Software Rights Archive, LLC v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 218

MOTION to Strike 198 Opposed MOTION Granting Defendants Leave to Amend and Supplement Invalidity Contentions by Software Rights Archive, LLC. Responses due by 2/2/2010 (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of L Kaplan, # 2 Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit 6, # 8 Exhibit 7, # 9 Text of Proposed Order)(Kaplan, Lee)

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Software Rights Archive, LLC v. Google Inc. et al . ~---+-. ',' Doc. 218 Att. 3 Exhibit 2 ._~- INALIDITY CLAIM CHAT FOR US PATET No. 5,832,494 DE BR, P. AN BASED ON POST, R.D;J., "INORMTIONREVAL IN TH WORL-WIDE WEB: 'MKIG CLINT-BASED SEACIG FEASIBLE." IN COMPER NETWORKS AN ISDN SYSTEMS VOL. 27, PP. 183-192 (1994) ("DEBR, 1994") .1. A metod of anyzig a daase with indict relatonships, usg lėn and nodes, compnsingthe See, e.g., DeBra 1994, at Absct pp. 183-84, 185 sts of. . bemig increasingly difcut. (DBra 1994, Abst) The World-Wide Web ,., is aÍāgrwing infonnatonon many related,and unrelat topics,... However, a the WW, disbut over hundrds or even Finding spifc inormtion in the WorldWide Web (W or Web for short) is wide-areahypeimediadatas. It conta hyprtxt document lie thousands ofloosJeycoupled sites can only be seached by reeving doįents and scg them for related inonnon, and also scg thm for extracg link pointig to other documents, ... rSlevera tys of. solutons have been propose and implemented: (1) specially desėgngmeta- hyprdocments ... (2) robot-based sele indecies .., (3) client-bad seach tools, most notaly our fish seh (DeBra, 1994, p. 183-84) 2.2 The schools of fish metahor. The algorith simulas a scool fish, breeding and seching for food.... Tn the fih-searh each URL correspnds to a fi. When a document is retrieved the fish breeds a number of childr, depedî on wheter the document is relevant (contas food) and also depending on the numberoflinks (Us) embedded in the document. Each tie a relevant document is found the fish and its children become stonger. If a document is not relevan the fish become weaker and fewer children ar prouced, Aftr follo\oing a number oflėn in a directon without fiding a relevat docuent the search stps .... 2.3 The implementaon of the sew.... The ņshar simulated by meas ?f a list of URLS.The averae number of chidr prouce eac time is caled widt. The numbčr of steps mae (by aiish or its ofprig) without fidig arelevat docuen dep. Eah time a releant docuent is added to the mnt of found a selecton of is caled the embedded liks are ths list (DeBra .1994, 185) 1 2.2 The schools offish metaphor; The algorith simulas a school fish breedig and searching for food... In the fish-searh eah UR correspnds to a fi. When a docent is relevant( conta fo) and alo depending on the embedded in the documt. Ea tie a relevan docent is found1le fish and it children. become stronger. If a docment is not relevant docment is retreved the fish breeds a number of childr, depedig on whether the number oflinks (URLs) the fish become weaker and fewer childre ar pruced. Aftr following a number of links in a dircton without . fiding a relevat document the searh stops .... 2.3 The implementaon of the search ...: The fish ar simuld by means of a list of URS. The averae number of childrn prouce eac tie is caed width. The number of stps made (by a fish or its offring)váthout findi a relevat docuent is caled . depth. Ea tie a relevat docuent is. found a seleeton of the embedded links. ar added to the frnt of this. list. (DeBra 1994, 185) Furter, disclosed either expressly or inheretly in the tehings of the referece and its incorprad diclosures taen as a whole, or in combintion 'with the St of the ar at the tie of the alleged invention, as evidenced by substati other references identified in Defendats'P. R 3-3 statement and acompanyig cha. Raerthrepethose disclosures here, they ar incorprad by reference into ths ch. Dilosd either expressly or inherently in the teahings. of incorprated dilosures taen as a whole, or in combinon with the state of the. tie of the alged invention : (Ib 1 Generang, cadida .cli.r lin for the selecte the reference and its the ar at "node, wherein the step of genrang comprises an anysis of one or more indict relatonships in the as evidence by substtial other references identied datas; . . incorprated in Defenda' P. R 3-3 stement an acompanying cha: Raer th repe those . disclosures here, they ar incorporad by refece into t1ûs cha, Disclosed either expressly or ine:rntly intheteacs of disclosus (1 cl Deriving acb clust lin frm the cadidat the reference and its taen as a whole,or in combintion with the st of the ar at the tie of the alleged invention, as evidenced by substtial other refereces, identified . clustr lėnks; in Defedats' P. R. 3'-3 stament and acmpanying. cha. Raerthan reoe 1hose 2 dísclosures here, they ar incorporaed by reference into ths char. (Id) ident one or more nodes for display; and See, e.g., DeBra 1994, at p. 185 The result of a search is a lit of (relevant docen), with the "relevace score" of eah docent. (Ie) displayi the identity of one or more nodes us I See, e,g., DeBra 1994, at Fig. 1, p, 185 the actual cluster lins. i' Ąlileii_ ~_~ tä ! i li~, Ą, Mir-8t l~ 1M_;i~ ~~"-",ĄĄ'. i,.i - ..' ~~B:i$ :r ;~ ':t..' .,i .t ,,=_J r . !.. .,, :" ;Ng;:;..,.,i i.r.,~.~-~"-''''-1rI:_.i.~~~":" ".. ...c: 'tr~! -I ~::.. __....iW~ t ".. . f __.w_~"~"'''f,i -"'''''~ ~' . 1.. ~. 'The result of a searh is a lis of (relevant docments). with the "relevance score" of each ..document. 3 lengt, the step of 2. The method of clai 1 wherein eac link is gíven a generang the candida cluster 2.2 The schools offish metaphor. The algorithm simulas a school fish breeing and lin compnses the sts of: searching for food. .. Eah tie a relevat document is found the fish and its childr become stoner. If a docuent is not relevant the fish: become weaei' and fewer childrn arc produccd. Afr followi a number ofli in a diron without fidig relevt docent th sech stps ,... of stps ma (b a fish or its o:fnng) ",ithout fidig a relevant document is caed depth. Eah tie a relevant docent is found a selecton of1h embedded link are added to the frnt of a 2.3 The implementaon 'of the search .... The fish ar simulat by means of a list of URS. The averae number of children prouce eah tie is caled width. The number ths list (DeBnL 1994, 185) (2al Oioosing a numr as the maimum number of See, e.g., DeBra 1994, at p. 1.85 link leng that will be exained; and 2.2 The schools of fish metaphor. The algorith simultes a school fish breeding and sear for foo .., Eah tie a relevat docuent is found the fish and its childrn 'become stonger. If a docent is not relevant the fih become weaer andfewer . childre ar produced. Afr follo\'ing a number oflins in a diron without fiding a relevan document the . seach stps.... 2.3 The implementation of the seach .... The fih ar simulatd by mea oía list of a UlU$. Theavetae number of childr produce eah tie is caled width. The number of stps made (b fish or its offrig) without finding a relevant document is caled liSt. (OeBra, .1994, 185) dep. Ea ti a relevat docuent is foud a selecton of the embeded links ar . added to th front of this. (2blexanigonly tIoselink which ar less th the ĄSee, e.g" DeBra 1994, at p, 185 maicum number of li lengs. 