Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 398

FILING ERROR - DUPLICATE DOCKET ENTRY - DECLARATION of NATHANIEL B. SMITH in Opposition re: 297 MOTION for Summary Judgment .. Document filed by Adrian Schoolcraft. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit POX 19, # 2 Exhibit POX 20, # 3 Exhibit POX 21, # 4 Exhibit POX 22, # 5 Exhibit POX 23, # 6 Exhibit POX 24, # 7 Exhibit POX 25, # 8 Exhibit POX 26, # 9 Exhibit POX 27)(Smith, Nathaniel) Modified on 2/17/2015 (db).

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Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT, Plaintiff, -against- Index No. 10CIV-6005 (RWS) - 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPUTY CHIEF MICHAEL MARINO, Tax Id. 873220, Individually and in his Official Capacity, ASSISTANT CHIEF PATROL BOROUGH BROOKLYN NORTH GERALD NELSON, Tax Id. 912370, Individually and in his Official Capacity, DEPUTY INSPECTOR STEVEN MAURIELLO, Tax Id. 895117, Individually and in his Official Capacity, CAPTAIN THEODORE LAUTERBORN, Tax Id. 897840, Individually and in his Official Capacity, LIEUTENANT JOSEPH GOFF, Tax Id. 894025, Individually and in his Official Capacity, stg. Frederick Sawyer, Shield No. 2576, Individually and in his Official Capacity, SERGEANT KURT DUNCAN, Shield No. 2483, Individually and in his Official Capacity, LIEUTENANT TIMOTHY CAUGHEY, Tax Id. 885374, Individually and in his Official Capacity, SERGEANT SHANTEL JAMES, Shield No. 3004, and P.O.'s "JOHN DOE" 1-50, Individually and in their Official Capacity (the name John Doe being fictitious, as the true names are presently unknown) (collectively referred to as "NYPD defendants"), JAMAICA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER, DR. ISAK ISAKOV, Individually and in his Official Capacity, DR. LILIAN ALDANA-BERNIER, Individually and in her Official Capacity and JAMAICA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER EMPLOYEES "JOHN DOE" # 1-50, Individually 25 (Continued) 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 144 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 A. Yes, 3 Q. You understand that 4 that 5 was 6 performing; you hear there was a time performing well is 7 A. Q. I the tape. to mean that Schoolcraft and now he is not that right? Yes. 8 that on 9 10 want to show you what's been marked as the next exhibit. series roll of 11 MR. 12 is 13 through 14 call It's a transcripts. SMITH: For the record this 10350. Bates NYC 10357 15 359 [The document was as 17 identification, 18 Q. transcripts 20 think mostly of roll 21 mentioned some of 22 transcripts 23 Floyd case or during of various 2008, 212-267-6868 not 10365, and this these for date.] are recordings. call. I I believe you these before as being that you heard playing at the The first 31, of Inspector, 19 24 as it's hereby marked Plaintiff's Exhibit 50 So, -- and then 10366, 16 25 through the Floyd case. one is dated October and there is a'reference VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www there 516-608-2400 Page 145 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 attributable 3 groups 4 them cuffed, 5 and that you have overtime; 6 want them herded in here 7 Eve. to be brought in this And that's that you want is at the top of page, and, quote, on I like New Year's on line 18 and 19. Do you see that reference, 8 9 to you to how you except any sir, the first page? 10 A. Yes, 11 Q. Is I do. that a roll statement that you 12 made during a call about wanting 13 individuals brought in like New Year's 14 Eve? 15 A. Yes, 16 Q. What did you mean when you were 17 saying 18 explain that to me? did. "like New Year's Eve," A. 19 I Certain days 20 very radio backlogged. 21 say, 22 Year's 23 can you of the year are talking. Halloween, I Fourth of July, have to there parade going on in Manhattan. 212-267-6868 New slow down when I'm What happened is 24 25 Eve. A good thing to is a A lot of VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 146 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 times they can't go up to 3 warrant checks 4 the radio so 5 people in to do so i t ' s hard to do i t over they have to bring the violent night as 8 9 the the warrant checks. New Year's Eve again is a 6 7 the do whole is Halloween. got to go into I very this, the thing. 