Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 295

DECLARATION of Gregory J. Radomisli in Opposition re: 290 MOTION to Amend/Correct .. Document filed by Jamaica Hospital Medical Center. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C part 1, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit C part 2, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit E part 1, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit E part 2, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit E part 3, # 9 Exhibit Exhibit F, # 10 Exhibit Exhibit G, # 11 Exhibit Exhibit H, # 12 Exhibit Exhibit I, # 13 Exhibit Exhibit J, # 14 Exhibit Exhibit K, # 15 Exhibit Exhibit L, # 16 Exhibit Exhibit M, # 17 Exhibit Exhibit N, # 18 Exhibit Exhibit O, # 19 Exhibit Exhibit P, # 20 Exhibit Exhibit Q, # 21 Exhibit Exhibit R, # 22 Exhibit Exhibit S, # 23 Exhibit Exhibit T, # 24 Exhibit Exhibit U, # 25 Exhibit Exhibit V, # 26 Exhibit Exhibit X)(Osterman, Brian)

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£ C } - tyi Page 1 1 2 UNITED STATES SOUTHERN DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT OF NEW YORK X 3 4 ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT, Plaintif f, 5 6 Case - 7 against - 10 No: CV 06005 8 THE CITY OF NEW YORK, ET AL., 9 Defendants. 10 11 12 220 East 42nd New York, New Street York 13 July 7, 10:06 14 2014 a.m. 15 16 17 DEPOSITION 18 Notice, 19 time, 20 within OF VINOD taken before and at the DENISE for DHAR, the M.D., above ZIVKU, State of pursuant place, a date Notary New to and Public York. 21 22 23 24 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 2 1 2 APPEARANCE 3 4 5 S : NATHANIEL B. SMITH, ESQ . Attorneys for Plain tiff 111 Broadway New York, New York 10006 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 JOHN LENOIR, ESQ. Attorneys for Plaintiff 829 Third Street NE Washington, D.C. 20002 NEW YORK CITY LAW DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF CORPORATION COUNSEL Attorneys for Defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK 100 Church Street New York, New York 10007 BY: SUZANNA PUBLICKER METTHAM, ESQ. SCOPPETTA SEIFF KRETZ & ABERCROMBIE Attorneys for Defendant STEVEN MAURIELLO 444 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10022 BY: MARIANA OLENKO, ESQ. 19 20 21 22 23 24 IVONE, DEVINE & JENSEN, LLP Attorneys for Defendant DR. ISAK ISAKOV 2001 Marcus Avenue Lake Success, New York BY: BRIAN LEE, ESQ. 11042 (Con tinued. ) 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 3 1 2 3 (Continued.) 4 CALLAN, 5 ROSTER, Attorneys DR. for LILIAN BRADY BRENNAN, & Defendant ALDANA-BERNIER One 7 BY: Whitehall Street New 6 LLP York, York PAUL F. New CALLAN, 10004 ESQ. 8 9 MARTIN CLEARWATER Attorneys 10 JAMAICA for New 11 BY: East York, GREGORY BELL, LLP Defendant HOSPITAL 220 & MEDICAL 42nd New CENTER Street York RADOMISLI, 10017 ESQ. 12 13 14 Also Present: 15 Roy Lubit, M.D. 16 Magdalena Bauza 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 4 1 2 STIPULATIONS: 3 IT 4 between the 5 parties hereto, 6 sworn to 8 IT FURTHER 9 filing IS HEREBY STIPULATED attorneys before that AND for this AGREED the by and respective examination may be any Notary Public. 7 10 IS and examination STIPULATED certification shall be AND of AGREED the that the that all said waived. 11 12 IT 13 objections 14 f o rm 15 the IS FURTHER of time th e of to STIPULATED AND que s tion s , except qu estion, sh all AGREED be as to the reserved for tr i a 1 . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 5 1 MR. 2 SMITH: on 10:06 Going 7, 3 it's 4 the 5 Bell, 6 the deposition 7 the policy 8 the 2014. record, We court. offices 220 10 couple 11 federal 12 review of Martin East of 42nd of Street. things. One, we and make for Hospital Yes. Just the corrections on the pursuant reserve at and Here identified by RADOMISLI: rules, are Clearwater Jamaica issues MR. 9 July on a to the right to to the 13 Secondly, 14 15 has brought 16 with 17 as 18 things. 19 other 20 as 21 Dr. Dr. Roy today. him his plaintiff's He expert. One, So we will 22 is here Secondly, 23 Sweet's 24 objections 25 I 212-267-6868 am prior not going are him two object to any insofar given that today. in be to represented issues, light ruling will L-u-b-i-t, identified psychiatric Lubit has there expert being the Lubit, counsel that of all reserved bust Judge this VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY for trial, deposition 516-608-2400 Page 6 1 2 on the 3 Lubit grounds does that However, 4 5 take the 6 entire 7 as 8 that it 9 used for a believe have not I a right we position deposition result of 11 time or any annuled presence and cannot be it be other reason at Okay, SMITH: and course, the 14 assertions 15 doctor 16 also 17 somehow 18 party somehow precludes 19 agent for 20 occasion. I 21 and for plaintiff is disagrees by defense not the see 24 an unknown 25 to maintain counsel here know for a there for I that an agent other some no the here. some law of a other or basis position. is reserving date an on of such as be that assertion the appearing I the to him being 23 with with disagree reason of entitled Finally, 212-267-6868 to this is whether 13 can right trial. MR. 22 here. that Lubit's and be to transcript not be Dr. our trial any purpose, impeachment 12 at Dr. should 10 of reserve that some objection no some basis right unknown to VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY that at reason this 516-608-2400 Page 7 1 deposition, 2 which is now Would you mind 3 going forward. swearing in the witnes s. 4 5 VINOD DHAR, 6 having been 7 Public within 8 was first examined a Witness duly and for sworn the herein, by a State and testified as Notary of New York, follows: 9 10 EXAMINATION 11 MR. BY SMITH: 12 13 Q. 14 address 15 Will you A. for the My 16 "Victor" 17 h-a-r, 18 Wyck last record, first name address is Expressway, MR. 19 20 done 21 witnesses, 22 provided 23 fine 24 any kind 25 but I 212-267-6868 in name and please. name is your is Dhar, Jamaica V-i-n-o-d, D as V as "David" Hospital, 8900 Van Jamaica. SMITH: the with state past I with some understand his business me. of Counsel, I would only need of want to residence the we've the other witness address. don't personal the as has That's pry into issues, residence VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 8 VINOD 1 2 information 3 some 4 serve other if at Given on of would accept 7 need 8 appear as 9 future trial need or to doctor. would you 6 serve the MR. 10 on of 12 time, would 13 otherwise 14 want 15 be 16 Q. 17 providing us 18 A. 19 Juniper 20 Q. Where 21 A. I 22 Jamaica we ask better him him to witness in still he’s Hospital at service, not. his right, with If any an the but you address, My would your home address are work at you address, Syosset, just you might New you is mind Doctor? 60, 6-0 York. currently working? Jamaica Medical Hospital. 23 Q. What's 24 A. I 25 for I If accept would that to off. All Lane, doctor RADOMISLI: employee to the papers 30(b)(6) 11 we any agree proceedings. to of time I the that, service M.D. the hearing, process 5 DHAR, chairman 212-267-6868 of am the your title? currently department the of associate psychiatry. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 9 VINOD DHAR, 1 Q. How A. 2 I long M.D. have you had that 3 4 5 five 6 Jamaica Hospital 7 Q. Have 8 — have while almost working A. 9 Then 11 Hospital. 12 to 14 the that position years. had and where years. other positions I I as an went attending. to Flushing got my promotion chairman. What's the Hospital and relationship Jamaica MR. 15 at Hospital? started chief, for seven any Jamaica I Actually would be you That's Q. Flushing it at unit associate 13 nine Yes. 10 had RADOMISLI: between Hospital? can answer. 16 form. You 17 A. In Flushing 1999 18 over 19 umbrella Medisys 20 the Jamaica Hospital consortium 21 Q. 22 Jamaica 23 A. 24 Q. A. To the same to Hospital took came So under it was the part of department. And? 25 and Network. in Objection 212-267-6868 When as an did you start working at attending? That was 1999 1996. and then from 1999 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY to 516-608-2400 Page 10 VINOD 1 2 2007, you an Flushing. When you attending I Q• M.D. Is in was were the attending, psychiatric inpatient were ward? psychiatric unit. 7 8 at A. 5 6 was Q. 3 4 I DHAR, in a that the same thing as being ward? 9 A. Yeah . 10 Q• You chief, what A. Well, 11 unit 12 13 for 14 aspects 15 Q. 16 the both of also mentioned was unit chief inpatient What you were that? administrative the that was is and unit, your responsible clinical one title at unit. Flushing Hospital? It A. 17 18 and 19 became 20 services 21 the as we started progressed in the assistant and then with the Flushing, director the unit of associate chief then I inpatient chairman of entire department. 22 Q. 23 Hospital 24 Prior joining A. 212-267-6868 1999, did Yes. I you Jamaica work? 25 in to was have in any Dayton, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY other Dayton 516-608-2400 Page 11 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 Mental Health M.D. Center 1990 3 Q. What 4 A. I was an 5 Q. Where is 6 A. Dayton, 7 Q. What you went to do in 1995, '96. Dayton? 96 you to attending 8 did from Dayton? there. Ohio. did you do from 1996 — so Jamaica? 9 A. Jamaica. 10 Q • Before 11 A. I 12 Medical College, 13 Q. What 14 did did my I psychiatry, do How 18 A. That two years 19 did 20 you you at New do? York by saying you was a training in psychiatry. long of mean residency general Q. training did there? did 17 what Valhalla. training A. 15 16 your Dayton was that? three years. fellowship in Then I child psychiatry. 21 Q• Where? 22 A. Same 23 place, Westchester Medical 24 Q - 25 Medical 212-267-6868 Prior College as New York — Center. to a being at resident, New York what VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY did you 516-608-2400 Page 12 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 do? A. 3 4 after I I was in did medical Q. 5 6 M.D. So you India. I schooling went to came in here India. medical school in India? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. Which 9 A. It's 10 Government 11 one? called Medical Kashmir. 12 13 Q. Medical What training at New 14 A. Q. And A. I 16 Kashmir. York State the were That 15 in College, of years Medical would be from '86 your College? from to of 1981 90, what to '86. did you do ? 17 worked an 18 State 19 20 Q. Where 21 A. It's Wingdale, Have you attending 23 New Harlem Valley at Center. 22 Hospital, as is Psychiatric that? Upstate, York. Q. 24 employment, 25 Dayton 212-267-6868 and other Jamaica had than any at other State forms of Hospital, Hospital? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 13 VINOD 1 A. 2 MR. Q. 5 include 6 with M.D. No . 3 4 DHAR, RADOMISLI: Right and Flushing Jamaica, in And Flushing. Flushing. that I since meant to they merged right? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. So 9 question just I will to make Other 10 just it restate that clear. than being at State 11 Hospital, Dayton, Flushing and 12 Hospital, you no employment 13 psychiatrist? had A. I as a No . A. 14 other Jamaica 15 16 17 18 private. 19 been It there have is a since — am currently part-time '92 20 Q. Where 21 A. That's 22 I is in or '93, that small not in practice, sure. practice? Forest Hills, Forest Hills . Q. 23 24 you 25 working How much spend 212-267-6868 at at private of your working practice, as time do opposed to Jamaica? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 14 VINOD A. 2 3 work 4 at I at that Q. it's is Is 11 involuntarily 12 your 13 Flushing work the it to 20 hours third a private fair making of your practice; is Yes. 15 Q. Can of 17 decision number 18 psychiatric to about based State, Dayton, with But mainly you of on give me patients at an Jamaica. approximation that you've made commit to a a institution? MR. is RADOMISLI: witness 21 could 22 hospital. Anything he 23 I to talk going a Objection. 20 30(b) (6) about the witness policy not of does and This so he the personally object. MR. 24 him have patients involuntarily 19 am you Jamaica? A. 16 say decisions experience and to committing 14 212-267-6868 of Yes. experience 25 hours say? 10 the 15 about to A. 9 spend 40 practice. time fair 8 I have So working 7 and I M.D. private Q. 6 — Jamaica the most 5 DHAR, spend 1 SMITH: Are to answer that you instructing question? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 15 VINOD 1 DHAR, M.D. 2 MR. RADOMISLI: 3 MR. SMITH: It's sort 4 getting 5 that his background 6 information 7 if 8 not 9 information about he’s I going to if sure he background 11 the issues was a doctor. some more experience MR. Q. 13 really object So I'm pedigree and instruction. 12 is about just You wouldn't getting 10 of be providing about. asked so Yes. RADOMISLI: Well, is it have extensiveexperience 15 committing 17 Yes. oversee in think to it is. say that you involuntarily patients? A. I I fair 14 16 inappropriate the I have experience because department. 18 Q. DidState 19 involuntary policy? 20 A. Yes, 21 different 22 involved. 23 I 24 25 Q. I am State not have an Hospital is what s tatus. don't and but Hospital I was just know how the Well, as familiar treating patients an — the came attending VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY I wasn't patients. there at or State 516-608-2400 Page 16 VINOD 1 2 Hospital, did 3 involuntarily 4 psychiatric you DHAR, make commit M.D. decisions patients to to the ward? MR. 5 RADOMISLI: 6 A. Q . I 'm s o r ry ? 8 MR. RADOMISLI: 9 objection, objection. No . 7 Same but he 10 Q. The 12 A. said already same answered the que stion. 11 I Obj ection. answer MR. 13 SMITH: (Record 14 MR. 15 the 16 Q. 18 As 19 department 20 of 21 your of psychiatry the an Could you answer, answer? read back please. read.) assistant psychiatric at there read.) and (Record no? Was CALLAN: question 17 was Jamaica chair -- the in the department Hospital, what are duties ? 22 A. 23 oversee 24 department, 25 a dministrative. 212-267-6868 My of the duties include day-to-day both clinical to running see of — to the and VERJTEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 17 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 Q. 3 du ties? 4 What A. the That means 5 patients 6 problematic 7 any that 8 administrative Q. are clinical part 11 Jamaica 12 other 13 emergency 14 Jamaica are day-to-day finding the ER out and clinical the inpatient, any second patients to any opinions attend on the meetings. So 10 in patients, difficult 9 are M.D. is of to it your act and say that in the responsibilities at a as psychiatrists room fair to the supervisor that in are for working the inpatient in the ward at Hospital? MR. 15 16 form 17 legal 18 A. 19 Q. Is 20 A. 21 Q. What 22 today's 23 A. 25 212-267-6868 grounds that it's a conclusion. the answer did you yes? do to prepare for depo sition ? I don't preparing Q. the to Yes . about on Objection Yes. 24 and RADOMISLI: think for the Did you I did anything deposition. review any documents? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 18 VINOD 1 2 A. I 3 Q. DHAR, Can you 4 you're reviewed referring M.D. the regular describe for A. The hospital 6 Q. Which 7 A. The CPEP policy, 8 Q. What's 9 A. CPEP Psychiatric 11 emergency what the is is policy. one? CPEP Q. Did you 13 A. policy? Program part 12 actually. Comprehensive Emergency room me to? 5 10 policies. of the the CPEP. No . MR. 14 15 other THE 17 Q. You else? reviewed correct? WITNESS: Other policies, yes. 18 anything RADOMISLI: policies, 16 review and 19 20 Tell me what policies you reviewed? A. I 21 emergency 22 reviewed the admissions and policy about our voluntary admis sions. 23 Q. Anything else? 24 A. Not that I 25 Q. Did 212-267-6868 you can recall. speak to anybody, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY other 516-608-2400 Page 19 VINOD DHAR, M.D. attorney, about your 1 2 than your 3 here today? A. 4 5 that My I'm here department Q. Who 7 A. 8 Q. Other 10 discuss 11 Dr. 13 going 14 and I there Dr . Vivek. than were you informing going, about answer just your informed and he just what you Q. else is anything A. 15 about your did you testimony with Vivek? 12 16 that knows that? That's chairman chair today. 6 9 appearance that told me I am to stay calm know. And did you about him speakwith anybody your deposition? 17 A. No . 18 Q. Have 19 Isakov about you ever spoken w i th a Dr. spoken with Dr . spoken wi th case? this 20 A. No . 21 Q• Have 22 Bernier 23 A. No . 24 Q. Have you your recollection, 25 anybody , ’12-267-6868 about to you this ever case? ever about Adrian VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 20 VINOD 1 2 A. M.D. Schoolcraft? 3 DHAR, Actually, 4 about 5 involved looked with the I take that A. That's correct. 9 Q. And you discussions 11 of the with wasn't you've chart 8 10 I spoken no. it patient's haven't No, this case, So at I case anytime. Q. 6 7 this no, never anybody in I had never this never case? looked. any about the contents chart? 12 A. No . 13 Q. That's correct, 14 any discussions with anybody 15 A. I 16 Q. One of 17 depositions, 18 it's 19 long meandering 20 reporter can 21 a chance to 22 had 23 A. I'm 24 Q. No, it's about had — sorry. the any never answer. 25 never you ground I will just important that you anticipate it let me which is it of now, ask my so that down, interject rules cover question, take discussion, give and then you okay, but if common, what VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the is whole the your no. court lawyer get to you I am asking 516-608-2400 Page 21 VINOD 1 2 you and you 3 taking 4 transcript 5 just answer down take what up it, I'm and your DHAR, M.D. she has saying say what to and stop break you're the saying, so time. 6 A. Sure. 7 Q. We're 8 A. One 9 me is just not thing in a hurry. that my chairman told relax. 10 Q. Well, 11 A. Okay. 12 Q. The 13 instruction is that since 14 it's important that you 15 question, 16 you're not 17 please let me so I won't other if I sure ask tell really 18 A. Q. Let under understand you a the question I am oath, and asking you, okay? Sure. 19 important you're about what know; him. 20 as 21 for 22 containing 23 that 24 30 or everybody. were A. 212-267-6868 Exhibit what's This several provided is 130. beenmarked case . 25 Exhibit show you have a multipage Jamaica in I policy discovery in copies document statements this Yeah. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 22 VINOD 1 Q. 2 3 a 4 but 5 policy, 6 a 7 8 9 10 11 lot Are of CPEP we you get policy. A. about these each that that This Which emergency is is This MR. this looked at collection? exclusively RADOMISLI: they have the for the for the 15 MR. SMITH: Greg, that 16 sure, 17 witness 18 has has been in 2009 No. Okay. the So I'm documents testified that he not that the looked at produced? MR. 19 Well, CPEP? WITNESS: RADOMISLI: and I 20 hasn't 21 it 22 established, frankly, MR. established MR. 212-267-6868 had policy. THE 25 you individual exclusively 14 24 ask documents, you in to room? A. 23 going room. Q. did M.D. I’m into Is No. emergency — mentioned 12 13 you questions before DHAR, didn't because there SMITH: it. I’m know he it looked as we was no CPEP at just Well, I sure 2009. you didn't RADOMISLI: in You establish can VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY it. -- 516-608-2400 Page 23 VINOD 1 2 MR. 3 understand 4 fact 5 form, 6 witness 7 the 8 request with I DHAR, SMITH: and M.D. In I'm not you, like to has reviewed deposition. a know what RADOMISLI: MR. SMITH: it to of the for make CPEP a policy. CPEP. Whatever it is. produced. MR. 12 that preparing copy of the 10 I a matter I am going MR. Have as in 9 11 event, disputing but just would for any 13 advisement. 14 Q. 16 policy with under follow-up don't have you, do a copy in of that you? A. No, I Q. 17 18 You Please Taken writing. 15 RADOMISLI: didn't bring Did you review, any of it with me, no . 19 20 your deposition 21 that are A. 22 contained Well, CPEP. This is 24 the CPEP. It's not 25 from 212-267-6868 of Exhibit actually the policy policy within 23 the the one of going the in preparing this the to CPEP. is for statements 130? part of components be of different The VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY CPEP has 516-608-2400 Page 24 VINOD 1 2 three 3 components components and of the MR. 4 5 anything, 6 are in policy, 9 from 10 the 11 other CPEP, one of the CPEP. Did you than the you review documents that today? WITNESS: but that Q. is RADOMISLI: THE 8 M.D. this front of 7 12 DHAR, Yes. doesn't A different — Comprehensive called thing about program, CPEP. You see the first page of this document? 13 A. 14 Yeah. Q. It's entitled 15 Psychiatry Emergency 16 Department that? 17 A. Q. This Services. See Yeah. 18 Room of 19 page in preparing A. 20 21 22 read 24 25 it. Q. this page A. 112-267-6868 for I mean, preparing 23 page, for the I I your you deposition, about When was this review this deposition? didn't know of did look at but I it for have it. the last time you read the time exhibit? I wouldn't recall VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY last 516-608-2400 Page 25 VINOD 1 2 I read 4 some M.D. it. Q. 3 DHAR, You notations see on about 5 A. Q• And 7 A. Q. Do 9 A. Q. Do revise? Yes . 10 and Yes . 8 review there's Hmm-mm. 6 the bottom 11 what 12 14 update. So 15 reviewed and reviewing ab ou t knowledge when our supposed is what it policy to created is review means, it and was revised. and A. 18 any are? this Do Q• dates? that? have they're every year some there's see you Well, 13 17 you dates those A. 16 then you know who the generally It 19 administrative 20 the revising? is did by the administrator and chairman. Q. 21 22 November 23 staff 24 of 25 And 2009, person this staff, done in who the October and was administrative involved the from in the creation policy? MR. LEE: Objection to VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the form. 516-608-2400 Page 2 6 1 VINOD 2 3 A. I think now. M. D . don't I DHAR, know. He his name 4 Q. Can 5 A. 6 Q. Who was 7 A. No, he Did you Mr . was Dr. spell no t there Mule . M-u-l-e. 8 you is the — that for me? chair? the chair was Vivek, Vivek. 9 Q. 10 in the review 11 psychiatric, 12 and personally revising any roll procedures ? psychiatry of have department of admission 13 A. Yes, review. 14 Q. Were you part 15 that would 16 on 17 ad hoc basis 18 A. On 19 Q. See 20 ad review committee procedure? an regularly of a this that you hoc the or would was review it the basis. second page of this exhibit? 21 A. Yes. 22 Q. There 23 statement called 24 A. Q. Can another policy involuntary legal status? Yeah. 25 is ! 12-267-6868 you tell me what VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY that 516-608-2400 Page 27 1 2 VINOD statement is M.D. about? 3 A. Can 4 Q. Yeah, 5 A. This 6 involuntary 7 to 8 hospital on an 9 admitted by what's be DHAR, I review for a second? sure. is 927. patient admitted it to — the That means a patient hospital, who a two needs psychiatric involuntary basis called any can be physician 10 11 12 And Q. provides that's what this policy for? 13 A. Yes . 14 Q. How many 15 involuntary 16 emergency 17 Jamaica ways committed room or the to can the a patient be psychiatric psychiatric ward at Hospital? MR. 18 19 A. Objection to the f o rm . 20 RADOMISLI: only One is under 22 article 23 potentially dangerous to 24 psychiatric emergency 212-267-6868 can admit What's the 939, and one room. you ways. essentially way Q• two are 21 25 — There a patient self other who or that is others to a way? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 28 1 VINOD 3 Other A. 2 admitted DHAR, way is Q• And 5 A. 927, 6 Q- How is 939 939 is when A. directly 10 brought 11 that 12 when a 13 into can hospital by that's can be this 927? yeah. and 927, the patient on a how patient emergency there bring is is a room are they number patient of there. transferred from an 939 he is agencies 927 is other involuntary basis. what's involuntary A. comes and Is emergency 16 the — Q. 14 15 patient different? 8 9 the 2 PC . on 4 7 M.D. known as an commitment? Yes . MR. 17 18 Q• Objection to form . 19 RADOMISLI: 20 that What bring in A. 21 I 22 officer, 23 physicians, 24 can 25 apply apply ’-267-6868 for an the types individual think director or are there of someone patient put under is a community psychiatrists, who in is of and agencies 939? police services, family member interested application VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY can for 516-608-2400 Page 29 VINOD 1 2 patient 3 the involuntary court MR. about 939 involuntary 9 medical be and through or He asked you only. In Q• 8 10 admission RADOMISLI: THE 6 7 M.D. system. 4 5 DHAR, WITNESS: order Yeah. for a patient committed under psychiatric 939, to be what conclusions need to made? MR. 11 RADOMISLI: I've given you 12 little bit leeway, but you're 13 beyond the scope. If 14 asking in 15 pursuant 16 a policy. general, to MR. 17 18 that's 19 the want to say Hospital Okay. MR. 21 at the All policy him to 24 the paper 25 policy 212-267-6868 is if you SMITH: just 23 restate RADOMISLI: MR. 22 will just right, que stion. 20 I you Jamaica SMITH: fine. you're going Then I actually he can look don't want want. Well read back are. the want -- what to applied I the know words how on the and VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 30 VINOD 1 DHAR, 2 effectuated. If it 3 the piece of 4 witness. I could 5 M.D. office. paper 6 MR. 7 understand the policy and 9 means. 10 we That's MR. 12 then 13 way your 14 do 15 Q. 16 what medical 17 required 18 patient 19 psychiatric 20 inpatient No. You can him fine, need it go a in my No. what but I SMITH: will All rephrase I through it all it's just counsel has the question So the that I so . Under in to or Hospital's psychiatric order the Jamaica to hospital, emergency service either room area or 22 MR. SMITH: or a Patient MR. 24 reflect has SMITH: policy, conclusions involuntarily RADOMISLI: '12-267-6868 okay. requested MR. A. right, the 21 25 to read general. 11 23 read RADOMISLI: ask just wouldn't just that. 8 was commit in in are a the an ward? Under Under 939. to 939? — be The that counsel record has just VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY should shown the 516-608-2400 Page 31 VINOD 1 2 witness 3 of the the MR. Exhibit 7 it's 8 admission policy 9 him Which is part of 130. showing SMITH: slightly him Right, suggestive documents I know, of when you I'm but to be asking questions. MR. 10 it's MR. about the join 16 Q. 17 don't think A. 19 self 20 of 22 living 23 on Can Wasn't SMITH: the question You too now want to this? you just A patient patient 21 in LEE: please? 18 I policy? MR. 14 15 RADOMISLI: suggestive. 12 13 emergency RADOMISLI: MR. 6 11 M.D. hospital. 