Touchscreen Gestures LLC v. Google Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT For Patent Infringement against Google Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-3765999.), filed by Touchscreen Gestures LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D)(Huff, Winston)

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      EXHIBIT  A   1 1 1111111,1111111111 11111111#q11 11111 1111111 11 1 1 1111111 ( 2 United States Patent 1) (10) Patent No.: U S 7,184,031 B 2 (45) Date of Patent: F e b . 27, 2007 Lin et al. 5,943,043 A * 3/2000 L e vy 6,856,259 B1 * (75) Inv entors : J ao-Ching Lin, Hs in Chuang (TW); Shyh-In Huang, Hs in Chuang (TW); Lin-A bel Chu, Hs in Chuang (TW); Chung-Yi Shen, Hs in Chuang (TW) 8/1999 Furuhata et a l. 6,037,882 A * (54) M E T H O D A ND CO NTRO L L E R FO R I DE NTI FY I NG A DRA G G ESTURE 2/2005 Sharp 6,995,752 B 2 * 2002/0141643 A l * 2/2006 Lu 10/2002 345/173 341/20 341/5 345/174 Jaeger 5/2004 Graham 382/181 2004/0103372 A l * 2006/0139340 A l * 6/2006 Geaghan 345/177 715/513 (73) As s ignee: Sent elic Corporation. Taipei (TW) (*) Notice: S u b j e c t to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 414 days. * cited by examiner Primary Examiner Ric a rd o Osorio (21) A p p l . No.: 10/776,977 (57) A B S T R A C T (22) Fi l e d : J u l . 6, 2004 (65) P r i o r Public ation Data A method of identifying a drag gesture, with which the drag gesture is performed on a touch device and the method is characterized in that a drag signal can be generated when a US 2006/0007166 A l J a n . 12, 2006 (51) I n t . Cl. G09G 5/00 ( 2 0 0 6 . 0 1 ) (52) U . S . Cl. 3 4 5 / 1 7 3 ; 345/156 (58) F i e l d of Classification Search 3 4 5 / 1 7 3 - 1 7 7 ; 178/18.01-18.09; 715/863 See application file for complete search history. (56) R e f e r e n c e s Cited U.S. PATENT DO CUMENTS 5,880,411 A * 3 / 1 9 9 9 Gille sp ie et a l. 1 7 8 / 1 8 .0 1 sum of time duration of the first appearance and time span between an end of the first appearance time duration and a start of the second appearance is less than a first reference time, a sum of the first appearance time duration, the time span and a second appearance time duration is not less than the reference time value and an accumulated displacement of the second appearance time duration is not less than a reference displacement. 20 Claims , 5 Drawing Sheets M down2 dawn down! Input 41 Output T" s 1 T1 ) 4 down2 (1 5 dow n U.S. P a t e n t F e b . 27, 2007 Sheet 1 of 5 10 o r &tie t5 OT U FIG I t6 U S 7,184,031 B2 U.S. P a t e n t F e b . 27, 2007 Sheet 2 of 5 U S 7,184,031 B2 Main unit Transmitter interface \/—'-• a >C 1=i it ) C•1 C\J o u_ U.S. Pat en t F e b . 27, 2007 S h e e t 3 of 5 U S 7,184,031 B 2 41 4 2 ' counted time has reached TI First appearancez 42 end has been detected / 't)r counted time has . reached I I ? first appear a nc e , )C n --F - Second appearance / 44 d counted time has reached Ti? counted time has reached TI s t a r f has been dei 'ate" 4 o r FIG 3 T _ S Z " No I Top) e T2 1? > c Yes o 46 n No T d o w nd> T 3 1 ? a Yes p 4 p 47 Mdow1;2 e counted or Second appearance ". a Mdown2ZMI end has been detected or time has ‘z Mr time has counted reached T I I reached Ti? a To p .. 2 > T 2 2 ? n Second appearance ends c e s " No t a r Yes t 49 s No T d o w n 2 > T 3 2 ? 50 Yes • , , - 43 Determine if it is any other gesture No • K I c •— Yes • '. / 5 : Generates dragsignal1 </ vn 2 > T 3 2 ? U.S. P a t e n t Sheet 4 of 5 F e b . 27, 2007 11 1down2 da wn Input U T down! • " T 110,1 T Output FIG 4 I d wn o 2 / dw on 5 1 S 7,184,031 B2 U.S. P a t e n t F e b . 27, 2007 Sheet 5 o f 5 Mdopmi T down]. up! Tdowni Input T1 FIG 5 U S 7,184,031 B 2 US 7,184,031 B2 1 M E TH O D A ND CO NTRO L L E R FO R I DE NTI FY I NG A DRA G G ESTURE BACKG RO UND OF THE I NV E NTI O N 2 identifying a drag gesture on the touch device. Wit h reference to FIG. 1, when a time duration t appearance at the first time j(i.e. stay t time of the object body 4 o f t h e o b e c appearing d the touch device at the first time) is compared on y b o 5 t o the first reference time value, a drag signal 11 generates in case of the time duration t time value.gThen, e ts s span i 4 b e in l a ime appearance n s b e a w andethe second time appearance is compared to e n t h t reference time value and the drag signal 11 is kept ta second e a h I o and i iX, rY information generates repeatedly wit hin the time ff r ss t t at second tdurationf t, m thee e n time in case o f the time span t, r ei e r being less than the second reference time value. c Although the conventional method can achieve the pure 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a method and a controller for identifying a drag gesture and particularly to a method and a c ontroller for identify ing a drag gesture on a touch device and generating a drag signal, whic h simulates an object dragged by a mouse. 