2.2 The schools of fish metphor, The algonth simulats a school fish, bi;ding and searhing for foo '. .. Each tie a relevant document is found the fi and its childrn becomestnĄ;er. If a docent is. not relevat the fi. beme weakr an fewer 4 chldr are Ąproduced, Afr followig a number of 1ls in. a diecton without fiding a relevant docent the sech stops.... 2.3 The implementation of the search .... The fish ar siulat by means of a list of URS. The averae number of childrn prouce eah tie is caled width. The number of stps mae (b a fish or it,offpri) without fiding a relevant document is caed . dep. Ea time a relevant docent is found a selecton of .added totlie frt of the embedded lin are ths lis (DeBra 1994, 185) 3, The metod of cla. 1 wherein the stp of derivig See, e,g., DeBra 1994, at p. 185 acclusrlis copnsestbe stP of: :2,2 The schools of fish metaphor. The algorithm simulas a school fih, breeing .selectgtle top rad candida clusr link, wherein the top raed cadida clusr lins ar those whieh ar searching for foo '" In. the fish-searh each UR corresponds to a fish. When a most closely lined to the node under anysis. docent is retreved the fish breeds a number ofchildr~ dependėn on whether the docent is relevat (contans food) and also dependė on the number of childrn become stnger. If a document is and li. (Us) not releva the fish become '...eakr and embeded in the document. Each time a relevant document is found the fish and it fewer childrn ar produce. Afr followig a number of Jin in a directon without fidig a relevant docuent the searh stps ..., 2.3 The implemenon of thesearcli .... The fish ar simtiated by mea of a list of URIS; Th averae number ofchildrn prouce eac tie iseaBed width. The number of steps mae (by dish or itsoffprig)witloutfidi a releva docuent is caed ths list (DeBra 1994, 185) depth. Ea tie a relevant docmnent is found a. selecton of 'leembeded lin ar 'added to the frnt of Furer, disclosed e.ither expressly or inerently in the tehigs of the reference and its incorprated disclosures taen as a whole, or in combinon,with the. st of the ar at the tie of the aleged invention, as evidenced by substantial other references identified in Defendats' P. R. 3-3 stment and acompaying ch. Rather ti repeat thse . disclosurs here, they ar incorpraed by reference into this char 5 5,. The method of Clai 1 ~ņerein the st of generang the candida clusr lis comprises the :stof: the docentis relevat (conta food) and also dependig on the number of 2.2 The scools of fish metaphor, The algorith simulatesĄi school fish breding and elimg cadidat clusr li, wherein the searchig for fo .,. In the fish-searh ea UR corrnds to a fi. When a document is remčved the. fish breeds a number of childr, dependig on whether the links (URLs) number of cadidae clUsr li is limit and the closes cadida clustr li ar chosen over remaining link. embeed in the docunent.Each tie a relevant docent is found the fish and it children become stronger. Ifa dócument is not relevant the fish becme weaer and fewer childr ar pruced. Afr following a number of links in a dirction without fig a relevat docuent the searh stps .... means of a list of fish ar simulatd by 2.3 The implementaon of the search .... The URS, The averae number ofcbildrn prouce each time is called widt. The number of steps made (by a fish or its offrig) váthout findg a relevan docuent is. caled depth. Ea tie.a relevat docent is foud a selecton ofdie embedded link ar added to the frnt of ths list (DBra 1994, 185) Furter, disclos either exprey or inherently in the tehings of the referece and its incorprad. diClosus taen as a whole, or in combinon with the ste of the. ar at the tie of the aleged invention, as evidence by substal other references identified in Defendats' P~ R 3-3 stment and acmpaying cha. Raer tha repe those disclosurs her, they ar ircorpmt by reference in th char. cla 1, wherein one or more 7, The metod of nodes Dislosd either expressly or inereiiy in the teahigs in of the reference and its combintion with the st of provide extrnal connecons to object eXternal to the . incorpi:ddisclosus taen as a whole, or the ar at . da, the method fuer comprising the sts of: disclosures the tie of the aleged invention as evidenced by substtial other references identified . ėn Defendants' P. R 3-3 stment and accompayig cha, Raer th repeat her, they ar incorpra by referece into those ths char. . (7al Actvatg the desire node; and DĖsclosdeėtler expressly or inerenty in the teachings of incorprad diclosures taen the time of in the reference and its as a whole, or in combintion \\'Íil the st of the. ar at the aleged i.nventon, as evidenced by substtial oiler referece identified Defedats' P. R 3-3 stment and acmpaying cha. Raer th repeat those 6 . dislosures here, they ar incoipra by reference. into this cha the reference and it with th st of (7bl Accessing the cxtrnal object linkd to the node. inco~rad dilosurs taen as a whole, or in combinon Dislosed either expressly or inerenty in the teachings of the ar at . the tie of the aleged invention, as evidtmced by substtial other refereces identified . ii ~fendats' P, R. 3:.3 stament and acompanyi cha. Raer th repeat those .. disclosus here. they ar incoiprad by referece into th ch. 8. lbe methOd of clai 7. wherein the extrn object . is an indepedent application which can be executed in 1 ..' I 1 ..... . DisClosed either exressly or inherenty in th teacings of the reference and its backgrimd, the method furter comprisin th st of: combinaon with the state of the ar at incotporaddėsclosures taen as a whole, or in . the be of the alleged invention, as evidenced by substatial oter reference identied in qefendats' P. R. 3-3 stement an acmpanyin cha, Raer th repeat those disclosures here, they ar incoipra by reference int this cha. j Dislosed either expressly or inerenty in the teachngs of (8al executig the independent applicaon. the ~e of the alleged the reference and its inc9rporated disclosures taen as a whole, or in combintion with the st of the ar at invention, as evidenced by substal other references identied in :qfendats' P. R. 3-3 stament and accompayig cha. Raer th repeat those dėscrosus here, they ar incoipraby reference into this cha. cla 8, wherein one or more nodes Oislosd eiter expssly or inherenty in th 9; The method of teacgs, ofthc reference and.its . provide lins to more th one independent applicaon incdrprad dėsclosus taen as a whole, or in combination. with the st of thc ar at .. the tie of the alleged invenonĄ as evidence by substtial other refeces. identified 'which ca be exed as an extenon, the method the stps of: . in Defendats' P. It 3'-3 stement and acmpanyin ar incorporated by referece into fuer comprisin cha. Raer th repe those. (9al dėsplayin a list of of independent applicaons .1 . I I dėsdiosus here, they this chart. See) e,g., DeBra 1994, at Fig. i, p. 185. lined to the node, wherein the st accessing accesss an independentapplicaoIÏ. ' ,-.,-~. 