Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 398

FILING ERROR - DUPLICATE DOCKET ENTRY - DECLARATION of NATHANIEL B. SMITH in Opposition re: 297 MOTION for Summary Judgment .. Document filed by Adrian Schoolcraft. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit POX 19, # 2 Exhibit POX 20, # 3 Exhibit POX 21, # 4 Exhibit POX 22, # 5 Exhibit POX 23, # 6 Exhibit POX 24, # 7 Exhibit POX 25, # 8 Exhibit POX 26, # 9 Exhibit POX 27)(Smith, Nathaniel) Modified on 2/17/2015 (db).

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Paqe 1 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 2 SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK 3 -----------------------------X ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT, 4 Plaintiff, 5 Index No. 6 10 Civ 6005 vs. (RWS) 7 8 CITY OF NEW YORK, 9 et al., Defendants. -----------------------------X 10 VOLUME II 11 12 13 CONTINUED DEPOSITION OF TIMOTHY CAUGHEY 14 New York, 15 Monday, New York December 9, 2013 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Reported by: 24 Diane Buchanan 25 JOB NO. 212-267-6868 1779274 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 58 T. 1 2 Schoolcraft was put on restricted duty? MR. 3 A. 4 5 Caughey I SHAFFER: Objection. believe i t was the day that he was put on restricted duty. 6 Q. How did you find out about that? 7 A. I believe health services called 8 the precinct and I 9 that day. spoke to health services Did they call me, I don't know. 10 Q. What did they tell you? 11 A. That he was placed on restricted 13 Q. Did they tell you anything else? 14 A. I 12 15 16 17 duty. don't recall it. I don't recall the conversation. Q. Do you recall who you spoke to at health services? 18 A. I 19 Q. Did you ever speak with Lieutenant 20 don't. Lee about Schoolcraft? 21 A. Lieutenant Lee, 22 Q. How many times did you speak with 23 yes. Lieutenant Lee? 24 A. I 25 Q. Who is Lieutenant Lee? 212-267-6868 don't know how many times. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 59 T. 1 2 3 A. I Caughey believe he was from early intervention. 4 Q. What is that? 5 A. It's a unit that i t ' s supposed to 6 help the police officers that are having 7 personal problems or problems with their 8 department. 9 Q. MR. 10 11 What kind of problems? A. I SHAFFER: Objection. could almost say any problems 12 that early intervention feels 13 of assistance with. 14 15 Q. Will they could be they help with psychological problems? 16 A. I 17 Q. Would they help with emotional 18 don't know. problems? MR. 19 SHAFFER: Objection. 20 A. I 21 Q. Where is early intervention? 22 A. I 23 Q. What did you discuss with Lee about 24 Schoolcraft? 25 A. 212-267-6868 I don't know. believe i t ' s at One Police Plaza. don't recall the conversation VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 60 T. 1 2 with Lieutenant Lee. Q. 3 4 Caughey Do you recall anything about your conversation with Lee? A. 5 If I did recall, Lieutenant Lee 6 telling me Officer Schoolcraft has to take 7 the first step and call him. 8 relayed that message to Officer Schoolcraft. MR. 9 SHAFFER: 10 Q. Can we open a door or window possibly. 11 So then I 12 So you called Lee -MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 13 Q. -- is that right? 14 A. I 15 did, but I'm not 100 percent accurate on that. Q. 16 17 believe I And can you tell me approximately when you called him? 18 A. I 19 Q. Did you call him before or after can't. 20 Officer Schoolcraft went on restricted 21 status? 22 A. 23 I so can't answer that. Q. 24 25 I'm not sure of the time frame, Was i t in 2009 that you spoke to Lee? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 61 T. 1 Caughey 2 A. I 3 Q. Did anybody tell you to call Lee 4 5 6 7 don't know. about Schoolcraft? A. Again, I don't know. I t was a time ago. Q. Do you recall anything else about 8 your discussions with Lee, 9 fact that Lee told you Schoolcraft has 10 long other than the to call him first? 11 A. That's all I 12 Q. Did you relay that information to 13 Schoolcraft? 