EMG Technology, LLC v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 209

MOTION to Change Venue by Apple, Inc., American Airlines, Inc., Dell Inc., Hyatt Corporation, Marriott International, Inc., Barnes & Noble, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit J, # 12 Exhibit K - Part 1, # 13 Exhibit K - Part 2, # 14 Exhibit L, # 15 Exhibit M, # 16 Exhibit N, # 17 Exhibit O, # 18 Exhibit P, # 19 Exhibit Q, # 20 Exhibit R, # 21 Exhibit S, # 22 Exhibit T, # 23 Exhibit U, # 24 Exhibit V, # 25 Exhibit W, # 26 Text of Proposed Order)(Rambin, Daymon)

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EMG Technology, LLC v. Apple, Inc. Doc. 209 Att. 24 EXHIBIT V Dockets.Justia.com IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION EMG TECHNOLOGY, INC., Plaintiff, -vsAPPLE, INC., AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC., BLOOMBERG, L.P., CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC., UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC., Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 6:08CV-447-LED ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ______________________________) DEPOSITION OF SABIN HEAD, Ph.D. DATE: TIME: LOCATION: September 9, 2009 9:20 a.m. MANATT, PHELPS & PHILLIPS, LLP One Embarcadero Center 30th Floor San Francisco, California REPORTED BY: Anne M. Torreano, CSR, RPR, CCRR Certified Shorthand Reporter License Number C-10520 282 17:35:53 17:35:54 17:35:55 17:35:56 17:35:58 17:36:00 17:39:00 17:39:02 17:39:04 1 the timer. 2 3 minute? 4 MR. STEPHENS: Can we go off the record for a THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going off record at 5 5:35 p.m. 6 7 (DISCUSSION OFF THE RECORD.) THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going back on record at 8 5:38 p.m. 9 Please proceed. 17:39:07 10 BY MR. STEPHENS: 17:39:07 11 Q. Dr. Head, now that we have Safari working 17:39:09 12 this time without being set as -- to mimic the iPhone 17:39:15 13 browser, could you navigate to the malltv.com page with 17:39:18 14 that? 17:39:19 15 17:39:41 16 17:39:42 17 right. 17:39:44 18 MR. BECKER: Object. Form. All MR. STEPHENS: It doesn't have Flash. Let's go off the record again. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going off record at 17:39:45 19 5:39 p.m. 17:41:04 20 17:59:24 21 (DISCUSSION OFF THE RECORD.) THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going back on record at 17:59:32 22 5:59 p.m. 17:59:33 23 17:59:34 24 Please proceed. MR. STEPHENS: Rob, I don't want to appear to 17:59:37 25 be too pedantic here, but I just want to make sure I'm 283 17:59:42 17:59:44 17:59:44 17:59:47 17:59:49 17:59:51 17:59:54 17:59:58 18:00:00 1 here clear on what you stipulated to about the MallTV 2 portal. 3 Was your stipulation that malltv.com does not 4 incorporate or reflect any of the certified claims? 5 MR. BECKER: No, it does not contain, to my 6 knowledge, all of the elements of any particular claim. 7 MR. STEPHENS: Okay. But that means it does 8 not incorporate or reflect all of the elements of any 9 particular claim; right? 18:00:02 10 MR. BECKER: The mock-up, not MallTV portal, 18:00:07 11 but the mock-up of it, does not contain, to my 18:00:10 12 knowledge, all of the elements of any claim. 18:00:12 13 MR. STEPHENS: And there's nothing that 18:00:14 14 physically exists in the world that incorporates or 18:00:17 15 reflects all of the elements of any asserted claim; 18:00:20 16 right? 18:00:20 17 MR. BECKER: And that I disagree with. I 18:00:22 18 think the patent description is something that 18:00:24 19 physically exists that contains all those elements. 18:00:27 20 MR. STEPHENS: Okay. But other than the 18:00:29 21 patent, there's nothing else; right? 18:00:31 22 18:00:34 23 MR. BECKER: Nothing that I'm aware of. Okay. And EMG is not MR. STEPHENS: 18:00:35 24 contending that there is; right? 18:00:37 25 MR. BECKER: Yes, that's my -- you're right. 316 18:49:54 18:49:56 18:49:58 18:49:59 1 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This ends today's The total number of 2 Deposition on September 9th, 2009. 3 tapes used was four. 4 5 6 7 8 We're now off the record at 6:49 p.m. (The deposition of SABIN HEAD, Ph.D. was adjourned at 6:49 p.m. this date.) --- oOo --- I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing 9 is true and correct. 10 11 Date ____________________ 12 __________________________ SABIN HEAD, Ph.D. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 317 1 2 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE The undersigned Certified Shorthand Reporter 3 licensed in the State of California does hereby 4 certify: 5 I am authorized to administer oaths or 6 affirmations pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure, 7 Section 2093(b), and prior to being examined, the 8 witness was duly administered an oath by me. 9 I am not a relative or employee or attorney or 10 counsel of any of the parties, nor am I a relative or 11 employee of such attorney or counsel, nor am I 12 financially interested in the outcome of this action. 13 I am the deposition officer who 14 stenographically recorded the testimony in the 15 foregoing deposition, and the foregoing transcript is a 16 true record of the testimony given by the witness. 17 Before completion of the deposition, review of If 18 the transcript [x] was [ ] was not requested. 19 requested, any changes made by the deponent (and 20 provided to the reporter) during the period allowed are 21 appended hereto. 22 In witness whereof, I have subscribed my name 23 this ____ day of ____________, 2009. 24 _______________________________ 25 ANNE M. TORREANO, CSR No. 10520

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