Nanoco Technologies Ltd. v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. et al
COMPLAINT against Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Display Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Visual Display Division ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0540-7664317.), filed by Nanoco Technologies Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit 6, # 8 Exhibit 7, # 9 Exhibit 8, # 10 Exhibit 9, # 11 Exhibit 10, # 12 Exhibit 11, # 13 Exhibit 12, # 14 Exhibit 13, # 15 Exhibit 14)(Henry, Claire)
Exhibit 3
(12) United States Patent
(10) Patent No.:
(45) Date of Patent:
Pickett et al.
Steven Daniels, Manchester (GB); Paul
O’Brien, High Peak (GB)
References Cited
2,769,838 A
11/1956 Matter et al.
(73) Assignee: Nanoco Technologies Limited,
Manchester (GB)
Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 168 days.
*Jan. 11, 2011
(75) Inventors: Nigel Pickett, East Croyden (GB);
(*) Notice:
US 7,867,557 B2
2, 2003
This patent is Subject to a terminal dis
(21) Appl. No.:
(22) PCT Filed:
Aug. 14, 2006
(86). PCT No.:
S371 (c)(1),
(2), (4) Date:
Feb. 5, 2008
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2007/020416
PCT Pub. Date: Feb. 22, 2007
Prior Publication Data
US 2008/O220593 A1
Sep. 11, 2008
Foreign Application Priority Data
Aug. 12, 2005 (GB) ................................. O516598.O
(51) Int. Cl.
C30B 700
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 427/214; 427/212; 427/215;
428/402; 428/403; 428/404: 428/405; 428/406
(58) Field of Classification Search ................... 257/14;
427/212, 214, 215; 428/403, 404, 405
See application file for complete search history.
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Primary Examiner Michael Cleveland
Assistant Examiner—Lisha Jiang
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Bingham McCutchen LLP
Method for producing a nanoparticle comprised of core, first
shell and second shell semiconductor materials. Effecting
conversion of a core precursor composition comprising sepa
rate first and second precursor species to the core material and
then depositing said first and second shells. The conversion is
effected in the presence of a molecular cluster compound
under conditions permitting seeding and growth of the nano
particle core. Core/multishell nanoparticles in which at least
two of the core, first shell and second shell materials incor
porate ions from groups 12 and 15, 14 and 16, or 11, 13 and 16
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ticles in which at least one of the core, first and second
semiconductor materials incorporates group 11, 13 and 16
ions and the other semiconductor material does not incorpo
rate group 11, 13 and 16 ions.
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* cited by examiner
U.S. Patent
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2 - the ta degree)
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Figure 9A
2000 +
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2.5 T.
1.5 +
E 1+
0.5 +
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- - mission
Wavelength (nm)
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50OOOO -45OOOO --
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1500 OO
100000 --
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US 7,867,557 B2
This application is the U.S. national stage application of
International (PCT) Patent Application Serial No. PCT/
GB2006/003028, filed Aug. 14, 2006, which claims the ben
efit of GBApplication No. 0516598.0, filed Aug. 12, 2005.
The entire disclosures of these two applications are hereby
incorporated by reference as if set forth at length herein in
their entirety.
The present invention relates to nanoparticles and methods
for preparing nanoparticles.
There has been substantial interest in the preparation and
characterisation of compound semiconductors comprising of
particles with dimensions in the order of 2-100 nm, often
referred to as quantum dots and nanocrystals mainly because
of their optical, electronic or chemical properties. These inter
ests have occurred mainly due to their size-tunable electronic,
optical and chemical properties and the need for the further
miniaturization of both optical and electronic devices that
now range from commercial applications as diverse as bio
logical labelling, Solar cells, catalysis, biological imaging,
light-emitting diodes amongst many new and emerging appli
Single core nanoparticles, which consist of a single semi
conductor material along with an outer organic passivating
layer, tend to have relatively low quantum efficiencies due to
electron-hole recombination occurring at defects and dan
gling bonds situated on the nanoparticle Surface which lead to
non-radiative electron-hole recombinations.
One example is ZnS grown on the surface of CdSe cores. The
shell is generally a material with a wider bandgap then the
core material, so that the interface between the two materials
further result in defects and non-radiative electron-hole
becomes Smaller, the ratio of the number of surface atoms to
The second factor is that, with semiconductor nanopar
ticles, there is a change in the electronic properties of the
material with size, moreover, the band gap gradually becom
ing larger because of quantum confinement effects as the size
of the particles decreases. This effect is a consequence of the
confinement of an electron in a box giving rise to discrete
energy levels similar to those observed in atoms and mol
ecules, rather than a continuous band as in the corresponding
bulk semiconductor material. For a semiconductor nanopar
ticle, because of the physical parameters, the “electron and
hole', produced by the absorption of electromagnetic radia
tion, a photon, with energy greater then the first excitonic
transition, are closer together than in the corresponding mac
rocrystalline material, so that the Coulombic interaction can
not be neglected. This leads to a narrow bandwidth emission,
which is dependent upon the particle size and composition.