4 5 DHAR, or someone has himself to else. be for not medical answer has to That be a question, danger to dangerousness capable or my his of taking health or or care his arrangement. Q. And 24 hospital 25 this do the staff determination at the dangerousness? 212-267-6868 make how VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY about 516-608-2400 Page 32 VINOD 1 A. 2 It's 3 the patient 4 report, 5 evaluation based comes by the Is checklist or 8 regularly looked 9 Jamaica 10 A. policy 12 that is 13 that at evaluation 15 and 16 make then be I factors then it or that effectuating mean, there is a are the what is on to come to the up is about evaluation, and based on you're be noted how in that to a diagnosis, diagnosis you then decision. Q. 17 when the any methodology in done, based — policy? evaluation, 14 And regarding psychiatric to the hospital, person. other Yeah. 11 what psychiatrist. some Hospital M.D. on the there 7 a to accompanying Q. 6 DHAR, Are 18 just identified 19 some the The 21 identified 22 are 23 purposes 24 person has 25 looked at those 212-267-6868 for factors the factors of let me factors rephrase that you question . 20 — of that you psychiatric that are a mental for illness purposes of just evaluation, examined determining whether or that or are for not a they determining VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 33 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 whether or 3 themselves 4 not combination or M.D. that person to of others is is or a danger it just to a things? 5 A. 6 Q. 7 factors 8 that 9 whether or not 10 himself or herself 11 A. 12 brought in 13 reports and what 14 patient was coming 15 hospital and 16 starting point. are Combination. So under the looked at a by in or information 19 the 20 information 21 A. 22 Q. 23 factors 24 Hospital are the policy determine dangerous when to the in, patients and based reasons brought that would be the the on why to beginning relator or A. 212-267-6868 the says, to provider their the the sort required are of of find the the assessment? 25 that's to is agency, that's what others? — are me order patient any So 18 tell Jamaica Patients Q. 17 can you out what of the right? Yes. Can are you looked tell at in Well, there me what making isyou other this do VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the 516-608-2400 Page 34 VINOD 1 2 comprehensive 3 whether 4 mental illness. 5 to what 6 which 7 hospital 8 made see the the or DHAR, psychiatric patient history see of you the circumstances under was were was I'm any to dangerousness patient what has evaluation On are and M.D. brought there any to have the specific threats mentioned. 9 Q. sorry, 10 A. Threats. 11 Q. Anything 12 A. Well, we're background, history, 14 information resources 15 the Q. 16 are specific what? else? 13 person's any also if we at going to have that the any time to get history. Are there employed 17 that 18 Hospital 19 or any standard used by guides Jamaica dangerousness? that this A. assessment RADOMISLI: Can read read.) Yes. 24 MR. RADOMISLI: 25 MR. LEE: 212-267-6868 you of back. (Record 22 23 making MR. 20 21 in Can Just we a agree VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY second. that all 516-608-2400 Page 35 VINOD 1 2 of your 3 existed 4 exist 5 present 7 been in 2009, since? out 12 what as these they question policies currently was of a Was. They've all that. MR. 11 as question? Obviously, LEE: standard, 10 not SMITH: MR. the M.D. are The tense like 8 9 questions MR. 6 DHAR, any, if SMITH: applied Well, stan dard the what 2009 . in once is, was I then figure I can ask. It may be MR. LEE: 15 MR . SMITH: 16 MR . RADOMI SLI: 13 14 different now . 17 interpreting 18 Q. it Yeah, as no , Well, you 19 MR. SMITH: 20 suggestion 21 will 22 issue 23 Q. Can you answer my 24 A. Can you repeat the try and right 212-267-6868 just answer I a get to think good I ’' ve one, the my question? your Brian, bottom so of I the now. (Re cord 25 kno 2009. Can is I question? question? read.) VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 3 6 VINOD 1 MR. 2 policy 3 in DHAR, M.D. RADOMISLI: As MR. SMITH: 5 MR. RADOMISLI: A . the Yes, okay fine. Objection to f o rm . 7 of 2009. 4 6 part 8 now We have the policy in place — 9 MR. 2009 A . 10 RADOMISLI: 11 don't 12 way 13 of any examining, Q. 14 of not now. sure. The comprehensive checklist I'm other than history is psychiatric 16 A. — Q• How A. It any I based other on the this evaluation? Yes. 17 or 2009. history. 15 recall I'm Not 18 long does that typically last? 19 lasts 20 anywhere from 21 redo evaluation the an 22 Q• So 23 A . 24 Q- What hour it or from guidelines 212-267-6868 or the can can you may time is or take last an to anytime have to time. Yes . 25 it — what factors hour are that or more? the Jamaica VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 37 VINOD 1 2 Hospital looks 3 dangerousness at DHAR, today M.D. in 6 direct MR. object RADOMISLI: and 5 this assessment? MR. 4 making SMITH: I'm 8 for me to 9 whether get or 10 specific 11 status 12 to Well, if the is this not witness to answer. 7 the going not find he to only doesn't recollection of of a policy in be able to find what 13 about what the 14 clearly 15 then 16 reason 17 way out have what was to a the 2009 . is find to MR. 18 19 he know 20 doesn't 21 if out policy capable out of whether think that is I he need knows today which providing me or not it's RADOMISLI: recall MR. 23 as 24 photograph 25 on 212-267-6868 formed in a what SMITH: it's the Well, or and has changed Well, changed he how he any since could 2009? 22 it's 2009 not if he policy is in the impossible, memory particular about place question nobody what when VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY was you has a going got a 516-608-2400 Page 38 VINOD 1 2 moving 3 want 4 in this 5 do so 6 the DHAR, entity. to So M.D. it's interfere with way, then you and we will just doctor just the can go have 8 interfere. 9 legitimate objection and 10 to about 11 the RADOMISLI: 12 legitimate basis 13 direct him not MR. SMITH: I treatment want to the was in for to assert I 2009 me to answer the question. is on vacation, you're 18 advantage 19 going 20 come 21 the 22 stand by to have back to my application policy 25 pertinent 212-267-6868 the that is fact office if not the judge just I a to taking are come and you're just back will going and make to instruction. RADOMISLI: today in not and we witness and question. Since 17 him a Well, it's direction to today when answer the that want object 16 24 bring a is basis MR. and believe proper of for I don't 15 23 ahead to policy away you back. MR. 14 if examination 7 testify — How relevant to is what the what's 2009? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 3 9 VINOD 1 MR. 2 3 find out 4 could 5 knowledge 6 changed what don't 9 or in you not 11 establish 12 getting 13 absurd. 14 me absurd. You play has why — I need This is to really is getting to play games with RADOMISLI: out SMITH: and I it 19 applicatio n MR . 20 21 play 22 to No, I don't want — 18 games will Then we' 11 just make just cut the now. RADOMI SLI: at all . I I do n't want to want be to able -MR . 23 games SMITH: Well, yo u're playin -­ MR. 212-267-6868 I whether This want MR . 25 is. so it's So knows First, it to years. changed before what he not Okay. he able today, not or five if SMITH: MR. 17 24 him be is or whether last to — 15 to policy RADOMISLI: ask MR. want whether the it's 10 16 out M.D. I the about MR. 8 SMITH: find 7 DHAR, RADOMISLI: -- I don't VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY -- 516-608-2400 Page 4 0 VINOD 1 MR. 2 3 tell me 4 years 5 policy 7 and SMITH: certainly 6 what ago, whether knows not or 10 Regardless what 11 ask you 12 Q. him do To 13 you joined or 14 Hospital, 15 dangerousness has the it's not your its of working him if years Okay. he changed. is, sir, at about patient 16 A. My 17 Q. How has 18 MR. LEE: 19 you can 20 MR. SMITH: 21 MR. RADOMISLI: MR. SMITH: How has since Jamaica assessing the changed? obj ection. 22 knowledge few — policy a Ask knowledge, started five the changed. policy know was what past it's the can't can generally RADOMISLI: whether policy witness over or witness actual me been M.D. The the tell MR. 9 the but has 8 DHAR, it it has. changed? Just note my Great. Between 2007 and 200 9? 23 24 Q. 25 history 212-267-6868 of your it career No. changed at in Jamaica, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the how has 516-608-2400 Page 41 VINOD 1 2 the assessment of MR. 3 4 he's 5 answer 6 occurred 7 DHAR, the M.D. dangerousness RADOMISLI: permitted dont' questions after answer about 2009, 10 you SMITH: him not MR. direct RADOMISLI: 11 If want 12 occurred while MR. 13 because your 15 him 16 recollection 17 in 18 question 19 to 20 interfere 21 to 22 will tell 23 will decide 24 long with that he 2009, 212-267-6868 he In to was So if I'll this told me the I've policy asked we'll to to the be the continue I'm judge going was objecting examination call it any want him what's and — and you're you that suggested what now to form. anything You just about the question. that there to that going the doesn't have with my and MR. 25 limit broadly So you're co-counsel okay. that. things answer SMITH: 14 stop to So to required including MR. 8 or believe po1icy. 9 to I changed? on to going and I and we here all day you want to nonsense. RADOMISLI: If VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 42 VINOD the 2 call 3 that 's didn 't 8 9 depo sition 10 now, LEE: is other you is about. did. what It's I than problem, this This s ay — You Brian. the about the po 1 i cy MR . 11 12 ge 11 ing 13 ba s i c 14 it's in SMITH: It' s the of way information about my you finding policy. out That's what about. MR. 15 16 ruling just Yes , SMITH: MR . a Le t m e started You did . get anythin g, suggest MR . M.D. with me. LEE: MR . 6 7 and fine 4 5 DHAR, judge 1 di s a gree with MR. 17 c all LEE: to 19 respectfully that. RADOMISLI: the 18 I court, If you're going please do in our We going off pres ence . MR. 20 21 SMITH: are the r eco rd . (Discussion 22 MR. 23 rd. 24 SMITH: It's While 25 212-267-6868 off the record.) Going back on the 11:21. we were off the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY record for 516-608-2400 Page 43 VINOD 1 2 about looks 3 called 4 Judge Sweet's 5 had — 6 record 7 discussion 8 answer 9 said a the DHAR, like at law think certain 10 didn't 11 to 12 ruling 13 approximately 14 been 15 we 16 17 that 18 interference 19 methodology 20 this 21 Q. 22 Exhibit 23 of no will I get we've 130. the with not to is he us or So I Chen was with and the to away, I've examination with going a waited there court am he has that going to and note needless the order which I and wanted to take deposition. you You not from record and Mr. minutes to witness' Can or We the the Sweet ruling. object Chen. on off waited 25 a an back indication get an I spoke with instructions whether to and or Judge proceed with my able was I Adam questions since know minutes 10:54, it about 25 clerk, discussion that be 20, court I M.D. turn, have sir, that to still in front you? 24 A. Yeah . 25 Q. Do 212-267-6868 you have an emergency VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 4 4 VINOD 1 2 admission 3 fourth, 4 status D HAR, exhibit? fifth policy, M.D. and the 5 A. The page 6 Q. It's 7 page 17 and it 8 A. Q. page the of the number through — start on 19. Okay. 9 sixth is number? page goes which Yes. MR. 10 RADOMISLI: 11 Q. Starting 12 A . Okay, 13 Q. Are you 14 with Starting 17, at 17. please. sure. familiar with this policy statement? 15 A. Yes, I'm familiar. 16 Q. When was the 17 than 18 now, A. 19 reviewed This the Q. 21 statements 23 that 24 A . 25 Q. 212-267-6868 I this that you've read policy So 22 you that time, was on read other s ta temen t ? 20 just last recently this when I CPEP. was one part ofthe of the policy statements reviewed? CPEP. Did you have any role VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY in the 516-608-2400 i Page 45 VINOD 1 2 creation of 3 document, this which DHAR, M.D. document, is pages 4 A. Q. Whocreated 6 A. 17, three-page 18 and 19? No . 5 this This 7 administration 8 is — this i document? created by the administrator chairman. 9 Q. Who are 10 A. Same people, 11 and the those people? Mr. Mule and Dr. Vivek. 12 The Q. 13 we refer 14 involuntary 15 A. 16 to Q. as administrator. the 939 Is admission this what or admission? That's In 17 heading policy 18 alleged 19 see 20 the second paragraph that 21 Q. there the patient's illness. to a Do you mental Yeah. Am 23 that's 24 involuntary 25 determination 212-267-6868 that a mental reference A. 22 have says under i1lnes s ? to it correct. I required is correct in that one of things order to admit a medical or psychiatric that an individual VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY somebody has a 516-608-2400 Page 46 VINOD 1 2 mental DHAR, M.D. illness? 3 MR. RADOMISLI: 4 MR. CALLAN: 5 of the 6 Q. 7 A. Q. And to the form Yes. 9 Object an swer. 8 Objection. question. Is that am correct? You correct that I 10 comprehensive psychiatric 11 means a 12 illness 13 A. Q. You the Yes. 14 could whereby issue 15 psychiatric 16 more? 17 this mental said thecomprehensive remember it takes an hour or saying that? Yes. MR. 18 19 form. 20 want 21 talking 22 currently 24 is the made? evaluation, A. Are to CALLAN: you know or Objection talking the about. MR. 23 determination of is Right, evaluation in about timeframe Are you I'm — or the I just you're talking general SMITH: to about — talking about in general. MR. 25 212-267-6868 CALLAN: This is VER1TEXT REPORTING COMPANY in general? 516-608-2400 Page 47 VINOD DHAR, 1 MR. 2 SMITH: M.D. Yes, this is in object to the general. 3 MR. 4 5 form of 6 on the 7 as to CALLAN: the I question grounds that and it's what the 8 MR. LEE: 9 MR. RADOMISLI: You said Q. 10 11 psychiatric 12 more, current I also not object relevant policy is. join. that evaluation I Me the too. comprehensive takes an hour or right? 13 A. Yes . 14 Q. Is 15 assessment 16 of the the that's hour done or by more, the is that the professional patient? 17 A. By the psychiatrist. 18 Q. So the psychiatrist 19 least an 20 hour with A. Q. Does is that Yes . 22 patient; at correct? 21 the spends 23 speaking A. 24 25 time with 212-267-6868 with psychiatrist anybody The the the time else? psychiatrist person spend who has brings to the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY spend patient 516-608-2400 Page 48 VINOD 1 2 in, the staff 3 family members 4 information 5 that DHAR, f r om . or saw M.D. patient, other any the source 7 or 8 i nd that he Does the ho spital policy provide the training for staff conduct of A. Q• A. Well, this How? 11 to Yes . 10 information as ses sment? 9 get of Q• 6 can the 12 a 13 that 14 examination. 15 time 16 psychiatry 17 residency in you Then in-services How 19 to do and — you've that makes a there a done you — psychiatric are from updates in time to the examination. Q. resident you're psychiatry qualifies 18 if to long become does it take evaluation? MR. 20 21 object. 22 qualified RADOMISLI: MR. 23 beyond I do am this going SMITH: the scope. Don't answer to answer. 24 It's to the Don't the question? MR. 25 i-267-6868 RADOMISLI: It's VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY beyond the 516-608-2400 Page 4 9 VINOD 1 2 scope of MR. 3 4 the relevancy limiting 7 policy 8 Hospital 9 hospitalization. go 12 and does it this regarding to It SMITH: 14 MR. SMITH: So I mean It effectu a ted like I said goes at to the MR. SMITH: So how for its personnel 20 any means 21 out 22 mental illness 23 policy of whether or not somebody isn't hospital hospital the whether — the not or the doesn't. or 19 how hospital. bef ore 18 212-267-6868 What Training. It already the does doesn't? RADOMI SLI : 25 to question MR. MR. court Jamaica 17 24 a — RADOMI SLI : 16 is it. go is at That MR. policy There involuntary 13 15 a examination procedure MR. 11 that's RADOMISLI: order not So objection. 6 10 M.D. deposition. SMITH: MR. 5 DHAR, provides to figure has relevant a to the thought you hospital? RADOMISLI: asked that I question. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 50 VINOD 1 MR. 2 what SMITH: 3 out the 4 whether 5 making 6 illness have 7 so. don't 8 policy? 9 have or M.D. I'm hospital not this You DHAR, the trying does people assessment Or any think that their at 11 whether 13 Q. who out are goes no to to do their is to medical que stion ? 14 find policy to make assessments. 12 have all training find about mental who 10 to qualifications maybe people to or You not Doctor 15 people who 16 Jamaica 17 any 18 make that's tell me to an tell me appropriate this, policy qualifications MR. 19 20 the Q. for have any making RADOMISLI: under the Asked training or decisions and an s we red. 21 assessments do they make? Hospital the want these have You 22 they 23 experience, 24 they have any 212-267-6868 answer training, what do experience it again. Do they have any do they have if any? MR. 25 can CALLAN: Objection. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 51 VINOD 1 2 MR. 3 MR. 4 That's 5 DHAR, LEE: M.D. Objection. RADOMISLI: beyond the Objection. scope and to the f o rm . MR. 6 7 not to SMITH: answer MR. 8 that question based 10 limiting this on him the It’s an court improper order deposition. MR. you telling question? RADOMISLI: 9 11 You're SMITH: are doing 12 — 13 interfere with my 14 questions This is MR. 16 you to MR. 17 with SMITH: No, This ridiculous. 19 policy 20 basically 21 you what it says 22 the page he doesn't 23 question. 24 interpreting 25 haven't statement. explained ask just I can to basic asking — you're me not. read in is if black have don't know this am can the What you're telling I I to the court 18 212-267-6868 is ability RADOMISLI: comply you the — 15 whatever beyond I don't and white to how answer on the you're court order to ask and you me how. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 52 VINOD DHAR, 1 MR. 2 3 You could 4 is 5 which ask RADOMISLI: do him are on 7 witness is 8 and 9 office MR. things 12 were at before, explain all the terms right, well, All to going have to do this to RADOMISLI: be to SMITH: you've requested 16 in past, 17 brought my assistants 18 MR. RADOMISLI: 19 MR. SMITH: and accomodate this is that 22 in is 23 witness 24 to the past will at your you think if we have in I just the come and I've up Entourage get. that come you here, So to — files extended going to way — And my I not accomodate I've — not am the to come and with you — come the back office. MR. 212-267-6868 that what cooperation I you because 21 25 back differently No, 15 my come the office? going the Do going 14 me which policy. going your MR. • you. did the would 13 20 tell any more. 10 11 I'll you SMITH: not I'm what to MR. 6 M.D. RADOMISLI: We will VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY see. 516-608-2400 Page 53 VINOD 1 MR. 2 Q. 3 4 that 5 whether 6 is So its SMITH: how policy or not complied DHAR, Right. does about M.D. determining somebody has By psychiatric 8 Q. How 10 people see. sure about a mental illness with? A. the will Jamaica make 7 9 We does doing qualifications Jamaica the to determine evaluation do have that any that? MR. 11 evaluation. RADOMISLI: 12 Beyond the scope. 13 Q. You want 14 MR. RADOMISLI: 15 objecting. 16 answer. 17 deposition 18 Q. Objection. 19 within I’m It's beyond is meaning 20 A. 21 illness 22 23 Q. What 24 A. Well, No. the the of the not scope mental of that mental 212-267-6868 meets illness I'm him court this question? of to the order. illness policy statement? is sort DSM-IV. 25 Mental answer my directing given What the to the are any criteria of of the those? there are different kinds illnesses. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 54 VINOD 1 Q. 2 Tell Q. 4 5 mental 6 of of them. All Yeah, I illnesses this policy 8 ask him 9 DSM-IV, that to go but you can SMITH: 12 want 13 to 14 speeches 15 cut 16 interference. 17 can 18 question. You 19 or 20 choices. you can MR. 21 22 going 23 But 24 will 25 Q. 212-267-6868 to for you done Completely him not can is You to you tell him Those want the to So the done. to going You the the form your to Well, particular to Okay. are to not your answer object it your If but with the — me, can RADOMISLI: this can't recite object. limit myself object and question, I'm Which scope you -- inappropriate. out. instruct the certainly to interfere, are If Excuse leave. it is that the are? function answer them? what within through here of know fall 11 to to RADOMISLI: MR. 10 want scope MR. 7 all M.D. RADOMISLI: MR. 3 me DHAR, be? I'm those not options. question, I form. answer the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY question, 516-608-2400 Page 55 VINOD 1 2 please? What 3 fall 4 within 5 M.D. this the scope term MR. 6 the mental that s ta temen t? within are DHAR, of that's illnesses this in your RADOMISLI: tha t term fall policy Objection to the f orm . 7 8 THE WITNESS: 9 MR. RADOMISLI: 10 A. Okay. 11 person, 12 mental illness 13 number of 14 schizophrenia, 15 traumatic 16 symptoms who number of It harm other 18 within the definition 19 within the policy could be form, asked 22 result s in A. that self other s . or conditions of mental that fall illnes s statement? Objection to answer. 23 from to and to disea s e s , to depression , MR. RADOMISLI: 21 a ny a brain injury 20 is illness, psychosis Any illness mental means causing Yes. of problems. Q. 17 Mental because answer ? I can 24 under 25 specific 212-267-6868 the and answered. There are a DSM-IV, but this for any number condition You of dise ases criteria that ca n is could VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY lead 516-608-2400 Page 5 6 VINOD 1 2 to a 3 It 4 from 5 psychotic episode. 6 illnesses which DHAR, person being harmed could be acute from panic anxiety, M.D. self and attack, it it could be So there are don’t others. could be from brief a number necessarily meet this 7 Q. 8 9 Can you don't understand A. 10 The explain that patient is suffering let 12 behavior, certain behavior, 13 determine whether that patient 14 the 15 We 16 what 17 suffering 18 we 19 room rephrase behavior have to kind have it. is do Patient because an from. illness But before keep the comes we — patient to illness. we come in the out what's In the second paragraph 22 reads: Patient's alleged 23 illness for immediate 24 care 25 appropriate. statement and >12-267-6868 there which treatment in That's is the the a to to is that, emergency figure policy out patient to 21 a whether Q. 20 — to figure this going from with have of mental examination of mental to I that. 11 me answer? on. phrase have of this that a mental observation, hospital first part VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY is of that 516-608-2400 Page 57 VINOD 1 2 policy statement. 3 A. Q. Do You M.D. see that? Yes . 4 DHAR, 5 telling me 6 can 7 which 8 to the understand you to be that any kind of mental illness for the type of mental illness qualify can I lead to an involuntary commitment patient? MR. 9 10 A. 12 alleged 13 observation, 14 hospital 15 Objection. Scope. 11 RADOMISLI: that . What to have 17 the 18 referred saying mental care and What kinds of to in this MR. 19 A. Same in immediate the to know, illnesses policy for what that are are being statement? Asked and answered. 21 for can qualify RADOMISLI: 20 that patient treatment I want mental is illness is appropriate Q. 16 I am 22 kind of illness, 23 qualify for this 24 Q. 25 fair to 212-267-6868 So I mentioned before, any kind any of behavior can statement. any mental illness; is that say? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 58 VINOD 1 2 A. Q. And M.D. Yes . 3 DHAR, 4 here 5 immediate 6 7 A. Q. Why the statement illness a mental in for which Yes . 8 says appropriate? 9 it's it observation, immediate does care it and have observation, care 10 A. Because 11 Q. When 12 Jamaica Hospital 13 this 14 comprehensive psychiatric 15 be done for treatment? an Not and is does 18 have 19 symptoms 20 patient is 21 it, cannot examine the 22 patient is willing to 23 answer 24 very 25 exactly means you — ’12-267-6868 time. whether that need not not it's be is So it actuality immediate under It can have be any to done acute controlled. cooperative, questions. assessed Immediately you there to into the necessarily. unspecified brought evaluation in see is being 17 to dangerousness. patient statement, right A. 16 the and be is away? policy a of to treatment you has not cannot patient, be If the do the examined — to it's be -- specified evaluation. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY what It 516-608-2400 Page 5 9 VINOD 1 2 could be as 3 can start 4 the soon patient the as willing Does 6 policy about 7 psychiatric 8 the or to Jamaica in could be you until talk. Hospital have a There 10 standard 11 to 12 how the Q. 13 is ER Do 14 saying that 15 Jamaica 16 evaluation I no for to be 18 Q• But doing A. It's 21 Q• And 22 A. That's 23 Q. And 25 was also >-267-6868 depends on also what the you're policy at psychiatric I'm familiar telling with. me there is a so? 20 you it's admission also written you're — but conducted by? that upon hours it when Not 24 conducted policy, understand Hospital of be is. A. practice a and 17 19 to eight room there's has has not that within emergency busy comprehensive evaluation A. the the it comes by? 9 when M.D. patient treatment is Q. 5 DHAR, eight hours. that's not it's said depending not in in writing? writing. eight hours depending it's eight hours, upon how busy VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the it ER was? 516-608-2400 Page 60 VINOD 1 2 A. 3 Q. 4 you're How busy When A. 6 7 Q. eye ER was. referring to medical the So psychiatric referring we're ER; to to ER the or ER, the -­ psychiatric. 8 No, the M.D. you're referring 5 DHAR, talking the about is A. Q. How 11 communicated 12 to this eight hour Yes . 10 correct? is 9 that the comply to the with A. It's 14 Q. I are expected done through in-services. don't understand what that means. A. 16 It means when 17 meetings, you talk 18 timeframe the assessment 19 how if 20 you need 21 it 22 that it? 13 15 staff practice is there's a 23 practice 24 meetings; to So is 212-267-6868 staff the the objective that MR. 25 problem second taught Q. a about you how have — within should be or staff done anything member. what and whether That's how staff. eight-hour goal or is staff discussed at correct? RADOMISLI: Objection VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY to the 516-608-2400 Page 61 1 VINOD 2 form. You 3 A. Yes, DHAR, can answer. a it's our case 5 in-service. in-services conferences, 4 M.D. It and is staff mee tings. Q. 6 This 7 having this 8 evaluation 9 depending done evaluation 11 the of comprehensive upon 10 practice within how has to hospital of psychiatric eight hours, busy be the the done psych ER, who under by that — 12 A. The 13 been given 14 by 15 by staff Q. 16 2009 committee Who 17 in that 18 required 19 privileges were 21 conduct MR. 20 form the hospital approved by staff and ones the has the psychiatrists evaluation? to were the and in who chairman. credential the psychiatrist this were comprehensive RADOMISLI: the that Objection to scope. 