Viacom International, Inc. et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al
DECLARATION of William M. Hohengarten (Part Eight) Ex. 160 in Support re: 176 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment /Viacom's Notice of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Liability and Inapplicability of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Safe Harbor Defense.. Document filed by Country Music Television, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, Viacom International, Inc., Black Entertainment Television, LLC, Comedy Partners. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 161, # 2 Exhibit 162, # 3 Exhibit 163, # 4 Exhibit 164, # 5 Exhibit 165, # 6 Errata 166, # 7 Exhibit 167, # 8 Exhibit 168, # 9 Exhibit 169, # 10 Exhibit 170, # 11 Exhibit 171, # 12 Exhibit 172, # 13 Exhibit 173, # 14 Exhibit 174, # 15 Exhibit 175, # 16 Exhibit 176, # 17 Exhibit 177, # 18 Exhibit 178, # 19 Exhibit 179, # 20 Exhibit 180, # 21 Exhibit 181, # 22 Exhibit 182, # 23 Exhibit 183, # 24 Exhibit 184, # 25 Exhibit 185, # 26 Exhibit 186, # 27 Exhibit 187, # 28 Exhibit 188, # 29 Exhibit 189, # 30 Exhibit 190, # 31 Exhibit 191, # 32 Exhibit 192, # 33 Exhibit 193, # 34 Exhibit 194, # 35 Exhibit 195, # 36 Exhibit 196, # 37 Exhibit 197, # 38 Exhibit 198, # 39 Exhibit 199, # 40 Exhibit 200, # 41 Exhibit 201, # 42 Exhibit 202, # 43 Exhibit 203, # 44 Exhibit 204, # 45 Exhibit 205, # 46 Exhibit 206, # 47 Exhibit 207, # 48 Exhibit 208, # 49 Exhibit 209, # 50 Exhibit 210, # 51 Exhibit 211, # 52 Exhibit 212, # 53 Exhibit 213, # 54 Exhibit 214, # 55 Exhibit 215, # 56 Exhibit 216, # 57 Exhibit 217, # 58 Exhibit 218, # 59 Exhibit 219, # 60 Exhibit 220, # 61 Exhibit 221, # 62 Exhibit 222, # 63 Exhibit 223, # 64 Exhibit 224, # 65 Exhibit 225, # 66 Exhibit 226, # 67 Exhibit 227, # 68 Exhibit 228, # 69 Exhibit 229, # 70 Exhibit 230, # 71 Exhibit 231, # 72 Exhibit 232, # 73 Exhibit 233, # 74 Exhibit 234, # 75 Exhibit 235, # 76 Exhibit 236, # 77 Exhibit 237, # 78 Exhibit 238, # 79 Exhibit 239, # 80 Exhibit 240, # 81 Exhibit 241, # 82 Exhibit 242, # 83 Exhibit 243, # 84 Exhibit 244, # 85 Exhibit 245, # 86 Exhibit 246, # 87 Exhibit 247)(Kohlmann, Susan)
DATASETID: GOONDCE000001612 MASTER DATE: 02/04/2006 SENTON DATE TIME: CREATE DATE TIME: 02/04/2006:03:23:49 LASTMOD DATE TIME: 02/04/2006:03:23:49 RECEIVED DATE TIME: P ARNTFOLDER: HAL-SB-0207\1 Customer\Macintosh
HD\U sers\maryrose\Library\App!ication Support\Adium 2. O\U sers\Default\Logs\AIM. maryrosedunton\nurb!ieh-GOONDCEOOOOO 1 6 12 AUTHOR: TO: CC: BCC:
FILENAME: nurb!ieh (2006-02-03). htm! -GOONDCEOOOOO 1612
MD5HASH: 1 dab07fe52f54285b8a90c59f7 a2eebO
GOOOO 1 -0 1 931 799-GOOOO 1 -0 1931811
1:00:58 AM nurblieh: i'm going to go to bed soon, they can call me if
they need somethign.
1 :01: 1 5 AM maryrosedunton: ya, me too. thanks for letting me vent. :) 1 :02:23 AM maryrosedunton: nite 10:45 :39 AM nurblieh: the british military experimenting with LSD, =517198059628627413 10:52:35 AM nurblieh: hey. is the pretty girls stuff supposed to go live? 10:53:31 AM maryrosedunton: ya, let me check and make sure cab got her edits in 10:53:42 AM nurblieh: yeah, i saw she checked in. 10: 53:45 AM nurblieh: which is why i asked. 10:53:51 AM maryrosedunton: ah gottcha 10:53:55 AM
maryrosedunton: ya, it should be ready shortly
11:02:41 AM maryrosedunton: man, I have to take down my beatles ed sullivan video that sucks. 11:02:51 AM
nurblieh: doh!