Thus, quantum dots have higher kinetic energy than the cor
core material and with little lattice mismatch to that of the
has as little lattice strain as possible. Excessive Strain can
those in the interior increases. This leads to the surface prop
erties playing an important role in the overall properties of the
One method to eliminate defects and dangling bonds is to
grow a second material, having a wider band-gap and small
lattice mismatch with the core material, epitaxially on the
surface of the core particle, (e.g. another II-VI material) to
produce a “core-shell particle'. Core-shell particles separate
any carriers confined in the core from Surface states that
would otherwise act as non-radiative recombination centres.
form. Two fundamental factors, both related to the size of the
individual nanoparticle, are responsible for these unique
The first is the large Surface to Volume ratio; as a particle
The capping agent usually takes the form of a Lewis base
compound covalently bound to Surface metal atoms of the
outer most inorganic layer of the particle, but more recently,
So as to incorporate the particle into a composite, an organic
system or biological system can take the form of an organic
polymer forming a sheaf around the particle with chemical
functional groups for further chemical synthesis, or an
organic group bonded directly to the Surface of the particle
with chemical functional groups for further chemical synthe
Although some earlier examples appear in the literature,
recently methods have been developed from reproducible
“bottom up' techniques, whereby particles are prepared
atom-by-atom, i.e. from molecules to clusters to particles
using “wet chemical procedures. Rather from “top down”
techniques involving the milling of Solids to finer and finer
To-date the most studied and prepared of nano-Semicon
ductor materials have been the chalcogenides II-VI materials
namely ZnS, ZnSe, CdS, CdSe, CdTe; most noticeably CdSe
due to its tunability over the visible region of the spectrum.
Semiconductor nanoparticles are of academic and commer
cial interest due to their differing and unique properties from
those of the same material, but in the macro crystalline bulk
responding macrocrystalline material and consequently the
first excitonic transition (band gap) increases in energy with
decreasing particle diameter.
The coordination about the final inorganic Surface atoms in
any core, core-shell or core-multi shell nanoparticles is
incomplete, with highly reactive "dangling bonds' on the
Surface, which can lead to particle agglomeration. This prob
lem is overcome by passivating (capping) the "bare' surface
atoms with protecting organic groups. The capping or passi
Vating of particles not only prevents particle agglomeration
from occurring, it also protects the particle from its Surround
ing chemical environment, along with providing electronic
stabilization (passivation) to the particles in the case of core
recombination resulting in low quantum efficiencies.
Quantum Dot-Quantum Wells
Another approach which can further enhance the efficien
cies of semiconductor nanoparticles is to prepare a core-multi
shell structure where the “electron-hole' pair are completely
confined to a single shell Such as a quantum dot-quantum well
structure. Here, the core is of a wide bandgap material, fol
lowed by a thin shell of narrower bandgap material, and
capped with a further wide bandgap layer, such as CdS/HgS/
CdS grown using a substitution of Hg for Cd on the surface of
the core nanocrystal to depositjust a few monolayer of HgS.
The resulting structures exhibited clear confinement of pho
toexcited carriers in the Hg.S. Other known Quantum dot
quantum well (QDQW) structures include—ZnS/CdSe/ZnS,
CdS/CdSe/CdS and ZnS/CdS/ZnS.
Colloidally grown QD-QW nanoparticles are relatively
new. The first and hence most studied systems were of CdS/
HgS/CdS grown by the substitution of cadmium for mercury
on the core surface to deposit one monolayer of HgS. A wet
chemical synthetic method for the preparation of spherical
CdS/HgS/CdS quantum wells was presented with a study of
their unique optical properties. The CdS/HgS/CdS particles
emitted a red band-edge emission originating from the HgS
US 7,867,557 B2
layer. Little et al. have grown ZnS/CdS/ZnS QDQWs using a
similar growth technique to that of Eychmüller to show that
these structure can be made despite the large lattice mismatch
(12%) between the two materials, ZnS and CdS. Daniels etal
produced a series of structures that include ZnS/CdSe/ZnS,
ZnS/CdS/CdSe/ZnS, ZnS/CdSe/CdS/ZnS, ZnS/CdS/CdSe/
CdS/ZnS. The aim of this work was to grow strained nanoc
rystalline heterostructures and to correlate their optical prop
erties with modelling that Suggested that there is relocation of
the carriers (hole?electron) from confinement in the ZnS core
to the CdSe shell. CdS/CdSe/CdS QDQW's, have also been
produced by Peng et al. although this structure is promising,
the small CdS band gap may not be sufficient to prevent the
materials or non-metallic materials. The invention addresses
escape of electrons to the surface.'''
Although there are now a number of methods for preparing
core-shell quantum dots, where it has been shown and
reported for the reaction solutions containing the quantum
dots, core-shell quantum dots can have quantum yields as
high as 90%. However, it is well known that once one tries to
manipulate the freshly made solutions of core-shell quantum
dots such as isolating the particles as dry powders, upon
re-dissolving the particles quantum yields can be substan
tially lower (sometimes as low as 1-5%).
According to a first aspect of the present invention there is
provided a method for producing a nanoparticle comprised of
a core comprising a core semiconductor material, a first layer
comprising a first semiconductor material provided on said
core and a second layer comprising a second semiconductor
material provided on said first layer, said core semiconductor
material being different to said first semiconductor material
and said first semiconductor material being different to said
second semiconductor material, wherein the method com
prises effecting conversion of a nanoparticle core precursor
composition to the material of the nanoparticle core, depos
iting said first layer on said core and depositing said second
layer on said first layer, said core precursor composition
comprising a first precursor species containing a first ion to be
incorporated into the growing nanoparticle core and a sepa
rate second precursor species containing a second ion to be
incorporated into the growing nanoparticle core, said conver
sion being effected in the presence of a molecular cluster
compound under conditions permitting seeding and growth
of the nanoparticle core.
This aspect of the present invention relates to a method of
producing core/multishell nanoparticles of any desirable
form and allows ready production of a monodisperse popu
lation of Such particles which are consequently of a high
purity. It is envisaged that the invention is suitable for pro
ducing nanoparticles of any particular size, shape or chemical
composition. A nanoparticle may have a size falling within
the range 2-100 nm. A sub-class of nanoparticles of particular
interest is that relating to compound semiconductor particles,
also known as quantum dots or nanocrystals.