14 A. Yes. 15 Q. What did he say? 16 17 18 19 MR. A. SHAFFER: Again, I recall. Objection. don't recall what Officer Schoolcraft's response was. Q. Do you have any knowledge about 20 whether or not he did contact early 21 intervention or Lieutenant Lee? 22 A. I 23 Q. So as far as you were concerned, 24 25 don't know if he did. the matter dropped right there? A. 212-267-6868 I don't know if the matter dropped. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 62 T. 1 2 I 3 Caughey don't know if he made that phone call or not. 4 Q. 5 phone call? 6 A. 7 I 10 11 I don't recall the conversations. don't know. Q. 8 9 Did you suggest to him he make the be a Why did you believe that i t would good idea for Schoolcraft to contact early intervention? A. I don't know the time frame of when 12 Lieutenant Lee was contacted, 13 what the situation around that was. 14 Q. So, so I sitting here today, don't know you have no 15 recollection about why you were contacting 16 early intervention, 17 A. I right? could say that Officer 18 Schoolcraft was having a 19 of problem, 20 Q. 21 What kind don't know. So you have no idea what kind of problem he was having in your mind? MR. 22 23 I problem. A. I SHAFFER: Objection. don't recall what situation 24 Officer Schoolcraft had at that time that 25 would have me call Lieutenant Lee. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 63 T. 1 Q. 2 Caughey Did you ever have any discussions 3 with Weiss about Schoolcraft going to or 4 contacting early intervention? A. 5 I don't recall the conversations. 6 I 7 when Lieutenant Lee was called. 8 9 can't put my handle on the time frame of Q. I'm not talking about when. you discuss with Weiss Did the idea that 10 Schoolcraft should contact early intervention 11 or Lieutenant Lee? 12 A. I don't recall because I don't 13 recall i f Sargent Weiss was my assistant at 14 that time. 15 Q. I turn your attention 16 your transcript of your 17 MR. to page 58 of SHAFFER: Once again, we are 18 discussing a 19 ask this portion of the transcript be 20 made confidential. 21 Q. 22 confidential document so I Page 58, that you have page, 23 A. Q. There's a Do sir? Yes. 24 Bates stamp 10,284. 25 reference on line 15 to Weiss being your assistant ICO from January 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 64 T. 1 2 of '08 Caughey to April of 2009. Do you see that? 3 4 A. I 5 Q. Does that refresh your recollection 6 do. that's when Weiss was the ICO assistant? 7 A. A general 8 Q. All right. 9 12 yes. So that's accurate, right -- 10 11 time frame, MR. Q. -- SHAFFER: Objection. to the best of your understanding? 13 A. I'm not saying i t ' s accurate. 14 Q. What are you saying? 15 A. I'm saying I don't recall what the 16 time frame was at that time. 17 about 2009, 18 when Sergeant Weiss was my assistant, 19 just not sure. 20 Q. which is a All right. You are talking long time ago. And I'm Turn to page 72. 21 There's a 22 thoughts of early intervention for 23 Schoolcraft. Do you see that, 24 25 question starting on line 11 about A. 212-267-6868 I sir, on line 11? do. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 65 T. 1 Q. 2 Caughey All right. And early intervention, 3 that was something that was offered to 4 Schoolcraft at the evaluation meetings you 5 attended; is that right? 6 A. I 7 Q. Look at your testimony in PG and 8 don't recall that. tell me if that refreshes your recollection. 9 A. It does 10 Q. Have you read the whole discussion 11 not. on this page and the following page? 12 A. I have not. 13 Q. Please do so find out whether or 14 not that refreshes your recollection about 15 discussions about. 16 A. Page 72 and 73? 17 Q. Yes. 18 72 It goes from line 11 on page through the middle of the next page. 19 Please read that and tell me 20 whether or not that refreshes your 21 recollection of any discussions 22 about early intervention with respect to 23 Schoolcraft. 24 A. 25 Does that you had refresh my memory on one aspect of this. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 66 T. 1 Q. 2 3 Caughey Okay. What does refresh your memory about -A. 4 The time frame again I'm not sure 5 of. 6 career he wanted to resign. 