2. Description of Related Art The graphical user interface (G UI ) is a program operational interface developed by ZEROX PARC research center pose of identifying the drag gesture, the time duration t and the GUI is used in company with a pointing device such 1 5 firs toappearance and the t ime span t , between the firs t 4 f as a mouse. The user only needs to move the mouse with a appearance and the second appearance being compared to a visional type pointer and make a click then a desired action respective reference t ime v alue corresponding t o t hem can be performed easily s o as t o solve the problem o f makes determination complicated. Also, X, Y information inconvenience resulting from the text mode being required being generated repeatedly within the time duration t, of the to input complicated instructions. Hence, t he G UI was 2 o second appearance results i n more complicated design. adopted by Apple computer company and Microsoft comFurther, due to personal differences between users, time for pany one after another to become the most popular mode in various stages o f movement done by each person during all the operational systems. The pointing device has become performing the drag gesture may be different f rom each a basic outfit in electronic equipment applying the GUI such other. Even the same person may have different time duraas desktop computer, notebook computer, flat panel corn- 2 5 t ions for movements while the drag gesture is performed at puter and personal digital assistance (PDA). different times. Hence, it is easy for the conventional method Currently, the pointing device includes external mouse to occur misjudgment. I n addition, it is easy for the touch and a track ball touch pad built in a portable computer device to be touched accidentally during operation or to system and a touch panel joined to the screen. The mouse is occur phenomena of temporary spike of the first appearance, the earliest developed pointing device. Taking the mouse as 3 o temporary spike time span between the first appearance and an example for explaining the function of pointing device, the second appearance and temporary s pik e o f second the mous e c an c ontrol the pointer on the screen o f the appearance due to the touch device generating noise at work electronic device, that is, where the mouse is moved, where or being caused by interference of foreign noise. The conventional method does not have a minimum time limitation the pointer is moved. Then, an execution instruction to the electronic device can be carried out by way of pressing the 3 5 t o the time duration of first appearance, the time duration of control button on the screen for a target ready to be executed. second appearance and the t ime span between the firs t Nevertheless, des ign wit h lightness, smallness, shortness appearance and the second appearance so that it is easy to and thinness is a trend o f electronic equipment and, f o r occur incorrect determination to the signal generated due to the noise interference. instance, t he laptop c omputer is getting t o replac e t he desktop computer so that the small sized touch device such 40 S UMMA RY OF THE I NV E NTI O N as the touch panel is getting a main stream pointing device gradually. The technique o f current touc h pad mainly includes capacitance ty pe, resistance ty pe, electromagnetic ty pe, pressure type, inductance type, surface sound wave type and optical type. When a object body such as a finger moves on the touch pad, the pointer can be controlled to move along direction o f the object body. Further, the pointer needs to have a function of carry out an order in addition to controlling movement of the pointer. Taking operating the mouse as an example, when the pointer moves to an object ready to be moved such as a program, a document or a picture, one of the buttons on the mouse such as the left button can be kept pressing in company wit h moving the mouse. I n this way, the object can be dragged to other places. As for the touch device such as the touch pad, mostly there are two control buttons provided additionally instead o f the left and right buttons on the mouse or the object body is defined to make a c ertain gesture o n the touc h device such that signals resulting from continuing pressing a button of the mouse can be generated along with the object being moved and dragged to other places. An ordinary touch device usually simulates a drag movement of mouse with a drag gesture and the way to carry out the drag gesture is to implement a tap and a displacement following the tap immediately so as to let the object moving. Hence, U.S. Pat. No. 6,414,671 has disclosed a method for An object of the present invention is provide a method and a controller for identifying a drag gesture with which a time 45 s ummation o f each movement is compared to a reference time value to achieve a more convenient and reliable determination. Another object o f the present invention is to prov ide a method f or identify ing a drag gesture wit h whic h time o f 50 each movement is required to be greater than a corresponding time value respectively so as to av oid a misjudgment