10 We got a lot of intelligence 11 talking about Halloween. 12 intelligence from the gang division came 13 down and talked to 14 initiations 15 Here I got the officers about they're hearing. Most of these officers probably 16 I would say probably all have experience 17 on Halloween at the 81st Precinct. Gang initiation going to cut 18 19 people in 20 and Crips. 21 the face to get into the Bloods You're hearing about knock out Back then i t was 22 punch. 23 the knock out punch. 24 walking up 25 in the face. 212-267-6868 to a group doing Now i t ' s one person somebody and punching them Back then i t was groups VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 147 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 jumping one person, 3 over to 4 beat them up, gang heard. the next victim. 5 and go That's what With that community board 6 president called me up, 7 counsel president called me up. 8 were all worried. 9 worried, getting feedback 11 They The politicians, Halloween, 10 community, how where all they were community. It's 12 from the people in the a very violent night. 13 They were worried about the safe 14 it's a 15 zones 16 making sure they're all 17 and from. 18 coming home from work the subway. 19 Transit beefs Housing beefs 20 up. weekday, kids coming home to you have This school to put cops out there right coming to Cops out there for people i t up. is all meant herd i t , I group i f there is if 22 a 23 situation or summonsable situation, 24 can't go up citywide go over the 25 bring them in the house and do 212-267-6868 it related. When 21 if I have an arrestable you radio, the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 148 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 investigation in 3 for 4 If 5 for 6 they are 7 back out on in warrants the house there they don't have someone Q. 8 they the Is ID, say run they have you have come in to who if and the are ID. to wait house they them to say and go street. the reason why you the warrants more quickly in 10 course a 11 can't do busy night? 9 is because this is the ordinary particularly 12 A. Two prong, busy night and 13 frequency they go up to 14 the 15 detail 16 July 17 frequency Halloween parade, in Manhattan, in Manhattan. radio is being used for New Year's and They the Eve Fourth of take the over. At 18 the one 19 the 20 a 21 And they will t e l l you 22 they it. 23 with written 24 them in 25 212-267-6868 say, can go up check. can't do the 911 central, What is I your 1018 or want to i t there. warrant and time you to do location? 1019. Now They were backlogged radio house on runs the so they bring computer and do VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 245 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 A. No. 3 Q. Are you familiar with 4 the term "blue wall of silence"? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. What is it? 7 MR. 8 You may answer. A. 9 I KRETZ: guess 10 paper that cops 11 which is a Q. 12 a Objection. book or was in the don't rat on other cops lie. What is the term blue wall 13 silence or code of silence, 14 a want to know what your 15 understanding is; whether or not you 16 think or accurate 17 representation? reference it's A. 18 to? a I fair I what is of that don't believe in the blue 19 wall 20 something wrong, 21 it. 22 23 24 25 of silence. Q. What is If someone does you report i t , the blue wall that's of silence? A. Just what i t says, that officers won't rat out another officer or 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 246 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 won't retaliate against another officer; 3 just protect the other officer which I 4 don't agree with. 5 Q. Do you agree 6 attitude within 7 service 8 there is some members an other officers? that officers of the shouldn't rat out 9 A. I 10 Q. You don't know? 11 A. You are asking me 12 there is 13 matter what happened, 14 to rat out another officer, 15 to Q. population on this think believe that. 16 a don't know. I they are not going I don't think you are characterizing 17 my question in a 18 unfairly way that suggests i t so I ' l l rephrase Do you believe 19 job that no in the the question. there are 20 pressures 21 institutionally part of the 22 inhibit officers from reporting 23 misconduct that they otherwise might be 24 required to 212-267-6868 job that report? MS. 25 job that are systemic or PUBLICKER METTHAM: VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 247 1 S. 2 MAURIELLO Objection. 