7 don't know. 8 lieutenant at that time so we can say 2004, 9 2005, 10 One point in Officer Schoolcraft's I think I maybe 2006. I was When that was, I the administrative believe i t was within that time frame. He was having trouble 11 I believe at 12 the time with his father. 13 or caregiver and his father was sick. 14 was He was going 15 through problems at home related to that. 16 think he wanted to retire and we might have 17 called Lieutenant Lee at that time. 18 He was a something there like that. Q. Well, caretaker There I this part of your PG talks 19 about discussing early intervention with 20 Schoolcraft at the meeting with all of the 21 supervisors in early 2009. 22 What I 23 not reading this 24 recollection about discussions about early 25 intervention then. 212-267-6868 want to know is whether or testimony refreshes your VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 67 T. 1 Caughey 2 A. It does not. 3 Q. Do you have any reason to believe 4 that the testimony or the statements that you 5 made as reflected on page 72, 6 through page 73, A. 7 line 10 are incorrect? There's -- i t appears 8 two time frames 9 the meeting, here. what was said at the meeting. 11 19, 12 There's a 13 is when he wanted to resign, 15 somebody called early intervention. in believe that '04, or '05 he was looking to resign then. Q. 17 page 72, 18 you, sir, Well, all right. If you look at line 11 there's a question put to and i t says: "Was 19 there any thought to early intervention? ANSWER: 21 22 I whole program here. He came back to the department, 06 • 16 20 I And if you look at line just don't recall. I to me there's I'm unfamiliar with 10 14 lines 11 It was offered to him. At the meeting i t was offered to him." Do you see that? 23 24 A. I 25 Q. And then i t goes on: 212-267-6868 do see that. "The VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 68 T. 1 Caughey 2 evaluation meeting period, the evaluation 3 meeting actually I 4 believe i t was Lieutenant Lee from early 5 intervention because he dealt with him too 6 this called up and I spoke to I two years before." 7 Do you see that reference? 8 A. I 9 Q. So am I do. correct that the subject of 10 early intervention came up at the meeting you 11 attended with the other senior officers at 12 the 81st about Schoolcraft's performance 13 evaluation? 14 A. I 15 Q. Do you have any reason to believe don't recall. 16 that the statements that you made from page 17 72, line 11 to 17 are false or incorrect? A. 18 They appear to be scrambled. We 19 are going from the meeting of his evaluation 20 to a couple of years earlier. 21 MR. SHAFFER: 22 that page, 23 I don't know. The words written on they are incorrect? THE WITNESS: 24 25 do you have reason to believe confusing, 212-267-6868 I would say they are confusing. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 69 1 T. Caughey 2 Q. And why are they confusing to you? 3 A. Because in my memory, which again 4 is from many years ago bouncing back from the 5 time he wanted to resign to that meeting day, 6 looks like I'm talking about both of them in 7 the same paragraph. Q. 8 9 a Turn to the next page, question, Did he go down? 73. There's And answer: 10 did go down. And what time frame was 11 is the question after that and then your 12 answer is, "He "After the evaluation meeting." Is 13 A. 14 that," I that accurate? don't know if that's accurate. 15 can't grasp the time frame. 16 grasping the time frame because i t ' s so long 17 ago. 18 statement, 19 Again, I I'm not Whether or not that's an accurate Q. I don't know. Putting aside the aircraft, is i t 20 accurate that Schoolcraft went to early 21 intervention after the meeting? 22 23 24 25 A. I don't know when he went to early intervention. Q. When was the first time you met Officer Schoolcraft? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 86 T. 1 Q. 2 Caughey Turn to page 14. of your PG. 3 MR. SHAFFER: 4 MR. SMITH: 40 or 14? 14. I t ' s actually 10,240 or page 14. 5 MR. 6 SHAFFER: We are referring to a 7 confidential document. 8 confidential portions of the transcript 9 be marked as such. 10 Q. 11 read before. 