Eolas Technologies Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filing 1307

RESPONSIVE CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF IN OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS' CLAIM CONSTRUCTION REGARDING THE TERM "BROWSER APPLICATION" filed by Eolas Technologies Incorporated, The Regents of the University of California. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C)(McKool, Mike)

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EX. B broadcast simultaneollsly over multiple transmission (;hannels Ihat arc distinguished by frequency, A broad- band network is C::lpablc of high-sJX.'Cd operation (20 megabits or mOTe), but it is more expensive than a baseband network and GIn be difficult to install. Such a network is hased on the same technology used by c:lhle te levision (CAIV). Also calledwidcband transmission. Compare baseband network. broadcast 1 \brod 'kIS(\ ad). Scnt to more than onc recipient. In comrnuniellions and on networks, a bro:ldcas! message is one distribilled to all stations. See also e-mail 1 (definition I). broadcasr \brcx:l'klS(\ Il. As in rJdio or television, a tr:msmissio[l scm to more than one r(.'Cipient. broadcast stoml \brcxl'bst stC)rm' \ II. A network brOadclS\ that causes multiple hosts to respond Simultaneously, overloading thl..' network. A broadcast storm m:l y OCOl Twhen olu TCP/ JP routers afe mixed w ith foute rs that supJXln a new protocol. A L~o called network meltdown. See also communications protocol , router, TCP/IP. Brouter \brou't~r> hroo't;)r\ See bridge route r. brownout \broun'ollt\ II. A condition in which the electricity level is appreciably reduced for a sustained perioo of time. In l."OnlrJst to:1 hlackout, or 10tal loss of pow~r, :1 brownout continll ~S the fl ow of ele<:rricity 10 all ueviC(:s conne(1L'<.i to elec· triCI! outlet:-, ;llth()u~h at low(:)" kvcb th;ln the nOfJlully supplied levels (!20 volts in the United St;1{es). A hrownout ClI1 he eX{femd y damaging to sensitive electronic devices, such as computers, beC;1USC tll!.! reduced and oflen flUclU:Hing voltage levels can Cluse components to operate for e xtended period" or time outside the range they wen: designed fO work in. On a computer, a brownout is characterized hy a smaller, dimmer, a nd somewhat fluc\ll:l1ing display area on the mo nito r and potentially err-l1ie behavior by the syste m unit. TIle only reliable Ilwans of preventing damage caused by a hro wnout conditio n is to lise a bal1e!)'-backed uninterruptible power supply (UPS). See also UPS . Compare b!ackOll\. browse \brou7.\ vb. To scan a datab:I.'>C, a list of files, or the Inte rnet, either for a panicular ite m or for anything (hat seems to be of interest. Generally, browsing implies observing, rather than changing, information. In unauthorized computer hac king, brOWSing is a (presumably) nondestructive means of finding OUi aiXlUt an unknown compUle r after illegally gaining e nt!)'. browser \brou ' ?;)r\ 11 . SL-'e Web browser. browser box \hroll ' ?;)r boks' \ 11 . See Web 'IV. BRS \I3' R-S'\ 11 . Sc'('big red switch. brush \ brush\ 11. A tool used in paint programs to sketch or fill in ,lreas of a drawing with the c.:olor and pattern currently in usc. Paint pro~ ra ms th:n offer a varielYof hmsh shapes e m produce brushstrokeS of varying widrh and , in SOIllt;" cases, shadowing o r calli~raphic effccts. .bs \dot' B-S'\ II. On rhe Internet , Ihe major l-\cographic dom:lin specifying that an :l(klress is loc-ated in Ihe Bahamas. Root Simple inUl!X Poinlt'fS to dal:l rcnmls (rows) H-tref'_ A B-tree index slru cture, ·wav Webmaster .wav \dot'W-A-V'\ 11. Th~ file extension that icknlifies sound files stored in waveform (WAV) audio f()fll1al S("(!a/so\'llAV. WAY \W:1V, \'II' AN ' \ II . A file format in which Windows s(ores sou nds as w'lveforms. Such flit's have the extension .wav. [)~pending on the sampling frequency , on whether the sound is Illon:lur:d or stereo, and on whether 8 or 16 hiL" are lLsed for each sample, one minute of sound can occupy :IS liule as 644 kilobytes or as much as 27 megabytes of storage. S<.'