3 MR. KRETZ: 4 You may answer. Objection. 5 A. No. 6 Q. I'm going to 7 being marked as MR. 8 9 10 the show you what's next exhibit, SMITH: This was previously marked as a Let's mark 22. 22, this as [The document was 11 12 as 13 identification, I 14 This 47. a don't have as well. hereby marked for this date.] two-page document NYC 15 2846 16 Brown to 17 11th, 2009. 18 Q. Have you ever seen 19 to is of actually 57 Plaintiff's Exhibit 57 as 57. It's a letter from Steven Mauriello, James dated March this document before? 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. When did you 22 first see i t for the time? 23 A. I 24 Q. Of 2009? 25 A. Of 2009. 212-267-6868 guess sometime in March. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 341 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 Q. What happened next? 3 A. We were outside Chief Marino 4 comes 5 update. 6 husband and wife were 7 They gave 8 Lauterborn 9 on. 10 up, huddles At a the everybody up, time key I the to talking. Captain and discussing what was They were pretty adamant Officer Schoolcraft was an landlord the there think gets going that home. 11 Q. Who was 12 A. The 13 Q. Did you have any discussions 14 with either adamant? landlord. the landlord or the landlady? 15 A. No. 16 Q. Were you present when anybody 17 else had any discussions 18 landlord or A. 19 the they gave 20 Captain Lauterborn, 21 Chief Marino was 22 was the Q. 23 highest Lauterborn was 25 from 212-267-6868 they handling the key to stepped back. the scene. He ranking. Were you present when 24 the the landlady? After with either discussing getting the key landlord? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 366 1 S. MAURIELLO 2 Q. When you went into 3 apartment, 4 bed and he hadn't hurt himself, you MS. 5 saw he was the laying on his right? PUBLICKER METTHAM: 6 Objection. 7 A. 8 9 We s t i l l have to do an investigation why he left, Q. Going to that, 10 can you point me to 11 or anybody else 12 direct him to go back 13 conduct some in yes. what authority that authorizes the apartment to you to the precinct to sort of investigation? 14 A. That's what was 15 Marino said we were going 16 investigation and bring him back 17 precinct so . . . . 18 19 20 Q. So Chief Marino said. to Chief conduct an to told you the that's what you guys were going to do? A. That's what he If he's not said when safe, 21 huddled up. 22 i f he 23 because he wanted to 24 going to bring him back for 25 they God forbid investigation. 212-267-6868 is not hurt, if he is not coming leave work, we were an VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 367 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 Q. 3 course 4 A. I 5 Q. What is 6 patrol 7 procedure, 8 commanding officers 9 house and take 10 that of conduct? don't know the authority. the authority, guide procedure, A. administrative something else that authorizes to go them back the into for somebody's an their precinct? We went there because we thought he hurt himself. Q. 13 14 the authority for investigation into 11 12 What is You're not answering my question, 15 Inspector. I want know what authority you 16 believed exists which authorized you, 17 Marino, 18 Schoolcraft's 19 return 20 investigation? A. 21 or anybody else to the precinct for Officially, He's he's 23 He's 24 left without permission. 25 MOS. not off duty. is into an an s t i l l on duty. s t i l l an on-duty MOS. He left work. There go apartment and order him to 22 212-267-6868 to He's on duty. He's He an on-duty investigation VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www to be 516-608-2400 ยทยท. Page 368 S. 1 2 MAURIELLO done. 3 Q. Right. 