22 MR. 23 obj ection. 24 MR. LEE: 25 MR. RADOMISLI: 212-267-6868 CALLAN: Join in the Objection. But you VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY can 516-608-2400 Page 62 VINOD 1 2 A. M.D. answer. 3 DHAR, The 4 psychiatrists 5 room. 6 they 7 and night 8 the daytime 9 Some are who who provide are hours, Q. 10 psychiatrists 11 anybody 12 psychiatric 13 November else services during Dr. the main meaning evening person during Bernier. than these on-call Bernier, was could do the evaluation in October MR. form 16 emergency there comprehensive or 2009? 14 15 the on-call, and Dr. who in of called but Other number work extra was a and A. RADOMISLI: Objection to scope. I am not sure if we had 17 residents at that time, 18 residents, they could do it, 19 physician, under the 20 attending psychiatrist. 21 22 23 Q. but if they're resident supervision of When you say a resident, Resident is the what do you mean? A. 24 undergoing 25 physician training who is psychiatry. 212-267-6868 postgraduate a VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY in 516-608-2400 i Page 63 VINOD 1 2 Q. Is 3 the resident 4 experience 5 psychiatric DHAR, there have any a before M.D. requirement certain they do level a MR. LEE: 7 MR. comprehensive RADOMISLI: form 9 A. and Objection beyond the They have 10 period 11 they 12 qualified 13 make 14 they make 15 still to 16 of — the an six attending to that be Objection be month six says they months that form. to the can under for and once they're independently of assessment period It's is this the whether or not, it supervision called not at 21 residency program policy. 22 will 23 independently 24 psychiatrist 25 confident be It's allowed until to what's the to Hospital? Jamaica known That a as resident see patients the supervising that three Jamaica actually Hospital not policy. threshold 20 212-267-6868 observed regardless done What A. 19 — the psychiatrist. Q. 17 months, assessment, has the three to scope. to independent 18 of of evaluation? 6 8 that attending him resident or can her is be VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 64 VINOD 1 2 independent 3 Q. 4 Jamaica 5 A. I'm 7 Q. Does 8 requirements in 9 documenting 6 DHAR, M.D. evaluation. What is this threshold called at Hospital? not aware of any specific name . Jamaica it's when a threshold so that 11 qualified to conduct 12 psychiatric 13 A. Not 14 Q. So that gets 16 policies have they a are any for resident meets 10 15 Hospital this considered comprehensive evaluation? put that it's in I'm not the of. kind A. thing Q. Going file of the No . 18 personnel of residen t ? 17 the aware 19 statement 20 subject 21 reference 22 mental 23 in 24 You 25 the see A. 212-267-6868 on the line. back the emergency It here to also says policy admission that there that patient alleged illness and likely serious harm which to is himself status and to to is a have result others. that? Yes . VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 65 VINOD 1 2 3 based State 6 7 That's Mental Did Q• Hospital a I'm 9 Q• I 10 A. I'm 11 Q• Have on the based not am not you ever Q• Does Jamaica comply Hygiene statement? it. read have with to. the New York Yes. Hospital's Section policy 9.39 of the Law? MR. RADOMISLI: MR. 17 Jamaica 9.39? 14 Mental 9. aware. I 16 of York sorry? Section to New policy aware Yes, endeavor the assist this A. 18 statement Law Article 13 15 on lawyer crafting in A. Law that policy Hygiene 8 12 is M.D. on? A. 4 5 What Q• DHAR, SMITH: As it existed in 2009? 19 20 A. Yes . 21 Q• Has 22 Section Yes. 9.39 changed MR. 23 the mental 24 Q• RADOMISLI: Law 2009? Don't answer the question. 25 since Hygiene 212-267-6868 Do you know whether or VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY not 516-608-2400 Page 6 6 VINOD 1 2 Section 9.39 of 3 changed since object. 9 RADOMISLI: a He's legal whether 11 changed. 12 want me 13 has not a SMITH: I going am to lawyer. I I am asking not want to for know knows if the copy of it. to him. It RADOMI SLI: Are you not he statute changed. have I to MR . 14 15 or that back. read.) opinion. 10 Law Read RADOMISLI: MR . 8 Hygiene 2009? MR. 6 M.D. Mental (Record 5 7 the MR. 4 DHAR, MR . 16 it show representing a SMITH: 17 statute 18 alleged date 19 created in 20 recently of '77 Here's an d it MR . 22 MR . SMITH: 24 changed 25 here 212-267-6868 know of the The shows was RADOMI SLI: to copy wa s it amended m o s t 1986 . 21 23 a Lexis . h istory hasn ' t changed ? hasn't from obtained in it that You whether 'cause or I Okay • would not there's about moving he still 1i ke thinks it's so much target of VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the at stake Jamaica 516-608-2400 Page 67 VINOD 1 Hospital 2 over MR. 3 4 already 5 you the MR. but 8 that 9 has he's 10 the policy, 11 suspect 12 question 13 if 14 same 15 Hospital 16 say the policy ever in MR. whether 19 20 front was tell let him changed, I say 1996. at But maybe else. I RADOMISLI: Do it has not aware Q. Would you the know Jamaica will know. you know changed? I'm I the he don't law but don't been law for answer been and thinks the me, I it's have he basis can to the or he A. the If the you've of you. know what you since but hasn't changed going something 18 had if ever it witness. then he’s years. Well, in I which that it's 15 that policy changed, 17 past SMITH: is, the M.D. RADOMISLI: 7 21 the represented have 6 DHAR, of like any to change, see a copy no. of law? 22 MR. RADOMISLI: said 23 Q. You 24 A. MR. >12-267-6868 SMITH: read All it -- Yeah. 25 you Well before? right, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY so let's 516-608-2400 Page 68 VINOD 1 mark 2 it. Let's 4 document, 5 as 6 Q. at of was this M.D. show (Plaintiff's 3 7 DHAR, it to the Exhibit marked for witness. 151, identification date.) Have you had the chance to look 9.39? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. And 10 bef ore ? 11 A. I 12 Q. And 13 changes 14 A. I'm 15 Q. in you've have said gone you're this you over not statute, read it. aware are of any you? not aware, no. It says at the bottom it says the 16 first 17 such person. 18 A. 19 Q. You or know. 21 Q. 23 physician 24 staff 25 earlier, 212-267-6868 have Uh-huh A. 22 You see director of the Hmm-mm. 20 page, it that, to comes say out shall admit sir? or no. Just yes — Yes. Okay. of the It says hospital. physician that you're only So if a that's referring staff a to right? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 6 9 VINOD DHAR, 1 A. 2 3 That's the M.D. attending psychiatrist. 4 Q. Attending 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. It statute says 7 the 8 Jamaica 9 makes this 10 staff physician 11 that 13 have a admit the director decision A. the Okay. director It's or or or is person. under decision ? 12 shall psychiatrist. somebody that attending the who basically who attending Does makes who the that makes the decision. Q. 14 So is 15 hospital who 16 decision on 17 Section 18 A. 19 other person who 20 — but done 21 —■ it's 22 — in the emergency 23 makes the a 25 '12-267-6868 admitting a to make of patient the the final pursuant to 9.39? No. it Q. title required director decision. 24 is there of is staff Is There is on is no required the — psychiatrist there director at director room approve because in is anybody the to or the hospital one who holds VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY or director the hospital any or who the is it 516-608-2400 Page 7 0 VINOD 1 2 really DHAR, chairman? 3 A. 4 medical 5 Q. Who is 6 A. Dr. Bernier 7 Well, director director at Q. 8 director, 10 sign-off all the 13 nurses and the the other policy was the on and 130 17 admitting physician must 18 York bottom A. Q. All a medical these final reviewing residents and of then page 17, that page see be going back it Exhibit says licensed the in New that? Yes. 20 ER. physicians. statement, 19 of supervising right, You a medical overseeing, 16 State. is involuntaries? to the the role 15 at psych than making and All ER, there time. Basically cases actually, that? decisions Q. 14 in that other A. 12 it's What's 9 11 M.D. Is this policy 21 physician 22 attending physician 23 as 24 same we have within right. been and the the admitting the staff same as the physician discussing, is that all RADOMISLI: Objection the person? MR. 25 >12-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY to 516-608-2400 Page 71 VINOD 1 2 A. M.D. f orm . 3 DHAR, 4 same, the So same as A. 7 would be yes. Q. 5 6 Admitting physician the the staff Well MR. 8 admitting physician physician, is right? -­ RADOMISLI: Objection to f orm . 9 A. 10 — 11 physician 12 of the 13 On you 1ike ly phrase 15 it could be could be the the staff director, any physicians. Q. 14 or it see the to same page in result is there serious a harm tha t? 16 A. Hmm-mm. 17 Q. You 18 A. Yes. 19 Q. And 20 likelihood 21 ways, to have then one 22 A. Q. And yes. the in and policy serious two. defines harm You see in that? Yeah. 23 say sorry. I'm result numbered to 24 definition 25 dangerousness 212-267-6868 deals to am I with correct that categories oneself and the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the first of second 516-608-2400 Page 7 2 VINOD 1 2 category deals with 3 A. Q. You 6 A. Q. What 8 A. 9 that is dangerousness to others? Yes. 7 M.D. Yes. 4 DHAR, 5 10 see the phrase manifested by? or out of control to Q. some Am I 12 requires 13 some conduct 14 that suggests 15 to that or kind of behavior violent behavior other people. correct the or any that manifested by patient makes that either some sort the person engage of in statement is dangerous themselves? 16 A. 17 Q. 18 conduct Yes. It also goes demonstrating himself. " 19 that mean? It could be threats 11 does You Yes . 20 A. 21 Q 22 A. Q- — that to he see you is "Or other dangerous that? Can say specify where ? Yeah . 23 on • 24 likelihood 25 is a phrase 212-267-6868 In to or sub in — one the result other definition in serious conduct of harm there demonstrating VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 7 3 VINOD 1 2 that he 3 is DHAR, dangerous that ? 4 A. Q. What 6 Jamaica 7 demonstrates 8 himself 9 A. himself. You see Yes . 5 to M.D. policy or person 11 not 12 clothing, other 15 the 16 person that danger conduct a to A. I 18 Q. Doesthe 19 policy have to 20 or staff not be No. that we get 23 patient Q. conduct, that demonstrates to themselves of conduct is a or — anything. under that this the admitting observes? based 25 about 212-267-6868 Is the person on there determining the any who the report in. 24 harm, food, said, conduct It's from just aware physician a treatment. other that danger am himself any you've that any physical or medical there that's 22 behavior for what of A. of provide 17 21 a kind shelter than the is the conduct person a of into Is kind under kind himself to Q. 14 that the conduct herself? puts able 13 is Any 10 kind of policy brings at reliability VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the Jamaica of the 516-608-2400 Page 7 4 VINOD 1 2 reported Well, 4 general, 5 director, 6 other 7 generally 9 come as will is 14 that get but people generally people No, I they're bring 18 you psychiatrist information who say come that in or from to us people who reliable? who bring understand but I'm generally Well, patients 17 policy, but the in. saying, 16 no reliable. are you A. 15 to do Q. you're staff The to 13 the is Why patients 12 there try sources, A. 10 11 we, Q. 8 M.D. information? A. 3 DHAR, saying why what do you say reliable? because the patient Q. So is in it or we are from — we there the or Hospital to accept without 21 information that's provided 22 family members 23 relator of 25 form, 212-267-6868 of Jamaica question other by the the police provider or Objection to or information? MR. 24 some they family policy 20 or agency, take members. 19 from police that's asked RADOMISLI: and answered. You VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the can 516-608-2400 Page 7 5 VINOD 1 2 A. M.D. answer. 3 DHAR, Yes. 4 resource that 5 information. 6 keep that keep that 9 what is that 9.39. 12 order 13 retain 14 are we then say we as of a as valid based on New emergency commissioner until all obligated on? York State under can the to information, room we to information. information based person other obligated that you're 9.39 the any are valid It's That find collateral information A. 11 have Until You 8 10 we information Q. 7 Until the receive and evaluations done. 15 Q. No, 16 Jamaica 17 commit 18 find out 19 that you're 20 information 21 people 22 I understand y ou ? Hospital the ability somebody, but what is who what's the obligated that's are I basis to the MR. 23 RADOMISLI: can 24 form. You 25 A. Until 212-267-6868 we to am to 9.39 gives involuntary trying for accept provided relating that you as you to saying valid by the information Objection the to to answer. get the other VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 7 6 VINOD 1 2 inf oriatio n 3 Q- 4 Jamaica 5 about 6 policy 7 without 8 independen tly So if some body to a family member and it's accept an y M.D. collateral. Ho spital A. 9 from DHAR, relates verify or as attempt or true to it? Yes . 10 MR. RADOMISLI: 11 MR. 12 MR. RADOMISLI: 13 practice information assessments into information Jamaica's that comes LEE: The Q. Objection. next page 14 s ta temen t has 15 number categories, of under the 16 A. Q- Number And of to the headings you see form. policy procedure that? Yes . 17 Objection. one, there' s fo lowing examination info mants, which 18 here to 19 other 20 should 21 patient 22 should cer tify 23 Do see you the to may and be the his criteria finding on reference interviews a v ailable c o nsider examining physician meet a above, form the he OMH 474. that? 24 A. Yes . 25 Q• There's 212-267-6868 a reference here VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY to the 516-608-2400 Page 77 VINOD 1 2 examining DHAR, physician. M.D. You see 3 A. Yes . 4 Q • Is the examining person as the staff that? 5 same 6 attending physician physician the or physician? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q • That's 9 10 c ondu c ted the evaluation, same comprehensive person who psychiatric right? MR. 11 the RADOMISLI: 12 A. Yes. 14 Q • And to f o rm 13 Objection 15 OMH the form, what is this form 474? It's A . 16 a form attending 17 psychiatr:Lst, 18 or 19 can 20 there's 21 form 22 the 23 information 24 information, what 25 information, that's clinical be admitted a with form the patient 2-267-6868 opinion on that there, that the and be in his patient involuntary basis you fill have justification should a psychiatrist finds an when why admitted whatever other form to the you and and that think based on collateral sources of 474. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 7 8 VINOD DHAR, 1 Q. 2 And the staff physician 3 attending physician, 4 conducted the 5 evaluation, 6 make 7 involuntarily the M.D. the one comprehensive they fill decision out that 8 A. Q - Are 10 olicy, to articular ake person is that if they should be correct? time 12 form fill 11 has Yes 9 the psychiatric the the committed; who or deci As A. 13 14 their the patient Q. 15 16 have the 17 decision 18 that soon needs So form by they required, as to the be decision Jamaica is made, admitted. policy executed the the under as at Jamaica soon psychiatrist is as is to the made; is correct? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q- In 21 rence to a the nex number 22 A. Number 23 Q• Yes . 24 A. Yeah . 25 Q. It ’12-267-6868 says two he VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 7 9 VINOD 1 2 doctor 3 the will record people. You 4 A. Q. And on see M.D. the form the names of that? Yes. 5 DHAR, 6 is the same that's the admitting as the examining the examining 7 A. As 8 Q. I want to previously marked as 10 from the 11 particular patient, 12 the doctor doctor? doctor, yes. show what's name . 9 the chart or 13 A. Q. I file 131. from Schoolcraft This came this was his Okay. 14 Exhibit been 15 that, 16 form but I itself; am am not going going okay? 17 A. Q. So All ask ask you about about the right? Okay . 18 to to 19 document This 21 notice 22 admission. 23 patient. 24 to 25 what the of status This Copy patient of tell is a me what and document rights this this is known as to information the is going his to emergency given information explaining the protocol 212-267-6868 you is? A. 20 can is rights to the given and be. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 8 0 VINOD DHAR, 1 Q. 2 And 3 supposed 4 same 5 by to time the be as is given the staff this document to 474 M.D. the form also patient is the at the filled out physician? 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. And for so 8 Hospital 9 make a 10 sign page 11 patient 12 13 A. Q. And decision 1 this 15 in e 16 wa this 17 by at He alth, 20 Q. 747 and notice in this the Jamaica Hospital or York So 22 23 A. f o rm Q. So to the and says — that' s by here, the created by? of the Office Mental State. — 212-267-6868 "base the Department this upon form an of just gets Yes . 24 they He al th ? up on from it JamaicaHospital th e hand status notice form Department New of if commit, then printed a p r i n ted 21 25 form physician, involuntary the in is A. to form f o rm, Jamaica 19 of staff policy Yes. 14 it rights ? 18 the is Mental heresays based examination VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY by a staff 516-608-2400 Page 81 VINOD 1 physician you 3 emergency status 4 for 5 immediate observation, care and 6 Within hours of time of 7 admission, you will 8 physician, who is 9 psychiatric 10 see 48 that, been M.D. 2 persons have DHAR, admitted patient with mental the to staff this illness of this of an hospital for treatment. your examined by a member as another the hospital." You sir? 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. Now, 13 of the 14 time of the your phrase within A. Q. Unde r see Yes . 16 You hours that ? 15 admission. 48 17 doe s this 48-hour A. 18 is filled f o rm 20 signed, 21 Q. that 22 policy and 23 comprehensive 24 subject 25 room to within 212-267-6868 period begin? the time thi s the 747, the form is -- the I time given correct practice the when from is Am time policies , starts It 19 Jamaica's is that that psychiatric busyness eight hours; for the that. hospital the evaluation of is the is done emergency that VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY correct? 516-608-2400 Page 82 VINOD 1 2 A. Q. And M.D. Yes. 3 DHAR, 4 be conducted 5 then evaluation should that within the eight-hour period, correct? 6 A. Yes . 7 Q. Then 8 form for 10 of 11 time; 747 rights is is is is filled provided that A. 12 that evaluation psychiatric 9 after done, out to the this the notice patient at that correct? MR. LEE: And then is policy that within Q. 15 Hospital 16 signing 17 psychiatric 18 then do and then Yes. 13 14 comprehensive of an the 474 staff form of evaluation 19 A. Q. Why the of it the 48 that to form. Jamaica hours a member hospital the the has of the of to patient? Yes. 20 Objection 21 the patient 22 staff by is thesecond a member of evaluation the of psychiatric required? MR. 23 RADOMISLI: 24 form. Go 25 A. It's 212-267-6868 Objection to ahead. a process of checks VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY and 516-608-2400 Page 83 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 balances 3 done 4 criteria and make properly for Q. 5 7 psychiatric 8 disagrees 9 the 12 the admission was patient met initial or the the diagnosis initial Hospital the staff diagnosis and staff member's assessment, policy to is it then patient? MR. RADOMISLI: Read that back, please. (Record 13 MR. 14 15 a with 11 that the physician gives discharge that admission. 6 10 sure and If Jamaica M.D. the LEE: Note my objection to form. MR. 16 read.) also, Objecting 17 form 18 deposition, which 19 involuntary MR. 20 beyond SMITH: MR. 23 matter of 24 It's 25 deals scope of the the within what the the question is. RADOMISLI: Subject subject matter 22 the to admission. 21 and RADOMISLI: of question is of the ques tion? 2-267-6868 the That's different. Can you discharging. rephrase VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the 516-608-2400 Page 8 4 VINOD 1 MR. 2 3 him SMITH: instructing question? RADOMISLI: MR. nit It’s beyond the I'm not sure I RADOMISLI: MR. very nit a little read it SMITH: RADOMISLI: back MR. form me it seems 18 the 19 squarely 20 -- just time. Note the my to MR. 21 22 is 23 words 24 hairs ? 25 you 212-267-6868 — this such Can within SMITH: is here . Then the Do you a you way rephrase deposition? fits in objection record. RADOMISLI: question I'll read.) LEE: for MR. 17 to But one more (Record 15 Yeah, picky. MR. the It's picky. 14 16 the you under stand. 12 13 answer MR. 10 11 Are scope. 8 9 to M.D. MR. 6 7 SMITH: not 4 5 DHAR, the No, I — you can that scope of can't. you're want it This mincing to split this split hairs all want. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 85 VINOD 1 MR. 2 I DHAR, M.D. RADOMISLI: 3 because am 4 court 5 and 6 testify 7 says what you by and what asked for about MR. 8 going I will admis sions. order just Then the asked a witness on Right, okay, you're telling 10 that's relevant 11 about 12 moment 13 the piece of 14 are going keep this person 15 their and that anything 16 happens 17 irrelevant 18 examination? If 19 which I 20 then you're taking 21 view of court 22 interfering that will paper is what the I'm saying. 25 exceedingly the an narrow the that signs yes, we against that this you're that, saying extremely and narrow needlessly deposition. RADOMISLI: Number is saying order with my inquiry of you're an so completely scope think to time physician saying is and only policy staff thereafter 24 212-267-6868 the to the to make hospital's MR. 23 that for involuntary 9 the me the you was policy SMITH: what That two, isn't it's what not an interpretation of VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 8 6 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 the court 3 applied 4 30(b) (6) 5 motion, 6 regarding 7 didn't say 8 either in 9 or in order, to — when only during 11 is 12 limited no — the to to a dmission. the to — You discharge the objection and order the about policies about my to court or therefore, the court there order involuntary second page is admission. SMITH: MR. 13 the application conference court you subject asked anything when served you involuntary response 10 because and when you M.D. 14 the involuntary 15 about 16 be 17 you're 18 about 19 patient 20 Then 21 examination 22 The application. the done second under the second has and policy. ask can't assessment I make that ask 25 second evaluation. the I'm stop the my not questions You So admitted. really will to questions because should RADOMISLI: can't needing I 24 212-267-6868 you we talks Jamaica already been think MR. 23 evaluation telling me the I admission policy of can VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY saying about ask the the 516-608-2400 Page 87 VINOD 1 question 2 you to 4 decide and just asked. Well, RADOMISLI: 6 does the 7 involuntary 8 you in 9 what noticed hairs 11 SMITH: and now you MR. 12 13 hairs. 14 Q. don't get that's 30(b) (6) of the So court says and and court you're what that's order is. splitting have it. RADOMISLI: 16 what Going by the Not If happens the to exactly splitting for. 15 order your subject MR. 10 court No, admissions was you that. MR. 5 M.D. SMITH: MR. 3 DHAR, second the doctor MR. LEE: 18 MR. RADOMISLI: disagrees, Objection MR. SMITH: to the Disagrees form. with what? 20 21 asked patient? 17 19 what you The initial asses sment. 22 MR. LEE: 23 MR. RADOMISLI: 24 form, 25 A. 1-267-6868 but If you the can Objection to the Objection answer form. to the it. second physician VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 8 8 VINOD 1 2 disagrees 3 physician, 4 up 5 the patient 6 the the his 8 psychiatrist 9 to 10 Am the hospital, opinion should Q. of I or as correct patient with patient is 12 MR. if the RADOMISLI: come thinks kept the in staff assessment in the discharged? Objection. Objection to the f orm . A. not be not LEE: to he involuntarily MR. 14 has why that 11 13 first to should disagrees the the second physician own 7 keep opinion M.D. hospital. with with DHAR, If the second physician the diagnosis, 15 disagrees with 16 physician has 17 keeping 18 Q. the to come up physician 20 with a the reason for patient. And 19 then is that based on a burden the second s ta temen t ? 21 A. Q. Where 23 A. It's 24 because 25 sure policy Yes. 22 Jamaica on the that Z12-267-6868 is that part of reason all the this statement? the is evaluation done information is has VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.cora to make been 516-608-2400 Page 89 VINOD 1 2 received, 3 and 4 is 5 after all also that other 48 M.D. collateral information reviewed and information, from then a other decision sources is made hours. 6 Q. 7 initial 8 decision. 9 made 10 the DHAR, So you're decision That once decision the staff the MR. 11 12 Q.Is 14 A. isn't final me that the final decision is really psychiatrist makes 48-hour RADOMISLI: the the period? Objection to f orm . 13 really the within telling that correct? Yes. MR. 15 Q. 16 17 final 18 made 19 obtained LEE: And decision after you're by the additional from Objection. telling me staff MR. LEE: 21 MR. RADOMISLI: Q. What 25 information Objection to the form. Objection to Yes . 24 is f orm . A. is sources? 20 23 the psychiatrist information collateral 22 that 212-267-6868 collateral obtained sources is the from? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 90 VINOD 1 2 A. It 3 member, 4 say 5 this 6 assessment any that could be agency, you source can and 8 laid out in 9 attending there staff 10 investigation 11 A. a information helps of the family patient can from in making the patient. any policy statements Hospital for how psychiatrist into any There's 13 there'spractice 14 has to this an makes be no that collateral this information? 12 the decision Jamaica or anything, whatever Are M.D. anywhere get and Q. 7 DHAR, specific source policy, collateral but information obtained. 15 Q. And 16 getting 17 A. Any resources. 18 Q. Did you 19 A. Any resources collateral 20 has 21 patient's that you So 23 to get 24 be relevant 25 A. 212-267-6868 can is the practice about information? say get any resources? that the patient information about the condition. Q. 22 what any is Jamaica policy for reasonable to their information doctors that could decision? Yes. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 91 VINOD 1 2 In Q. the DHAR, second page 3 emergency admission 4 paragraph number 4. 5 admitting doctor is 6 the 7 48 second status It You see of says is the policy there that responsible examination hours. M.D. is a the for assuring conducted within that? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. How does 10 about 11 sure 12 48 effectuating thesecond the this admitting policy evaluation is doctor go of making done within hours ? A. 13 a The general practice 14 when patient 15 physician 16 physician, 17 that 18 information 19 patient 20 signature and 21 determine what 22 be this will who is admitted, inform is is and then being also comes to the admitting the patient, admitted based on the unit the on page 1 time time the the that attending receiving patient that the is and any give new time, the will certification has to made. Q. 23 24 pretty 25 chart 212-267-6868 So the important as to when date entry and in they were the the time is a patient's involuntary VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 92 VINOD 1 2 admitted; is that DHAR, M.D. right? MR. RADOMISLI: MR. 3 LEE: Objection to f o rm 4 5 6 A Yes 7 Q Does Objection. 8 require 9 verbally 10 be 11 the that done the with by the Jamaica admitting the simply Hospital doctor consult second physician having a file policy or can it forwarded to second physician? General 12 A 13 inform 14 know 15 you 16 gives 17 and 18 after-hours, 19 Q. the practice attending. the attending is give the report the then report they policy 21 admission 22 hours, in 23 the 24 privileges 25 immediately. the that statement the occurs the it to going verbally you to nurse. nurse don't be. So Nurse on the unit doctor. the If it's morning. same paragraph says that during admitting psychiatrist 212-267-6868 to inform In 20 to to Sometimes who the is who if routine doctor has of the the weekday will arrange for admitting conduct the You that? see second examination VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 93 VINOD 1 2 A. Q. Why M.D. Yes. 3 DHAR, Hospital 5 6 A. I'm not Q. The last the that policy of Jamaica immediately? second evaluation sure why the policy done is that . 8 9 have it 4 7 to is difficulty 10 be 11 one in making immediately acting on sentence such referred his 12 A. Q. Is that arrangements to the see is chairman You behalf. any to or that? Yes. 13 says 14 is that Mr. the Vivek reference -- Dr. 15 A. Dr. Vivek, 16 Q. And who 17 Jamaica 18 chairman's 19 Q. you sure 22 immediately 23 A. 24 Q. Is the has to 212-267-6868 second individuals this been acting on at the sentence? me. involved after the evaluation in making Yes . evaluation the the would be Have chairman Vivek? would be under 21 25 that That the yes. are who behalf A. 20 Hospital to first reason be done happens one? why the as soon VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY second as 516-608-2400 Page 94 VINOD 1 2 possible 3 patient after is the being DHAR, first held M.D. one, against 4 MR. LEE: 5 MR. RADOMISLI: 6 form 7 A. I 8 Q • Next 9 is a and asked to 10 policy 11 patient the 12 voluntary status 13 find the 14 above this for the chairman or 17 prior 18 OMH to Jamaica does You one 19 A. Q. Is Hospital the to the not convert to psychiatrist meet the immediately acting on his of page that contact behalf number 2 of reference? Yes. 20 there emergency he must see ahead. reason. 5, "should should the completion 474." the form. to Go number suggestion and sation, 16 that's that patient cri1:eria 15 the will? the answered. yes, effect reject that and to the Objection paragraph in their Objection guess, statement because 21 a bad this question. Why 22 the Let me does the 23 policy provide 24 should immediately 25 or 212-267-6868 somebody that acting second -- rephrase Hospital psychiatrist contact on that's that. Jamaica the no, his the chairman behalf VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY if he 516-608-2400 Page 95 VINOD 1 disagrees 2 4 of 5 the from the 7 different 8 of 9 decision initial asses smen t. to Obj ection Bee au se 6 there are i n s titution same opini on s. the form in two physicians giving two So it's responsibility make to chairman sure that the right mad e . is Q. 10 LEE M.D. que s t ion. A. the the with MR. 3 DHAR, th at Is laid th a t 11 chairman, is 12 understanding, Ne w 13 A. Q- I 15 Would 16 whether 17 provision 18 disagreements 19 out York not I'm 14 responsibility g av e State to the your Law 9.39? sure. you a 1 o oking you mind in, of copy at it of and 9.39. tell me of this not? not for his understanding h a v ing the part is of chairman the RADOMISLI: required MR. 22 23 yo ur not MR. 20 21 or to state interpretation law Objection. interpret SMITH: referee the the He's law. I'm not asking of or for law. 24 MR. RADOMISLI: You are. 25 MR. SMITH: I'm not. -267-6868 No, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY I’m 516-608-2400 Page 9 6 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 asking 3 if he 1 aw . MR. 4 knows M.D. anything RADOMISLI: about the He answered that question. 5 MR. 6 7 want 8 function of 9 disputes is, to of 10 to SMITH: New know York MR. 11 the 12 More whether the or not chairman his State I his refereeing understanding, part Law. RADOMISLI: That's beyond s cope. MR. direct 15 SMITH: him not MR. 13 14 specifically, RADOMISLI: to 16 direct 17 requires 18 That's 19 Q. Doesn't you're answer chairman 21 Jamaica 22 9.39 23 24 25 of to I going to — am him to answer going to correct. 20 him not So questions interpret your job the as law. acting the psychiatric department Hospital require that that you at interpret properly? A. clinical Q. 212-267-6868 May job decisions My is to make sure that the are made properly. question is don't VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY you think 516-608-2400 Page 97 VINOD 1 2 your job 3 commit M. D . to make sure that your with complying 4 DHAR , 9.39 when they involuntarily is staff is people? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. And 7 objective, 8 with the service have statute, A. 9 you in of that familiarized yourself right? Yes. MR. 10 11 to 12 those SMITH: instruct MR. not answer to Q. RADOMISLI: He can answer that. 15 witness this going still questions? 13 14 You're Does the the 16 having 17 consulted by 18 about 19 assessment comply 20 to a your chairman this psychiatric with with about be attending initial York State Law, understanding? RADOMISLI: 22 f o rm . You can 23 A. S ay it 24 Q • Yes. 212-267-6868 the New MR . 9.39, statement refereeing or disagreement 21 25 policy Ob jection to answer. again, You have can in you repeat front of it? you right? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 98 VINOD 1 2 A. Q. Is M.D. Yes. 3 DHAR, 4 to your 5 when 6 assessment 7 be there a provision understanding, the initial that that the provides assessment disagrees in and the the law, that second chairman is to consulted? 8 A. 9 departmental 10 because 11 So 12 that 13 law Every policy we're there's all hospital working an and based Q. 15 thought 16 you 17 confirmed by 18 precaution 19 on This a the policy are made the hospital. to make sure according clinical need to the to the decisions. to a protect A. Q. But if there's policy was I that assessment the as patient; a is that Yes . 21 Doctor, initial assessment second 20 question, hospital have a my policy right? that is a hospital under internal decisions 14 and has 22 that 23 is 24 conferral 25 to not know 212-267-6868 the a discharged, is with the whether policy statement disagreement, it says that chairman or not the patient there and what you says think VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY is I a want that 516-608-2400 Page 9 9 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 this practice 3 with the 4 disagreement 5 with 6 the or this chairman your is policy of conferring there is a when consistent understanding Mental Hygiene MR. 7 8 A. or of inconsistent Section 9.39 of Law. RADOMISLI: Objection to the to that f orm . 9 M.D. I won't be 10 question 11 but every 12 and we 13 responsibility 14 has 15 correctly and 16 either or 17 the to whether hospital are make me past 20 as he the the an the the internal chairman entire that all 21 22 that 23 court you Mr. 212-267-6868 the are He made authority (phonetic) had chief occasion acting chairman act in this SMITH: question calling Hello, 24 has department. that MR. to 9.39, policy decisions delegates duty with to or physician. Have chairman 25 sure attending 19 of answer consistent has required, Q. 18 it's able Smith. a oh, the the assistant referee function? Can just you second. back Mr. or in I hi, This hold is the think. yeah. This is Chan? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 100 1 VINOD DHAR, 2 CALLER: This 3 Judge Sweet's 4 M.D. is Adam MR. 6 We're 7 for 8 speakerphone. 9 witness 10 at SMITH: the CALLER: 12 instructions 13 me 14 objections 15 no 16 except to let thank you court on and the reporter are from you guys can be So the I have judge. know He very made, but there can be made on grounds of SMITH: get to Thank answer you much. No problem. Have a day. MR. 21 Okay. not are privilege. CALLER: good told that all MR. 19 22 counsel Okay. objections 17 20 well. to me and you're All the and you present. 11 18 doing deposition getting back and I'm How are from doing? 5 Chambers. Chen that SMITH: Okay, bye. Did you down? 23 All, right, 24 five-minute break. MR. 25 112-267-6868 CALLAN: I'm going to Yes. Just VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY take in a terms 516-608-2400 Page 101 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 of how much 3 lunch 4 to longer are we going break now or are break, have SMITH: I 6 minutes to just 7 need come back. 8 unfortunately 9 the to record. 12 It's 13 Q. were 15 chairman 16 the going — we It's are five see where I is going to go off 12:35. a recess was Going on the taken.) record. 1:41. Whenwe 14 we want and This MR. SMITH: 11 just regroup (Whereupon, 10 to lunch? MR. 5 M.D. left off, about this conferral talking or the person Doctor, acting we with the on behalf of chairman. 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. Whenthe 19 initial 20 second 21 what 22 subject matter. 23 acted 24 situations ? 25 assessment assessment that as A. 212-267-6868 situation gives has assessment an Have a where the diagnosis a disagreement is. That was you intermediary in for the the about the past these and ever types of Yes. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.cora 516-608-2400 Page 102 VINOD 1 Q. 2 So 3 with respect 4 disagreement 5 and the thehospital how to address between 8 A. the policy the initial assessment assessment? MR. form 9 is to 6 M.D. what second 7 DHAR, RADOMISLI: and substance, Well, it's customary practice 10 second opinion, 11 safety and 12 right 13 Q. the but you can always the saying 16 make 17 fact, So that sure been if 20 do the to make sure it I get hospital will a the second difference be a second Q. Meaning 22 A. A a third okay, Q. with that a of the has happened to policy will second 21 25 question understand you the If there's 24 a to be be assessment to is, in correct? there 23 it's answer. the hospital made. And is that A. 19 want decision 15 18 we because to before . 14 of Object the 212-267-6868 of opinion, third opinion, if the opinion, is — then opinion. opinion third opinion, And first assessment actually? yes — well — yeah. third will opinion a agrees patient VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY then 516-608-2400 Page 103 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 be maintained in A. If the person 3 4 and 5 consultation 6 in their Q. 7 question 9 it. If who or is doing first I the will a I am should be 11 psychiatrist 12 think 13 from 14 demonstrated 15 some 16 think the 17 those circumstances, 18 and 19 somebodyacting 20 that form. going to is a says person mental no, is I don't either illness through othermeans, policy comitted restate the or attending think not has words and person right? this involuntary third asked the assessment 10 grounds document new sure so status? sufficient write not clearly, the is opinion I'm 8 involuntary there or notes an M.D. so, suffering not or conduct dangerousness, and is to 21 A. Q. And to the on behalf Under practice chairman of I or the chairman, Yes. 22 go hospital or so person should bereleased. the I 23 acting 24 medical 25 A. 212-267-6868 on that behalf of chairman or that the chairmanis professional, person another right? Yes. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 104 VINOD 1 2 And Q. 3 the cons 4 M.D . will hear they A. 6 Q. the two the different pros and right? 5 about DHAR, opinions, Exactly. What person want is if 8 with 9 should be involuntarily committed, 10 person be maintained an 11 status or will assessment, they MR. 12 13 form 14 but 15 A. 16 because and go this know third first make to 7 the to I in be has no you can 17 commitment. So 18 to 19 The patient 20 the third 21 stay and 22 even go 23 are 24 patient. 25 of 212-267-6868 person will the involuntary discharged? Objection connection keep the the agrees to to the the case, ahead. not the is the we the of discharge, a person on a option is fourth would for to that keep acting We option willing will for an involuntary opinion always that RADOMISLI: It's convert assessment the the there to or always either yes, patient patient opinion, the is voluntary. stay the voluntary — if should we because safety of on the we the — may err side safety. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 105 VINOD 1 2 Q. When 3 safety, 4 maintaining 5 their what DHAR, you you say say them in M.D. err is on err the on the the hospital side side of of against will? MR. 6 7 Q. Objection to Objection to f o rm . 8 RADOMISLI: Is that MR. 9 10 A. RADOMISLI: f o rm . 11 right? what Depending 12 to 13 dangerous 15 is 16 in the safety themselves You about circumstances if or recognize anassessment they others, that what A. what No, the actually, patient Q. 19 yes. dangerousness somebody may So in came order no. do in to for. make about 21 dangerous, the medicalprofessional 22 look 23 A. 24 the Q. don't 212-267-6868 have past, or not an assessment into whether Dangerousness 20 25 are thefuture, right? 17 is came, to Q. 14 18 they on somebody has is to right? Yes. So they're a crystal not trying ball and — they they're VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY not 516-608-2400 Page 106 VINOD 1 2 trying to 3 determination 4 in the look status 7 dangerousness 8 needs 9 intervention 10 is is to safe be to my saying if, 13 acted a way now, that 14 dangerous, but if 15 currently 16 then 17 be everything considered hospital 20 Q. that see is a may what do the the level and whether or find the of there any that past, the patient they're else no those is you're somebody had suggested under not MR. 19 21 in acting 18 person understanding 12 in to what we make discharged. So that the treatment until to correct? try right be future that now, any M.D. what We right Q. 11 is No. 6 the about future; A. 5 in DHAR, that they were longer conditions, being equal, they would dangerous? RADOMISLI: According to policy. According to hospital policy; is correct? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. So 24 the initial 25 condition 112-267-6868 of that the decision the critical under patient at the the time 9.39, time VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY for the that 516-608-2400 Page 107 VINOD 1 2 the 3 being DHAR, M.D. comprehensive psychiatric done; is that 4 A. Q. You is correct? I Yes . 5 evaluation 6 there was 7 remember mentioned in-service earlier training, today do that you that? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. What 10 A. In-service a 11 say it's 12 on 13 treatment 14 That the Q. 15 16 making Are assessments Now, 18 Q. Are or some is staff or the you is can updated recent intervention. training. classes about or training on dangerousness? yes. those other MR. 20 the recent there A. Point or giving 17 19 training policy changes like that ? where c1ass hospital is is handouts or form of RADOMISLI: 21 extent that 22 currently, 23 ruling, 24 answer the 25 Q. can communication? Objection '12-267-6868 You but have asking to the let him question. I you're Power given no the choice answer for judge's but to the question. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 108 VINOD 1 DHAR, M.D. 2 THE WITNESS: 3 MR. RADOMISLI: 4 to let you answer the 5 A. Yes, we 6 Q. When did 7 having written 8 training on do I RADOMISLI: SMITH: trying to of Hospital for start in-service 13 policy 14 effectuated, and how 15 communicated to 16 actually 17 think is, I'm understand how the its not at all. the is intent a physician it, going what policy implements I’m You're No, I’m is that so I don’t going beyond the scope. RADOMISLI: You could MR. 19 the 20 A. Could you 21 Q. I 22 have. dangerousness? 12 18 we scope. MR. 11 issue obligated Now presentations the beyond am question. Jamaica MR. 10 I have. the 9 can? answer ques tion. can't, repeat but I the will question? reformulate it . When 23 24 having 25 with these the 212-267-6868 did Jamaica in-service staff, where Hospital training the start sessions subject matter VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY of 516-608-2400 Page 109 VINOD 1 2 dangerousness A. 3 was DHAR, M.D. taught? When we have actually have what's 4 Hospital we 5 and conferences. 6 1995. 7 Jamaica week . case We have two MR. 8 to called at It grand started three He rounds a asked you when. Read back 10 A. We started 11 Q. So if I went to Jamaica get a copy of this could I that? don't know whether 9 12 and I want to 13 presentation, A. 14 15 keep 16 I any Q. 18 records 19 look of question, earlier do today like of 1996. Hospital we used to over 21 to 22 that you 23 have 24 and 25 or have any the past training five RADOMISLI: a because asked witness that was to one sessions years? Now talk testify of I the am going court. 212-267-6868 object time the MR. 20 that what at 1995, Jamaica Hospital Does those please. not. 17 records the since grand RADOMISLI: rounds about on things was this not permitted by VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY to issue the 516-608-2400 Page 110 VINOD 1 MR. 2 DHAR, SMITH: 3 that, 4 is 5 for the documents, 6 I'm not going 7 more questions 8 these 9 and I 10 frankly. I find out All — I think am to to the they exist, ask the about trying make if the they at the produce RADOMISLI: and any contents if do request witness but should MR. 11 I remember existed had you don't will documents, they M.D. do of exist time, then them. Take that under advisement. 12 MR. 13 establish 14 SMITH: if MR. 15 16 haven't 17 — 18 You you 20 I just 21 the MR. 22 23 Q • 24 2009 25 at there Jamaica 212-267-6868 Let were ask Then just do the you when get I did an since ask you in-service Hospital; know -- you whether question. is ask the answer. I when. think 1995. RADOMISLI: me to that. SMITH: was trying exist. that, over didn't answer just RADOMISLI: didn't MR. 19 they asked skipped I'm That was this when -­ question, in training that classes right? VERJTEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 111 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 A. 3 Q. M.D. Yes . In 4 in-service 5 dangerousness 2009 or training as of session assessment; 6 A. Q. And those included is that right? Yes. 7 2009, 8 were, 9 in among those other writing; is 11 Q . 12 A. in In things, that MR. 10 not the 14 presentation, 15 done verbally and correct? RADOMISLI: In 2009. 2 00 9? Yes. 13 training sessions I writing can recall there and presentation. 17 make a 18 any 19 effect 20 2009 slight MR. 16 a SMITH: request written and at case Power for So I the Point am utilized please Taken advisement, 23 writing, but 24 has up and has 25 against and I'd appreciate 212-267-6868 to of were end in of Hospital. 22 come that as of the RADOMISLI: it going production presentations Jamaica MR. 21 is verbally follow-up appears to me under in that already been that VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY this ruled if I 516-608-2400 Page 112 VINOD 2 show 3 DHAR, M.D. that, 1 then you'd you withdraw the MR. 4 the SMITH: judge If 6 issue 7 information and have 8 that information 9 light, new which reconsider 11 taken 12 withdraw that, where 15 granted the Q. judge that 19 admitted 20 come the fact, and that I to judge he's will gladly I can considered show you and not it it. SMITH: Now, ways has in for convinced me make RADOMISLI: MR. 16 also if, this it. MR. 14 show me request to that position 13 18 ought can considered rejected my 10 17 has you that no to demand. 5 and agree Moving on. we talked individual the earlier about is two involuntary generally? to the hospital. 21 A. Q. Am remember that Yes. 22 You 23 third way, 24 C PE P 25 way; A. 212-267-6868 I which is that correct is a that commonly correct there known is as a the description? CPEP? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 113 VINOD 1 2 Q. A. How 4 Q . C-P-E-A 5 A. CPEP? 6 Q. CPEP? 7 A. Yeah. 8 Q. Okay. M.D. Yeah . 3 DHAR, 9 bit confused. 10 under 11 and 12 which 13 then 14 9.39, do you spell — not Maybe There is is there the was two there I'm just the a little involuntary already talked about involuntary under physicians is MR. 15 we — CPEP? then which is it? a involuntary third way RADOMISLI: 16 Q. A. Comprehensive known as and this CPEP. CPEP? 17 9.27, 18 19 psychiatric emergency program. Q. What MR. 20 21 scope 22 of of 24 you 25 Q. 212-267-6868 that? RADOMISLI: the policy. Going beyond It's not in the there — MR. 23 is some SMITH: I'm going to save breath. Was this CPEP program VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY instituted 516-608-2400 Page 114 VINOD 1 2 sometime A. 3 4 year M.D. 2009? Yes. It Only for has been only for a now. 5 6 after DHAR, Q. one year at Jamaica Hospital? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. If you don't mind, please of the involuntary emergency 9 back to 130 10 admission status procedure. 11 18. Then bottom there 12 this relates 13 hearing. 14 A. 15 Q. 16 this 17 for Can court A. 18 an a request you is number for a on 6 page and court in describe number 6 Every patient on involuntary basis 20 the 21 health 22 be discharged 23 to discharge 24 with 25 disagrees inpatient unit, legal the for me about what the request hearing? 19 212-267-6868 a were Yes. policy a to is We turn has services. or the doctor with the has them and admitted admitted to And they family if — is access patient, and that the if mental wants, they to wish they will to want discuss physician feels that VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the 516-608-2400 Page 115 VINOD 1 2 patient 3 the 4 in 5 service 6 be discharged, 7 we will 8 I 9 we 10 is not patient writing judge, discharged health 14 given have legal by A. 15 The mental health 17 them. Or it Q. interested 20 after, 21 a 22 written 23 for 24 immediately 25 Queens it's relative a 212-267-6868 to be give wish petition and five and within, days in to of, front of judge. request given to by bureau patient be the mental or in, it a says can He it be own that attorneys. I am admission of the the to or the the to the of director the any Supreme mental gives a request will Court health VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY time patient, MHLS director the presents at deliver and to if friend to it that hearing, County their paragraph after or gives services. could be notice court the they a court court legal The 19 the or if patient? 16 18 to can petition days then legal that file that services the health notice seven Does 13 a supreme Q. 12 family members to going M.D. discharge, they will within be for the mental respond will 11 the attorney, think the ready or to DHAR, of legal 516-608-2400 Page 116 VINOD 1 2 services, 3 patient 4 statement 5 copy of the records. says, A. 6 a Q. DHAR, M.D. notice That's and a copy what the of policy right? Yes . So 7 permit the 8 required under 9 do I understand patient A. 11 yes, 12 request 13 who I but it the If to a in-patient ward 16 talking 17 says 18 get 19 policy 20 supreme I out. Is for comes from patient or the don't comes notice the to the policy, from — the the attorney process. 15 with to mean, according generally Q. 14 the this section generally starts give policy physician? 10 to the unit is and patient think that having I and belong sufficient the in the the attending the patient here, to hospital is I want trigger petition to this the court? MR. 21 RADOMISLI: 22 A. No, it's 24 Q. Why not? 25 A. Because to f on . 23 Objection 212-267-6868 not based sufficient. on the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY patient's 516-608-2400 Page 117 VINOD 1 2 condition, 3 patient 4 day. 5 something 6 talk to 7 take medication 8 come up 9 patients DHAR, depending can change Generally, like when that, a or diagnosis, 24 hours patient you talk they to them, 10 upon 11 ask 12 service to 13 to see 14 unless most not and 15 Q. 16 trigger 17 hospital 18 be tell in So this what the mental he insist to time health this notice on supreme we will legal patient, deserves obligation to go — talk what he that's required the part court, of this to the must writing? A. 19 the same we wants. him or the to plan, will please contact them at you will agree discharge They a says not medication, safe but a and stay back. leaving, the their mind the family with on M.D. Yes. MR. 20 21 Q. It 23 24 Objection to f orm . 22 RADOMISLI: 25 be in writing? A. Yes. Q. does Other than it being it ’ 12-267-6868 have to must say anything or in writing, do anything? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 118 VINOD DHAR, 1 A. 2 Well, 3 court why 4 necessity 5 the the it has physician of the M.D. to show thinks patient the supreme medical needs to stay in hospital. Q. 6 No, 7 patient. The 8 This 9 a mechanism section 10 patient 11 hospital 12 So 13 14 I says A. here, for a Q. am talking patient's 6 says there's I request as I no, to we the to get out. understand it, the involving want about where leave think court, and you disagreement, is a the should stay. right? Right. So 15 mechanism for 16 resolve the 17 patient should 18 this section petitioning provides right? issue about kept 19 A. Q. What court whether against his or to not or her the will, Righ t. 20 the a 21 here if 22 or 23 written 24 What 25 notice the I 212-267-6868 at any mental being want time health notice, want I to in then know the to know, patient legal this is, writing, it or relative services process other is than there VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY says gives starts. this anything 516-608-2400 Page 119 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 else about the 3 this notice M.D. policy? 