7 " ',.._.,' f~*:~r~,. .i~=~J i~ .,,~,~, . ~J ~ ~ . ~ ~ lr~ I t:=;~;:::,'.~!_*;~=;~:~:~;.l!."it f ~i ~ : - ~~~,t .A ', l::~_"'~"'",~""'.__.--""-"OJr-a:~""-'~~ The result of a searh is a lis of (relevant documents), with the urelevače score" of eah docent. .10. The metod Dėclösd eiter expssly or inerenty in the tehings of the reference and its incoipmtd disclosues taen the time of as a whole, or in combintion with the stte of of claim 8, wheren. the connecon 'provėdes the inepedent applicaton access to the the ar at infonnon stred within the dabase. the alleged invention, as evidenced by substatial other references identified th repe those in Defendats" P. R. 3-3 staent and acompanyig cha. Raer clsclosurs here, they ar incorporad by reference into ths char. Disclosd either expressly or inerently in the teachins of the reference and its · incoiprated diclosurs taen as a whole, or in cobinaton with the st of the ar at l 1. The method of clai 7, wherein the external connecton. is to another computer, wherein the time of the alleged invention, as evidence by substtial other references identified ,. in Defendats' P. R., 3-3 stement and innnon is locatd th cæ be accessed, th, stp of accessg furter copriing the st of: acmpanying chai~ Raer th repeat those clsclosurs here, they ar incolJraed by refereiice into this chart 8 ,....-.. '- computr. the tie of the aleged invention, as evidence by substtial (1 1a1 acssig the informon locatd with th Dislosd either expressly or inherenty in the techis' of the referce and its incorprad diclosus taen as a whole, or in combination with the state of the ar at other references identied in Defendants' P, R. 3-3 stment and acompanying chas. Raer th repeat those disclosus here, they ar incorpra byreference into this cha. 12. A method for d.tennning the proxity of an See, e.g, DeBra 1994, atp. 185 2.2 The schools of fih metaphor. . The algorith simulats a school fish breeg and sech for food ... In the fish-searh each UR corrsponds to a fish. When a . object in a stred dae to another object in the stored database using indirct relationships, links, and a display, comprisin: document is relevan (conta foo) and also dependig on the number of docent is retreved the fish bre a number of childr dependi on whether the links (URs) embeded in the docuent. Each tie a relevat document is found the fish and it childre become stnger. If a document is not relevat the fish become weaker and fewer children are produced. Afr followig a number of lin in a dion without fiding a relevat docuent the searh stops .... the seach.... ,The fish .are siulad by meas of a list of 2,3 The implementaon of URS. The averae number of chidrn prouced eac tie is caled widt. The number of stps ine (by a fish or it offnng) without findig. a relevant docuent is caled depth. Eah tie a relevant docuent is found a selecton of the embedded lins ar added to the frnt of this. list. (DeBra 1994, 185) . Furter, disclosed either exressly or inerenty in the teachigs of the referece and its incorprad the tie of disclosurs taen as a whole, or in combinatioD\..ith the ste of the ar at the aleged invention, as evidenced by substtial other references identified 'iIi Defedats' P. R 3-3 stment and accompanying cha. Raer th repe those disclosures here, they ā. incorporadby reference this cha. I (12a1 Selectng an object to determe the proxity of ĄSee, e.g" DeBra 1994, at p. 185 other object to the select object; 9 .2.2 The sehoolsoffishmetaphor, The algorith seaching for foo ,., In th fish-search eac UR corrspnds simuls a school fish breedėg and to a fish, When a docuent is reeved the fish breeds a number of chldre dependig on whether the document is relevan (contas food) and al embedde in the document. Eah time a relevant document is found depedi on the number oflinks. (Us) the fish. and its children become stonger. If a docwnent is not relevant the fish becme weaker and fewer childr ar prouced, Aftr following a number of links in a direction without findėnga relevatdocumentthe searh stops .... 2.3 The implementon of URL8. The averae number of childrn the search .... The fish ar simulated by means of a list of prouced each time is caled width. The number of stps mae (by a fish or it offprig) without fiding a relevant docuent is caed depth. Each tie a relevant document is found a selecton of the embedded li are added to the frnt of ths list (DeBra 1994, i 85) Furer, disclosed eiter eXpressly or inherenty in the teachings of the referece and its incorprated disclosures taen as a whole, or in combination with the stte of the time of the art at the alleged invention, as .evidence by substaal other references identified in Defedats' P. R 3-3 stement and acmpanyin ch, Raer th repe those disclosurs here, theyar incorprad by reference into ths char Dísclosed eithr expressly or inhrenty in the techings of incorporated diclosurstakčn as a whole, or in combinaton \vit1 the st of (12b J genrag, a cadida clustr lin set for the the reference and its the ar at seleCte objec wherein the genertig stp includes ,an anysis of one or mOre indirct relatonshps in the ...daase; the time of the alleged inventon, as evidenced by substtial' other references identfied . in Defendants' P. R 3-3 stement and acmpanying cha. Rater th. repeat those are incorprad by referece into ths char. disclosurs here, they Dislosed either expressly or inherently in the teahis of the reference (I2c) Derivig an ac clus lin set for the select object usg the genera cadidate cluster lin set; and . incorporated disclosurs taen as a whole, or in combinaton wit and its the stte of the ar at the tie of the alleged invention, as evdenced by substial other references identied in Defendæts' P. R. 3 -3 stent and acompanying ch, Raer than repe those disclosus here. they ar incorpraed by reference into this cha 10 daas, referrd tō in th acal clusr li set, on a in Defendats' P. R. 3-3 stament and accompanyig (l2dl Displaying one or more of the object in the Disosd eier expressly in the teacngs of the reference or inerenty and its incorprad diclosurs taen as a whole, or in combination with the stte of the ar at display, díclosures here, they are incorprated by reference into ths char. the tie of the alleged invention as evidenced by substtial other references. identified cha. Raer th repeat those 13. The method of 12 wherein a set of direct lins exists for th database, and wherein the step of See, e.g., DeBra 1994, at p. 185 of docent is retreved the 'generag a cadidate cluster link set comprises: the set of diect lis recursively analyz portons fur indiect link, 2.2 The schools of fish metaphor. The algorith ~imulats a school. fish, breeding and . seaching for food ... In the fish-searh each UR corrsponds to a fish, When a fish. breeds å number of children, depndig on whether the docent is relevant (conts food) and also depedi on the number oflins (URls) embedded in the document. Ea tie a relevan document is found th fish and its childrn become stongr. If a document is not relevan the fish become weaker and fewer chidren ar produce. Afr following a number of lin in a direction without findig a relevat docment the searh stps .... 