Viacom International, Inc. et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al

Filing 371

DECLARATION of ANDREW H. SCHAPIRO in Support re: 177 MOTION for Summary Judgment Regarding Applicability of the DMCA and on Plaintiffs' Inducement Claims.. Document filed by Youtube, Inc., Youtube, LLC, Google, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - 3, # 2 Exhibit 4 - 12, # 3 Exhibit 13 - 17, # 4 Exhibit 18 Part 1, # 5 Exhibit 18 Part 2, # 6 Exhibit 19 - 32, # 7 Exhibit 33 - 41, # 8 Exhibit 42 Part 1)(Schapiro, Andrew)

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HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL FILED UNDER SEAL UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., ET AL., ) ) ) Plaintiffs, ) v. ) ) YOUTUBE, INC., ET AL., ) ) Defendants. ) THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION ) PREMIER LEAGUE LIMITED, ET AL., ) on behalf of themselves and all others ) similarly situated, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) v. ) ) YOUTUBE, INC., ET AL., ) ) Defendants. ) ) ECF Case Civil No. 07-CV-2103 (LLS) ECF Case Civil No. 07-CV-3582 (LLS) DECLARATION OF ANDREW H. SCHAPIRO IN FURTHER SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS' MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Andrew H. Schapiro, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. � 1746, hereby declares as follows: 1. I am a partner at the firm of Mayer Brown LLP, attorneys for Defendants YouTube, Inc., YouTube, LLC, and Google Inc. (collectively, "YouTube") in the above-captioned matters. I submit this Declaration in further support of Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment. 2. Attached hereto are true and correct copies of the following documents. Documents with the following Bates prefixes were produced by the following party or non-party in these actions: HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL FILED UNDER SEAL Documents with the Bates prefix "GOO001" were produced by YouTube in these actions. Documents with the Bates prefix "VIA" were produced by plaintiffs Viacom International Inc., Comedy Partners, Country Music Television, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation and Black Entertainment Television LLC (collectively, "Viacom") in these actions. Documents with the Bates prefix "MPAA" were produced by non-party Motion Picture Association of America pursuant to a subpoena. Documents with the Bates prefix "AM" were produced by non-party Audible Magic pursuant to a subpoena. Documents with the Bates prefix "CAL" were produced by named plaintiff Cal IV Entertainment, LLC. Documents with the Bates prefix "BAYTSP" were produced by nonparty BayTSP, Inc. pursuant to a subpoena. Documents with the Bates prefix "FS" were produced by non-party Fanscape Inc. pursuant to a subpoena. Documents with the Bates prefix "JK" were produced by non-party Jawed Karim pursuant to a subpoena. Documents with the Bates prefix "TA" were produced by non-party Total Assault pursuant to a subpoena. Exhibit Description 1 Excerpts of the Deposition of Mika Salmi (Oct. 16, 2009) 2 Excerpts of the Deposition of Tom Freston (Sept. 11, 2009) Brief for Defendants-Appellees, Kane v. Comedy Partners, No. 03-9136 (2d 3 Cir. Feb. 4, 2004) 4 BAYTSP 003749923 � BAYTSP 003749928 5 VIA11788422 � VIA11788425 6 FS000085 7 VIA11918325 � VIA11918330 8 VIA00857400 � VIA00857401 9 VIA10391714 10 VIA00346037 � VIA00346039 11 FS048711 � FS048716 12 FS008462 � FS008465 13 Excerpts of the Deposition of John Eddow (Nov. 12, 2009) 14 GOO001-09681139 � GOO001-09681150 2 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL FILED UNDER SEAL Exhibit 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Description Excerpts of the Deposition of Lee L'Archevesque (Feb. 18, 2010) Excerpts of the Deposition of Mark Hall (Feb. 23, 2010) Excerpts of the Deposition of Warren Solow (Jan. 14, 2010) VIA16072901 � VIA16072922 BAYTSP 001125759 BAYTSP 001093517 � BAYTSP 001093523 VIA11787337 � VIA11787338 BAYTSP 003723588 VIA12077787 � VIA12077788 VIA02074233 � VIA02074235 VIA11918145 BAYTSP 004313354 � BAYTSP 004313364 BAYTSP 004296418 VIA11918146 � VIA11918148 FS043068 � FS043070 BAYTSP 004342189 � BAYTSP 004342190 GOO001-00222788 � GOO001-00222789 VIA01603890 � VIA01603912 BAYTSP 004133220 � BAYTSP 004133233 VIA11988578 � VIA11988601 BAYTSP 004295213 VIA01492305 � VIA01492306 GOO001-00629095 VIA16853903 � VIA16853909 AM 003814 � AM 003842 Letter from S. Kohlmann to Hon. Louis L. Stanton (May 20, 2010) VIA02074915 � VIA02074916 MPAA004280 � MPAA004314 GOO001-00021505 GOO001-07091995 GOO001-06126509 � GOO001-06126512 Excerpts of the Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition of YouTube, by Christopher Maxcy (Jan. 14, 2010) Excerpts of the Deposition of Matthew Liu (Nov. 13, 2009) Excerpts of the Deposition of Varun Kacholia (Jan. 8, 2010) YouTube "Help" Section (Sept. 23, 2005), retrieved from Internet Archive ( GOO001-01279682 � GOO001-01279683 YouTube Terms of Use (Oct. 28, 2005), retrieved from Internet Archive ( VIA16075524 � VIA16075525 VIA15022945 � VIA15022946 3 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL FILED UNDER SEAL Exhibit 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Description Transcript of Oral Argument, MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., 545 U.S. 913 (2005) (No. 04-480) YouTube screenshot of The Official YouTube Blog (March 26, 2006), retrieved from VIA01673620 � VIA01673638 Oct. 23, 2009 Hearing Transcript, Viacom Int'l Inc., et al. v. YouTube, Inc. et al. (No. 07-CV-2103) and The Football Ass'n Premier League Ltd., et al. v. YouTube, Inc. et al. (No. 07-CV-3582) Excerpts of the Deposition of Robert Tur (Nov. 12, 2009) Excerpts of the Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition of X-Ray Dog, by Timothy Stithem (Dec. 8, 2009) Excerpts of the Deposition of Nancy DiTuro (Nov. 10, 2008) Excerpts of the Deposition of Seigo Takeshima (Aug. 25, 2008) CAL00000747 � CAL00000780 Excerpts of the Deposition of Brian Bradford (Mar. 12, 2009) Excerpts of the Deposition of Alex Ellerson (May 22, 2009) Excerpts of the Deposition of Micah Schaffer (July 23, 2008) Excerpts of the Deposition of Deborah Kadetsky (Aug. 18, 2009) Plaintiffs Viacom International Inc. et al.'s Responses to Defendants' First Set of Requests for Admission (Jan. 8, 2010) Excerpts of the Deposition of Michael Fricklas (Sept. 22, 2009) VIA15023626 � VIA15023627 VIA00220642 GOO001-00853898 � GOO001-00853900 GOO001-06048929 � GOO001-06049221 GOO001-04983155 � GOO001-04983156 GOO001-00241683 Excerpts of the Deposition of Michael Wolf (Apr. 17, 2009) Excerpts of the Deposition of Amy Powell (Dec. 15, 2009) VIA00565284 � VIA00565285 VIA00558182 � VIA00558184 JK00000106 � JK00000122 JK00000102 Excerpts of the Deposition of Jawed Karim (June 9, 2009) BAYTSP 003743122 � 003743148 BAYTSP 004133087 VIA02689261 � VIA02689264 GOO001-01859813 � GOO001-01859814 VIA00369555 GOO001-06030607 � GOO001-06030610 4 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL FILED UNDER SEAL Exhibit 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Description GOO001-00866497 � GOO001-00866498 GOO001-00858580 GOO001-01385428 � GOO001-01385430 Excerpts of the Deposition of Megan Wahtera (Dec. 4, 2009) Declaration of Yu Jin Kang, Viacom Int'l, Inc., et al. v. YouTube, Inc., et al., dated Nov. 24. 2008 Data re: YouTube Video ID: 49zOwm8ojD4 VIA00378823 � VIA00378826 VIA02359391 VIA02364299 � VIA02364300 FS43167 � FS43168 YouTube screenshot of YouTube screenshot of GOO001-05027749 BAYTSP 004174340 � BAYTSP 004174342 BAYTSP 002045787 BAYTSP 003927252 � BAYTSP 003927253 Excerpts of the Deposition of Michelena Hallie (Dec. 10, 2009) BAYTSP 003766865 BAYTSP 004182969 BAYTSP 004283313 VIA10197825 � VIA10197827 VIA01918077 � VIA01918192 VIA00853644 VIA01893418 � VIA01893419 VIA00456983 "Comedy Central clips back on YouTube," Ars Technica, Nov. 1, 2006 ( "Fake News Back on YouTube," The New York Post, Oct. 31, 2006 GOO001-00856889 GOO001-00868425 VIA01129508 � VIA01129509 VIA00329104 VIA00471804 � VIA00471805 VIA00329124 VIA00883852 � VIA00883854 VIA00613122 VIA02047549 VIA00343418 VIA02048414 VIA00173554 � VIA00173556 VIA00173127 5 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL FILED UNDER SEAL Exhibit 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 3. Description VIA00905517 � VIA00905518 VIA00883751 � VIA00883752 VIA00225564 � VIA00225565 Excerpts of the Deposition of Erik Flannigan (Oct. 16, 2008) VIA01183721 BAYTSP 001110371 BAYTSP 003724700 GOO001-05885499 � GOO001-05885502 TA000197 � TA000199 Excerpts of the Deposition of Damon Burrell (Apr. 14, 2009) Excerpts of the Deposition of Tina Exarhos (Feb. 23, 2009) YouTube screenshot of Excerpts of the Deposition of Tamar Teifeld (Feb. 18. 