4 A. No, 5 Q. So 6 a piece of 7 physician, 8 would be from if paper I it's written, as 11 patient. a patient to required under were it leave to to write on his right now. That sufficient? That 10 the and hand want A. 9 that's would be Q. 13 under How this long policy to notice does will the long process, hospital petition the 14 A. As soon as 15 Q. In your experience, A. It's 16 be as ye s . 12 the sufficient take court? possible. what is that? 17 18 is only held 19 that 20 is 21 a week, if ready, all the 22 Q. 23 exhibit that 24 There's a 25 policy 212-267-6868 Tuesdays. because So the paperwork court hearing Turn you to the have admissions next in from by court Tue s day. day on about and will page front of Friday of everything be of on the you. emergency room statement. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 120 VINOD 1 DHAR, 2 A. 44? 3 Q. Yes, page M.D. 4 f ront of 44. You have that in you? 5 A. Hmm-mm. 6 Q. What is this 7 A. This is the 8 transferring the 9 patient emergency 10 from inpatient protocol patient or involved admitting room under in the the unit. 11 Q. From the 12 A. No. 13 psychiatric 14 inpatient medical We're emergency emergency room? talking about room psychiatric to from unit. Q. 15 policy? I 16 the policy a 17 the emergency 18 inpatient 19 the 20 department see. So where patient may be room unit emergency of only room to says here admitted from the psychiatric after by it the a member evaluation of in the psychiatry? 21 A. Right. 22 Q. The 23 stating 24 to 25 in the emergency room, psychiatric emergency that policy room? A. 212-267-6868 to references Psychiatric are emergency VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY referring room. 516-608-2400 Page 121 VINOD 1 Q. 2 3 has 4 And medical ER DHAR, this M.D. case, and a Jamaica psychiatric Hospital righ t ? 5 A. That's Q. And 2009, 7 Jamaica 8 psychiatric is that right. 6 ER; 9 Hospital Q. had a medical In the 12 inpatient unit 13 clearance documented 14 by to A. Q. the should emergency 16 a have in room each psychiatric a medical the medical staff. Does that mean patient's 18 psych 19 that what ER medical You and then this are sent to records see that? before admitting that 22 psychiatric 23 called a 24 has to go 25 and that's up I think the inpatient, physical done of taken the we what the from ward. by a this patient had medical clearance, on all the Is means? Yes. 21 that records A. 212-267-6868 true, Yes. 17 20 ER and procedures it says patientadmitted 15 also Yes . 11 the that was ER? A. 10 in to to do meaning and medical internist, means the what's patient clearance not by VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY is a 516-608-2400 Page 122 VINOD DHAR, M.D. or a primary care are medically stable 1 2 psychiatrist 3 And 4 need 5 be 6 they if any acute admitted will and treatment, psychiatric a patient through 9 A. Q. — they will comes medical attending. to ER Or the -­ Yes. 10 the don't inpatient. followed by medical If hospital medical to be Q. 7 8 they physician. 11 place for 12 by 13 transferred 14 unit having is there a policy to patient medically in room? the medical a and ER unit the before the psychiatric 15 A. Q. Why 17 A. Because patient is emergency Yes. 16 cleared medical is 18 the 19 medical emergency 20 patient to 21 sure 22 when 23 Q. 24 looking 25 policy >12-267-6868 that's a patient and before psychiatric they don't Does at considered comes right require ER, need this that we any policy here, the we page as to care . that ER, that? a transfer want to the make acute medical that 44, records we does of VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY are this the 516-608-2400 Page 123 VINOD 1 2 documents in 3 when the 4 that those 5 psychiatric the DHAR, medical patient goes records M.D. records into be the obtained medical transmitted to ER the ER? 6 A . Yes. 7 Q• So 8 patient comes 9 through the 10 correct then 11 that 12 emergency in the into the medical entire that file circumstances hospital emergency it's sent the to when a first room, policy am to I have psychiatric room? 13 A . Yes. 14 Q• And 15 there 16 see is a list then of in A, the B, C procedures, and D. Do you that? 17 A. Yes . 18 Q• There 19 these 20 test tests felt 21 CBC, by { the are CMP and A . Q • What 24 A . CBC you other blood physician see to to be that? Yes . 23 references any examining indicated, 22 these 25 count, >-267-6868 about the is CMC means red and CMP? basically cells and your the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY blood white 516-608-2400 Page 124 VINOD 1 2 cells 3 your comprehensive 4 your liver 5 your muscle 6 testing 7 Q. Why 8 A. Because 9 take any differential can 11 make sure 12 need to 13 there 14 because 15 and 16 been 17 In 18 don't 19 chronically 20 of 21 this 22 a some have is take 24 25 be rule about the no in workup. we know any or of So this not our patients. was the made that so if it's medication that has knowing. They are don't that's care why they would have examination. next page is number admitting psychiatrist for we patients They and to that condition themselves. problems order that most who medication, changes, and patient physical On and of sick patient other — care responsible >12-267-6868 are out there provision talks any treatment medical Q. like changes patients separate 23 enzymes, done? psychiatric there this to that a baseline any of their means comprehensive side-effects that silent our profile, kidney all means done. 10 also, CMP count. your enzymes, medications, are M.D. metabolic enzymes, is have DHAR, determining that VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 5, will valid 516-608-2400 Page 125 VINOD 1 2 legal 3 referring are that we completed, That's talked about, And of involuntary 7 case 8 emergency 9 certifier." 10 what is to same referring Q. 6 M.D. that to? A. 4 5 papers DHAR, it form goes What A. 747. on to admission room physician is may that It's the a say a certifier 12 "in the licensed act as a reference same thing 11 form to? that admitting psychiatrist. in Q. 13 this Then the 14 "the emergency 15 inpatient unit 16 A. 17 Q. 18 A. staff bed What is Well, you need to 20 unit. 21 you calls be says the assignments." 22 assigned. 23 204 24 So 25 You And so once They say that patient see the admit the patient inpatient the patient, bed patient the bed admit on the you will on you bed know what because could that? when have a need to 212-267-6868 will next paragraph room for room Yes. 19 the emergency is be patient will going available admitted record to there VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY be to right bed bed now. 204. is 516-608-2400 Page 126 VINOD 1 2 admitted to bed Q. 3 assignment 5 somebody have 6 involuntarily is that an going to MR. 7 M.D. 204. Would 4 DHAR, availability impact to be the on A. Q. hospital? A. I'm Objection to Why? 11 not Yes . 10 or bed f o rm . 9 whether a admitted RADOMISLI: 8 of 12 need 13 basis, 14 inpatient. 15 make 16 transferred 17 beds to admit jumping the to have If we don't arrangements are patient have we here . to for some an on we involuntary a bed, have patient other if avai1ab1e a bed the Because then to hospital we be where available. 18 Q. What other hospitals does 19 Jamaica Hospital avail itself to 20 effectuate 21 this A. Well, 22 hospitals in 23 Hospital, there 24 that's closed 25 Gracey Square, 212-267-6868 practice we Queens. used now we or of policy? available We to call be all LIJ, this and whatever sent patients the Elmhurst hospital hospital — sometimes. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 127 VINOD 1 2 ,Q. What 3 insurance, does 4 whether not 5 involuntari ly or 7 beyond 8 I am to 12 mean 13 been him The is now covered. not to So answer. judge's ruling Well doesn't clear. MR. 11 direct on ho sp i tal ? This already of be the to SMITH: impac t will RADOMISLI : going very availability any have admitted MR. was M.D. the a patient what's 9 10 about that MR. 6 DHAR, it’s RADOMISLI: beyond order. MR. 14 was the SMITH: 15 judge very 16 with instructions 17 made except MR. 18 19 not 20 within 21 there 22 and 23 purpose — 24 adhered Q. Well, clear that not to preserve RADOMISLI: 212-267-6868 considering I the is scope still that's whether of court think no the objections answer will be privilege. I'm sure he was to. 25 to scope -- what of some the that's Turn back the EBT. basic — what to it would be mean, parameters what's needs page I 17, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY the to be the 516-608-2400 Page 128 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 emergency 3 phrase 4 You admission substantial see M.D. status policy, there's risk of physical that a harm. risk measured? that? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. How 7 A. 8 is 9 on no Like specific thehistory 10 patients 11 the 12 is I mentioned before, tools. available, coming to collateral Q. measuring 14 physical the is does whether harm circumstances emergency You 17 A. It's 19 judgment, not or is 20 not judgment Q. you about go the of make Can 21 to 22 patient 23 A. Q. Can to the answer. really defined. on that It's clinical determination. patient be held pursuant Yes. 24 a Objection and based a risk substantial? could form. clinical and hospital RADOMISLI: 16 18 room the MR. 15 measured based information. How 13 It there 25 this emergency status is bizarre? acting committed under 212-267-6868 a patient this policy be policy if the involuntarily if they're VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 129 VINOD 1 2 acting in an DHAR, agitated manner? MR. 4 A. other Objection to the f orm . 5 RADOMISLI: Any 3 M.D. 6 mentioned in 7 judgment, any 8 considered as 9 put emergency 10 in the agitated 11 or the quired, 13 n clu sion 14 the can clinical be patients if can be they're acting bizarre. there Is Yes, room what's on behavior risk. they're Q. 12 law based other a conduct anything more than a label or that is the z arre ? o the r the that actin g Object to the ahead. 16 f orm . Go 17 A. Tha t 18 aluation that is a when 19 person 20 admitting physician 21 does it 22 that impact 23 25 Q of the 212-267-6868 mean any sense a of the patient by definition come s has being to the others, the determine bi zarre the dangerou s ne s s Can you behavior defi ne qualifies by or patient. 24 comes, is RADOMISLI: MR . 15 person and of for me as what how does the what kind bizarre VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 130 VINOD 1 2 behavior that 3 commit 4 is DHAR, M.D. Jamaica's? somebody under MR. 5 6 A. 8 Patient 9 threatens this to involuntarily policy RADOMISLI: of Objection to f o rm . 7 sufficient I is can at home, his clothes give his 11 neighborhood, stands 12 traffic and 13 any 14 or — off, light or highway, Is 16 behavior would 17 involuntary it on your qualify MR. 19 Q. up, out, front of — preaching the the Bible the that somebody the RADOMISLI: on and traffic highway. view in takes all of that for hospital? Under this policy? 20 examples. the running around commitment 18 goes around in of himself he starts walking Q. 15 or runs starts number locks mother 10 a Under MR. 21 22 A. policy? RADOMISLI: Objection to f o rm . 23 this Yes. 24 come to the 25 will be made 212-267-6868 Whatever hospital whether and they called then them to determination remain VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY risk or 516-608-2400 Page 131 VINOD 1 2 dangerousness. 3 DHAR, M.D. they will admis sion. Q. 4 don't you explain 6 A. All 7 bizarre 8 for 9 determine 5 Can I Then illness 11 we 12 admitted 13 of 14 potential risk 15 can the admit 17 a 18 the Q. 21 correct? 22 a 23 isn't it mental patient or in then being the absence behavior causes to himself, then harm a risk potential that policy It's So a we the a it's risk, is for Substantial potential that if of If qualify we patient. hospital's 20 in involuntary risk. it — I'm sorry. risk; sufficient other is required under substantial not risk or words is that if there to is admit; right? MR. 24 25 of Is A. come with disturbance, of hospital illness, substantial 19 emotional the Q. answer. necessarily because assessment to mental doesn't it’s some can make that hospitalization. 10 16 patients that or that for that? behavior inpatient understand qualify RADOMISLI: Pursuant to the po1icy. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 132 VINOD 1 DHAR, 2 Q. Pursuant 3 A. Substantial 4 the potential Q. 5 risk, 7 that sufficient 8 risk under A. 10 it's 11 risk only the Q. to is to prevent a is if you potential qualify as have risk, a a is substantial policy? Under So under policy? risk question 6 9 the risk. My but to M.D. the any the policy, risk is a yes. substantial policy? 12 A. 13 Q. 14 A. Safe ty. 15 Q. The safety 16 A. The person. 17 Q. What 18 risk Under Why mean to A. 19 21 professionals. 22 nursing 23 — patient 24 is — 25 neighbors by has 9.39, yes. of the whom? term substantial Doctor? a very undefined agencies There's there living no for that ? different home, policy does It's is 112-267-6868 is you, 20 used the food, complain is in a no patient that he's in the coming home by heat, that different a patient the has by term from himself, and if the smelling. he So VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 133 VINOD 1 2 somebody will 3 assessment 4 potentially 5 remove 6 emergency 7 as and the well go a DHAR, there if Isn't 9 mind between any MR. 10 object his 13 it's there situation, there to is is they will the a substantial, potential. Q. 12 an find and bring So 8 11 they dangerous room. as, and make what patient M.D. there risk the mind. If MR. 15 ask 16 thinks 17 because 18 Q. 19 policy, 20 potential 21 dangerousness 22 you substantial I'm to to asking ask your risk? going you're want for whether — SMITH: A. 24 25 I don't Q. 212-267-6868 the in Okay. Fine. is see policy there's we there or any the any a Again, think In it's your words Jamaica will risk substantial it's a defined opinion, either here. between risk the is a of clinical in he Hospital difference potential and if distinction are mincing Under is any and I dangerousness? 23 what and extent policy 14 difference RADOMISLI: to a a judgment. policy. there VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY of a 516-608-2400 Page 134 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 difference between 3 substantial MR. 5 30(b)(6) 6 Q. 7 any potential risk of 4 M.D. risk and a dangerousness? RADOMISLI: He is here as a witness. Okay. You can answer the que s tion. 8 MR. RADOMISLI: 9 MR. SMITH: to answer him 10 not MR. 11 of 12 a You're that RADOMISLI: 30(b) (6) MR. SMITH: 14 MR. RADOMISLI: Don't 16 17 Q. as 19 include 20 Does the A. 21 defined Q. any You not proper know I don't. I cited that. in the question. a case. term Jamaica risk of It's not substantial risk, Hospital policy, harm? Yes. So under 22 possible 23 to risk 24 the 25 themselves involuntary conclusion 212-267-6868 that instructing It's No, can't. proper. 18 answer he question? witness. 13 15 No, or is a Jamaica's policy, any sufficient basis admit that somebody, they others; is are that in which because of dangerous to correct? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 135 VINOD DHAR, 1 MR. 2 RADOMISLI: 3 A. Q• Is to Objection the to Yes. 5 Objection fon . 4 M.D. 6 making this 7 dangerousness 8 community, part of assessment as to seek well 9 A. Both . 10 Q. I'm 11 A. Both as, 12 sorry? patie community. 13 14 seeking Why Q• out to 16 A. th RADOMI form . 17 the make MR. 15 is 18 for 19 Because patient and So Q• ar others Jamaica 20 its roles under 21 c ommunity safe? MR. 22 23 A. i RADOMISLI: f o rm . 24 9.39 25 making 212-267-6868 I the don't community think safe. it's question It's making VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY of — 516-608-2400 Page 136 VINOD 1 2 actually, 3 patient 4 not 5 that 6 the yes, rule the it's in discharge the patient Q. 8 you 9 there's admit a patient as if we will find be potentially we out hold him. you to MR. a Hospital can him risk 10 Jamaica and Yes, But will M.D. a mental the community. 7 DHAR, not only hold involuntary the RADOMISLI: 11 A. Q. And you you think right? Objection to Right. 13 but form . 12 of him, if community, risk 14 think 15 community; there is is only a that MR. 16 will do A. Q. Is 20 mind between 21 and risk you to the right? Objection to Yes. 19 if f orm . 18 even potential RADOMISLI: 17 so MR. A. 23 24 legal 25 a d istinction a patient admission involuntary involuntarily? RADOMISL I: Involuntary and patient in your Ob j ec tion. commitment is the is the medical term . 212-267-6868 term a admitting committing 22 there VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 137 VINOD 1 Q. 2 3 it But today, DHAR, the M.D. way we they both mean have the 4 A. Same thing, 5 Q. Does Jamaica's 6 assessment 7 include patients within a i 1 i ze 8 of it, a and 10 Q • What does policy for on the dangerousness, of hold Not and stabi1ize . that mean , hold and admit? A. 12 Hold, evaluate and if necessary, admit. Q. 14 hold Are and There 17 are not meant 18 timeframe 19 that's why familiar about phrase and is, but emergency rooms There is the volume I add, new CPEP came and if into RADOMISLI: may a being. You're talking psychiatric? WITNESS: 23 psychiatric, 24 Q. I'm talking about yeah. Why did MR. 212-267-6868 the stabilizing. THE 25 with for MR. 20 22 you stabilize? A. 16 21 thing? yes. admit . Hold 15 using patient? A. 13 same concept 9 11 been the CPEP RADOMISLI: come into Objection, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY play? but 516-608-2400 Page 138 VINOD 1 2 he's 3 A. 4 72-hour 5 already Q. CPEP has What MR. getting that trying 11 respect 12 to 13 part 14 Jamaica about? SMITH: I understand stabilize We of to was this the -- used policy RADOMISLI: it 17 doesn't sound familiar MR. was SMITH: WITNESS: 21 MR. RADOMISLI: off SMITH: the I to you of just 'cause it me? have can the -- I Nat, Okay, record. (Whereupon, 212-267-6868 that's chart can I will -­ talk outside. MR. 25 trying there. THE going not hold with I am used You 20 24 phrase case Can where 23 I'm and practice me you in or tell to the plaintiff. 16 right but Hospital. MR. 18 are really know, understand whether 15 22 for beyond. to and is RADOMISLI: MR. 10 19 a provision observation. 8 9 M.D. — Because 6 7 DHAR, a good. It's recess VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY We're 2:28. was taken.) 516-608-2400 Page 139 VINOD 1 MR. 2 3 It's 4 Q. 5 can tell term me what Well, 7 much. The 8 reevaluate. 9 I'm not M.D. Back on the record. 2:37. A. 6 SMITH: This you DHAR, term stabilize, that means? actually familiar and actually Some possible hold is people why It's 11 treated within 24 12 information available 13 this use Q. is hours Doesn't require 15 policy 16 in 17 reportedly engaging 18 statements that 19 physical 20 comprehensive 21 possible, reportedly that with harm, or term this and term. when patient until to make Jamaica in a all a illness the staff as brought and and making substantial psychiatric be final a patient's conduct a can Hospital's a mental create that doctor soon risk conduct of a as right? MR. 22 the and determination. 14 sometimes doesn’t mean hold use they 10 it RADOMISLI: 23 and 24 A. Q. And asked Righ t. 25 Objection, 212-267-6868 answered. there's no room in VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY Jamaica 516-608-2400 Page 140 VINOD 1 2 policy 3 time 4 isn't for while that holding an DHAR, a M.D. person assessment MR. RADOMISLI: form. 7 Q. yet is a period to be of done; correct? 5 6 for You could You can Objection the answer. answer. MR. RADOMISLI: 8 to If you unders tand. 9 A. 10 Yeah. 11 hours in the 12 don't think 13 you 14 assessment 15 you want 16 the 18 saying 19 24-hour 20 about the make an evaluation and to 24 the this there's no care, policy, determination admit So policy gives and whether patient 24-hour that I or or not discharge period,you're that's laying out a period? There is no time determination that. Q. 22 of in A. 21 standard it’s to Q. 17 the after patient. time ER Technically the So 23 at 24 brought 25 evaluated 212-267-6868 in hospital in for as 2009, that an there required was that alleged mental soon as no a policy patient illness be possible? YERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 141 VINOD 1 MR. 2 DHAR, M.D. RADOMISLI: 3 A. As 5 Q. The to f orm . 4 Objection 6 evaluation as soon as possible. policy soon 7 A. Q. But to do the possible, right? Yeah. 8 as was 9 you questions 10 potential 11 risk, 12 that 13 manner 14 remember I about risk think the earlier or patient that the the any you when if would was asking difference risk said I or hospital a substantial there's act between in the could any risk dangerous admit; do you that? 15 MR. LEE: 16 MR. RADOMISLI: 17 Q. Do 19 A. Q. Whenyou Objection form. to the Yes. 20 to the f orm . 18 Objection 21 possible for 22 you that 23 hospital mean to you the it admit 24 A. Q. So said, yes, hospital was on that? to possible an it's the for admit, did the involuntary basis? Yes. 25 remember 212-267-6868 just to be clear, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY you weren't 516-608-2400 Page 142 VINOD 1 2 saying 3 a 4 doing 5 that that the DHAR, patient voluntary basis when assessments M.D. could be we about were admitted talking on about dangerousness; is right? 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. When 8 hospital 9 under as hospital 11 person respect to yeah. brought any policy there to the admission at the restraining that patient? MR. A. RADOMISLI: Objection to the f o rm . 14 is was 12 13 patient involuntary with or a involuntary, potential 9.39, 10 Only Depends 15 the patient 16 danger 17 restrained. 18 between 19 restrained 20 We do the out of staff, Now and restrain How the circumstances, control yelling, there restrained, Q. 21 22 to is upon a is a and poses he will a be difference mental health restrained by other means. the yes. patients, does Jamaica restrain patients ? A. 23 24 according 25 four point 212-267-6868 If to patient OMH is out guideline, restrain. We tie of it's the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY control called a patient 516-608-2400 Page 143 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 with the help 3 staff, 4 meanwhile, 5 medication, 6 released 7 one and of until staff, make they're sure given counseling and it the clinical they are safe and treatment, and then they are should not last more than hour. MR. 8 what's 9 the M.D. SMITH: I being marked as (Plaintiff's 10 11 document, 12 as of was SMITH: 14 policy 15 Hospital 16 Q. 18 of Exhibit for you 152. 152, identification This is a seven-page statement produced by Jamaica in Is department show date.) MR. to Exhibit marked this 13 17 want of this this case the in discovery. Jamaica psychiatry policy Hospital on the use restraints? MR. 19 RADOMISLI: 20 question. 21 scope. 22 application. 23 deal with 24 this is 25 Q. 212-267-6868 You It this wasn't even This it the is part beyond of deposition involuntary beyond Is know Don't answer the the your is admission to and scope. consistent with the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 144 VINOD 1 2 hospital's policy 3 handcuffed using MR. 4 5 scope. 6 Don't 7 Q. 8 hospital's 9 to a scope 12 Beyond beyond be the the scope. question. consistent to to handcuffs? it's the policy Q. a patient with double-cuff the a patient gurney? of RADOMISLI: the It's When 14 for 15 or 16 permit 17 circulation 18 interfered deposition inconsistent a patient is admission, involuntary is with restraints of and beyond to the the order. 13 permit know it MR. 11 M.D. RADOMISLI: answer hospital 10 to steel You Is DHAR, court's being assessed it consistent hospital policy be such used, the patient to that, is being with? MR. 19 20 scope of 21 limited 22 admission, 23 MR. RADOMISLI: the to deposition, policy per asking Q. Can is beyond which the is involuntary order. That's what I'm about. 25 on court SMITH: 24 It 212-267-6868 locked restraints VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY ever be 516-608-2400 Page 145 VINOD 1 2 used on involuntary MR. 3 4 Don't 5 the scope question. SMITH: MR. do the Objection. to It's the Does beyond court. not go beyond scope. 8 9 patients? according MR. the M.D. RADOMISLI: answer 6 7 DHAR, with RADOMISLI: involuntary MR. 10 11 has to 12 I 13 Q. will with nothing to admission. Just asking ask it Are the 15 consistent 16 policy 17 admissions 18 involuntary 19 dangerousness or with or it of admission. so it's locked with restraints Jamaica's involuntary being admissions to considered the for hospital for assessments? the scope, 22 policy 23 involuntary RADOMISLI: because other MR. already to people 21 24 use just inconsistent MR. 212-267-6868 again, respect 20 25 involuntary if clear. 14 do SMITH: Has than That's you're a beyond going policy to a on commitment. SMITH: directed The you judge not to VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY has instruct 516-608-2400 Page 146 VINOD 1 2 the witness 3 other 4 now 5 judge's than not for you're to answer intention 8 I 9 that you privileged purposes violating don't RADOMISLI: to violate think what abuse 10 beyond 11 ordered 12 actually, 13 position 14 court 15 because 16 was 17 on 18 involuntary what was a come and the the of it, these this is go court the and it's my prior questions examination to commitment the policy — hospitalization. SMITH: Well, understand, you've 21 don't how 22 the 23 will 24 document 25 witness think hospital -- more that I just what are one was of limited 20 try to deposition, think scope order. anticipated deposition asking involuntary judge's violating specifically not my previously to by the scope you're order It's was this limited MR. 212-267-6868 questions, orders. 7 19 M.D. vagrantly MR. 6 DHAR, you know. said the time have I I that. policies know, and just I of Greg, I this shown produced by your VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY this office. 516-608-2400 Page 147 VINOD 1 2 It comes from 3 psychiatric. 4 psychiatric, 5 governing 6 patients 7 things, 8 know It department says use are else of there, to else 11 that. 12 to 13 was 14 as 15 wasn't 16 four topics 17 this 30(b) (6) 18 not 19 restraints 20 I'd You either. about recall. one 21 asked 22 because 23 your 24 I 25 was of Dr. is she client did no not the witness was in court when it ask for it, there are only permitted this is use you, topics. issue while handcuffs, because order. of already evaluation the it ask those you far to The of as This about. that about restrict prior disputing court, one did her what not topics. add now did are not Lewin don't don't policy witness also I am because those other the you that for for ask this If granted I I discussed before I so it's say. didn't testify among and of and restraints RADOMISLI: say of department involuntarily 10 212-267-6868 M.D. psychiatry manual who MR. to the the what 9 DHAR, Here VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY where there there 516-608-2400 Page 148 VINOD 1 DHAR, is . 