2.3 The implementaon of the search .... The fish ar siulatd by means ofa list of URS. The averne number of children produced each tie is caled width. The number of sts mae (b a fish or it offprig) without fiding a relevant dOClment is. caed depth. added the frnt to of this Eah tie a relevan docent is found a selecton of the embedded lėn ar list (DeBra 1994, 185) Futer, disclosed either expressly or inerently in the teachigs of the reference and its incorprad díclosus taen as a whole, or in combinon. with the stte of the ar at the tie of the alleged invention as evidence by substtial other references identied in Defenda' P. R. 3-3 stent and acompanyi ch, Rather th repeat those . disclosurs here. they ar incorpra by reference into ths cha. 14. Ametodforrepresentigtherelatonshp between I'See, e,g., DeBra 1994,.atp. 185 'nodes using stred dire links, pas, an cadidat clusr liks, compriirg the stps of: 11 , ,1 _ .- ..-.. .--.,~\ ',~.: searchi for foo ... In the fish-seah eac ui correspnds to a fih. When a docuent is retreved the fish breed a number of children, dependig on whether the document is relevat.( contans food) and also depedfg on the number of lis (URs) embeded in th document. Eah ti a relevt document is found the fish and its and chdre becme stnger, If a document is not relevan the fish become weaer fewer chidrn ar prouced. Aftr following a number of lins in a direction without fiding a relevat document the searh stps .... 2.3 The implementaon of the seach .... The fihar sîiu1d by means ofa list of URS. The averae number of childrn produced each tie is caled width. The number of stps mad (by a fish or it offrig) Viithout fidig a relevant document is caed depth. Each tie a relevant docent is fOiUda selecon of the embedded link ar added to the front of ths list. (DeBra 1994, 185) Furer, dilosed either expressly or inerently Ųl the tehings of the reference and its incorprad dilosres taen as a whole, or in combintion with th st of the art at . the tie of the alleged e\ridenced by substtial. other refereces idented in Defendats' P. R. 3-3 stement and acmpanyig cha. Rather th repeat those disclosures here, they ar incorpraed by reference into ths char. Disclosed either expressly or inerntly in the teachings of the reference and its incorprad diclosures1aen as a whQle, or in combination with the st: of the (14a1 initialzig a set of cadidate clustr lins; ar at th time of the alleged invention, as evidence by substi other referces identfied in Defendats' P. R. 3-3 stment and acmpaying cha. Raer th repe those , disclosures here, they ar incqrprad by reference into this char. See, e.g., DeBra 1994, alp. 185 2.2 Th,e schools of fish metahor. The algontb sîiulates a school fish breeding and '. (1 4b I Selecti the destnaton node of a path as the . selecd node to anyze; searching for foo .': In the fish-seh each UR corrspnds to a fish. . When a docuent is retreved the fish breeds docent is relevat (cont food) and alo a number of childr depedig on whetherthe depedig on the number of lins (URs) . embedded in the docient. Each tie a relevant document is found. the fish and its 12 relevant the fish, beme weaker and childrn become stnger. If a docwnent is not. fewer chíldren ar produce. Afr following a number of links in a dîecton without document the searh stps .... fidig a relevat 2.3 The implementaon of the seach ,... The fish ar simulated by meas of a list of URLS. The averae number of chdrn prouced ea tie is caled width. The number of steps mae (by a fish or its offsprig) without fiding ä relevat docuent is caed depth, Ea time a relevant document is found a selection of the embedded link are added to the frnt of ths list (DeBra 1994, 185) the reference, and its Furer, diclosed either expresly or inerently in the tehings of incorprated dislösures taen as a whole, or in combintion wi the st of the ar at the tie of the aleged invention, as evidence by substtial other references identified in Defendats' P. R 3-3 stemen and acmpaying chas, Raer th repeat those disclosus here, they are incorpra by reference into this char, (l4cJ reevi the set of diret lin frm the selec I See. e.g., DeBra 1994,atp, 185 2.2 Th scools ...node to any other node in the dae; offish metaphor, The algorith simulates a school fish, breedig and seaching for food... In the fish':searh eah UR corresponds to a fish. Whn a document is retrevčd the fish breeds a number of childrn, depending on whether the document is relevant (contains .food) and alSo depedig, on the nuber of embedded in the links. (URs) document. Eah tie a relevant document is foundthe fish and ėt children become stnger, Ifa document is not relevant the fish beme weaker and fewer chí1drn ar prouced. Afr followg a iiumber of lins in a directon without fiding a relevant docent the searh stops .... 2.3 The implementaon of URS. Thcaverat number of the search .... The fish ar siuld by mea ofa list of childrn proce each time is called widt. The number of steps, made (b a fish or its. offring) without finding a relevant docwnentis caled dept. Each tie a relevat docuent is found a selecon of . aded to the frnt of this list. the embeded li ar (DBra 1994, i 85) . Dėsclösed either exressly or inherently in the teahis of the refernce and its 13 incorprad disclosures taen as a whole, or in cobinon with th st of the ar at the tie of the alleged invention; as e"idenced by substtial other refeences identified in Defendats' P. R. 3-3 stment and acmpaying char. Raer th repeat those disclosurs here, thy ar incorp:rd by reference into this. ch See, e.g" DeBra 1994, (14e) repeating stps b through d for each pat; and at p. 185 2.2 The schools offish metaphor. The algorith simulates a school fish, breding and fish, When a seaching for foo ... In the fish-seah eah UR corresponds to a docuent is retreved the fih breeds a number of chidr, depending on whether the docent is relevant (contns food) and al depeding on the nuber of lins (Us) embeded in the docuent. Each tie a relevat document is found the fish and childr beme stonger. If a document ís not relevant the fewer childr ar prouced. Aftr following it fish becme weaker and a number oflinks in a dicton without fiding a relevat docent. the searh stops .,.. 2.3 The implementaon of by means ofa list of the sech.... The fish ar simulated URS, The averae number of chidrn prouce eac time is caled width. Th number of stps mae (b a fish or its ofnng) without finding a relevat document is caled dep, Each tie a relevat docent is found a selecton of the embedded link ar added to the frnt ofthis lis. (DeBra 1994, 185) . .Furtet, disclosed eėter expressly or inerently iii the teahings of the reference and its incorprad disclosures taen as a whole, or in combination with the st of the ar at the tie of the. alleged inventon, as evidenced by substatial oter reference identified in Defendan' P. R 3-3 stment and acmpanyi cha. Raer th repeat those disclosurs here, they ar incorporad by reference. into ths char. See, e,g., DeBra 1994, atp, 185 rl4flStorithe detrmined weights as cadida clustr li. 2.2 The schools of fish metphor, The algorith simuls a school fish, bredi and searching; for fu '.. . In the fih,.seh. eah URL. corresponds to afish, When a 14 .'