4 A. It's 5 and never 6 off duty and never 7 left. 8 walked out. 10 showed up He was Q. 9 not like he stayed home to work and he was came to work. suppose to be on duty, Do you have a somebody for just right to arrest going off duty? MR. 11 He KRETZ: Objection. 12 A. 13 you're 14 no arrest there. 15 at his 16 there because we thought he hurt himself. 17 You know I know that. You heard 18 his tapes how he set i t up. All 19 You want 20 that, 21 truth. 22 Q. 23 Inspector, I 24 answers some of my questions. First of all, 212-267-6868 don't know what saying about arresting. apartment. that, to it's Third of all, There was i t was we went right. come over here and slant to the farthest I to Second of all, thing from the don't want to argue with you, would like The question 25 I to get some I had on VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www the table 516-608-2400 Page 369 S. 1 2 that 3 identify any authority in 4 guide, 5 else 6 Marino or anybody else at 7 remove or order Officer Schoolcraft to 8 return to 9 A. 10 I don't MAURIELLO think you answered: the patrol administrative guide, that authorizes you Can you to or any place or Chief the scene to the precinct against his will? He is s t i l l an on-duty member of service. 11 Q. I'm sorry? 12 A. He's an on-duty member of He's s t i l l on duty. 13 14 service. Q. That's your answer 15 A. the question? 16 to We went there 17 he hurt himself. 18 know off 19 procedure. 20 'cause we thought thought he hurt himself. the That's it. I don't top of my head what rule or We went there because we 21 Q. 22 question? 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. During the huddle before the 25 entry, 212-267-6868 Is am I that your answer correct there was to my a VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 370 1 S. MAURIELLO 2 discussion about what you are going 3 as i f Officer Schoolcraft was 4 inside 5 physically seeming fine, a group the to do apartment and he was right? 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. Who 8 A. Chief Marino. 9 Q. What did Chief Marino 10 A. We were here said what about that? to make say? sure 11 didn't hurt himself, 12 himself. 13 realize he didn't hurt himself, 14 playing a 15 to go back 16 investigation with GOs. If we game, to go he in God forbid he there he hurt and we left work, he was then he has the precinct and conduct an 17 Q. What did you mean by GOs? 18 A. Getting interviewed on 19 under oath. 20 lawyer 21 They interview you: 22 Why to this? Q. 23 They get come It's Is and s i t there with you. an Why did you i t your understanding 25 to 212-267-6868 leave? investigation. the police department has an tape the department 24 compel the officer to go the that authority forward with VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 371 S. 1 2 that type 3 against of MAURIELLO investigation on the spot that person's will? MS. 4 5 Objection. 6 A. PUBLICKER METTHAM: I wasn't in the apartment. 7 don't know happened afterward. 8 telling you we went there 9 was all I'm to make sure he right. Q. 10 I Had you ever before directed an 11 officer to return 12 command for to the precinct or the an investigation? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. How many times 15 A. Numerous 16 incidents, 17 did that happen? times: wife said something MOS did, the husband. You 18 bring both parties in and you 19 especially, 20 related to 21 Q. 22 an allegation Off-duty when there is a a find out, weapon it. On any of any of members 23 A. Q. Am I of service occasions, refuse did to go? No. 24 those 25 time 212-267-6868 correct this that an officer was is the first ordered to go VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Paqe 381 S. 1 MAURIELLO 2 told Lieutenant Brosschart to qo with him 3 in the ambulance. Q. 4 5 Did Officer Schoolcraft say anythinq that you heard? 