12 A. I 13 Q. Was I ask that If you need to read before, you can Did you look at that? have. there a reference to Mauriello 14 observing Schoolcraft sitting in a 15 for 16 Schoolcraft a restaurant three hours and you issuing to 17 command discipline for that? Do you have any recollection of 18 that at all? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. What do you recall? 21 A. Inspector Mauriello went to the 22 borough, 23 Upon him returning to the command, 24 that he observed Officer Schoolcraft at the 25 borough three -- two or three hours, 212-267-6868 which is our next highest command. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www he told me four 516-608-2400 Page 87 T. 1 2 hours, 3 meeting had ended with the personnel sergeant 4 at the borough. 5 command discipline to Officer Schoolcraft to 6 be an off post. Q. 7 I Caughey don't recall what i t is, after a Be then told me to issue a So Mauriello told you about 8 something that he observed, 9 are saying? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. And this was in 2009, 13 A. I 14 Q. Be told you that he saw Schoolcraft 15 sitting at a 16 Schoolcraft had had a meeting at the borough? 12 19 20 that what you sometime in 2009? don't know when i t was. MR. 17 18 is Q. Is diner or restaurant after SHAFFER: Objection. that what you are saying Mauriello told you? A. No. I'm saying he observed Officer 21 Schoolcraft in the area of the borough about 22 three hours after the meeting had ended. 23 think he was 24 or to the side of the borough. 25 Q. I standing in front of the borough When you say "the area of the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 212-267-6868 www 516-608-2400 Page 88 T. 1 2 borough," 3 A. 4 Q. what do you mean? Avenue. 5 Caughey 6 borough, 179, I think i t was 179 Wilson And that's the officers for patrol Brooklyn North? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. So Mauriello is 9 10 telling you he saw Schoolcraft at the borough meeting with a sergeant 11 MR. SHAFFER: 12 MR. KRETZ: Objection. Objection. 13 Q. -- 14 A. No. 15 Q. Tell me how I'm wrong. is that correct? Can you 16 tell me what i t is that Mauriello told you 17 again? MR. 18 21 22 23 Objection. A. Inspector Mauriello told me he Q. 19 20 SHAFFER: Inspector Mauriello was at the was borough? A. While he was there, he observed 24 Officer Schoolcraft at the borough. 25 the right of the borough, 212-267-6868 Be i t to in front of the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 89 T. 1 Caughey 2 borough, 3 area. 4 was 5 with Schoolcraft and the personnel sergeant, 6 three hours after that meeting. 7 8 saying at the borough is It was the general three hours -- he told me i t three hours after the meeting had ended Q. Let me interrupt you so understand. Was Mauriello at that meeting? MR. 9 I SHAFFER: Objection. 10 A. I 11 Q. Did you understand Mauriello to be don't know. 12 saying he saw Schoolcraft at a meeting at the 13 borough and then he saw Schoolcraft hanging 14 around after the meeting? 15 A. I'm not saying that. Officer 16 Schoolcraft had an assigned meeting time at 17 the borough with the personnel sergeant. 18 What time i t was, 19 after that meeting had ended, 20 Schoolcraft was 21 borough. 22 Q. I don't know. Three hours Officer observed in front of the What is your understanding how 23 Mauriello knew Schoolcraft had a meeting at 24 the borough? MR. 25 212-267-6868 SHAFFER: Objection. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 90 T. 1 A. 2 Caughey I t would have come through the 3 borough -- 4 logical answer would be i t came from the 5 borough to roll down where Officer 6 Schoolcraft would have a 7 borough. Q. 8 9 10 don't have an answer. The most post change to the So Mauriello told you to issue a command discipline to Schoolcraft; is that right? MR. 11 12 13 I A. SHAFFER: Objection. Be told me to issue a command discipline. 14 Q. And you did that? 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. Do you know where the paperwork on 17 that is? 18 A. I 19 Q. Did you ever generate any paperwork 20 to issue a 21 for this don't. command discipline to Schoolcraft three-hour off-post infraction? 22 A. I believe I 23 Q. And that CD would be in your file 24 that you maintained, 25 in your office, 212-267-6868 did. the command discipline, right? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 91 T. 1 Caughey 2 A. I don't know where that CD is. 3 Q. I understand that, 4 is: 5 locate that CD in the file 6 at your office, but my question The normal practice would be you can that you maintain right? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. And that CD also should be 9 10 11 reflected in the log at the sergeant's desk at the 81st too; A. 12 isn't that right? Yes. MR. SMITH: I will call for 13 production of that command discipline as 14 well as 15 sergeant's desk. 16 MR. 17 Q. SHAFFER: i t at the Please put i t in writing. 18 the log entry for Isn't i t unusual for somebody to 19 tell another officer to issue a 20 discipline for an infraction that the issuing 21 officer didn't observe? 22 MR. SHAFFER: 23 A. Q. That happens a Objection. No. 24 command MR. 25 212-267-6868 SHAFFER: lot? Objection. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 92 T. 1 Caughey 2 A. Not a 3 Q. Doesn't i t strike you as improper lot. I t happens though, yes. 4 that one person would be telling another 5 person to issue a 6 an officer and not be signing the statement 7 as to what they saw? MR. 8 A. 9 10 disciplinary charge against SHAFFER: No, that's a subordinate to issue a Q. 11 Objection. supervisor telling a command discipline. What is wrong or, 12 this, 13 let me ask you what Patrol Guide violation did Schoolcraft engage in? 14 15 MR. A. I SHAFFER: Objection. don't have the command discipline 16 in front of me, 17 violation was. 18 Q. Well, so I I don't know what the mean, you were the 19 integrity control officer for 20 You have 26 years on the force. 21 tell me you don't know what the violation is 22 if you are off post three hours? 23 24 25 MR. A. I SHAFFER: three years. You mean to Objection. can make an assumption what the charge against Officer Schoolcraft was that 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 100 T. 1 Caughey break. 2 (Recess 3 taken from 5:01 p.m. to 5:14p.m.) 4 MR. 5 SMITH: 6 the record. 7 Q. Mr. We are going back on It is 5:14. Caughey, I put in front of you 8 what has been marked as Exhibit 44. 9 are entries from Officer Schoolcraft's memo one of his memo books These 10 book, that were 11 produced to me by the law department in this 12 action. Do you recognize some of the pages 13 14 here as being excepts from Officer 15 Schoolcraft's memo book? 16 A. I would say the first page 17 identifies 18 book with his 19 Q. i t as Officer Schoolcraft's memo name on i t . On the third page there's a 20 reference to a February 25, 21 you see that reference? 22 A. Wednesday, 23 Q. Does 24 25 about the A. 212-267-6868 2009 meeting. Do yes. that refresh your recollection timing of this meeting? I t does not. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 101 1 T. Q. 2 Caughey If you go further on in this 3 exhibit to page 196, there's an entry with a 4 date March 13, like I 5 regarding Sergeant Weiss advising Schoolcraft 6 he wasn't on his post. 2009, said on page 196, Do you see that reference? 7 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. Is 10 testified to 11 when you scratched his book? that the unusual entry that you today about that you noticed 12 MR. SHAFFER: 13 MR. KRETZ: Objection. Objection. 14 A. 15 of this 16 one, 17 back page and i t ' s written on the front of 18 the page. I thought i t was -- of this page. it's similar. 20 that answer. 21 believe that was Q. 22 A. 25 saw 212-267-6868 I'm going to change I'm going to say no, the entry I I don't saw that day. What made you upon reading that entry believe that this 24 If i t ' s not the thought i t was on the You know what, 19 23 I on the back page I is not the entry? believe i t ' s entry that I again, we are talking about a VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www long 516-608-2400 Page 102 T. 1 2 time ago, 3 was on the back page of the memo book and i t 4 identified a 5 Sergeant Weiss and Officer Schoolcraft at the 6 desk area. Q. 7 but I Caughey believe the entry that I saw conversation or an incident with Can you flip through the five pages 8 are the back pages which are at the end of 9 this document and tell me whether or not you 10 see that reference there? While you are flipping 11 12 that, I 13 Schoolcraft's memo book entries 14 45. 