effectively caused by noise. A further object o f the present invention is to provide a method and a controller for identifying a drag gesture with 55 wh ic h a n accumulated displacement during t he second appearance is compared to a reference displacement so as to determine if the drag gesture is performed and achieve an accurate judgment. The method of identifying a drag gesture with whic h the 60 drag gesture is performed on a touch device according the present invention includes f ollow steps: i. detecting a first appearance o f an object on the touch device; detecting a second appearance o f the object on the 65 t o u c h device; and a sum of time duration of the first appearance and time span between an end o f the firs t appearance t ime US 7,184,031 B2 3 4 duration and a start o f the second appearance being smaller than a first reference time and meeting one of following two situation, then generating a drag signal: (A) another summation of the first appearance time duration, t he t ime span and a second appearance t ime 5 duration being not less than the reference time value; and (B) an accumulated displacement of the second appearance t ime duration being not less than a reference displacement. i o BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Main unit 3 can be a personal computer, laptop, personal digital assistant (P DA ) o r a c ellular phone. I n here, the previous mentioned components are related to the prior art and no detailed will be described further. Furthermore, the operational module, displacement unit 25, gesture unit 26 and transmitter interface 27 in the preferred embodiment of present invention are all assembled in a controller such as a chip. The gesture unit 26 receives the calculation results Dx and Dy from the displacement unit 25 to determine if the object has produced an action qualified as a drag gesture on the touch pad 21 and also during this determination as whether the action is a drag gesture, correspondingly transmits out The present invention can be more f ully understood by reference to the f ollowing description and accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a graph showing time pulse of conventional drag gesture; FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a touch device in a preferred embodiment of a method of identifying drag gesture according to the present invention; FIG. 3 is a flow chart of the embodiment shown in FIG. 2; FIG. 4 is a graph showing time pulses of input and output signals in an example of the embodiment shown in FIG. 2; and FIG. 5 is a graph showing time impulses o f input and output signals in another example of the embodiment shown in FIG. 2. 15 the first signal o f the simulated dragging the mouse while holding the mouse button (this drag signal comprises o f multiple consecutive signals), through the transmitter interface to the main unit 3 in order to carry out the corresponding control. The technical characteristic of the present inven- tion is the method of identifying drag gesture in the gesture 20 unit 26. The gesture unit 26 can achieve the method o f identifying drag gesture through software, firmware or hardware. Moreover, ev en though the gesture unit 26 i n the example o f the present invention is embedded in the controller of the touch device 2, it can be installed in the main 25 unit 3 as a software o r hardware and not just limit ed to technique used or revealed in the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Besides, even though a capacitance type touch device 2 is used as an example in the preferred embodiment o f the 30 present invention, persons f amiliar to the art should know DETAI LED DESCRIPTION OF THE that the present invention can be applied onto other types of PREFERRED E MB O DI ME NT touch device, such as optical type, resistance type, magnetic type, pressure type, inductance type, surface sonar type, Regarding the previously mentioned technical details, supersonic type and so on. Therefore, it is not confined to characteristics and effectiveness of the present invention, it 35 just what is illustrated or revealed in the preferred embodican be f ully understood by referring to the reference figures ment of the present invention. in the detailed explanation of the preferred embodiment of Referring to FIG. 3, it illustrates the flow chart o f an the present invention. example in the preferred embodiment of the present invenTo s tart of f , t he method o f identify ing drag gesture tion. I n the example, first assume that an object such as a according to the present invention is to be used on touch 40 finger 10 has simultaneously tapped on the touch pad 21 device. For explanation purpose, in the preferred emboditwice. To s implify the explanation, in the f ollowing parament of the invention, the capacitance type touch device is graphs, the object w i l l be represented by the finger 10. used for explanation. Something worth noting is that even though a finger 10 is Referring t o FI G . 