The current invention concerns the large scale synthesis of
nanoparticles by the reaction whereby a seeding molecular
cluster is placed in a dispersing medium or solvent (coordi
nating or otherwise) in the presence of other precursors to
initiate particle growth. The invention uses a seeding molecu
lar cluster as a template to initiate particle growth from other
precursors present within the reaction medium. The molecu
lar cluster to be used as the seeding agent can either be
prefabricated or produced in situ prior to acting as a seeding
a number of problems, which include the difficulty of pro
ducing high efficiency blue emitting dots.
The nanoparticle core, first and second semiconductor
materials may each possess any desirable number of ions of
any desirable element from the periodic table. Each of the
core, first and second semiconductor material is preferably
separately selected from the group consisting of a semicon
ductor material incorporating ions from groups 12 and 15 of
the periodic table, a semiconductor material incorporating
ions from groups 13 and 15 of the periodic table, a semicon
ductor material incorporating ions from groups 12 and 16 of
the periodic table, a semiconductor material incorporating
ions from groups 14 and 16 of the periodic table and a semi
conductor material incorporating ions from groups 11, 13 and
16 of the periodic table.
Thus, while at least one of the core, first and second semi
conductor materials may incorporate ions from groups 12 and
15 of the periodic table, the material(s) used in these layers
may include ions of one or more further elements, for
example, more than one element from group 12 and/or group
15 of the periodic table and/or ions from at least one different
group of the periodic table. A preferred core/multishell archi
tecture comprises at least one layer incorporating two differ
ent types of group 12 ions (e.g. Cd and Zn, or Cd and Hg) and
group 16 ions (e.g. S. Se or Te).
In the nanoparticle of the present invention where at least
one of the core, first and second semiconductor materials is
selected from the group consisting of a semiconductor mate
rial incorporating ions from groups 12 and 15 of the periodic
table (a II-V semiconductor material), a semiconductor
material incorporating ions from groups 14 and 16 of the
periodic table (a IV-VI semiconductor material) and a semi
conductor material incorporating ions from groups 11, 13 and
16 of the periodic table (a I-III-VI semiconductor material),
any other core, first or second layers in a particular nanopar
ticle may comprise a II-V, IV-VI or I-II-VI material. For
example, where a nanoparticle in accordance with the present
invention has a core comprising a II-V semiconductor mate
rial, the nanoparticle may possess a first layer comprising any
appropriate semiconductor material for example a different
II-V material (i.e. a II-V material in which the II ions are ions
of a different element of group 12 compared to the II ions in
the core material and/or the V ions are ions of a different
element compared to the group 15 ions in the core material),
ora IV-VI or I-III-VI semiconductor material. Furthermore, if
Although manipulation of freshly made solutions of core
shell quantum dots can Substantially lower the particles
quantum yields, by using a core-multishell architecture rather
than known core-shell structures, more stable nanoparticles
(to both chemical environment and photo effects) can be
produced. It will be appreciated that while the first aspect of
the present invention defines a method for producing nano
particles having a core, and first and second layers, the
method forming the first aspect of the present invention may
be used to provide nanoparticles comprising any desirable
number of additional layers (e.g. third, fourth and fifth layers
provides on the second, third and fourth layers respectively)
of pure or doped semiconductor materials, materials having a
ternary or quaternary structure, alloyed materials, metallic
the nanoparticle in accordance with the present invention
possess a second layer comprising a I-III-VI semiconductor
material, it may possess a first layer comprising any Suitable
semiconductor material including a different I-III-VI semi
conductor material, or a II-V or IV-VI material. It will be
appreciated that when choosing Suitable semiconductor
materials to place next to one another in a particular nanopar
ticle (e.g. when choosing a suitable first layer material for
deposition on a core, or a Suitable second layer material for
US 7,867,557 B2
deposition on a first layer) consideration should be given to
matching the crystal phase and lattice constants of the mate
rials as closely as possible.
The method forming the first aspect of the present inven
tion may be used to produce a nanoparticle comprised of a
core comprising a core semiconductor material, a first layer
comprising a first semiconductor material provided on said
core and a second layer comprising a second semiconductor
material provided on said first layer, said core semiconductor
material being different to said first semiconductor material
and said first semiconductor material being different to said
nium ions. Preferably the group 16 ions are selected from the
group consisting of Sulfide ions, selenide ions and telluride
ions. The group 11 ions are preferably selected from the group
consisting of copper ions, silver ions and gold ions. In a
preferred embodiment the group 13 ions are selected from the
group consisting of aluminium ions, indium ions and gallium
second semiconductor material, wherein
a) at least two of the core, first shell and second shell
materials incorporate ions from groups 12 and 15 of the
periodic table, groups 14 and 16 of the periodic table, or
groups 11, 13 and 16 of the periodic table;
b) the second shell material incorporates ions of at least two
different elements from group 12 of the periodic table
and ions from group 16 of the periodic table:
c) at least one of the core, first and second semiconductor
materials incorporates ions from groups 11, 13 and 16 of
the periodic table and at least one other of the core, first
indium to sulfide ions is 1:2. Moreover, the semiconductor
and second semiconductor materials is a semiconductor
material not incorporating ions from groups 11, 13 and
16 of the periodic table.
Preferably in set a) the other of the core, first and second
semiconductor materials incorporates ions from the group
consisting groups 12 and 15 of the periodic table, groups 13
and 15 of the periodic table, groups 12 and 16 of the periodic
table, groups 14 and 16 of the periodic table, and groups 11,
13 and 16 of the periodic table.
It is preferred that in set b) said second semiconductor
material has the formula M.NE, where M and N are the
group 12 ions, E is the group 16 ion, and 04.5 nm
diameter) ZnTe needed for blue emissions, with narrow size
distributions has proved difficult.