(! a£~o sampling (definition 2), wav!.:fonn. wavc \wav\ 11 . 1. Any disturbance or chang\! th:l.t has an oscillatory, periodic nature, for example, a light or sound wave. 5<..-'CaLmwavcform. 2. [n ekc· tronies, the timt'- alllplitud~ profile or an eleclric.11 Signal. waveform \wav'f6rm\ 11. '1111..' manner in which a wave's amplitude changes over time, See also period, phase, wav(!knglh. wavelength \wav ' lenkth, w:1v '\cngth\ 11.1111..' distance between successive peaks or troughs in a periodic signal that is propagated through sp:lce . Wavelength is symboli:.t:ed by the Greek letter lambda (A.) and can be calculated as speed divided by fn:.. '"quency. wavelet \w3v'l.:)t\ n. A mathematic-al runction that varies over a limited extent of time. Wavelets are coming into increasing use for analyzing signals (such as sound). They have limited duration and sudden cha nges in frequency and amplitude rather than the infinite duration and . constant amplitude and frequency of the sine and cosine functions. Compare Fourier trans· form. WBEM \\VB-i-:-M ' \ n . Acronym for Weh-Based Enterprise Management. A protocol that links a web browser directly to a device or application that monitors a network. See also communications protocol. WDEF \ W'D-E-I'' '' It. See window definition fun ction. WDL \ W' D-L '\ 11. See Windows Driver Library. weak typing \wck' a ' peng\ 11. A characteristic of a progmmming language that allows the program to change the data type of a variable during program execution. See also data type, variable. Compare strong typing. web \ wcb\ II. A set of interlinked documenL<; in a hypertext system. The u ~cr enters the web through a home p:lge. See also World \'IIide Web. Web \weh\ n . Sec: World Wide Web. Web address \ web ' :\' dtes, C)-dres'\ n. See URI.. Web·Based Enterprise Management \web' basel , cn·t.;"lr-prlz man 'C)j-m;)I1t\ 11 . SeeWBEM. Web browser \ web' brou' 7~")r\ n. A client appliCllion thaL en;lbks a u,sl'r to view HTML documents on the World \X' ide Web, another network, or the user's mmputcr; follow the hyperlinks among them; and tf"Jnster files. Text-based Web browsers, such as Lynk C,1Il serve users with she!] accounts but show only the text elements of ;In IllML document ; most Web browsers, however, require a conneqlion that can handle IP packeL<; but will ;1150 display graphics that are in the document , play audio and video files , and execute small progf"Jms such as Java applets or r ActiveX comfols, that C<U1 be embedded in HTML documents. Some wCbi browsers require helper applications or plug-in' to accomplish one or more of these tasks. I addition, most current Web browsers permit users to send and reccivc c-mail and to read and respond to newsgroups. Also called browser. See also ActivcX controls, helper application, hyperlink , Internet Explorer, Java applet, Lynx, Mosaic, Netscape Navigator, plug-in. WebCcawler \Wel) ' kr'J.' tf, kro'br\ n. A World Wide Web search cngi c operated by America Online. See also search ngine. Web development \web'de-vcl':,)p-mont\ n. The design and coding of W? rld Wide Web pages. Web directory \web' dClr-ek'tor-e\ n. A list of Web Sites, giving the URL and a description of each. See also URi. Web index \web'in'deks\ It . A Web site intended to enable a user to locate other resources on the Web. 11,e Web index ma1 include a search facility y or may merely contain inUividua l hyperHnks to the resources indexed. Webmaster or wcbmastcr \web'ma'stdr\ rl. A person responsible for creating and maintaining a World Wide Web site. A Webmas[cr is often responsible for responding to e-mail, ensuring the site is operating properly, creating and updating Web pages, and maintaining .the overall structure

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