2, capacitance type touc h device 2 used to illustrate the preferred embodiment o f the present mainly includes a touch pad 21, an operation module that 45 invention, persons familiar with the conventional art should consists of a treat unit along X direction 22, a treat unit along know that the touch device 2 of the preferred embodiment is Y direction 23, an operational unit 24 and a displacement suitable for detecting other types o f conductive objects or unit 25, a gesture unit 26 and a transmitter interface 27. The multiple conductive objects, whic h are not confined to what touch pad 21 has multiple wires distributed in the X and Y is revealed i n the preferred embodiment o f the present direction respectively and, for example, there are 16 wires in 50 invention. the X direction and 12 wires in the Y direction. Therefore, when a conductive object such as a finger 10 touches or in close contact with the touch pad 21, it causes a change in the capacitance on the touch pad 21. The treat units along X and Y direc tion 22, 2 3 immediately process t he respective 55 First of all, in step 41. the touch device 2 detects the finger 10 on the touch pad 21 at the start of its first appearance. At the same time, the touch device 2 will start timing how long the finger 10 appears on the touch pad 21. I n the present example, if it is assumed to be the drag gesture, there will be capacitance on the X and Y direction and transmit the data a detection of a second appearance within the first reference to operational unit 24. The operational unit 24 based on the received data will compute the X and Y coordinates of the object contact location. After that, the displacement unit 25 will receive the X and Y coordinates computed by the 60 operational unit 24 and based on this information calculate relative displacements D x and D y corresponding t o the contact signal of the object on the touch pad 21 and transmit them to the gesture unit 26 and transmitter unit 27. Thus, the calculated results Dx and Dy can be transmitted to a main 65 unit 3 through the transmitter unit 27 so that the main unit 3 can control the movement o f the pointer on the screen. time value T,. The range of the first reference time value Ti in the present example can be set between 100 ms-1000 ms (100 m s T the need of the designer or the operating preference of the 1 user. 0 0 1 0 m Subsequently, in step 42, the touch device will continued s to detect the appearance of the finger 10 on the touch pad 21 ) order t o determine whic h o f the t wo conditions: t he in o ending of the first appearing time duration or the timer after r the first appearing time duration has reached the first referi ence time T,, has been achieved first. t c a n US 7,184,031 B2 5 I f in step 42, it has been determined that first appearing time duration has ended and the timer has not reached the first reference time T, whic h means that there may be a second appearance within the first reference time T,, step 44 will continue to be executed. However, if in step 42, it has been determined that the timer has reached the value of first reference time T,, and as only the first appearance occurred within the first reference time T, and the first appearing time duration T confirmed that it is not a drag gesture Thus step 43 will be d0 executed by the gesture unit 26 to determine if the action is „ of any other gestures. 1 e In step 44, touch device 2 continues to determine which x c e of the conditions: the start o f the second appearance time e d s duration when the finger 10 is detected on the touch pad 21 t the timer has reached the first reference time T,, has been or h e achieved first. I f in step 44, it has been determined that the f start i of the second appearance time duration is detected first, r implies that two appearances have occurred within the first it s reference time T, and it may be a drag gesture so step 45 will t be continued. However, if in step 44, it has been determined r e that e timer has reached the value of first reference time T, the f first.eit can be confirmed that it is not a drag gesture. Thus r step c will be executed to determine if the action is of any n 43 other gestures. e I f in step 44, it has been determined that second appeart ance has already started, referring to FIG. 4, touch device 2 i has already obtained the firs t appearance t ime duration m Tdown1 (referring to the time the finger 10 is maintained on e the touch pad when it first appearance on the touch pad) and also T the time span between the two appearance time durations Tupl (referring to the time when the finger 10 first taps 1 and leaves the touch pad until the time before the finger 10 , taps on the touch pad 21 for the second time) in the previous i detection. t Touch pad 21 during its operation can be easily touched c by mistake or due to the noise generated by its elf or noise a from the surrounding environment and then produce inapn propriate signals such as short first and second appearance b time duration or short time span between the two appearance e time duration. As