CdS on the other hand has an appropriate bandgap and has
been shown to emit in the 460-480 nm range with narrow size
distributions and good luminescence efficiency. Bare CdS
cores tend to emit white luminescence, attributed to deep trap
emissions which can be Suppressed by overcoating by a wide
band gap material such as ZnS. These CdS/ZnS structures
have shown recent promise as the active material for blue QD
LEDs and blue QD lasers.
Quantum Dots Incorporating Lower Toxicity Elements
Another drive for designing and producing specific quan
tum dot-quantum well structures in this invention is the cur
rent need for quantum dots free of elements (e.g. cadmium
and mercury) which are deemed by national authorities to be
toxic or potentially toxic but which have similar optical and/
or electronic properties to those of CdSe ZnS core-shell
quantum dots. The current invention includes the design and
synthesis of a number of cadmium free QD-QW structures
based on II-VI/I-III-VI/II-VI, III-VII-VIII-V materials
such as but not restricted to ZnS/CuInS/ZnS, ZnS/CuGaS/
This organometallic route has advantages over other syn
thetic methods, including near monodispersity <5% and high
particle cystallinity. As mentioned, many variations of this
method have now appeared in the literature which routinely
give high quality core and core-shell nanoparticles with
monodispersity of <5% and quantum yield >50% (for core
shell particles of as-prepared solutions), with many methods
displaying a high degree of size and shape control."
Recently attention has focused on the use of “greener”
precursors which are less exotic and less expensive but not
necessary more environmentally friendly. Some of these new
precursors include the oxides, CdC; carbonates MCO
M-Cd, Zn; acetates M(CHCO) M=Cd, Zn and acetylacet
anates CHCOOCH=C(O)CH M-Cd, Zn; amongst
(The use of the term “greener” precursors in semiconduc
tor particle synthesis has generally taken on the meaning of
cheaper, readily available and easier to handle precursor start
ing materials, than the originally used organometallics which
are Volatile and air and moisture sensitive, and does not nec
ZnS, ZnS/CuInSe/ZnS, ZnS/CuGaSe/ZnS.''''''
Current Synthetic Methods
Many synthetic methods for the preparation of semicon
ductor nanoparticles have been reported, early routes applied
conventional colloidal aqueous chemistry, with more recent
methods involving the kinetically controlled precipitation of
nanocrystallites, using organometallic compounds.
Over the past six years the important issues have concerned
the synthesis of high quality semiconductor nanoparticles in
terms of uniform shape, size distribution and quantum effi
ciencies. This has lead to a number of methods that can
routinely produce semiconductor nanoparticles, with mono
dispersity of <5% with quantum yields >50%. Most of these
methods are based on the original “nucleation and growth
method described by Murray, Norris and Bawendi, using
organometallic precursors. Murray etal originally used orga
nometallic solutions of metal-alkyls (RM) M=Cd, Zn, Te;
R=Me, Et and tri-n-octylphosphine sulfide/selenide (TOPS/
Se) dissolved in tri-n-octylphosphine (TOP). These precursor
Solutions are injected into hot tri-n-octylphosphine oxide
(TOPO) in the temperature range 120-400° C. depending on
the size of the particles required and the material being pro
duced. This produces TOPO coated/capped semiconductor
nanoparticles of II-VI material. The size of the particles is
controlled by the temperature, concentration of precursor
used and length of time at which the synthesis is undertaken,
with larger particles being obtained at higher temperatures,
higher precursor concentrations and prolonged reaction
essary mean that “greener precursors' are any more environ
mentally friendly).
Single-source precursors have also proved useful in the
synthesis of semiconductor nanoparticle materials of II-VI.
as well as other compound semiconductor nanoparticles. Bis
compounds, M(ECNR) (M=Zn or Cd, E=S or Se and
R=alkyl), have used a similar one-pot synthetic procedure,
which involved dissolving the precursor in tri-ii-octylphos
phine (TOP) followed by rapid injection into hot tri-n-oc
tylphosphine oxide/tri-n-octylphosphine (TOPO/TOP)
above 200° C. Single-source precursors have also been used
to produce I-III-VI materials i.e. CuInS, using (PPH),Culn
(SEt) dissolved in a mixture of hexanethiol and dioctylpha
late at 200° C. to give hexanethiol coated CuInS.
I-III-VI nanoparticles have also been prepared from
multi-source precursors such as in the case of CunSea pre
pared from CuCl dissolved in triethylene and elemental
indium and selenium. CuInTe was produce by a similar
approach but from using elemental tellurium.
For all the above methods, rapid particle nucleation fol
lowed by slow particle growth is essential for a narrow par
ticle size distribution. All these synthetic methods are based
on the original organometallic “nucleation and growth
method by Murray etal, which involves the rapid injection of
the precursors into a hot solution of a Lewis base coordinating
Solvent (capping agent) which may also contain one of the
precursors. The addition of the cooler solution subsequently
lowers the reaction temperature and assist particle growth but
inhibits further nucleation. The temperature is then main
tained for a period of time, with the size of the resulting
particles depending on reaction time, temperature and ratio of
capping agent to precursor used. The resulting solution is
cooled followed by the addition of an excess of a polar solvent
(methanol or ethanol or sometimes acetone) to produce a
precipitate of the particles that can be isolated by filtration or
Preparation from single-source molecular clusters,
Cooney and co-workers used the cluster S.Cdo (SPh)
Me-NH) to produce nanoparticles of CdS via the oxidation
of surface-capping SPh ligands by iodine. This route fol
lowed the fragmentation of the majority of clusters into ions
which were consumed by the remaining
Another method whereby it is possible to produce large
Volumes of quantum dots, eliminated the need for a high
temperature nucleation step. Moreover, conversion of the
precursor composition to the nanoparticles is affected in the
US 7,867,557 B2
presence of a molecular cluster compound. Each identical
molecule of a cluster compound acts as a seed or nucleation
point upon which nanoparticle growth can be initiated. In this
way, nanoparticle nucleation is not necessary to initiate nano
particle growth because Suitable nucleation sites are already
provided in the system by the molecular clusters. The mol
ecules of the cluster compound act as a template to direct
nanoparticle growth. By providing nucleation sites which are
so much more well defined than the nucleation sites employed
in previous work the nanoparticles formed in this way possess
a significantly more well defined final structure than those
obtained using previous methods. A significant advantage of
this method is that it can be more easily scaled-up for use in
nary materials and doped materials. Nanoparticle materials
include but are not restricted to:- ZnS/CdSe/CdS/ZnS, ZnS/
industry than conventional methods."