-_..-.... document isre1Ieved the fish breeds a numbęr of childrn, depending on wheter the docent is relevant (contans food) and a. dependig on the number oflins (URLs) embeded in the docmnent. Eah tie a relevant docUment is fomid the fish and its I rl childrn beome stonger, If a document is not relevant the fish become weaer and fewer chldren ar prouced. Afr followig a number oflins in a dírecton without findig a 2.3 The implementaon of relevat docuent the searh stps ,... list of the. search .... The fish ar siulatd by means of a URS. The averae number of children prouced ea tie is caled width, The number of stps made (b a fish or its offrig) without finding a relevant docent is caled depth, Each tie a relevant docent is foud a selecton of the em beded link ar added to the frnt of The relt ofa searh is a list of (relevan) ths, list. .... documents, with the "relevance score" of each document, (DBra 1994, 185) Diclosed either expressly or inereaty in the teangs of incorprad diclosurs taen . the tie of 15. The metod of claim 14. fuer compnsin the step the reference and its of denvi the actual clustr lin wherein the ac the cadida clusr links. clustr Ii ar a subset of as a whole, or in combintion with the st of the ar at by susttialotherreference identified the allegedinventon, as evidence in Defedants' P. R. 3-3 stment and 3Cmpanyig cha, Raer th repeat those dísclosurs here, they ar incorpia by reference into th cha. 16. Th method of clai 15 wherein the st of incorprated Disclosd either expressly or inherenty in the tehing of the reference and its disclosures taen as a whole, or in combintion with th state of . "denvi compnses the stp of choosin the top raed the art at . cadida clustr lis, the tie of the allege invention as evidénce by substtial other references identified . disclosurs here, they ar incorprad by in Defendats' P, R. 3-3 stment and accompanying chas. Raer th repeat those referece into ths char. .18., A method of analyzi a da,livig object See, e.g., DeBxa.1994, atAbstet pp. 183,184,18.5 Finding spcifc inonnon in tle, World Wide Web (WWW or Web for short) is an a fi numerica reresenon of direct . becōmii increasingly dicut. (DBxa 1994, Abst) The World-Wide Web.,. is a fa grwig wide-area hypenedía daase. It conta . relaonhips in th database. comprising the steps of: infrmon on many related and unrelated topics.,.. However. a hvortxt document like 15 .,..-' ~'. the WW, distbuted over hundrds or even thousands of loosley coupled sites can only. be searched by reeving documents scg them for ex.trg li pointig to other dOcuments. '.. (S)evera tys solutions have been proposeandiiplemented: (I) specially hyprdocuments .., (2) robot-based searchle indecies ... (3) client-based designng and scaning them for relat informon, and also of metasearh tools, most notly our fish seh (DeBra 1994, p. 183-184) Docuents are retreved (over the Inrnet) and scaed for relevat informaton at the receivin (client end). (3) The retreve documents ar scaed to fid links to (Usof) otherWW-docuents. (DeBra 1994,p, 184) When a document is reteved the fish breds a mnnbe of childr, dependin.on wheter the docent is relevant (conts foo), andaIo dependig on the number ofli (U) embedded in the docuen. Each tie a relevant document is its chdr become stnger. Ifa docent is not relevat th foun the fish and fih become weaker and fewer chidr ar produced, After followig a nui of lin in adirciton without fiding a relevant docent the searh stops invetsigat th directon (the fish die) . The fish ar simulat by mean of a list of URs. The averae number of chidrn produced each tie is called width; lHe number.of sts th ca be mae (by a fish or its offpring) witout fidin a relevant document is caled dept. (DeBra, 1994, p, 185) (l8al generaing a second numerica represetation See, e.g.. DeBra 1994, at p. 185 2.2 . The schools of fish metaphor. The algorithm simulates a school fish, breeing and searclg for food.,.. In the fish-searh each URL corresponds tö a fish. When a docutent is retreved the fish breeds a nuber of docent is relevant (contas food) and also dependig on using th fi numerical representon, wherein the second numerical representon acoots for indirect relationships in the dabae; childr dependi on whethr the links (URL) the number of 'embeded in the docueii, Eah tie a relevant docent is found the fish and it 'childre become stonger. If a document is not relevant the fish become weaker and Afr following a number oflinks in a dircton without fewer childr ar prouced. fidig a relevat docuent the searh st .... ' 2.3 The implementaon of the seach .... The fish ar sírnuIaed by meas ora list of uRS, The avee number of chidrn prouce eac tie is called widt. The number of stos made (bv a' fish or it offrilÜ without findi~ a relevant docuent is caed 16 .--:. depth, Ea tie a relevant document is fowid a seleetonofthe embedded link are added to the frnt of ths list (DeBra 1994.185)' the reference and its stte of Furer, disclosed either expressly or inerently in the tehigs of incorprated dicloss taen as a whole, or in combinon with the the tie of the alleged invention, as evidence by the ar at substtial other references idented in Defndants' P. R 3-3 stment and acpanying cha. Raer th repe those disclosus here, they ar incorpra by referce into ths char (18b 1 strig the send numerical reresentaon; See, e~g., DeBra 1994, at p, 185 2.2 The schools of fish metaphor. The algorith simulas a school fish. breing and sechig for foo '" In the fih-searh each URL corrsponds to a fih. When a document is reeved the fish breeds a number.ofchildr. dependin on whether ile docent ~ relevant (conta food) and also depending on the number of links (URLs) embeded in the document~ Each tie a relevan document is foundthe fih and its 'childrn. beme stonger. If a docent is not relevant the fish become weaker and fewer childrn ar prouced. Afr followig a number of li in a directon wiilout the search ...,.The fisbar simulatd by mean ofa list findng a relevat document the search stops .... 