Polaris IP, LLC v. Google Inc. et al
RESPONSE to 253 Claim Construction Brief by AOL, LLC., America Online, Inc., Google Inc., Yahoo!, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Todd Kennedy, # 2 Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit 5, part 1, # 7 Exhibit 5, part 2, # 8 Exhibit 5, part 3, # 9 Exhibit 5, part 4, # 10 Exhibit 6, # 11 Exhibit 7, # 12 Exhibit 8, part 1, # 13 Exhibit 8, part 2, # 14 Exhibit 9, # 15 Exhibit 10)(Perlson, David)
Polaris IP, LLC v. Google Inc. et al
Doc. 275 Att. 14
NEWTON ' S TELECOM DICTIONARY copyright © 2000 Harry Newton
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tion. The unit provides a "virtual twisted pair" back to a k, switching interface for transparent telephony operation CLASS services and custom calling features . The RSU co[! i municates with the Host Digital Terminal (HDT) at the !m end of the CAN network. The RSU may be in the fowl i' either an indoor or an outdoor unit, and may be power:! either over the coax network or, more commonly, is powon,- , locally powered through an A/C (Alternating Current) Im: former at the customer premises. An RiSU (Remote indi)i'. Service Unit), a variation on the theme, is locally powered ailP0 includes battery backup. A RSUM (Remote Service (lil^ Multiple) is used to provide service to a MDU (Mulllf,', Dwelling Unit), such as an apartment complex, condom iniui* or multipurpose high-rise building . See also CAN iiii Network Interface Device. RSVP The Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) is an Illf-r: standard designed to support resource (for example, barlil=` width) reservations through networks of varying topolojlll and media. Through RSVP, a user's quality of service requr all,, are propagated to all routers along the data path , allowing Ili _ network to reconfigure itself (at all network levels) to meel Il i
ni ?(.k on an onramp,° Long said. He said RSVP would ",i big crane that picks you up and puts you over the 7r," onto these so-called diamond lanes that bypass I?ifl parts of the Net. See TAPI 3.0.. ftoorder Tone.
olo Terminal . Local loop terminates at Remote Terminal oifialo points closer to the service user to improve serIftiblllty.
ii* Termination. A node at which terminates a highiiy local distribution facility in a DLC (Digital Loop ^!I r·i:onario. The other end of the circuit is known as a Wr: itral Office Termination). See also DLC. 40 liual Time ANI. 0f };w me Control. )rff# Real Time Conferencing Protocol. Supports real-time -!i'rking for large groups on the Internet. It has source iirrttlpn and support for audio and video bridges/gateIlppoa multicast -to-unicast translators. } N101 Text Format . A way of encoding documents such ;w messages include boldface, italics and other limited 44lings. RTF is meant to be a cross word processing platdesired level of service. The RSVP protocol engages neiwo"Fl. nch that if you send one RTF document (by email, for resources by establishing flows throughout the network. ghi{i} from one word processor to another word procesflow is a network path associated with one or more sendor 1kil second word processor will be able to recreate the one or more receivers, and a certain quality of service 1 imont's original format. sending host wishing to send data that requires a certain 06 ? ^ Ffk Read The Fantastic Manual. This acronym is often will broadcast, via an RSVP-enabled Winsock Servlfj 1 whon someone asks a simple or common question. The Provider, "path" messages toward the intended recipients i antastic" is usually replaced with one much more vul)!.:isrl on e-mail, newsgroups, and the Internet. These path messages, which describe the bandwidth requiri . meats and relevant parameters of the data to be sent, at_ JM I Ready To Manufacture. propagated to all intermediate routers along the path ul The Manual. receiving host, interested in this particular data, will ccnfin+ IMP flouting Table Maintenance Protocol . It is the native the flow (and the network path) by sending " reserve" mo Hk routing protocol. It sends updates out every 10 seconds. sages through the network, describing the bandwidth charm 00 A British term. Ring Tone No Reply, a telephone call teristics of data it wishes to receive from the sender. As thou I his not been answered. Typically a telebusiness sysreserve messages propagate back toward the sender, intermr x; M11 automatically re-dial the number after a pre-deter,r} hrriotl. diate routers, based on bandwidth capacity, decide whether ykr not to accept the proposed reservation and commit resource, 0104 Ready To Order - In Service. If an affirmative decision is made, the resources are commlL#rn 1 Realtime Transport Protocol. An IETF standard for ted and reserve messages are propagated to the next hop era ing realtime multimedia over IP in packets. Supports the path from source to destination. rind of real-time data like interactive voice and video over The idea is that for presumably a premium price, RSVP wills ^ of switched networks. A thin protocol providing support ;nabie certain traffic, such as videoconferences, to be deliti nlenl identification, timing reconstruction, loss detection :red before e-mail. Today, all traffic on IP networks moves M4 irurity. The ARPA DARTnet transcontinental IP network i first-come-first-served basis and is charged at a flat rate It ._ -, i + E urrents lead to RTPs popularity. Now championed by the some ways RSVP will change what the Internet is all abmi cJli(feo Transport (AVT) Working