The particular solvent used is usually at least partly depen
dent upon the nature of the reacting species, i.e. nanoparticle
precursor and/or cluster compound, and/or the type of nano
particles which are to be formed. Typical solvents include
Lewis base type coordinating solvents, such as a phosphine
(e.g. TOP), a phosphine oxide (e.g. TOPO) or an amine (e.g.
HDA), hexanethiol, or non-coordinating organic Solvents,
e.g. alkanes and alkenes. If a non-coordinating solvent is used
then it will usually be used in the presence of a further coor
dinating agent to act as a capping agent for the following
If the nanoparticles are intended to function as quantum
dots an outer capping agent (e.g. an organic layer) must be
attached to stop particle agglomeration from occurring. A
number of different coordinating solvents are known which
can also act as capping or passivating agents, e.g. TOP,
TOPO, alkylthiols or HDA. If a solvent is chosen which
cannot act as a capping agent then any desirable capping
agent can be added to the reaction mixture during nanopar
ticle growth. Such capping agents are typically Lewis bases
but a wide range of other agents are available, such as oleic
acid and organic polymers which form protective sheaths
around the nanoparticles.
Type of System Covered by the Current Invention
ZnS/CuInS/ZnS, ZnS/CuInS/CdS/ZnS, CdS/ZnS/CuInS/
CdS/ZnS, ZnS/CuGaS/ZnS, ZnS/CuGaS/CdS/ZnS, CdS/
ZnS/CuGaS/CdS/ZnS, ZnS/CuInSe/ZnS, ZnS/CuInSe/
CdS/ZnS, CdS/ZnS/CuInSe/CdS/ZnS, ZnS/CuGaSe/ZnS,
ZnS/CuGaSe/CdS/ZnS, CdS/ZnS/CuGaSe/CdS/ZnS.
Comprising a core first element from group 12 of the peri
odic table and a second element from group 15 of the periodic
table, a first layer comprising a first element from group 12 of
the periodic table and a second element from group 15 of the
periodic table and a second layer of semiconductor material
comprising a first element from group 12 of the periodic table
and a second element from group 15 of the periodic table and
also including ternary and quaternary materials and doped
materials. Nanoparticle material includes but is not restricted
where 01 hour. The solution was then cooled to 60°C. To
this was added HNEtZnS,(SPh). Initially 4 mmol of
TOPS and 4 mmols of MeZn.TOP were added to the reaction
at room temperature and the temperature increased and
allowed to stirfor 2 hours. The temperature was progressively
increased at a rate of ~1°C./5 min with equimolar amounts of
TOPS and MeZn.TOP being added dropwise as the tempera
ture was steadily increased. The reaction was stopped when
the PL emission maximum had reached the required emis
sion, by cooling to 60°C. followed by addition of 300 ml of
dry ethanol or acetone. This produced was isolated by filtra
tion. The resulting ZnSparticles which were recrystallized by
re-dissolving in toluene followed by filtering through Celite
US 7,867,557 B2
followed by re-precipitation from warm ethanol to remove
any excess HDA, selenium or cadmium present.
Method 2 (For Reference Purposes Only)
2 nm cores were prepared in 250g hexadecylamine (HDA)
which was previously degassed at 120° C. for one hour then,
under nitrogen, Et NHaZnS(SPh) (4.75 g, 1.64
mmol) was added and the solution was heated to 250° C. for
30 minutes which resulted in the nucleation and growth of
ZnS nanoparticles. The resulting solution was then cooled to
65° C. and the particles were isolated by the addition of 400
ml dry methanol giving 1.1 g ZnS particles with approxi
mately 20% w/w of ZnS. To grow 5.5 nm ZnS, the above
mentioned procedure was repeated at 300° C. growth tem
perature for 30 minutes giving 0.69 g ZnS particles with
approximately 33% w/w of ZnS.
Synthesis of ZnS/CdSe Composite Quantum Dots
In a typical synthesis, 0.35 g ZnS cores (or approximately
4.9x107 particles) were added to 100 g of degassed HDA at
HDA solution, between 150 to 300° C. for two hours. The
solution was cooled to 150° C. before the further addition of
precursor. The ZnS/CdSe particles were then cooled and iso
lated with excess methanol.
Method 2
and moisture-free HDA at 70° C., the solution was then
TOPSe to the ZnS-HDA solution, between 150 to 300° C. for
two hours. The solution was then cooled to 150° C. before
additional MeZn.TOP and TOPS were added, this was
repeated until the desired emission wavelength was achieved.