2.3 The implementaon of of caled width. The number URLS~ . Th averae number of childre prouc eac tie is of steps mae. (b a fish or it offrig) wiout finding a relevant docuent is caled added to the front of this dep. Eah tie .a relevat docuent is found a selecton of the embeed links ar list (DBra 1994.185) expressly or inherenty in the tehigs oftle reference and its Furer. disclosed eiter incorporated disclosurs the time of taen as a whole. or incōmbinaton with the stte of the ar at the aleged inventon, as evidence by substati other reference identified 'in Defedats' P. R3-3 stament and acmpanying cha. Rather th re those dilosures here, they ar incorpra by reference intthiS ch. 17 El8c 1 identifjing at leas one obje(; in the daba, Disclosd either expressly or inherently in the teachings of incorporad diclosurs the reference and its wherein the stred numerica representaon is used to taken as a whole, or in combination v.'Ith the st of the ar at identi objec; and .. the tie of the alleged inventon, as evidenced by substtial. other references identified in DefenWits' P, R. 3-3 stament and acompanyig cha. Raer th repe those dilosures here, they ar incoipnied by reference into this char the dataas, in Defendc1ts' P. R 3-3 stment an lI8d) dilaing one or more identified objec frm Disclosd either expressly or ineretly in the teachigs of the referece. and its incorprad disclosures taen as a whole, or in cobination with the state of the ar at the tie of the aleged invention as evidence by susttial other reference idCntied acmpanyin cha. Raer th repe those i Ii disclosurs here, they ar incorpra by reference into this cha. 19., The metod of clam 18 wherein the st of See. e.g., DeBra 1994, atp. 185 2,2 The schools of fish metaphor, The algorith simulats generang a second nuerical represenon a school fish bredig and seching for food... In the fish-search each UR corrsponds to a fi. When a comprises: selecting an objec in the daas for analysis; docuent is document is reeved the fish breeds a number of childr, dependi on whether the relevan (conta food) and also depending on the number of links (Us) number oflinksin a directon without embeded in the docwnt. Each tie a relevat docuent is found the fish and it chldr beme stonger. If a docent is not relevant the fish become weaer and fewer childrn ar pruced, Afr followig a finding a relevatdocument the sear stps.... 2.3 The imlementaon of the search .... The fishar simuld. by meas ofa list of URI.s. Theaverae number of childrn prouce ea tie is called widt. .The number of stps mae (b a fish or it ofprig) without find a relevant dOCment is caled the embeded dept. Ea tie a relevat docuent is. Í()und a selecton of links ar added to the frnt of ths list. (DeBra 1994, i 85) . Furer, dilosed either expressly or inerently in the teahigs of the referece and its . incorprated disclosurs taen as a whole, or in, cobinatiol1witli the st of the tie of the. aleged invention, as evidenced by substatial the ar at other references identified. in PefenWits' P. R3-3 sttementandacmnaying cha. Raerthareoethose 18 .,.-' ;". '~.: 'disclosures here,1ley ar incorpora by reference. intbis char. (19al analyzig the direc relatonsps expressed by See. e.g., DeBra 1994, at p. 185 th fi numercal reresentaon for indirect objec and numerical representaon of the. relatonships involvi the selec crg.a seco direct 2.2 The schools of fish metaphor, The algorithm simulats. a school fish, breeding and aid indirect relaonships involving the selectd object. seching for fo . .. il the fi-sarch each URL corrponds to a fih. When a doent is reeved the fish breed a number of chidren, depndg on whether thč docent is relev (contas foo) and alo dependi .on.1le number embeded in th document. Eah time a relevant docent is foun the fish and it childi become stonger. If a documen is fewer children âI prodųced, Afr a number of not reievan 1he fish become . of lis (URs) wear and links in a dirction withut findîg a relevat docent the search st .... . 2.3 The implementaon of the sech .... The fish ar simulatd by meas ora lėst of URLS. Th averae number of childrn prouce ea tie is caled width. The number . of steps mae (by a fish orits offprig) without fidi a relevant docuent is caed depth. Eah tie a relevant document is found a selecton of 1le embedded lin ar added to the frnt of ths list (DeBra 1994, 185) Furer, disclose either expressy or inherently in the tehings of the reference and its incorprad disclosures taen as a the time of the alleged invention whole, or in combinaon with the stte of as evidenced the art at . by subst other references identified in Defendats' P. R 3'"3 stement and acmpayi cha; Raer th repeat those . disclosurs here, they are. incorprated by reference into th ch Disclosed .either expressly or inherenty in th teacngs oflle reference incolJrated diclosus taen as a whole, or li combination . the tie of 20. The metod of 1 8 wherein the step ofidenryng at and its with the st of the ar at .1eat one objec in the da cōmprises: ,sechg for object in a datas usin the stred numrica representaon, wherein di and/or the alleged invention, as evidence by substtial other references identified in Defendats' p, R 3-3 stment and acompanying cha. Raer th repea those .indieet relationsps are searhed. dilosurs here, they ar incorpra by reference ino ths char . Disclosed either expressly or inerenty in the teachis of the reference and its incomorad diclosures taen as a whole, or in combination with the stte of the ar 21. The metod of claim 18 wherein the displaying at 19 step cornpnse: in Defendats' P. R. 3-3 stméntand acompanying cha, Raer the time of the alleged inention as evidenced by substtial other references identied gene:rng a grahica display. for representing an object in the daase. disclosurs here, they ar incorprad by refence in this char See, e.g., DeBra 1994. at Abst pp, 183-84 Finding spifc th repeat those 23, A metod of reresenng da in a computr daas with relatonships. comprising the Sts of: becming increasgly dicu (Dia 1994. Abst) informaton in 1heWorld Wide Web (WWWorWebforshort)is. The World-Wide Web... is a fa growig wide-areahypened daase. It conta inonntion on many relat and unrelat topics,.., Ho\,,'ever. a hypert"'i docuent lie the WW. distbutd over hundreds or even thousads ofloosley coupled site can only be seared by reevig docents and scanning them for relat inonntion. and also scg them for extg lin pointig to other documents. ... (S)evera tyes of solutons hae ben propose and implemented: (1) specially designing metahyperdocuments ... (2) robot-based seachable indecíes ... (:3)cJient-basd searh tols, most notably our fish search (DeBra. 1994. pp. 183-84) (23al assignng nodes node identifications; See, e.g., DeBra 1994. at p. 185 2.2 The schools of fish metaphor. The algonthm simulates searching for food... In the fih-searh each URL corresponds to a fih. When a .docent is relevant (conta foo) and al depeding on the number of embeded in the docuient, a school fish. breeding and document is reeved the fish breeds a number of children. dependin on wheter the links (URs) Each tie a relevat docUment is found the fi and it chdrn beme stonger. If a doument is'not relevat the fish become weaer æid fewer chidr ar prouced, Aftr fOllowiga number oflin in a direction withut fidig a relevat document the searh stps .... 