6 A. No. 7 Q. Did anybody say anythinq 9 A. Not that I 10 Q. What happened next? 11 A. Everybody came out. 8 to him? 12 the car, 13 start the 14 Q. went back to know of. We qot in the precinct to investiqation. Am I correct that i t was back 15 at the precinct, 16 investiqations, 17 i t was Brooklyn North that correct? those three officers; 18 A. Yes. 19 Q. And Chief Marino? 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. And Captain 22 A. No. 23 Q. Captain Lauterborn was 24 A. Yes. 25 Q. Is is 212-267-6868 [sic] Brosschart? Captain Lauterborn. there? that correct? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 382 1 S. MAURIELLO 2 A. Yes. 3 Q. And who else? 4 A. Myself. 5 Q. And was Crawford also at the GO 6 or the 7 A. No. 8 Q. Who else was at the 9 PG afterwards? investigation at the precinct? 10 A. I think they interviewed two 11 people: 12 Rodriguez 13 Q. Was 14 A. Not that I 15 Q. I t was at that meeting there a Sergeant Hoffman or Officer or Reyes. anybody else interviewed? know of. 16 was discussion about the fact 17 Officer Schoolcraft had a 18 is tape that recorder; that correct? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. Who mentioned that? 21 A. Brooklyn investigations might 22 23 have mentioned i t . Q. That was the first time 24 you heard anybody discuss the fact 25 Officer Schoolcraft had a tape 212-267-6868 that that recorder? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 383 S. 1 2 A. Yes. 3 Q. How MAURIELLO 4 long did this last? 5 A. 6 They have 7 representation and lawyers 8 Once the Q. 9 10 PG or GO I don't recall, to wait for not too union to show up. interviews were over, And long. these are I lawyers left. for the people being interviewed? 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. Did you have any discussions 13 either during 14 Lieutenant Caughey? 15 A. I that day or that night with believe Lieutenant Caughey 16 calls me up on Sunday afternoon when 17 was I off. 18 Q. The 19 A. Afternoon. 20 Q. The 21 A. Or 22 Q. But 23 next morning? next afternoon? night, yeah. that day you did not speak to him? 24 A. No. 25 Q. Did you 212-267-6868 speak to anybody at IAB VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 384 1 2 S. that day, MAURIELLO October 31, 2009. 3 A. No. 4 Q. You didn't speak 5 A. No. 6 Q. Did you ask anybody 7 Astor 8 speak to Astor. 10 to on your behalf? A. 9 to Astor? Q. 11 12 No. I have no relation with What did you discuss with Caughey Sunday afternoon? A. He called up. 13 what happened. 14 Schoolcraft left work. 15 well. 16 He went back 17 He was 18 investigations, 19 20 Q. That's what you 21 A. Yeah. 22 Q. What did Caughey 23 A. He "Officer He didn't feel just left without permission. to his house. He was AWOL. physically restrained by and he went to him and 25 and handed i t back took his memo book, to the told Caughey? tell you? said that day he 24 212-267-6868 said, said he heard hospital." He I He scratched scratched him him later on. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 385 S. 1 2 3 4 Q. MAURIELLO Did Caughey say anything else to you? A. Be said -- with that he said, 5 "I wondered because I 6 that have an effect why he left the 7 precinct?" 8 I 9 said he was 10 Q. said, "No, sick." scratched him. Did he left because he That was it. What did you understand Caughey 11 to be saying when he said did the 12 scratching have an effect on why Officer 13 Schoolcraft left the precinct? 14 A. I don't understand. 15 "Be went sick. 16 And that was 17 Q. It was a it. I said, bizarre night." Be hung up. Did Caughey tell you that he 18 thought that maybe he intimidated 19 Schoolcraft? 20 A. No, 21 Q. Did he suggest that to you? MS. 22 he did not say that. PUBLICKER METTBAM: 23 Objection. 24 A. No. 25 Q. Did Caughey tell you that he VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 212-267-6868 www 516-608-2400 Paqe 386 1 2 S. MAURIELLO threatened Schoolcraft? 3 A. No, 4 Q. Did Cauqhey tell you 5 made 8 9 me that he copy of Schoolcraft's memo book? A. 6 7 a he did not. Not that niqht. Be didn't tell that niqht. Did he tell you Q. he made a that niqht that photocopy of Officer 10 Schoolcraft's memo book and put i t your 11 desk drawer? 