these unwanted signals only last a short period of time, there is a requirement that the time duration of each action must be larger than the respective minimum time values, in order to effectively filter out inappropriate signals and thus enhance the accuracy of the identification. Therefore, in step 45, first determine if the first time span T second appearance time duration T o minimum UP reference time T 2 p is l a r g e r reference n 2 1 h a time T„ is the shortest effective time between the t , UP T hh DOe f of the s t 10. In the present example, the .t and e WN i r finger b first ii n r i m t u m m minimumsUP reference time T f e ms (1r ms n T e s 2 a P g U1 t the r o m 2 1 need of the designer or the operating preference of the f 1 w user. I f step 45 determines the first time span T 1 0 m s 1 i t1 o S bthe firstn o t larger than e minimum U P reference tim e 1 ie t o T e 2 ) 1 1 0 T n a n 2 really finished yet and thus it will jump back to step 42. I f 1 o t d step 45 )determines that the first time span T p h i firs t min imu m UP reference t ime T the i s , l a r g e r 1 t h a n l te 1 ( T that the first time span between the two appearance implies i 2 i f c durations is v alid and therefore continues to step 46. 1 t s i a T step 46, determine if the first appearance time duration > In r t r do 1 is larger than the first minimum tap reference time n 1 T 2 e o s T b „ . Since usually when the finger 10 appearing on the touch ) i t o t 21 p pad implies that the finger 10 is down on the touch pad e s a a d r h p u e j o p s t s 6 21, then the shortest effective time the finger 10 first tap on the touch pad 21 and stays on it is called the first minimum tap reference time T first 3 1 appearance time duration T 5 m i n Ii m u m itap reference time T .d 0 f n 3 1thatt the first appearance is a valid signal and step 47 will be „ s ( T de p continued. However,gi f e r 46 determines the condition to step 0 4 1 i6 s , l a r be false ( T n „ it ht a ance a 1 d 0 ish noise signal and will be discarded, it will jump back e ito steps41 and resume to wait for the next first appearance. io t„ > Tf e i t r e s d When proceeding t step 47, it implies that the summation r to T 3 11 the first appearance time duration Td m i n e d of 1 ),3 ih t tspan between two appearance durations is smaller than the o i )n , d it c time t value T e s a reference a first „ w h 15 jus t a n the secondh e that d appearance of finger 10 on the touch pad t1 1 i21 lasts longer,t o r the accumulated displacement o f the c h h D u r si nt g . if im r appearance time duration is larger, therefore, in the second e e h t t e p li i m preferred a embodiment o f the present invention, t ime and d r g e s displacement will be used as condition to determine whether g e s t u r 20 itt is drag gesture and enhance the determination reliability. e , In h step 47, determines whic h of the following three condii t tions is achieved first: detection of the finish of the second a i appearancestime duration, the accumulated displacement of t the second appearance time duration M d t 25 t o reference displacement value M, or the timer since the he h appearance time duration has reached the first reference first „ e timei Ts 2 l a r g e r f detection of the second appearance, it uses the result Dx the 1 h t a n iand D y f rom the displacement unit 25 t o calculate the . 30 accumulated displacement o f the second appearance time r h T duration s e t I f in step 47, the finish o f the second appearance time g e duration is detected first, the second appearance time duraa t s tion T d p r u 35 second appearance and before the UP of the finger 10 0 p e will be obtained. A t this time, i f it is confirmed that the „ e u second t ime span T „ 2 a n n duration T p a r ifirstareference t ime T d , n d d - , 40 detected and the accumulated displacement o f the second 1 t„ „ h e tt appearance time , 2 re w c o n duration M a t e o s e displacement r a d a 6 pe pl e a value M (,Mdown2<M1)• Thus, it can be deterv d s „ , a it s minedei is not drag gesture. Therefore, step 47 determines „ n c b dp p e la e s s i a c detectionnof finish of the second appearance occurred the o t h e t,astep 48v and 49 will be continue to determine i f the s h a a r 45 firs d hg c e n i n e t e s a li t tn e tfime span e n second e rl T r ir duration T m e ea is p e o c l d In y a d m a step 48, determine if the second time span T , is larger , n d b e e , the second minimum UP reference time T n than „ e h e t 50 o f thee n e s 2 r second minimum UP reference time T„ in the present d 2 e c o n a s s set between r T ml e i .example can be a n g e 1 ms -10 ms (1 ms T v p ao h it c anr be adjusted according t o the need o f the d2 ms) lr1 0 2 e d p i a p por the operating preference of the user. I f step 48 a e a designer s i eg i s n a n that is the second time span T i s larger than the r determines c e u a s n a t i 55 second lmin imu m UP reference t ime T m . s ft ( T m e implies that the second time span T 2 2 ih tp 2 i s a v a l i d o pthen