15 through will mark another set of Officer through 8655. This 16 as Exhibit is Bates stamp number NYC 8614 (Excerpt from Adrian Schoolcraft's 17 memo book bearing production Nos. 18 8614 19 Exhibit 45 for identification, 20 this date.) 21 A. I 22 Q. If you turn to page 197, NYC through NYC 8655 marked Plaintiff's don't see i t , as of no. there's a 23 reference in Officer Schoolcraft's memo book 24 to Sergeant Weiss 25 and berating him and they gave him an 212-267-6868 requesting his activity log VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www .veritext.corn 516-608-2400 Page 103 T. 1 Caughey 2 unprofessional conduct in looking at that 3 entry. 4 Does that refresh your recollection 5 that this was the unusual entry that you 6 noticed in Schoolcraft's memo book? 7 A. I 8 Q. What was unusual about this entry 9 12 13 the one, yes. in the memo book? 10 11 believe that is MR. A. SHAFFER: Objection. That he describes Sergeant Weiss belittling him. Q. Was i t unusual that Sergeant Weiss 14 was belittling somebody or was i t unusual 15 that Officer Schoolcraft would be making a 16 note of that in his memo book? 17 18 A. Unusual that he would make that entry in his memo book. 19 Q. Why is 20 A. Because i t ' s not-- because i t ' s 21 22 I not usual. that unusual? haven't seen that many times in my career. 23 24 25 Q. Did you photocopy this entry in Schoolcraft's memo book? A. 212-267-6868 I don't recall if I did. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 104 T. 1 Q. 2 3 Caughey Did you ever photocopy any entries in Schoolcraft's memo books? MR. 4 SHAFFER: Objection. 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. When did you do 7 A. October 31st. 8 Q. 2009? 9 A. I 10 Q. Does looking at this entry refresh that? believe i t was 2009. 11 your recollection of any discussions 12 had with Weiss 13 book? 14 A. that you about the entry in the memo I'm going say that I 15 talked about i t , 16 to Sergeant Weiss about this. 17 Q. but I assume we don't recall speaking Does looking at that entry refresh 18 your recollection of any discussions with 19 anybody else about the entry? 20 A. Say that one more time, 21 Q. I please. asked you earlier i f you remember 22 talking with anybody else other than Weiss 23 about the memo book entry that you thought 24 was unusual and you said no, 25 discussing i t with anybody else except for 212-267-6868 I don't remember VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 105 T. 1 2 Caughey Weiss. 3 My question is: 4 at the actual entry, 5 recollection on your part that you discussed 6 the memo book entry with anybody else other 7 than Weiss? 8 A. I 10 that trigger a believe -- MR. 9 does Now after looking SHAFFER: Objection. Go ahead. A. 11 I believe this was 12 he was off post when I 13 and then we -- 14 the night that to the precinct. Q. 15 16 brought the memo book back Why did you take Officer Schoolcraft's memo book back to the precinct? 17 MR. A. 18 19 I saw this at the bodega I SHAFFER: believe I Objection. was going to make copies of i t . 20 Q. Did you make copies of it? 21 A. I 22 Q. Why did you want to make copies of 23 did. it? MR. 24 25 don't recall if I A. 212-267-6868 SHAFFER: Objection. It was an unusual entry. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 106 T. 1 2 Q. Caughey Did you enter this unusual entry in 3 any of your logs for that day or reports for 4 that day? MR. 5 SHAFFER: Objection. 6 A. I 7 Q. How long did you keep Officer 8 don't recall. Schoolcraft's memo book? MR. 9 SHAFFER: Objection. 10 A. I 11 Q. Did you give i t back to him later 12 don't recall. that day? 13 A. Again, 14 Q. Wouldn't Officer Schoolcraft need 15 18 19 don't recall. his memo book in order to make entries in it? 16 17 I MR. A. SHAFFER: Objection. To make entries in his memo book he would need the memo book, Q. yes. Was i t unusual for a superior 20 officer to take a 21 book for a sustained period of time? MR. 22 subordinate officer's memo SHAFFER: Objection. 