2.3 The implementaon of the search .... The fish ar simula by meas of a Hst of URLS. The averae number of childrn prouce eac tie is called width. The number , of steps mae (by a fish or its offpnng) without findig a relevt dOcent is caed depth. Ea time a relevant document is found a selecton of the embedded lins are added to, the frnt of ths lis. .., When addirm UR's to the list the algonth checks 20 i I whether theUR already oc in ile list, docent... DeBra 1994,185) (23b I gener liks, wherein eah li represents a I See, e.g., DeBra 1994, at Abstct pp. 183-84 relatonship between two nodes and is identied by the two nodes in whch th relatonsp exist; Finding spifc informon in the World Wide Web (W or Web for short) is becoming incrasingly difcult (DBra 1994, Abst) The World-Wide Web... isa fa growĖngwide-area hypermedia daase. It contans infonnon on many relat and unrelad topics..., However, a hyprti.idocument lie the WWW, disbuted over hUnds or even thousands ofloOsley coupled sites can only be seahed by reteving docents and scanning them for related informon, and also scg them for extglin pointg,to other documents. .., (SJevera tys of proposed and implemented: (1) specially desėgning metasolutions have been hyprdocuments ... (2) robot-based sechale indecėes ... (3) client-basd seah tools, most notaly our fishsearh (DeBra, 1994,pp. 183-84) Furer, disclosed eiiler eXpressly or inerenty in the tehins of incorprated disc1osurst8en as a whole, or in combinaon with ile.state of the tie of the reference and it the ar at the aleged invention as evidenced by substatial oter references identied in Defendats' p~ R 3-3 staent and acmpanying cha. Rather th repe those . disclosures here, th ar incorprad by reference into ths ch. See, e.g., DeBra 1994~ at p. 185 (23cl alocg, aweight to eah link, wherein the weight siges thestngi of the, relaonsp 2.2 The schools of fish metahor. The algorith simuls a school fish, hreedigand Searching for fo :.. Tn th fish-searcheach URI. corrnds to a fish. When a . document is reeved the fish breeds a numbe of childre depending on whether the document is relevant (conta food) embedded in the document. Ea time a and also dependi on the number of represent by the li relatve tothe stgt of other relaonships represeted by other link; and link. (Us). relevant document is found the fish tud it childre become stonger. If a document is not relevant the fih become weaer and fev.-er. children ar produced. Aftr follo""ing a number of li in a directon without 21 J .~I :fdig a relevant docent the searh stps .... 2.3 The implementaon of the search '... The fish ar simulated by meas of a list of . URLS. The averae nullber of childrn prouced eah time is called width. The number of sæps mae (b a fish or it offrig) without.:fdėg a relevan document is caled depth. Eah tie a relevat document is foud a selecton of the added to the frnt of embeded links are this list. .... The result of a searh is a list of (releva) documents, with the "relevance score" of each docuent. (DBra, 1994, 185) . (23dl dėsplaying a node identificaon. &e, e.g., DeBra 1994, at Fig. 1, p. 185 The reult of a searh is a lis of (relevant docments), with the "relevance score" of each . docment. 22 24, The metod of claí 23, wherein the data in the See, e.g., DeBra 1994, at p. 185 2.2 The schools of fish metahor, The algorith siuls a school corrspnds to a the fish-search each UR search for foo ... In datbase is object,. wherein the nods reresent fish, breding object and eah object is assigned a node and identcaolt and wherein the relationsps that exist comprise direct relatonhips beeen object, furter fish. When a comprisi the step of: searg genera lis, wherein nodes ar loc docent is retreved the fish breeds a number of children, depedig on whether the document is relevant (contans foo) and also depending on the number oflin (URLs) by seahig the generad lin, embeded in the document. Eåch tie a relevant document is found the fish and its childrn become stongr. If a docent is not relevant the fish become weaer and fewer chidren ar prouced. Aftr following a number oflins in a direction without finding a relevat document the search stps.... · 2.3 The implementaon of the seach.... The fish ar simulatd by means of a list of URS. The averae numer of children produced ea time is caledwidth. The number of stps made (by a fish or it offspring) without rmding a relevat docuent is caed the embedded links ar depth. Eah tie a relevant document is found a selection of addedto the frnt of ths list ... When adding URL's to the list the algorith checks whether the UR alreyocrs in the list ... The esut ofa sea is a list of (relevant) documents... DeBra 1994, 185) . Furer, disclosed. eiter expressly or inerenty in the teachings of the reference . incorprated dilosurs taen as a whole, or in combination with the st of the time of and its the ar at the aleged i:veition as evidenced by substantial other references identified in Defendats' P. R. 3..3 stement and acinpanyÎg cha. . Raer th repe those disclosurs here, they ar incorpraed by reference into th cha, 25. The metOd of claim 23. fuer comprising the step .. Disclosed eithr expressly or inherenty in the teachiris of the reference and its incorprad dilosures taen asa whole, or in tombination with the state of the of: genera li sub~tys. comprising the stps of: ar at .. the tie of the alleged invention~ as evidenced by substatial oter references idetied . in I)efendats' P. R. 3-3 stement an~l ac.ompanyin chas. Rather th repeat those . diclosurs here, they ar incorpra by referece intC ths char. link sub-tye with a name; and Disclosed either expressly or inerently in the teachs of th reference and its (2Sa) identifying eah incorporad diclosures taen as a whole:, or in. cobination with the stte of the art at 23 the time of the alleged invention as evidenced by substtial other refčrences identified in Defendats' P. R. 3-3 stent and acompanying cha. Raer th repeat those disclosurs here, they ar incorprad by reference. into ths cha or more link Disclosed either expressly ot inherenty in the teachins of incorporad disclosues taen as a whole, or in combėnon 'wit the state of subtys, disclosures here, they ar referece into ths char. (25bl Providig a comment to one the reference and its the ar at the tie of the alleged inventioii as evidenced by substtial other reference identified . in Defenda' P, R 3-3 stement and acompanyi cha. Raer th repe those 31. The method of claėm 23 wherein atbutes ar Disclosed either expressly or inherenty in the teachings of the the tie of reference and its the ar at assigned to nodes. incorprated disclosures taen as a whole, or in combination with the st of the alleged invention, as evidence by substtial other references identified in Defendants' P. R. 3-3 stment and acmpanying cha. Raer than repeat those disclosus here. they ar incorprated by reference. intoths char the reference and its 32. The metod of claų 31 fuer compriing the st Disclosed either expressly or inherenty ėi the teaclungs of of: generting node sub-tyes wherein the node sub- incoiprated disclosus taen as a whole, or in combination with the st of the ar at the tie of the alleged inventon, as evidenced by substtial other references identified in Defendats' P. R 3-3 stent and acompanying cha. types are assigned infonnaton. Raer th repeat those disclosures here, they ar incorporad by reference into this cha