12 A. 13 into work 14 Q. 15 Not that niqht. When I came that Monday. Bow did you communicate with Cauqhey on Sunday afternoon? 16 A. Be called me. 17 Q. On your cell phone? 18 A. I 19 Q. Job cell phone? 20 A. I 21 Q. What is 22 believe believe. associated with 23 A. 24 or his 25 Q. 212-267-6868 I job phone. the phone number that phone number? don't know. home number. I His cell number don't even know. But you qot i t on your VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 387 S. 1 2 MAURIELLO department-issued BlackBerry, A. 3 Should be. MR. 4 right? SMITH: I going to call for 5 the production of the records 6 pertaining to calls, 7 received or sent from Inspector 8 Mauriello's 9 for November 2, 11 4, emails, cell phone or BlackBerry the days October 31, 10 12 texts, November 3, November 1, and November 2009. MR. KRETZ: Usual instructions, 13 put i t in written, 14 take i t under advisement. 15 Q. So am I please; and we will correct as of the time 16 that you went into Officer Schoolcraft's 17 apartment on October 31, 18 that Officer Schoolcraft had made any 19 reports 20 IAB? you were unaware of misconduct at the eight one to 21 A. That's correct. 22 Q. In your statements 23 Exhibit 47, IAB, at page 4938 24 MS. 25 we going into a 212-267-6868 to PUBLICKER METTBAM: Again, confidential portion VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 388 S. 1 2 in the 4 transcript. MR. 3 MAURIELLO SMITH: Let's label that part confidential. 5 MR. KOSTER: 6 MR. What time is KRETZ: We are at seven 7 hours. We can finish 8 questions, 9 observation if less but I it? was this line of just making the time was 10 the color of people's 11 shirts 12 substance. 13 utmost not to intrude on your 14 examination. And so 15 plus 16 spent on of questions. and more on matters a I SMITH: seven hours to finish this I'm not sure seven hours. I line agree with 19 don't agree with the characterization 20 with less 21 other matters, 22 more time debating that, 23 this line of questioning, 24 discuss 25 can time or more I i t is 18 212-267-6868 the of have done my absolute few minutes MR. 17 jackets and certainly time spent on but rather than wasting I will finish and we will how we want to proceed if we reach an understanding. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 389 S. 1 MAURIELLO [Whereupon, 2 the following 3 deemed confidential:] 4 Q. is I direct your attention to page 5 4938 of your 6 line 9 MS. 11 12 13 PUBLICKER METTBAM: This portion should be confidential. MR. 9 10 On -- 7 8 PG i t ' s also page 51. Q. SMITH: On line 9, Yes. aren't you saying here that Caughey called you that night? A. I got confused. I t was the next night. 14 Q. 15 incorrect, 16 So what you told IAB is correct? but what you told me is 17 A. Yes, 18 Q. Bow do you know that? 19 A. They know i t . 20 IAB knows that. They interviewed other people probably too. 21 Q. Did you correct that 22 A. I t happen the next day. 23 called me. 24 Q. 25 question. 212-267-6868 statement? Be You're not answering my Did you correct the statement? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 390 S. 1 2 3 A. correct the didn't get a chance to statement. [Whereupon, 4 5 I MAURIELLO the following is deemed not confidential:] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 677 1 2 CONTINUED- STEVEN MAURIELLO feeling upset stomach or what. Q. 3 4 Are you familiar the building 120 Chauncey Street? 5 A. Yes, 6 Q. Is 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. While you were at the command at 9 the 81, 10 I am. that a dangerous building? there had been shots fired at that building, right? 11 A. 12 people shot, 13 shot at. Been shots fired, people scared. 14 Q. When when was 15 A. I t was 16 the date, numerous There was a a cop cop shot at? in the summer. I forget but -- 17 Q. Summer of what? 18 A. '08 or 19 Q. Who was 20 A. Officer Freanelli. 21 Q. What's an I09? 22 A. Interim order nine, 24 Q. What's is i t referring to? 25 A. Something with the 23 '09. I don't recall. the cop? I think i t is. 212-267-6868 -- VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www I don't 516-608-2400

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