-GOONDCE000001612 FILESIZE: 13865 MD5HASH: 4aba32f574geb934838b6121c51e1349 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL happy new year 1:13:24 PM ojakemo: 1: 13 :30 PM maryrosedunton: happy new year! 1: 15:35 PM ojakemo: heard about your myspace thing (your = youtube) 1:15:43 PM ojakemo: apparently it was in the New York Times? 1: 15: 44 PM maryrosedunton: hah. ya, although I didn't realize how bad it was until the next day. :) oh ya! 1: 15: 48 PM maryrosedunton: 1: 15:54 PM maryrosedunton: we got so much press off of that 1:16:11 PM maryrosedunton: funny, because one of your publishers did a big blogspot on it. :) blogherald haha nice 1: 16: 14 PM maryrosedunton: 1: 16:33 PM ojakemo: 1: 16:50 PM ojakemo: we found out that our script to verify publishers hasn't run for three months 1:16:55 PM maryrosedunton: oh, by the way, NYTimes incorrectly quoted their sources. the quotes they attributed to irrate 'bloggers' were actually from the blog I write on our site. :) 1: 17:01 PM ojakemo: 2 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL haha nice 1: 17:01 PM ojakemo: 1: 17:09 PM ojakemo: well, no such thing as bad publicity:) 1: 17:41 PM maryrosedunton: indeed. between that and the Saturday Night Clips that got put on our site (which also made the Times) we're now getting close to 7 million views a day 1: 18:02 PM ojakemo: wow 1: 18:05 PM ojakemo: what was it when you started? 1:18:38 PM maryrosedunton: 398,737 that was the stats from the day I started. :) 1:19:11 PM ojakemo: wow 1: 18: 5 3 PM maryrosedunton: 1: 19: 15 PM ojakemo: 20x as much, eh 1:19:16 PM ojakemo: not bad ya, it's crazy. :) 1: 19:25 PM maryrosedunton: 1:19:53 PM ojakemo: yah 1 :20:02 PM ojakemo: i'm thinking i might start looking around for a different job sssh 1 :20:05 PM ojakemo: hah. . . well, you should come by 1 :20:21 PM maryrosedunton: 1 :21 :16 PM ojakemo: i could wait until my l-year date 1 :21: 18 PM maryrosedunton: oh, really? well... leads are good 3 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL The following is a true and correct copy of this instant message conversation as produced by Defendants. ï" ¿ oodiv class="receive"~oospan class="timestamp"~ 1 : 13:24 PMoo/span~ oospan class="sender"~ojakemo: oo/span~oopre class="message";"happy new yearoopre;"oo/div;" oodiv class="send";"oospan class="timestamp";" 1 : 13:30 PMoospan;" oospan c1ass="sender"~maryrosedunton: oospan~oopre class="message"~happy new yearloo/pre~oodiv~ oodiv c1ass="receive"~oospan c1ass="timestamp"~ 1 : 15:35 PMoo/span~ oospan class="sender"~ojakemo: oo/span~oopre class"messge"~heard about your myspace thing (your = youtube)oo/pre~oo/div~ oodiv class"receive"~oospan c1ass="timestamp"~ 1 : 15:43 PMoo/span~ oospan class"sender"~ojakemo: oo/span~oopre class="messge"~apparently it was in the New York Times?oopre~oo/div~ oodiv class="send"~oospan class="timestamp";" 1 : 15:44 PMoo/span~ oospan class="sender"~maryrosedunton: oo/span~oopre class"messge"~hah. ya, although I didn't realize how bad it was until the next day. :)oo/pre~oodiv~ oodiv class="send"~oospan class"timestamp"~1 :15:48 PMoo/span~ oospan class"sender"~maryrosedunton: oospan~oopre class"messge"~oh ya\oopre~oodiv~ oodiv class"send";"oospan class"timestamp"~1 :15:54 PMoo/span~ oospan class="sender"~maryrosedunton: oo/span~oopre class"message"~we got so much press off of thak/pre~oodiv~ oodiv class="send"~oospan class="timestamp"~ 1 : 16: 11 PMoospan~ oospan class"sender"~maryrosedunton: oo/span;"oopre c1ass="message"~funny, because one of your publishers did a big blogspot on it. :)oo/pre~oodiv;" oodiv class"send"~oospan class="timestamp"~ 1 : 16: 14 PMoospan;" oospan class="sender"~maryrosedunton: oo/span;"oopre class=" message" ~blogheraldoopre;"oo/div~ oodiv class="receive"~oospan class="timestamp"~ 1: 16:33 PMoo/span~ oospan c1ass="sender";"ojakemo: oo/span~oopre class="message"~haha niceoo/pre~oodiv~ oodiv class"receive";"oospan class="timestamp"~ 1 : 16:50 PMoospan~ oospan class="sender"~ojakemo: oo/span~oopre class"messge"~we found out that our script to verify publishers hasn't run for three monthsoo/pre~oodiv~ oodiv class"send"~oospan class="timestamp"~ 1 : 16:55 PMoo/span~ oospan class="sender"~maryrosedunton: oo/span~oopre class="message"~oh, by the way, NYTimes incorrectly quoted their sources. the quotes they attributed to irrate 'bloggers' were actually from the blog I write on our site. :)oopre;"oo/div~ oodiv class"receive"~oospan class"timestamp"~ 1 : 17:01 PMoospan~ oospan class="sender"~ojakemo: oo/span~oopre class"message"~hahaoopre~oodiv~ oodiv class"receive"~oospan class"timestamp"~ 1 : 17:01 PMoospan~ oospan class="sender"~ojakemo: oo/span~oopre class="message"~niceoopre~oodiv~ oodiv class"receive"~oospan class="timestamp"~ 1: 17:09 PMoospan~ oospan class="sender"~ojakemo: oo/span~oopre class="message"~well, no such thing as bad publicity :)oo/pre~oodiv~ oodiv class="send"~oospan class="timestamp"~ 1 : 17:41 PMoo/span~ oospan class"sender"~maryrosedunton: oospan~oopre c1ass="message"~indeed. between that and the Saturday Night Clips that got put on our site (which also made the Times) we're now getting close to 7 million views a dayoopre~oodiv~ oodiv class="receive"~oospan class="timestamp"~ 1 : 18:02 PMoo/span~ oospan class="sender"~ojakemo: oo/span;"oopre class="message";"wowoo/pre;"oo/div;" oodiv class="receive"~oospan class"timestamp"~ 1 : 18:05 PMoo/span~ oospan class="sender"~ojakemo: oo/span~oopre class="messge"~what was it when you started?oopre~oo/div~ c:div c1ass="send"~oospan class="timestamp"~ 1 : 18:38 PMc:/span;" oospan class="sender"~maryrosedunton: Highly Confidential GOOOOI-00507405

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