Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 410

DECLARATION of Ryan Shaffer in Support re: 297 MOTION for Summary Judgment .. Document filed by Christopher Broschart(Tax Id. 915354 Individually), Timothy Caughey(Tax Id. 885374 Individually), Kurt Duncan(Shield No. 2483, Individually), Joseph Goff(Tax Id. 894025 Individually), William Gough(Tax Id. 919124, Individually), Elise Hanlon(in her official capacity as a lieutenant with the New York City Fire Department), Theodore Lauterborn(Tax Id. 897840 in his official capacity), Michael Marino, Gerald Nelson(Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Tax Id. 912370 in his official capacity), New York City Police Department, Frederick Sawyer(Shield No. 2576 in his official capacity), The City Of New York, Timothy Trainer(Tax Id. 899922, in his Official Capacity). (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit, # 7 Exhibit, # 8 Exhibit, # 9 Exhibit)(Scheiner, Alan)

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Rece øll12J2øLø Jan 12 2010 12:26Pt¡ lved: 81 ICo OFFICE f^'oD 7ta5742'C4 12125 PAGE IL/T2 BROWN & GROPPER, LLP ¿75 ^i"fÒRNEYg ^'r. SEVENITI4 ÀVENUÉ NEW YOFK, N,Y. LAW 26fII loool T'LOOR (zlAl 368'4sÔo rAx. (el¿) 3êçløÊ50 'fEL. JOSHUA CROFPER JAMES A. BROWN March 11, 2009 FEDEnÀ+¡ E REsg Steven Maullello Þêputy Inspector Corunanding offlcer, 81."t PrecincL 30 Ra1ph Avenue BrookIyn, N.Y' Ll^22L Dear Deputy InsPector MaurieJ'Io: who are the attorrreys for PoIice officer Adrian schoolcraft advised that offlcer is assigned to your. cårrunand... we have þeen schoolcraft recently received an annual perfo¡îmançe evaluatíon with "a.5,,which ¡.s beiow the desÍrable standard' an overal.L ratíng "ï been asked by our cllent to assisL him wj'th his pending We have appeal pu.reuant E,o Pa¡rol Gulde Procedure No' 205-58' you, and IÀ]e axe aware 'that officer schoolcraft appeared before 25,h at '.¡hích 'Ei¡ne his annual other superlor of ficers/ 0n February evaluatibn was discussed. It j.s our understanding thât a final' decfsion fron Com¡nand has not yet been rendered' f/Je PleaseknowthatareviewofoffícerSchoo].craft'sannua} evaluat.ion reveals rat,Ings which do not supporL hIs overaj'I 2'5 "perfQtrmance areas" and rating. llhiIe wo recognÍie that varfousdi.fferently, the overalL be weighted ',behaviora:. aimensfons',, may cllent's rating was mistakenly calcuiated. For example, or.r¡rno ratlng average of 'less aieäs" equal.s 3.75 (and contains for "porformançe j.ent' s ave.rage equals li,ãn '¡ I . For ,'behav j.or dimenslons',, ou.r cJ 3,25 (and containÅ only tto ratings of, ress than 3) ' In addition' ii,ã Uutun"e of the evaiuation includes the following p::aise: - Schoolc¡:aft shows good communit'y Ínteraction by eliciting information. f)îom witnesses and victims ' He also ¡nediaLes problems betwêen disputlng individuals . and þrovldes counseling when farnil'ies have P'O conflÍcLs c.ì ílL Þ" NYC00002846 Recc øIl12/2øLø 12t25 Jan 12 2010 12:20pm lved: Dep. InsPector Maurj.ello PAGE 12/12 81 ICo 0FFICË trvpD 71857422264 March LL, 2009 2 P-O. Schoolcraf! is able to complete arrest forms accurately and completely is. able to iingutpri"t¡ photograph and process all arrest related PaPerwork' to Clearly, officelt Schoolcraft'' e overaJ'l êvaluatíon falls hie to his evl.dent accomplishments as reflected 1n iãrresÉonO strong ratings and the above pralse' evaluation is I,tle are concerned that our client's negatj-ve in patroJ. Guide 205-48, but based, not on tne ïacto¡:s sêt forth of rather on his "rr"guã-iáãx'of "activity/' related !:-hl: number no Yet, Patrol Guj'de 205-48 makesany arrests ând "um*oi* issued' of reference to "actlvity" ÌeveIs. Fu¡lthermore/ we aJîe unaware ls pro,risi.o,, which deffnes how much "activlty" no PatroI GuÍde evaluâtion, In other words, ,ãq"ir"o Lô u"i.,iuuu a satisfactory any rate' s'Lated numerlc goals should be rnþosed on any rat'ee-'..At Scftoolcraft/ s l-øve] of "activiLy" is we are confident tftut ôffi"er (anct you will- note he comparable to mosü ãtt.i poLice o.ff,rcers oÌ ine specified performan.e areas Ielabed achieved a.'4,, in n'"rt to arrests and the issuance of suÍìmons) ' lssuing hJe urge you to woigh the above considerations before we ask ¡íelated to oui client,s evaLuation.' ratings a decision officer schoolcraft,/s individual reco¡d' you to again "onrid", together his CPI record/ DePartment recognltíon' sick expressly com¡nendatÍon Iettelîs, CCRB recðrds and other llactors j.n Patrol Guide 205-48. It ¡:emains offícer Schoolc¡laft,s referenced preference not to ftt,roXe any appoal rights to the Borough Command' Fleaseknowthatany'opportunityforor.r¡c]" career wÍthin ttre Oeparirnent, or in sorne other Jurisdic'l;ion, 1s annual evaluation' We hope ,iõniif""ntly hinderda fy this Iatest based on a fresh revj.ew of be adjusted, maite, and trus¡. this ""n thismatlergothattheappealproc"ssmaynowbeconc}udod. We look forwa¡d to bearing frorn you or your deslgnee' S !nce re L ã.:2 J ames ¡\' Brown cc; Adrian Schoolcraft rFL9 NYC00002847

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