proceed the determination in step 49. I f step 48 deter2 n a mines that the second time span T , is not larger than the s > Te i g n a l g t second min imu m UP reference t ime 1 a n d 2 2r tw2 ( T 60 implies that the signal of the second time span T , is just 2 ) , ti i t noise T signal and thus will be discarded and jump back to step h 1 h 47. e 2 n the present example, the second minimum UP refert I 2 e tence time Ti h ) e 2, reference timet T UP i2 i 65 n 1a n 2 n step 49, determines i f the second appearance t ime I c m n d e .duration T b e t o e t time T reference d s r fh2 o 3, „ ft te s f .i I b o h a e p s t r g l e r US 7,184,031 B2 7 8 ance time duration T d , 2 is larger than the second minimum [(T tap reference time T ment of the second appearance time duration M d signal smaller i s 3 2 ( To f the second appearance is a v a lid s ignal and d ,0 2 than the first reference displacement M n o t „ , therefore not a drag gesture so it will jump back to step 43 the second appearance, when the accumulated displacement I+ d0 „ to c ontinue t o determine i f it is o f any other gestures. 5 i s not less than the reference displacement, output the drag , t h e n d u r i n g „ T However, if step 49 determines that the second appearance signal as in step Si. 2 do time duration T Summarising the previous claims, the requirement for the >T w n gesture in the preferred embodiment o f the present tap d reference time value T drag 3 2 second appearance is a nois e s ignal s o i t w i l l b e 2 the (i Tsd 3 invention is defined by the following equations: „ ,2 ), discarded 0 o t and jump back to step 44 to wait i f the second t o n Eq. 1 : tappearance time duration has really started. I n the present h u s FT Ta1>T31 „ l a r g e iexample, the second minimum tap reference time T t , 2 T r Eq. 2 : Td„n2>T32 iset tocbe thei same as the first minimum tap reference time n d c 3 22 a n b e p1 3 tT h a a t e s Eq. 3 : 1 >T2 1 ) , f in step 47, it is determined first that the timer since the 15 ) < i t n I t3 h T istart h p l i e t1 mof the first appearance has reached the first reference Eq. 4 : e 11 1 s e time value Ti, it can be confirmed that the second appear2 . 1, tance tohbe v alid signal and determined that the two appeara , s e 5: T b 1> tances o due to drag gesture, so step 50 will be executed in are c a T2 order d determine if the second appearance is a valid signal. 20 ua . 0 T to n 2 „ In step 50, determine i f the second appearance t ime d t m i , „, t duration T b . n i 1 M reference t ime v alue T do F d - F Th It should be noted that even the previous mentioned steps , m u T second appearance time duration T 32 2 „ e 442 and 47 can simultaneously determine multiple con42,• M l m, , 25 - 1- T, d I .second min imu m t ap reference t ime T „ ( T s t e p i os f a chtions. Th e pers on f amiliar wit h the convectional arts , p implies d , a i r sthat theasecond appearance is a valid signal and if the , ) T c l r g e r 5 0 I l should know that the previous mentioned steps 42, 44 and 47 summation ofr n mfirst appearance time duration T , „ „ „ time I the i „ t d eh rt a e g can ) c also determine the conditions sequentially, so it is not < span betweenethe two appearance time duration T a n d the ; 2 t n eh h s just limit ed t o what has been revealed in the preferred t u T o second appearance time duration T > T nh 1 ta a r embodiment of the present invention. 30 m d2 the first reference time T ; t3 t u According to what is claimed previously and also differgesture unit 26 will toutput a drag signal through the transa „ i n o 1 , [ ( Ts ing from the convectional method where the time of the first t) h h l n mitter interface e r s d m a l l 27 into the main unit 3 to notify the main appearance time duration and the first and second time span d e that a drag gesture has been produced and simulate the unit h e a t„ a n „ has to be respectively determined if they are smaller than drag signal produced by mov ing the mouse while holding s t 1 mouse button. I f in step 50, it is determined that the 35 their corresponding reference values and within the second the e e appearance time duration, the X and Y information has to be - F T , appearance time duration T second c d output externally to be the calculation basis. The method of 0 0 2 minimum tap reference time T second i s d n o t o d identifying drag gesture according to the present invention „ 2a r appearance is noise, but since the timer from the start second g e r 3 l n i does not need t o output X , Y information but take into 2 the firstaappearance has reached the first reference time of i m p l i e n , s t h a t t h d s 40 account o f the s ummation o f the t ime f o r each action, value T - F T ,hh e e t Tdownl, Tdown2, Tupl and to determine if it is less than the m p action is o f any other gesture. 