2009) VIA01173532 � VIA01173538 Excerpts of the Deposition of Jason Witt (Sept. 25, 2008) Excerpts of the Deposition of Judy McGrath (July 29, 2009) Excerpts of the Deposition of Doug Herzog (Jan. 16, 2009) Excerpts of the Deposition of Sumner Redstone (May 20, 2009) VIA10391650 � VIA10391670 VIA00200735 � VIA00200737 VIA00399022 Excerpts of the Deposition of Theodora Michaels (Sept. 24, 2009) VIA00561303 � VIA00561304 VIA02509711 � VIA02509714 VIA01999495 VIA11789373 � VIA11789375 VIA02349964 � VIA02349981 American Beauty, Original Motion Picture Score Screenshot of Screenshot of Screenshot of Screenshot of Screenshot of Screenshot of Screenshot of Screenshot of Defendants' Reply Brief In Support Of Defendants' Motion For Summary Judgment refers to a number of videos from the YouTube website. 6 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL FILED UNDER SEAL Attached hereto are true and correct copies of those videos. Version "A" of each video is provided in the "Flash Video," or ".flv," format, as stored on YouTube's servers. (See Declaration of Michael Solomon, filed on March 5, 2010, at � 12, which explains the manner in which those videos were captured from YouTube's servers.) For the Court's convenience, we have also converted each video to the "MPEG-1" format, and include that format as version "B." Exhibit 165A 165B 166A 166B 167A 167B 168A 168B 169A 169B 170A 170B 171A 171B 172A 172B 173A 173B 174A 174B 175A 175B 176A 176B 177A 177B 178A 178B 179A Description 3DKQ1-W37AM (.flv format) 3DKQ1-W37AM (MPEG-1 format) rXi0--gREZo (.flv format) rXi0--gREZo (MPEG-1 format) cWpKb_5u6lk (.flv format) cWpKb_5u6lk (MPEG-1 format) trNExuaIGig (.flv format) trNExuaIGig (MPEG-1 format) S4wv33PhRbw (.flv format) S4wv33PhRbw (MPEG-1 format) HX0twHa8hoY (.flv format) HX0twHa8hoY (MPEG-1 format) Q90toG3a8BY (.flv format) Q90toG3a8BY (MPEG-1 format) JabwaEuiaTY (.flv format) JabwaEuiaTY (MPEG-1 format) 7AqmLH9z9Qw (.flv format) 7AqmLH9z9Qw (MPEG-1 format) u0GkseyIY_M (.flv format) u0GkseyIY_M (MPEG-1 format) 2EsRenCKMNE (.flv format) 2EsRenCKMNE (MPEG-1 format) AYnA98RMla8 (.flv format) AYnA98RMla8 (MPEG-1 format) rf3BHTB2RAY (.flv format) rf3BHTB2RAY (MPEG-1 format) cR5BCbGyTkc (.flv format) cR5BCbGyTkc (MPEG-1 format) hSdMtP8qztA (.flv format) 7 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL FILED UNDER SEAL Exhibit 179B 180A 180B 181A 181B 182A 182B 183A 183B 184A 184B 185A 185B 186A 186B 187A 187B 188A 188B 189A 189B 190A 190B 191A 191B 192A 192B 193A 193B 194A 194B 195A 195B 196A 196B 197A 197B 198A 198B Description hSdMtP8qztA (MPEG-1 format) WoH85zHD8Sk (.flv format) WoH85zHD8Sk (MPEG-1 format) TRgRz3nSG7o (.flv format) TRgRz3nSG7o (MPEG-1 format) HGRFvus8v5M (.flv format) HGRFvus8v5M (MPEG-1 format) LwXHwDz0cXg (.flv format) LwXHwDz0cXg (MPEG-1 format) PsD0NpFSADM (.flv format) PsD0NpFSADM (MPEG-1 format) PzRHlpEmr0w (.flv format) PzRHlpEmr0w (MPEG-1 format) 6GQ0z5rBci4 (.flv format) 6GQ0z5rBci4 (MPEG-1 format) ovugclIWMEk (.flv format) ovugclIWMEk (MPEG-1 format) II4oaRpA81E (.flv format) II4oaRpA81E (MPEG-1 format) eijhloJjg50 (.flv format) eijhloJjg50 (MPEG-1 format) DkXAfEiZCs0 (.flv format) DkXAfEiZCs0 (MPEG-1 format) CKMhcoopYuM (.flv format) CKMhcoopYuM (MPEG-1 format) 5_Wx-qI4Rs0 (.flv format) 5_Wx-qI4Rs0 (MPEG-1 format) ONHxYF2u3gc (.flv format) ONHxYF2u3gc (MPEG-1 format) SPEexW7gXMw (.flv format) SPEexW7gXMw (MPEG-1 format) W4UW2CBWrO4 (.flv format) W4UW2CBWrO4 (MPEG-1 format) jlwMQBzfmc4 (.flv format) jlwMQBzfmc4 (MPEG-1 format) cGrnebuquSk (.flv format) cGrnebuquSk (MPEG-1 format) HPB9tq7f_1k (.flv format) HPB9tq7f_1k (MPEG-1 format) 8

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