2 MR. 3 the SMITH: 4 off 5 colleague and 6 proceed. It's record. We I see MR. 8 record. 9 how Q. 10 questions 12 you 13 interfered 14 for then brought today with at emergency 17 the Jamaica 18 the comprehensive 19 being we're with my going recess was Going back just done. to taken.) on the of have a few more Subject tohaving because your my 20 medical 21 until 22 patient 23 emergency room, Hospital conducted counsel questions, patient is is has but brought room that includes is patient as the transferred is in to transferred, the in evaluation opposed to the anything psychological a into there policy while emergency the waiting if the psychiatric room? MR. 24 a a patient medical is I some 16 the talk go least. If 15 I'm back, to to 14:54. Doctor, 11 going 14:50. SMITH: It's are want (Whereupon, 7 25 M.D. RADOMISLI: Objection to f o rm . 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 149 VINOD 1 A. 2 You cannot 3 evaluation. 4 psychiatric 5 the You 6 status, you make 7 patient will 8 can 9 psychiatric can M.D. do do consult. information be DHAR, a what's stay called That means and based a comprehensive on based transferred the to whether medical psych on the mental determination in a ER ER or the he needing treatment. 10 Q. Who 11 A. Psychiatrist. 12 Q. So 13 the full 14 evaluation makes why blown in can't decision? the psychiatrist comprehensive the medical MR. 15 that A. 18 Medical 19 information 20 risk of 21 need for 22 will be transferred 23 Q. Who 24 opposed 25 Objection to f o rm . 17 psychiatric ER? RADOMISLI: 16 do evaluation? It's ER is a comprehensive very busy, and especially dangerousness medical to this don't and if if treatment, does to evaluation. have all there there then is is the the a no patient psychiatry. this consultation comprehensive as psychiatric VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 150 VINOD 1 A. 2 3 staff It is DHAR, done M.D. by a psychiatrist, a psychiatrist. 4 Q. Then 5 trigger 6 requirements 7 notices 8 earlier? the does 48-hour and that the 9 A. Q. 11 A. period the The and patient rights Why consultation then the be that we given talked the about No . 10 that 12 the patient 13 psych is 48 hours admitted starts and the minute registers in the ER. Q. 14 not? What authority policies somebody in Jamaica's 16 medical 17 psychiatric examination being MR. 18 to form. Go 20 A. Because 21 medical 22 that 23 necessity 24 psychiatric 25 of the 212-267-6868 conducted? Objection to ahead. emergency no for the comprehensive RADOMISLI: 19 there's a hold in 15 ER prior to is there patient room acute only consultant. kept in to make sure medical discharge treatment. is problems or medical That Based on is the the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY -- the and or premise information 516-608-2400 Page 151 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 that the patient 3 the 4 suffered 5 dangerousness. Then 6 the emergency patient doesn't some Q. My 8 Jamaica's 9 to hold be discharged, have illness psychiatric 7 can M.D. and is somebody a be or of sense taken to room. is against illness there's what there, the acute that will question policy an whether if authority there their is in any, will 10 involuntarily in 11 comprehensive psychologicalevaluation 12 conducted? MR. 13 14 A. before the is RADOMISLI: Objection to f o rm . 15 medical ER 16 until 17 will 18 They the hold have patient What 19 authority 20 the patient does I under those I think 23 Q. Is patient 212-267-6868 — they know is what for holding circumstances? medical there Jamaica pending to RADOMISLI: Objection. A. 25 is cleared, hospital have 22 authorizes medically want the MR. 24 patient the patient. Q. 21 is the a a ER policy. written Hospital to psychiatric policy hold that a consult? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 152 VINOD 1 A. 2 MR. Q. 5 A. RADOMISLI: And is that Objection. policy? 6 M.D. Yes. 3 4 DHAR, It has 7 at 9.39 there 8 psych 9 patient to 10 medical emergency 11 transfer patient 12 room per emergency 13 Q. 14 Section 15 been 16 939 would a writing, be, but provision if that you room 939, to if and 19 patient 20 the is patient done 939 but 23 I want 24 into 25 against I to the 212-267-6868 be transferred to room, Q. 22 to can under required that the the 939 understand know, if medical their the — by right? hospital time . is not Any would have isn't right, room. the emergency timeframes start running; emergency 21 was Section That's policy psychiatric that that any transfer room physician then invoked A. can psychiatric emergency But 18 doctor there look 939. 17 is to in until the psychiatric will start that, Doctor. patient ER and is will, but they at is being have VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY that What brought held not been 516-608-2400 Page 153 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 evaluated by a 3 informal 4 there psychiatrist, 5 written policies 6 against their 7 assessed by consultation any authority a either an comprehensive, the is hospital's holding prior in to that person them being psychiatrist? MR. 8 or in for will a M.D. RADOMISLI: Objection to f orm . 9 A. 10 I am depends sure 11 again, 12 the medical ER 13 the patient needs 14 psychiatric 15 authority 16 a doctor. keep MR. 18 the 19 policy 20 Q. clinical to If be evaluation, to 17 the is policy. It observation. 21 on there request the for they the feel of that restricted pending they have patient SMITH: judgment I'm a that under going to production make of that statement. What authority are you referring MR. RADOMISLI: Objection The hospital I'm to? 22 23 f orm . 24 A. to 25 about 212-267-6868 what authority — not the medical VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY sure people 516-608-2400 Page 154 VINOD 1 2 have, but there Q. 3 of any aware 5 hospital 6 for 7 for mental 8 risk to of M.D. been policy. than other hold purposes of has Other 4 DHAR, Section rule that somebody an 9.39, allows against involuntary illness that dangerousness has a are a their substantial associated with 11 Emergency 12 have 13 health, 14 their 15 patient 16 emergency 17 hospital. 18 939 RADQMISLI: is mental rooms, their own DOH. only for medical policy by So that jurisdiction. is it? Objection. 939 A. 10 will commitment MR. 9 you 939 which Every department will transferred room, emergency rooms, of covered starts to is be health. under only when a psychiatric the hospital designated does not have 939 a room. Q. In 21 A. Y es. 22 Q. And 19 20 2009, did Jamaica have a 939 room? 23 psychiatric 24 A. Q. And 939 212-267-6868 emergency room is a separate Yes. 25 a that's room, right? what it was VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY in 2009, 516-608-2400 Page 155 VINOD DHAR, 1 2 M.D. correct? 3 A. Yes. 4 Q. In 5 brought into 6 evening of 7 evaluated by 8 2009 9 Dr. and want 11 the 12 hospital 13 signed Dr. 14 authority 15 that the 31, on 2009 Bernier patient late and until the form was until November 3, patient is during was up form the 7 the he — was not 2, 474, What the Dr. Bernier what had I from when into that hospital the executed by period point point in 2009. first brought until that the was November not know the case, hospital October Bernier to the then 10 this for was the holding patient? MR. 16 RADOMISLI: 17 A. I 18 Q. You can't MR. SMITH: 19 20 to 21 I 22 time. 23 application 24 witness 25 away. 212-267-6868 the cannot answer. questions don't have I am answer All that any more going to to the waited it. right, weren't for subject answered, questions make court brought back. We Objection. this an to The more at have judge than VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY a the is half 516-608-2400 Page 156 VINOD 1 2 an hour 3 and DHAR, M.D. to get a I'm not going 4 deposition for that purpose 5 MR. so ruling a and so 7 that you 8 ones that I 9 that they were want deposition, 11 Otherwise, 12 application, 13 opportunity 16 pursuant 17 under now. ask, are other to we than on the scope you ask because not you the ground the should get questions suggest I did of the them. part have of your the now. only is to objections if a it's prior I beyond court would the be scope order or privilege. So 18 19 the beyond they The asserting to first time Well, there objected 10 15 if the to hold RADOMISLI: 6 14 ruling doesn't fall MR. 20 do you have within that that? SMITH: I don't 21 more 22 questions that you refused 23 witness and any 24 follow-ups 25 other answer from the than have any gave . 212-267-6868 questions, anything the to let the rational answers VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY that he 516-608-2400 Page 157 VINOD DHAR, 1 MR. 2 3 — 4 the 5 scope RADOMISLI: refused to grounds of let that the MR. 6 deposition. to not 8 questions. I don't 9 clear about the 10 we're on 11 something 12 an 13 disagreement about, 14 nothing comes the that you else you is want 17 application, 18 application 19 questions and 20 questions on 21 beyond 22 Any 23 made, 24 pursuant 25 there the other to you I any you I had of were so think If clearly I had not in a ask it, but I'm saying your can make as I him grounds of the other to answer that they were deposition. that court's the objected let not permitted the lot What make objections to the mind. didn't the a here. I'd insofar scope am are and if but was RADOMISLI: 16 I that on you've know scope, answer beyond answer same page else grounds Correct. Well, him if were SMITH: MR. the witness they instructed 15 On the 7 area M.D. I to may make order. questions, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY have So if other 516-608-2400 Page 158 VINOD 1 2 than the 3 grounds 4 have 5 you 6 that 7 the they should Doctor, Aldana-Bernier 13 tell me, 14 back in 15 work schedule 16 the be the those now to part you and if argue of your Okay. sir, in do November I represent this you lawsuit. have 2009, was, a Can you recollection what what Dr. your hours general you'd be at hospital? 17 A. 18 on-call 19 Q. Generally all the Do weekends, A. 21 there I is a Q. 23 ask going not SMITH: scope, to am on BY 12 22 I to CALLAN: Q. the the opportunity then EXAMINATION 11 20 beyond MR. MR. objected don't, 8 10 of I M.D. application. 9 ones DHAR, 24 of 25 number 212-267-6868 two to 4:30. I am time. you get into the as well as Monday do come on the hospital to on Friday? weekends if need. And command 8:30 in your position psychiatry person; is is that in you the were chain the correct? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 159 VINOD 1 DHAR, M.D. 2 A. Number two, 3 Q. So Aldana-Bernier 4 report to Dr. you in 5 A. She 6 Q. With 7 Schoolcraft 8 had 9 the does right. chain report respect involvement A. 10 far I 11 as as 12 treatment to me, the is yes. Adrian Dr. 15 at 16 psychiatric time said you is involvement it possible and that in the case the that you about Adrian during his emergency spoke to Schoolcraft treatment in the room? MR. 17 case; proceedings Aldana-Bernier any the you've concerned. Is 14 think in had no legal Q. 13 I to command? right? no matter, of would SMITH: could Objection 18 Q. You 19 A. It's Q. Now, you form. possible. 20 to 21 comments 22 evaluation 23 say, 24 a 25 reference sir, about of 212-267-6868 to made some comprehensive patients. that psychiatric answer. a Is psychiatric it comprehensive patient matters would general accurate to evaluation of include that may have VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY happened 516-608-2400 Page 160 VINOD 1 2 in the 3 medical 4 of the whole ER 9 the M.D. stage would to the that be part process? before that. Certainly — Q. 8 room, evaluation Even proceeding 7 admission emergency A. 5 6 initial DHAR, So residents record certainly anything became or aware of, communicated 10 psychiatric staff, 11 considered, that 12 comprehensive 13 to the noted if that in the sir? could be evaluation; MR. 14 would certainly SMITH: 15 Objection 16 A. 17 Q. And considered is that in a correct, Objection. Yes. 18 police said 19 patient 20 else, 21 Schoolcraft, 22 general, 23 be and a 212-267-6868 if I'm not I'm indicating to just himself talking talking that would be in Leading. hypothetically, threat MR. A. form. something considered 24 25 was to be a that or the somebody about Mr. about patients something comprehensive SMITH: the that in would evaluation? Objection. Leading. Yes. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 161 VINOD 1 2 MR. 3 MR. 5 EXAMINATION 6 MR. I Under 939, once 9 that patient no further just have one. the theJamaica first is doctor admitted policy under signs to the the form, hospital, correct? A. 11 Yes. MR. 12 patient 13 or THE 14 15 sign 16 Q. any form under 18 evaluation, 19 patient 20 A. 21 signed 22 that is 9.39, once the once when patient You the the first signs the the signs, 23 MR. LEE: 24 MR. SMITH: to the hospital? form is determination needs the 48-hour doctor Imean,that the doesn't doctor pending to the doctor. first even once Patient The the mean doctor? WITNESS: admitted Yes. only SMITH: forms. Once 17 25 have BY 8 10 LEE: I LEE: Q. 7 CALLAN: M.D. que stion s. 4 DHAR, be Thank Just is made admitted. you. a follow-up on that. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 162 VINOD 1 2 EXAMINATION 3 MR. DHAR, M.D. BY SMITH: Q. 4 5 at 6 and 7 next Is Jamaica then there any would make delay a signing reason why a decision the form on doctor one until day the day? MR. 8 RADOMISLI: speculation, 9 10 A. When 11 patient 12 psychiatric 13 this 14 the 15 admission 16 when 17 be 18 things needs blood you to work be doctor 20 my 21 patient's 22 the 23 conducted 24 conducted, 25 staff time to else the that patient because all the am not My question to all get than needs to other considered. I do actual is different be question. assessment comprehensive 212-267-6868 So that the had everything to Q. 19 then you says hospitalized, decision admitted on and or ahead. make a clearance. date are go grounds, medical the but Objection, there psychiatrist has you're is if been answering the conducted evaluation has and medical is sure in been examination any reason the psych and why has been this ER would VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 163 VINOD 1 2 wait 3 the a day when DHAR, signing M.D. the form admitting patient? MR. 4 5 form 6 A. 7 yes. 8 know 9 or and RADOMISLI: substance, There are Availability whether the transferred 10 patient has 11 authorization 12 Objection to but number of the patient of can answer. factors, bed. We don't admitted to Jamaica else somewhere insurance, you the if the company. approved 13 Q. Any other 14 A. Not that 15 Q. In of we and member 17 aware 18 Jamaica 19 admission 20 I reviewed by somebody 21 initial 22 to the get the insurance reasons? am case, 16 A. 23 24 no such 25 work and 212-267-6868 police aware the of. patient was department. any practices that or policies requires that a of officer police assessment As far policy, they do else, a am has other the at to be than the the concerned, the physician you involuntary conducted by I Are a physician? of the this for need does staff there is clinical determination. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 164 VINOD DHAR, 1 Q. 2 Is 3 patient being 4 department 5 with 6 is 7 8 there respect anything a member that of changes to how M.D. the the an about a police hospital policy involuntary admission not. is conducted? A. Absolutely There relevance. MR. 9 10 you. 11 SMITH: Going (Time the right, noted: record. thank 15:12. 12 off All 3:12 It's p.m.) 13 VINOD 14 DHAR, M.D. 15 16 17 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18 19 _____________day of__________________________ 2014. 20 21 22 ______________________________ , No tary Pub1ic. 23 24 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 165 I-N-D-E-X 1 2 3 WITNESS ATTORNEY PAGE 4 VINOD DHAR MR. SMITH 5,161 5 MR. CALLAN 158 6 MR. LEE 161 7 E-X-H-I-B-I-T-S 8 PLAINTIFF'S DOCUMENT PAGE 10 151 Document 68 11 152 Document 143 12 * * *ALL EXHIBITS RETAINED BY ATTORNEY*** 9 13 14 INFORMATION REQUESTED PAGE 15 Request documents 110 16 Request written presentations 111 17 Request policy statement 153 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 166 1 2 CERTIFICATE 3 I, 4 DENISE ZIVKU, a Professional Reporter 5 and Notary Public within and for the 6 York, State of New do hereby certify: 7 That VINOD DHAR, 8 9 M.D., the witness whose deposition is hereinbefore set forth, 10 sworn by me and that 11 true record of the 12 was duly witness. the within transcript is a testimony given by such 13 I 14 any of further certify that I am not related 15 to the parties 16 marriage and that I 17 the outcome of to this action by blood or am in no way interested in this matter. 18 19 20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, hand this I have hereunto 28th day of July, set my 2014. 21 22 23 24 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 167 WITNESS’S 1 2 PAGE \ LINE \ CORRECTION SHEET CORRECTION 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 VINOD DHAR, M.D. 21 22 Subscribed and sworn 23 this _________ 24 ____________________________________ , to before me day of _____________________ , 2014 Notary Public. 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 1 [& - actuality] _______ &_______ & 2:16,20 3:4,9 _________0________ 06005 1:7_________ ________ 1_________ 1 80:10 91:20 10 1:7 100 2:13 10004 3:6 10006 2:5 10007 2:13 10017 3:11 10022 2:18 10:06 1:14 5:3 10:54 43:3 110 165:15 11042 2:22 111 2:5 165:16 11:21 42:24 12:35 101:9 130 21:20 23:21 31:5 43:22 70:16 114:9 131 79:9 143 165:11 14:50 148:6 14:54 148:9 15 14:3 67:2 151 68:3 165:10 152 143:9,10 165:11 153 165:17 158 165:5 15:12 164:11 161 165:6 17 44:7,10,11 45:3 70:15 127:25 18 45:3 114:11 19 44:7 45:3 1981 12:14 1986 66:20 1990 11:2 1995 11:2 109:6,10 110:21 212-267-6868 1996 9:23 11:7 67:15 109:10 1999 9:17,25,25 10:23 1:41 101:12_______ _______ 2_______ 2 94:17 155:7 20 14:3 43:2 20002 2:9 2001 2:22 2007 10:2 40:21 2009 22:12,22 25:22 35:3,9,17 36:3,9,10 37:11,17,21 38:11 38:25 40:22 41:6,17 61:17 62:13 65:18 65:22 66:3 110:24 111:3,3,10,11,20 114:2 121:6 140:22 154:19,25 155:6,8,9 158:14 2014 1:13 5:3 164:19 166:20 167:23 204 125:23,24 126:2 220 1:12 3:10 5:5 24 117:3 139:11 140:10,17,19 25 43:2,13 28th 166:20 2:28 138:24 2:37 139:3 2pc 28:3_________ ________ 3_______ 3 155:9 30 8:8 14:20 21:20 86:4 87:8 134:5,12 147:17 31 155:6 3:12 164:12_______ ________ 4_________ 4 91:4 40 14:2 42nd 1:12 3:10 5:5 44 120:2,3 122:24 444 2:17 474 76:22 77:15,25 80:4 82:16 94:18 155:13 48 81:6,12,17 82:15 89:5,10 91:7,12 150:5,11 161:17 4:30 158:17 _____ _________ 5________ 5 94:8 124:23 5,161 165:4___ _________ 6________ 6 8:8 14:20 86:4 87:8 114:11,16 118:8 134:5,12 147:17 6-0 8:18 60 8:18 68 165:10________ _________ 7________ 7 1:13 5:3 155:13 72 138:4 747 80:10 81:19 82:9 125:5 77 66:19 8 829 2:8 86 12:14,15 8900 7:17 8:30 158:17 9 9 65:5 9.27 113:11 9.39 65:12,15,22 66:2 68:7 69:17 75:11,15 95:12 96:22 97:3,25 99:5 99:10 106:24 113:10 132:12 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 135:17,20 142:9 152:7 154:3 161:17 9.39. 75:11 95:14 90 12:15 92 13:19 927 27:5 28:4,5,6,11 93 13:19 939 27:21 28:6,8,14 28:20 29:5,8 30:21 30:22 45:13 152:12 152:14,14,16,20 154:10,14,16,18,19 154:22 161:8 96 11:2,8_________ a a.m. 1:14 abercrombie 2:16 ability 51:13 75:16 able 37:12 39:2,21 43:11 73:11 99:9 absence 131:12 absolutely 164:7 absurd 39:12,13 abuse 146:9 accept 8:6,12 74:20 75:19 76:6 access 114:20 accomodate 52:14 52:15 accompanying 32:4 accurate 159:22 act 17:1199:20 125:8 141:12 acted 101:23 106:13 acting 93:11,17 94:16,25 96:19 99:19 101:15 103:19,23 104:23 106:15 128:22 129:2,10,13 action 166:15 actual 40:3 162:14 actuality 58:24 516-608-2400 [acute - assessment] acute 56:4 58:18 122:4,21 150:22 151:3 ad 26:16,18 adam 43:4 100:2 add 137:18 147:20 additional 89:18 address 7:14,17,22 8:14,17,18 102:3 adhered 127:24 administration 45:7 administrative 10:13 16:25 17:8 25:19,22 administrator 25:19 45:7,12 admission 26:11 29:2 31:2 44:2 45:13,14 59:10 64:19 79:22 81:7,13 83:2,4,19 86:6,12 86:14 91:3 92:21 114:10 115:20 125:7 128:2 131:3 136:24 142:8 143:23 144:14,22 145:9,11 160:2 162:15 163:19 164:5 admissions 18:21,22 85:7 87:7 119:24 145:17,18 admit 27:22 45:23 68:16 69:7 125:18 125:20 126:12 131:15,22 134:23 136:8 137:9,11,13 140:15 141:13,21 141:23 admitted 27:7,9 28:3 77:19,22 78:14 81:2 86:19 91:14,17 92:2 112:19 114:18 114:19 120:16 121:11 122:5 212-267-6868 Page 2 125:24 126:2,5 127:5 131:12 142:2 150:12 161:9,19,22 162:11 163:8 admitting 69:16 70:17,20 71:3,5 73:19 78:25 79:5 91:5,9,14 92:8,22 92:23 120:8 121:21 124:24 125:12 129:20 136:20 163:2 adrian 1:4 19:25 159:6,14 advantage 38:18 advisement 23:13 110:12 111:22 agencies 28:10,19 132:20 agency 33:12 74:16 90:3 agent 6:17,19 agitated 129:2,10 ago 40:4 agree 8:5 34:25 112:2 117:6 agreed 4:3,8,12 agrees 102:24 104:7 ahead 38:4 82:24 94:6 104:14 129:16 150:19 162:9 al 1:8 aldana 3:5 158:12 159:3,14 alleged 45:18 56:22 57:12 64:21 66:18 140:24 allowed 63:22 allows 154:4 amended 66:19 annuled 6:6 answer 9:16 14:25 16:11,13,16 17:19 19:14 20:22 21:2 31:16 35:18,23 37:6 38:13,16 41:4,5,9 43:8 46:7 48:22,23 50:21 51:7,22 53:13 53:16 54:13,17,25 55:8,22 56:8 58:23 61:2 62:2 65:23 67:11 75:2,24 84:3 87:24 96:14,16 97:11,13,22 99:9 100:15 102:7 107:24,25 108:4,18 110:20,21 127:8,16 128:16 131:4 134:6 134:10,15 140:6,7 143:19 144:6 145:4 146:2 155:17,18 156:23 157:3,7,19 159:18 163:5 answered 16:9 50:20 55:21 57:20 74:25 94:6 96:4 139:23 155:20 answering 162:19 answers 156:24 anticipate 20:25 anticipated 146:8 anxiety 56:4 anybody 18:25 19:15,25 20:10,14 47:23 62:11 69:24 anytime 20:4 36:19 appear 8:8 appearance 19:2 appearing 6:19 appears 111 :23 application 28:25 38:21 39:19 86:8,22 143:22 155:23 156:12 157:17,18 158:7 applied 29:25 35:9 86:3 apply 28:24,25 appreciate 111 :25 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY appropriate 50:12 56:25 57:14 58:6 approve 69:19 approved 61:14 163:11 approximately 43:13 approximation 14:15 area 30:20 157:12 argue 158:5 arrange 92:22 arrangement 31:22 arrangements 93:9 126:15 article 27:22 65:5 135:17 asked 15:7 29:4 41:17 49:25 50:19 55:21 57:19 74:25 85:4,5 86:5 87:2,13 94:6 103:7 109:8,22 110:16 139:22 147:21 asking 20:25 21:16 29:1431:8 51:15 66:8 95:22 96:2 107:21 133:11 141:8 144:24 145:10 146:14 aspects 10:14 assert 38:8 asserting 156:15 assertion 6:16 assertions 6:14 assessed 58:12 144:13 153:7 assessing 40:14 assessment 33:24 34:18 37:3 41:2 47:15 48:8 50:5 60:18 63:13,14 83:8 86:18 87:21 88:8 90:6 95:2 97:19 98:5,6,16,17 101:19 516-608-2400 [assessment - callan] 101:20,21 102:4,5 102:16,18 103:9 104:7,8 105:15,20 111:5 131:11 133:3 135:6 137:6 140:3 140:14 162:21 163:21 assessments 50:11 50:15 76:7 107:16 142:4 145:19 assigned 125:22 assignment 126:4 assignments 125:15 assist 65:6 assistant 10:19 16:18 99:19 assistants 52:17 associate 8:24 9:12 10:20 associated 154:8 assuring 91:5 attack 56:3 attempt 76:7 attend 17:7 attending 9:9,22 10:3,4 11:4 12:17 15:25 62:20 63:11 63:23 69:2,4,10,12 70:22 77:6,17 78:3 90:9 91:15 92:13,14 97:17 99:17 103:10 116:15 122:6 attorney 19:2 115:5 116:12 165:3,12 attorneys 2:4,8,12 2:16,21 3:5,9 4:4 115:17 authority 99:15 150:14 151:7,19 153:4,15,20,25 155:14 authorization 163:11 authorizes 151:24 212-267-6868 Page 3 avail 126:19 availability 126:3 127:2 163:7 available 76:19 125:23 126:13,17 126:21 128:9 139:12 avenue 2:17,22 aware 64:5,13 65:8 65:10 67:19 68:12 68:14 73:17 154:4 160:8 163:14,17___ basically 51:20 69:9 70:11 123:24 basis 6:20,22 26:16 26:18 27:8 28:13 38:12,15 67:9 75:18 77:19 114:19 126:13 134:22 141:23 142:3 bauza 3:16 bed 125:15,19,21,22 125:23,24 126:2,3 126:13,14 163:7 beds 126:17 ________ b_________ beginning 33:17 b 2:4 5:15 8:8 14:20 behalf 93:11,18 86:4 87:8 123:15 94:16,25 101:15 134:5,12 147:17 103:19,23 165:8 behavior 56:12,12 back 16:15 29:23 56:14 57:22 72:8,9 34:21 38:6,19,20 73:9 129:7,25 130:2 42:23 43:11 52:7,23 130:16 131:7,13 . 