Synthesis of ZnS/CdSe/CdZnS
The amount of Zinc, cadmium and Sulfur precursor used
was varied depending on the thickness of the outer CdZnS
shell required. The synthesis of ZnS/CdSe/CdZnS 2.5 ml
MeCd (0.05M), 2.5 ml Me,Zn (0.05M) solutions along with
5.0 ml 0.05M Sulfur Solution was added to the ZnS/CdSe
cores to produce ZnS/CdSe/CdZnS nanoparticles.
Preparation of ZnS/InP/ZnS and ZnSe/InP/ZnSe
Quantum Dot-Quantum Wells
overnight to room temperature. Particles of HDA coated ZnS
were isolated by the addition of warm dry methanol (250 ml).
The precipitation of white particles occurred these were iso
lated by centrifugation, washed with acetone and left to dry
under nitrogen. Mass of product=1.7442 g. UV-vis and PL
spectra of the ZnScores are shown in FIG. 7.
220° C. and then allowed to cool to room temperature. This
was followed by isolation; by adding 100 ml of dry warm
ethanol which produced a precipitate of orange/red particles
which were isolated via centrifugation, washed with acetone
and left to dry. Mass of product=2.29 g. UV-vis spectrum of
the ZnS/InP core/shell particles is shown in FIG. 9A. PL
spectrum of the ZnS/InP core/shell particles is shown in FIG.
Preparation of Core-Shell ZnS/InP
Method (b) (Using Larger Sized ZnS Core Particles)
Dibutyl ester (50 ml) and stearic acid (5.65 g) were dried/
degassed by heating to between 65-100° C. under vacuum for
1 hour. The temperature was then increased to 180° C. and
ZnS particles (0.5 g) along with InMe (1.125 ml) and
(TMS)P (1.125 ml) were added dropwise under N to the
the reaction mixture turned pale yellow. When the reaction
temperature had reached 200° C., further addition of InMes
(2.25 ml) and (TMS)P (2.25 ml) was made which resulted in
the colour changing from pale yellow to clear bright orange.
The temperature was then increased to 220°C., with further
addition of InMe (3.375 ml) and (TMS)P (3.375 ml) result
ing in the reaction Solution turning a dark red solution colour.
The reaction mixture was then left to anneal for 1 hour at
heated to 300° C. for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the solu
tion was cooled to 200° C. and the reaction mixture was
annealed for one hour. The reaction mixture was left to cool
Preparation of Core-Shell ZnS/InP
Method (a)
Dibutyl ester (50 ml) and stearic acid (5.65 g) were dried/
degassed by heating to between 65-100° C. under vacuum for
1 hour. The temperature was then increased to 180° C. fol
lowed by the addition of InMe (1.125 ml), (TMS)P (1.125
ml) and ZnSparticles (0.235 g) and left to stirfor 10 mins. The
reaction mixture turned pale yellow after 5 mins of addition.
When the reaction temperature had reached 200° C., further
quantities of InMe (2.25 ml) and (TMS)P (2.25 ml) were
added dropwise which resulted in the colour changing from
pale yellow to clear bright orange, the temperature was Sub
sequently increased to 220°C. This was followed by further
addition of InMe (3.375 ml) and (TMS)P (3.375 ml) result
ing in a dark red solution colour.
reaction solution this was left to stirfor 10 mins, in which time
Preparation of Core ZnS
HDA (250 g) was placed in a three neck flaskand degassed
at 120° C. under vacuum for one hour. At 100° C. EtNH
ZnoSa (SPh) (10 g) was added and the solution was then
ZnSe cores are shown in FIG. 8.
The reaction mixture was then left to anneal for 1 hour at
In a typical synthesis, ZnS cores were added to degassed
heated to 150° C. The growth of the CdSe layer onto the ZnS
core is achieved by a successive addition of MeCd.TOP and
to 280°C. After 280°C. the reaction was left to cool. Once the
temperature had decreased to 65° C., the particles were iso
lated by addition of methanol (250 ml) followed by centri
fuged, washed with acetone and left to dry under nitrogen.
Mass of product=1.2443 g. UV-vis and PL spectra of the
Method 1
70° C., the solution was then heated to 150° C. The growth of
the CdSe layer onto the ZnScore is, achieved by a successive
addition of the cluster EtsNHCdSe (SPh) to the ZnS
Preparation of Core ZnSe
HDA (150 g) was placed in a three neck flask, dried and
degassed at 120° C. for one hour. After one hour the mixture
was cooled to 60° C. ZnSea (SPh).EtNH (5 g) was
added to the HDA under nitrogen at 90° C. and left to stir for
5 mins before adding TOPSe (3.53 ml).
The reaction mixture changed colour from colorless to pale
yellow. The temperature was increased to 120° C. The tem
perature of the reaction mixture was then increased gradually
220°C. followed by cooling to room temperature. 100 ml of
dry warm ethanol was then added to gave a precipitate of
orange/red particles, these particles were isolated by centrifu
gation, washed with acetone and left to dry. Mass of prod
uct=3.2844 g. UV-vis spectrum of the ZnS/InP core/shell
particles is shown in FIG. 10A. PL spectrum of the ZnS/InP
core/shell particles is shown in FIG. 10B.