23 A. No. 24 Q. Do you recall being told by 25 Lauterborn to give Schoolcraft his memo book? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 107 T. 1 Caughey 2 A. By Captain Lauterborn? 3 Q. Yes. 4 A. I 5 me don't recall i f Lauterborn told to give the captain his book or give i t . Q. 6 Do you remember having a 7 conversation with Lauterborn about 8 Schoolcraft's memo book? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. What do you recall 11 A. I about that? recall driving back to the 12 stationhouse and on 13 Schoolcraft request the duty captain. 14 was 15 Captain Lauterborn? just about that time 18 I was And i t talking to Q. And what do you recall happened A. 16 17 the radio hearing Officer Well, next? I believe Captain Lauterborn 19 directed a sergeant to go pick up Officer 20 Schoolcraft off his post. 21 Q. Who was 22 A. I 23 Q. And did the sergeant bring 24 25 don't recall. Schoolcraft back A. the sergeant? to the 81st Precinct? Schoolcraft did come back to the early 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 108 T. 1 2 3 4 precinct, Q. Caughey yes. And you were at the 81st Precinct when Schoolcraft was brought back? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. And what happened next? MR. 7 8 9 10 A. Objection. Captain Lauterborn told myself and Sergeant Weiss Q. SHAFFER: to leave his office. So the sergeant who was sent to 11 retrieve Schoolcraft, 12 and brought him to Captain Lauterborn's 13 office at the 81st? 14 A. 15 Q. don't know how Schoolcraft came back to the 16 retrieved Schoolcraft I There came a time when Schoolcraft 17 was in Lauterborn's office that evening or 18 that day, correct? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. And that is the same as a 21 commanding officer's office? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. And when Officer Schoolcraft was in 24 that room with Captain Lauterborn, 25 Weiss were also in the room? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www you and 516-608-2400 Page 118 T. 1 Q. 2 3 Caughey Do you remember what you were wearing on October 31st? 4 A. No. 5 Q. Were you carrying a weapon on 6 October 31st? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. Bow many weapons were you carrying? 9 A. One weapon. 10 Q. Bow many weapons were you 11 authorized to carry? MR. 12 SHAFFER: 13 A. Two. 14 Q. What was Objection. 15 the weapon that you were carrying and what was MR. 16 A. 17 the other weapon? SHAFFER: The weapon I Objection. was carrying was a 18 Smith & Wesson off-duty revolver. 19 weapon I 20 Smith & Wesson M&P 10, Q. 21 owned was a The other four-wrench I believe i t is. Where did you carry the one you had 22 with you on October 31st or how did you carry 23 it? 24 A. On a 25 Q. Are you right-handed or 212-267-6868 belt holster. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 119 1 2 T. Caughey left-handed? MR. 3 SHAFFER: Objection. 4 A. Right. 5 Q. And where on your belt did you 6 carry your Smith & Wesson revolver? 7 A. On my right side. 8 Q. And was 10 A. A holster. 11 Q. What kind of a 12 A. A belt holster. 13 Q. With a 9 14 i t in a harness sort? holster? clip that attached to the belt? 15 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 16 A. I t was attached to 17 Q. Do you have 18 of some the belt, yes. that weapon with you today? 19 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 20 A. No. 21 Q. Do you s t i l l have 22 that weapon in your possession? MR. 23 SHAFFER: Objection. 24 A. No. 25 Q. Why do you no longer have i t in 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 128 T. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MR. A. Caughey Objection. SHAFFER: For the unusual entry that he made in i t . Q. What did you do with that photocopy? A. I placed a copy -- 8 copies of the memo book. 9 in my office and I 10 11 12 13 I I made two believe I put one put another copy into the inspector's office. Q. When you say you put another copy in the inspector's office, A. I what do you mean? went into his office with the 14 copies in a 15 I put i t in his drawer of his desk. 16 17 Q. manila envelope. Did you write a note in the manila envelope or on the manila envelope? 