1 p1 first reference time value Ti (refer to Eq. 5a), or determine i I f t in step 47, it is determined first that the accumulated l , < iT , ] , ) that the accumulated displacement of the second appearance n i l a w tdisplacement of the second appearance time duration I V I h u time duration Mdown2 is not less than the reference disis larger than the reference displacement M 1 ( i o c ld s it implies that even though the overall timeMdurations of the 45 placement MI_ (refer to Eq. 5b), in order to achieve a fast and m u e „ d j reliable determination. Moreover, the present invention furtwo tap is relative short but the second tap (whic h is the 0 u m ther requires that the time duration of each action has to be w second appearance) is dragging on the touch pad 21, the user m n p carrying out these action for the purpose of dragging so larger than their respective reference values T „ (refer to Eq. is 2 t 1), T b M step S i will be executed as in FIG. 5 to produce the drag a 1 2.1 a inappropriate signals generated due signal. The range o f the reference displacement M, in the 50 effectively filter out the achieve a more accurate determina) , to r p ( disturbance and thus present example can vary between 1 pix el and 10 pix el (1 c tion. In addition, the present invention also takes the advane f pixel M k tage o f the whether the accumulated displacement o f the according t o t he need o f the designer o r the operating e r I t second appearance time duration M preference of the user. t 1 0 o d02 s n o t According to what is claimed previously and also differ- 55 referencei displacement M, to determine if it is a drag gesture o p s i x (refer a l l e r s m to Eq. 5b), this will enhance the user's operation, and ingl from the convectional method where the drag signal is E e ) further achieve a more accurate determination. t t h a n produced immediately after the first tap, referring to FIG. 4, q While the invention has been described with reference to , e when the summation of the first and second appearance time . s p the a preferred embodiment thereof, it is to be understood durations and the time span between the t wo appearance 2 u 4 time durations is larger or equal to the first reference time 60 t hat modifications or variations may be easily made without ) c departing from the spirit of this invention, whic h is defined 3 value T by the appended claims. a h tmulated t ime f rom the start o f the first appearance has 1 n reached a [ ( T the first reference time value T o , signal d What is claimed is: 1 s d o w will be output. Besides this, referring to FIG. 5, when d the n l y T , 3 t f e n e l os ummation oh the firs t and second appearance t ime 65 1 . A method of identifying a drag gesture, with which the n time rspan between the t wo appearance drag gesture is performed on a touch device, the method 2 pT h a g tdurationseand the d + time durations is less than the first reference time value T comprising f ollow steps: 2 i e d 1 ( x r, , , r e mn 2 w e l i FT, - US 7,184,031 B2 9 10 i. detecting a first appearance o f an object on the touch A) if the summation of the first appearance time duration device; and the time span between the end of the first appeardetecting a second appearance o f the object on the ance time duration and the start of the second appeartouch device; and ance is not less than a reference time value; and a sum of time duration of the first appearance and time 5 B) I f the accumulated displacement of the second appearspan between an end o f the firs t appearance t ime ance time duration is not less than a reference displaceduration and a start o f the second appearance being ment. smaller than a first reference time and meeting one of 9. The controller of a touch device for identifying a drag following two situation, then generating a drag signal: (C) another summation of the first appearance time dura- 10 gesture as defined in c laim 8, wherein the gesture unit generates the drag signal at the time of an accumulated time tion, t he t ime span and a second appearance t ime of the first appearance time duration, the time span and the duration being not less than the reference time value; second appearance time duration exceeds the reference time. and 10. The controller of a touch device for identifying a drag (D) an accumulated displacement of the second appearance t ime duration being not less than a reference 15 gesture as defined in c laim 8, wherein the gesture unit generates the drag signal once the accumulated displacement displacement. is not less than the reference displacement within the second 2. The method of identifying a drag gesture as defined in appearance time duration. claim 1, wherein the drag signal is generated once at the summation of the first appearance time duration, the time 11. The controller of a touch device for identifying a drag span between the end of the first appearance time duration 20 gesture as defined in c laim 8, wherein the gesture unit and the start o f the second time duration and the second generates the drag s ignal once the first appearance t ime duration is greater than a first minimum tap reference time appearance time duration exceeds the reference time value. value. 