Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 410

DECLARATION of Ryan Shaffer in Support re: 297 MOTION for Summary Judgment .. Document filed by Christopher Broschart(Tax Id. 915354 Individually), Timothy Caughey(Tax Id. 885374 Individually), Kurt Duncan(Shield No. 2483, Individually), Joseph Goff(Tax Id. 894025 Individually), William Gough(Tax Id. 919124, Individually), Elise Hanlon(in her official capacity as a lieutenant with the New York City Fire Department), Theodore Lauterborn(Tax Id. 897840 in his official capacity), Michael Marino, Gerald Nelson(Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Tax Id. 912370 in his official capacity), New York City Police Department, Frederick Sawyer(Shield No. 2576 in his official capacity), The City Of New York, Timothy Trainer(Tax Id. 899922, in his Official Capacity). (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit, # 7 Exhibit, # 8 Exhibit, # 9 Exhibit)(Scheiner, Alan)

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Page 23 S 1 . MAURI ELLO 2 A. No. 3 A. ?ühat precinct 4 were You assigned to? 11 The 7 9t,h Precinct. In Brooklyn? Q. Yes, sir, Bedford-StuYvesant. A. Either as a of f icer in A. in Manhattan, Manhattan or in narcotics did you have any occasion to report on any mísconduct by anybody within the L2 NYPD? 5 6 7 I 9 10 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A. A. No. Did you ever see any misconduct 9. by any officers? No. A. had you What kind of training A. receíved as of that time about rePorting misconducÈ? TfeIl, in the police academy, A. a whole comes. It's internaL affairs they teIl you, and a card, the lecture paÈroJ. guide, There are signs around the precinct calI IAB; if you see corruption, the academy mostly. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY sI 6-608-2400 Paga 24 1 A. 2 3 teII 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 academY you? A. 4 S. MAURIELLO Ïihat does the Police If there is a corruPtion, caJ.l IAB. iÈ' s that simPIe, if Basically, A. you see some corruPtion, You're VleLl, Do, You can go fo Your A. te11 him. suPervisor, commanding officer. Or if you don't go to your commanding you are supposed to caIl officer, yourseLf. affairs internal that Was it your understanding A. to do you had an affirmative obligatíon so if you came in contact wíth any kind of misconduct? Yes, sir. A. in As a police officer A. Manhattan, either as patrolman or in did you ever feel that there narcotics, to was any pressure on police officers not report misconduct if they saw it? A. No, not at alL. Duríng this period of Èime A. while you were in Manhattan, did you ever 2t2-267-6868 VEzuTEXT REPORTING COMPANY 5 1 6-608-2400 Page 243 1 anything 2 A. ¿\. 3 4 S. MAURIELLO on their records. that's And thís comes from IAB? Internal- af f airs, one a Year. Did you ever review a CPI for A. 6 SchooLcraft? Not that I know of, no. A. 7 On page 4 of this document, I 9. t,here ís a paragraph 57 which reads, 9 quote, ínstruct all members of command 10 against those members of 11 that retaliation the service who come forward to report t L2 violations 13 misconduct, paren, corruPtion, comma, etc. , is against L4 of EEO policy, 15 department policy and wiLL not be period, end quote. 16 tolerated, sir? Do you see that reference, L7 Yes, I do. A. 18 Is this a statement from the 19 A. patrol guide directing commanding 20 to inform members of the service 2t officers against 22', that they are not to retaliate 23i peopJ.e? Yes. A. 24:, MS. PUBLICKER METTHAM: 251 5 i I I i I I 2t2-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www, s l6-608-2400

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