18 A. No. 19 Q. Did Mauriello know you were making 20 copies of the memo book at the time you were 21 making them? 22 A. No. 23 Q. Did you tell 24 after making the copies 25 and put a 212-267-6868 Inspector Mauriello that you made copies copy in his desk drawer? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 129 T. 1 MR. 2 3 4 A. I Caughey SHAFFER: Objection. told Inspector Mauriello about the copies on the day I returned to work. 5 Q. When was 6 A. I'm not sure of the date I that? 7 returned. October 31st I 8 Saturday. I t was either Monday or Tuesday. 9 10 Q. Did you discuss believe was a the entries in Officer Schoolcraft's memo book with anybody? 11 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 12 A. What time frame? 13 Q. Any time after making the 14 photocopies. 15 A. 16 First time I photocopies was discussed those the day I returned to work. 17 Q. 18 discuss 19 book after making the copies? 20 A. What about the entry; did you the entries with anybody in the memo Again, the first time I discussed 21 the contents of the memo book was the day I 22 returned to work. 23 Q. And who did you discuss 24 A. Inspector Mauriello. 25 Q. What did you tell him? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www that with? 516-608-2400 Page 130 T. 1 A. 2 Caughey Bow the memo book came up into the 3 conversation, 4 the incident with Schoolcraft on Halloween. Q. 5 6 I'm not sure. Be told me about And what did you tell him about the memo book? A. 7 That I made copies of the memo 8 because back there were unusual entries in 9 the memo book. 10 Q. What did he say? 11 A. I 12 Q. Did i t appear to you that Mauriello don't recall. 13 was unaware of the entries in the memo book 14 when you told him about them? 15 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 16 A. I 17 Q. Having gone through Exhibit 45 in 18 more detail, 19 this 20 memo book that you took from Officer 21 Schoolcraft's memo book on October 31, is don't recall. can you tell me whether or not the photocopy or a photocopy of the MR. 22 SHAFFER: 2009? Objection. 23 A. I 24 Q. Do you know what happened to the 25 cannot. copy that you put in your files? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 174 T. 1 Caughey 2 when you took Officer Schoolcraft's book and 3 made copies for evidence, 4 folding down any of the pages or earmarking 5 or dog-earring any of the pages do you remember to the book? 6 A. I 7 Q. And so your recollection is 8 don't, no. you photocopied the whole book, 9 A. I 10 Q. And during that day, believe I did, that right? yes. did you at all 11 act in an unusual manner with respect to 12 Schoolcraft? MR. 13 SHAFFER: Objection. 14 A. No. 15 Q. Did you brandish your weapon to him 16 at any time that day? 17 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 18 A. No. 19 Q. Did you come within several feet of 20 him during that day? MR. 21 SHAFFER: Objection. 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. On how many occasions did you come 24 within several feet of him that day? MR. 25 212-267-6868 SHAFFER: Objection. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400 Page 175 T. 1 Caughey 2 A. I 3 Q. Did you have any kind of physical 4 don't know how many times. contact with him that day at all? MR. 5 SHAFFER: Objection. 6 A. No. 7 Q. Have you ever listened to any 8 recordings about that day? MR. 9 SHAFFER: Objection. 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. What recordings have you listened A. I 12 to? 13 14 15 16 had a believe it·was the Village Voice weapon site connection to tapes. Q. And what tape did you listen to pertaining to that day? 17 A. I 18 Q. Did i t have to do with your don't recall. 19 activities with respect to Schoolcraft or 20 somebody else's activities? 21 22 23 24 25 A. I don't recall what was on the tapes. Q. You just recall i t had something to do with October 31st? A. 212-267-6868 I will go back to change that VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www 516-608-2400

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