64:18 66:4 70:14 believe 6:2 38:9 41:3 83:11 84:13 99:23 bell 3:9 5:5 100:7 101:7 109:9 belong 116:17 114:9 117:9 127:25 bernier 3:5 19:22 139:2 148:8,12 62:8,10 70:6 155:7 155:24 158:14 155:9,12 158:12 background 15:4,10 159:3,14 34:13 better 8:15 bad 94:21 beyond 29:13 48:21 balances 83:2 48:25 51:4,11 53:12 ball 105:25 53:16 63:8 83:17 base 80:25 84:4 96:11 108:10 based 14:1132:2,13 108:17 113:20 32:15 33:12 36:12 127:7,12 138:7 51:9 65:3,4 73:21 143:20,24 144:4,5 75:9,10 77:22 80:24 144:10,19 145:4,6 88:1991:18 98:13 145:20 146:10 116:25 128:8,18 156:9,15 157:4,21 129:6 149:4,5 158:3 150:25 bible 130:12 baseline 124:12 bit 29:12 113:9 basic 42:13 51:13 bizarre 128:22 127:21 129:10,14,21,25 131:7 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY black 51:21 blood 123:19,24 162:13 166:15 blown 149:13 bottom 25:3 35:21 68:15 70:16 114:11 brady 3:4 brain 55:15 break 21:3 100:24 101:3,3 breath 113:24 brennan 3:4 brian 2:23 35:20 42:7 brief 56:4 bring 23:17 28:11 28:20 38:5 74:10,17 133:5 brings 47:25 73:22 broadly 41:18 broadway 2:5 brought 5:15 28:10 33:12,14 34:6 52:17 58:11 139:15 140:24 142:7 148:12,15 152:23 155:5,11,24 burden 88:18 bureau 115:13 business 7:22 bust 5:25 busy 59:12,25 60:2 61:9 149:18 busyness 81:24 bye 100:21_______ c c 2:2 113:4 123:15 call 41:2142:2,18 62:5,9 126:22 158:18 callan 3:4,7 16:15 46:4,18,25 47:4 50:25 61:22 100:25 158:10 161:2 165:5 516-608-2400 Page 4 [called - components] called 12:9 24:8 26:23 27:9 43:3 62:5 63:18 64:3 109:4 121:23 130:23 142:24 149:3 caller 100:2,11,19 calling 99:23 calls 125:14 calm 19:13 capable 31:2037:14 care 31:20 56:24 57:13 58:5,9 81:5 122:2,22 124:18,19 140:11 career 40:25 case 1:6 19:19,22 20:4,5,7 21:24 61:4 104:13 109:5 111:13 121:2 125:7 134:14 138:10 143:15 155:4 159:8 159:10 163:15 cases 70:12 categories 71:24 76:15 category 72:2 cause 66:24 138:16 causes 131:13 causing 55:16 cbc 123:19,24 cells 123:25 124:2 center 3:10 11:2,23 12:19 certain 43:8 56:12 63:3 certainly 40:5 54:9 160:5,7,10 certificate 166:2 certification 4:9 27:10 91:21 certifier 125:9,11 certify 76:22 166:6 166:14 212-267-6868 chain 158:23 159:4 chair 16:18 19:4 26:6,7 chairman 8:25 9:12 10:20 19:9 21:8 25:20 45:8 61:15 70:2 93:10,13 94:16 94:24 95:8,11,17 96:8,20 97:16 98:6 98:24 99:3,12,19,20 101:15,16 103:18 103:19,22,23 chairman's 93:18 chambers 100:3 chan 99:25 chance 20:21 68:6 change 67:19 117:3 changed 37:16,19 39:6,9 40:7,9,15,17 40:24 41:2 65:22 66:3,11,13,15,24 67:8,9,13,18 changes 68:13 107:13 124:11,13 164:4 chart 20:7,11 79:10 91:25 138:18 checklist 32:7 36:11 checks 82:25 chen 43:4,8 100:2 chief 9:10 10:11,12 10:17 99:16 child 11:19 choice 107:23 choices 54:20 chronically 124:19 church 2:13 circulation 144:17 circumstances 34:5 103:17 105:11 123:7 128:9 142:14 151:20 cited 134:14 city 1:8 2:11,12 class 107:11 classes 107:15 110:24 clear 13:9 127:10,15 141:25 145:13 157:9 clearance 121:13,23 121:24 162:14 cleared 122:11 151:16 clearly 37:14 103:8 157:11 Clearwater 3:9 5:4 clerk 43:4 client 147:23 clinical 10:13 16:24 17:2,10 77:18 96:24 98:13 128:18,18 129:6 133:23 143:2 153:11 163:24 clinically 123:21 closed 126:24 clothes 130:10 clothing 73:12 cmc 123:23 cmp 123:19,23 124:2 collateral 75:4 76:2 77:23 89:2,19,24 90:10,13,16 128:11 colleague 148:5 collection 22:6 college 11:12,25 12:9,13 combination 33:4,5 come 32:14 38:19,20 52:7,16,22,23,23 56:17 74:6,9 88:3 88:16 101:7 111:24 112:8 117:8 130:24 131:6 137:24 146:12 158:21 comes 28:8 32:3 56:11 59:2 68:20 76:3 91:19 116:11 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 116:12 122:7,17 123:8 129:18,19 147:2 157:14 coming 33:14 128:10 132:22 comitted 103:10 command 158:24 159:4 comments 159:21 commissioner 75:12 commit 14:17 16:3 30:17 75:17 80:9 97:4 130:3 commitment 28:15 57:7 104:17 130:17 136:23 145:23 146:17 154:6 committed 27:15 29:8 78:7 104:9 128:25 committee 26:14 61:14 committing 14:11 15:15 136:21 common 20:25 commonly 112:23 communicated 60:11 108:15 160:9 communication 107:19 community 28:22 135:8,12,14,21,25 136:6,9,15 company 163:12 complain 132:25 completed 125:2 completely 54:16 85:16 completion 94:17 complied 53:6 comply 51:16 60:12 65:15 97:19 complying 97:3 components 23:23 24:2,3 516-608-2400 [comprehensive - dangerousness] comprehensive 18:9 24:9 34:2 36:15 46:10,14 47:10 58:14 59:6 61:7,18 62:11 63:4 64:11 77:9 78:4 81:23 82:7 107:2 113:17 124:3,5 139:20 148:18 149:2,13,17 149:24 150:16 151:11 153:3 159:21,23 160:12 160:23 162:22 concept 137:7 concerned 159:12 163:23 conclusion 17:17 129:13 134:24 conclusions 29:9 30:16 condition 55:25 90:21 106:25 117:2 124:15 conditions 55:17 106:15 conduct 48:7 61:18 64:11 72:13,18,25 73:5,6,13,15,18,19 92:24 103:14 129:5 139:17,19 conducted 59:7,16 77:9 78:4 82:4 91:6 148:19 150:17 151:12 162:21,23 162:24 163:21 164:6 conference 86:10 conferences 61:4 109:5 conferral 98:24 101:14 conferring 99:2 confident 63:25 confirmed 98:17 212-267-6868 confused 113:9 connection 104:13 cons 104:3 consider 76:20 considered 64:10 106:17 112:5,14 122:18 129:8 145:17 160:11,11 160:23 162:18 considering 127:19 consistent 99:4,10 143:25 144:7,14 145:15 consortium 9:20 consult 92:8 149:4 151:25 consultant 150:25 consultation 103:5 149:23 150:4 153:3 consulted 97:17 98:7 contact 94:15,24 117:12 contained 23:21 containing 21:22 contents 20:10 110:7 continue 41:19 continued 2:24 3:3 control 72:9 142:15 142:23 controlled 58:19 convert 94:11 104:18 convinced 112:7 cooperation 52:21 cooperative 58:20 copies 21:20 copy 23:8,15 66:11 66:16 67:20 79:23 95:14 109:12 116:2 116:2 corporation 2:11 correct 18:15 20:8 20:13 45:15,22 46:6 Page 5 46:9 47:20 60:8,24 71:23 72:11 78:7,18 81:21,25 82:5,11 88:7 89:13 96:18 102:17 106:4,21 107:3 111:9 112:22 112:24 123:10 131:21 134:25 140:4 155:2 157:5 158:25 160:12 161:10 correction 167:1,2 corrections 5:12 correctly 99:15 counsel 2:115:14 6:14 7:19 30:13,25 41:14 100:8 148:12 counseling 143:5 count 123:25 124:2 county 115:25 couple 5:10 course 6:12 court 1:2 5:8 20:19 29:3 42:18 43:3,14 49:5 51:9,16,24 53:17 85:4,21 86:2 86:8,11,11 87:5,6,9 99:23 100:9 109:25 114:12,17 115:9,10 115:23,24 116:20 117:17 118:3,9,15 119:13,17,20 127:12 144:22 145:5 146:10,14 147:13,25 155:23 156:16 court's 144:11 157:24 cover 20:17 covered 127:7 154:13 cpep 18:7,8,9,11 22:6,13,22 23:8,9 23:23,24,25,25 24:3 24:9,10 44:20,24 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 112:24,25 113:5,6 113:14,15,16,25 137:19,24 138:3 crafting 65:7 create 139:18 created 25:12 45:5,6 66:19 80:16 creation 25:23 45:2 credential 61:14 criteria 53:21 55:24 56:7 76:21 83:4 94:14 critical 106:23 crystal 105:25 cuff 144:8 current 47:7 currently 8:20,24 13:17 35:3 46:22 106:15 107:22 customary 102:9 cut 39:17 54:15 cv 1:7 _________ d_________ d 7:5,5,15,16 123:15 165:1 d.c. 2:9 danger 31:18 33:2 73:7,16 142:16 dangerous 27:23 33:9 72:14,18 73:2 105:13,21 106:14 106:17 133:4 134:24 141:12 dangerousness 31:19,25 34:4,19 37:3 40:15 41:2 58:10 71:25 72:2 103:15 105:14,17 106:7 107:16 108:8 109:2 111:5 129:22 131:2 133:21,22 134:3 135:7 137:6 142:4 145:19 149:20 151:5 154:8 516-608-2400 Page 6 [date - discharge] date 1:18 6:24 66:18 demonstrates 73:7 73:15 68:5 91:23 143:12 demonstrating 162:15 72:18,25 dates 25:6,11 denise 1:19 166:4,24 david 7:16 day 16:23,23 17:2,2 department 2:11 41:23 100:20 117:4 8:25 9:20 10:21 15:17 16:19,19,24 119:19 162:5,7 19:4 24:1426:10 163:2 164:19 80:18,21 96:20 166:20 167:23 days 115:8,8 99:13 120:20 143:17 147:2,3 daytime 62:8 154:12 163:16 dayton 10:25,25 164:4 11:3,5,6,10 12:25 departmental 98:9 13:11 14:12 depending 59:23,25 deal 143:23 61:9 105:11 117:2 deals 71:24 72:2 depends 59:11 83:18 142:14 153:11 decide 41:23 87:4 decision 14:17 32:16 deposition 1:17 5:6 5:25 6:6 7:2 17:22 69:9,11,13,16,23 17:24 19:16 23:7,20 78:6,12,13,17 80:9 24:19,21 42:9 43:20 89:4,7,8,8,10,17 49:2 51:10 53:17 90:6,24 95:9 102:12 83:18 84:20 85:22 106:24 149:10 100:6 143:22 162:5,10 144:11,20 146:9,11 decisions 14:10 16:2 156:4,10 157:5,21 50:17 70:10 96:24 98:12,13 99:14 166:9 depositions 20:17 defendant 2:12,16 depression 55:14 2:21 3:5,9 defendants 1:10 describe 18:3 114:15 defense 6:14 description 112:24 define 129:24 deserves 117:13 defined 128:17 133:24 134:18 designated 154:16 determination defines 71:19 31:24 45:25 46:11 definition 55:18 106:3 128:19 71:24 72:23 129:19 130:24 139:13 delay 162:6 140:14,20 149:6 delegates 99:15 161:21 163:25 deliver 115:24 determine 33:8 53:8 demand 112:3 56:13 91:21 129:20 demonstrated 131:9 103:14 212-267-6868 determining 32:23 32:25 53:4 73:25 124:25 devine 2:20 dhar 1:17 7:16 8:1 9:1 10:1 11:1 12:1 13:1 14:1 15:1 16:1 17:1 18:1 19:1 20:1 21:1 22:1 23:1 24:1 25:1 26:1 27:1 28:1 29:1 30:1 31:1 32:1 33:1 34:1 35:1 36:1 37:1 38:1 39:1 40:1 41:1 42:1 43:1 44:1 45:1 46:1 47:1 48:1 49:1 50:1 51:1 52:1 53:1 54:1 55:1 56:1 57:1 58:1 59:1 60:1 61:1 62:1 63:1 64:1 65:1 66:1 67:1 68:1 69:1 70:1 71:1 72:1 73:1 74:1 75:1 76:1 77:1 78:1 79:1 80:1 81:1 82:1 83:1 84:1 85:1 86:1 87:1 88:1 89:1 90:1 91:1 92:1 93:1 94:1 95:1 96:1 97:1 98:1 99:1 100:1 101:1 102:1 103:1 104:1 105:1 106:1 107:1 108:1 109:1 110:1 111:1 112:1 113:1 114:1 115:1 116:1 117:1 118:1 119:1 120:1 121:1 122:1 123:1 124:1 125:1 126:1 127:1 128:1 129:1 130:1 131:1 132:1 133:1 134:1 135:1 136:1 137:1 138:1 139:1 140:1 141:1 142:1 143:1 144:1 145:1 146:1 147:1 148:1 149:1 150:1 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www .veritext. com 151:1 152:1 153:1 154:1 155:1 156:1 157:1 158:1 159:1 160:1 161:1 162:1 163:1 164:1,14 165:4 166:8 167:20 diagnosis 32:14,15 83:6,7 88:15 101:19 117:2 difference 102:19 133:8,19 134:2 141:9 142:17 different 15:21 23:24 24:7 28:7 35:13 53:24 83:24 95:7 104:3 132:20 132:20 162:15 differential 124:2 differently 52:11 difficult 17:7 difficulty 93:9 direct 37:5 38:13 41:9 96:14,16 127:8 directed 145:25 directing 53:15 direction 38:15 directly 28:9 director 10:19 28:22 68:16 69:6,8,14,18 69:20,25 70:4,7,9 71:11 74:5 115:22 115:23 disagree 6:1642:16 disagreement 97:18 98:22 99:4 101:20 102:4 118:12 157:13 disagreements 95:18 disagrees 6:13 83:8 87:15,18 88:2,8,15 95:2 98:6 114:25 discharge 83:10 86:7 104:15 114:23 115:2 117:8 136:4 516-608-2400 [discharge - examination] 140:15 150:23 discharged 88:10 98:23 104:11 106:10 114:22 115:6,12 151:2 discharging 83:23 discovery 21:23 143:15 discuss 19:10 114:23 discussed 60:23 147:13 discussing 70:23 discussion 20:15 42:22 43:6,7 discussions 20:10,14 diseases 55:12,23 disputes 96:9 disputing 23:3 147:10 distinction 133:16 136:19 district 1:2,2 disturbance 131:10 doctor 6:15 8:4,7,17 15:7 38:6 50:14 79:2,5,6,7 87:15 91:5,9 92:8,17,22 98:14 101:13 114:24 132:18 139:19 148:10 152:8,22 153:12 158:11 161:8,13,15 161:16,18 162:4,16 doctors 90:22 document 21:21 24:12 45:2,3,5 68:4 79:19,20 80:2 103:5 143:11 146:24 165:9,10,11 documented 121:13 documenting 64:9 documents 17:25 22:3,16 24:5 31:8 110:5,8 123:2 212-267-6868 Page 7 165:15 doh 154:13 doing 51:12 53:9 59:19 100:4,5 103:4 142:4 double 144:8 dr 2:213:5 5:15,21 6:2,7 19:7,11,18,21 26:8 45:10 62:8,10 70:6 93:14,15 147:21 155:7,9,12 158:11 159:3,14 dsm 53:22 54:9 55:24 duly 7:6 166:9 duties 16:21,22 17:3 duty 99:16________ e e 2:2,2 26:5 113:4 165:1,8 earlier 68:25 107:5 109:10 112:17 141:8 150:8 east 1:12 3:10 5:5 ebt 127:20 effect 94:10 111:19 effects 124:10 effectuate 126:20 effectuated 30:2 49:15 108:14 effectuating 32:8 91:10 eight 59:10,20,23,24 60:10,22 61:8 81:25 82:4 either 30:18 72:12 86:8 99:16 103:12 104:17 133:16 147:10 153:2 elmhurst 126:22 emergency 17:13 18:10,11,21 22:8,10 24:15 27:16,24 28:9 28:15 30:19 31:2 43:25 56:18 59:11 62:4 64:19 69:22 75:11 79:21 81:3,24 91:3 94:14 113:18 114:9 119:24 120:9 120:11,13,17,19,23 120:24,25 121:14 122:13,19 123:9,12 125:8,11,14 128:2 128:10,21 129:9 133:6 137:16 148:16,20,23 150:21 151:6 152:8 152:9,10,11,20 154:11,11,16,23 159:16 160:3 emotional 131:10 employed 34:17 employee 8:11 employment 12:24 13:12 endeavor 65:15 engage 72:12 engaging 139:17 entire 6:6 10:21 99:13 123:11 entitled 6:15 24:14 entity 38:2 entourage 52:18 entry 91:24 enzymes 124:4,4,5 episode 56:5 equal 106:16 er 17:5 59:12,25 60:2,3,4,8 61:9 70:4 70:4 121:3,3,7,8,18 122:8,12,18,20 123:3,5 140:11 149:7,8,14,18 150:13,16 151:10 151:22 152:24 153:12 160:8 162:25 err 104:24 105:2,3 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY especially 149:19 esq 2:4,7,14,18,23 3:7,11 essentially 27:20 establish 22:24 39:11 110:14 established 22:22,24 et 1:8 evaluate 137:12 evaluated 140:25 153:2 155:7 evaluation 32:5,11 32:13,14,21 34:2 36:15,21 46:10,15 47:11 48:19 53:7,9 58:14,25 59:7,16 61:8,10,19 62:12 63:5 64:2,12 77:10 78:5 81:23 82:3,8 82:18,20 86:15,25 88:23 91:11 93:4,21 93:25 107:2 120:18 129:18 140:13 141:6 147:22 148:18 149:3,14,17 149:25 151:11 153:14 159:22,23 160:4,12,23 161:18 162:22 evaluations 75:13 evening 62:6 155:6 event 23:2 everybody 21:21 exactly 58:25 87:13 104:5 examination 4:5,10 7:10 38:3 41:20 43:16 48:14,16 49:6 56:15 76:18 80:25 85:18 86:21 91:6 92:24 124:22 146:15 150:17 158:9 161:5 162:2 162:23 516-608-2400 [examine - given] examine 58:21 examined 7:8 32:22 58:22 81:7 examining 36:12 76:20 77:2,4 79:6,7 123:20 examples 130:7 exceedingly 85:25 exclusively 22:7,9 excuse 54:10 executed 78:16 155:8 exhibit 21:20,20 23:21 24:24 26:20 31:5 43:22 44:4 68:3 70:15 79:9 119:23 143:9,10 exhibits 165:12 exist 35:4 110:5,8,14 existed 35:3 65:17 110:9 expected 60:11 experience 14:10,12 15:9,14,16 50:23,23 63:4 119:15 expert 5:17,19 explain 52:4 56:8 131:5 explained 51:25 explaining 79:24 expressway 7:18 extended 52:21 extensive 15:14 extent 107:21 133:11 extra 62:6 extremely 85:20 eye 60:2 _______ _______ £_______ f 3:7 fact 23:4 38:18 102:17 112:10 factors 32:7,17,20 32:22 33:7,23 36:25 212-267-6868 Page 8 163:6 fair 14:7,9 15:13 17:9 57:25 fall 54:5 55:3,3,17 156:19 familiar 15:21 44:13 44:15 59:17 137:14 138:17 139:9 familiarized 97:7 family 28:23 48:3 74:17,22 76:3 90:2 114:22 115:3 117:6 far 147:13 159:11 163:23 federal 5:11 feel 153:12 feels 114:25 fellowship 11:19 felt 123:20 fifth 44:3 figure 35:10 49:20 56:15,19 file 64:15 79:10 92:10 115:6 123:11 files 52:19 filing 4:9 fill 77:20 78:5,10 filled 80:4 81:19 82:9 final 69:15 70:9 89:7,8,17 139:12 finally 6:22 find 33:18 37:8,12 37:15 39:3,4 50:2,3 75:3,18 94:13 106:9 110:4 133:3 136:4 finding 17:4 42:12 76:22 finds 77:18 fine 7:23 29:18 30:9 36:4 42:3 133:14 first 7:6,15 24:11 39:10 56:25 68:16 71:23 88:2 93:22 94:2 102:25 103:9 104:8 123:8 155:11 156:2 161:8,16,18 fits 84:19 five 9:5 39:6 40:3 100:24 101:5 109:19 115:8 flushing 9:10,14,18 10:2,15,18 13:3,4,5 13:11 14:13 follow 23:13 111:22 156:24 161:24 followed 122:6 following 76:18 follows 7:8 food 73:11 132:24 forest 13:21,21 form 4:14 9:16 17:1623:5 25:25 27:19 28:18 36:6 41:10 46:4,19 47:5 51:5 54:18,24 55:7 55:21 61:2,21 62:15 63:6,8 71:2,9 74:25 75:24 76:12,22 77:12,14,14,16,20 77:21,25 78:5,10,16 79:2,16 80:4,11,15 80:15,16,21,24 81:19,19 82:9,13,16 82:24 83:15,17 84:16 87:17,22,24 88:13 89:12,20,22 92:4 94:4,6 95:3 97:22 99:8 102:7 103:6 104:13 105:7 105:10 107:19 116:22 117:21 125:4,5 126:8 128:16 129:4,16 130:6,22 135:3,16 135:23 136:11,17 140:6 141:3,15,17 142:13 148:25 149:16 150:19 151:14 153:9,23 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 155:8,13 159:17 160:15 161:8,17,20 162:6 163:2,5 formed 37:23 forms 12:23 161:15 forth 166:9 forward 7:2 forwarded 92:10 four 142:25 147:16 fourth 44:3 104:22 frankly 22:21 110:3 friday 119:18 158:20 friend 115:21 front 24:6 43:22 67:5 97:24 115:9 119:23 120:4 130:11 full 149:13 function 54:11 96:8 99:20 further 4:8,12 161:2 166:14 future 8:9 105:16 106:2,4___________ _______ g________ games 39:13,21,24 general 11:16 29:14 30:10 46:22,24,25 47:3 74:4 91:13 92:12 158:14 159:20 160:22 generally 25:18 40:5 74:7,9,14 112:20 116:11,12 117:4 158:17 getting 15:4,8 39:12 39:12 42:12 90:16 100:7 138:7 give 14:15 20:20 91:1792:15 115:3 116:7 130:7 given 5:20 8:5 29:11 53:17 61:13 79:22 516-608-2400 [given - hospital's] 79:23 80:3 81:20 107:22 115:12,14 143:4 150:6 166:11 gives 75:15 83:6 92:16 101:19 115:15,21 118:22 140:12 giving 95:6 107:14 gladly 112:11 go 30:7 38:4 49:10 49:12 54:8 82:24 91:9 94:6 101:8 103:18 104:14,22 117:17 121:24 128:12 129:16 133:2 145:6 146:9 148:3 150:19 162:9 goal 60:22 goes 44:7 49:14 50:7 72:17 123:3 125:6 130:9 going 5:2,25 7:2 14:23 15:5 19:9,13 22:2 23:7,24 29:12 34:12 37:4,24 38:19 38:21 41:8,20,22 42:17,20,23 43:10 43:15 48:20 52:7,8 52:11,14,22 54:20 54:22 56:19 64:18 66:6 67:12 70:14 79:14,15,25 85:3,14 87:13 92:14 96:13 96:15 97:10 100:23 101:2,3,8,11 103:8 108:9,17 109:20 110:6 111:16 113:20,23 115:9 125:22 126:5 127:8 133:10 138:24 145:21 148:3,5,8 153:17 155:22 156:3 158:5 164:10 good 35:20 100:20 138:23 212-267-6868 Page 9 governing 147:5 government 12:10 gracey 126:25 grand 109:4,6 granted 112:15 147:15 great 40:20 greg 22:16 146:22 gregory 3:11 ground 20:16 156:8 grounds 6:2 17:16 47:6 100:16 103:3 157:2,4,20 158:3 162:12 guess 94:7 guideline 142:24 guidelines 36:25 guides 34:16 gurney 144:9 guys 100:13_______ ________ h_________ h 7:5,17 165:8 hairs 84:24,24 87:11 87:13 half 155:25 hand 80:10 119:6 166:20 handcuffed 144:3 handcuffs 144:3 147:23 handouts 107:18 happened 102:12 159:25 happens 85:16 87:16 93:21 harlem 12:18 harm 55:16 64:23 71:14,20 72:24 73:10 128:3,14 131:14 134:19 139:19 harmed 56:2 heading 45:17 headings 76:14 health 11:231:21 80:19,22 114:21 115:4,13,16,25 117:11 118:22 142:18 154:10,13 hear 104:2 hearing 8:3 114:13 114:17 115:23 119:20 heat 132:24 held 94:3 119:18 128:20 152:24 hello 99:24 help 143:2 helps 90:5 hereinbefore 166:9 hereto 4:5 hereunto 166:19 hi 99:24 highway 130:14,14 hills 13:21,22 history 34:3,13,15 36:13,14 40:25 66:18 128:9 hmm 25:5 68:18 71:16 120:5 hoc 26:16,18 hold 99:21 136:6,7 137:7,9,10,12,15 138:9 139:4,7 150:15 151:9,17,24 154:5 156:3 holding 140:2 151:19 153:5 155:14 holds 69:24 home 8:18 130:8 132:22,23 hospital 3:10 5:6 7:17 8:11,22 9:6,8 9:11,14,14,17,18 10:16,23 12:18,24 12:25 13:11,12 14:22 15:18,20 16:2 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 16:20 17:14 18:5 27:7,8,17 28:13 29:15 30:18 31:3,24 32:3,9 33:7,15 34:7 34:18 37:2 40:14 48:6 49:8,15,18,19 49:23 50:3,16 56:24 57:14 58:12 59:5,15 61:6,13 63:18,20 64:4,7 65:7 67:2,15 68:23 69:15,21,25 74:20 75:16 76:4 80:8,17,20 81:3,9 81:21 82:15,17 83:9 88:6,10 90:8 92:7 93:4,17 94:9,22 96:21 98:8,9,10,15 99:11 102:2,9,15 103:17 105:4 106:19,20 107:12 108:6,23 109:4,11 109:17 110:25 111:20 112:19 114:6 116:19 117:17 118:5,11 119:12 121:2,7 122:8 123:8 126:6 126:16,19,23,23,24 127:5 128:12 130:17,24 131:12 133:18 134:18 135:13,19 136:3 138:14 140:23 141:13,21,23 142:8 142:10 143:15,16 144:9,15 145:18 146:22 148:17 151:19,24 152:17 153:24 154:5,17,17 155:5,12,14 158:16 158:19 161:9,19 164:4 hospital's 30:15 65:14 85:11 131:18 139:14 144:2,8 516-608-2400 Page 10 [hospital's - involuntary] 153:4 hospitalization 49:9 94:15 131:8 146:18 hospitalized 162:17 hospitals 126:18,22 hour 36:20,22 46:15 47:11,14,19 60:10 60:22 81:17 82:4 89:10 138:4 140:17 140:19 143:7 150:5 156:2 161:17 hours 14:2,3 59:10 59:20,23,24 61:8 62:7 81:6,12,25 82:15 89:5 91:7,12 92:18,22 117:3 139:11 140:11 150:11 158:15 huh 68:20 hurry 21:7 hygiene 65:5,16,21 66:2 99:6 hypothetically 160:17___________ i identification 68:4 143:11 identified 5:7,19 32:18,21 illness 32:24 34:4 45:18,20 46:2,12 49:22 50:6 53:5,18 53:20,21 55:10,11 55:12,18 56:14,16 56:23 57:5,6,12,22 57:24 58:4 64:22 81:4 103:13 131:10 131:13 139:16 140:24 151:3,4 154:7 illnesses 53:25 54:5 55:2 56:6 57:17 immediate 56:23 57:12 58:5,9,25 212-267-6868 81:5 immediately 58:17 92:25 93:5,10,22 94:15,24 115:24 impact 126:4 127:3 129:22 impeachment 6:10 implements 108:16 important 20:18 21:12,14 91:24 impossible 37:23 improper 51:8 inappropriate 15:10 54:14 include 13:5 16:22 134:19 137:7 159:24 included 111:4 includes 148:17 including 41:6 inconsistent 99:4 144:15 145:15 independent 63:14 64:2 independently 63:12,23 76:8 india 12:3,4,6 indicated 123:21 indicating 160:18 indication 43:14 individual 22:4 28:20 45:25 112:18 individuals 93:16 inform 91:15 92:13 92:17 informal 153:3 informants 76:19 information 8:2 15:6,9 33:18,20 34:14 42:13 48:4,4 74:2,5,21,23 75:5,6 75:6,8,8,9,20,21 76:2,4,6 77:23,24 77:25 79:22,23 88:25 89:2,3,18,25 90:4,11,13,16,20,23 91:18 112:7,8 128:11 139:12 149:5,19 150:25 165:14 informed 19:12 informing 19:8 initial 83:5,8 87:20 89:7 95:2 97:18 98:5,16 101:19 102:4 106:24 160:2 163:21 injury 55:15 inpatient 10:5,14,19 17:5,13 30:20 114:20 120:10,14 120:18 121:12,22 122:5 125:15,19 126:14 131:8 inquiry 85:10 insist 117:9 insofar 5:19 157:18 instituted 113:25 institution 14:18 95:6 instruct 54:17 97:11 145:25 instructed 157:7 instructing 14:24 84:2 134:9 instruction 15:11 21:13 38:22 instructions 43:7 100:12 127:16 insurance 127:3 163:10,11 intent 108:14 intention 146:7 interested 28:24 115:19 166:16 interfere 38:3,8 41:20 51:13 54:12 interfered 144:18 148:13 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY interference 43:18 54:16 interfering 85:22 interject 20:21 intermediary 101:23 internal 98:11 99:11 internist 121:25 interpret 95:21 96:17,21 interpretation 85:25 95:23 interpreting 35:17 51:24 intervention 106:9 107:13 interviews 76:18 investigation 90:10 invoked 152:15 involuntaries 70:10 involuntarily 14:11 14:17 15:14 16:3 30:17 78:7 88:9 97:3 104:9 126:6 127:5 128:24 130:2 136:21 147:7 151:10 involuntary 15:19 26:23 27:6,8,15 28:13,15 29:2,8 45:14,24 49:8 57:7 75:16 77:19 80:9 83:19 85:6 86:6,12 86:14 87:7 91:25 103:2,10 104:10,18 112:18 113:9,11,12 114:9,19 125:7 126:12 130:17 131:18 134:23 136:8,20,23 141:23 142:6,8 143:23 144:14,21 145:2,9 145:11,16,18,23 146:17,18 154:6 163:18 164:5 516-608-2400 [involved - list] involved 15:22 20:5 25:23 93:20 120:7 135:13 involvement 159:8 159:10 involving 118:9 irrelevant 85:17 isak 2:21 isakov 2:21 19:19 issue 35:22 46:12 108:8 109:23 112:6 118:16 147:21 issues 5:7,20 7:24 15:4 iv 53:22 54:9 55:24 ivone 2:20________ ________ J________ jamaica 3:105:6 7:17,18 8:11,21 9:6 9:8,14,17,22 10:22 11:8,9 12:25 13:6 13:11,25 14:3,13,14 16:20 17:11,14 21:22 27:17 29:15 30:15 32:9 33:7 34:17 36:25 40:13 40:25 49:7 50:16 53:3,8 58:12 59:5 59:15 63:18,19 64:4 64:7 65:6,14 66:25 67:14 69:8 73:6,24 74:19 75:16 76:4 78:9,15 80:7,17,20 82:14 83:9 86:16 88:19 90:8,22 92:7 93:3,17 94:9,22 96:21 108:6,23 109:3,11,17 110:25 111:20 114:5 121:2 121:7 126:19 133:18 134:18 135:19 136:3 138:14 139:14,25 142:21 143:14,16 212-267-6868 Page 11 148:17 151:24 154:19 161:7 162:5 163:8,18 jamaica's 76:5 81:16 130:4 134:21 135:5 137:5 145:15 150:15 151:8 jensen 2:20 job 96:19,23 97:2 john 2:7 join 31:15 47:8 61:22 joined 40:13 joining 10:22 judge 5:22 38:16 41:21 42:2 43:4,9 100:3,12 112:5,9,14 115:10,10 127:15 145:24 155:24 judge's 107:22 127:9 146:5,7 judgment 128:18,19 129:7 133:23 153:11 july 1:13 5:3 166:20 jumping 126:11 juniper 8:19 jurisdiction 154:14 j ustification 77:21 ________ k________ kinds 53:24 57:17 know 6:20 15:23 19:14 21:17 22:20 23:5 24:22 25:16 26:2 29:24 31:6 35:15 37:1940:11 43:10 46:20 51:23 54:4 57:16 65:25 66:9,23 67:6,12,16 67:17 68:20 92:14 96:7 98:25 100:13 104:6 109:14 110:16 118:20,24 124:13 125:21 134:12 138:8 143:20 144:5 146:19,22 147:8 151:18 152:23 155:10 157:8 163:8 knowing 124:16 knowledge 25:10 39:5 40:12,16 known 28:14 63:20 79:20 112:23 113:13 knows 19:4 37:12 39:8 40:9 66:10 96:2 koster 3:4 kretz 2:16 kashmir 12:10,11 keep 56:18 75:6,8 85:14 88:9 104:16 104:21 109:15 153:15 keeping 88:17 kept 88:5 118:17 150:20 kidney 124:4 kind 7:24 48:8 56:16 57:5,22,22 64:14 72:8 73:5,6,9 73:15 129:24 _______ \________ 1 4:2 5:15 26:5 label 129:12 laid 90:8 95:11 lake 2:22 lane 8:19 lasts 36:19 late 155:5 law 2:11 6:20 43:4 65:5,12,16,21 66:2 67:6,8,21 95:12,18 95:21,23 96:3,10,17 97:19 98:3,13 99:6 129:6 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY lawsuit 158:12 lawyer 20:20 65:6 66:7 laying 140:18 lead 55:25 57:7 leading 160:15,24 leave 54:19 118:10 119:7 leaving 117:10 lee 2:23 25:25 31:12 34:25 35:8,13 40:18 42:4,8,15 47:8 51:2 61:24 63:6 76:11 82:13 83:14 84:15 87:17,22 88:11 89:15,20 92:5 94:4 95:3 141:15 161:4,6 161:23 165:6 leeway 29:12 left 101:13 legal 17:17 26:23 66:9 114:21 115:4 115:13,16,25 117:11 118:22 125:2 136:24 159:11 legitimate 38:9,12 lenoir 2:7 level 63:3 106:6 lewin 147:21 lexis 66:17 licensed 70:17 125:7 light 5:22 112:9 130:12 lij 126:22 likelihood 71:20 72:24 lilian 3:5 limit 41:1154:22 limited 86:12 144:21 146:11,16 limiting 49:6 51:10 line 64:20 167:2 list 123:15 516-608-2400 Page 12 [little - mental] little 29:12 84:8 113:8 liver 124:4 living 31:22 132:23 Up 2:20 3:4,9 locked 144:25 145:14 locks 130:8 long 9:2 11:17 20:19 36:17 41:24 48:17 119:9,12 longer 101:2 106:14 look 24:20 29:20 68:6 105:22 106:2 109:19 152:6 looked 20:7,8 22:5 22:17,20 32:8,25 33:8,23 looking 95:15 122:24 looks 37:2 43:2 lot 22:3 157:7 lubit 3:15 5:15,21 6:3 lubit's 6:7 lunch 101:3,4_____ m m 26:5 m.d. 1:17 3:15 8:1 9:1 10:1 11:1 12:1 13:1 14:1 15:1 16:1 17:1 18:1 19:1 20:1 21:1 22:1 23:1 24:1 25:1 26:1 27:1 28:1 29:1 30:1 31:1 32:1 33:1 34:1 35:1 36:1 37:1 38:1 39:1 40:1 41:1 42:1 43:1 44:1 45:1 46:1 47:1 48:1 49:1 50:1 51:1 52:1 53:1 54:1 55:1 56:1 57:1 58:1 59:1 60:1 61:1 62:1 63:1 64:1 65:1 66:1 67:1 68:1 212-267-6868 69:1 70:1 71:1 72:1 73:1 74:1 75:1 76:1 77:1 78:1 79:1 80:1 81:1 82:1 83:1 84:1 85:1 86:1 87:1 88:1 89:1 90:1 91:1 92:1 93:1 94:1 95:1 96:1 97:1 98:1 99:1 100:1 101:1 102:1 103:1 104:1 105:1 106:1 107:1 108:1 109:1 110:1 111:1 112:1 113:1 114:1 115:1 116:1 117:1 118:1 119:1 120:1 121:1 122.T 123:1 124:1 125:1 126:1 127:1 128:1 129:1 130:1 131:1 132:1 133:1 134:1 135:1 136:1 137:1 138:1 139:1 140:1 141:1 142:1 143:1 144:1 145:1 146:1 147:1 148:1 149:1 150:1 151:1 152:1 153:1 154:1 155:1 156:1 157:1 158:1 159:1 160:1 161:1 162:1 163:1 164:1.,14 166:8 167:20 madison 2:17 magdalena 3:16 main 62:7 maintain 6:25 maintained 103:2 104:10 maintaining 105:4 making 14:10 33:23 34:18 37:2 50:5,17 70:9 90:5 91:10 93:9,20 107:16 135:6,25,25 139:17 manifested 72:4,11 manner 129:2 141:13 manual 147:4 marcus 2:22 mariana 2:18 mark 68:2 marked 21:19 68:4 79:9 143:9,11 marriage 166:16 martin 3:9 5:4 matter 23:4 83:21 83:23 101:22 108:25 159:7 166:17 matters 159:25 mauriello 2:17 mean 11:13 24:20 32:10 49:16 62:22 72:7 116:10 121:16 127:12,20 129:21 132:18 137:3,10 139:6 141:22 161:12,20 meandering 20:19 meaning 53:19 62:5 102:21 121:23 means 17:4 25:14 27:5 30:9 46:11 49:20 55:12 58:25 60:15,16 103:15 121:19,20 123:24 124:2,3 139:5 142:19 149:4 meant 13:4 137:17 measured 128:6,8 measuring 128:13 mechanism 118:9 118:15 medical 3:10 8:21 11:12,23,25 12:4,5 12:9,10,13 29:9 30:16 31:21 45:24 50:9 60:4 70:4,6,8 73:12 103:24 105:21 118:3 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 120:11 121:3,7,12 121:13,17,23,24 122:4,6,8,12,18,19 122:21 123:2,3,9 124:20 136:24 148:16,20 149:7,14 149:18,21 150:16 150:21,22,23 151:10,22 152:10 152:24 153:12,25 154:11 160:3 162:14,23 medically 122:3,11 151:16 medication 117:7,7 124:9,14 143:5 medications 124:9 medisys 9:19 meet 56:6 76:21 94:13 meetings 17:8 60:17 60:24 61:5 meets 53:21 64:9 member 28:23 60:20 76:3 81:8 82:16,21 90:3 120:19 163:16 164:3 member's 83:7 members 48:3 74:18 74:22 115:3 memory 37:24 mental 11:2 32:24 34:4 45:18,19 46:2 46:11 49:22 50:5 53:5,18,20,25 54:5 55:2,10,11,12,18 56:14,16,22 57:5,6 57:12,17,24 58:4 64:22 65:5,16,21 66:2 80:18,21 81:4 99:6 103:13 114:20 115:4,12,16,25 117:11 118:22 131:9,13 136:2 516-608-2400 Page 13 [mental - obviously] 139:16 140:24 142:18 149:5 154:7 154:10 mentioned 10:10 22:5 34:8 57:21 107:5 128:7 129:6 merged 13:5 met 83:3 metabolic 124:3 methodology 32:6 43:19 mettham 2:14 mhls 115:21 mincing 84:22 133:17 mind 7:3 8:16 95:15 114:8 117:3 133:9 133:12 136:20 157:14 minute 100:24 150:11 minutes 43:2,13 101:6 mm 25:5 68:18 71:16 120:5 moment 85:12 monday 158:20 month 63:18 months 63:10,10 morning 92:18 mother 130:9 motion 86:5 moving 38:2 66:25 112:16 mule 26:3 45:10 multipage 21:21 muscle 124:5 n n 2:2 4:2 7:5,15 165:1 name 7:13,15,16 26:3 64:6 79:12 names 79:2 212-267-6868 narrow 85:20,25 notations 25:4 nat 138:21 note 40:18 43:16 nathaniel 2:4 83:14 84:15 ne 2:8 noted 32:12 160:8 necessarily 56:6 164:12 58:16 131:7 notes 103:6 necessary 137:12 notice 1:18 79:21 necessity 118:4 80:11,14 82:9 115:5 150:23 115:22 116:2,7 need 7:25 8:3,7 29:9 117:15 118:23,25 119:2,10 30:3 37:11 39:10 58:19 60:20 98:16 noticed 87:8 101:7 122:4,21 notices 150:7 november 25:22 124:12 125:19,21 126:12 149:21 62:13 155:7,9 158:22 163:10 158:14 needing 86:15 149:8 number 14:16 28:10 needless 43:17 44:5,6 55:12,13,23 needlessly 85:21 56:5 62:3 76:15,17 needs 27:6 78:14 78:21,22 85:24 91:4 106:8 118:4 127:23 94:8,17 114:11,16 153:13 161:22 124:23 130:7 158:25 159:2 163:6 162:11,16 neighborhood numbered 71:21 130:11 nurse 92:15,15,16 neighbors 132:25 nurses 70:13 nursing 132:22 network 9:19 never 20:6,8,9,13,15 o new 1:2,8,12,12,20 o 4:2 7:5,15 2:5,5,11,12,13,13,18 oath 2T13 2:18,22 3:6,6,11,11 object 5:18 14:23 7:7 8:19 11:11,22 15:6 37:5 38:12 11:24 12:13,22 65:4 43:17 46:4 47:4,5 65:11 70:17 75:10 48:21 54:11,18,24 80:19 91:18 95:12 66:7 102:6 109:21 96:10 97:19 103:6 129:15 133:11 112:8 137:19 166:5 objected 156:8 night 62:7 157:18 158:2 nine 9:5 objecting 41:18 nit 84:9,11 53:15 83:16 nonsense 41:24 objection 6:25 9:15 notary 1:19 4:6 7:6 14:19 16:5,9,12 164:21 166:5 17:15 25:25 27:18 167:24 28:17 36:5 38:9 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 40:19 46:3,18 49:4 50:25 51:2,3 53:11 55:6,20 57:9 60:25 61:20,23,24 62:14 63:6,7 70:25 71:8 74:24 75:23 76:10 76:11 77:11 82:13 82:23 83:14 84:15 86:9 87:17,22,23 88:11,12 89:11,15 89:20,21 92:3,5 94:4,5 95:3,20 97:21 99:7 104:12 105:6,9 107:20 116:21 117:20 126:7 128:15 129:3 130:5,21 135:2,15 135:22 136:10,16 136:22 137:25 139:22 140:5 141:2 141:15,16 142:12 145:3 148:24 149:15 150:18 151:13,21 