3. The method of identifying a drag gesture as defined in claim 1, wherein the drag s ignal is generated once the 12. The controller of a touch device for identifying a drag accumulated displacement of the second appearance time 2 gesture as defined in claim 8, wherein the gesture unit 5 duration is not less than the reference displacement. generates the drag signal when the second appearance time 4. The method of identifying a drag gesture as defined in duration is larger than the second minimum tap reference time. claim 1, wherein the drag signal is generated once the first appearance time duration is greater than a first minimum tap 30 1 3 . The controller of a touch device for identifying a drag reference time value. gesture as defined in c laim 8, wherein the gesture unit 5. The method of identifying a drag gesture as defined in generates the drag signal once the time span is greater than claim 1, wherein the drag s ignal is generated once the the first minimum UP reference time. second appearance time duration is greater than a second 14. The controller of a touch device for identifying a drag minimum tap reference time value. 35 gesture as defined in claim 8, wherein the controller further 6. The method of identifying drag gesture as defined in includes a transmitter interface connected to the gesture unit claim 1, wherein the drag signal is generated once the time for transmitting the drag signal to a main unit. span between the end of the first appearance time duration 15. A gesture unit o f the touch device f o r identify ing and the start of the second time duration is greater than a first movement o f an object on the touch device; wherein the minimum raised up reference time value. 40 gesture unit receives from the touch device a first tap signal 7. The method of identifying a drag gesture as defined in and a second tap signal generated corresponding to a first claim 1, wherein the touch device transmits the drag signal and second appearances o f the object on the touch device to the main unit. respectively, computes a s um o f a first appearance t ime 8. A controller of a touch device for identifying moveduration and a t ime span between an end o f the firs t ments o f an object on the touch device, comprising: 45 appearance and a start of the second appearance and coman operational unit, detecting every appearance o f the pares the sum with the a first reference time and in case of object on the touch device and producing a respective the sum being smaller than the first reference time value, a tap signal and the respective tap signal being generated determination is done after one of two following conditions corresponding to a start of the appearance on the touch being met and the gesture unit generates a corresponding device and being terminated when that appearance has 50 drag gesture: already finished; and A) I f the sum of the first appearance time duration and the A gesture unit, being connected to the operational unit so time span is not less than a reference time value; and as to receive the tap signal and based on the tap signal B) I f an accumulated displacement of the second appearto calculate the time duration of the object appearing on ance time duration is not less than a reference displacethe touc h device and then identify the action o f the 5 5 ment. object; 16. The gesture unit o f the touch device as defined in wherein, the gesture unit receives f rom the operational claim 15, wherein the drag signal is generated once the sum unit a first tap signal and a second tap signal correof the first appearance time duration, the time span and the sponding t o the first and second appearance o f the second appearance time duration is greater than the referobject on the touch device respectively; the gesture unit 60 ence time value. also computes a summation of time duration of the first 17. The gesture unit o f the touch device as defined in appearance and time span between an end of the first claim 15, wherein the drag s ignal is generated once the appearance t ime duration and a start o f the second accumulated displacement o f the second appearance time appearance being less than a first reference time and 65 duration is not less than the reference displacement. compares the result with the first reference time and if it qualifies one of the two conditions below, the gesture 18. The gesture unit o f the touch device as defined in unit will produce a corresponding drag signal: claim 15, wherein the drag signal is generated in case of the US 7,184,031 B2 11 first appearance time duration is greater than the first minimum tap reference time. 19. The gesture unit o f the touch device as defined in claim 15, wherein the drag signal is generated in case of the second appearance time duration is greater than a second 5 minimum tap reference time. 12 20. The gesture unit o f the touch device as defined in claim 15, wherein the drag signal is generated in case of the time span is greater than a first minimum raised up reference time.

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