Preparation of Core-Shell ZnSe/InP
Dibutyl ester (50 ml) and stearic acid (5.65 g) were placed
in a three neck flask and dried and degassed for one hour at a
US 7,867,557 B2
temperature of 90°C. The temperature was increased to 180°
C. with addition of ZnSe particles (0.5 g), (TMS)P (1.125
ml) and InMe (1.125 ml). The solution was left at 180° C. for
10 mins followed by increasing the temperature to 200°C. At
200° C. a further addition of (TMS)P (2.25 ml) and InMe
(2.25 ml) was made. The temperature was then increased to
220° C. followed by a final addition of (TMS)P (3.375 ml)
and InMe (3.375 ml). The reaction mixture changed colour
from orange/yellow to dark red and was left to anneal for one
hour at 220°C. before cooling to room temperature. 100 ml of
dry warm ethanol was then added to the reaction solution to
give a precipitate of orange/red particles, which were isolated
by centrifugation, washed with acetone and left to dry. Mass
of product=3.33 g
Final Shelling
Preparation of ZnS/InP/ZnS
HDA (150 g) was placed in a 3 neck flask and dried and
degassed for one hour the temperature was then increased to
200° C. In a separate flask core-shell particles of ZnS/InP
(with an orange emission) (2.6343 g) were dissolved in Dibu
tyl ester (5 ml) and placed under vacuum for 20 mins this was
followed by sonication for 5 mins, this was followed by the
addition of (TMS)S (3.75 ml). This solution was then added
to the HDA solution dropwise followed by the addition of
Zn(Et) dissolved TOP (7.50 ml). The reaction mixture was
5. Total 20 mmol TOP-Se and Zn(Et) were used to make
ZnSe nanoparticles.
6. The final ZnSe nanoparticle was collected by size selec
tive precipitation with hot butanol (70° C.), centrifuga
tion and then redispersed in octane. Excess HDA was
completely removed by repeating those previous steps.
The particles were re-dispersed in toluene, hexane, hep
tane and octane, resulting in clear nanoparticle solution.
The PL peak width of ZnSe product by this method is as
10 narrow as 16 nm with a QY of 10-20%.
Preparation of ZnSe Quantum Dots
Dual Source Precursor Method
345 C.
After obtaining the ZnSe quantum dots, the multi-injection
of Zn(Et) and TOP-Se precursors for the growth of larger
ZnSe nanoparticles was analogous to the above Cluster
20 Method for the production of ZnSe quantum dots.
The PL peak width of ZnSe product by this method is as
narrow as 20 nm with a QY of 10-30%.
left at 200°C. for 26 hours. After 26 hours some luminescence
was observed. The temperature was then decreased to room
temperature followed by the addition of chloroform. The
reaction solution was then filtered through Celite. The QD
QW's were then isolated under nitrogen by addition of warm
dry methanol followed by centrifugation. UV-vis spectrum of
the ZnS/InP/ZnS core/shell/shell particles is shown in FIG.
11A. PL spectrum of the ZnS/InP/ZnS core/shell/shell par
ticles is shown in FIG. 11B.
Preparation of ZnSe Quantum Dots
Alternative methods are set out below for preparing ZnSe
quantum dots which can be further modified for use as cores
in the preparation of core/multishell quantum dot-quantum
wells as described above.
tion and PL emission.
1.1 ml TOP-Se (0.5M) and 1 ml Zn(Et), (0.5M) was slowly
injected into the above reaction solution at 290°C., and
then kept at 290° C. for 30 mins. The obtained PL is 393
G. Kanatzidis, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 1597.
2.2 ml TOP-Se (0.5M) and 2 ml Zn(Et) (0.5M) was added
into the reaction solution at 290° C. and then kept at 290°
Adv. Mater. 1999, 11, No 17, 1441.
3. Additional of 2 ml, 2 ml, 3 ml and 3 ml etc of the same
stock solution was dropwise injected into reaction Solu
tion by the same reaction condition.
4. The PL peak will be the red-shift with the multi-injection
of Zn(Et) and TOP-Se precursors and the longer
annealing time. The maximum finial PL peak can reach
to 435 nm (See FIG. 12).
(5) “New Zinc and Cadmium Chalcogenide Structured Nano
particles S. M. Daniels, P. O'Brien, N. L. Pickett, J. M.
Smith, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 789, 2004.
(6) A. Mews, A. Eychmuller, M. Giersig. D. Schooss, H.
Weller, J. Phys. Chem. 1994, 98,934.
(7) “Colloidal Two-dimensional Systems: CdSe Quantum
Shell and Wells' David Battaglia, Jack J. Li, Yunjun Wang,
Xiaogang Peng, Angew. Chem. 2003, 115,5189.
(8) “Formation of Quantum-dot quantum-well heteronano
structures with large lattice mismatch: Zn/CdS/ZnS’ Regi
nald B. Little, Mostafa A. El-Sayed, Garnett W. Bryant,
Susan Burke, J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 114, No. 4, 2001.
(9) “Synthesis and Characterization of Colloidal CuInS
Nanoparticles from a Molecular Single-Source Precur
sors' S. L. Costro, S. G. Bailey. R P Raffaelle, K. K.
Banger, A. F. Hepp, J. Phys. Chem. B. 2004, 108, 12429.
(10) “Synthesis of Mixed Copper-Indium Chalcogenolates.
Single-Source Precursors for the Photovoltaic Materials
CuInO (Q=S. Se)'W.Hirpo, S. Dhingra, A. C. Sutorik, M.
(11) “A Novel Route for the Preparation of CuSe and CuInSe
Nanoparticles' M. A. Malik, P. O'Brien, N. Revaprasadu,
C. for 60 mins. The obtained PL is 403 nm.
(2) Synthesis and characterization of nearly monodisperse
CdE (E-sulfur, selenium, tellurium) semiconductor
nanocrystallites, Murray, C.B.; Norris, D. J.; Bawendi, M.
G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115,8706.
(3) Process for preparing a nano-crystalline material, inter
national filing date 9 Aug. 1996, PCT/GB96/01942.