152:3 153:8,22 154:9 155:16 159:17 160:14,15,24 162:8 163:4 objections 4:13 5:24 100:14,15 127:15 156:14 157:22 objective 60:23 97:7 obligated 75:5,7,19 108:3 obligation 117:16 observation 56:23 57:13 58:5,9 81:5 138:4 153:16 observed 63:9 observes 73:20 obtained 66:17 89:19,25 90:14 123:2 obviously 35:8 516-608-2400 Page 14 [occasion - period] occasion 6:20 99:18 occurred 41:6,12 occurs 92:21 October 25:21 62:12 155:6 office 2:1130:5 38:20 52:9,12,24 80:18 146:25 officer 28:22 163:19 offices 5:4 oh 99:24 ohio 11:6 okay 6:12 20:24 21:11,17 22:15 29:17 30:11 36:4 39:7 40:7 41:17 44:8,12 54:14 55:10 66:21 68:22 69:4 79:13,16,17 85:8 100:11,17,21 102:23 113:8 133:14 134:6 138:23 158:8 olenko 2:18 omh 76:22 77:15 94:18 142:24 once 35:10 63:10 89:9 125:20 161:8 161:12,13,16,18 ones 61:17 156:8 158:2 oneself 71:25 opinion 66:9 77:18 88:2,4 102:10,19,20 102:21,22,23,24,25 103:5 104:20,22 133:25 opinions 17:6 95:7 104:3 opportunity 156:13 158:4 opposed 13:24 148:20 149:24 option 104:15,17 212-267-6868 options 54:22 order 29:7 30:17 33:8 43:18 45:23 49:6 51:9,24 53:17 75:12 85:4,21 86:2 86:11,11 87:6,9 105:19 124:10 127:13 144:12,22 146:7,14 147:25 156:16 157:24 ordered 146:11 orders 146:5 ought 112:9 outcome 166:17 outside 138:22 oversee 15:17 16:23 overseeing 70:11 ________P_______ p 2:2,2 4:2 113:4 p.m. 164:12 page 24:11,18,19,24 26:19 44:3,5,6,7 45:2 51:22 68:16 70:15,16 71:13 76:13 80:10 86:13 91:2,20 94:17 114:10 119:22 120:3 122:24 124:23 127:25 143:13 157:10 165:3,9,14 167:2 pages 45:3 panic 56:3 paper 29:24 30:3 85:13 119:6 papers 8:6 125:2 paperwork 119:19 paragraph 45:16 56:20 78:20 91:4 92:19 94:8 115:18 125:13 parameters 127:21 part 9:19 13:18 17:10 18:11 23:22 26:14 31:4 36:2 44:22 56:25 88:23 95:18 96:9 117:16 135:5 138:13 143:21 156:11 158:6 160:3 particular 37:25 54:23 78:11 79:11 parties 4:5 166:15 party 6:18 patient 27:6,6,14,22 28:2,8,11,12,25 29:2,7 30:18,23 31:18,20 32:3 33:9 33:14 34:3,6 40:15 47:16,19,25 48:2 56:10,11,13,16,18 57:8,11 58:11,20,21 58:22 59:2,4 64:21 69:16 72:12 73:23 74:17 76:21 77:18 77:22 78:14 79:11 79:23,24 80:3,11 81:3 82:10,18,21 83:3,10 86:19 87:16 88:5,9,10,17 90:3,6 90:19 91:14,16,17 91:19 94:3,11,13 98:18,22 102:25 104:19,20,21,24 105:18 106:9,25 114:18,23 115:2,3 115:14,15,20 116:3 116:7,14,15,16,16 117:3,4,12 118:4,7 118:10,17,21 119:4 119:5 120:8,9,16 121:11,21,23 122:7 122:11,12,17,20 123:3,8 124:8,16 125:18,20,21,22,24 126:12,15 127:4 128:20,22,24 129:18,23 130:8 131:11,15 132:21 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 132:22,23 133:5 135:8,11,18 136:3,4 136:5,20,21 137:8 139:10 140:15,16 140:23 141:12 142:2,7,11,15,23,25 144:2,8,13,17 148:15,19,21,22 149:7,21 150:6,12 150:20 151:2,3,15 151:16,17,20,25 152:9,11,18,19,23 153:13,15 154:15 155:4,11,15 159:24 160:19 161:9,13,14 161:19,22 162:11 162:16 163:3,8,10 163:15 164:3 patient's 20:7 45:17 56:22 90:21 91:24 116:25 118:7 121:17 139:15 162:21 patients 14:11,16 15:15,22,23 16:3 17:5,6,7 33:11,11 63:22 74:11,16 117:9 124:17,17,19 126:25 128:10 129:8 131:6 137:6 142:20,22 145:2 147:6 159:22 160:21 paul 3:7 pedigree 15:8 pending 151:25 153:13 161:17 people 45:9,10 50:4 50:9,15 53:9 72:10 74:6,8,10 75:21 79:3 97:4 139:8 145:17 153:25 period 63:10,18 81:17 82:4 89:10 140:2,17,19 150:5 516-608-2400 [period - presentations] 155:10 permit 116:7 144:2 144:16 permitted 41:4 109:24 147:16 157:23 person 25:23 32:4 32:24 33:2 47:25 55:11 56:2 62:7 68:17 69:7,19 70:24 72:14 73:7,10,16,22 75:13 77:5,8 78:6 85:14 101:15 103:4 103:9,12,16,22 104:7,8,10,16 106:3 129:13,19 132:16 140:2 142:11 153:5 158:25 person's 34:15 personal 7:24 personally 14:22 26:9 personnel 49:20 64:15 persons 81:4 pertinent 38:25 petition 115:6,7 116:19 119:13 petitioning 118:15 phonetic 99:16 photograph 37:24 phrase 56:21 71:14 72:4,25 81:12 128:3 137:14 138:9 physical 73:10 121:24 124:22 128:3,14 139:19 physician 27:9 62:19,23 68:23,24 69:10 70:17,21,22 70:22 71:3,5,6,11 73:20 76:20 77:2,4 77:5,6 78:2,3 80:5,8 81:2,8 83:6 85:12 87:25 88:3,3,14,16 212-267-6868 Page 15 88:19 91:15,16 92:9 92:11 99:17 108:15 114:24 116:9 118:3 119:7 122:2 123:20 125:8 129:20 152:10 163:22,24 physicians 28:23 70:13 71:12 95:5 113:12 picky 84:9,11 piece 30:3 85:13 119:6 place 1:18 11:22 36:7 37:25 122:11 plaintiff 1:5 2:4,8 6:13 138:11 plaintiffs 5:14 68:3 143:10 165:9 plan 117:8 play 39:13,16,21 137:24 playing 39:23 please 7:14 16:16 21:1723:13 31:17 42:18 44:11 55:2 83:12 109:9 111:22 114:8 117:12 point 33:16 107:19 111:14 142:25 155:12,13 police 28:21 74:16 74:21 160:18 163:16,19 164:3 policies 18:2,15,16 18:18 35:2 64:8 81:16 86:5 146:21 150:15 153:5 163:17 policy 5:7 14:21 15:19 18:5,7,8,20 21:22 22:5,6,11 23:8,16,20,25 24:8 25:12,24 26:22 27:11 29:16,21,25 30:8,15 31:2,13 32:9,11 33:7 36:3,7 37:11,13,20 38:10 38:24 39:3 40:3,6 40:10,14 41:7,16 42:10,13 44:2,14,20 44:21 45:17 47:7 48:6 49:7,15,23 50:8,8,16 51:19 52:5 53:4,19 54:6 55:4,19 56:21 57:2 57:18 58:13 59:6,9 59:14 63:20,21 64:18 65:2,7,14 67:5,8,10 70:15,21 71:19 73:6,19,24 74:3,19 76:6,13 78:10,15 80:7 81:22 82:15 83:9 85:6,11 86:14,16 88:19 90:7 90:12,22 91:3,10 92:7,20 93:3,6 94:10,23 97:15 98:9 98:9,11,15,21 99:2 99:11 102:2,15 103:18 106:19,20 107:12 108:13,13 113:21 114:16 116:3,6,10,19 119:3 119:13,25 120 6,16 120:22 122:10,23 122:25 123:10 126:20 128:2,21,25 130:3,19,20 131:18 131:25 132:2,8,9,11 132:12 133:13,15 133:19,24 134:18 134:21 135:5 137:5 138:13 139:15 140:2,12,18,22 141:5 142:9 143:14 143:17 144:2,8,15 144:21 145:16,22 145:22 146:16 147:12 148:17 151:8,22,23 152:5 : VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 152:18 153:10,19 154:2,12 161:7 163:24 164:4 165:17 poses 142:15 position 6:5,21 9:3,4 112:11 146:13 158:23 positions 9:7 possible 94:2119:14 134:22 139:10,21 140:25 141:4,6,21 141:22 159:13,19 postgraduate 62:24 potential 131:14,16 131:22 132:4,6 133:7,20,20 134:2 136:14 141:10 142:8 potentially 27:23 133:4 136:5 power 107:18 111:14 practice 13:16,18,20 13:24 14:4,6 59:19 60:10,23 61:6 76:5 81:22 90:13,15 91:13 92:12 99:2 102:9 103:17 126:20 138:13 practices 163:17 preaching 130:12 precaution 98:18 precludes 6:18 premise 150:24 prepare 17:21 preparing 17:24 23:6,19 24:19,21 presence 6:7 42:19 present 3:14 35:5 100:10 presentation 109:13 111:14,15 presentations 108:7 111:18 165:16 516-608-2400 Page 16 [presents - question] presents 115:16 preserve 127:17 pretty 91:24 prevent 132:3 previously 79:9 146:10 primary 122:2 printed 80:15,16 prior 5:23 10:22 11:24 94:17 146:13 147:25 150:16 153:6 156:16 private 13:15,18,24 14:4,6 privilege 100:16 127:17 156:17 privileged 146:3 privileges 61:13 92:24 problem 42:7 60:19 100:19 problematic 17:6 problems 55:13 124:20 150:22 procedure 26:17 49:7 76:14 114:10 procedures 26:12 121:10 123:14 proceed 43:16 148:6 proceeding 160:6 proceedings 8:9 159:11 process 8:4 82:25 116:13 118:23 119:10 160:4 produce 110:10 produced 22:18 23:11 143:14 146:25 production 111:17 153:18 professional 47:15 103:24 105:21 166:4 212-267-6868 professionals 132:21 profile 124:3 program 18:10 24:10 63:21 113:18 113:25 progressed 10:18 promotion 9:11 proper 38:15 134:11 134:16 properly 83:3 96:22 96:24 pros 104:2 protect 98:18 135:7 protocol 79:25 120:7 provide 48:6 62:6 73:11 94:23 provided 7:22 21:23 74:21 75:20 82:10 provider 33:19 74:22 provides 27:12 49:19 98:4 118:14 providing 8:17 15:5 37:14 provision 95:17 98:3 124:21 138:3 152:7 pry 7:23 psych 61:9 70:4 121:18 149:8 150:13 152:8 162:25 psychiatric 5:20 10:4,5 12:18 14:18 16:4,19 18:10 26:11 27:7,15,16,24 29:9 30:16,19 32:11,21 34:2 36:15 45:24 46:10,15 47:11 48:13 53:7 58:14 59:7,15 60:6,8 61:7 62:12 63:5 64:12 77:9 78:4 81:9,23 82:8,17,21 83:7 96:20 97:17 107:2 113:17 120:13,13 120:17,24,25 121:3 121:8,11,22 122:5 122:13,20 123:5,11 124:8 137:21,23 139:20 147:3,4 148:22 149:4,9,13 149:24 150:17,24 151:6,25 152:9,11 152:19 153:14 154:15,23 159:16 159:21,24 160:10 162:12 psychiatrist 13:13 13:16 32:5 47:17,18 47:22,24 61:12 62:20 63:16,24 69:3 69:4,21 74:4 77:17 77:17 78:17 88:8 89:9,17 90:9 92:23 94:12,23 103:11 122:2 124:24 125:12 149:11,12 150:2,3 153:2,7 162:25 psychiatrists 17:12 28:23 61:16 62:4,10 psychiatry 8:25 11:16,16,20 16:20 24:15 26:11 48:12 48:16 62:25 120:20 143:17 147:4 149:22 158:24 psychological 148:18 151:11 psychosis 55:14 psychotic 56:5 public 1:19 4:6 7:7 164:22 166:5 167:24 publicker 2:14 purpose 6:9 127:23 156:4 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY purposes 32:23,25 146:3 154:6 pursuant 1:17 5:10 29:15 69:16 128:20 131:24 132:2 156:16 157:24 put 28:25 64:15 129:9 puts 73:10 _______ q_______ qualifications 50:6 50:17 53:10 qualified 48:18 . 63:12 64:11 qualifies 48:13 129:25 qualify 57:6,14,23 130:16 131:2,7 132:7 queens 115:25 126:22 question 4:14 13:9 14:25 16:10,16 20:19 21:15,15 29:1930:1231:12 31:16 32:19 35:4,5 35:18,23,24 37:22 38:13,16 41:9,18 46:5 47:5 48:24 49:9,25 50:13 51:7 51:9,23 53:13 54:13 54:18,23,25 65:24 67:12 74:20 83:21 83:23,25 84:3,18 87:2 94:21 95:4 96:5,25 98:14 99:10 99:22 102:10 103:8 107:24,25 108:4,19 108:20 109:9 110:17,23 132:5 134:7,10,15 135:24 143:20 144:6 145:4 151:7 162:20,20 516-608-2400 Page 17 [questions - reporter] questions 4:13 22:3 31:9 35:2 41:5 43:8 51:14 58:23 86:17 86:24 96:16 97:12 110:7 141:9 146:2 146:14 148:11,13 155:20,21 156:6,21 156:22 157:8,19,20 157:25 161:3 r 2:2 7:5,17 radomisli 3:115:9 8:10 9:15 13:3 14:19 15:2,12 16:5 16:8 17:15 18:14 22:12,19,25 23:9,12 24:4 27:18 28:17 29:4,11,20 30:6,21 31:4,10 34:20,24 35:16 36:2,5,9 37:4 37:18 38:7,23 39:7 39:15,20,25 40:8,21 41:3,10,25 42:17 44:10 46:3 47:9 48:20,25 49:5,13,17 49:24 50:19 51:3,8 51:15 52:2,10,18,25 53:11,14 54:3,7,21 55:6,9,20 57:9,19 60:25 61:20,25 62:14 63:7 65:17,23 66:4,6,14,21 67:3 67:17,22 70:25 71:8 74:24 75:23 76:10 76:12 77:11 82:23 83:11,16,22 84:4,8 84:12,17 85:2,23 86:23 87:5,12,18,23 88:12 89:11,21 92:3 94:5 95:20,24 96:4 96:11,15 97:13,21 99:7 102:6 104:12 105:6,9 106:18 107:20 108:3,9,18 212-267-6868 109:8,20 110:11,15 110:22 111:10,21 112:13 113:15,20 116:21 117:20 126:7 127:6,11,18 128:15 129:3,15 130:5,18,21 131:24 133:10 134:4,8,11 134:14 135:2,15,22 136:10,16,22 137:20,25 138:6,15 138:21 139:22 140:5,8 141:2,16 142:12 143:19 144:4,10,19 145:3,8 145:20 146:6 147:9 148:24 149:15 150:18 151:13,21 152:3 153:8,22 154:9 155:16 156:5 157:2,15 162:8 163:4 rational 156:23 read 16:14,15,17 24:22,23 25:2 29:23 30:2,4 34:20,22 35:25 44:17,19 51:18 65:11 66:4,5 67:23 68:9 83:11,13 84:13,14 109:9 reads 56:22 ready 115:2 119:20 really 15:10 21:12 39:11 70:2 86:20 89:7,8 128:17 138:6 reason 6:10,21,24 37:16 88:16,24 93:24 94:7 162:4,24 reasonable 90:23 reasons 33:13 163:13 recall 18:24 24:25 36:11 37:20 111:12 147:14 receive 75:12 received 89:2 receiving 91:16 recess 101:10 138:25 148:7 recite 54:8 recognize 105:14 recollection 19:25 37:1041:16 158:13 reconsider 112:10 record 5:2 7:14 16:14,17 30:24 34:22 35:25 42:21 42:22,24,25 43:6,6 66:5 79:2 83:13 84:14,16 101:9,11 125:25 138:24 139:2 148:4,9 160:9 164:10 166:11 records 109:15,18 116:3 121:13,17 122:25 123:2,4 red 123:25 redo 36:21 reevaluate 139:8 refer 45:13 referee 95:17 99:20 refereeing 96:8 97:16 reference 45:19 64:21 76:17,25 78:21 93:13 94:18 125:9 159:25 references 120:22 123:18 referred 57:18 93:10 referring 18:460:3 60:4,5 68:24 120:23 125:3,4 153:20 reflect 30:25 reformulate 108:21 refused 156:22 157:3 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY regarding 32:11 49:8 86:6 regardless 40:10 63:13 . registers 150:12 regroup 101:6 regular 18:2 regularly 26:15 32:8 reject 94:11 rejected 112:6 related 166:14 relates 76:4 114:12 relating 75:21 relation 78:11 relationship 9:13 relative 115:21 118:21 relator 33:19 74:23 relax 21:9 released 103:16 143:6 relevance 164:8 relevancy 49:4 relevant 38:24 47:6 49:22 85:10 90:24 reliability 73:25 reliable 74:7,9,14 remain 130:25 remember 46:16 107:7 110:2 112:19 141:14,18 remove 133:5 repeat 35:24 97:23 108:20 rephrase 30:12 32:18 56:11 83:24 84:17 94:21 report 32:4 73:21 92:15,16 159:4,5 reported 74:2 reportedly 139:16 139:17 reporter 20:20 100:9 166:4 516-608-2400 [reports - says] reports 33:13 represent 158:11 represented 5:16 67:4 representing 66:15 request 23:8 110:4 111:17 112:6 114:12,16 115:11 115:22 116:12 118:7 153:18 165:15,16,17 requested 30:13 52:15 165:14 require 92:8 96:21 122:25 139:15 required 30:17 33:18 41:4 45:23 61:18 69:15,19 78:9 82:22 95:21 99:12 116:8 117:15 119:2 129:12 131:17 140:23 152:15 requirement 63:2 requirements 64:8 150:6 requires 72:12 96:17 163:18 reserve 5:11 6:4 reserved 4:14 5:24 reserving 6:23 residence 7:24,25 residency 11:15 48:12 63:21 resident 11:25 48:18 62:18,21,23 63:3,21 63:25 64:9,16 residents 62:17,18 70:12 160:8 resolve 118:16 resource 75:4 resources 34:14 90:17,18,19 respect 102:3 138:11 142:10 145:16 159:6 164:5 212-267-6868 Page 18 respectfully 42:15 respective 4:4 respond 115:7 response 86:9 responsibilities 17:10 responsibility 95:7 95:10 99:13 responsible 10:12 91:5 124:25 restate 13:829:18 103:8 restrain 142:20,21 142:25 restrained 142:17 142:18,19,19 restraining 142:10 restraints 143:18 144:16,25 145:14 147:5,19 restrict 147:24 restricted 153:13 result 6:7 64:22 71:14,20 72:24 results 55:15 retain 75:13 retained 165:12 review 5:12 17:25 18:12 23:19 24:4,18 25:4,13 26:10,13,15 26:16 27:3 reviewed 18:2,14,19 18:20 23:6 25:15 44:20,23 89:4 163:20 reviewing 25:17 70:11 revise . 25:4 revised 25:15 revising 25:17 26:10 ridiculous 51:18 right 5:116:3,4,23 8:16 13:4,6 29:17 30:11 31:6 33:20 35:22 46:16 47:12 52:6 53:2 58:15 67:25 68:25 70:14 70:20 71:6 77:10 79:16 85:8 92:2 95:8 97:8,25 98:19 . 100:23 102:12 103:20,24 104:4 105:8,16,22 106:6,7 110:25 111:5 116:4 118:12,13,18,19 119:7 120:21 121:4 121:5 122:24 125:23 131:23 136:9,12,15 138:19 139:21,24 141:6 142:5 152:16,17 154:23 155:19 159:2,9 164:9 rights 79:21,24 80:12 82:10 150:7 risk 128:3,6,13 129:8 130:25 131:14,16,17,19,20 131:22 132:3,4,6,6 132:8,10,11,18 133:9,9,20,21 134:2 134:3,17,19,22 135:6 136:5,9,14 139:18 141:10,10 141:11,11 149:20 154:8 role 44:25 70:8 roles 135:20 roll 26:9 room 17:13 18:11 22:8,10 24:15 27:16 27:24 28:9 30:19 56:19 59:11 62:5 69:22 75:11 81:25 119:24 120:9,11,13 120:17,19,23,24,25 121:14 122:14 123:9,12 125:8,11 125:14 128:10 129:9 133:6 139:25 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 148:16,20,23 150:21 151:6 152:8 152:9,10,12,20 154:16,18,20,22,23 159:16 160:3 rooms 137:16 154:11,11 rounds 109:4,6 routine 92:21 roy 3:15 5:15 rule 124:15 136:3 154:4 ruled 111:24 rules 5:11 20:16 ruling 5:23 42:2 43:12,15 107:23 127:9 156:2,6 running 16:23 130:13 152:16 runs 130:10______ s s 2:2 4:2,2 165:8 safe 106:10 117:8 135:14,21,25 143:3 safety 102:11 104:23,25 105:3,12 132:14,15 135:17 save 113:23 saw 48:2 saying 11:13 21:3,4 46:16 57:11 59:14 74:13,13 75:18 85:13,18,19,24 86:23 102:15 106:12 140:18 142:2 157:15 says 33:20 45:17 51:21 58:3 63:11 64:20 68:15,16,22 69:6 70:16 78:25 80:14,24 85:4 87:6 91:4 92:20 93:8 98:21,23 103:11 115:19 116:4,17 516-608-2400 Page 19 [says - speaking] 117:4 118:10,11,20 120:15 121:10 125:13 147:3 162:16 schedule 158:15 schizophrenia 55:14 school 12:5 Schoolcraft 1:4 20:2 79:11 159:7,14 160:21 schooling 12:4 scope 29:13 48:21 49:2 51:4 53:12,16 54:5,6 55:3 57:10 61:21 62:15 63:8 83:17 84:5,19 85:17 96:12 108:10,17 113:21 127:12,20 143:21,24 144:5,5 144:11,20 145:5,7 145:21 146:11,15 156:9,15 157:5,9,21 158:3 scoppetta 2:16 second 17:6 26:19 27:3 34:24 45:16 56:20 60:20 71:25 82:20 86:13,15,18 86:25 87:15,25 88:3 88:14,18 91:2,6,11 92:9,11,24 93:4,21 93:24 94:20 98:5,17 99:22 101:20 102:5 102:10,16,18,20 secondly 5:14,22 section 65:12,15,22 66:2 69:17 99:5 116:8 118:8,14 152:14,14 154:3 see 6:23 16:22 24:11 24:15 25:3,8 26:19 34:2,5 45:19 52:25 53:2 57:2 58:18 63:22 64:24 67:20 68:17 70:18 71:15 212-267-6868 71:21 72:4,19 73:2 76:15,23 77:2 78:21 79:3 81:10,13 91:7 92:25 93:11 94:18 101:6 106:5 117:13 120:15 121:14 123:16,21 125:25 128:4 133:15 148:5 seek 135:7 seeking 135:14 seiff 2:16 self 27:23 31:19 55:16 56:2 sense 129:17 151:4 sent 121:18 123:11 126:25 sentence 93:8,18 separate 124:22 154:22 serious 64:23 71:14 71:20 72:24 serve 8:4,7 served 86:3 service 8:6,12 30:20 61:3 97:6 107:6,10 108:7,24 110:24 111:4 115:5 117:12 services 10:20 24:15 28:22 48:15 60:13 61:4 62:6 114:21 115:13,16 116:2 118:22 session 111:4 sessions 108:24 109:18 111:7 set 166:9,19 seven 9:6 115:8 143:13 sheet 167:1 shelter 73:12 show 21:19 66:12 68:2 79:8 112:2,4 112:13 118:2 143:8 showing 31:8 shown 30:25 146:24 shows 66:18 sick 124:19 side 104:24 105:2,3 124:10 sign 70:10 80:10 161:15 signature 91:20 signed 81:20 155:13 161:21 signing 82:16 162:6 163:2 signs 85:12 161:8,16 161:18 silent 124:16 simply 92:10 sir 40:12 43:21 68:17 81:10 158:13 159:23 160:13 situation 101:18 133:4 situations 101:24 six 63:10,18 sixth 44:3 skipped 110:18 slight 111:14 slightly 31:7 small 13:18 smelling 132:25 smith 2:4 5:2 6:12 7:11,19 14:24 15:3 16:13 22:15,23 23:2 23:10 29:17,22 30:11,22,24 31:6,14 35:6,10,15,19 36:4 37:7,22 38:14 39:2 39:10,17,23 40:2,20 40:23 41:8,13 42:6 42:11,20,23 46:23 47:2 48:23 49:3,11 49:14,18 50:2 51:6 51:11,17 52:6,13,19 53:2 54:10 65:19 66:8,16,22 67:6,25 83:20 84:2,6,10,21 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 85:8 86:13 87:3,10 87:20 95:22,25 96:6 96:13 97:10 99:21 99:25 100:5,17,21 101:5,11 108:11 110:2,13,19 111:16 112:4,16 113:23 127:9,14 133:14 134:9,13 138:8,18 138:23 139:2 143:8 143:13 144:23 145:6,10,24 146:19 148:3,8 153:17 155:19 156:20 157:6 158:8 159:17 160:14,24 161:12 161:24 162:3 164:9 165:4 somebody 45:23 49:21 53:5 69:8 75:17 76:5 94:25 103:19 105:15,20 106:12 126:5 130:3 130:16 133:2 134:23 150:15 151:9 154:5 160:19 163:20 soon 59:2 78:13,16 93:25 119:14 139:20 140:25 141:4,6 sorry 16:7 20:23 34:9 65:9 71:18 131:19 135:10 sort 15:3 33:15 53:20 72:13 sound 138:17 source 48:3 90:5,10 sources 74:6 77:24 89:3,19,24 southern 1:2 speak 18:25 19:15 speakerphone 100:8 speaking 47:23 516-608-2400 Page 20 [specific - talked] specific 34:7,9 37:10 55:25 64:5 90:12 128:8 specifically 96:6 146:16 specified 58:24 specify 72:20 speculation 162:9 speeches 54:14 spell 26:4 113:3 spend 13:24 14:2,3 47:22,24 spends 47:18 split 84:23,24 splitting 87:10,12 spoke 43:3 159:13 spoken 19:18,21,24 20:3 square 126:25 squarely 84:19 stabilize 137:8,9,15 138:10 139:4 stabilizing 137:17 stable 122:3 staff 25:19,23 31:23 48:2,7 60:11,16,20 60:21,23 61:4,12,16 68:22,24 69:10,21 70:22 71:6,10 73:20 74:4 77:5 78:2 80:5 80:8,25 81:9 82:17 82:22 83:5,7 85:12 88:7 89:9,17 90:9 97:2 107:11 108:25 121:14 125:14 139:19 142:16 143:2,3 150:3 160:10 162:25 163:21 stage 160:2 stake 66:24 stand 38:22 standard 34:16 35:9 35:11 59:10 140:11 212-267-6868 stands 130:11 start 9:21 44:6 59:3 108:6,23 152:16,20 started 9:9 10:17 40:13 42:7 109:5,10 starting 33:16 44:10 44:11 starts 81:18 116:13 118:23 130:12,13 150:11 154:14 state 1:20 7:7,13 12:10,18,24 13:10 14:12 15:18,20,25 65:5 70:18 75:10 80:19 95:12,18 96:10 97:19 166:5 statement 26:23 27:2 44:14,18 51:19 53:19 55:5,19 56:21 57:2,18,23 58:3,13 64:19 65:2,7 70:15 72:13 76:14 88:20 88:22 92:20 94:9 97:15 98:21 116:4 119:25 143:14 153:19 165:17 statements 21:22 23:20 44:22,22 90:7 139:18 states 1:2 stating 120:23 status 15:24 26:23 37:11 44:2 64:19 79:21 80:11 81:3 91:3 94:12 103:2 104:11 106:6 114:10 128:2,21 149:6 statute 66:10,17 68:13 69:7 97:8 stay 19:13 104:19,21 117:9 118:4,11 149:7 steel 144:3 steven 2:17 sure 13:19 15:8 21:6 stipulated 4:3,8,12 21:16,18 22:16,19 stop 21:2 41:21 27:4 36:10 44:12 86:20 53:3 62:16 83:2 street 1:12 2:8,13 84:6 88:25 91:11 3:6,10 5:5 93:6,21 95:8,13 96:23 97:2 98:11 sub 72:21 subject 64:20 81:24 99:14 102:11,16 83:21,22 86:4 87:9 103:7 122:21 124:11 127:18 101:22 108:25 143:3 150:21 148:11 155:19 subscribed 164:17 153:10,24 162:19 167:22 suspect 67:11 substance 102:7 suzanna 2:14 163:5 swearing 7:3 substantial 128:3,14 sweet 43:9 131:17,19,20 132:3 sweet's 5:23 43:4 100:3 132:7,10,17 133:6,9 133:21 134:3,17 sworn 4:6 7:6 139:18 141:10 164:17 166:10 167:22 154:7 symptoms 55:16 success 2:22 suffered 151:4 58:19 suffering 56:10,17 syosset 8:19 103:12 system 29:3 sufficient 103:3 t 116:18,23 119:8,9 t 4:2,2 5:15 165:8 130:2 131:21 132:7 take 6:5 20:6,20 134:22 21:5 36:22 43:19 suggest 42:5 156:10 48:17 74:15 100:23 suggested 41:14 11011 117-7 106:13 119:12 124:9,18 suggestion 35:20 taken 1:18 23:12 94:11 101:10 111:21 suggestive 31:7,11 112:11 121:17 suggests 72:14 138:25 148:7 151:5 supervising 63:24 takes 46:15 47:11 70:12 130:9 supervision 62:19 talk 14:21 59:4 63:15 60:17 109:22 117:5 supervisor 17:11 117:6,12 138:21 supposed 25:13 80:3 148-4 supreme 115:10,24 talked 112:17 116:20 117:17 113:10 125:5 150:7 118:2 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 21 [talking - unit] talking 46:19,21,21 46:23 60:7 101:14 116:16 118:6 120:12 137:20,22 142:3 160:20,21 talks 86:14 124:24 target 66:25 taught 60:21 109:2 technically 140:10 tell 18:18 21:10 26:25 33:6,22 40:3 40:5 41:22 50:11,14 52:2 54:2,12 67:10 79:18 95:15 117:11 138:16 139:5 158:13 telling 51:6,20 57:5 59:18 85:9 86:17 89:6,16 tense 35:5 term 55:3,4 132:17 132:19 134:17 136:24,25 139:4,7,8 139:9 terms 52:4 100:25 test 123:20 testified 7:8 22:17 testify 38:10 85:6 109:23 147:12 testimony 19:10 166:11 testing 124:6 tests 123:19 thank 100:6,17 161:23 164:9 thing 10:7 21:8 24:9 64:14 125:10 137:3 137:4 things 5:10,1833:4 41:5 45:22 52:11 109:21 111:8 147:7 162:18 think 15:12 17:23 26:3 28:21 31:10 35:19 37:16 43:5 212-267-6868 50:7 52:10 77:21 85:19 86:20 96:25 98:25 99:23 103:11 103:12,16 108:17 110:10,20 115:8 116:17 118:11 121:20 127:14 133:24 135:24 136:8,14 140:12 141:11 146:8,12,21 151:22 157:9 159:7 thinks 66:23 67:7 88:4 118:3 133:16 third 2:8 14:5 102:21,22,23,24 103:4 104:7,20 112:23 113:13 thought 49:24 98:15 threat 160:19 threatens 130:9 threats 34:7,10 72:10 three 11:18 24:2 45:2 63:10,17 109:6 threshold 63:17 64:3,10 tie 142:25 time 1:19 4:15 6:11 8:2,12 13:18,23 14:6 21:5 24:23,25 34:14 36:21,21 44:16 47:22,25 48:14,15 58:17 62:17 70:7 78:11 80:4 81:6,13,17,18 81:20 82:11 84:13 85:9 91:19,20,21,23 106:23,25 109:15 110:9 115:19 117:10 118:21 140:3,13,20 146:23 152:21 155:22 156:2 158:18 159:15 162:15 164:12 timeframe 46:20 60:18 137:18 timeframes 152:15 title 8:23 10:15 69:25 today 5:16,21 19:3,5 24:6 37:2,13 38:10 38:24 39:3 107:5 109:18 137:3 148:14 today's 17:22 told 19:13 21:8 41:13 100:12 tools 128:8 topics 147:16,18,19 traffic 130:12,13 training 11:11,14,15 12:13 48:7 49:13 50:10,16,22 62:24 107:6,10,14,15 108:8,24 109:18 110:24 111:4,7 transcript 5:13 6:6 21:4 166:10 transfer 122:19 152:8,11 transferred 28:12 122:13 126:16 148:21,22 149:8,22 152:19 154:15 163:9 transferring 120:8 transmitted 123:4 traumatic 55:15 treated 139:11 treating 15:22 treatment 38:11 56:24 57:13 58:5,9 59:3 73:12 81:5 106:8 107:13 122:4 124:14 143:4 149:9 149:21 150:24 159:12,15 trial 4:15 5:24 6:5 6:11 8:2 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY trigger 116:18 117:16 150:5 true 76:6 121:6 166:11 try 35:21 74:5 106:5 146:23 trying 50:2 75:17 105:24 106:2 108:12 110:3,13 138:9,11 tuesday 119:21 tuesdays 119:18 turn 43:21 114:8 119:22 127:25 two 5:17 11:19 27:9 27:21 71:20,21 78:21,22 85:24 95:5 95:6 104:3 109:6 112:17 113:12 158:25 159:2 type 57:6 types 28:19 101:23 typically 36:17_____ u u 4:2 5:15 26:5 uh 68:20 umbrella 9:19 undefined 132:19 undergoing 62:24 understand 7:21 21:14 23:3 30:7 56:9 57:4 59:13 60:14 74:12 75:15 84:7 102:14 108:12 116:6 118:8 131:4 138:9,12 140:9 146:20 152:22 understanding 95:12,16 96:9 97:20 98:4 99:5 106:11 unfortunately 101:8 unit 9:10 10:6,11,12 10:14,14,17 91:19 92:16 114:20 516-608-2400 [unit - written] 116:15 120:10,14 120:18 121:12 122:10,12 125:15 125:20 united 1:2 unknown 6:24,24 unspecified 58:17 update 25:14 updated 107:11 updates 48:15 ups 156:24 upstate 12:21 use 139:8,9 143:17 145:14 147:5,18 utilized 111:19 __ v v 7:5,15,15 vacation 38:17 vagran tly 146:4 valhalla 11:12 valid 75:6,8,19 124:25 valley 12:18 van 7:17 verbally 92:9,12 111:8,12 verify 76:18 victor 7:16 view 85:21 130 :15 views 135 :19 vinod 1:17 8:1 9:1 10:1 11:1 12:1 13:1 14:1 15:1 16:1 17:1 18:1 19:1 20:1 21:1 22:1 23:1 24:1 25:1 26:1 27:1 28:1 29:1 30:1 31:1 32:1 33:1 34:1 35:1 36:1 37:1 38:1 39:1 40:1 41:1 42:1 43:1 44:1 45:1 46:1 47:1 48:1 49:1 50:1 51:1 52:1 53:1 54:1 55:1 56:1 57:1 58:1 59:1 60:1 61:1 212-267-6868 Page 22 62:1 63:1 64:1 65:1 66:1 67:1 68:1 69:1 70:1 71:1 72:1 73:1 74:1 75:1 76:1 77:1 78:1 79:1 80:1 81:1 82:1 83:1 84:1 85:1 86:1 87:1 88:1 89:1 90:1 91:1 92:1 93:1 94:1 95:1 96:1 97:1 98:1 99:1 100:1 101:1 102:1 103:1 104:1 105:1 106:1 107:1 108:1 109:1 110:1 111:1 112:1 113:1 114:1 115:1 116:1 117:1 118:1 119:1 120:1 121:1 122:1 123:1 124:1 125:1 126:1 127:1 128:1 129:1 130:1 131:1 132:1 133:1 134:1 135:1 136:1 137:1 138:1 139:1 140:1 141:1 142:1 143:1 144:1 145.T 146:1 147:1 148:1 149:1 150:1 151:1 152:1 153:1 154:1 155.T 156:1 157:1 158:1 159:1 160:1 161:1 162.T 163:1 164:1,14 165:4 166:8 167:20 violate 146:7 violating 146:4,13 violent 72:9 vivek 19:7,1126:7,8 45:11 93:14,14,15 volume 137:18 voluntary 18:21 94:12 104:16,18 142:3 w wait 163:2 waited 43:12,12 155:25 waiting 148:20 waived 4:10 walking 130:14 want 7:23 8:14 29:14,21,22,24 31:14 38:3,7,8 39:2 39:13,15,20,21 41:11,19,25 46:20 50:11 53:13 54:4,12 54:25 57:16 66:9,12 79:8 84:23,25 96:7 98:24 101:5 102:11 104:6 109:12 114:22 116:17 118:10,20,24 119:7 122:20 133:12 140:15 143:8 148:4 151:18 152:23 155:10 156:7 157:16 wanted 43:19 wants 114:22 117:14 ward 10:4,8 16:4 17:13 27:16 30:20 116:15 121:18 Washington 2:9 way 27:21,25 28:2 30:13 36:12 37:7 38:4 42:12 52:14 80:16 84:18 106:13 112:23,24 113:13 137:2 166:16 ways 27:14,2171:21 112:18 we've 7:19 43:12 week 109:7 119:17 weekday 92:21 weekends 158:20,21 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY went 9:10 11:8 12:5 109:11 Westchester 11:23 whereof 166:19 white 51:21 123:25 Whitehall 3:6 willing 58:22 59:4 104:19 wingdale 12:21 wish 114:21 115:5 withdraw 112:3,12 witness 7:4,5,21 8:8 14:20,20 18:16 22:14,17 23:6 24:7 29:6 30:4 31:2 37:5 38:19 40:2,4 43:20 52:7,23 55:8 67:7 68:2 85:5 97:11 100:9 108:2 109:23 110:6 134:5,12 137:22 138:20 146:2,25 147:11,17 155:24 156:23 157:3 161:14 165:3 166:8,12,19 witness's 167:1 witnesses 7:21 words 29:23 84:23 103:14 131:22 133:17 work 8:21 10:24 14:3,12 62:4 158:15 162:13 163:25 worked 12:17 working 8:20 9:8,21 13:23,25 14:6 17:12 40:13 98:10 workup 124:12 write 103:6 119:5 writing 23:14 59:21 59:22 111:9,13,23 115:4 117:18,22,24 118:25 152:4 written 59:14 108:7 111:18 115:22 516-608-2400 Page 23 [written - zivku] 118:23 119:10 151:23 153:5 165:16 wyck 7:18_________ x x 1:3,11 165:1,8____ __________y__________ yeah 10:9 21:25 24:13,17 26:24 27:4 28:5 29:6 32:10 35:15 43:24 45:21 54:4 67:24 71:22 72:22 78:24 84:10 99:24 102:23 113:2 113:7 137:23 140:10 141:7 142:6 year 25:13 114:4,5 years 9:5,6 11:18,19 12:12 39:6 40:4,6 67:2 109:19 yelling 142:16 york 1:2,8,12,12,20 2:5,5,11,12,13,13,18 2:18,22 3:6,6,11,11 7:7 8:19 11:11,22 11:24 12:13,22 65:4 65:11 70:18 75:10 80:19 95:12 96:10 97:19 166:6_______ z zivku 1:19 166:4,24 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400

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