Group. AVT is part of )ecause you'll start to have different qualities of service ana 4 tt (Internet Engineering Task Force). RTP does not do Jifferential prices which are now," said Abel Weinrib, a ke ern reservation or quality of service control. It relies on nternet strategist for Intel Corp. Virtually unknown among ox i wn reservation protocols like RSVP See H.323. )eneral Internet community, RSVP has been quietly pushm i rg Table Protocol. Used in Banyan VINES routing with ahead towards becoming acceptable and popular. It is rM, = a:; a routing metric. )art of Microsoft's TAPI 3.0. It is being pushed also by Cisc,; -j: Os liuquast To Send. One of the control signals on a staniystems Inc., which makes the routers that direct mo I m l IIS-232-C connector. It places the modem in the origintemet traffic, and by Intel, which wants to spur demand lei ; a, made so it can begin to send. Seethe Appendix. nicroprocessors by making computers and IP networks mci lift Reliable Transfer Service Element. The OSI application iseful for uses like phone calls and video conferencing. In a:c element responsible for transfer of bulk-mode objects. article I read, Cisco marketing manager Peter Long said RSVI MP Heal Time Streaming Protocol. See Real Time echnology would be included in new network software Cisco'-` oing Protocol s delivering. That software controls the routers that dire,! 1 0011adio Transmission Technologies. See G3. nternet traffic. Cisco sells more than 80 percent of the routee -flu ttemote Trunk Test Unit. ised in commercial and corporate Internees. Long expect., 4. OU I Remote Termination Unit, Remote Telemetry Unit or ;isco customers to start using RSVP technology to crealu Terminal Unit. Basically an RTU is a-little black box vhat he calls "diamond lanes' on the Internet. "Right now, ii,41 r , iucled to some remote gadget. The RTU,Iets the gadget here is congestion on the Internet, your traffic sits there, likvi ped at one end of a analog circuit respond to commands
that are sent to it over an analog, dial-up phone line. Imagine an oil pipeline. There's a leak. You have to shut the pipe off not only at the beginning of it. You have to shut it down at the spot closest to the leak, to minimize the spill. Thus you call that switch and tell it over the phone line and using the Remote Termination Unit at the switch to shut off. It does. Obviously there's also a big electrically driven device that physically turns the handle to shut the oil down. 2. Right To Use. A term manufacturers have invented to stifle the used/secondary market in their equipment. Basically, the manufacturer says "Fine, you can sell your no-longer-needed product to some used equipment dealer. But if someone buys it from the dealer and wants to use it, they have to pay me a Right To Use fee." Without payment of this fee, the manufacturer won't contract to maintain the customer's equipment and certainly won't sell the customer software updates, etc. The right to use fee is exorbitant - typically considerably more than what the product actually sells on the used market for. A better approach for a manufacturer would be to innovate a little more and make the customer wants his new product more than his old price (despite the old product's lower price). 3. Remote Terminal (not terminating) Unit. RTUs are employed by utilities' SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems in electric substations or gas/water/steam pumping plants to monitor status/condition and/or metering data and to control operations at a remote site. SCADA systems are not limited to distribution systems; SCADA is also used to manage transmission facilities. Distribution is local delivery to end customers; transmission is backbone transport facilities. The analogies between the electrical, water, gas, and telecommunications infrastructures/networks go on and on. See SCADA. RTV Real-Time Video. DVI software that implements quickand-dirty, realtime video compression. Once called "edit-level video," it stores video as only 10 frames per second. Meant for use while developing DVI applications. RU 1. Request Unit or Response Unit. A basic unit of data in SNA. 2. Receive unit 3. Abbreviation of rack unit. See Rack Unit. Rubber Bandwidth Aterm coined by Ascend, an inverse multiplexer manufacturer, to refer to the ability to support applications needing varying speeds. It breaks the original signal up into 56- or 64-Kbps chunks, and places these separate transmissions on the public switched digital network. See also Inverse Multiplexer. Rule Based System The most popular way to represent knowledge in an expert system. In general, a rule-based system's knowledge base contains both facts and IE.THEN production rules. Ruffle of Thumb The phrase "rule of thumb" came from an old English law which made it illegal to beat your wile with, anything wider than your thumb. Run To start a software program. Ron/Stop On a Northern Telecom Norstar phone, this feature inserts a delay in a dialing sequence. The delay can be any length of time. Run Length Encoding A form of data compression which is semantic-dependent in nature. Such techniques are designed to respond to specific types of local redundancy, such as image representation and processing. Run length encoding is a common technique which involves the scanning of image elements along a scan line or row. As the device scans the image, it identifies redundant data and con-
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