(4) GB Patent, Preparation of Nanoparticle Materials, PCT/
was then increased to 250° C. this was left to stir for 2 hours,
the initial PL peak of ZnSe was at 385 nm, Zn(Et), and further
quantities of and TOP-Se precursors were added to the reac
tion solution while the temperature was slowly increased to
290° C. Further quantities of Zn(Et), and TOP-Se were added
while the temperature was kept at 290°C. The growth of ZnSe
was followed by monitoring the evolution of UV-Vis absorp
(1) Perspectives on the Physical Chemistry of Semiconductor
Nanocrystals, Alivisatos, A. P.; J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100,
Molecular Cluster Method
EtNHaZnSea (SPh) (2.5 g) and 5 mmol TOP-Se
were added to a stirred solution of HDA (55g) under N, while
at 100° C. using standard airless techniques. The temperature
ZnSe quantum dots were prepared by using the injection of
5 ml Zn(Et) (0.5M) and 5 ml TOP-Se (0.5M) into ODA at
(12) “The Growth of Indium Selenide Thin Films from a
Novel Asymmetric Dialkydiselenocarbamate P. O'Brien,
D. J. Otway, J. R. Walsh, Chem. Vap. Deposition 1979, 3,
No. 4, 227.
The invention claimed is:
1. A method for producing a nanoparticle comprised of a
core comprising a core semiconductor material, a first layer
comprising a first semiconductor material provided on said
US 7,867,557 B2
core and a second layer comprising a second semiconductor
material provided on said first layer, said core semiconductor
material being different to said first semiconductor material
and said first semiconductor material being different to said
second semiconductor material, the method comprising:
effecting conversion of a nanoparticle core precursor com
position to the material of the nanoparticle core;
depositing said first layer on said core; and
depositing said second layer on said first layer, said core
precursor composition comprising a first precursor spe
cies containing a first ion to be incorporated into the
growing nanoparticle core and a separate second precur
Sor species containing a second ion to be incorporated
into the growing nanoparticle core,
said conversion being effected in the presence of a molecu
lar cluster compound different from the nanoparticle
core precursor composition.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein a ratio of the number of
moles of cluster compound compared to a total number of
moles of the first and second precursor species lies in the
range 0.0001-0.1:1.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein a molar ratio of the first
precursor species to the second precursor species lies in the
range 100-1:1.
4. The method of claim 1, wherein the molecular cluster
compound and the core precursor composition are dispersed
in a dispersing medium at a first temperature and a tempera
ture of the dispersing medium containing the cluster com
pound and the core precursor composition is then increased to
a second temperature greater than the first temperature.
5. The method of claim 4, wherein the first temperature is
in the range 50° C. to 100° C.
6. The method of claim 4, wherein the second temperature
is in the range 120° C. to 280° C.
7. The method of claim 1, the method comprising:
a. dispersing the molecular cluster compound and an initial
portion of the nanoparticle core precursor composition
which is less than a total amount of the core precursor
composition to be used to produce said nanoparticle
cores in a suitable dispersing medium at a first tempera
15. The method of claim 7, wherein formation of said
molecular cluster compound is effected in situ in said dispers
ing medium prior to dispersing the molecular cluster com
pound and the initial portion of the nanoparticle core precur
Sor composition in said dispersing medium.
16. The method of claim 1, wherein conversion of the core
precursor composition to the nanoparticle core is effected in
a reaction medium and said nanoparticle core is isolated from
said reaction medium prior to deposition of the first layer.
17. The method of claim 1, wherein:
b. increasing a temperature of the dispersing medium con
taining the cluster compound and the core precursor
composition to a second temperature greater than the
first temperature; and
c. thereafter, adding one or more further portions of the
core precursor composition to the dispersing medium
containing the growing nanoparticle cores,
wherein the temperature of the dispersing medium contain
ing the growing nanoparticle cores is further increased
above the second temperature at least one of before,
during, or after the addition of the initial portion or each
further portion of the nanoparticle core precursor com
8. The method of claim 7, wherein the temperature of the
dispersing medium containing the growing nanoparticle
cores is increased to the second temperature at a rate in the
range 0.05° C./min to 1°C/min.
9. The method of claim 7, wherein said first temperature is
in the range 15° C. to 60° C.
10. The method of claim 7, wherein said second tempera
ture is in the range 90° C. to 150° C.
11. The method of claim 7, wherein the initial portion or
each further portion of the nanoparticle core precursor com
position is added dropwise to the dispersing medium contain
ing the growing nanoparticle cores.
12. The method of claim 7, wherein said initial portion of
the nanoparticle core precursor composition is less than or
equal to approximately 90% of the total amount of the nano
particle core precursor composition to be used to produce said
nanoparticle cores.
13. The method of claim 7, wherein one further portion of
the nanoparticle core precursor composition is added to the
dispersing medium containing the growing nanoparticle
cores and said one further portion is less than or equal to
approximately 90% of the total amount of the nanoparticle
core precursor composition to be used to produce said nano
particle cores.
14. The method of claim 7, wherein a plurality of further
portions of the nanoparticle core precursor composition is
added to the dispersing medium containing the growing nano
particle cores and each of said further portions is less than or
equal to approximately 45% of the total amount of the nano
particle core precursor composition to be used to produce said
nanoparticle cores.
a) at least two of the core, first shell and second shell
materials incorporate ions from groups 12 and 15 of the
periodic table, groups 14 and 16 of the periodic table, or
groups 11, 13 and 16 of the periodic table; or
b) the second shell material incorporates ions of at least two
different elements from group 12 of the periodic table
and ions from group 16 of the periodic table; or
c) at least one of the core, first and second semiconductor
materials incorporates ions from groups 11, 13 and 16 of
the periodic table and at least one other of the core, first
and second semiconductor materials is a semiconductor
material not incorporating ions from groups 11, 13 and
16 of the periodic table.
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