See, e.g., DeBra 1994, at Abstct pp. 1&3-84 Findig specifc information in die WorldWide Web (WWW or Web for short) is becoming increasingly diffcut (DeBra 1994, Abstr) 33. A metod of representig da in a computr dae and for computerize searchg of the dat wherein, relaonsps exist in the dataase, compriing: The World-Wide Web ". is a fast growing wide-area hypemiedia da, It conta inormtion on many relate and unelated topics.... However, a hyprtext document like the WW, distbut over hundrds or even thousds of loosley coupled sites can only be searched by retreving docwnents and scang tlem for rela informon, and al scag them for extting lin pointig to otherdocwnents. ... (S)evera tys of solutonsbave ben proposed and implemented: (I) specialv desi2lng meta- 24 hyperdocuments ... (2) robot~based sechle iidecies .., (3)client-basd searh tols, most notbly our fish sech (DeBra 1994, p. 183-84) date~ Docuents are reeved (over the Inrnet) and scaned for (33alassignng link to represent relatonships in the ĄSee, e.g" DeBra 1994, atpp, 184, 185 relevant informon at the reeivig (client end). (3) The reeved docents ar scaed to fid link to (URs of) otherWW,jocument, (DeBra 1994, p. 184) When a document is retreved the fish breeds a number of chldr depending on whether the document is relevan (contas food), and al dependigon the number of liks (U) embedded in the document. Eah time a relevant document is found the fish and its chldr become stnger. If a docent is not relevat the fih become weaker and fewer childrn ar produced, Afer following a numer of lis in a diciton witout fidi a relevant docuent the searh stops invetsigatg th direction (the fish die) . The fish ar simul by mea of a list of URLs. Th averae number of chidrn produced eah tie is called width. TIe number of sts that ca be mae (by a fish or its offpri) witout rmding a relevant document is caed depth. (DeBra, 1994, p, 185) asigned lis, wherein .iiode identicaons ar li represents a relatonshėp (33bl generg nod identicaons baed upo th Sče, e.g., DeBra 1994, at pp~ 184, 185 genera so th each beeen two identied nodes; . Docwnents are retreved (over the Internet) and scaed for relevantėnormaton at the receiving (client end). (3) The reeved documents ar scaed to fid lis to (URLs of) otherWW-documents. (DeBra 1994, p. 184) Wben a document is retreved, the fish breeds a number of childr depndi on whether the docent is relevan (contas fud), (URs) embedded in the document. Eah and also depdig on the number ofli its children become stonger. If a docunient is not relevant the tim a relevant document is found the fish and fish become weaker and fewer childrn ar prouced. Afer followig a nwner of lin in a direcitn without fidi a relevant docuent the searh stps inetsigatg, th direon (the fish die) , The fish ar simulat by mean ofalist ofURs, The averae number of chidre ,rouced each tie is caled width. TIe number of stps that ca be made (by afish or 25 its offpri) witout fidin a relevat document is caed depth, (DeBra, 1994, p. 185) an nod identificaons, (33c) strig the link wherein the lin and nodes may be reteved; See, e.g., DeBra 1994, at pp. 184, 185 Documents are retreved (over the Internet) and scaed for relevant inormaton at the receiving (clėent end). (3) The reeved d,ocents ar scaned to. find links to (Usof) otherWW-docents. (DBra 1994, p, 184) When a document is reeved the fish breeds a number of chidre, dependin on whether the document is relevant (cont food), and also depending on the number of links . (URLs) embeded in the document. Eah tie a relevant document is found the :fsh and its childrn become stnger. If a docent is not relevt th fih becme weaker and fewer chidr ar produced. Afr followėng a numer of lins in a diciton without fmdi a relevant docuent the searh stos invetigat th direon (the :fsh die) . The fish are simulated by mea of a list of URLs, 1h aveiae number of chidrn produced eah time is caled width, THe number of stps th ca be made (by a fish or its offpnng) wihtout fidig a relevant docuent is caled depth. (DeBra, 1994, p. 185) 26 (33dl seārhi for node identications using the See, e,g., DeBra 1994, atp. 185 2.2 The schools offish metaphor. The algorithm simulats a school fish breein and seachig for food .,. In th fish-search each UR corresponds to a stored li; and fi. When a links docent is retreved the fish breeds a number of childr. depend.g on whether the docent is relevant (conta foo) and also dependig on the number of embeded in the document. Eah time a reevant docuent is found the fish and it (URLs ) children become stronger. If a document is not relevt the fish beronie weaker and fewer childr ar prouced. Aftr followig anumber of links in a dircton withut findig a relevat document the searh stops .,.. 2.3 The implementaon of the search.... Th:fsh ar sėmulad by mean of a list of URS. The averae number of children prouce each time is caled width. The number of steps mad (by a fish or its offrig) without finding a relevant docuent is caled dept. Eah tie a relevat docent is foud a selecton of the embeded li ar aded to the frnt of this list, (DeBra 1994. 185) . Furter. disclose either expressly or inheretly in 'te tehings of the referece and its mcoiprad dilosurs taken as a whole. or in cobintion ",;Ąth the stte of the ar at the tie of the allege4 invention, as evdenced by substati other refeenCes identified ii Defendats' P. R 3-3 .stent and accompanyig cha. Raer th repeat those disclosus here, they ar incoIpraed by reference into this char (33e) dilaying node identicatons, wherein the displayed node identificaolĖ ar loca in th See, e.g., DeBra 1994, at Fig, 1, p. 185 se stp. . 27 f t:. 1l'w~. - tJ~-- t~~ Ąr~L;iJ-§~j.'.r3~J~J li ;~ : :: = ~ r i in. Ą -"mTPn i # r The result of a searh is a lis of (relevan docents), wi docent. 'te "relevance score" of each Defendants reserve the right to revise t1s contention char concerng the invaldi of upon the the assertd clais, as appropna, for exaple depending Cour' s conscton of the assertd clai, any fidings as to the priorty da of the assert. clas, and/or posėtions th Plaitiff or its exprt witnesses) may tae concerng clai interpretation, conscton, infgement, and/or invaldity issues. Plaitiffs Infringement Contntions ar bas on an 'aart constrcton of the claim terms, Defendants disaree with thes appaent constctions; Nothing sted herein shall be tread as an adission or sugestion that Defendats age with llairegag either the scope the. cla tenns herei under 35 U.s.C, § orany of the asrt clais or the clai constctons advaned by Plaint in it Ingement Conttions or anywhere else, or th any of Defendan' accused tehnology meets any litaons of the clais, Nothg stted herein shall be coed as an adssėon or a waiver of any parcuar conscton of any cla term, Defendants al reserv an their rights to chlenge any of 112, including by arg that they ar indefite, not suport by the wren descrition and/or not enabled" Accordingly, nothing std herein sh be consd as a waiver of an arguent available under 35 U.S,C. S 112. 28

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