11:02:56 AM nurblieh: did apple music contact us? 11:03:01 AM nurblieh: or whomever owns the estate these days 11:03:47 AM maryrosedunton: no, but in that NYTimes article it talks specifically about the people who own the copyrights to the Ed Sullivan show working with us to take down all bootlegged copies 11:03:59 AM maryrosedunton: 1 told brent I have a copy and he told me I have to take it down. :( 11:04:02 AM nurblieh: ahhh 11:04:07 AM nurblieh: damn.
GOOOO 1 -0 1 931 799-GOOOO 1-0 1931811
11:04:13 AM maryrosedunton: hahha...i know 11:04:28 AM nurblieh: we're going to need a full time team removing copyright.
11 :04:30 AM
maryrosedunton: maybe I'll just make it private. ;) 11:04:33 AM nurblieh: heheh 11:05:46 AM maryrosedunton: chad sent me an email and told me we can't feature videos or have contest winners wi copyrighted songs in them 11:05:53 AM maryrosedunton: 1 guess we're getting smacked down or something 11:06:04 AM
maryrosedunton: funny because our 'making of youtube' has the white stripes hehe
11:06:21 AM nurblieh: man. that's like half our videos. 11:06:27 AM maryrosedunton: i know 11:06:38 AM maryrosedunton: how does go ogle get away with it I wonder? 11:08:23 AM nurblieh: do they get away with it tho? 11:08:49 AM
maryrosedunton: 1 think so, they also have copyrighted content featured - and stuff
they don't
own like the family guy 11:09:09 AM nurblieh: i didn't even know they had "featured" stuff. 11:09:32 AM maryrosedunton: oh, just on their home page 11:09:52 AM nurblieh: ha. never been to the front page, guess il check it out. 11:53:46 AM
maryrosedunton: ok...can you push the pretty girls stuff
to stage and I'll test it?
11:53:56 AM maryrosedunton: like pullng teeth with that one. jesus 12:05:33 PM nurblieh: heheh 12:05:38 PM nurblieh: she was in early this morning i noticed. 12:05:51 PM
maryrosedunton: haha.. .yup
12:06:01 PM maryrosedunton: because I asked her to get it done by last night 12:06:11 PM nurblieh: that's sort of what i assumed heh
GOOOO 1 -0 1 93 1 799-GOOOO 1 -0 1 93181 1
The following is a true and correct copy of this
instant message conversation as produced by Defendants.
title=" 98059628627413'':o
=517198059628627413.c:a::../pre:o4div:: .:div class="receive";,.:span class="timestamp";,1 0:52:35 AM.:/span:: .:span class="sender":onurblieh:
../span:o.:pre class="message":ohey. is the pretty girls stuff supposed to go live?.:/pre:o4div:o
.:div c1ass="send":o.:span class="timestamp";,1 0:53:31 AM4span:o .:span class="sender";,maryrosedunton: -:/span;,..pre class="message";,ya, let me check and make sure cab got her edits in4pre;,../div::
..div class="receive":o..span class="timestamp":o1 0:53:42 AM.:/span:o .:span class="sender":onurblieh: .:/span:o.:pre class="messge":oyeah, i saw she checked in..:pre:o../div:o
..div c1ass="receive":o..span class="timestamp":o1 0:53:45 AM':span:o -:span class="sender":onurblieh:
../span:o-:pre class="message":owhich is why i asked.-:/pre:o-:/div:o .:div class="send"::.:span class="timestamp":o1 0:53:51 AM4span:o ..span class="sender"::maryrosedunton:
../span;,..pre class="messge":oah gottcha../pre;,../div;, ..div class"send":o.:span class="timestamp":o1 0:53:55 AM4span:o -:span class="sender"::maryrosedunton: ../span;,.:pre class="message";,ya, it should be ready shortly.:/pre::.:/div;,
-:div c1ass="send"::..span c1ass="timestamp"::11 :02:41 AM-:/span:o ..span c1ass="sender";,maryrosedunton: .:/span;,-:pre class="message":oman, I have to take down my beaties ed sullivan video that sucks.-:/pre:o.:/div:o .odiv class="receive":o.:span class="timestamp":o11 :02:51 AM4span;, .:span c1ass="sender";,nurblieh: 4span:o-:pre class="message":odoh\ -:/pre:o4div:o -:div class="receive":o-:span class="timestamp":o11 :02:56 AM../span:o -:span class="sender":onurblieh:
.:/span;,.:pre class"message";,did apple music contact us?.:/pre;,.:/div;, ..div class"receive":o.:span class="timestamp":o11 :03:01 AM../span:o ..span class="sender":onurblieh: .:/span:o.:pre class="messge":oor whomever owns the estate these days-:/pre:o.:/div:o .:div c1ass"send";,.:span class="timestamp"::11 :03:47 AM.:/span:o .:span class"sender";,maryrosedunton: .:/span:o.:pre class="message":ono, but in that NYTimes article it talks specifically about the people who own the copyrights to the Ed Sullivan show working with us to take down all bootlegged copies.:/pre:o.:/div:o .:div class="send";,..span class="timestamp";,11 :03:59 AM.:/span:o .:span class="sender";,maryrosedunton: .:/span:o.:pre claSS"message":o1 told brent I have a copy and he told me i have to take it down. :(-:/pre:o4div:o .:div class="receive":o.:span class="timestamp":o11 :04:02 AM.:/span:o .:span c1ass="sender":onurblieh:
.:/span:o.:pre class="message";,ahhh4pre;,../div;,
.:div class="receive":o.:span class="timestamp":o11 :04:07 AM../span:o .:span class="sender":onurblieh:
../span:o.:pre class="message":odamn.4pre:o../div:o ..div class="send";,.:span class"timestamp";,11 :04: 13 AM.:/span;, .:span class="sender";,maryrosedunton:
.:/span:o.:pre class="messge":ohahha...1 know.:/pre:o-:/div:o .:div class="receive"::..span class="timestamp":o11 :04:28 AM-:/span:o .:span c1ass"sender":onurblieh: .:/span:o.:pre class="messge":owe're going to need a full time team removing copyright..:pre;,.:/div:o .:div class="send":o.:span class="timestamp":o11 :04:30 AM.:/span:o -:span clasS="sender":omaryrosedunton: dspan:o-:pre c1ass"message":omaybe i'll just make it private. ;)../pre:o.:/div:o -:div class="receive";,..span class="timestamp";,11 :04:33 AM.:/span;, .:span class="sender";,nurblieh:
../span:o..pre class="message":oheheh.:/pre:o4div:o .:div c1ass="send":o-:span class="timestamp"::11 :05:46 AM4span:o ..span class="sender"::maryrosedunton:
-:/span;,.:pre c1ass"messge":ochad sent me an email and told me we can't feature videos or have contest winners w/ copyrighted songs in them4pre:o.:/div:o .:div class="send":o.:span class="timestamp"::11 :05:53 AM.:/span:o -:span class="sender"::maryrosedunton:
-:/span:o..pre class="message":oI guess we're getting smacked down or something4pre:o../div;,
..div class="send":o.:span class="timestamp":o11 :06:04 AM../span:o -:span clasS="sender":omaryrosedunton: -:/span:o.:pre class="message":ofunny because our 'making of youtube' has the white stripes hehe-:/pre:o.:/div:o
-:div c1ass="receive";,-:span c1ass="timestamp";,11 :06:21 AM.:span:o ..span class="sender";,nurblieh:
.:/span:o.:pre class="message":oman. that's like half our videos.../pre:o4div:o .:div class="send"::.:span class="timestamp":o11 :06:27 AM4span:o -:span class="sender"::maryrosedunton:
-:/span;,-:pre class="message":oI know4pre:o../div;,
.:div clasS="send":o.:span class="timestamp":o11 :06:38 AM../span:o -:span claSS"sender";,maryrosedunton: ../span:o.epre c1ass="messge":ohow does google get away with it I wonder? ../pre:oddiv:o
-:div c1ass="receive";,.:span class"timestamp":o11 :08:23 AM-:/span;, .:span class="sender":onurblieh:
.:/span:o-:pre class="message":odo they get away with it tho?-:/pre:o-:/div:o .:div class="send":o.ospan class="timestamp";,11 :08:49 AM../span:o .:span c1ass="sender"::maryrosedunton: ../span:o-:pre class="message";,1 think so, they also have copyrighted content featured - and stuff they don't own like the family guy4pre:o.:div:o
..div c1ass="receive":o..span class="timestamp":o11 :09:09 AM4span:o .:span c1ass="sender"::nurblieh:
Highly Confidential